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Justpetro 16th Sep 2016 4:27 PM

Oh, true - the slob will still be a bit filthy, but will at least be able to clean when you tell them to (even if they do that "What,me???? You want me to do it???"-thing). I have some very lazy soldiers. They clean - they don't have a choice

My selfsim will be playful, I think. Have not tried playing with the fridge door yet myself though - think I am off going to do an experiment

yavannatw 17th Sep 2016 1:56 PM

One of the more common things I say:
"What the hell are you doing?!"

Dagwon 17th Sep 2016 9:48 PM

When my shy, pleasure sim kept doing the "who, me?" reluctant thing, at each action in her queue: Well, if you didn't want to spend all your time interacting with strange men, you shouldn't have rolled "50 first dates" as your ltw! (I'm so going to hell...)

BoilingOil 17th Sep 2016 10:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
When my shy, pleasure sim kept doing the "who, me?" reluctant thing, at each action in her queue: Well, if you didn't want to spend all your time interacting with strange men, you shouldn't have rolled "50 first dates" as your ltw! (I'm so going to hell...)

No, you're not. I'm like that too. If they hate doing the stuff they roll wants or LTWs for, that's their own fault. Not yours, nor mine. They should not roll those wants.

Bulbizarre 17th Sep 2016 10:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
When my shy, pleasure sim kept doing the "who, me?" reluctant thing, at each action in her queue: Well, if you didn't want to spend all your time interacting with strange men, you shouldn't have rolled "50 first dates" as your ltw! (I'm so going to hell...)

Maybe she'd prefer to interact with strange women?

Dagwon 17th Sep 2016 11:14 PM

I agree, BoilingOil, it's rapidly becoming one of my biggest (sims') pet peeves. "YOU wanted to do this, don't get all huffy when I tell you to do it!" lol

Hmm, that's a good point (I'mma call you Bulby. Can I call you Bulby?). ACR rolled her as straight, though.

Bulbizarre 17th Sep 2016 11:28 PM

Huh. I kinda wish that a Sims' sexual orientation could gradually change. Like if a straight woman went and romanced several woman, it'd slowly shift over from straight to bi.

I also wish that there was a way to make a sim asexual other than opening SimPE and dragging both attraction bars down.

Peni Griffin 17th Sep 2016 11:46 PM

That's vanilla code, ihate!

Every time a sim performs or receives a romantic interaction, attraction shifts one degree toward the gender of the sim interacted with, and away from the other. The sweet spot of bisexuality, where the sim gets bolts with both available genders, is fairly narrow and impossible to maintain without dividing attentions between male and female, but there is at least one hack for this, a gender-preference affecting Kite, which can increase or decrease attraction toward either or both genders without opening SimPE. Available right here:

It's old but it works.

joandsarah77 18th Sep 2016 12:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
I also wish that there was a way to make a sim asexual other than opening SimPE and dragging both attraction bars down.

You can:

Didn't notice Peni had already linked to it!

wickedjr89 18th Sep 2016 1:05 AM

"I don't wanna see your fake tears" (While I was playing LFT's Fraternity Jessie Pilferson of the Sorority came over and attempted to goose Matthew Hart, Sarah Love's boyfriend! Sarah, also being in the sorority, upon hearing that is angry, so I had them get into a fight. Sarah even beat Jessie, and Jessie cried. I feel no pity for her, she knew he was with her best friend!...I needed some drama in my game, now I have it.

"Of course you're getting pizza, she just got pizza! See she hasn't even put it down on the counter yet!"

"No! I wanna see if I can make you see the social bunny!" which i've never seen actually or at least not without cheating. She wanted to slap Sarah...
So DJ left and now Sarah and Jessie are enemies and poor Monica is stuck in the middle.

Bulbizarre 18th Sep 2016 3:46 AM

Grabbed the mod. Should come in handy. Thanks!

"Better grab a book." - me, while waiting for the game to load

You can get a surprising amount of reading done if you pick up a book whenever you have to wait for a computer process to finish.

BoilingOil 18th Sep 2016 10:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Huh. I kinda wish that a Sims' sexual orientation could gradually change. Like if a straight woman went and romanced several woman, it'd slowly shift over from straight to bi.

I also wish that there was a way to make a sim asexual other than opening SimPE and dragging both attraction bars down.

But it does, if you use ACR. It's a long, slow, tedious process, but they *can* change their preference.

And changing a sim's preference manually is easy enough with the ACR controller. Not in great detail, but you can at least decide whether a sim is straight, bisexual or gay, or even reset them to "no preference".

