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Fyren5 12th Jan 2019 5:28 PM

Sorry.... I just thought I would share what I thought was cool of Radium to do... I didn't think to ask Michelle since she never experienced the flashing blue issues like many of us did.. Again, I'm sorry... :/

Radium 12th Jan 2019 6:40 PM

Sorry myself for not sending the info to Michelle first.

ETA: Yep @Michelle, if you apply the same method to the 'Grand Trianon Upper Bunk' it should be fixed as well.

SparkySays 12th Jan 2019 7:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NixNivis
Completely agreed. It really, really irks me when people tell everybody and their dog about an issue with a creation... except the creator (who in most cases would want to learn about it and fix it). Sure, it's one thing if nobody has heard from the creator in five years or so and you have no idea how to reach them, then I can understand it, but when they're obviously active like @Michelle? Then the creator should be the one you tell first. That's just common courtesy.

I can't speak for anyone else but... I actually thought about tagging Michelle into the thread, but I didn't because I worried it would be considered rude -- like I was assigning her unpaid work. I've had people treat me that way in endeavors I undertook as a volunteer and it really bugged me. I guess my point is the etiquette of things like this isn't always 100% obvious even to people who want to treat others well! But I'm glad to know going forward that it's fine to give a heads up to creators about things like this.

Anyway, I think Michelle is awesome and I'm so glad she fixed the beds and I look forward to testing them out! Thank you @Michelle!

mustluvcatz 12th Jan 2019 8:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SparkySays
I can't speak for anyone else but... I actually thought about tagging Michelle into the thread, but I didn't because I worried it would be considered rude -- like I was assigning her unpaid work. I've had people treat me that way in endeavors I undertook as a volunteer and it really bugged me. I guess my point is the etiquette of things like this isn't always 100% obvious even to people who want to treat others well! But I'm glad to know going forward that it's fine to give a heads up to creators about things like this.

Anyway, I think Michelle is awesome and I'm so glad she fixed the beds and I look forward to testing them out! Thank you @Michelle!

Michelle is awesome and I know she'd like to be able to fix things if she knows about them, which is why I even said anything. I should've just tagged her myself.. when I'm on my phone I tend to be lazy like that.

simsample 12th Jan 2019 8:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NixNivis
It really, really irks me when people tell everybody and their dog about an issue with a creation... except the creator

Michelle's object is cloned from a bed which also has the issue, created by The "Dream Team", the members of which aren't active. Sometimes people are reluctant to point out issues or to tag people, but Michelle has been perfectly gracious about this and I'm sure no ill will was meant by anyone.

Michelle 13th Jan 2019 12:29 AM

Not sure if this is allowed in this thread or not, if anyone is interested in testing the "fixed" upper bunks out, I have upload them to Sim File Share

@Radium - Your tutorial was pretty easy to follow, thank you. I think I have done all the upper bunks, once they have been tested I will replace the uploaded files.

@mustluvcatz - @simsample - @NixNivis, thanks for the support and big hugs for all of you.

RoxEllen1965 13th Jan 2019 9:02 AM

Midgethetree has fixed zombies so that they use overlays like all the other supernatural sims instead of skintones like aliens and ordinary humans. The mod includes a semi-transparent version of the zombie skintone from Lilith-sims' "Feathers" set.

Dreadpirate has also made a semi-transparent zombie overlay for her "Honeygold Redux" set to use with this mod.

EDIT: Also - TEETH by 2fingerswhiskey (all of these appear as makeup > blush):
Toothless gums for toddlers and first teeth for children -
Braces (on Pooklet teeth) -

smorbie1 13th Jan 2019 4:15 PM

Oooh, thanks! I am def. going to grab that toothless gums. Toddlers and their perfect teeth always bothered me!

monijt1 14th Jan 2019 4:59 PM

“Ask to Leave Partner” Social

Hello! I’m not feeling particularly inspired to make a mod for telling other sims they’re pregnant, but the “ask to leave partner” social seemed useful and potentially story-generating so I gave it a go! It appears between two sims in love if Sim B is engaged/married to someone else. If Sim B loves their partner and has a stronger relationship with them than Sim A they’ll reject Sim A, otherwise they’ll agree and, if their partner is on the lot, they’ll go break up with their partner right away.

Keep in mind: This mod will probably be updated frequently, as it's the first of its kind (that I have known of), so keep a lookout on Midge's Tumblr.

FranH 14th Jan 2019 9:51 PM

Oh, Midge has released others as well!

