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Magnolia 17th Jul 2018 11:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by yavannatw
I love the arched interior windows. Are they a BV thing? A couple of your photos aren't showing up, Magnolia.

Charmful is correct, the cutouts are part of the torrox set.

And the photos, I can't figure out what is going on with them. Flickr seems to be rejecting those photos specifically. I'm going to fiddle with it some more and see if I can find the logic to it. In the mean time you can click on the photos and it will link you to the photos on flickr, which do show up.. *sigh*

And thank you Charmful for the compliments!

Edit: Got the photos fixed. Thanks yavannatw for the heads up

Phantomknight 18th Jul 2018 1:48 AM

Thanks for the praise @kanzen and @Charmful!

And @Magnolia, I don't know what you're talking about; I think your lot looks beautiful and charming! It's simplicity is what makes it great and I could see it fitting in right at home in lots of neighborhoods and working for a few different set ups--from starter families to retirement homes. I absolutely loved your staging and decorating--like how you put the shelf on top of the BILLY but also put the cd shelves next to it--:lovestruc !

Magnolia 18th Jul 2018 2:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Thanks for the praise @kanzen and @Charmful!

And @Magnolia, I don't know what you're talking about; I think your lot looks beautiful and charming! It's simplicity is what makes it great and I could see it fitting in right at home in lots of neighborhoods and working for a few different set ups--from starter families to retirement homes. I absolutely loved your staging and decorating--like how you put the shelf on top of the BILLY but also put the cd shelves next to it--:lovestruc !

Awww, thank you so much! That's very sweet of you to say

It's nowhere near your entry though! That lot is absolutely masterful! I could never pull that off! Seriously brilliant work!

kanzen 18th Jul 2018 6:18 AM

@Magnolia your lot is wonderfully done as well! It's a simple and non-intrusive structure that could appeal to many players to download for their game. The decorating is superb and the common space courtyard is a wonderful idea to give life into a place!

gummilutt 18th Jul 2018 6:23 AM

I'm really sorry everyone. Not doing great on the hosting thing so far. Contest curse kinda struck again, life has turned out to be a lot busier than I anticipated. Have had to make a rushed decision to move so currently apartment hunting, while also selling my apartment, which is complicated further by the fact I currently live with my parents which is a 2 hour drive from where my apartment is and where I normally live so a whole lot of driving back and forth at the moment. Thought I'd have time after house guests left, but had forgotten I needed to be at my apartment to let photographer in. Whenever I sit down at my computer the backlog of things to deal with is so long I'm barely caught up with things from vacation several weeks ago. Doing my best but real life things have to come first so contest has had to wait :/ I am hoping I'll have an easier time keeping up with contest now I am up to par with posts, and no longer have several pages worth of stuff to go over.

-------- On to the contest stuff!

About pool table discussions, I too find they need 2 tiles around them to work well. If you don't have 2 tiles and two Sims are playing there will be a lot of stomping and finicking with where to stand when waiting to play your turn. They can work with 1 tile but it's much more annoying, and that's what the playability category is meant to look at.

About the confusion with Magnolias score, it was 78.5 when I first posted but had missed a score fix by one of the judges so went back and fixed it shortly after posting. Guess you were just too fast for me Charmful :P

Charmful: Regarding the host bonus, there is no picture in your attached photos that shows the entire lot at ground level. Ground level means ground level, if you have a foundation then it should be on the foundation level. It also has to include the entire lot, no parts cut off. Your picture of the first floor is cut off at the top and the bottom, so even if we ignore the ground level aspect it's not showing the entire lot. As for back picture, you are cutting off the grass. A back picture should show the entire back, and that includes whatever ground is behind the building. Even if yours isn't cutting anything off, it feels like it is because there's no grass and Maxis buildings can't be right at the edge

Karen: Your playability score and total has been raised as per Ellu's request. I do agree with Ellu that a blocked mailbox is a pretty big playability problem in an apartment, as it's something you are likely to not notice until Sims have been living there for a week and after that long having to move families out to fix it would be kind of annoying. So take note people, do not block your mailboxes on the rent-paying side

@ekrubynaffit glad you decided to play-along!

Treehawk: Yes, store items count as CC. There's also a chair that appears to be CC, visible in Round1Unit5-5 screenshot.

