Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
I meant I had a lot of bookmarked sites that were box links, and I wanted to go grab them now that I can. |
This, so much:
My 2 cents worth-if you see something you like, and keep looking at it, download it. Doesn't matter for size, or content-you can sometime change those..but trust your gut instinct when it comes to 'should I have that?'. It's always a good sign-just store it and hope you can use it someday. Lots of sites have died and nobody has their stuff, not even the Graveyard-so you get to be the keeper. Of course this does explain why I have nearly 100 gig of houses on a separate drive..and on a few DVD's..I can't pass up pretty! |
This is more of a resource than something downloadable, but there's a start-up of sims stories database on tumblr here so if you have any favorite sims stories old or new, of any sims game you can drop a suggestion and a link.
If I see something today that I like, and it is gone next week when I have time to download stuff - well, then it is gone Somehow my game, and my enjoyment of the game, will survive that too!
For anyone needing to reevaluate their sim winterwear there's a bunch of links to various clothes and accessories here
I stumbled across this enclosed spiral stairs set on tumblr today: https://rdnussimaginethat.blogspot....ral-stairs.html
I can't wait to try them out! |
Well, someone made something from Stroti's mesh: http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...hp?f=110&t=8525
There was a thread at GOS in the "Wishing Tree" where Fractured Moonlight was looking for someone to convert some S4 geodes into S2 format.
Jessy did so, and they look pretty good! Here is the thread:http://digitalperversion.net/garden...4.msg723583#new Or if you prefer, the download link: http://simfileshare.net/download/140119/ |
I think this is such a sweet, useful and unique item, related to a wonderful cause.
http://maybesomethingdunno.tumblr.c...it-all-about-in I didn't see it posted, so if I missed it, I do apologize. |
Criquette made some nice seasons-enabled trees.
http://criquette-was-here.tumblr.co...n-enabled-trees |
For those who play a medieval game, over at PBK someone recolored Mog Hughson's Job Notice Board . They did a nice job, too.
Digital Angels uploaded a lovely new skin set and has now uploaded it now also as a default with a huge range to choose from. 2 skin shades for each and 8 faces! I wasn't sure what to pick. http://digitalangels.tumblr.com/pos...ious-skin-set-i
Bumping again, PC Sims courthouse set in pirate woods with all the meshes https://foxglovesims.tumblr.com/pos...pictures-pcsims
Coming off my simming hiatus for a bit just to see how awesome Greatcheesecakepersona's TS3 Sunset Valley horizon http://greatcheesecakepersona.tumbl...-heres-horizons and Criquette's new neighborhood trees look together in-game.
Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
New horizons! I was wondering if anybody had made new textures for those yet! And one of them has snow! Yummy yummy! |
Yes, yes and yes! Finally, a non medieval themed default thought/conversation bubble replacement http://keoni-chan.livejournal.com/36257.html#cutid1. :lovestruc
Great find, going to try that out today. :D
I wasn't sure where to put this, but this seemed like the best place. I was over at ts2 Creations and they has a list of links. What caught my eye however was one that said SimPE Tutorials so I clicked it. It took me to, well I guess the SimPE FAQ page, and some of the tutorial links still work.
http://sims.ambertation.de/en/faq/#top |
I have some awesome finds by the very talented gayars at Affinity Sims.
First off this very impressive creation Functional soap Community lot stand with buyable functional soap It is a soap object with a custom animation that you can direct your Sims to use in order to raise hygiene. Great if you play a medieval hood as an alternative to using showers or bathtubs, you can give them a water barrel and a piece of soap What makes this extra awesome is that gayars created a stand for community lots that works just like the perfume stand, but instead sells this functional soap. Might make a nice addition to a OFB business selling hygiene articles or perfumes. The second reason this is awesome is because it's an impressive achievement coding-wise. Very few people have managed to crack making functional stands, and not even Numenor's sells a functional item. Who knows, maybe we'll be seeing more stand-buyable goodies in the future! And for those of you who like toddler things, gayars recently uploaded a tv toy that is an alternative to the charisma toy. They sit and watch, talking to it gaining charisma. And what's really neat is that the scenes shown are animated recolors, so you change the subset recolor to change what the tv is showing I wish I'd have had it back when my future actor was a toddler, would have been so sweet to have her learn charisma by talking along with the tv :lovestruc She also does a lot of toddler clothes that are seriously cute, and a bunch of other stuff, so if you haven't seen her stuff before I highly recommend having a look. And keeping an eye from now on, because I suspect we'll see a lot more cool things from her in the future. |
Cool find.
The TV file is broken, downloaded it twice and I get a popup window about it and an empty folder. |
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Let Gayars know - she's a mod on this site (I think the username is Gdayars). |
Okay, done.
How odd, I downloaded it yesterday and it worked fine for me
Gayars said it does happen to some people with files on the other site so she uploaded it to file share and it all the files are there in the folder this time. First time I've had an issue so hopefully won't again.
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