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Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 12:34 PM

I'm surprised that 20 years later no one has invented a way to make those walking styles non-temporary.
It's ridiculous.

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 12:35 PM

The hopping walk style is non-temporary for the social bunny. That's why I told you to look at the social bunny's code.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 12:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
The hopping walk style is non-temporary for the social bunny. That's why I told you to look at the social bunny's code.

Thanks for that, I'll look into it, and forgive my tone, but I really find it frustrating not having the walking styles of the moods. They add so much personality to the characters that I cannot accept that it is not possible at the moment.

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 12:50 PM

There are no "moods" in Sims 2, this isn't Sims 4. There is just a mood bar, which is a number that is based on motives. That's it. The walk styles are not based on the mood bar.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 12:51 PM

Well, I don't know what you would call walking happy, mad, angry and so on. I only know that if it exists with boolprop, of course that those walkings does exist and it must be hidden somewhere, and those animations or walkings are what the game accesses when the sim does it. I just want to them to stay forever. If they can do it temporarily, they can also do it forever. Surely one day someone will invent something.

About the rabbit... it seems really horrible to me to have to search about making a special npc just to have him jump like a rabbit, when it is a non-temporal walk and could perfectly be another Insimenator option. my gaaahhh

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 1:44 PM

Yes, it's based on personality, like I said previously. The walk styles that are associated with life states that any sim can have are set by functions on PersonGlobals, the hopping walk is not something that ordinary sims can do and is specific to the social bunny, so the code for it is in the social bunny code and not in PersonGlobals. You could probably add the code to PersonGlobals if you wanted, but that would involve making a mod, which you said you didn't want to do.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 1:57 PM

I suppose that if I knew about coding and these things I would say that instead of modifying those types of files what I would try would be to find a way to access them and have them use their behavior without being. But I guess I'm just talking nonsense, if any of the top Lazy Duchess style moders are reading, please make something up!!

Anyway, so for now I rule out the sims walking sexy, angry and so on forever, but I can make a special npc to walk like a rabbit without the player needing mods or anything, right?

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 2:04 PM

You can probably do any walk style you want if you make a custom NPC. You'll just have to look in a different place to find the code for the others.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 2:09 PM

By any style do you mean all the ones I've said including sexy, angry, happy? Won't the people who play my neighborhood need cc or anything? If so, I could use jonasn tool to prevent memory wipe. I would have to edit around 40 sims at least... That's why I ask so much.

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 2:16 PM

If you put code to set the walk style in their character files that works the same way as it works in the social bunny code, but with the animations for the other styles, that's all they'll need. But then whichever sims you edited would have to be custom NPCs, so you would set the Original GUID to 0 and then have to import all the resources you'd normally get from PersonGlobals into their character file if you wanted them to function as normal sims.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 2:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
If you put code to set the walk style in their character files that works the same way as it works in the social bunny code, but with the animations for the other styles, that's all they'll need. But then whichever sims you edited would have to be custom NPCs, so you would set the Original GUID to 0 and then have to import all the resources you'd normally get from PersonGlobals into their character file if you wanted them to function as normal sims.

It seems complicated but a solution at the end of the day. And you haven't denied that those who play my hoods need any CC, so they will be special playable npc from my hood right? without modification anything from the game.

I think that if I learned everything step by step I could achieve it. Although it will take a long time, I may have to save these messages.

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 2:29 PM

You just have to modify the character files.

Charity 18th Jan 2025 3:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
It seems complicated but a solution at the end of the day. And you haven't denied that those who play my hoods need any CC, so they will be special playable npc from my hood right? without modification anything from the game.

Honestly, I'd make a mod if I were you. You don't have to include it with your neighbourhood, but you can add a link to it as an option. Some people would hate having those walks forced on them permanently, so this way people can download it if they want it.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 3:35 PM

I assure you that many characters in my story have enough charisma to deserve their own way of walking and most people who play would like it xD

Anyway, if someone was willing to make a mod for my neighborhoods or help me in any way with that, I would give them all the credit and I would be infinitely grateful. I am going to give credit to a person on this forum who is going to help me with the correction of the texts.