Yvelotic: I am so sorry to hear you've been in hospital. I hope it's nothing too serious, and that you are doing okay. Definitely more important than a contest, even if contest is something you also enjoy

Peni: I would say no on the birds. Technically only a visual thing but it's adding something that's not there normally, as opposed to skyboxes/water mods that only change the appearance of something that exists. Since I was not here to answer on time I will ask judges to let it pass this time if you kept them, but in remaining rounds no hood deco. (if skyboxes are hood deco then they are exception, never used one so no clue)

I think that's all the things I needed to respond to, I hope so at least. A few things were already answered so I skipped those, but if anyone feels something is missing please let me know. Too wiped tonight to add round 2 entries to the table, only going to end up screwing up the table or something so it's better I do it when I wake up. Sorry judges, I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience.

Peni Griffin 18th Jul 2018 6:41 AM

No custom hood deco? Oh, dear...You can clearly see some in the background of the roof picture. I'll have to pull all that.

I decided to do the edit to be on the safe side; no reason I should get away with things just because life got on your tail, and it wasn't that much work even with the headache.But by the time I'd done that I'd had to restore my original cameras and couldn't take proper front and back pictures, so I kept the front pic with the birds and took care to point it out. It won't arise again (I don't think) because I didn't use the birds on the next two apartments. And I should now have plenty of time to sort out the dang cameras and find a combination that does what I need it to do without crashing the game or otherwise annoying the heck out of me.

There's something very pointed about you having to go apartment-hunting in the middle of hosting an apartment contest.

kanzen 18th Jul 2018 7:00 AM

the apartment gods are with you gummi!
there might me a message between all the madness...

edit: question~ are maxis extracted objects CC? like craftable now buyable objects --- a craft toy, pottery, or flower??

Charmful 18th Jul 2018 8:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
the apartment gods are with you gummi!
there might me a message between all the madness...

edit: question~ are maxis extracted objects CC? like craftable now buyable objects --- a craft toy, pottery, or flower??

@kanzen - I think that was answered in post #175 - you can use stuff that is extracted from the game to decorate like career and aspiration rewards, I *think* craftable items are included in that.

emmyjulia 18th Jul 2018 9:25 AM

Ohh I wanna play along! Is it to late to do Round 1?

Treehawk 18th Jul 2018 9:29 AM

Yeah that chair is a store item as well, unfortunately. There's no store stuff this time though! Thanks for the official ruling.

Also, everyone's builds look incredible! I can't believe how everyone came up with something different from each other and they're all so good! I definitely feel a little upstaged, haha.

kanzen 18th Jul 2018 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
@kanzen - I think that was answered in post #175 - you can use stuff that is extracted from the game to decorate like career and aspiration rewards, I *think* craftable items are included in that.

oooh alright I'll keep that in mind! ^^ thanks

Charmful 18th Jul 2018 4:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
oooh alright I'll keep that in mind! ^^ thanks

Like I said, I *think* they would be able to be used. Someone disagreed so maybe not. However I noticed a lot of pottery hanging out in phantomknight's awesome loft so we'll see if there's points taken off for using those kinds of items, though I don't think they would have put them there if it wasn't allowed.

kanzen 18th Jul 2018 6:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Like I said, I *think* they would be able to be used. Someone disagreed so maybe not. However I noticed a lot of pottery hanging out in phantomknight's awesome loft so we'll see if there's points taken off for using those kinds of items, though I don't think they would have put them there if it wasn't allowed.

right...well until we get some sort of confirmation, I'll halt on putting buyable-craftables for now =)
Im working on my next entry on a 2x2 haha mm
this might be a good place to raise my founding sims! Roomie apartments means space for more which is perfect since I like developing sims in groups. When they go off to start families of their own, they already have friends and job connections ahh yes...planning, something my IRL should do.

hopefully I'll get it done soon so I can go back to my comics.

CatherineTCJD 18th Jul 2018 6:13 PM

FYI - on the Store Items (and craftables/rewards/etc) I probably won't mark against any of those because it has all been standard in my "Vanilla Build Game" for so long, I don't think I even know what is a store item vs a M&G/Apt Life item.

