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Packing is the worst thing ever. Especially if you can't pack quickly because your sisters pretend your suitcase is a submarine.
Quote: Originally posted by Nabila_Ici
I've got my chemistry exam next week. AHHH! I'm sure you did better than you think. Exams. EXAMS! They annoy me. Revise everything in a book and they decide to put in questions about things that the book doesn't even go into detail about and we haven't been taught. Blah. At least my art exam went well... |
Just punched a hole in the wall. Oh, great.
Eurgh I'm in a pickle. My aunt decided to move back to my county after living in a different one for the last 15 years and we decided that she would buy a house and I would be her lodger. She can't move down until she can find a job here doing the work she does. So far this hasn't happened. She wanted to find a job here first and then get a house, but had to be employed by the same place for 6 months in order to get a mortgage, and that would mean having to live with relatives until the 6 months had passed which she didn't want to do.
When I moved in the amount of rent agreed upon was a bit higher than I was expecting but I accepted it because it was implied that it would only be temporary until she moved down. Until she does move down she has two lots of bills to pay as she rents where she is now and I was fine with paying a bit more in the interim. That was 19 months ago and I'm still paying this higher amount. To put it into perspective: this is a 3-bed terraced house and, despite the fact that I'm a lodger, I am paying only £100 per month less than I did on my furnished, city-central, 1-bed rented flat. Yes, this property is bigger but I'm not renting this through an agency and I'm not renting it by myself. The fact is, what I am paying is too much and it doesn't appear that this situation will be resolving itself any time soon. What my aunt does is fairly specialised so jobs don't come up often and even when they do they are competitive. I understand how hard it is when you can't find the work you want (believe me, I understand this as I'm in this position myself!) but there comes a point when she is going to have to realise that she could be looking for a long time and that if she ever wants to move down here then she is going to need to expand her horizons and start looking for other jobs. It's not her fault that she can't find work down here, but it's not mine either and I don't think it's really fair that I'm still paying this much. The problem is that I don't know if I can really approach her about this and even if I do it will be super awkward because we're relatives and because I know the reason I pay this much is because she can't afford to pay for both places. |
I haven't slept properly for over a month, I barely sleep 5 hours. I look like a zombie and I think like one too.
This May 21st doomsday thing is creeping me out. I don't believe in any of the doomsday theories, but they all freak me out a little, especially with this one set for tomorrow/today. 0_o
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Doomsday the day before my maths exam, I'm saved! |
For 'Doomsday' to work on the 21st for everyone in the world, it's going to have to be at least 11pm tonight for us in NZ....so we'll be so close to Sunday it just takes all the fun out of being doomed on Saturday!
I read somewhere that it was supposed to happen time zone by time zone... of course, right after I read that I realized it was past midnight in several time zones already. Then again, I read somewhere else it would happen at 6 PM on Saturday..?
Yet several people elsewhere keep saying that, in the bible, it supposedly says that no man will ever know the day of the end of the world. I've never read the bible, so one of our Christian girlies can verify that. I'm getting too into this <_>... |
The Bible says that only the Lord will know when Judgement Day is upon us, but the reverend who apparently figured this out did so by using mathematical equations. He did the same back in 1984, but that was a flunk out, obviously. Either way, if you're not a good Christian, you still have five months left! All good Christians rise up to Heaven today, whilst the rest of us lowly heathens get to flop about for another five months, but the world will be filled with earthquakes and volcanoes and tsunamis.
I'll probably stop posting about this now after this, but this whole doomsday thing is just GETTING TO ME. I can't get it out of my head, I'm afraid to go to sleep in the case that if it's real, I would wake up to earthquakes...
It's completely irrational, but it won't go away -_-... |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
OMG! I agree! So my grandma comes in and says this to her paraniod 14 year old granddaughter,"Ready for the world to end tomorrow?" ![]() ![]() |
Relax, folks. If the world ends, none of us will know it happened.
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Apparently my grandmother had a minor stroke this morning. We only just heard about it now. It isn't big - she's not in hospital, but she's being closely monitored at her nursing home. Ugh.
PixCii Really sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hope she is ok!
