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Phoeberg 16th Dec 2011 2:09 PM

My parents are having a blazing argument right in front of me. This is lovely, Christmas is going to be just wonderful this year. Why can't he just grow up? The rest of us have managed it just fine.

PharaohHound 16th Dec 2011 2:09 PM

RIP Christopher Hitchens.

cupcake12winx 16th Dec 2011 7:00 PM

It's the Friday before Christmas break, so obviously there's some wall between me and my homework. Gah.

The Raven 16th Dec 2011 10:21 PM

I've been having major OCD moments lately, and I've been getting seriously massive headaches. To top it off, I was already accused of cheating just because I smiled at my guy friend who I've known since diapers. Really? Ooooooh, I smiled! Sound the alarms! I've obviously cheated!

Amy96 17th Dec 2011 1:53 PM

I'm sorry for all of you who are unhappy now. I cheer for you to have a homeworkless, healthy and happy Christmas! Get well everybody who's ill!

Dreamydre: I'm really sorry that your boyfriend changed that much. It's really sad that his mother passed away, but he shouldn't be rude.
Hannah: Smiling doesn't mean cheating. Do not bother about the person who accuses you.
PixCii and everyone who agreed with her: Thank you, you helped a lot. I'm gonna make the gifts as soon as possible. I'm collecting the quotes... :D

Phoeberg 17th Dec 2011 4:03 PM

There is something seriously wrong with that man. I'm so angry right now I can't even put it into words.

Myskilla 18th Dec 2011 12:46 PM

I don't want college to break off for Christmas. Am I crazy? I think I am.

Amy96 18th Dec 2011 5:36 PM

Not too crazy.

I have 3 good friends. Two of them live quite far from me, so I can just visit them whan my parents have to do something in the surrounding areas of their towns. And now there's a day when my Dad has to go to these place... So I can meet my best friends... At the same day! It's going to be one of the best days of my life... :D

The Raven 18th Dec 2011 7:25 PM

Of course my house loses heat...

Geah 18th Dec 2011 10:37 PM

Damn Derek thinks I want to do nothing but mock the country he's from (U.S) ... The hell? I've never done anything of the sort! Sure, I prefer the places I'm from but America raised the man I love so of course I love the place. -sigh!-

krazyredd 19th Dec 2011 3:22 AM

UGH, I really wanted the things from these Simmie sites called SIMS2 LIBIDO Phooey! and Phooey!, BUT all of the links are not working. I was so happy when I saw all the goodies then I started clicking the links AND UGH (x) ugh= UGHERS!!!!

The Raven 19th Dec 2011 4:05 AM

Another post just because my day is FABULOUS! /sarcasm

My oldest sister's boyfriend made her walk home from a place that's a half hour away by car. BY CAR! I know I may vent about her a lot, but I do care about her. This guy is an asshole and a half, and if she doesn't know that by now, she might just be one of the biggest idiots I know. He buys her everything she wants, sure. That's great, but when you yell at her constantly and provoke her by flirting with random girls on Facebook, it isn't worth the biggest diamond in the world! I just want to yell at her until she understands that this guy is just toxic to her life. She's 29 years old and unmarried with no kids when most of her high school friends are engaged or married with at least one kid, but she is still young! Sure, there are younger hens in the roost (damn, what a bad analogy), but she's still able to lay eggs, so to speak. I just want to make her see that, though. If I see that jerk off again, I will MURDER him. MERCILESSLY!


Myskilla 19th Dec 2011 6:51 PM

Math test was a disaster. :s

thedivineone 19th Dec 2011 7:33 PM

Why can't people commit to appointments? If you're not gonna show up on time or not show up at all at least let me know! This is unacceptable.

Geah 20th Dec 2011 1:41 AM

I'm so .... sad
It's a disagreement over something stupid. Why do you have to scream at me and why do you have to throw all these nasty words at me? -heartsore-

lethifold 20th Dec 2011 1:58 AM

This post is going to make me sound ridiculous and petty and so spoiled, but I don't care.