But I see that another mod is already suggested. That kite actually allows for a much more detailed editing of the preferences.

Annaminna 18th Sep 2016 10:34 AM

Simblender also has ability to set gender preference to bi, straight or none.
And my romance sim changed from bi to straight after marriage without any mod. I just noticed that he doesn't have attractions for guys anymore.

mirjampenning 18th Sep 2016 2:03 PM

G-Damnit, Mateo Lebacs, you only have 618 simoleans! How am I supposed to move you into a lot now? (The smallest lot costs 900, lol)

BoilingOil 18th Sep 2016 3:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mirjampenning
G-Damnit, Mateo Lebacs, you only have 618 simoleans! How am I supposed to move you into a lot now? (The smallest lot costs 900, lol)

Get Inge's Mortgage shrubs from Simlogical. There's a $100 and a $1000 version in the package. Place some of these shrubs on a lot to lower its sale price.

The drawback is, that the sim must then pay a daily interest of 6% over the total 'loaned' amount. But he can pay off each individual shrub, once he's earned enough cash.

(Selling/deleting each shrub costs your sim the value of that shrub, which is then subtracted from his household funds.)

mirjampenning 18th Sep 2016 8:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Get Inge's Mortgage shrubs from Simlogical. There's a $100 and a $1000 version in the package. Place some of these shrubs on a lot to lower its sale price.

The drawback is, that the sim must then pay a daily interest of 6% over the total 'loaned' amount. But he can pay off each individual shrub, once he's earned enough cash.

(Selling/deleting each shrub costs your sim the value of that shrub, which is then subtracted from his household funds.)

Aw, thanks, BoilingOil. I can definitely use this at some point.
For Mateo, I went into Simpe before you posted and found where I could change the amount of money he had.

RoxEllen1965 18th Sep 2016 9:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Grabbed the mod. Should come in handy. Thanks!

I do not recommend Lizzlove's gender kite. It was never updated for Freetime (I think that's what was causing my problem). The autonomous "view" and "view many" will allow the sims to click the gender kite themselves and reset their gender preference to 0. I used to have this kite on several community lots in my game (I was using it to set gender prefs on townies before I discovered the Blender) and after installing FT I was suddenly getting lots of dialog boxes to the effect that some sim or other had just reset their gender preference to 0. I suppose the kite would be okay if you use it and then delete it, but since TwoJeffs' Sim Blender has the same options to set gender preference on it (under "traits" - works for either individuals or the whole 'hood), why bother with the gender kite?

If you use Pescado's romancemod (which freezes gender preferences among other things), I recommend using the SimBlender to set your hood gender prefs, otherwise all your townies and NPCs will be stuck with a gender pref of 0. You can set the desired percentage of gay/straight/bi and then determine which sims to apply it to (only sims with no pref/whole hood/only townies and NPCs). Or you can tweak the gender preference of any individual sim on the lot. The Sim Manipulator will adjust individual gender preferences too, but doesn't give quite the level of control that the Blender has.

Bulbizarre 18th Sep 2016 10:05 PM

It lets you set both gender preferences to negative, which twojeff's mods doesn't. I'll keep it in mind though and put it away after I'm done with it.

wickedjr89 18th Sep 2016 11:50 PM

"How much pizza do you need?!" I say this a lot playing Greek Houses
"That's a shower, that's what that is" I added a shower to the downstairs bathroom and he did the "what's this?" thing

StrangeTownChick 18th Sep 2016 11:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mirjampenning
G-Damnit, Mateo Lebacs, you only have 618 simoleans! How am I supposed to move you into a lot now? (The smallest lot costs 900, lol)

1x1 lots pay you to move in to them. I've always found that amusing.

RoxEllen1965 18th Sep 2016 11:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
It lets you set both gender preferences to negative, which twojeff's mods doesn't.

I'd forgotten about that. I can think of a couple of sims in my game who that feature would be handy for.

"Please move your mouth when you talk, Sherman. You look weird that way." (His face isn't stuck. Apparently Sherman Boggle's odd face shape restricts some of his expressions and mouth movements.)

TheDraizeTrain 19th Sep 2016 1:00 AM

Admittedly, I am rather vulgar..."Be nice to your grandpa, b!tch". "I swear to god I'll kill you if you don't go to work". It's funnier in real life, I swear! :P

TheDraizeTrain 19th Sep 2016 1:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wickedjr89
"How much pizza do you need?!" I say this a lot playing Greek Houses
"That's a shower, that's what that is" I added a shower to the downstairs bathroom and he did the "what's this?" thing

I got a mod to stop the constant "what's this?" reaction. I almost forgot that was a thing!

dietcoke 19th Sep 2016 1:42 AM

Why would you start cooking AS your carpool arrives!?!?!?!

k6ka 19th Sep 2016 2:04 AM

*to two kids jumping up and down on their parents' bed* Y'know mom and dad conceived you in that, right?