"Cops Can Fight Burglars"-Allows sims in the cop career track OR who used to be a cop NPC to fight burglars and regain your stuff.
"Journalists Can Write Restaurant Guides"-Gives the Freetime restaurant-guide-writing perk to those in the journalism career as well.
"No Engagement/Marriage Wants Toward Non-Crushes/Loves"-Your sims will not roll wants to get engaged to or marry sims they don’t at least have a crush on.

RoxEllen1965 15th Jan 2019 12:28 PM

Katatty did makeovers of all three Maxis University campuses. They're completely uninhabited and CC-free, but require all EPs and SPs. I may just move all my YA's out of the Maxis campuses and into these. :lovestruc:

lauratje86 18th Jan 2019 9:18 PM

Leefish's Founder's Day Gift!

A functional toaster, amongst other things :-)

suzymarie64 18th Jan 2019 9:55 PM

Wow, after downloading that, I found a link to someone else who has a unlocked pet interaction with toddlers and some other cool conversions.

suzymarie64 21st Jan 2019 11:12 PM

Functional Shooting Range, wow!

HugeLunatic 21st Jan 2019 11:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by suzymarie64
Functional Shooting Range, wow!

That link is actually a reblog, it was made by Crisps&Kersosene.

monijt1 22nd Jan 2019 1:47 PM

“Ask to Leave Partner” Social

Hello! I’m not feeling particularly inspired to make a mod for telling other sims they’re pregnant, but the “ask to leave partner” social seemed useful and potentially story-generating so I gave it a go! It appears between two sims in love if Sim B is engaged/married to someone else. If Sim B loves their partner and has a stronger relationship with them than Sim A they’ll reject Sim A, otherwise they’ll agree and, if their partner is on the lot, they’ll go break up with their partner right away.

Midge's “Ask to Leave Partner” has been updated

"UPDATE 1/21/19: Originally this interaction was non-autonomous, but now there’s both autonomous and non-autonomous versions! The interaction can be autonomously performed if:

Sim A is not also in a committed relationship (”go steady” or higher - I figure if Sim A is ready to ask Sim B to leave their partner for Sim A they also ought to be ready to leave their own partner first)
Sim B’s partner is not in the room with Sim A and Sim B (that’d be… awkward)
Sim A is best friends with Sim B’s partner (I figure if this is the case Sim A should feel conflicted enough about it to need divine intervention - AKA you, the simmer, directing them - to actively try and break up Sim B’s relationship)
The interaction advertises to lonely sims, particularly if they have high charisma skill or aren’t a romance/pleasure sims, but I set up a BCON called “tuning - advertisement” if you disagree with how I set it up or think it’s happening too often/not often enough."


Can't wait to try this in my testing hood.

suzymarie64 22nd Jan 2019 4:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
That link is actually a reblog, it was made by Crisps&Kersosene.

Sorry, did not know that. Thought I'd still put it out there.

FranH 24th Jan 2019 3:51 AM

Icad has gone and done some seasonal skylines at GOS for Founder's Day:
Absolutely gorgeous!

Which began as these at her Tumbler account:

Sunrader 24th Jan 2019 8:58 AM

I posted this in discoveries, but maybe it's more an awesome thing... well, I discovered an awesome thing.

lauratje86 26th Jan 2019 1:20 AM

Harvestable Supernatural Plants by Midge the Tree!

Bulbizarre 27th Jan 2019 3:31 PM

For those who can find a use for it, the U.S. Social Security site has popular baby names going back to 1880.

smorbie1 30th Jan 2019 6:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Harvestable Supernatural Plants by Midge the Tree!

(SCREAMS LOUDLY) squeeeeee!!!!!!!

I'm looking into adopting Midge.

Bulbizarre, I love the SS names. That's a great resource.

Anhaeyn 1st Feb 2019 12:42 AM

more cas columns for sims 2 (yes, seriously)

FranH 1st Feb 2019 8:31 PM

Not a find, but it appears that SimsCave has a new cave scout for the Sims 2 area and the thread has been updated.

Phantomknight 2nd Feb 2019 4:51 AM

Did anyone post this? Hexagonal-bipyramid enabled the Find Snack and Nod Off interactions on the sofa: Mod: Return of The Veg Out Interaction

Also, you can never have too many jackets for males, right? Especially maxis match ones:

On a completely unrelated note, I don't know how many simmers know about e-neillan, but I feel like I should mention the tumblr. Not all the clothes there will fit everyone's games, especially if you play a more maxis match type game, but, that said, I've found some really cool AF 4t2 clothes conversions there in the past year: (My younger sims are undergoing a crop top phase right now. )

And thanks for linking to the Founder's Day thread, @FranH! There were some really good stuff in there, from new clothes completer sets by Skell, a sexy maxis match Art Deco fireplace by HugeLunatic, the H&M clothes table made functional by leefish... and on and on. Loads of good stuff.