When my brother graduated, with a shitty score no less, my parents gave him a $2,000 laptop as a graduation present as soon as we got home from the ceremony, because they were so proud he had actually managed to graduate. Now that I've graduated with a very high final score, I'm going to end up with nothing because it was just expected that I'd graduate with such good grades.

It's so frustrating and really not fair!

Nixxy245 20th Dec 2011 1:15 PM

I swear I sometimes feel like I speak gibberish because no one fu**ing understands! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE TODAY?!

Myskilla 20th Dec 2011 5:27 PM

Only 40% in my English test... I didn't write enough.

And what an ass... he needs to stop being so cute 'cause I wanna kiss him already, gah! Kiss me already damnit!

AnnaBubblegum 20th Dec 2011 9:24 PM

I'm going down at school classes... Right when I was doing great for the first time of my life... just going down. I guess Chrismas holidays couldn't have been more at their time. My dream to get into the university seems to be fading away once again.

Me and my 2 other friends are still not talking to that girl... Why did she have to betray us so bad? We were the only ones who were really there for her when she had no one else... Whatever, it seems like she's having more fun anyway now :/

My best friend is leaving again for the football finals to Crete... Once again I'll have no one to confide into ;/ My other best friend seems to have forgotten about me somehow, guess boys are more interesting to be around... (did I just RHYME?)

Seems the only one who is there for me now is my guitar And lots of chocolate!

The Raven 20th Dec 2011 11:20 PM

Breaking up isn't a good way to have your day go. In worse news? I HAVE MY PERIOD! Today sucks.

Phoeberg 22nd Dec 2011 12:57 AM

I went to see my doctor today and her helpful advice was that if things still weren't resolved by March then I should make another appointment. I know this is going to sound really awful, but I don't want to make another appointment in March because my doctor is going on maternity leave after Christmas so if I make an appointment then, it will have to be with another doctor. I feel terrible being irritated that she's having a baby, but the selfish part of me really wishes she wasn't because I am kind of attached to her being my doctor and I'd really rather not have to start explaining things all over again to a new doctor who's also a complete stranger. Ugh, I hate change.

DigitalSympathies 22nd Dec 2011 11:12 AM

Glory (nickname for my dad's bitch of a girlfriend) decided to show up in the middle of a very delicate soldering repair operation on a VERY expensive chip and start "organising" my shit to "make way" for HER shit, causing me to burn my hand twice and ruin the chip in the process. The basement is MY workspace and she is NOT allowed a key nor permitted entry without express consent. I woke up today with a very sore neck as well as a swollen nose (wtf) and trying to get everything back into its place on the shelves I spent a week and two days organising by number with a head that refuses to turn left without pain and a hand now missing two fingerprints? HEADS WILL ROLL.

Phoeberg 22nd Dec 2011 5:02 PM

I'm supposed to be having dinner with a friend this evening but she hasn't gotten back to me on any of the actual details and I just know she's going to text me less than half an hour before she wants to meet and expect me to drop everything. Would it kill her to send one text letting me know what's happening?

Myskilla 22nd Dec 2011 6:26 PM

I dunno if I'm excited or nervous about tomorrow. I should be happy and excited... but I don't feel good. I feel like it won't be any fun and I'll feel like crap throughout. I better have an awesomely long day out. I hope I'm just overthinking it, but I don't know. I feel blah at the thought of tomorrow.

I'm trying to push forward and come out of my shell in a different way, so I can get closer to what I'm aiming for. I can't be the only one who wants it, not with what I've been told three times. I just want to show that I really do want it, but I feel like that'll backfire and I'm scared it will.


Dreamydre 23rd Dec 2011 2:49 AM

My boyfriend and I had the nastiest break up on Tuesday. And then later Tuesday night he waited until my parents stepped out and came into our house and literally went crazy and damaged everything. He finally left after I threatened to call the cops. I really don't know what has come over him, but I'm glad I broke up with him when I did. He's an entirely new being.