Dagwon 20th Sep 2016 4:02 AM

"Now... WHERE am I gonna put the crib?" - me, very frequently, with lots of different families... because I love to have more kids than there's room for/the parents can afford/multiple multiples and then some more kids. (Related: "10 kids? You want just ten kids?")

BoilingOil 20th Sep 2016 5:10 AM

"Don't sputter back at me! I'm only telling you to do what your want panel says."

"And how on earth will you make friends if you don't make conversation first? Tell a joke, you stupid!"

"Isn't that just so you? A piano, no less! And what money were you going to spend on that?"

"A butler? And what must *he* do? Sit on the trash can, keep the lid down? You have 10 points in Neat, *and* in cleaning. Put those to good use!"

"Darren, you stupid f*ck! 7 points of cooking and you still burn mac and cheese? You don't think I'm going to make Cassie or Dirk eat that, do you? No, mister, each and every helping of that has your name written all over it!"

And then during the first 8 meals after:
"You can gag all you want, Darren. You burnt it, you eat it!"

"Darren, you stupid f*ck! 8 points of cooking, and you still burn spaghetti? You *know* who's gonna eat that, don't you?"

Much later:
"Darren, with 10 points of cooking, can I trust you *NOT* to burn a Chef Salad?"

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2016 5:23 AM

You can burn Chef Salads?

This is why I have a mod that reduces burning chances at higher cooking levels.

BoilingOil 20th Sep 2016 5:26 AM

No, you can't burn Chef Salads. I'm just being sarcastic towards Darren there.
And I know that there are mods to prevent or lower the change of burnt food. But I don't want any of that. Sims need to deal with adversity in my game

stitching 20th Sep 2016 8:06 AM

"Gallagher, you have a want to earn a silver sales badge so stop giving your customers noogies." I had no autonomous noogies in at one point, but I took it out as I wanted teens to occasionally give undirected noogies - Gallagher just takes it to extremes in my game. I think I'm going to put the mod back in.

"Chimes?! Who is woohooing and how did any of you get that high of a relationship already??" Said at my military barracks lot a day after I'd moved in 9 unrelated sims, each created separately in CAS. I'd raised the relationship requirements in ACR and set unmarried TFB to false, but I guess the high chemistry, spring, and risky woohoo all played a role. I was also surprised that neither of the sims involved had a romance aspiration as either a primary or secondary.

kamoodle5 20th Sep 2016 10:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
You can burn Chef Salads?

This is why I have a mod that reduces burning chances at higher cooking levels.

Homer Simpson once had a bowl of cereal burst into flames. It just...happened.

Charity 20th Sep 2016 4:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kamoodle5
Homer Simpson once had a bowl of cereal burst into flames. It just...happened.

wickedjr89 20th Sep 2016 7:59 PM

"It isn't *that* funny!" the way Sims laugh at jokes lol
"Of course you're on the bubble blower again...I think you might have a problem"
"Why are you obsessed with the exercise bike?"
"You have a grill? I've only been playing you for 3 Uni years and I just now noticed this?" The fraternity at LFT, I noticed it when the fridge said "grill" as an option...which i'm sure I should've seen a million times by now

BoilingOil 20th Sep 2016 8:43 PM

"Make up your mind, b!tch. You have 6 kids, and you want 10. But you're afraid of having a baby?"

"Yesterday, you requested a job. You sure you want to quit it now? I'm not getting you another one, you know?"

"Don't you shrug at me! That's *your* kid needing a diaper change, not mine!"

kamoodle5 20th Sep 2016 10:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
"Yesterday, you requested a job. You sure you want to quit it now? I'm not getting you another one, you know?"

When I was getting my feet wet with Sims 2 again last year, one of my Sims rolled a want to quit his job even though he was at his topmost promotion. I decided to save first to witness that outcome, and oddly enough, he wanted the same job again. I was like...

I don't ever fulfill that need if my Sims have a great job I like. It's less painful to achieve 500 points doing something else, like buying a ceiling fan or a green energy source.

AliaD85 20th Sep 2016 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kamoodle5
When I was getting my feet wet with Sims 2 again last year, one of my Sims rolled a want to quit his job even though he was at his topmost promotion. I decided to save first to witness that outcome, and oddly enough, he wanted the same job again. I was like...

