![]() |
Thank you @iCad and @RoxEllen1965 for your help.
I knew about menu in restaurants, but it usually has just some of the food available from the fridge. I thought there was something like "predestinated" taste about a specific food. |
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Tough handshake? |
One of the AL greetings, I believe.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Gesture.../...Tough Handshake. |
All Sims are equal, so female Sims may do the tough handshake?
![]() |
I don't see why female sims shouldn't. There's not very much difference between that and the Earthy Hug. It's true that the Tough Handshake is modeled on those "no homo we're men but we can do this see it's not a hug it's a handshake" hugs that male athletes give each other - but there's no reason it couldn't be appropriate for women, too.
One of the reasons I can forgive the Sims 2 binary sexuality system so readily is that almost none of the animations are specifically feminine or masculine - and those that are selectable, are all unisex. What kind of world would it be, without a few "butch" women and "femme" men to add variety? |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Yeah, but it looks like a guy half-handshake-half-hug thing. At least, it's a guy thing around here. Whereas the hug gesture is a girl thing around here. So having them be non-autonomous works out fine for me. (My female sims always jump into the male sims arms, and the males initiate classic dance, just because it fits my sense of what looks right--doing it the other way breaks my willing suspension of disbelief.) |
All about association, I guess - those two - jump into arms, classic dance, though very nice, are romantic gestures - the AL greetings are not and do have a function - showing your Sim what a social group Sim's interest is.
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I have all sims do all gestures when I am after relationship points because no sim, not even the grumpiest evil witch can refuse a gesture. The tough hand shake is most definitely a male gesture though. I don't know any women who do that. The whole half hug pat on the back is very much a male thing to do, or is here. |
No, it is male gestures - but somehow, it does not bother me in Sims
![]() ![]() |
One thing that does bother me a bit is when a male sims does the jump into arms on a female sim, I can't but think he will crush her with his weight, but of course sims have no weight, but it still looks wrong.
about the gesture; there might be some chance of female bodies being able to do it, if a gender change is done on them.
like another poster told, animations seem to be unisex. discovered it with shrubs a number of weeks ago and posted about it in the discovery thread a number of days ago. |
Are you talking about real life... Sims of any gender can do a jump into arms, what I was saying it looks wrong when male sims do that to female sims because in real life men are normally a lot heavier and stronger than most woman. I could not even pick my husband an inch off the floor.
Does buying the special aspiration reward hot tub fulfill the "buy a hot tub" want?
Is it safe to delete lots with no sims living on them?
So long as there are no graves/urns and it isn't a home business.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Maybe you don't mind, but I find it bizarre because I never see women IRL do this unless they are particularly butch. And since my sims are determined to do it 10 times a day with each other, I thought I'd just ask if a mod already happened to be around. |
*raises hand as a non-"butch" 100% woman (both in the physical sex and the gender sense) who does "tough handshake" sort of gestures*
I'm not the only one I know, either. I travel in some *ahem* non-mainstream circles, shall we say, and amongst us that kind of gesture is what you do when you are greeting a person (of either sex) with whom you are familiar enough to know that it's OK to touch and show them some physical affection but with whom you are not currently interested in being...hmmm..."involved," let's say. Basically, it's a gesture that's less formal/distant than a wave or a regular handshake or a verbal-only greeting but that's also less intimate than a hug that has more body contact to it. So, it's reserved for good (but not intimate) friends, of either sex/gender. I've carried it over with my circle of friends and acquaintances who aren't non-mainstream, as well. In my mind, it has no gender connotations whatsoever. Whether or not I use it is simply an indication of how well I know the person I'm greeting, whatever their sex. That said, it's never something I'd use with a complete stranger of either sex, like Sims will. ![]() In general, perceiving certain behaviors as "male" or "female" is learned, socially-conditioned, and culturally-enforced behavior. *I* wish people would get over the whole "only boys/men do/wear this, and only girls/women do/wear that" thing because it is, IMO, kind of ridiculous, but...Well, it's pretty ingrained, and there are lots of people out there who see no reason at all to change their thinking. That said, for people who are down with their social conditioning, whatever it is, and who see no reason to chafe at it, I see nothing wrong with wanting their own game to reflect what they expect to see. Their game is their game, after all; *I* don't have to play it. Plus, I don't see a reason to put people down for being OK with their standard gendered thinking, so long as they don't go out of their way to put down people who aren't OK with standard gendered thinking. Live and let live, you know? I do think it's kind of odd to see female Sims being the "catcher" in the "Leap Into Arms" hug interaction, though. It's don't think it's gendered thinking so much as just acknowledging the biological fact that male humans are generally larger/heavier/physically stronger than female ones. Then again, I know lots of women who are perfectly capable of tossing around their male partners, too. I was one such, even, since I'm of man-height and was of man-weight with a tendency to put on muscle easily, until my health declined and I lost much of my muscle mass. But since male and female Sims are the same height and roughly the same build, this doesn't bother me too much. |
If my husband did a leap into arms It would make a hole in the floor. He's 100kg and I'm.. well to put it mildly, a weakling.