I'm pissed but moreso about my laptop. It is literally broken in HALVES. How on Earth??

The Raven 23rd Dec 2011 3:00 AM

Today in Health class, we were talking about Human Sexuality. A 17 year old didn't know what PMS was. or TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). It was a GIRL, too.

Excuse me while I face palm.

krazyredd 23rd Dec 2011 4:39 AM

UGH!!!!!!!! When I'm quiet I'm told I need to talk more, AND when I talk more I'm told to SHUT UP! Maybe I should start my 'being quiet' thingy again, BUT on second thought...NOPE not GONNA do it, NOPE!!!

* Yeah yeah Yeah, I just pushed my own Agree and Love Buttons!

Myskilla 23rd Dec 2011 7:08 PM

I feel like I'm still no closer to my goal. Sick of baby steps.

Nixxy245 23rd Dec 2011 7:34 PM

This week was freking cold and I can't wait for it to finally stop! But on the other side, I want snoooow again! :'(

The Raven 24th Dec 2011 1:46 AM

Dear social phobia,

Please go away. Forever. Like, right now.


EDIT: Also, social phobia, could you take away those SUPER annoying Justin Bieber commercials with you? Thanks.

lethifold 24th Dec 2011 2:06 AM

Period over Christmas. Wow, how fun.

Amy96 24th Dec 2011 12:20 PM

Merry Christmas everybody!

And thank you for encouraging me to make the gifts! Every of my friends were glad and grateful.

lethifold 25th Dec 2011 12:20 AM

I hate to sound like a spoiled brat, but my parents are failing at Christmas this year. Last year it was a Mulberry handbag, every season of Gossip Girl and Supernatural, and amazing clothes. This year it's a memory card for my camera, a teapot and a dressing gown, whereas my brother got $700 deposited directly into his account. I hate to sound so whiny and pathetic, but still, ugh.

minus. 25th Dec 2011 1:13 PM

Catching a cold on Christmas Day, how fun.

Rawra 25th Dec 2011 2:42 PM

^In that case, I suppose I'm lucky. My cold is almost gone, but I still cough like hell.

cupcake12winx 25th Dec 2011 10:40 PM

The people next door need to shut their barky dogs up. They're ruining my good mood.

dancingwattletree 25th Dec 2011 11:37 PM

I know I must sound like I'm spoiled or something but...ugh. I asked my parents if they may be willing to help me by putting a bit of money towards the new desktop I'm saving up for, if I worked some more around the house for them. They agreed and then started talking about their new 'family' computer (which would still be stored in my room, but my brother would be allowed to play all his games on it and my mum to go on facebook when she cant be bothered getting out the laptop). So then when I changed my mind they told me I was being selfish or something?

If it was a computer that they'd bought, it would be selfish for me to not want anyone else to use it (I still wouldn't want it set up in my room though). But it just annoyes me that they want to put a computer that I payed for in my room and use it as a family computer.

Myskilla 26th Dec 2011 12:27 AM

This is a really random vent, but I hate using the ":P" smiley face in things. For some reason I always feel like an idiot after I've used it, but I keep using that damn smiley face.

Lady_Chaos 26th Dec 2011 3:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
^In that case, I suppose I'm lucky. My cold is almost gone, but I still cough like hell.

Uggh, tell me about it. I can't breathe, other than out my mouth, which aggravates my sore throat. It ends up getting better during the day, but just goes back to painful stupidity over-night.

Phoeberg 26th Dec 2011 5:35 PM

I can't believe Christmas is over already. I've been so busy the past three months that it feels like they've flown by and I don't really feel like the build-up to Christmas was long enough. The next few months are my least favorite time of year. Everything really bad that's ever happened to me has happened at this time of year (January/February). I wish I could rewind a month and do it all over again!