I don't ever fulfill that need if my Sims have a great job I like. It's less painful to achieve 500 points doing something else, like buying a ceiling fan or a green energy source.

Maybe he just wanted the same job for a different company. lol

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2016 11:17 PM

"AIIIIYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" - me, when my mom walked in the room just as the woohoo cutscene popped up

BoilingOil 20th Sep 2016 11:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kamoodle5
I don't ever fulfill that need if my Sims have a great job I like. It's less painful to achieve 500 points doing something else, like buying a ceiling fan or a green energy source.

Yeah, Sims are completely nuts when it comes to that.

When possible, sims in my game get to work in a career they rolled a want for. Or even better, in the career their LTW is about. Except for townies who marry into one of my households: they get to keep the career they already had.
The only circumstance under which any sim can change careers, is when they've reached the top in their current one. No exceptions.
But if they want to QUIT, I'll allow them to quit immediately. But that has it's repercussion: there's going to be a note in their bio, saying they can't ever have another job. If they need money, they'll have to find another source of income.

ieta_cassiopeia 21st Sep 2016 12:45 AM

I'm not quite that tough on my Sims, but those who quit a job in their career can never return to it. Even if it was their lifetime want.

One of my Sims did burn water once (they set off a sprinker and then started a fire - the tiles with water were not immune to fire)

Devon Aster 21st Sep 2016 4:33 AM

From just idle observation*, the Quit Job thing seems to come up either because the sim is a Pleasure sim, or because they've had some success selling books/paintings. When I finally got around to playing my new uberhood, I aged down the Goodies. After getting them a proper education, I set Herbert on track to become a Mad Scientist and Faith to be a Criminal Mastermind. After three successful novels, however, Faith kept rolling a want to quit her job. So, I let her. She never did write another book, but I'd say she didn't seem unhappy with her decision. She never rolled a want to get back into the Criminal track or to get another job until their youngest son hit his teens. When she decided it was time to go back to work, she rolled a want for Oceanography instead. In her case, I interpreted it as her having a buried dark desire that she actively chose to take a moral stand against, preferring to first dedicate herself as a wife and mother, then later dedicating herself to a more constructive and productive career.

*I admit, this could be a case of 'confirmation bias', where I'm forgetting other cases where it happened and only remembering the ones that seem to fit my observation.

kamoodle5 21st Sep 2016 4:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ieta_cassiopeia
One of my Sims did burn water once (they set off a sprinker and then started a fire - the tiles with water were not immune to fire)

Maybe there wasn't water in those sprinklers. Maybe it was something just as clear and more flammable like kerosene.

Peni Griffin 21st Sep 2016 5:06 AM

If you look in the PIctures thread under "4 pics, 1 story" you will find an account of the time the Ottomas twins got born while a lightning fire was burning out of control in the front yard. Lightning struck a saguaro and then the rain stopped. Peter was frantically putting it out, but the rain puddles caught fire and it spread.

My sims roll wants to quit their jobs when they get a taste of making money freelancing or when they've just had a major job setback. I think making them quit and never letting them work again is a bit harsh - who doesn't want to quit the daily grind once in awhile? The job's there to support your life, not the other way around.

alljoj 21st Sep 2016 5:44 AM

"This is why I hate zombies. Quadington was a mistake."


BoilingOil 21st Sep 2016 12:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Devon Aster
From just idle observation*, the Quit Job thing seems to come up either because the sim is a Pleasure sim, or because they've had some success selling books/paintings.

I think you might be largely right, here.

I would like to include that upwards passing the 50k household funds mark, or having earned 100k, may have something to do with it as well, though. They realize that they've become rich, and if they continue to do what they are doing, they should not get into trouble. I can not be entirely certain, but sometimes it looks like that to me.

BoilingOil 21st Sep 2016 12:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
If you use Pescado's romancemod (which freezes gender preferences among other things)

I've been using romancemod for years, now. But I've *never* seen it do anything of the kind. Isn't it possible that some other mod is responsible for that?

Duvelina 21st Sep 2016 1:03 PM

'You are soooo pretty. Stand still and let me take a 1000 screenshots of you.'

Bulbizarre 21st Sep 2016 1:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Duvelina
'You are soooo pretty. Stand still and let me take a 1000 screenshots of you.'

And then you zoom in just a tiny bit too much and get a nice view of the inside of their head.

BoilingOil 21st Sep 2016 1:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I think making them quit and never letting them work again is a bit harsh - who doesn't want to quit the daily grind once in awhile? The job's there to support your life, not the other way around.

