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Phantomknight 18th Nov 2018 8:16 AM

Today was one of those 'load up the game but spend all day downloading' days. () In addition to catching up with some of my favorite creators, I discovered Loooooaaaaads of good stuff there, clothes and deco, but since I started off building today, I'll highlight:

Some business wall decals:
Shopping bags:

I could go on, but I think you get the gist. Btw, if you love conversions, this is definitely a tumblr for you.

LFact 20th Nov 2018 1:26 PM
I wanted to ask for 'working sliding barn door' since d4RE's sliding doors. Maybe I should ask for WCIF 'working other sliding door' next time.

PenelopeT 24th Nov 2018 5:41 PM

Pretty cool neighborhood item, Placeable Cliffs by http://greatcheesecakepersona.tumbl...laceable-cliffs.

*runs off to test out new shiny*

leefish 25th Nov 2018 8:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LFact
I wanted to ask for 'working sliding barn door' since d4RE's sliding doors. Maybe I should ask for WCIF 'working other sliding door' next time.

I am confused Is this not a working sliding barn door?

LFact 25th Nov 2018 12:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by leefish
I am confused Is this not a working sliding barn door?

I mean, working version of some other decorative sliding doors we can find. I think I should make WCIF about 'them'.

grammapat 25th Nov 2018 2:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Today was one of those 'load up the game but spend all day downloading' days. () In addition to catching up with some of my favorite creators, I discovered Loooooaaaaads of good stuff there, clothes and deco, but since I started off building today, I'll highlight:

Tried to download a house, got message "Problem with tis website's security certificate". Same think on other things.

Sterling_Archer 25th Nov 2018 3:34 PM

Hill Hoist

Tree Bed

monijt1 25th Nov 2018 3:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Tried to download a house, got message "Problem with tis website's security certificate". Same think on other things.

@grammapat is the browser you're using up to date? I had this problem a few weeks ago until Chrome finally updated itself.

ETA: Tumblr links are having an unknown security issue.

Please be careful with clicking links that lead to Tumblr. It's probably because to avoid them at this moment.

foxmanic 25th Nov 2018 5:00 PM

^ Tumblr probably forgot to update their SSL certificate for the Nothing bad happens even if you advance since it's just stupid redirection page.

grammapat 25th Nov 2018 7:23 PM

The download was via SFS or box; both got the same message. And I could NOT "advance", could not download.

Phantomknight 25th Nov 2018 8:16 PM

@grammapat,I've gotten that before. Usually there's an Advanced button (like in the picture monijt1 posted above) that you can click and continue to the download page. It isn't always obvious, because your browser doesn't want you to click it, but the option should be there under Advanced.

Other times, I have to go into my settings and disable any Norton extensions. I don't usually use them on my browser (just Adblock) but every once in a while Norton does an update and thinks it can install itself to Chrome and tell me what's what. Again, I usually disable such extensions because they are terrible at telling safe sims sites from "malicious pages" but if you like to use a security extension like Norton, you should have an option to either disable it temporarily or tell the extension that the site is safe/you wanna go to it anyway.

grammapat 25th Nov 2018 9:59 PM

thanks for that

joandsarah77 25th Nov 2018 10:56 PM

@Sterling_Archer That Hill Hoist is for sims 4 not sims 2. is sad.

Bulbizarre 25th Nov 2018 10:58 PM

The tree bed is, too.

lauratje86 27th Nov 2018 3:28 AM

3t2 Graveyard Set by Shastakiss. I love basically everything in this set! :-)

Phantomknight 30th Nov 2018 7:36 AM

It's on the front page right now, but it the rare event you miss it: Nopke's Growing Up Wants Panel. Perfect for us simmers trying to create neighborhoods where not everyone goes to college!

SciBirg 30th Nov 2018 11:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
It's on the front page right now, but it the rare event you miss it: Nopke's Growing Up Wants Panel. Perfect for us simmers trying to create neighborhoods where not everyone goes to college!

I have a different mod for this, which also works very well. You get a popup saying that your sim has the experience needed to get another want slot, or to lock another want.

Phantomknight 30th Nov 2018 1:19 PM

Yes, I just saw that yesterday! So nice that we have options now, right? For me, I'd rather have the want locks be tied to aspiration than career so I'm going to give Nopke's a try.