Myskilla 27th Dec 2011 2:31 AM

I thought that whole "makes your heart race" was more of a figure of speech than anything else... my heart is banging almost out of my chest with mild panic, gah! It feels horrible.

Edit: reading this back it's not completely coherent, but I'm zombified with tiredness right now, please do excuse me. xD

Nixxy245 27th Dec 2011 6:29 PM

My CD is stuck in my drive. How nice. The drive opens but CD is still in there. What the hell? Give me my CD back, you bitch!

thedivineone 27th Dec 2011 10:05 PM

Uh, I have a few vents today so if you're in for a reading click ze button. Oh and if nothing makes sense then do excuse me, I haven't slept properly for the past few days.

DigitalSympathies 27th Dec 2011 11:17 PM

I poured chocolate milk into my cereal. I'm about to hurl.

Myskilla 28th Dec 2011 1:16 AM

I hate it when I have something to post in this thread.

My stupid brain is over-analyzing things to the point I end up feeling like crap... and I feel like an absolute heap of crap right now. Like one giant miserable turd. Why is it that something that starts off so wonderfully, can suddenly change with one simple word or sentence? I know most of the time it's not intentional, but it still hurts like hell.

The Raven 28th Dec 2011 2:48 AM

Sweating my ass off in December? What the deuce?

cupcake12winx 28th Dec 2011 7:04 PM

Thank you, nose, for waking me out of my dozing by bleeding.

Sincerely, someone who really wants to sniff now but can't.

EDIT: Also, jkfldskgldsgdlgkjkldsgldldhlhks hghshg dsnigioeigo hghk gkdhhgg hs hgs h hsdhgsdkgjdskhgkldh. That is all.

The Raven 29th Dec 2011 1:36 AM

Don't force me to sacrifice MY damn computer for your iPod and throw a hissy fit when I tell you politely that I don't want to download your list of 349 songs (Yes, I made her count) onto MY computer!

Rabid 29th Dec 2011 4:03 AM

In that I'm an organized person, I'm always the one in a friendship who tends to be the planner, and I don't mind so long as the other person approaches me to chat or make plans from time to time. I don't know what brought it on, but lately, I've been so frustrated with some of my closest friends, all of which are girls with whom I played in the sandbox-- we go way back. I'm constantly the one approaching them to chat via text or organize plans-- they never approach me. When we spend time together, nothing feels different and they're clearly happy to be with me, but I'm just so sick of their complacency; friendship is a two-way street, is it not? What's more, in our group of six, they've been occasionally hanging out without my best friend and I, which frustrates us to no end, seeing as she's just like me-- she's always the one reaching out, too. I'm sure it's not meant to be malicious, seeing as my best friend and I are the busiest members of the group and they probably assume that asking to spend time together is futile on the assumption that we'll be busy, but it's still nice to be asked. We both do so much work in keeping the group together that we just want to sit back and relax with the faith that someone else will do it for awhile, but if we don't do it, nothing gets done.

Sometimes I wonder what life will be like when we graduate and spread out across the country in pursuit of our careers-- will any of them stop being so complacent and start making some effort to stay connected? I have no doubt in my mind that my best friend and I will remain close for the rest of our lives, and I want to have that with the others, but the prospect of having to do all the work to maintain the relationship is exhausting. I can't do that for the rest of my life. I don't know why I'm thinking about all of this now, but it's just so depressing. Growing up is hard.

Myskilla 29th Dec 2011 5:40 PM

Wow, my father is so encouraging. I finally seem to nail half of Fur Elise (the first full song I've ever played) on my keyboard, I take out the headphones so I can show my mom and my father tells me to "give it a rest" after the ONE time I played it for her. You'd think I had played it twenty times in a row on full blast, but no.

This doesn't help me stop feeling extremely crappy since Tuesday.

I hate living here. I want to move out with friends, earn my own income and have my own freakin' room.

Banana Danielle 30th Dec 2011 9:00 PM

I am lonely and need a boyfriend... or a girlfriend. .