Hmm, I don't *make* them quit... They *want* to quit. If they only want out temporarily, they can have a vacation! I do *that* for them too. :D
And there are plenty other ways to make money, so they need not starve or anything

Duvelina 21st Sep 2016 1:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
And then you zoom in just a tiny bit too much and get a nice view of the inside of their head.

I got a nice teeth shot of Lucy Burb when I was trying to capture her toddler learning to walk. Terrifying.

Essa 21st Sep 2016 5:20 PM

"No I don't feel like letting 31 townies aging to elder".
I think something went wrong with the clothing tool as Sophia and his brother Seth turned into elder once they were back from Sophia's restaurant. I had to quit the game.

alljoj 22nd Sep 2016 4:25 AM

"Heather, you useless lesbian."

"That's fucking gay."

"I'm such a weeb. I just put Vocaloid music into my sims 2 radio station. GOMENESAI, MY COLLEGE STUDENTS."

Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2016 4:16 AM

"Stop rolling wants to kiss your ex-wife! You wanted to go on a date with the maid!"

alljoj 23rd Sep 2016 4:17 AM

Uhhh... Daniel Pleasant?

Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2016 4:20 AM


I managed to get the want to roll away, and now he rolled a simultaneous want and fear to get married to the maid.

kamoodle5 23rd Sep 2016 4:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister

I managed to get the want to roll away, and now he rolled a simultaneous want and fear to get married to the maid.

Sounds like a pleasant and not-so pleasant trip down the road for him. The crazy things Sims roll a want and a fear for.

Bulbizarre 24th Sep 2016 3:29 AM

"No. You are NOT falling in love with Nina. All I have to do is get Rodney's Death Creator."

wickedjr89 24th Sep 2016 3:42 AM

"Do you guys wanna do anything besides woohoo?!" ACR...I swear

Edit: Also "Stop whining about your slightly low aspirations!" "I'm aware ok!"

Peni Griffin 24th Sep 2016 4:32 AM

"Beaumont, why are you such an ass? Angel, what is the matter with you?"

Angel Hart keeps dropping by the Monty twins' campus residence to play their violin. The trouble is, Beaumont has gotten engaged to someone else, and slaps her because he's angry at her for also dating Ash Greenman. She never retaliates, just cries. At a recent toga party, she caught him with his fiancee and I thought she was finally done but she comes by to to slap him and then play the violin.

Beaumont wanted to make best friends with her again, but all he would do was slap, poke, and shove her. So I had Benedicta take her on an outing, from which she went home when she was struck by lightning in a hot tub. Benedicta'd barely been home an hour, though, when here she came back again, to play the fiddle until it attracted Beaumont, and then slap him. But then she put up with poking, shoving, and slapping until it was painful to watch. Finally she attacked him - and lost - but she still wouldn't go! Benedicta, who had slept through all this, finally had to get up and tell her good-bye.

I'm worried about her.

wickedjr89 24th Sep 2016 9:13 PM

"That's horribly tacky....*stares at it for a few seconds* I love it!" (wallpaper)
"Much light, very awesome" (somehow the meme got into my brain)
"A front door, that would help"
"It's my house, I can do what I want!" in regards to my wall paper choices
"Is that supposed to be ugly?....Oh..I guess so"
"Why are you so expensive? You're so pretty"

Devon Aster 24th Sep 2016 11:53 PM

"Chloe... Chloe, what are you doing?" *quickly checks that she's set to Not Allowed on Unmarried Try for Baby and she is* "How?? Why?!?" *thinks about it* "....oooooh. Well, congrats Caride, you just got another woman pregnant on purpose."

Considering three out of the four Singles household women are currently among his lovers, this bodes ill.

wickedjr89 27th Sep 2016 4:39 AM

"This is a thing of beauty"
"I am totally addicted to CC now"
"This much beauty should be illegal"
"It's soo clean"
"They now love fall and winter" (I used fall and winter inspired wallpaper)
"Holy mother of yes"
"Finally, a white toilet"
"I have rugs, I should use them"
"Why are curtains so expensive?"
All this was said while building Stella Terrano's home

alljoj 27th Sep 2016 4:41 AM

"Don, I hope you die."


"Leave the cinnamon roll alone."

wickedjr89 2nd Oct 2016 7:09 PM

"You burnt it you eat it!"
"You clogged it you unclog it!"
"I'm taking the espresso machine away too!" (They are overly obsessed with the exercise bike and espresso) "Why don't you sleep instead?!"
"you broke it you fix it!"
maybe i'm too harsh on my Sims lol

Charity 3rd Oct 2016 4:18 AM

I can't stand the gagging when they eat burnt food. I just make them chuck it away and do it again.