Charity 18th Jan 2025 3:41 PM

Your choice anyway. I'd just rather not have a hacked neighbourhood personally.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 3:42 PM

The only pirate thing I would have would be the incredible effort I would have to make given my limited knowledge. Otherwise, for the player they would be normal sims with a strange way of walking, nothing more, they can have children, die and everything. Thats kestrellyn said.

I don't know how to make mods either. Are you referring to a mod to make the sims walk like this? I wouldn't even know where to start. If anyone wants to do it for me, I will give them credit and I will be infinitely grateful. I can give a list of what form of walk each sim would need.

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 4:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Honestly, I'd make a mod if I were you. You don't have to include it with your neighbourhood, but you can add a link to it as an option. Some people would hate having those walks forced on them permanently, so this way people can download it if they want it.

If you wanted to make it into some global mod, you'd probably have to override some extremely foundational resource in PersonGlobals, and you'd have to write separate code to manually check for each sim's GUID anyway. It wouldn't save any time or code, and it would probably conflict with other stuff, and if a sim in another hood happens to have the same GUID as one of these NPCs, it would affect that random sim as well. If you want specific sims to behave in specific ways, it's probably best and easiest to just modify the character file. If people don't enjoy the hood the way it was made, they don't have to install it. There are plenty of other pretty popular custom hoods, I don't think anyone is hurting for custom hoods to play.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 4:02 PM

Exactly, that's what I was saying, in this case, a modified character file does not influence anyone's installation or cause any type of corruption...

And also, everyone loves my neighborhoods, there is a lot of soul put into them. And when I update even more people are going to like it!

Unless Inzoi sweeps us all away...

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 4:23 PM

Mods do not cause corruption, even global mods.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 4:26 PM

Charity suggested that the neighborhood would be "pirated", a somewhat ambiguous statement that could imply that doing the advice you gave me about making special npc's was a bad idea for my audience since it was "pirated" in some way.
I understand that needing mods is not the same as causing corruption.

Edit: The translator changed pirated to hack and I corrected it a few seconds later. @kestrellyn

kestrellyn 18th Jan 2025 4:29 PM

"Hack" is just what we used to call mods that changed game behavior, as opposed to the ones that are like, hair and couches and shit. But really, any time someone is making a custom neighborhood, there's probably a certain amount of hacking that goes into it.

Edit: Why are you changing "hack" to "pirate" in your posts?

simsample 18th Jan 2025 4:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
@simsample I see you giving useful and loving buttoms, do you know something that I don't know that you are keeping for yourself?

I was agreeing with kestrellyn when they mentioned that you need to make a custom NPC.

You can make a sim behave like an NPC by changing the original GUID:

So if you were to change the GUID to that of social bunny, your sim should have the bunny walk. I think that's correct, @Kestrellyn please correct me!

I have a retired butler in one of my hoods, I left his GUIDs alone and moved him into the townie family. So if you invite him over, he will sometimes do butler activities on your lot. And a burglar you move in will keep creeping around, a married maid will keep cleaning, etc., unless you change their original GUIDs.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 4:47 PM

I would be afraid if it would disappear or do strange bunny things, but I guess it would be a matter of trying it. Is the original guid necessary for the behavior or is there another type of guid? In the reference you put it says the original guid, so I imagine yes.

Is there a happy guid or a sexy guid or is that done differently when creating a special npc? I was saying this about what K said about looking for those codes and using them instead of the usual ones.

Charity 18th Jan 2025 4:55 PM

I didn't say anything about piracy. I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I did say that personally I wouldn't want a neighbourhood with altered char files, but that's just my preference. Mods and/or messing around with files only cause corruption if they're messed up.

I would be leery of giving anyone an untouchable NPC's GUID, but I suppose as long as your objects.package is read only then it can't do any permanent damage.

Sokisims 18th Jan 2025 4:57 PM

Well yes, I'm also worried about that and that's why it would be a question of testing it and seeing if the behavior can be adopted without influencing object.package or anything related to the installation.

Edit: It would be advisable that I make a backup copy of my EA folder in program files to test it, right?

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