Oh, I've been pondering how to properly adjudicate Lillith Pleasant, evil overlord of Bellefleur.
Back story: Lillith has had a very sad life. Jilted by her high-school sweetheart, Dirk Dreamer, she has nourished dreams of revenge on him and his family for years. With her accession to the Chief of Police position, she gave wide berth to her hatreds and falsely imprisoned Dirk's wife, Marylena-who wasn't the only victim of her revenge. Brandi Broke got caught up when Kaylynne Broke became Lillith's underling..and then was also thrown into prison on false charges-aided and abetted by Lillith. The climax to her reign of terror came when a prisoner in her care died of electrocution. A criminal investigation ensued, and a ruling will be issued shortly. Lillith's reign of power is nearly over. In a few days, she will be stripped of all of her duties, her job and her power. The prisoners who were falsely imprisoned will be released, and the prisons shut down. All personnel will be re-assigned or transferred to other jurisdictions. My question is- how do you punish the master of the cabal? Does she do life in prison, or the insane asylum? Does she ever see the light of day? Is there a chance of redemption for her? One must keep in mind this woman has been brutal to everyone she has ever hated. Constantly attacking or fighting those who have become her enemies..she has a long memory and still harbors hatreds from her youth, fueled by dreams of revenge. She has very few friends, and no lovers. All those she ever loved have turned against her. No man wants to be near her, and her family rarely speaks to her or of her-save her mother and grandparents, whose love is unconditional. Her father does not share their feelings. He will not have his name sullied by her presence in his life. Daniel Pleasant has written her out of his life forever. Her sister, Angela, is ashamed to hear her twin's name spoken. In my mind, the best punishment would be to put her in a small building occupied by her and a servo who will keep her company for the rest of her life. She will have no way to escape, no one to rescue her. The servo, being mechanical in nature, will not be allowed to harm her, only to keep her company and to keep her physically alive. Perhaps someday she will see the error of her ways, but I think that's the best course to handle this very sad woman. There is a slight chance that being found guilty of these crimes will push her over the edge to suicide. She owns a gun and a vial of poison that nobody knows about. One does not know if this change in fortunes might make her use them.. What do you think? |
Go with that, @FranH.
Frida Goth took it out of my hands and leaped into Brian Marsh's arms.
@FranH Let her escape and change her features. Let her continue her reign of terror in the shadows. (I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself...)
Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
You can make her have plastic surgery after that and get amnesia from the machine! |
All right, I have a story dilemma. It will take me a while to explain, so please be patient. I call this 'The Fellowship of the Lamp'.
I was playing four houses in an apartment lot, and the four families met in the central courtyard when my attention was elsewhere. A gypsy tiptoed up, and left a magic lamp in the courtyard, by the first house. Being new to apartment regulations, I assumed it must be for someone in the first house. I picked it up and dropped it in their private yard. Then I could not find the intended recipient, so just left it there. When baby Kevin at House 4 became a toddler, he had in his memory 'Found magic lamp'. I was astonished that the gypsy should give to a baby the reward for hobby excellence. Anyway, I could see the lamp in the yard of House 1, so I reached across and dropped it into Kevin's inventory, for later use. Now, I know I should not have done it, but I was tempted, and I fell. In apartment regulations, the changes you make in one apartment have no effect on the other apartments. So I visited House 2, where little Camilla had just become a toddler. From her house I could see into the yard of House 1, where the lamp was still standing; I reached across again, and dropped the lamp into Camilla's inventory. Then I went to House 3, and again dropped a copy of the lamp into the inventory of little Nicolas. Finally back in House 1, I dropped the lamp into Juliet's inventory. So there's the set up: four toddlers, all with magic lamps in their inventories, for future use. I've thought of various possible futures: 1. They all become romance teenagers, use their lamps to get beauty, and make loads of lovers before going off to university. 2. They save their lamps till they reach university, get loads of money (should be $68,000 between the four of them) and build a sumptuous greek house. 3. They save their lamps till adulthood, get money and permaplat mood, and live in idleness. 4. They throw or give the lamps away, because they don't need any help. Which one do you think would make a more interesting story? Have you any better ideas? |
Why would do they all want the same? Isn't it more interesting if all have different wants?