Bulbizarre 3rd Oct 2016 9:50 AM

"I HATE ROOFS" - me, after struggling to get the roof of the SSU admissions office to look right. I eventually said screw it and hit auto-roof. Also, is it roofs or rooves? Both of them look wrong...

Charity 3rd Oct 2016 10:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
"I HATE ROOFS" - me, after struggling to get the roof of the SSU admissions office to look right. I eventually said screw it and hit auto-roof. Also, is it roofs or rooves? Both of them look wrong...

Search Results
Rooves as a plural for roof is dated, but not incorrect. The Oxford English Dictionary lists “rooves” as an alternate to roofs, one of several outdated spellings used in the UK, and in New England as late as the 19th century.Feb 18, 2011

Justpetro 3rd Oct 2016 11:23 AM

I Hate Roofs Too!

Devon Aster 3rd Oct 2016 10:13 PM

"Who the **** designed the layout of the Viejo house? Oh my god." *cue 10 or 15 minutes of me shuffling things around and getting rid of the object staircase because no*
"Betty, Catherine, you two are lusty old ladies aren't you?"
"No, Catherine, you may not try to get Gabe O'Mackey into your bed. I don't care if you double-bolt him, I spent too much effort getting him, Patricia Wan, and Jules on good footing. Here! Have Ethan Barrett, instead!"
"Sorry, Betty, but Cleo has already won Leod McGreggor's heart."
"Betty, you saucy old goose, I know you want to marry a rich sim but I don't think seducing Cornwall Capp is going to get you what you want."
"Cornwall, you naughty dog. I guess those twins back home are a little much to handle, eh? Especially since Kent, who was the one bringing in most of the money and doing the cooking, decided to take Bianca Monty's invitation to join her and her new husband Clyde Roseland in the main 'hood. Guess you should have thought of that before continuing to torment him."
"Andrew, do not get into bed with Betty! Betty, don't cuddle up to him! I friendzoned you three for a reason! Eugh..."

Duvelina 4th Oct 2016 12:03 PM

'This whole house is going on birth control. Right now.'
'Can I play a household without children? Please? Nope, rotation won't allow it.'
'Can you stop romancing each other? You move to the other side of the house, otherwise you'll starve.'
'I built you a sports ground and you're all being lazy. USE IT.'

alljoj 4th Oct 2016 1:40 PM

"Don can you go away and stop trying to woohoo with Cocoa?? I haven't lowered her Risky chance yet!"

"No, seriously, stop trying the hanky panky for five seconds so I can make Cocoa say goodbye!"



I was laughing so hard but also so disappointing in my pixels.

Kligma 5th Oct 2016 4:39 PM

"Keep the vampire busy, keep her busy... WHERE'S CRUMPLEBOTTOM?!" I had forgotten to re-download creaturefix so when a vampire and Crumplebottom showed up at the same nightclub, I got a little worried and tried to keep them apart.

"What the--" Crown and her best friend Roland fell in love. She's gay. He's gay and married. All she did was throw a piece of grilled cheese on him.

alljoj 5th Oct 2016 11:14 PM

"Let the carnage begin." I installed a multi-PT mod and a females can get pregnant from alien abduction mod. I then let my female sim loose.
"...??? 12 dollars left?" That's because the big telescope is really expensive.

Devon Aster 6th Oct 2016 6:55 AM

"I see you, Betty. Don't think I don't. You called Leod twice. The one time I'll let you off, because that was the first night outing call. But the other time? Uh uh. Especially since after he declined your invitation, due to have Cleo over, you decided that a late evening visit was in order. When he greeted you, you first tried to monopolize him, and then tried to distract Cleo by pulling her into fishing with you. At least you had the good grace to back off after that night and didn't cause any trouble at the wedding later."

"Pfffffft haahaha, holy crap, Anya (aka Kaylynn), really!? You walked in on Don and Nina woohooing on the couch. You stood there behind the couch and watched TV as it happened! They've been flirting and kissing around you since then, for a couple of hours. Only now, when they dance kiss, you suddenly decide this is a problem and go to slap Don?? What did you think was going on all this time??"

SIMposiast 6th Oct 2016 7:30 AM

"Get OFF the dollhouse already! I queued you a toilet and a bath for a reason! The schoolbus will be here in 40 minutes!"