SciBirg 30th Nov 2018 1:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Yes, I just saw that yesterday! So nice that we have options now, right? For me, I'd rather have the want locks be tied to aspiration than career so I'm going to give Nopke's a try.

Do I understand it right that it only updates the number of slots when a sim grows up?

Phantomknight 30th Nov 2018 2:22 PM

For Nokpe's? Yes. If your sim has a high enough aspiration (gold or platinum, depending on which option you download) they get a want slot or a lock. If they grow up in the red, they get the 4th fear slot if they don't have it already.

Which gives players like me who play with motivation levels a whole new way to realize & reflect a sim's motivation! I can work to get my worst/laziest underachievers another fear slot and save the full want slots & locks for my overachievers only. And the story potential for young sims who are having a tough time and grow up red! It doesn't happen too often in my game but every now and then it can, if a young sim loses a relative before growing up or if the household is big and they get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily sim life. Naturally that would make them grow up with a chip on their shoulder, or make them more worried than other sims and the want slots would reflect that! Especially since getting the extra fear slot has never happened in my game--my sims have yet to get expelled.

SciBirg 30th Nov 2018 6:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
For Nokpe's? Yes. If your sim has a high enough aspiration (gold or platinum, depending on which option you download) they get a want slot or a lock. If they grow up in the red, they get the 4th fear slot if they don't have it already.

Which gives players like me who play with motivation levels a whole new way to realize & reflect a sim's motivation! I can work to get my worst/laziest underachievers another fear slot and save the full want slots & locks for my overachievers only. And the story potential for young sims who are having a tough time and grow up red! It doesn't happen too often in my game but every now and then it can, if a young sim loses a relative before growing up or if the household is big and they get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily sim life. Naturally that would make them grow up with a chip on their shoulder, or make them more worried than other sims and the want slots would reflect that! Especially since getting the extra fear slot has never happened in my game--my sims have yet to get expelled.

I don't know. I think that is a bit too slow for my game, since I have long lifespans.

Bulbizarre 30th Nov 2018 10:16 PM

Also, regarding the certificate errors (not in this case, but still helpful to know): specifically for the err_cert_date_invalid ones, this can sometimes happen if your computer clock is set to the wrong time.

Right-click the system tray and go to Adjust Time/Date. Under the Internet Time tab you can have it sync up with an internet server (

Had to deal with this issue last night. A power outage caused my computer clock to get set to 2023. Forgot I'd installed a flux capacitor in this thing.

(On a more serious note: Still haven't figured it out. If the CMOS battery had drained, I wouldn't expect it to shift forward five years.)

Phantomknight 30th Nov 2018 10:19 PM

Now, I haven't tried the mod yet--but @SciBirg, I would imagine your sims would be getting full wants and fears at the same time as they would normally--by the time they reach YA/Adult. Unless you manually add them earlier?

monijt1 1st Dec 2018 1:02 AM

For those who like to keep your downloads folder looking cute, maybe you would like to add icons to your folders.

Icon Set originally made by, but added some more.

Sunbee 1st Dec 2018 6:40 AM

@Bulbizzare that's super weird, because my kids decided to unplug my computer today--it wasn't on at the time--and it lost five and a half hours, said it was 4:34 pm when it was 10:04 pm.

I've never had that happen before-the clock resetting, not the computer getting unplugged.

Bulbizarre 1st Dec 2018 6:43 AM

@Sunbee - That's the CMOS battery I mentioned. There's a little battery in the motherboard that keeps the clock ticking, even when there's no power. If it gets drained, the clock either falls behind (such as in your case) or resets itself.

I've actually replaced it myself in the past (despite my issues with fine motor skills), but if you're not comfortable doing do, look for a local computer repair shop and ask specifically about replacing the CMOS (pronounced 'sea-moss') battery. Not Best Buy or another big chain shop, they often are quite pricey and often do extra stuff that you don't ask for.

NetTime is a good stopgap. The time sync built into Windows isn't bad, but it's a right pain to set up to go off more than once a week.

DrewInTheSky 1st Dec 2018 9:39 AM

I'm so relieved I found this:

FT Hobbies Headlines Hider

Bulbizarre 1st Dec 2018 9:43 AM

I knew it'd be hexagonal-bipyramid even before I clicked it.