Amy96 30th Dec 2011 9:10 PM

I'd like to take a language exam in English... Today I was browsing trough the excercise examples (although my exam will be just oral), and the intermediate doesn't seem hard at all. And I watched the advanced level exam excercise examples and it's also quite easy. Also, imagine that a friend of mine is taking her exam in the same month and in the same way as me. I think it can't be a coincidence! So nowadays we're practising frequently together in the Internet...

The Raven 30th Dec 2011 9:38 PM

My friend, who just turned 14 like a month ago, is pregnant.


Banana Danielle 30th Dec 2011 9:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HannahTheSimmingFool
My friend, who just turned 14 like a month ago, is pregnant.


I hope she wasn't "dishonored", if you know what I mean. Otherwise... wow.

On topic, I have to reinstall sims 3!! D:

Amy96 30th Dec 2011 10:14 PM

Hannah: A girl from our class is pregnant too... She's about 15... I can see what are your feelings.

Myskilla 30th Dec 2011 10:22 PM

Oh god please let me be wrong all along, I'm sick to death of this feeling. Two days without hearing anything is long enough, don't let it turn into three... or four, or five.
This is making me so miserable, I've been hating how I have been feeling the last couple of days. It's giving me headaches.

krazyredd 31st Dec 2011 3:30 AM

Cheese-Whiz, I opened my PM for someone to PM and they did (thank you), AND I had hoped that whoever that is THAT still finds the need to stalk would have enough 'Spaghetti and Meatballs' to PM, BUT NOPE they just want to continue with same oh same 'SHAME OH'. I know I said I would ignore it, but I's been a year or more, and YOU or whoever is still doing the same thing. I'm finding it hard to believe that you can hate me, yet still want to follow me. I'm saying this for the LAST time, I don't know you, neither do I wish to know you, MY PM is closed which mean, you do not have access to me ANYMORE (you or whoever you may be). BUZZ-OFF!!!! Rant is over...AND I mean OVER!

cupcake12winx 31st Dec 2011 6:35 AM

My favorite pants have a hole in them. Fudge.

Banana Danielle 31st Dec 2011 6:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
My favorite pants have a hole in them. Fudge.

The front or the back?

I once had a hole on the back of my pants and I didn't know :x.

cupcake12winx 31st Dec 2011 7:00 AM

The inside of the leg. I love these pants

Amy96 31st Dec 2011 10:59 AM

Hannah: That is called true friendship. And accusing anyone isn't a very nice thing... Those ones who did this with you and your friend are truly rude. Your friend is surely grateful for having a friend like you.

Oh and sorry, I misspelled, a girl from Primary school class is pregnant now among my acquaintances. Just to clear the things. I also had a good relationship with her but nowadays we can't meet very often and I barely hear anything about her...

Nixxy245 31st Dec 2011 11:03 AM

I'm trying to understand what's the big deal of celebrating New Year. For me, it's just another 365 days of torcher.

cupcake12winx 31st Dec 2011 7:23 PM

I'm beginning to get worried about this magazine I ordered from Italy on the 3rd. It says 10-25 days for delivery, and I can understand it would get delayed because of Christmas, but it's January tomorrow and it's not here yet.

Of course, seeing how often complaining gets me what I'm complaining about, it'll probably arrive in ten minutes.

Amy96 1st Jan 2012 12:32 AM

The new year has just began in Hungary. Happy new year (in advanced / belated) to you, girls! (edit: sorry, I was stupid, everyone has new ear now )

PharaohHound 1st Jan 2012 2:27 PM

I don't know why our city even bothers attempting fireworks. Every single time they try to put on fireworks we get pea-soup thick fog, or rain, without fail.

The Raven 1st Jan 2012 5:57 PM

My brother, his wife and my 3 nephews are coming over in less than an hour. We just found out now. My mom and I are both FUMING MAD!