Why is the dollhouse so damn sticky that a user-directed command won't get a toddler or kid off it? Free-will commands usually yield to user-directed ones; why does this one have to be different? *

* This comment ought to have gone in the Pet Peeves thread but whatevs.

Charity 6th Oct 2016 1:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SIMposiast
"Get OFF the dollhouse already! I queued you a toilet and a bath for a reason! The schoolbus will be here in 40 minutes!"

Why is the dollhouse so damn sticky that a user-directed command won't get a toddler or kid off it? Free-will commands usually yield to user-directed ones; why does this one have to be different? *

* This comment ought to have gone in the Pet Peeves thread but whatevs.

I guess you've never said 'just 5 more minutes ... I have time'. XD

You have to kick them off it.

Devon Aster 6th Oct 2016 10:15 PM

"Really?!" I legit said this out loud I had left the Caliente household running while I mosied off to put something away in the kitchen. Came back to find Mortimer (whom Dina had Booty Called, woohooed, and then left in Nina's company while she went to work) and Nina doing the do on the couch. I couldn't have been gone two minutes! I had left them eating gelatin at table! Good lord, Nina. First Daniel and now him? And Mortimer, I know I didn't follow through on the Dina asking you to get married scenario, but that's because I had planned on bringing 'round a resurrected Bella*. You're not making it easy to get you two back together.

*Resurrected Bella courtesy of Tarlia

Annaminna 7th Oct 2016 6:18 AM

"Get out of bed, it's not yours!"

Bulbizarre 7th Oct 2016 2:52 PM

"This was not a good idea." - me, after attempting to create a Pikachu in Create-a-Pet.

alljoj 7th Oct 2016 3:48 PM

"Wait, will Don be his uncle or his dad if I go through with this?"

My game is so screwed up.

kamoodle5 7th Oct 2016 9:13 PM

"You grab her butt and then decide to leave?"
"I dunno why you're getting flustered over the social bunny on TV."
"The doctor's in the house, apparently, wooing over Mary as usual."
"Would you stop changing the channel? Your buddies are trying to watch the game."
"You're not gonna pay me?"

BTW, that last quote came from when Andrea was freestyling for tips and Frank didn't bother to give her a tip but rather enjoyed the freestyle. So, no, it wasn't anything darker than that.

mirjampenning 8th Oct 2016 1:16 PM

Trying for baby? No, no, no, I just gave you a baby! You're supposed to save for starting your camping business! And besides, you're now ignoring the screaming filthy baby in the crib to have a second one? For what purpose, to ignore that one too? Well, suit yourself then and try to raise two babies in that crampy trailer. Good luck with that!

Ness09 8th Oct 2016 2:03 PM

"You're supposed to be the towns hot single girls and look at you... You dress like a granny and your sisters looks like an ugly stripper."
"Damn girl you are pale."
"Now I know why you were wearing sunglasses. I'd try to hide those ugly eyes as well."
"You're face is ugly, let's see if we can find hair that hides most of it."
"Wow you are actually pretty. One out of how many sims I made over today?"
"You have a weird mouth, but otherwise you're hot now."

I think I've gotten too used to play my own sims, so the premades just have weird faces imo.

ourladyplumbob 8th Oct 2016 7:28 PM

"Oh God you're going to pee on the baby, aren't you?"

RoxEllen1965 8th Oct 2016 8:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ness09
"You're supposed to be the towns hot single girls and look at you... You dress like a granny and your sisters looks like an ugly stripper."

Does this refer to the Caliente sisters?

AliaD85 8th Oct 2016 9:53 PM

*tilts head to one side* *squints* *leans away from computer* *tilts head again*
Sister walks in: "Uh. What are you doing? Is that a bus?"

(Trying to build a converted bus as a tiny home)

kamoodle5 9th Oct 2016 12:55 AM

"Ha! Not only did she attack you but she also kicked your ass, big time."
"Oh, God, that girl is relentless. S**t!"
"Come on! I don't want to get involved!"
"God damn it, Frank..."
"Even your butt wasn't spared during the make out, Andrea. He must really like it a lot."

Sigh, all I can think of now is the innuendo popping in my mind lately. You think it's tragic?

eduseo 9th Oct 2016 2:43 AM

"At least interact with your newborn BEFORE you try to make her a sibling and if I hear a chime, you're both dead to me. DEAD. *Chime* Well look at that. You're dead to me."
"Noah, Elonso, if I see another try for baby, so help me- GODDAMMIT ACR."
"Dear Lord, my population does not need this much increase ACR. Calm yourself."
"Okay, this round we will not have any child making activities. I'm tired of babies. *Rolls random occurrence simulator to start round.* A shotgun wedding?! ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?!"
"Well, there's the shotgun part taken care of. Thanks ACR. It's not even been five minutes into the round yet."
"...Why do I have you installed again?"
"NONONONO. NOT AN ABDUCTION. STOP THIS. Oh... it's just Keith. No baby. Thank God." (Keith's a teenager, btw.)