SciBirg 1st Dec 2018 11:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Now, I haven't tried the mod yet--but @SciBirg, I would imagine your sims would be getting full wants and fears at the same time as they would normally--by the time they reach YA/Adult. Unless you manually add them earlier?

With the mod I currently have I get slots added throughout their Adult lifespan, as a sort of quasi-college life experience. It might be nice to try having them get the slots earlier, though.

Bulbizarre 1st Dec 2018 10:57 PM

This may have been posted before, but I just found some dog harnesses!

Phantomknight 2nd Dec 2018 7:34 AM

Oh, those are cute! I'm waiting for a simmer to make antler ears and red noses--just think of all the pics you could take.

nutese 3rd Dec 2018 3:52 PM


TheJessaChannel 3rd Dec 2018 11:55 PM

Chris Hatch's census tool he showed in another thread is pretty cool. I asked him to upload it and he did. Many thanks to him.

SciBirg 4th Dec 2018 3:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TheJessaChannel

Chris Hatch's census tool he showed in another thread is pretty cool. I asked him to upload it and he did. Many thanks to him.

Pretty heavy on the females in that hood!

Bulbizarre 4th Dec 2018 3:43 PM

He said in the largest hood thread that the five male Sims were universals like Father Christmas.

Duine 5th Dec 2018 2:22 AM

Pets just keep getting more awesome stuff! This is a must have for some of us.

Orphalesion 5th Dec 2018 2:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TheJessaChannel

Chris Hatch's census tool he showed in another thread is pretty cool. I asked him to upload it and he did. Many thanks to him.

So is that just the census tool without adding any of the stuff from his fanmade stuffpack? No religion and no playable afterlife/hospitals and nothing?

Asking because I'd really like the census tool but I really don't want the rest.

RoxEllen1965 5th Dec 2018 11:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Orphalesion
So is that just the census tool without adding any of the stuff from his fanmade stuffpack? No religion and no playable afterlife/hospitals and nothing?

Asking because I'd really like the census tool but I really don't want the rest.

I just tried it the other day and it's only the census tool. The functions are attached to a base game potted fern and you get a choice of readouts. There's another file that attaches the functions to the in-game computers, but he said that one might conflict with other computer mods so I didn't put that one in my game.

Orphalesion 5th Dec 2018 11:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I just tried it the other day and it's only the census tool. The functions are attached to a base game potted fern and you get a choice of readouts. There's another file that attaches the functions to the in-game computers, but he said that one might conflict with other computer mods so I didn't put that one in my game.

Thank you for confirming.

Phantomknight 7th Dec 2018 4:01 AM

Don't think anyone posted this--Midge the Tree updated ChristianLov’s Gussy-Up Plugin for Seasons It's here:

Finally, I can change passerby & townie outerwear! :lovestruc

smorbie1 7th Dec 2018 5:14 PM


Devon Aster 7th Dec 2018 7:46 PM

Anyone who wants or thinks they might want the updated hack should probably go ahead and grab it, considering tumblr's porn-hunting bot is randomly taking down all sort of posts. (I know the file is stored on SFS but the linking post might get randomly zapped.)

Radium 7th Dec 2018 8:16 PM

All my downloads are also linked to on my LJ so you don't need to worry about them disappearing. Also, I have yet to see any posts without photos get flagged, so most of my mods are probably safe anyway.

RoxEllen1965 8th Dec 2018 1:13 AM

I didn't know where else to put this, so I guess I'll post it here. demonic corndog made a post in the Sims 3 forum about how to archive your simblr at before Tumblr deletes it on December 17th.

Bulbizarre 8th Dec 2018 1:18 AM

"demonic corndog" are two words I never thought I'd see stringed together.

Sunbee 8th Dec 2018 9:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Radium
All my downloads are also linked to on my LJ so you don't need to worry about them disappearing. Also, I have yet to see any posts without photos get flagged, so most of my mods are probably safe anyway.

Yourplayersaidwhat reports text posts getting flagged. (Funny RPG player-submitted tales, many are NSFW or small literate children. h/t Peni for linking the site.)

demonic corndog 8th Dec 2018 2:33 PM

Hi, I updated my post in the sims 3 forum with new info. I hope it's helpful to sims 2 players! I also hope you guys can save lots of CC for the future. I played 2 growing up and my mother introduced me to game modding and custom content through it, and while I'm not currently playing it, I some day might return and having lots of CC and mods would be awesome. The web archive isn't just useful for tumblr, it can be used for any site, so if you see something worth while, save it!