This is gonna sound real juvenile, but all these girls at my school going on about Darren Criss, and I do love him so much, but I've been a fan from the beginning, before he was in Glee! 3/4 of them don't even know what A Very Potter Musical is! Let along know what AVPM stands for. > ![]() |
A man stole my phone at work today. They have his face and saw him commit the crime on the CCTV, and I had an app that locates the phone. Apparently that isn't enough for the police to give a shit though.
FML. |
End of the world? Yeah, right. Also, did you see the pig that flew over your house today?
I had a bunch of plans for this weekend, but with all my friends canceling back and forth I'm left with nothing certain.
I'm so overworked I feel like my back is going to burst. My body is starting to scream at me to stop.
On a side note, 9-10 year old girls are probably the most irritating age group I've ever babysat. |
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
PixCii I was just about to post about my grandparents. I've been thinking about them all day. I miss them like crazy, some days it's too hard to cope. On a more positive note, I'll keep your grand in my prayers <3 |
Pixcii, sending good thoughts your grandmother's way.
My vent: my brother and I are both sick with the same achy-all-over, burning-chest, horrible-cough cold. My brother is so annoying when he's sick, he lies around the living room all day moaning and groaning, you'd swear he was dying or something. And of course, our only TV is in the living room, so if I want to watch TV I have to listen to this. Our mom waits on him hand and foot when he's sick, she went out and got him popsicles, pulled out the sofa bed so he could be more comfortable while moaning in the living room, and always asks if he needs anything. What's her reaction when I tell her I'm getting sick? She rolls her eyes, sighs and literally says "whatever". Yeah, thanks mom. |
Ill pray for your grandmother pixcii!
I had a fight with one of my friends on the phone & im craving a cigarette. yay |
I really dislike my best friend's boyfriend. I know it really has nothing to do with me and that it's completely her choice, and that really I have no idea how they are together when they're alone, but he is such a dick. It's her birthday today and he's come to stay, which is understandable, but I really want to ask her when he's leaving only I can't do that because a) he is always right next to her and b) I don't want her to think I'm just waiting for him to leave, even if I am. He's incredibly rude to me and all of her other friends. If we make an effort to talk to him he just won't develop a conversation, he'll only give one word answers, and he's insulting. He didn't wrap up her brithday present today, he just wrapped one of his t-shirts around it and gave it to her like that. Would it have killed him to buy a roll of wrapping paper?! Sometimes he just doesn't talk to her for weeks and she gets more and more worked up about why he's doing this and then he'll just start talking to her again without any apology or explanation. I could go on and on but I won't. I really hope he leaves soon.
I got accepted to university, but they didn't even write me an e-mail about it. I had to find out from one of my friends.
My sister is so rude. Just now, at 11 o'clock at night, she decided to vacuum the upstairs hallway. My mom, trying to sleep downstairs, had a bad headache and had my dad (attempt to) yell at her. It took him two tries, and when he finally got her attention, she said, "Okay, I'm almost done." and continued vacuuming.
What the hell? It's my dad's house, my dad's vacuum, and my dad's wife, her mother, who was in pain. She had all freaking day to vacuum. I swear her light was off and she was sleeping, then she got up to vacuum the hall for no damn reason, now her light's back off. This isn't the first time she's done anything inconsiderate to my parents. She does laundry at midnight and leaves the laundry room door wide open so it disturbs my mom while she's sleeping. On an unrelated note, would it kill her to put pants on when she comes downstairs in the middle of a nap? It's only decent. Oh, and she believes these "specialists" that told my parents to ignore my mental problems. During a particularly bad incident the other night, she kept telling my dad to ignore me. Well it's her fault if the police come back because I was infuriated to the point of screaming. I was sitting on the floor in the laundry room, pretty much acting, unwillingly, like a Sim in Aspiration failure, and she had the nerve to say that. Goddamn. OH, and on the topic of the supposed specialists, they're behavioral specialists. They seem to think my mental issue-induced tantrums are purely behavioral, and I'm doing them voluntarily. Apparently we can't cancel their appointments, because they've come back nearly a half dozen times since they told my parents to ignore the tantrums. Thank goodness my sister is the only one who takes their advice. |
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