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CatMuto 12th Oct 2023 1:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Uh, yeah. That works, I guess."

I was having one Sim use Macrotastics to Skillinate Body. ACR queuestomped that so that she could woohoo with her wife.

I frequently say "Alright, ACR's taking the reins." when it activates in my BACC.
Go eat? Nah, ACR says it's woohoo time.

topp 13th Oct 2023 5:58 PM

Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating. And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

Bulbizarre 13th Oct 2023 7:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating. And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

There's also this.

Limited resources result in competition among social animals. Nevertheless, social animals also have innate preferences for cooperative behavior. In the present study, 12 dyads of food-deprived rats were tested in four successive trials, and then re-tested as eight triads of food-deprived rats that were unfamiliar to each other. We found that the food-deprived dyads or triads of rats did not compete for the food available to them at regular spatially-marked locations that they had previously learnt. Rather, these rats traveled together to collect the baits.... Rather than competing for the limited available food, the food-deprived rats socialized and coexisted peacefully.

Zoltan3 13th Oct 2023 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating.
And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

Sounds like college days

Fyren5 20th Oct 2023 12:45 AM

"Wait... Is there a witch on my lot? Why is it lagging s- Ohhhhh, you're home! *Insert sarcasm here* And you've brought not one bus with you, but a million of them! And all of the drivers too! How wonderful!"

My Sim came home from the Education career & this scenario played out. It's actually pretty funny, but also unplayable because the game freezes up forever. Moving on.....

Bulbizarre 21st Oct 2023 12:44 AM


I forgot to install the sleep-with-noise hack (apartment lot, so the floor dividers trick doesn't work). I have a single mother and her kid (who sleeps on a fold-out cot in the living room). She keeps waking him up by turning on the TV.

Smefanye 2nd Nov 2023 2:16 AM

"I know I retrieved their corpses, but that doesn't mean you get to zombify your grandma and spinster aunt!"

I resummoned Frida Goth and Prudence Crumplebottom so I could re-add them to the Goth graveyard- and Mortimer, being the knowledge sim he is, proceeded to roll some predictable wants. Like, I get you're a retired mad scientist, but I feel like you should have some more compassion for your relatives...

Bigsimsfan12 2nd Nov 2023 8:03 PM

"Babies were stressing me out so I put them in the roof"

For context, I'm doing a test of time challenge and a sim had quads. They only had enough money for 1 crib and the other babies would scream on the floor and disturb everyone else's sleep.

Charity 3rd Nov 2023 8:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
"Babies were stressing me out so I put them in the roof"

For context, I'm doing a test of time challenge and a sim had quads. They only had enough money for 1 crib and the other babies would scream on the floor and disturb everyone else's sleep.

OMG. Please download this before I have to call the social worker rofl.

Smefanye 3rd Nov 2023 5:37 PM

"Jeez Lola, how badly did you miss?"

Lola Loner just got pregnant, and is having the obligatory morning sickness. And while I understand that you should probably clean the toilet after puking into it, I do find it a bit disturbing they way dirty toilets get dirty ALL OVER, and not just inside the bowl- what the hell are Sims doing to get the rest of it dirty?!

simsample 3rd Nov 2023 5:45 PM

If you have the toilet with the high level cistern, even that gets dirty!

Zoltan3 4th Nov 2023 2:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Smefanye
I do find it a bit disturbing they way dirty toilets get dirty ALL OVER,
and not just inside the bowl
- what the hell are Sims doing to get the rest of it dirty?!

The answer in two words....

Taco Bell

kanzen 4th Nov 2023 3:45 AM

"Oh my my my my my ain't this JUICY"

when I loaded a fresh Pleasantview and Darren walked up to Cassandra to hold hands on her wedding day to Don

Bulbizarre 4th Nov 2023 5:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
"Oh my my my my my ain't this JUICY"

when I loaded a fresh Pleasantview and Darren walked up to Cassandra to hold hands on her wedding day to Don


kanzen 4th Nov 2023 1:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre

the best part was, there was no BOING

Peni Griffin 5th Nov 2023 12:11 AM

"Oh, hey, they found you already!"

Chaz Whippler blew up about half of his love affairs at this graduation party. About five hours after he moved into an apartment I noticed that the trash can was on its side.

Bulbizarre 5th Nov 2023 12:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"Oh, hey, they found you already!"

Chaz Whippler blew up about half of his love affairs at this graduation party. About five hours after he moved into an apartment I noticed that the trash can was on its side.

Time to just leave it on its side and install a compost bin.

chamelea 5th Nov 2023 2:51 AM

“Oh, you poor child…”

- said after loading the Cleveland family for the first time and seeing the genetics young Justin will inevitably pass down. :’)

AndrewGloria 5th Nov 2023 3:44 PM

"Do you think that will induce the birth?"

Fay Briggs, who is heavily pregnant, and must be due any minute now, has just started to dance to the stereo.

I, and the friends and relations gathered in her house, are beginning to get anxious.

Kligma 6th Nov 2023 1:27 AM


- to Amin Sims strolling right into the Goth house and making himself comfortable on their toilet.

Smefanye 15th Nov 2023 5:45 PM

"You pathetic MANCHILD!"

Gabriel Green had long since caught his ex-wife, Chastity, cheating on him and divorced her. He was now raising their son, and I was setting him up with fellow divorcee and single parent Bianca Monty, when I loaded his house to find he had a want to invite over his ex and give her a backrub... you two had NEGATIVE CHEMISTRY. Stop pining over her, you pathetic little shit! This is Vidcund tier idiocy!

FranH 15th Nov 2023 7:34 PM

"Oh NO, Amber! You've totally ruined it now!" on watching Amber Moseley bring home her lover, Edwin Tyler from work, and then indulging in some heavy flirtation with him in front of her (until now) clueless husband, Jordan-who thereupon took GREAT exception to his wife flirting with not only another man, but one who is literally his co-worker in the same career.

Orilon 15th Nov 2023 8:05 PM

"F off we're busy" said while a mom by herself is dealing with three toddlers while her husband is at work and two playables from a different house are continuously ringing the doorbell

"Don't drink that" said to a toddler that goes for a spoiled bottle while her parents are ACR woohooing on the couch

"Damit leave the toddler alone" said to a child townie that one of my playble kids dragged home from school. I had directed the mom to teach the toddler how to talk, and the townie kid made a bee line for that exact same toddler to play with her. I then hunted down TwoJeff's school bus mod to stop kids from bringing friends from home.

Peni Griffin 15th Nov 2023 8:21 PM

But visitors are great with multiple toddlers! Influence them to play with one toddler and by the end of the day they'll have a friend. Influence them to clean and repair and you won't have to worry about those things. Toddlers can ask visitors for food! They can be such a big help!

Smefanye 15th Nov 2023 11:30 PM

"Excuse me?! No no no, we do not NURTURE children in this family!"

The game bugged me for letting Medea Beaker's social get too low- usually I make my Sims be attentive parents, but the Beakers are... the Beakers, so such neglect is simply par for the course.

"I get it, you're stinky and lonely, now sit still so I can FIX THAT!"

I tried to have Loki bathe his daughter, but the action kept dropping out of the queue so she could keep bitching about it... Ugh.

"Now huggle until social services gets off my back."

Got the same message for Andromeda- I had her wake up her brother so they could interact to get her social up.

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