Also, you should all know, I will get some judging done today, but then won't be able to do more of it until Monday night (at the earliest.) I have a stress test on Monday - I don't know what that's gonna do to me My mother is turning 78 this weekend! And her 88yo best friend is throwing a party for her - which means I've got a LOT of work to do LOL! It should be fun though, so long as I don't have a heart attack/stroke in the middle of it all.

Good luck Gummi I hope you find the perfect place!

Yvelotic2001 18th Jul 2018 6:59 PM

So I'm home at last! I have to go to the hospital every morning until the rest of the week still, but at least I'm feeling strong enough to build, so I will continue now. I will try to do my best for this round.

Phantomknight 18th Jul 2018 7:23 PM

Wow, thanks, @Magnolia! I don't know if I'd ever call something I'd built masterful--especially since I know all the problems I had with that lot and a part of me can't help but see it as a box. Or, well, several boxes built next to each other. But thank you! I shall take your compliment and run away with it.

As for the buyable craftables, I was going to cite the same post Charmful linked to. That's the reason why I used them this round and last, that once placed, no additional downloading is needed. But if the official ruling is no, then my round 1 score should be updated.

And @Yvelotic2001, glad to hear you're feeling a bit better!

LauriMizutani 18th Jul 2018 10:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Wow, thanks, @Magnolia! I don't know if I'd ever call something I'd built masterful--especially since I know all the problems I had with that lot and a part of me can't help but see it as a box. Or, well, several boxes built next to each other. But thank you! I shall take your compliment and run away with it.

See personally, I don't get the "box-bashing." I mean sure, you don't want *all* your houses to be perfect squares, but hey, around the turn of the 20th century, that was a major architectural design. And if you do them right, prairie box houses can be far from boring. I've also been frustrated several times in designing a house because the roofs don't behave how I want them to, or they clip through a room making that part of the room unplayable. Box houses at least don't have that issue. :D

That said, I did love your entry, and it's made me think about making something similar sometime in my own game.


gummilutt 18th Jul 2018 11:27 PM

I am sorry it's so very late @PenelopeT! When I finally had scores ready to post I was too tired to look at play-along and then things just kept getting crazier. But I have finally had time to go over your round 1 play-along entry! I'll add it to the round 1 score post as well

PenelopeT: Very interesting lot! I like your take on the concept, with your slightly off-line buildings. The different color facades are a great touch. The choice of fence feels a bit at odds with the lighter airy facades, but I can see why you chose it. Interesting choice to have red brick on the interior when exterior bricks are not. But it certainly does give a very industrial feel. Your interiors are a little more empty than I personally like, but I think you did a good job at keeping in fairly cohesive. Well done!

@AliaD85 I feel like there's something I'm forgetting in regards to your play-along entry. Did you post a round 1 entry, or a round 2? I'm sorry I don't quite remember, brain is a mush after these past few weeks.

@emmyjulia you are very welcome to build and post a lot retroactively if you want to. The only difference is you won't get a comment from me


The irony of apartment hunting while hosting an apartment building contest was entirely lost on me, but now you pointed it out that's really quite amusing

Kanzen, buyable maxis content do not count as CC, as it's only needed on your end when making the lot. A downloader does not need to have buyable craftables mod to be able to use your lot, so it doesn't count

Thank you for heads up Catherine. Good luck with the party, I hope your mum enjoys herself, and that your stress test goes well.

Very glad to hear you are back home and feeling better Yvelotic!

Table has been updated with links to all your round 2 entries. Really awesome that all of you that completed round 1 made it into round 2 as well

Yvelotic2001 18th Jul 2018 11:50 PM

I am on the finish line for this round's build on Jo's contest. Would it be possible for me to have an extension, 1 or 2 days perhaps, here? My apartment complex is on its way, I think an extra day's work would let me finish it. If not, maybe I could be docked some points for posting after the deadline. I'm not really one who appreciates asking for extensions, but my Crohn's decided to offer me a voucher worth a week of vacations at a nearby hospital *sigh*


gummilutt 19th Jul 2018 1:28 AM

I'll have a talk with judges and see what seems fair, and I'll let you know Yvelotic. Submit your entry in the meantime and we'll see how to handle it best

PenelopeT 19th Jul 2018 1:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I am sorry it's so very late @PenelopeT! When I finally had scores ready to post I was too tired to look at play-along and then things just kept getting crazier. But I have finally had time to go over your round 1 play-along entry! I'll add it to the round 1 score post as well

PenelopeT: Very interesting lot! I like your take on the concept, with your slightly off-line buildings. The different color facades are a great touch. The choice of fence feels a bit at odds with the lighter airy facades, but I can see why you chose it. Interesting choice to have red brick on the interior when exterior bricks are not. But it certainly does give a very industrial feel. Your interiors are a little more empty than I personally like, but I think you did a good job at keeping in fairly cohesive. Well done!

