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jonasn 24th Jan 2025 9:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is there a cheat to place modular stairs with one square cut off like this when the room is tight? I think they can bend the necka little, and children would be fine.

The stair objects have wall intersection (at least after placement). But I can't place them, nor build a wall back to intersect them.

I can place a monolithic stair case object. But I would like to use modular stairs which more than one person can use, and they work well now with a mod.

simsample 24th Jan 2025 10:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Commode and sink, yes. In speech they're usually called powder rooms (for the euphemism "going to powder my nose" that women used to give when they needed to excuse themselves to use the facilities), and in real estate they're called half-baths.

We call a bathroom attached to a bedroom an 'en-suite'. Only posh people have 'em! What you call powder room we call cloakroom. Also, this is a half-bath:

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Nobody has been sick in my game for as long as I remember.

Time to buy (or make) some cleanbots. Endless garbage fun when they break down, and good chance of sickness or death by flies!

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I'd take this up in forum issues, but what the hell is going on with the spammers floating in here?

Is our spamming filter broken?

I've flagged 5 in two days.

I've reported around 30-ish in the past few days! No idea why there are so many or whether there are spam filters. Tashiketh is aware as I bugged him and HL on Discord about it. Poor HL has had to delete loads of accounts!

HarVee 24th Jan 2025 10:41 PM

I've already been noticing some flickering and objects going invisible as certain angles in my neighborhood view of "Shifting Sands", and it has me wondering if there is an absolute hard-coded limit to how much 'hood deco can be placed. I've also noticed the apartment plumbob disappears randomly for a split second then reappears. Either I'm getting close to that limit, or my machine is yelling at me to stop.

jonasn 24th Jan 2025 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Time to buy (or make) some cleanbots. Endless garbage fun when they break down

But there is never any garbage in the first place. When you have a piece of food that becomes radioactive withing a few hours, all of it disappears in the sink. No packaging. The people can sometimes magically create a whole pile of garbage when they drop something else on the floor. But I don't recall that happening recently.

simsample 25th Jan 2025 12:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
But there is never any garbage in the first place. When you have a piece of food that becomes radioactive withing a few hours, all of it disappears in the sink.

Cleanbots will clean up food plates, and then break down and cough up loads of garbage all over the room in the middle of the night. So that when you wake up, your house will be filled with green stink and flies, and the exterminator will die of flies when they come to deal with the roaches. See, I know how to have fun in my game! Being clean in sims 2 is no fun at all! Muhahaha!

jonasn 25th Jan 2025 12:37 AM

Dying of flies, that's wild. An exterminator would know how to deal with such things. I've watched some videos where they attack dense bug nests. There are a lot of these flies effect at the moment the game is unpaused. Then they spread out and become normal.

I keep dirty plates sometimes for half a day or so. Like after a party. The sound is annoying but nothing bad has happened. Then the maid comes. I made the maid prioritize Crapness in my mod, so the plates are dealt with early. They have enormous crapness, all servings put together. That is at the expense of no longer strictly taking the closest thing.

I've looked at some of these foreign mediterranean style buildings like the Chancellor's Hacienda. There the "kitchen" is exposed to the outside with an arch door. I though they can't possibly work and serve food to a chancellor in there because of the flies in summer, or cold in winter. Now in winter there are no bugs of any kind.

simsample 25th Jan 2025 1:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Dying of flies, that's wild. An exterminator would know how to deal with such things.

Not Irma June Bugg!
(Last few pics show the newly created exterminator I had to hire to finish the job!)

HarVee 25th Jan 2025 1:37 AM

I got a really stupid question, 989 miles to where?

AndrewGloria 25th Jan 2025 2:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Well I can't imagine you acting like such a brat nowadays, so you must have learned a lesson. Am I imagining that Julian also had a kid brother?

19 Chorus Court

24th January 2025

Hi Charity!

You're right of course! I think I learned a few lessons that weekend. I learned not to kick bins over for one thing! I like to think I'd behave better nowadays. To be honest Julian was at his best that Friday night, and I'm afraid to say, I just wasn't. I suppose my behaviour was petty and selfish. Julian was doing his best to make me feel loved and appreciated. And I -- well you've said it -- I was just behaving like a spoiled brat! Of course I should have appreciated Julian taking the trouble to cook a meal for me! My only excuse is that I was a young teen, in love for the first time, and I'm afraid my hormones got the better of me. But that's a poor excuse. Julian was just as inexperienced as I was, and he did much better. In fact he's a few months younger than me. I think it was what he did for the rest of that weekend that impressed me the most. He was looking forward to the weekend with me as much as I was. But when, on the Saturday morning , he saw how ill his mum; dad, and sister were, he said Goodbye to me, and pulled out all the stops to look after them, getting them safely into bed, and making sure that all their needs were met all weekend. Eventually he caught 'flu too, but by that time his mum Manuela was beginning to feel better, so she helped with Julian's recovery. I think he taught me something about real love that weekend; there's a lot more to love than just hugs and kisses. I think seeing the selfless love he showed for his family helped me to really appreciate him as somebody I could spend my life with. Despite what you may think about the "open marriage" we have now (and it was Julian’s idea), there's still a very firm love bond between the two of us.