4 toddlers, 4 options (all sound interesting to me), you can just mix and match. One will be the romance teen, one takes them lamp to university, one saves it till adulthood and the fourth doesn't like the lamp. Then you have 4 different stories and even can mix them when the toddlers grow up to teens/adults/elders, romance eachother, maybe give the lamp to their lover/lovers, get heartbroken and marry another one with a lamp. |
Well the choice has been made, Terry Al Mahmoud was coming home from school while Agnes Crumplebottom was walking in front of the house and Terry drops his homework and ran to her and did the squeeze option before I could see what he was going to do.
Normally they great first before any other action but not this time so the choice has been made. |
Okay, I've got one.
I use Chris Hatch's alternative pregnancy controller, which includes his pregnancy relationship adjuster. However, unless it's been fixed, there's a little glip where it can't detect custom Pollination Technicians. So when Morty Roth has his first baby bump, there's a very good chance that Stella Roth will get mad at him for 'cheating.' However, rather than put everything back to normal, I thought it might be fun to play it off. Thing is, I'm not sure what her justification for getting angry is -- she was awake when the aliens took him, so if she was upset because he was out stargazing again, wouldn't she had gotten angry before the first baby bump? Not sure. Anger isn't always the most logical of emotions. Anyone have a better idea? |
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
I use Chris Hatch's pregnancy relationships adjuster along with a multi-PT mod and I often have situations where a sim becomes furious and suffers a large drop in relationship with their partner/spouse because their partner is pregnant with a half-alien baby from abduction. I play the situation in various ways depending on the sims involved, any stories/ideas I have in mind for them and, basically, a lot of me coming up with ideas of how they may react. I sometimes use SimBlender to change the relationship level/score to how it was before (usually 100/100) and to remove the furious-ness. I generally use this option for Knowledge sim partners, or for partners who "knew" that their partner was trying to get abducted and who knew what the result of said abduction would be (i.e. a pregnancy!). I may leave things as they are if I think that either: a) the partner didn't know that stargazing could lead to abduction and/or that abduction could lead to pregnancy, b) the partner knew that it might happen but weren't aware that the risk was so high, c) the partner didn't know that the sim in question was stargazing or d) various other specific situations which I can't recall right now :-D Did Stella "know" beforehand that stargazing could lead to abduction, which could lead to pregnancy? If she didn't but Morty did she could be angry that he wasn't honest with her about the risks of him spending so much time stargazing, perhaps? Or if she was aware that it could happen but thought it was very very unlikely she could be angry if she thinks that Morty took unnecessary risks? |
Huh, the "not being aware of the risks" would make sense and is relatively simple. I like that idea. I might use it.
Update on Arielle: She becomes The Law and thinks to herself, "The top of the heap and lifetime Platinum Aspiration at last! Boy, now that I'm here, what do I do next?
She hears the voice of the Tyrannical Plumbob Goddess. "Why, you make it illegal to NOT imprison and kill a zombie at first sight, of course! How about a killing game to go with it?" "Ah, I can't believe I forgot about that! Thank you for the reminder!" "And how about you start a little school to, I dunno, BRAINWASH kids into hating zombies?" "That's a great idea!" The Sims 2: A game for the whole family! Also used by people as a pastime to forget about reality! |
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
I forgot to update. As it turns out, she didn't get furious. As it turns out, there's a chance for them not to even notice. |
Update on Lillith Pleasant's status: she's been sentenced to house arrest for the rest of her natural life. The servo moved in.
The next question is if I should put her in suspended animation, using the hibernation bed from Numenor? http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=100491 The reason being is that given long enough time, her 'enemies' will die off, and she'll awake in another time where she knows nobody living. She's still young enough to get married and have children, so the thought is that she could start fresh again. Of course she's not immortal, but just plain evil. Further thought-that when she does awaken from her long hibernation, she drinks a potion of 'reversed aging' and starts all over again as a adult-right now she's middle-aged. Or perhaps a teen...to go through college as she should have done the first time. Yes, I like that idea.. |
I like that idea. Go for it.
Ooh, that sounds really cool.
Okay, not so much a story dilemma but an oddity with my rotation system.