I'm not really after debates, friendly or otherwise. I did however think we all accepted and respected each others ways of playing, as our methods or rules of playing could well be defined by our personal lives or beliefs, and that should surely just be left alone and mutually understood.
Here's a thing I'll get a lot of hatred for. I do find it incredibly odd that so many players have male pregnancy mods, but I'm not going to question them for it or start a debate. If that floats your boat that's totally cool, but I have my preferences for playing too. A yes, no or I don't know was all I wanted. With all due respect meant. Here's another question (different topic now). Is it normal that my sims laugh at their cars all the time? I'm serious. I have car 'statues' (non functional) that I put in car parks, and I've been playing an apartment lot with these cars nearby. All the neighbours do is walk up to them and giggle. While it's funny and silly, it gets annoying hearing sped up high pitch giggles all day every day. |
Sorry, I wasn't trying to "debate" but merely to point out that one's own thinking and expectations isn't the same as everyone else's and that the behavior that one generally sees is not the behavior of all people or possibly even the majority of people. Not all people fit into molds, and thank God for that, in my opinion. As I said, I've got a "live and let live" attitude about most things in life and certainly when it comes to how a person wants to play their own game. I don't like the idea of gender roles and expectations and automatic gendered thinking in general, personally, but if someone else is cool with all that, that's cool with me so long as they don't feel a need to get in my face to try to push their own beliefs and opinions on me. I'm not Wiccan, but their "An it harm none, do as ye will" motto is a good one to live by, I think. That said, there's a difference between debating/arguing and simply offering up different opinions and viewpoints and such for thought. I like a good discussion, myself. Regarding the car question: If the car was cloned from a sculpture (which it probably was) then it likely has a "View" function, if the creator didn't disable it, which Sims will engage in autonomously. One of the possible reactions after viewing an object is to giggle at it if the Sim thinks it's amusing, so I'm going to guess that's what you're seeing. @joandsarah77 Yeah, I'm probably in the same boat nowadays. I'm still tall, but underweight thanks to metabolic issues, but hubby is 6'4" and used to be a triathlete, so he's trim with a runner's build, but he's got a lot of muscle on him, so he's heavy. So combine that with gravity and...Nope, don't think I'd be able to catch him. ![]() ![]() |
Yeah I never thought about that possibility of them being sculptures. That would then be a simple case of removing a pie menu option then right?
I used to like friendly discussion too, but people can be incredibly touchy these days with their social justice crusades and so I prefer to just steer clear of it altogether, especially on internet forums where moderators lurk ready to shut you down in your tracks for the slightest thing they don't agree with (MTS doesn't seem too bad in that regard - I'm just speaking broadly from experience). I'll keep my points of thought for real life situations where I don't have to feel the burden of prohibited speech, and even then only with people of truly open minds. |
You can remove the pie option menu or, if you want to preserve the function, you can simply make the "View" and "View Many" functions for the object non-autonomous, so that no one will do it without you directing them to do so. (All you have to do is change one number to do so.)