FranH 3rd Feb 2019 12:09 AM

Now, to be specific, this is a WIP, but it looks like a very promising idea that a lot of people have been clamoring for ever since Sims 3 came out:

Traits Project (Part 1 ) - TS3 Traits for TS2
" Keep in mind that these are simply objects and they won’t do anything gameplay wise. Later parts of the project will be about mods involving these. If you are a modder and would like to mod something using these traits, you are more than welcome! Here’s the list of traits with their GUIDs" -

This is rather fascinating I think. I'm going to be watching how it develops.

Edit: This is part 2 of the 'Traits project'-this time it's a randomizer that will help you pick which traits your pixels will have:

Traits Project (Part 2 ) - The Trait Randomizer

Phantomknight 3rd Feb 2019 3:48 AM

Don't worry miriamnz, I get it.

I feel a bit similar--in my dream sims game, we'd get sims with TS2 personality & aspirations, but also TS3 traits and LTWs so that we could get the nuances in each aspiration and personality. I'm a bit of an odd ball in that I feel like Maxis got it right the first time around with aspirations and don't want any more; I just want more pronounced differences within each trait, so that sims with the same aspiration don't feel like the same person. TS3 traits let you do that--a fortune sim can be a miser or a spendthrift and a romance sim can be a one-true-romance-hopeless-romantic type or the stereotypical player who gets around. Etc. So I'm really looking forward to the traits project. If modders can come up with a way to use the objects to guide sims behavior, in that certain objects make sims act a certain way/roll certain wants... It'd be really cool.

FranH 3rd Feb 2019 6:17 AM

One way would be to link certain hobby behaviors to some of the traits, like "Angler" which could trigger the want to go fishing and get a badge for it. Stuff like that could work, I think.

ConsoC 3rd Feb 2019 9:53 AM

Wow, the TS2 community never ceases to amaze me, talk about the power of communities of old games!

Duine 4th Feb 2019 2:52 AM

FINALLY!! Midgethetree found files in game for mittens for toddler to elder. I can't tell how they look, but I've searched forever for those poor simmies whose outerwear didn't have any to keep their hands warm. Snowball fights for everyone!

I'm sure we'll have recolors soon and possible mesh fixes if they're maxismessedup. (:

Phantomknight 4th Feb 2019 5:12 AM

@Radium/midgethetree fulfilled a request of mine! Diary Builds Creativity + Sims Won’t Hide Diaries which makes it so that sims won’t try and hide their diary if other sims are in the room and will build creativity as they write. :lovestruc Thanks Radium! I honestly don't know how you keep up with all the requests.

Of course, there's other cool new mods (like Butlers and Nannies Fill Pet Dishes ), so if you haven't check out the tumblr in a while, you should definitely do so!

ETA: Since it's a mod with a similar theme, Radium also enabled Practicing Writing for MogHughson’s manuscript & for computers. Sims who love Film & Lit thank you, Radium!

smorbie1 4th Feb 2019 2:08 PM

Let's face it, Midgethetree and co. and KILLING it right now!

monijt1 4th Feb 2019 3:50 PM

This might've been posted before, but I just saw this so sorry.

Willow Creek (TS4) to TS2 by Welasko:

Download here:


Hexagonal-bipyramid has updated her TS3 traits to TS2 mod.

"Traits Project (Part 3-1) - Workout Pack
While working out:

Athletic Sims don’t have comfort and energy penalty. They also have more fun while exercising. They’ll struggle less than non Athletic ones.
Couch Potato Sims lose more comfort and energy. They also lose fun (the cheaper the exercise equipment is, the more fun they lose). You can see them struggle a bit more than non Couch Potato ones.
Disciplined Sims don’t have comfort and energy penalty while doing yoga. Their fun greatly increases when doing this activity.
Required mod: Easy inventory check

Required EPs: University and/or Freetime or none depending on what files you install or not. Freetime for the ballet bar and the bike, University for the treadmill."

Download: https://hexagonal-bipyramid.tumblr....-1-workout-pack

RoxEllen1965 4th Feb 2019 8:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
FINALLY!! Midgethetree found files in game for mittens for toddler to elder. I can't tell how they look, but I've searched forever for those poor simmies whose outerwear didn't have any to keep their hands warm. Snowball fights for everyone!

I'm sure we'll have recolors soon and possible mesh fixes if they're maxismessedup. (:

In a similar vein, 2fingerswhiskey made garden gloves and dirty hands. These are in the accessories/glasses category. They were posted back in March, but I just stumbled across them the other day.