Nixxy245 1st Jan 2012 10:36 PM

I just saw some pictures of my friends and their New Year's eve. I think I will never see more make up on them and shorter skirts then I just did. I assume I'm kinda glad that my dad didn't let me go 'raising the roof' with them. Last year they even got drunk. God, I'm so freaking glad that I'm off to high school this year where I'll find real and normal friends!

Phoeberg 1st Jan 2012 11:17 PM

The strapless dress I wanted to wear tomorrow no longer fits and I have nothing suitable to sew onto it as straps to hold it up...I have about a trillion miles of white ribbon but not even an inch of black ribbon (the dress is completely black and I don't really want white straps). I'm going to have to safety pin it to my bra to make sure it doesn't slip down. At least I tried it on today instead of taking it with me to my friend's house and finding out that it doesn't fit when it's too late to do anything about it.

cupcake12winx 2nd Jan 2012 12:46 AM

It's 81 degrees out. In January.


Nixxy245 2nd Jan 2012 1:49 PM

Okay, so they[my friends] got drunk on this New Year's Eve too and now they're crying to me about their stomchaches and headaches. Lay off, people! You get that when you mix orange juice with botle of jagger and 3 bottles of beer -.-''''

Myskilla 2nd Jan 2012 9:25 PM

I knew this Christmas break felt bad from the start. Funny how I wanted it to go by quickly before even knowing I'd feel this way.

cupcake12winx 2nd Jan 2012 10:43 PM

I'm so freaking bored.

lethifold 3rd Jan 2012 12:47 AM

It's so hot. I hate summer so much.

Myskilla 3rd Jan 2012 2:12 AM

Weird vent, but I really hate having to use the bathroom right after a guy has been in it. XD

Geah 3rd Jan 2012 2:32 AM

^ Why do so many of them pee on the seat and then see no reason to clean up???? lol. Males -.-

Myskilla 3rd Jan 2012 3:03 AM

I feel like I have to wipe all the surfaces, not only the toilet seat. Everything looks splashy from the corner of my eye, why is there never enough tissue paper!

PharaohHound 3rd Jan 2012 3:29 AM

This may sound trivial, but all I want right now is a good art pencil sharpener. One that's doesn't leave a long, fragile point like my Staedtler; one that doesn't leak idiotically like my silver Faber-Castell; one that I don't have to hold over a wastebin like my General's.

I miss my red Faber-Castell canister sharpener. That was a magnificent pencil sharpener, and the local art store doesn't carry them anymore. Saved me so much in broken pencil tips. And with pencils that are $1.50 a piece, wasted tips are wasted money.

cupcake12winx 4th Jan 2012 3:40 AM

There are people coming to see the house tomorrow. Which means we have to pile into the car with all our dogs and drive around town for an hour.

Great. The ten-minute drive to the vet with all 3 was hard enough. This is going to be hell.


Nixxy245 4th Jan 2012 7:32 PM

My stomach rarely hurts, but when it does, I HATE IT.

Phoeberg 4th Jan 2012 11:02 PM

I have been seriously procrastinating on a paper that's due next Thursday and I really cannot justify putting it off any longer, but I have never not wanted to do a paper so much. It's only 2,000 words too, which isn't actually that much compared to things I've had to write in the past, but I genuinely can't see how I'm going to write on this topic.

cupcake12winx 5th Jan 2012 12:16 AM


This weather thing has got to be lying.

The Raven 5th Jan 2012 1:26 AM

I don't mind if I'm being outsmarted by someone worth being outsmarted by, but a TOOLBAG? Seriously? Anyone but some douchebag toolbag in the year above me.

thedivineone 5th Jan 2012 9:05 AM

You know that feeling when you have to do a lot of things, you're running out of time and you just don't care in the slightest way?

Yep, I am having that right now and it will probably cause me to commit an act of pure actually do what I have to do. (Jeez that was confusing).