And yeah, I get what you mean. But it is possible to be concerned about and to discuss issues pertaining to social justice without being a Social Justice Warrior (TM) about them. For instance, if people ask me about my religion these days, my answer is "liberal Quaker." Quakers have always fought for social justice -- abolishing slavery, establishing racial equality, women's rights, etc., and now (at least amongst liberal Quakers) for things like marriage equality and LGBT+ rights -- without being in-your-face jerks about it. So, it IS possible but, you're right, it's increasingly rare, at least online. Mostly the people who can't discuss these things civilly are people who are A) young and/or B) Too caught up in emotion, such that they can't separate their emotions from the issues at hand so they end up being "offended" and whatnot. |
I don't care for the view function really, so I'll just do the former. Thanks for enlightening me on that.
![]() All is good then. ![]() Sorry if I got the wrong idea initially. I wasn't talking to anyone in particular though. Anyways, off to fix those cars! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I find that the Cyjon Ball gives me a little more reassurance before deleting a lot, just in case I overlooked something. (I did once.) http://cyjon.net/node/430 Of course, do all the wise and prudent things you should do before using the ball and deleting the lot. I consider this mod a backup safety check. And tough handshakes? Earthy hugs? Half the time, I'm busy making sure my Sims aren't doing something stupid that will get them killed, or that ninjas don't drop on my community lots in a non-BV hood (apparently a bit of a mod issue there that I believe was fixed by the creator), or the Charlatan doesn't show up because I forgot to ban him, or I want to ban a specific Sim from a lot for whatever reason, or my Sims get a little too personal because I didn't adjust a romance mod properly, and my super-quiet, modest, reserved Sim has been overly-captivated by my local super-frisky Sim ... though the latter scenario sometimes makes for a good story. By then, my Sims probably tough-handshaked or earthy-hugged a half-dozen times already, and I never noticed! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
I've been thinking about this since I read your post, and the more I think about it the less convinced I am that it's doable. I mean, anything is doable, but to make it function as it does now but exclude females would require a lot of coding. Since it's an interaction between Sims it'd have to check both the Sim trying to do it, and the target Sim, and make sure they aren't female. It's easy enough to prevent female Sims from using it autonomously, it's when someone tries to do it with them that gets complicated. And since it's a greeting for a social group, you'd have to handle that situation somehow. It's possible my mind is making it more complicated than it needs to be, but I can see why nobody has done it. |
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
The thing is, you don't even have to be asking for something someone might consider "offensive" from a gender/sexuality (or whatever) standpoint; I asked some months back if there was a mod to make sims gain charisma while interacting socially (as is the case in both TS3 and TS4) and had multiple people reply with some version of "Why the heck would you want that?"/"That's dumb."/"I don't want that in my game, so you shouldn't want it in yours either." It was both frustrating and disheartening. I'm honestly not sure why many people seem so quick to react that way - just because someone wants some sort of hack of CC in their game doesn't mean everyone has to have that in their game. I'm sure I have many reasons for not having certain hacks/CC in my game; maybe I see them as cheaty or distasteful or just plain pointless, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd say the same sort of things about the hacks and CC I do use. Anyway, I guess my point was that it's probably more helpful to be polite to each other. Or something. But also that it isn't just a question of gender or sexuality issues, because my question wasn't even remotely related, and I still got the same sort of reaction. ![]() |
Nobody picked on Snufflepaws. Nobody.
Personally I think the "tough handshake" is a sign of toxic masculinity and men should just hug each other already. And I think this topic has been run into the ground far enough. To get back on track - a cat ran away from one of my households and the family reported it missing. The next day a call came in that the cat had been found and did they want it back. Relieved, I said yes; but the image of the caller was a white cat. Anxiously I sent a family member out to the front of the house to keep an eye out for it. The Good Witch's Cat appeared, but no missing cat. So I greeted the Good Witch's Cat, and it climbed the air and vanished. Still no missing cat. I've had missing cats IRL before and this is stressing me unduly - especially since I can see in the HUD that it's entered the deadly energy/hunger cycle. I'm about to try turning on the testingcheats to drag its motives up and trying to grab it with the teleporter, but I'm afraid this won't work because the cat is perceived as being in the household. What are my options? |
How about using a teleporter to move the cat into a different household, and then back into the original? I had a toddler get stuck in limbo where it apparently lived in two households and neither, when he moved out with one parent following a break-up. Temporarily moving him into a third household got him back.