Yes Julian does have a little brother called Hans. But at that time Hans was still a toddler, and he spent most of his time in his cot. He was the only one in the family who didn't get 'flu. He's grown into quite a character. Brigitte (Julian's sister) is a teenager, but so far she's shown no interest in romance. Hans in contrast is still a child, but is very precocious. Like Julian, he usually goes topless these days. He has both a girlfriend (Tessa Ramirez) and a boyfriend (Hermes Hunter), both of whom live in Bluewater. He says he's going to be a Romance Sim when he grows up, but since my mum is Romance too, I can't say anything against that!

Yours with love,
Andrew Jones-Moltke

jonasn 25th Jan 2025 2:13 AM

Since those are Greek letters, 989 km from Egypt to somewhere in Greece, lol.

HarVee 25th Jan 2025 3:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Since those are Greek letters, 989 km from Egypt to somewhere in Greece, lol.

My Journey in the Sims World; SimNation to Egypt to Greece... I'm taking one hell of a digital vacation.

AndrewGloria 25th Jan 2025 3:35 AM

I think they're actually Simlish letters. Now I think the Simlish alphabet is actually closer to the Cyrillic alphabet as used in Russia and some other Orthodox countries, than it is to Greek. But since St Cyril, who invented the Cyrillic alphabet was himself Greek, the Cyrillic and Greek alphabets have quite a lot in common.

On the basis that letters that look Greek might sound a bit like they do in Greek, I suggest that the sign is directing you to a place with a name rather like Poasdphē. The final ē is long, to rhyme with English "day". I should mention that I know classical Greek pronunciation rather than modern Greek. Where Poasdphē is, and why it's so important that it's signposted from over nine hundred kilometres away, I don't know. I suggest you ask a Professor of Geography at one of the prestigious Sim universities. Maybe Academie LeTourneau, if they're not too preoccupied with naturist activities (streaking?) there.

HarVee 25th Jan 2025 3:44 AM


Well I've been debating on a name for this 'hood... so what's the bottom one say? The one with a 4 next to it?

jonasn 25th Jan 2025 3:48 AM

They just used greek letters to make gibberish shapes while still have a text-like appearance with ascenders and descenders.

They took the term Greeking literally as they do sometimes in humorous over-exagerrated games.

kestrellyn 25th Jan 2025 4:03 AM

The only actual example of "simlish" letters we have are the "sim-Greek" letters that are provided for University Greek Houses, which are obviously meant to look Greek because they are meant to be sim-Greek. But the game as a whole is based on suburban America, I think the actual sims are probably speaking sim-English and the letters they use to spell that probably look a bit different than the sim-Greek letters.

AndrewGloria 25th Jan 2025 4:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Well I've been debating on a name for this 'hood... so what's the bottom one say? The one with a 4 next to it?

Blieme ??

I can't make out the third letter, but it makes more sense for it to be a vowel rather than a consonant.

I refuse to believe that my brainy intelligent Sims are talking gibberish. It may be all Greek to me, but I'm sure to them it makes perfect sense. Of course they be talking about advanced scientific, philosophical and mathematical topics that are far beyond my feeble intellect to comprehend.

Charity 25th Jan 2025 3:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
Basically I would like them to stay but be eliminated once the sim exterminates them, but as you say, I can also place garbage on the floor and wait for the house to infect xDD.

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I completely forgot that roaches spread the flu! No wonder my sim who is enemies with everyone is constantly sick, people come knock his garbage cans over day and night.

I have experience with trashing a house. XD Surprisingly noone got killed by flies.

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Not Irma June Bugg!
(Last few pics show the newly created exterminator I had to hire to finish the job!)

Your poor exterminator! I had to laugh at the first picture where the skunk has apparently keeled over from the stench and carked it with paws up in the air.

CatMuto 25th Jan 2025 5:56 PM

Can I alter a Sim's skintone in-game? (I have Gussy Up)

I went to play a household that had a sim and his two alien babies, but since I had forgotten I delete the Alien Default Replacement I had (and its skintones), the kids were given human skintones. I re-downloaded the skintones, but I'd like to have the girls back with their green skintone.