Also, if a page hasn't been saved in 6+ months, resaving it so it stays up to date in the archive is also nice.

Radium 8th Dec 2018 9:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
Yourplayersaidwhat reports text posts getting flagged. (Funny RPG player-submitted tales, many are NSFW or small literate children. h/t Peni for linking the site.)

Good to know. I suppose it doesn't surprise me there are text posts out there getting flagged, but at least that doesn't seem to be happening to my blog... yet. Oh well, I'm prepared to request review on anything that gets mis-flagged and worst case scenario as I've said I have back-ups.

monijt1 9th Dec 2018 5:56 PM

I just discovered Veranka's Vanadium set. I love it! I haven't used the kitchen counters yet, but the shelves are from heaven. Now I don't need 50-11 tables for my Sim's bedroom accessories, I can put everything on one big shelve.

suzymarie64 9th Dec 2018 5:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
I just discovered Veranka's Vanadium set. I love it! I haven't used the kitchen counters yet, but the shelves are from heaven. Now I don't need 50-11 tables for my Sim's bedroom accessories, I can put everything on one big shelve.

I have this too, I use it a lot. Veranka has nice stuff.

Phantomknight 10th Dec 2018 12:44 AM

Yeah, Veranka has a ton of stuff I use. I love the bathroom sets the most and use them all the time: Simi Bathroom, Aura Bathroom, and the Io Bathroom.

Bulbizarre 10th Dec 2018 12:52 AM

I like her conversion of the Back to Retro set. And Michelle made some recolours of it that work just perfectly.

FranH 10th Dec 2018 5:48 AM

Midgethetree has made Bonehilda's coffin (upright) available for all vampires:

She's also got some other goodies in her tumblr blog, such as vampire servos become sentry bots, witches are matchmakers/potion sellers, and the vertical vampire coffin:

Devon Aster 10th Dec 2018 6:43 AM

Ooooh, Midge's friendly break-up mod was made to be compatible with syberspunk's Adults Go Steady mod. Nice!

smorbie1 11th Dec 2018 2:57 AM

ARGH! Could someone tell me, using words of one syllable or less without any computer jargon, how to download those items. I go to the site. When I click on what I want, I get a page telling me it can't be previewed, but it doesn't download it, so I go back and click on direct download, but it just downloads the first file over and over.

Sorry, it occurs to me I should have posted on help, and please feel free to move this. I just tried to download something and came back to the place where I got the link.

Phantomknight 11th Dec 2018 5:32 AM

@smorbie1, Are you talking about downloads from Midgethetree? They are hosted on simfileshare, so yes, you don't get a preview page if you've already been there in the last 24 hours or so (I actually learned this the hard way once when I was checking the links in one of my posts! Instead of the preview, it automatically downloaded.). Instead, try going into your browser's history and pulling up the page from there. Next, some of Midgethetree's files are packages, not rar or zip files, so no need to extract them. You'll have to create a folder and file it away yourself. Is that the cause of the confusion?

Otherwise, it sounds like either Midge linked to the wrong file by mistake or you are accidentally clicking on the wrong link. (You can try opening the tumblr post in a separate tab to be sure you're looking at the right thing; right clicking the date [i.e., the "Post 1 day ago" or whatever] lets you do that, if you didn't already know.)

In the case I'm completely wrong, though, and you're actually experiencing a redirect--first, clear your browser's cache. Then get an adblocker extension (like Adblock Plus) so that doesn't happen anymore. Try the link again after that, and it should be all gravy.

smorbie1 11th Dec 2018 8:23 PM

Sorry, I wasn't more specific. I was referring to Veronka's stuff.

Bulbizarre 11th Dec 2018 8:31 PM

For Dropbox links, in the top right corner is a Download button. Click that and then click Direct Download. It should come up then.

For RAR files, you'll want either 7-Zip or Bandizip. Both are free. Bandizip's a bit more user-friendly, though.