Midgethetree also unlocked a "chastise" interaction which "Enables a “chastise” interaction between adults/elders and children/teens if they are related." This is great for me because Squinge's unlocked "lecture" kept throwing errors in my game. I'm eager to try midge's version.

Phantomknight 6th Feb 2019 3:51 AM

I think we might need to consider putting Midgethetree updates in a separate thread...

But here are some more (Thanks @Radium!):
Pets Try For Offspring/Larger Litters/Random Runaway Pet Pregnancy
Kick Out Multiple Roommates, a workaround/fix for those who use (or want to use) Squinge's Multiple Roommates!!
And, it's experimental, but Multiple Roommates Pay Rent

Anyway, I did try to hunt down some non Midge content to post about and found:
A Plain Old Drop Ceiling Kit, along with some other stuff, by 2fingerswhiskey (the ceiling kit preview pictures is allll the way at the bottom of the post)
Some period outerwear for historial hoods by yandereplumsims and simborg
And, after lurking around MTS all day, I found out about Royalties Administrator pays out royalties daily by CtfG right here on MTS

FranH 6th Feb 2019 7:31 PM

Midgethetree is still rocking it to the rafters: she's made Heget's scrollbooks into functioning Monique computers!

Heget's Computerbooks as Monique Computers

Now the medieval world will not suffer the influences of the modern world!

monijt1 6th Feb 2019 8:40 PM


"Traits Project (Part 3-2) - Lemme Get Some Sleep!

Heavy Sleepers won’t wake up when there are noises in the same room as them.
Light Sleepers will wake up when there are noises even outside of their room. If it’s outside of the room, the noise has to be somewhat near (about 6 tiles) for the Sims to be woken up.
Both Heavy Sleepers and Light Sleepers can sleep regardless of their Energy level.
Noises can be from TVs, stereos, crying youngsters, doorbells, alarm clocks, fire/burglar alarms and other noises.

Required mod: Easy inventory check

Required EPs: Apartment Life if you also install the noise object file (noises coming from adjacent apartments that Sims need to bang on the wall to make it disappear). None otherwise."

RoxEllen1965 6th Feb 2019 10:01 PM

That Traits Project fascinates me, but I'm going to wait for more of it to be finished before I start implementing it in my game.

Sunrader 6th Feb 2019 10:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
That Traits Project fascinates me, but I'm going to wait for more of it to be finished before I start implementing it in my game.

I think it's brilliant. I'm excited to try creating a few mods based on them myself. It's really going to fit beautifully with my play style where I like as much as possible to be autonomous.

smorbie1 7th Feb 2019 12:10 AM

Could someone let us know when it's completed? My booksmarks are a mess, so I don't want to lose it in that jungle.

Bulbizarre 7th Feb 2019 12:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
Could someone let us know when it's completed? My booksmarks are a mess, so I don't want to lose it in that jungle.

Suggestion: Get an RSS feed reader. I use the one built into Mozilla Thunderbird. Before that, I used QuiteRSS. (No clue if it's still any good.) There's even a service that'll automatically email RSS feeds to you (though the free version inserts ads to the emails, blegh).

Once you have one, open up a post on tumblr. Click one of the tags (we'll use #traits project) and get the url. Then add rss to the end of the url:
(sorry, it truncated)

In the browser, it looks like a mess. But once you put that URL into your RSS reader, it'll be able to fetch new posts from hexagonal-bipyramid tagged as #traits project.

I don't use my tumblr anymore, but I keep up with a few blogs this way.

monijt1 7th Feb 2019 12:44 AM

I was just going to say that Smorbie1 could just bookmark, https://hexagonal-bipyramid.tumblr..../traits-project. That way all the updates can be seen on one page.

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
That Traits Project fascinates me, but I'm going to wait for more of it to be finished before I start implementing it in my game.

I'm doing this as well. I'm waiting to see what's the flirty traits are going to be like, before I commit. It's awesome so far, tho.

Bulbizarre 7th Feb 2019 1:00 AM

She said her bookmarks were a mess, which is why I suggested RSS.

Fyren5 7th Feb 2019 3:19 AM

Kitten and Puppy Collars by KittenInTheWindow! Requires Midgethetree's Puppies, Kittens and Spectral Cat can use mirror Mod for the collars to show up :D

smorbie1 7th Feb 2019 6:06 PM

I'm getting a 404 error on the midge link. Anyone have another?

DrewInTheSky 7th Feb 2019 6:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I'm getting a 404 error on the midge link. Anyone have another?

From what I read on Tumblr, Sim File Share is down at the moment - maybe you could try later? If goes on, I don't think Midge would mind to upload it on another server

EDIT: SFS official tumblr, just in case:

Phantomknight 8th Feb 2019 3:10 PM

More Attractive Gaming Competitions and yes, it's by MidgeTheTree.