I so wish I remember what exactly I had done in a similar situation..
It was a kitten, not runaway, but thrown away into the AL disposal wall garbage thing. Who would do such a thing you ask? I had a teen -nanny mod. She was snuggling my kitten, but then I asked her to throw away the news paper...kitten got stuck in her hand, and both got thrown away ![]() I posted the pic, asked for help etc. His motives were going down, but was still considered ON the lot..I was getting messages about how bad he was taken care of. This was terrible. I got it back, but I am not sure if I used the cat statue or what...I so wish i could help. |
![]() I'm so glad I use a "NoRunAwayOrReasonTo.package" mod (by XPTL297). |
There is difference between Ramen and Cup O Ramen. Cup O Ramen is on the game, but Ramen isn't. |
@iCad I've been looking at those car sculptures and their pie options seem to be taken from the painting globals. I don't understand this area of SimPE at all but I quickly tried changing one to tree globals (wanting something that had no pie menu options) and the lot stopped loading, so that doesn't work. Do you have any thoughts on how to go about this?
I'll flag @gummilutt too as this might be one of her areas of expertise. ![]() |
Peni, I would open a different hosuehold and see if you can use a teleporter or even throw a party since pets are on the list of guests. Then see what options you get from there.
1 Attachment(s)
@Peni Griffin
Nope, no one was picking on Snufflepaws, and she didn't claim that anyone was, only that she, herself, didn't want to get into a discussion about why she wanted to nuke tough handshakes for females -- she just wanted to know if it was possible, and @gummilutt gave her a good answer -- because she's had issues before with discussing touchier issues, in other places. From what she's said, I'm going to guess that her views on things are more conservative than the average Simmer's (since on the whole we're a pretty liberal crowd), so she probably just doesn't want to get into those kinds of discussions anymore on a Sims forum. I can respect that and can certainly understand being a little gun-shy if online debate/serious discussion isn't really your thing. @Snufflepaws I'm not sure exactly what you're looking at in SimPE and unfortunately I'm away from my Simming computer and won't be back in front of it until probably Sunday at the earliest, so it's hard for me to picture. Are you looking at the TTAB? If you aren't and if globals and such are involved, it might ultimately be easier to just turn off autonomy for all the interactions in the car statue's TTAB. I'm attaching a screen shot that's part of the tutorial I wrote up about autonomy and advertising, to show you where to do that. To turn autonomy off for interactions, just change the "32" at the end of the hex string in the box labeled "Autonomy" to a "64." Then, no Sim will do that interaction autonomously with the object in question, and you won't have to mess with the globals. There'll still be the options available, but you'll only ever see them if you click on one of the car statues. |
@iCad I was just heading off to do this but it seems there's no TTAB in the resource tree for these cars?
The unisex-animations thing made me think of a question: I've got a picture of a (female) sim hugging her husband and one of her feet is lifted from the floor, pointing upwards. I can't really remember seeing it on other occassions, it might have been after he'd proposed to her? Anyway, my question is: do male sims do that foot-lifting thing too?
The person who receives a suck-face interaction always does the kick, regardless of gender.
Neat :D
@snufflepaws if it's not there, you'll have to import it. This tutorial is for something else, but it contains the steps you need. Follow Part 1, but of course you'll skip the parts about cloning an object and assigning it a new GUID. You've already said your object is using Painting Globals, so skip down to the part where you import the semi globals. You only need to import "Pie Menu Functions" and can skip the step about Pie menu strings. Continue with the tutorial and change the group number in the resource tab. Then you can follow the steps iCad laid out.
Quote: Originally posted by Homer Jay
Actually, Ramen is in the OFB list when you choose the menu in an owned restaurant. |
Is there a way to add custom music to musical instruments?
Is the water /pool slide autonomous? I have a comm lot with one but sims don't seem to use it.
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
I wouldn't say expertise, but I have done a fair amount of creating that involves missing TTABs. Based on what you said, it's automatically using the semi-global TTAB, and sometimes it's difficult to make it stop using it. Try importing the semi global one as described in the tutorial omglo linked, and if that doesn't work, you'll have to check the OBJD to see what it's using, but no need to get into it unless it proves necessary ![]() |
I have seen sims use the pool slide autonomously, but it doesn't seem to advertise as highly as the amount of fun it supplies would suggest it ought to. On any given lot there may be issues of position, too - it's a space-expensive item and if not perfectly placed it may be blocked so that autonomous use is diverted or times out.