PenelopeT 13th Dec 2018 3:52 AM

I did not see this shared here yet...City & Rural Skyline http://greatcheesecakepersona.tumbl...y-rural-skyline.

RoxEllen1965 13th Dec 2018 11:30 AM

Ooh! A new mesh that can have cityscapes on it! I look forward to seeing what the community does with it.

There are also placeable cliffs that are visible from lots too! - http://greatcheesecakepersona.tumbl...laceable-cliffs

Off to try out the new goodies...

HonokaAizawa 13th Dec 2018 12:38 PM

This is a must have for me xD'

Bulbizarre 13th Dec 2018 4:37 PM

That'll be so helpful!

How have I never heard of Midge until a few days ago?

monijt1 14th Dec 2018 1:29 AM

Midge the Tree is on a roll, she just released a mod that allows you to kick out household members:

Kick Out Family Members

I hope you have AL, because I took the easy route and enabled the “kick out roommate” social for family members. Enabled for adults up, ends with the sim walking off the lot to the family bin ala divorcees after a divorce. The original interaction had an “are you sure?”-type dialog box at the beginning that references roommates and apartments but it works on regular lots too.

Fyren5 14th Dec 2018 1:31 AM

Yesss, been wanting an option like that FOREVER! Bookmarking Midgethetree as one of my faves now! Thanks! :D

RoxEllen1965 14th Dec 2018 8:57 PM

A petition to try to get EA to continue making the Ultimate Collection available. I've always been dubious that these petitions do any good, but it's here if anybody wants to sign it.

Kukamuukaanmuka 17th Dec 2018 3:02 AM

I just cannot believe nobody has posted this here yet.. someone asked them to take a look of the Visitor Controller.

Visitor Controller That Allows Toga Parties!

Ty @Radium / midgethetree <3

smorbie1 17th Dec 2018 9:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
For Dropbox links, in the top right corner is a Download button. Click that and then click Direct Download. It should come up then.

For RAR files, you'll want either 7-Zip or Bandizip. Both are free. Bandizip's a bit more user-friendly, though.

Thanks, but here's the problem. The page comes up with a number of folders and just hitting download gets the first one over and over. Like this page:[Veranka]%20Back%20To%20Retro.rar

Radium 17th Dec 2018 10:30 PM

The page you linked isn't listing folders, it's listing individual files. What you're downloading (the .rar) should contain all of those files when opened.

RoxEllen1965 18th Dec 2018 12:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Thanks, but here's the problem. The page comes up with a number of folders and just hitting download gets the first one over and over. Like this page:[Veranka]%20Back%20To%20Retro.rar

That's odd. It should just download the whole .rar file to your hard drive. Do you have a script blocker or ad blocker in your browser that might be interfering with it?

EDIT - Midgethetree has made the hole-in-the-ground work!

Also requires Inge's buyable portals.

smorbie1 18th Dec 2018 10:47 PM

Thanks you guys. I never even thought to check whether that was the case.

FranH 19th Dec 2018 2:29 AM

Fractured Moonlight made a butcher's crafting table!
Choice Cuts - Butcher Crafting Station

It even includes the meat used in the crafting table, and many, many more goodies!

joandsarah77 19th Dec 2018 2:41 AM

Oh yah, I was hoping there would be more than what they made a few months back.

FranH 19th Dec 2018 2:42 AM

One must remember that Sunni was half of the team-and now Frac has to do all the work by herself. It's not easy, I'm sure to do everything that goes into one of their big downloads..

joandsarah77 19th Dec 2018 3:13 AM

I know, she also asked for other modders to join her at one point.

smorbie1 21st Dec 2018 6:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Oh yah, I was hoping there would be more than what they made a few months back.

Oh, it IS Christmas! I know it's hard to get something as intricate as their mods are completed. I've been patient because they are really worth waiting for.

It's been almost a year since we lost Sunni. The only other loss I can compare this with is Mootilda. The community lost so much when we lost both of them.

BTW, does anyone know what kind of cancer Moo had?

FranH 21st Dec 2018 9:43 PM

I do believe it was breast cancer, from what I remember being said at the time.

That's odd, too. I was just thinking of both Sunni and Mootilda today. I miss them both-as do so many other people.