No worries on the comment delay, real life stuff comes first.

I appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback - it was a fun lot to build and decorate. As for the apartments looking a little "empty", I am an absolute minimalist in real life who keeps the furniture in my own home light and just so, don't do clutter and likes for things to be tidy pretty much all the time. In fact, friends and family members often tell my husband and I that the interior of our home always looks as if we are preparing for an open house/showing to sell it.

So, clearly real life sort of influences how my sims homes are decorated.

Magnolia 19th Jul 2018 2:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I'm really sorry everyone. Not doing great on the hosting thing so far. Contest curse kinda struck again, life has turned out to be a lot busier than I anticipated. Have had to make a rushed decision to move so currently apartment hunting, while also selling my apartment, which is complicated further by the fact I currently live with my parents which is a 2 hour drive from where my apartment is and where I normally live so a whole lot of driving back and forth at the moment. Thought I'd have time after house guests left, but had forgotten I needed to be at my apartment to let photographer in.

Oof that's rough, I just had a similar move 2 months ago moving to a place 2 1/2 hours away. We did a month overlap so we could move the furniture ourselves and also the new place was filthy and had to be scrubbed and we decided to paint as well. So back and forth driving, cleaning, painting, packing, unpacking, more cleaning. I was completely dead by the end of it. Mind you, it was totally worth it as the new place and community is thousand times better than the old, but it was sooo exhausting! Good luck with it all! You've been doing great keeping up in the midst of all that!

And on the contest, I think I was supposed to receive a small raise in the playability score from Ellu (link here) but then I think I also got a point for soundproofing when I shouldn't have. So I'm not sure what my score really should be. Probably lower overall, lol, but yeah.

Kukamuukaanmuka 19th Jul 2018 4:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
FYI - on the Store Items (and craftables/rewards/etc) I probably won't mark against any of those because it has all been standard in my "Vanilla Build Game" for so long, I don't think I even know what is a store item vs a M&G/Apt Life item.

I have to be boring and dull and "disagree" on that (not the actual post, or not the craftables/rewards, either) , and say I do try to mark, as every object you download will be CC, no matter if it is store or not. And it is not vanilla if it is not real vanilla

But yeah I did not spotted those also

@Magnolia, posted about it to gummi

CatherineTCJD 19th Jul 2018 6:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Kukamuukaanmuka
...I do try to mark, as every object you download will be CC, no matter if it is store or not...

I'm just sayin' for myself I will probably not mark against them because I am likely to miss the Store items as CC. They've been in my game (even when I pare it down to my version of "Vanilla" for building purposes) - they've been in my game since M&G/Apt Life came out way back in 2008! I'm not saying I'm right/wrong for thinking this - but, because they were made by Maxis, they've been in my 'Bins' folder forever, and it won't register with me that they're CC.
(BTW - Some of my items were not downloaded. If you bought the discs at certain times/places these things were included on the disc. I got a few of the things that way! No download at all.)

kanzen 19th Jul 2018 7:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Kanzen, buyable maxis content do not count as CC, as it's only needed on your end when making the lot. A downloader does not need to have buyable craftables mod to be able to use your lot, so it doesn't count

This is now the law.
But to be on the safe side, I won't unless absolutely necessary!

Im gonna playtest later on and see if 6 sims can harmoniously co-exist with one well planned bathroom, and one small 2x2 shower-toilet combo.

EDIT: I playtested and while my apartment unit has no problems at all and 6 sims were able to navigate through everything unchallenged, 3 of them died in front of the vending machines outside.
I suppose...they couldn't decide what to get??? um....omg.

edit 2: can someone shed a light to this....situation?
my test sims pretending there aint no beds.

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