But hey, maybe now sims can actually have a game competition on a community lot!

joandsarah77 8th Feb 2019 11:02 PM

Download link isn't working. Maybe because simfile share is down again.

Radium 8th Feb 2019 11:50 PM

Remove the "www." from any SFS urls will allow them to work again - I recommend setting up a browser extension to automatically redirect those for you.

joandsarah77 8th Feb 2019 11:59 PM

Cool, thank you. :D

Sims2Christain 9th Feb 2019 9:52 AM

I didn't even know they're was supposed to be a gaming competition.
Now even more sims aren't gonna leave the arcades.
Thank you Radium

inspiredzone 9th Feb 2019 5:39 PM

It's been a long week. I read "More attractive gaming competition" and I first thought "What? So the animations look better?"

Anhaeyn 12th Feb 2019 3:53 PM

I requested Midge for toddler and children vampires + making vampirism inheritable and.. I got it <3

terula8 12th Feb 2019 6:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
I requested Midge for toddler and children vampires + making vampirism inheritable and.. I got it <3


I'm at work hyperventilating with excitement - this is WONDERFUL! Thank you @Anhaeyn and thank you MidgeTheTree!!!

Sunrader 12th Feb 2019 7:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
I requested Midge for toddler and children vampires + making vampirism inheritable and.. I got it <3

I saw that! Amazing!

smorbie1 12th Feb 2019 11:32 PM

Can we make Midge queen or something?

FranH 13th Feb 2019 12:01 AM

Meduza created a mod that lets witches gain energy by meditating:

purplestuddedcoffin 13th Feb 2019 12:12 AM <-default replacement bar drinks

Sims2Christain 13th Feb 2019 7:14 AM

I have to stop coming on to this thread and midge the tree's tumblr.

FranH 14th Feb 2019 10:22 AM

The traits system is fleshing out quite nicely:

Traits Project (Part 3-4) - Just Keep Swimming ♪ (or Not)
Traits Project (Part 3-3) - Was My Joke Funny?

Or Simply "PlumbBob"

Midge the Tree is being fascinating, as usual, too:
Grand Vampires Outside Downtown
Playables Don’t Clean Plates On Community Lots
Flameproof Christmas Trees
Drink Without Toast
Midge the Tree

I tell you, I can't keep up with these two modders! They're blowing it away!

suzymarie64 14th Feb 2019 5:32 PM

Doggy pond that they self clean in.

monijt1 14th Feb 2019 7:42 PM

MeetMeToTheRiver rereleased her clean temple of Veronaville

"Clean Veronaville Templates - Rerelease (Fixed Dead Version)
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! After a long wait, here is the rerelease of my clean Veronaville template! What are clean templates, you ask? See this post for further explanations and install instructions! Veronaville comes in two versions - main hood and subhood. The main hood version is new for the fixed dead version (where all dead sims can be resurrected safely), as the previous release only had the subhood version of this.

Changes included in the new version:
- Olivia Monty’s pregnancy has been restored! In the original Veronaville, her bio implies she was pregnant when she died, and she would show a pregnant mesh if resurrected (I removed this in the previous clean version), but she was missing a pregnancy controller so it wouldn’t actually result in a baby. NOW IT WILL. If you resurrect her.
- Important dead characters (Contessa Capp, Cordelia Capp, Caliban Capp, Claudio Monty, Olivia Monty, Hero Monty) now have memories, careers (some of them), skills, and proper relationships to living characters, making them much more desireable to resurrect.
Cleaned up some slightly buggy dead tokens on a few of the dead sims, thanks to a tip from @orpheus49.
- Took a page out of @dreadpirate’s book, and gave Goneril Capp, Regan Capp and Bianca Monty jobs in their respective family businesses. Also increased Goneril’s family’s household money considerably (her bio implies Albany married her for her money, so she should actually have some!), and gave a slight increase to the other bin families as well, so they will be able to live a little more comfortably and seem less like they came straight out of CAS.
- Reset Hal, Desdemona and Ariel’s faces to their originals (they were altered in my previous “fixed dead” version, a personal change I’d made and simply forgotten about when releasing it)."

Sunrader 15th Feb 2019 11:56 PM

Oooooooo, I <3 Midgethetree! She made a mod in response to my request - a buyable broom that can be used to fly when needed and a mod that lets witches walk without it!

I tried doing this and had just gotten the witch to walk, when, suddenly... the broom appeared and flew off after her! Hilarious, but not what I was going for. Midgethetree has made it happen. My witches can live among the normals, now.

Enjoji 16th Feb 2019 12:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Christain
I have to stop coming on to this thread and midge the tree's tumblr.