Phoeberg 5th Jan 2012 7:08 PM

It is so frustrating when you're having an argument with someone and they just talk over you and refuse point blank to listen to your point of view. Then you find yourself getting so angry that you lose your temper and it looks like you're the crazy, irrational one.

cupcake12winx 5th Jan 2012 7:31 PM

I can't even look at my homework without freaking out.

Beccapixie10 5th Jan 2012 11:21 PM

I woke up at 5:30am sobbing hysterically, but I have no idea why, as I woke up from a quite -good- dream.
Granted, it's one that I've recently re-realised would never happen in real life, but I don't see how on earth it made me wake up like that.

minus. 5th Jan 2012 11:37 PM

I'm bored, lonely, and my self-esteem is on the floor today.

lethifold 6th Jan 2012 12:10 PM

My friends are great, but this one girl is so frustrating. She's honestly one of the most boring people I've ever met, and she never stops complaining! It was so infuriating having to live with her in close quarters for three days.

Rawra 6th Jan 2012 10:58 PM

This Monday, college starts. GAH, I am not in the mood for the professors, for learning, for writing, for reading, FOR FREAKING GETTING OUT OF MY COMFY BED. Okay, I'm done.

Amy96 6th Jan 2012 11:38 PM

Oral intermediate language exam: challenge (I hope successfully) completed. :D

The Raven 7th Jan 2012 12:28 AM

I need a punching bag so much. There's just too much anger welled up inside of me like hot lava rising higher and higher until I explode.

Phoeberg 7th Jan 2012 1:32 AM

I had two pizzas for dinner tonight, although at least there was a two hour gap between them. I know this is completely my own fault, but I'm still so full. I ended up with dinner plans with two different people and I felt too bad to cancel on one of them or to not eat with one of them. It is so typical that they'd both choose to go for pizza as well. The second one asked me if I'd prefer Chinese or pizza, but I hate Chinese food so I had to go for pizza again. I died a little inside at that point. The worst part is that the second person I had dinner with didn't even finish all of hers and yet I still ate all of mine.

mewichigo34 7th Jan 2012 2:28 AM

I hate those stupid gum chewing,texting,it-girl-wannabes at my school.They say I sing horribly.Well they like Justin Bieber and wouldn't know what good singing was if it slapped them across the face.

Nixxy245 7th Jan 2012 4:58 PM

I just found out that a guy sold me a pirate version of TS3 as original over eBay. I'm so stupid that I can't believe it.

Rabid 7th Jan 2012 8:11 PM

I'm so tired of the attitude about college life that you can only have fun on the weekends by drinking and partying. My friends and I can lay around the common room watching crappy television until we laugh ourselves breathless, and we do it stone cold sober. I like to go out and dance, but parties are essentially a massive, booze-soaked orgy-- I fail to see how that's fun. I can't wait until everyone grows up and gets this out of their system.

Geah 7th Jan 2012 11:18 PM

^That is the attitude for teenagers in general over here. The ONLY way to have fun apparently is if you get so drunk you can't even remember the night before. Peh?

Rabid 7th Jan 2012 11:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Geah
^That is the attitude for teenagers in general over here. The ONLY way to have fun apparently is if you get so drunk you can't even remember the night before. Peh?

What frustrates me so much is that we're not teenagers, we're adults. Maybe I'm foolish for expecting better, but I don't understand why people insist on jeopardizing their standing at a prestigious university like ours by drinking all the time. We're all adults here-- can't we act like it? It's not so much the drinking and partying that bothers me as it is the judgment passed on those of us who don't drink and party to excess. I like a cocktail in a safe environment and I like a good party, but university parties are awful. Just because I'm not a wild substance abuser doesn't mean that I'm a stick in the mud who doesn't know how to have a good time.

minus. 8th Jan 2012 11:58 AM

So I found out today that my roommate is dropping out of uni.

Myskilla 8th Jan 2012 11:17 PM

Back to college tomorrow, aghfarbleraggle. It came both too soon and not soon enough.

lethifold 8th Jan 2012 11:18 PM

I woke up with a terribly sore throat. This is no fun!

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