Another silly question:
Dean Cameron wants to be friends with Andrew. After talking on the 'phone 3 times in 2 days, Andrew accepted Dean's invitation and came round, albeit a bit reluctantly. At the same time Dean invited Orlando Butler, a townie child that he knows, round, and Orlando brought a friend with him, who turned out to be Mallory Mace, Andrew's long term friend and chess partner. Dean greeted his guests, and Andrew and Mallory immediately sat down at the chess table and started to play together. Dean's short term relationship to Andrew was 55, and (as I recall) his long term relationship to Andrew was 29. Thinking that they must be getting close to becoming friends, I made Andrew controllable to check his relationship to Dean. To my surprise it was 0 (zero) short term and 14 long term. Now I thought the long term or short term relationship had to be about 30 before a Sim would accept an invitation. So my silly question is, "Why did Andrew accept the invitation?" Or did something upset him after he arrived. He can be impatient about puddles, but I saw nothing like that. He started playing chess with Mallory as soon as they had both been greeted, so there wasn't much time for anything to happen. Or was it possibly just some glitch that caused him to lose relationship points?
Any thoughts? |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
From my experience, sims with a lot of nice points tend to accept invitations with lower daily relationships with the sim that does the inviting. is Andrew super nice? It could be that something upset him, though wouldn't know what. |
Andrew isn't super-nice in terms of nice points -- he has 5 nice points: he regularly noogies other boys (but never yet a girl!), and he'll happily goose Julian without asking any questions. But I have been trying to train him to act "nice" throughout the three and a half years I've been playing him, and I'd say he's generally quite considerate in his dealings with other Sims. There is in his view, and mine, nothing wrong in goosing Julian, because Julian likes being goosed! Does that count as "nice"?
Possibly because I've played him so long and so much, I think of all the Sims in my game, Andrew has the most complex character. Maybe he accepted the invitation to please me. ![]() |
I'm pretty sure there's a random element to accepting invitations.
If I have a lot that crashes my game, is there anyway I can check it through SimPE to see what the problem is?
And no, I can't use Clean Installer. It has NEVER worked on my computer for some horrible reason. I'm tempted to try it on a totally different computer... |
I've never seen anyone recommending opening a lot in SimPE to find the reason for the problem. If people live there, you can open SimPE and hunt for dodgy memories, which can cause lots to become inaccessible.
Teleporting the missing cat to a friend's house and moving it in didn't work. The cat remained "run away" and kept running on and off the lot. Attempts to interact with it failed, and looking under "propose/Give Pet" only gave me a choice of the pets who lived there normally. What exactly is supposed to happen in this situation? What "normal" should I be looking for? |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That sounds like there's bad CC on it somewhere; or like you've got too many polys and it's straining your machine, so it quits.
Runaway Cat, The Saga Continues: Since the move-in with teleport wasn't working I zapped the cat. A household member went out on a date. When he returned, the cat was back (still with the runaway symbol), but people and the other pets could interact with it. Household members are rolling wants for it. I'm so confused. |
Why didn't EA come out with Seasons first? Pleasantview and every other household is completely messed up because none of the households are at the same point in the Sim Year.
Does MTS has a SC4 subforum discussion?
I JUST install it and I am very excited. ![]() Now though..I don't know which of the tutorial to click...Getting started or..Terraforming? Of course, I am not planning on playing SC4, just create new 'Hoods for my game. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I got that with a runaway dog once when the police would ring up and ask if we wanted it back, then not bring it when I said yes. I used some sort of teleporter, but the dog still has the run away symbol. Apart from that he seems normal so I learned to ignore it. |
I wonder if there's a flag I can uncheck in SimPE? I think I'll take a look tomorrow.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I looked for one, but no luck. Let me know if you find one. |
Question: Is there a way to tell if a Sim you see on a community lot is a townie or playable?