I totally understand this sentence - I need to as well, but for some strange reason I cannot stop....checking....this...thread...for new shinies.....
Her tumblr is like the best wine you've ever had.... one sip is not enough!

Sunrader 16th Feb 2019 6:53 PM

All the top witches have them!
@Radium, MidgetheTree's modded buyable broom in my game. <3

FranH 17th Feb 2019 1:22 AM

This is getting dangerous: Meduza posted a new mod called "Poison".
It's partially dependent on the traits of 'lucky/unlucky:
This upload contains poison object and poison custom interaction. You can click on poison goblet and make your Sim drink poison or put it into their inventory. If Sim drinks poison, they will vomit and then die of disease. If Sim has poison goblet in their inventory, new interaction clickable on other Sims will appear. It's called 'Poison'. The chance of making other Sim drink poison is based on other's Sim logic, lucky and unlucky traits are also taken into account. When Sim accepts, poison disappears from poisoner's inventory and accepter drinks it, vomits and then dies. If Sim refuses to drink suspiciously looking wine, poison stays in poisoner's inventory.

Get it here:

Deadly poison - let your spies poison other Sims!

On a completely different subject (but still related to gameplay, sort of)-I came across this article in the New Yorker (of all places!) about Sims 4;

Pretending to Be Famous in The Sims

The article makes gameplay harder in 4 than it actually is. Rather laughable. Guess the writer must have small children...

PenelopeT 17th Feb 2019 4:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
The article makes gameplay harder in 4 than it actually is. Rather laughable. Guess the writer must have small children...

My 8-yr-old niece who plays TS4 (and has the add-ons) recently decided she wanted to start creating content for her game to make it more interesting to play. That says it all.

Sunrader 17th Feb 2019 1:00 PM

A lot of people have seen this, I'm sure, but I never had. It made me cry a little, cuz.... awwwwwwwwwww, it was the beginning of this amazing creative experience.

"Almost at any point of the game where we could let the players do more customization, we did. And anyplace we could make the Sims, kind of, exhibit deeper, more interesting, behavior, we did. "

Phantomknight 18th Feb 2019 8:24 AM

Found some good stuff:

Nysha's Apartment Rent Control I don't think this was posted on here, and forgive me it it was. Basically it works like Inge's mortgage shrubs, but for apartments. Cool if you want to build subsidized/cheap apartements.

Squinge's Call Taxi Enabled for Children. Another one for the 'How Did I Miss This?! I've Looked Through Squinge's Mods A Bajillion Times!" category. It allows kids to call for a taxi and visit/invite friends to community lots alone. Squinge confirmed that the EP3 file works with M&G.

Next, Nekosayuri's More Signs Than You'll Ever Need. Simlish signs for your businesses and community lots. 'Nough said.

Next, Rented Space graciously answered my question on how to get hairs to show up next to each other in the bin and linked me to Almighty Hat's Simple SimPE Tricks. Loads of good info in there! It's a really helpful tutorial on a lot of the more basic aspects of SimPE.

Finally, of course I can't post without a MidgeTheTree plug, . We've got a serious trend going on. Now, there's Imaginary Friend Doll Can Summon Social Bunny and, I missed this one a little while ago, Only Plantsims/Fairies Talk to Plants for those playing a realistic hood, or just looking for a challenge.

RoxEllen1965 18th Feb 2019 1:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Slig made default replacements for the Maxis base game farm field neighborhood deco. These are the farm fields that were used extensively in Veronaville near Capp Manor and the Monty ranch. Slig made higher resolution versions that look much better. The screenshots don't do them justice. (Second item on the page, just beneath the blimp.)

EDITED to add screenshots since the one on Slig's website is so tiny

conversesneaker 18th Feb 2019 2:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Slig made default replacements for the Maxis base game farm field neighborhood deco. These are the farm fields that were used extensively in Veronaville near Capp Manor and the Monty ranch. Slig made higher resolution versions that look much better. The screenshots don't do them justice. (Second item on the page, just beneath the blimp.)

EDITED to add screenshots since the one on Slig's website is so tiny

My Veronaville prayers have been answered.

Anhaeyn 18th Feb 2019 2:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Slig made default replacements for the Maxis base game farm field neighborhood deco. These are the farm fields that were used extensively in Veronaville near Capp Manor and the Monty ranch. Slig made higher resolution versions that look much better. The screenshots don't do them justice. (Second item on the page, just beneath the blimp.)

EDITED to add screenshots since the one on Slig's website is so tiny

Now all I need is to make these farm fields visible in lot view.

conversesneaker 18th Feb 2019 2:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
Now all I need is to make these farm fields visible in lot view.