Phantomknight 27th Dec 2018 7:01 AM

Totally forgot that a few days ago I asked Midge the Tree/Radium about how to unban the gypsy & Crumplebottm by default and got an answer! It's here: here, but I'll put it below:

From the looks of the code, this should do it: go into the BCONs, click “Annoying NPC Group”, and change the first constant from "3" to "1".

How this works: when the controller is initialized it sets whatever flag has index equal to that first constant and then counts down. When the first constant is 3, this means it sets the flags 3, 2, and 1 (which ban crumplebottom, the matchmaker, and garden club members respectively). If it’s 1, then only the garden club members get banned. Changing this constant also should change who is considered “annoying” for the “ban/allow annoying” option.

Hmm. I wonder why I didn't ask this on MTS? But anyway, thanks a bunch @Radium! Really appreciate it as simmers like @Sunrader have been trying to get that question answered for a while. I can't wait to try out the edit and see if the changes work!

And I also want to plug some more awesome looking mods by Midge the Tree/Radium:
1. Cousins Don’t Get Flagged As Family
2. Maxis Arches Have Polygamy/Marriage Of Convenience Options
3. Sims Who’ve Learned Fire Safety Extinguish Fire Instead Of Panicking
Available here.

So many useful things for my game! The first is nice because, while I finally found a really good "closer family" (for lack of a better term) hack by rufio that doesn't make sims act too crazy, it'll be nice to isolate & enable the exact feature I need, instead of having to constantly watch over my sims and set ACR to put everyone in the friend zone. (I had to exit more than one birthday party without saving during my last rotation of Pleasantview, as the newly aged Goth triplets and Broke-Owen girls kept throwing themselves at their older brothers as soon as party guests arrived. And they weren't even their parties, either! I think it took poor Tessa Ramirez 3 tries to have an incident free birthday bash. Anyway--now I can stop that nonsense but still let some of my more controlling sims arrange their dynasties as they see fit. )

Similarly, it's nice to have the polygamy/marriage of convenience options on the maxis arches as those fit my style & wedding venues much better. Plus, finally, a practical reason to learn fire safety! Now I won't feel bad about making my uni students learn it in order to graduate. Thanks again, Radium!

Justpetro 28th Dec 2018 10:44 PM

Not new as such, but I have fallen in love with Skell's GLS pj's completer - especially with the pj's for toddlers and kids -

lauratje86 28th Dec 2018 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Not new as such, but I have fallen in love with Skell's GLS pj's completer - especially with the pj's for toddlers and kids -

Does this link work for other people? It just send me to the #sleepwear tag for the whole of Tumblr :-(

joandsarah77 28th Dec 2018 11:24 PM

@lauratje86 It does, but just scroll to the bottom and look left, that PJ's are there.

lauratje86 28th Dec 2018 11:33 PM

Ah, perhaps it's not working because I'm on my phone. I don't have a left, only down...

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
It does, but just scroll to the bottom and look left, that PJ's are there.

smorbie1 28th Dec 2018 11:50 PM

I am absolutely in love with Midge!

Justpetro 30th Dec 2018 9:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Ah, perhaps it's not working because I'm on my phone. I don't have a left, only down...

That page is part of Skell's repository project - just download all of them, they are all awesome

PenelopeT 8th Jan 2019 12:35 AM

Very cool update to an old set by Criquette

Phantomknight 9th Jan 2019 6:50 AM

Finally, criminals everywhere can actually pickpocket using Omglo's Pickpocketing Interaction!!

terula8 10th Jan 2019 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Finally, criminals everywhere can actually pickpocket using Omglo's Pickpocketing Interaction!!

This is one of the most exciting mods I've seen in a while - thank you SO much Omglo!!

Fyren5 11th Jan 2019 4:57 PM

As usual, Midge_The_Tree (AKA @Radium) is awesome and has created a Tutorial to fix the errors and flashing blue on Michelle's bunk beds!! I have yet to try this so I'll edit my results later. Woohooooooooooo!

Edit: Okay, it was an awesome find but I have no idea how to even do this. I don't know what I open, where to start, what to do or anything. I read it like 5 times and still, I don't get it. Ah well, at least there's a fix for anyone who knows how to use SimPE and loves Michelle's bunk beds (and others)! :lovestruc

SparkySays 11th Jan 2019 5:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Fyren5
As usual, Midge_The_Tree is awesome and has created a Tutorial to fix the errors and flashing blue on Michelle's bunk beds!! I have yet to try this so I'll edit my results later. Woohooooooooooo!