Edit: Oh! When I went back to the household now, the did have their CC green skintone again. 'Cept the heads, but that fixed itself with one Change Appearance. Still good to know, otherwise.

HarVee 25th Jan 2025 9:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Blieme ??

I can't make out the third letter, but it makes more sense for it to be a vowel rather than a consonant.

I refuse to believe that my brainy intelligent Sims are talking gibberish. It may be all Greek to me, but I'm sure to them it makes perfect sense. Of course they be talking about advanced scientific, philosophical and mathematical topics that are far beyond my feeble intellect to comprehend.

Blieme... hmm interesting. Truthfully, I actually thought the sign read Buttocks at first glance.

Obviously, I am not good with Greek or Cyrillic alphabets.

Gcgb53191 26th Jan 2025 3:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Why do people always think that a 2×3 bathroom is the best "environment" even with basic appliances? The Headmaster loves them.

Is it normal in America for there being several bathrooms in the home? Often in the sims every bedroom has its own private toilet.

Wait you guys show the bathroom to the headmaster??? Does he care for it? OR does it have to be decorated all nice. I don't know why I've never ever in all my yearrrs of playing ever thought to show the bathroom.

simmer22 26th Jan 2025 3:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
Wait you guys show the bathroom to the headmaster??? Does he care for it? OR does it have to be decorated all nice. I don't know why I've never ever in all my yearrrs of playing ever thought to show the bathroom.

I honestly don't care which rooms I show to the headmaster, as long as the rooms have a high environmental score.

My "hack" for gettig a good score - check the rooms with an adult sim before the headmaster arrives, and make sure the environment score in their motive panel is in the high greens. If it's low, try a different room, or add items with a high env-score (if they're expensive, it might help. Paintings are useful here, as they don't take up much space and most of them have a high score). On two occasions I showed him a variety of two really boring bedrooms, the plant room, and the main room in the Curious house, and the guy seemed totally overjoyed with everything. All I did was to add a couple paintings to the rooms I planned to show. Got a perfect 10 for each room.

It's entirely possible I showed him the bathroom on one of the rounds, because I did check it and surprisingly it had a quite decent environment score (maybe I'll try it the next round - the brothers still got two little green girls to enroll in private school )

Schmooze the guy a few times first too, and you might even get away without a dinner party (I always put a group plate of perfecly cooked lobster in the fridge, since sims tend to burn it and/or spend time cooking - it's much easier to have the meal ready in advance, just in case). Ended up with 95 and 90 points for the two rounds of schmoozing and house tour, so the headmaster just left before I could have the boys serve dinner

CatMuto 26th Jan 2025 7:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
Wait you guys show the bathroom to the headmaster??? Does he care for it? OR does it have to be decorated all nice. I don't know why I've never ever in all my yearrrs of playing ever thought to show the bathroom.

From what I recall, whenever I took him into the (3x2 or 3x3, at most) bathroom (with its required utilities and nothing else beyond wallpaper and floor), he LOVED it every time.

jonasn 26th Jan 2025 12:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
Wait you guys show the bathroom to the headmaster??? Does he care for it? OR does it have to be decorated all nice. I don't know why I've never ever in all my yearrrs of playing ever thought to show the bathroom.

I do show the toilet if it is not filthy. Turn the lights on to boost the score. He arrives shortly before auto-lights come on.

Instead of Shmoozing, sit at the dinner table or on sofa or hot tub, where you can change the topic of group Conversation.

The calculation seems off and biased towards small rooms. You need to really pack a big garden "room" to get its rating up. I haven't even bothered with the garden club even once. Environ,ment is composed of object niceness multiplied by value, wall covering, floor covering, light, crapness of dirty things and maybe something else that I don't know of.

simmer22 26th Jan 2025 5:01 PM

I honestly don't know everything that goes into the environment score, but the "cheat" with checking the rooms (seeing if the room score is very green for an adult sim by having them go to the different rooms) before the headmaster comes around does seem to work great. If it's boardering on yellow, a painting or two spikes the score up. And of course make sure it's clean. Easiest 30 points

jonasn 26th Jan 2025 5:14 PM

Sometimes a room has a "black hole" environment where the bar maxes out around the mid point. Then I demolish one blank wall section, check that the score becomes the outside, rebuilt the wall and it is fixed.

The environment could use some more realism. An empty basement without wallpaper or lamps but without the black hole bug starts at around mid point. Adding anything to it makes it tolerable already. But a few overgrown bushes on the other side of the lot, not. Even after I set minimal crapness to bushes and leaves in the mod, a perimeter hedge still adds up.

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