Scroll down a bit more - the 2nd version IS visible in lot view!

Anhaeyn 18th Feb 2019 2:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by conversesneaker
Scroll down a bit more - the 2nd version IS visible in lot view!

If you mean smaller farm fields - i know about them. I have them, but they're not too useful for me, why?
Hood I'm working on, barely has any flat terrain. Basegame farm fields work on every terrain, no matter what, either it's a hill or flat. Those smaller farm fields behave differently: when they're placed on a terrain that isn't flat, this field will levitate a bit. And I can't use them like this, because farm fields are main thing working as background in this hood and are supposed to be seen almost from everywhere (they're placed on a small hill).

RoxEllen1965 18th Feb 2019 3:06 PM

If I need object based farm fields for flat terrain, I'd rather use the ones by greatcheesecakepersona anyway. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. The object fields look great on flat terrain. For hills/contours/terraces, etc. I use the large base game ones that conform to the bumpy places on the map. With Slig's retextures, I now have the best of both worlds. (Well, almost - it would be nice if the large fields were visible from lot view. )

purplestuddedcoffin 21st Feb 2019 12:01 AM replaces the dirt texture with sand!

Bigsimsfan12 24th Feb 2019 3:40 PM

I found this simblr. Never heard of Serabeit before, but I like their stuff, plus they only come in a few different colours. Usually I spend ages thinking "What colours am I going to need this in?" and usually download too many... I have like 4 pairs of yellow jeans in my game "just in case" that I've never used because none of my sims need yellow jeans.

Phantomknight 24th Feb 2019 3:53 PM

Me too! About the yellow jeans thing, I mean. I got a few recolors of colored jeans/leggings that my sims hardly wear, but I keep just in case.

And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think Serabeit is Iosiren, right?

Bigsimsfan12 24th Feb 2019 4:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think Serabeit is Iosiren, right?

I just looked at Iosiren's dreamwidth and it would appear so!
I've heard the name "Io" floating around a bit, is that Iosiren? I can't keep track of all the amazing people in the Sims 2 community

iCad 24th Feb 2019 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
Now all I need is to make these farm fields visible in lot view.

Unfortunately, you can't make anything Maxis that's in the "Effects" category visible in lot view. Not the sailboats, the clouds, the various birds, the trains, the ocean surf, and, yes, those morphing farm fields and terrain overlays. The best that can happen with them is to make on-lot versions of those things, like Sophie-David's "Down From the Hood" objects. But I don't think that would work with the farm fields or the terrain overlays because they just don't work the same way.

grammapat 24th Feb 2019 5:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
This is getting dangerous: Meduza posted a new mod called "Poison".
It's partially dependent on the traits of 'lucky/unlucky:

"lucky/unlucky traits" sure doesn't sound like Sims2, but I got it anyway.

Phantomknight 24th Feb 2019 5:44 PM

@Bigsimsfan12, yes, I think Iosiren also goes by Io--I think downloads are labeled as such anyway.

I get confused too sometimes, because a Tumblr name will be different from a Forum name, which can be different from a LiveJournal or Dreamwidth name. It's even worse when the name on the download changes depending on what site it's uploaded to, or if creators put their real name on it, since they use multiple usernames (because, since I'm not active on the sites they use, I rarely know their real names and then I'm looking at stuff in my downloads folder, wondering where I got it from, ). Nowadays I just pick a name for them and that's the one I use on my Downloads.

Anhaeyn 24th Feb 2019 6:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
Unfortunately, you can't make anything Maxis that's in the "Effects" category visible in lot view. Not the sailboats, the clouds, the various birds, the trains, the ocean surf, and, yes, those morphing farm fields and terrain overlays. The best that can happen with them is to make on-lot versions of those things, like Sophie-David's "Down From the Hood" objects. But I don't think that would work with the farm fields or the terrain overlays because they just don't work the same way.

Yep, I'm aware of that. It's just a wish which probably will never be fullfilled

iCad 24th Feb 2019 6:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
Yep, I'm aware of that. It's just a wish which probably will never be fullfilled

Maybe if we could ever get access to the source code, someone (certainly not me!) could figure it out, but otherwise....Yeah, probably not going to happen. Just like fully-rendered high-res lot imposters will probably never happen. That's MY impossible dream.

FranH 24th Feb 2019 8:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I just looked at Iosiren's dreamwidth and it would appear so!
I've heard the name "Io" floating around a bit, is that Iosiren? I can't keep track of all the amazing people in the Sims 2 community

There are a lot of famous creators running under 'nom de plumes' in the community. Usually to keep their devoted fans from overwhelming them with requests. I don't blame them for doing it.

simsample 24th Feb 2019 8:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
Just like fully-rendered high-res lot imposters will probably never happen. That's MY impossible dream.