I suppose if the sim has a mobile phone they could look at the address book and if the sim has no address beneath their name they'll be a townie I think anyway.
There is a hack/mod that allows you to click on the sim in question and identify them by group or number..such as "My family number is:"-if they come up with a number like #3299, it's a townie.
Can't remember the exact name of the mod, or where I got it from, but it's useful. I believe it's called "Sim ID" or something like that. |
Why did my teen bring home a vacation teen from school? I've never had that happen and I'm hoping that doesn't mean that my game is goofed up!
The selection of teens and children to come home is randomized, but strongly weighted toward the sims with the lowest ID numbers (i.e. the ones created first, so premades before CAS and born in-game sims). So bringing home vacation teens is pretty common in mature hoods, especially ones with Freetime and/or University, where original premade and townie children and teens have been grown up alongside their playable friends.
There is a mod that makes vacation townies less likely to come home and pops up a query that allows you to see who's coming home with a child or teen (not, alas, an adult) and say yes or no to that. It's bundled with something else that I didn't use and now I can't remember what it's called. I thought it was Cyjon but a quick scan of his site doesn't ring any bells. You can ask in WCIF. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That's twojeff's School Bus/Bring Friend & Homework Hacks - it's bundled in one zip but actually two different packages so you don't have to use the homework hack if you only want the school bus/bring friends dialog. |
I really thought my game went bonkers- thank you!! My first suspicion was that she kept doing this chest banging interaction.
Maybe I'm the only person that gets bothered by this, but I've downloaded a custom object, and in live mode when I hover the mouse over it, it shows a tooltip with the object name (that does not happen with any other objects in my game). Does anyone know what I have to change on SimPe to fix it?
Gah. Anyone else ever have trouble getting Irfanview to take screenshots of their game? For some reason no matter what setting I choose, it only takes screenshots of my desktop, not of the game I have in the foreground. WTF. It works correctly in windowed mode, but I don't want to play in windowed mode. Anyone know a solution?
It's difficult to take screenshots of full-screen dx applications. The program talks directly to the device driver so it'll bypass any screenshot tools you have.
There's a couple of tools out there that do the same as FRAPS and Dxtory (which are the popular tools; I use FRAPS myself). They cost though. |
How does one find out a households funds when in the sim bin, before they've been put in the sim bin?
Click on them... Or do you mean something else?
Huh, learn something new every day. Thanks!
Fraps is free for screenshots, lots of us use it. I just change my bmp pictures in Gimp to jpgs.
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
I think she want know how much simoleons family will have if they will be moved out and all furniture sold. Is there a way to find out this before moving out? It's interesting for me too. |
I don't think so, the game calculates it and it shows when they are in the sim bin.
Yes, click on them in neighbourhood view. It shows their net worth.
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Hover the cursor over them to see what their name is? Or do you have so many playables you've forgotten the names of some of them? In my own hood, I have about 90 playables in the core neighbourhood, plus about the same number (townies-made-playable and their descendants) scattered through various subhoods. And I know who all of them are. I'm presuming that knowing who's who is true for all players but I'm prepared to be corrected. |
Can the game crash because of a corrupted hood? Recently it's been crashing a lot when I played my megahood, but I just played another hood for a couple of hours without any problems.
I've been wondering the same, Ness.
But I think sometimes it can just be a big hood. I have a hugely corrupted old uberhood which I don't want to let go of even though it is full of weird glitches. It crashed on me twice the other day. None of my other hoods crash. But it might be because it's just a giant hood. And I've got a new monitor so my graphics card is having to work harder and I'm running UC now whereas I had no stuff packs before. |
Yes. Corruption can show itself in many different ways, and crashing is one of them. I corrupted my first hood by doing VBTs not knowing they were VBTs, and eventually it became unplayable, crashing almost immediately after entering any lot.
Corruption is leftover bits of data that starts attaching itself to the wrong places, getting in the way and making things not work right. With enough of it, the game might be unable to process anything without running into a problem it can't solve in any other way than closing the application. There are plenty of other potential causes for crashing though, so a hood that crashes is not necessarily doing so because of corruption. |
Thanks. The megahood has been doing weird things since the beginning so I've been waiting for something to go horribly wrong.