In it, I have it set that uni-bound teens go to uni after their first week (approximately 18 days old), and the ones who aren't from uni have their second week. Since I have it set so that 1 semester = 1 day, that gives them eight days (as I don't actually count the post-graduation bit) and brings them up to age with the other sims their age (26 days). The problem is when it comes to Squinge's college at home thing. There, the timer keeps counting down in the regular way, so what is 8 days actually turns into 24! Hate to think of the age syncing with that. I'm not entirely keen on installing hacks that shorten the semester length, as I find the more populated dorms are hectic enough as it is. One thing I did think about is using Pescado's college clock to send them to their finals after 24 hours, but that requires me to actually remember to do that and, as I have AH's harder grades, it might not even be possible for them to pass. The third option I can think of is to just skip the college at home thing entirely, but I like to keep my options open. Any other suggestions? |
I am using Two-Jeff's college 'phone book' to manually count down the days, mostly because I hate control being taken away from me..I figure that if they fulfill all of their required course needs, they can progress to the next part of the semester. Why bother to extend it to make the bar go up? Makes no sense to keep them back..
Of course that requires that I remember to do it, but really all I have to remember is to advance it one day after they come home-usually after 6 pm. |
Huh, I never thought of that. Thing is, my memory is so poor that any solution that relies on me remembering to do something is flawed. I'm probably being a bit nitpicky, though.
I got one.
In a couple rounds, I'm playing the Contrary family, which got itself into quite a situation. Opal Contrary got into an ACR-fueled affair with Castor Nova (one of the premade uni students), and at a party, Edward and Rick Contrary both found out. Rick got into a fight with Castor, and as the police officer arrived to break up the party just then, I decided that he got put on probation. (By the way, anyone know of a custom memory for this? I guess I could just reuse the "Got Busted" one, although the text doesn't quite match up.) Anyways, now everyone in the Contrary household is mad at each other, but I'm drawing a blank of what will happen next. Please give me ideas. Thank you. One idea that keeps sticking with me, though, is the Jocques temporarily taking Rick in. Or perhaps he moves to his own lot with a caretaker while his parents get their issues sorted out. |
Moving Rick out would be a good idea-because he's part of the issue with his parents-he's probably fueling the distrust and adding fuel to the fire by undoubtedly taking his father's side in it-piling on his mother: "I saw what you did!".
Having the Jocques as a temporary foster family is a good idea. Because you possibly don't have that "Teen Star Computer" that enables teens to move out on their own, it's not possible for him to do so-and he'd take his share of the money from the house when he did it. But: if you have Monique's Child support hack, he will get parental upkeep every day from both parents. So he doesn't lose anything by moving out. |
Well, Edward Contrary began rolling wants to see Rick's ghost and drink Rick (from the cowplant), so I'm planning to have Rick become legally emancipated and move to Belladonna Cove anonymously. (Seeing as the Jocques are friends with the Contrarys, it's probably not the best place for him at the moment).) He's on probation - although he's allowed to go out to school and work, he has to remain on his home lot, o keep up his grades, call the social worker (the playable Sim who runs my orphanage, not the NPC one!) once a day with a progress report, and not get into more trouble. I'll give him a prisoner token to keep him from showing up on lots and the Visitor Controller to keep his parents (who aren't supposed to know where he is) from kicking over his trash can all the time.
New Dilemma: As much fun as the grilled cheese aspiration is, the wants are a little silly with the repetitiveness. with the I was thinking of giving Natasha Una a secondary aspiration. She bought a small community lot where she sells grilled cheese sandwiches and pottery, so I was thinking Fortune. But I'm debating between that and Pleasure or Knowledge. Any suggestions? |
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Pleasure might be a little too close to Grilled cheese with the silly low point wants? But on the other hand, that might work too. Still, Fortune might be easier. |
More of a Trilemma.
I want to make a vacation subhood to be the Burning Robot Festival, so I can send sims who would go to it without sims who would not go to it popping up. I have lots of lot ideas, but one thing stumps me. None of the three vacation destinations really suits a massive music/alternate lifestyle festival in the middle of the desert. But if I want it to be a vacation subhood, I have to pick one. They all have their points and their downsides. Far East - the Wise Old Man and the Ninja would fit right in, but all that bowing? And kimonos? Island - Hanging loose makes sense, and so does the Witch Doctor, and to a certain extent so do the outfits. But - no ocean! Whatever shall I do without an ocean? They can't go on ocean tours without one, or explore a pirate ship. Mountain - Chest beating, sure. Bigfoot, maybe. Slapdance? Absolutely. The outfits? No way. And where's the logs for the logrolling coming from? All input gratefully accepted. |
Weighing it out, I'd go with Far East. As for the kimonos, could you use the visitor controller to ban vacation locals?
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