Mine too! *Sigh*

Bulbizarre 25th Feb 2019 12:41 AM

Not specifically Sims-related, but I came across Playnite, a pretty cool video game manager.

RoxEllen1965 25th Feb 2019 10:27 AM

DeeDee-Sims tattoos. She doesn't say, but they probably require Bon Voyage. I think that the other tattoo boxes that I have require BV because they use the suntan overlays.

FranH 25th Feb 2019 12:39 PM

I've always disliked that there wasn't a replacement for the kids playground stuff for medieval or other themed hoods.

Mortia took care of one: Hill slide With terrain replacements, too!

It's not a DR, either-you can have both in game.

terula8 25th Feb 2019 4:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
DeeDee-Sims tattoos. She doesn't say, but they probably require Bon Voyage. I think that the other tattoo boxes that I have require BV because they use the suntan overlays.

I freaking love this. The only thing I would want is to change the color and saturation of the tattoos a little and make them that weird greenish hue that healed tattoos have after a while. It's the only thing that's always bugged me about tattoo overlays, they're never really the right colour and look more like face paint at a birthday party than something inked under several layers of skin. But otherwise, it's a must-have. And maybe I can finally learn to recolour while I'm at it!

FranH 27th Feb 2019 1:02 PM

Midgethetree has a new mod (among others) that allows growing into supernatural states:

Hereditary Supernaturalism

Makes it so sims can automatically inherit supernatural lifestates as they grow up. Werewolfism is inherited upon becoming a child, witchism upon becoming a teen, vampirism/plantsimism/mermaidism/geniism/fairyism upon becoming a toddler. I know you only mentioned making vampirism hereditary, but hopefully this appeals to you? Request an alternate version if not.

UPDATE 2/12/19: Now with a “vanilla” version that makes werewolves and vampires come into their powers in teenhood, not toddler/childhood, for those without child supernatural mods.

Sunrader 27th Feb 2019 1:16 PM

@joandsarah77, have you seen this newest mod from MidgetheTree? Seems like something you'd really like!

MidgetheTree (@Radium) has made a mod that will call a playable in the law enforcement career to catch a burglar instead of an NPC. How cool is that?!

We might need a new thread that is Look at This Awesome Thing that MidgetheTree Made Today!

joandsarah77 27th Feb 2019 1:40 PM

Yes, I saw that today! My like should be on there but lost amongst so many. I am keen to see it play out. Lol, Midge could totally have her own appreciation thread. :lovestruc

RoxEllen1965 27th Feb 2019 2:11 PM

She fixed that dratted genie lamp so babies and toddlers don't get the memory of finding it anymore.

Bulbizarre 27th Feb 2019 7:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
She fixed that dratted genie lamp so babies and toddlers don't get the memory of finding it anymore.

Oh, that's good. I've had that glitch before and was rather amused by it.

terula8 27th Feb 2019 7:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
@joandsarah77, have you seen this newest mod from MidgetheTree? Seems like something you'd really like!

MidgetheTree (@Radium) has made a mod that will call a playable in the law enforcement career to catch a burglar instead of an NPC. How cool is that?!

We might need a new thread that is Look at This Awesome Thing that MidgetheTree Made Today!

YES!!!!! I was just wanting an 'arrest this sim' interaction or something similar!

RoxEllen1965 27th Feb 2019 7:55 PM

Some YAs of mine once got a genie lamp. I couldn't find the memory of finding it anywhere until I started checking the other sims in the dorm. I finally found it on the cafeteria cook!

FranH 2nd Mar 2019 11:42 PM

Midgethetree has been at it, again-she's made a mod that will make any historical player happy (if that's the word..)

"Death by childbirth"

Others mods up are:
Exnem & Numenor Soda Machine Fix,
Higher Priority Homework Help
Go Steady Memory Edit
No Carpools/Buses

She is one busy little bee/modder!

Sunrader 2nd Mar 2019 11:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Midgethetree has been at it, again-she's made a mod that will make any historical player happy (if that's the word..)

"Death by childbirth"

Others mods up are:
Exnem & Numenor Soda Machine Fix,
Higher Priority Homework Help
Go Steady Memory Edit
No Carpools/Buses

She is one busy little bee/modder!

I am so excited about the Soda Machine. I requested that fix for my tiny diner and she did it! I'm super happy. Earlier this week, I extracted the Simlish cups to be used as clutter with it. Now it''ll be perfect!

omglo 4th Mar 2019 6:27 PM

"A mod that makes newly bought stereos choose a random station when being turned on for the first time instead of always choosing salsa."


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