Edit: Okay, it was an awesome find but I have no idea how to even do this. I don't know what I open, where to start, what to do or anything. I read it like 5 times and still, I don't get it. Ah well, at least there's a fix for anyone who knows how to use SimPE and loves Michelle's bunk beds (and others)! :lovestruc

I was so excited to see this as I love the bunk beds! I'm going to attempt the fix later on today, with no promises as to my success, but maybe some enterprising person will upload fixed files at some point we can just download.

terula8 11th Jan 2019 10:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SparkySays
I was so excited to see this as I love the bunk beds! I'm going to attempt the fix later on today, with no promises as to my success, but maybe some enterprising person will upload fixed files at some point we can just download.

I just skimmed this - very very briefly, but I'd like to give it a go over the weekend - if I can get it to work I'd love to share! (Heavy emphasis on IF - my SimPE skills are... let's say not refined LOL , but I like a challenge!)

HugeLunatic 11th Jan 2019 10:36 PM

Tutorial is a great idea, but the pictures at that size are useless. Far too small to even see. You can have much larger pictures on tumblr.

joandsarah77 11th Jan 2019 10:53 PM

Yeah, have to agree, I can't read that. Using the Ctrl + just makes it all blurry.

Fyren5 11th Jan 2019 11:35 PM

I can just about read the pictures but I have no idea what any of it means.. What file do we open? How do I add a check? What is a "Stack Object := Param 0x0000"? I don't know what any of this or the last part means...

Midge says under the first 4 screenshots:

And then says this under the last 2 screenshots:

I guess it's more straight forward for those who know how to use SimPE.

mustluvcatz 11th Jan 2019 11:42 PM

Michelle should be told about the fix and given the chance to fix her beds herself.. they ARE here after all and updating them would prevent future problems.

simsample 12th Jan 2019 12:33 AM



Radium 12th Jan 2019 1:27 AM

To everyone who was having trouble following along with my tutorial I redid the pictures and the first part to hopefully be more understandable. If you open the pictures in a new window they'll be full-size - unfortunately Tumblr always tries to resize images and unless photos are in a proper photo post you can't left-click on them to have them appear in a larger size, so there's not much more I can do about that, sorry!

And yes, hopefully @Michelle will be able to apply the fix herself - I'm happy to clarify things for her if my tutorial is still too confusing.

simsample 12th Jan 2019 1:29 AM

Thanks @Radium ! I'm loving your mods so far.

Michelle 12th Jan 2019 11:22 AM

@simsample - Thank you for letting me know about this thread and the fix, it is much appreciated, I will take a look and see what I can do tomorrow.

@Radium - Thanks for the offer of help, will it fix the 'Grand Trianon Upper Bunk' as well?

ETA: I have Fixed the Upper Bunks using the tutorial by Radium. As I have never had the flashing blue problem I was wondering if someone would like to test them for me please.

HugeLunatic 12th Jan 2019 12:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Radium
If you open the pictures in a new window they'll be full-size - unfortunately Tumblr always tries to resize images and unless photos are in a proper photo post you can't left-click on them to have them appear in a larger size, so there's not much more I can do about that, sorry!

Ah, that explains why they don't open to full size like other images. Maybe that's why I always used photo posts. Thanks for trying to make it better!

simsample 12th Jan 2019 2:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Michelle
ETA: I have Fixed the Upper Bunks using the tutorial by Radium. As I have never had the flashing blue problem I was wondering if someone would like to test them for me please.

Wow, that was fast! Great work Michelle!

@Fyren5 @SparkySays @terula8 Maybe you could test out Michelle's fixed files?

NixNivis 12th Jan 2019 4:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Michelle should be told about the fix and given the chance to fix her beds herself.. they ARE here after all and updating them would prevent future problems.

Completely agreed. It really, really irks me when people tell everybody and their dog about an issue with a creation... except the creator (who in most cases would want to learn about it and fix it). Sure, it's one thing if nobody has heard from the creator in five years or so and you have no idea how to reach them, then I can understand it, but when they're obviously active like @Michelle? Then the creator should be the one you tell first. That's just common courtesy.

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