Quote: Originally posted by saturnian
I recently attached a subhood - Riverside, I believe - and I'm still not familiar with all the names. As for corruption, my previous hood was rendered unopenable; it would quit responding entirely and the window would fade up. |
So, a long time ago, I downloaded a Sim that I believe was part of the official content on the exchange (from MATY) and I discovered a while ago that the face template that he comes with doesn't have any child, elder, etc... versions, so when in CAS, when I pick the template for an adult, it appears as it should but when switching to younger or older ages, it reverts to either face templates 1 or 2.
Now there's an NPC that was generated with the template in question. So my question is, is it safe to remove this face template now? :/ (Before more townies/NPCs get generated with it.) P.S. The face template is not a default replacement as far as i can tell... :/ |
Compare it to the known broken face templates. If it's one of them, you'd be better off installing the fix - I don't know what would happen if you deleted a vanilla template.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I do have argon's fixes for the face templates, so no worry about that. ![]() P.S. Oh! I believe I found him! It's the "Kürt Rogiers " Sim, in case anyone's wondering... His face template is completely different from the other two broken templates and doesn't seem to have another life stage version other than the adult one (or even a female version), which is a shame cause it looks quite unique! ![]() ![]() |
I've posted in this thread way too many times in the past few days but... if I move a family into a different house, will the seasons reset to the beginning? If they do, is there a way to go back to the right place in the cycle?
Yes, a new lot will start with Season 1. You'll want SimWardrobe's weather controller vase.
Is there a place to post a hack conflict report to clarify some mod conflicts that are showing up? I have done quite a bit of research so I did try to find my own info. Thanks
Is there a way to make a head witch appear on a dorm lot or residential lot or they just confined to community lots without teleporting them in?
Quote: Originally posted by CoffeenSimming
Make a help post on the help board about it. If it's huge put it behind a spoiler. |
What decides how dark/light the sky is? I notice I can have a sky texture but it will be very dark on some lots while lighter on others, and waiting doesn't seem to change it. I thought it may be the clear setting but forcing clear weather doesn't change anything.
I was going to go edit the lighting config but as I said the sky looks as it should on some lots, just not others. I can't figure out why. |
How come a dormie sim refuse a date with my playable but didn't say no to a first kiss? My playable is Pleasure and she has something like 58/22 STR/LTR with him. I know nothing about the dormie yet.
Probably has negative chemistry with him.
about light/dark sky; some chance of the difference being day/night.
about date refusal; might make the dormie selectable long enough to find out its settings (Aspiration, personality, relationship, etc). unrelated:: base game Prima Guide tells of a hot tub on the community lot named 250 Main Street; yet I did not find it. I guess they removed it before shipping game. anyone know which hot tub it was and/or where on lot it was? |
Just wondering if anyone knows it Squinge's Mega College Pack, which allows Sims to go to university from home neighborhood, works with Cyjon's college mods that adjuts semester length, exam times, etc.? Has anyone tried those together?
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Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Nope, they have at least one bolt. I don't recall if they have two. |
The HCDU says the Sim Blender and Sim Manipulator conflict. Is this true? Should I remove one of them?
Also, does anyone know where to get mods for these pie options, specifically 'ask to get naked' and 'let's change into'? The pic is from this download (I was originally just looking for a go steady for adults mod and this is all I found - let me know if there's a newer one around). ![]() |
I have both SimBlender and Sim manipulator. HCDU shows conflict but I choose to keep them both.
Uh oh, I just loaded a lot and one of the household sims has a double. There are two of them walking around and two face icons. Isn't that a sign of hood corruption?
I have not only Simblender and Sim Manipulator, but also Insimenator..and HDCU shows the same kind of 'conflict' messages that you see-but I've never had a problem with any one of them not working. I have all EP's and SP's. |
Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Seen it happen. Something to do with portals glitching. So long as they don't interact with each other (tempting as it is to have your pixel woohoo themselves) you should be okay. Use force error or moveobjects on to remove one of them. Once, in one of my dying hoods, I did make a Sim woohoo themselves. The animations were glitched. It probably accelerated the destruction of the neighborhood too. Don't try this at home, please. |
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