ACR has made me an insane person.

alljoj 9th Oct 2016 3:04 AM

"A WEREWOLF? I wanted her pregnant, not a werewolf! Reroll!"
"Lilith, don't get mad. You rejected him 5 minutes ago."
"Vampirism and athleticism? Dirk is neither of those things. REROLL!"
"Am I biased? Nah."
"Oh, dear god."
"...Did I just hear the baby chime?"

Jessica_Twee 9th Oct 2016 7:27 AM

"Oh shit... I JUST DELETED THE NANNY! Wait- both of the parents are at work! DONT TAKE MY BABY BOY, NO!!"
it was a very intense moment, luckily. The dad got home just in time, thank god! :P

joandsarah77 9th Oct 2016 8:23 AM

Use a mod and don't sweat it.

Ness09 9th Oct 2016 4:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Does this refer to the Caliente sisters?

No, I was making over the Belladonna Cove residents. That was about the Cordial sisters

alljoj 12th Oct 2016 4:51 PM

"This game is so friggin irrational!"
My brother: "The game is 10 years old."
"The object I'm trying to place is from 2008!"
My brother: "That's still 8 years old. Don't play such an outdated game."
"Do you want to fucking fight?"

mirjampenning 12th Oct 2016 7:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by eduseo
"Noah, Elonso, if I see another try for baby, so help me- GODDAMMIT ACR."

I felt the same way about Flanna and Mateo.
Not long after the first try for baby (see earlier post) they repeated it. Of course they did.
'Haha, I clicked it away. You're not getting a third baby!'
They had casual woohoo instead...
'Please, no chimes, no chimes'
'That freaky risky pregnancy! Of all the times to finally kick in! Where were you when I wanted them to have a kid that way the 8 times before, huh?
Okay, that's it, you're taking the morning after pill!'

ourladyplumbob 12th Oct 2016 8:42 PM

'I should not have named these twins Noe and Teo. I'm so sorry, Toe.'

Devon Aster 12th Oct 2016 9:41 PM

Unfortunately, with ACR the only ways I know of to 100% prevent TFB are to put the sims on Birth Control, set them to Cannot Get Pregnant, or deny them Unmarried TFB if they're not married. If you don't, they will Try For Baby as long as their Ideal Family Size and the set penalties allow for it. The penalties don't really stop them from initiating a TFB, but it can shave down the risks they'll actually get pregnant when they try. I actually went into the mod itself and altered the penalties, so that there are heavier ones for babies and children, and lesser ones for teens+.

Edit: Oops, I knew I had forgotten something! There is a way to prevent autonomous TFB outright. Click on the Adjuster, go to Hood-wide Settings and select Global Switches, you can turn autonomous TFB off.

Bulbizarre 13th Oct 2016 5:58 AM

"I did not need to see Denise Jacquet in a bathing suit."

alljoj 13th Oct 2016 2:02 PM

"Tom... I thought you didn't like me. Don't fucking noogie my love interest."
"Kars, why are you so disgusted?"
*laughing* "Oh my god... that's priceless."
"A stranger is interacting with your cats more than you have. How do you feel?"
"Days like these I wish you could get sim cats declawed."
"I have a pen. I have an apple! I ha- YOUR SCRATCHING POST IS RIGHT THERE."

kamoodle5 13th Oct 2016 9:00 PM

"Wait, why are you apologizing to your girlfriend? She doesn't hate you..."
"And now you're apologizing to somebody who cheated on you. Seriously, they should be the one saying sorry."
"Maybe it was over the slapping."
"This A.I. is so backwards."
"God damn it, Frank! x2"
"Okay, fine, it's payback time."

The first few sayings was related to the unexpected sexing n' cheating going on and people getting pissed off. For some reason, some of these Sims wanted to apologize even though they got cheated. The last two was about Frank goosing me twice in a row, so the payback was goosing him afterward (and then William cuz I can.)

Devon Aster 14th Oct 2016 12:52 AM

"Oh, uh... Ooops. Sorry, Luis." Said as I cringed after Luis Aspir's wish to resurrect his dead wife resulted in her coming back as a zombie. Of course, being a Knowledge sim, he wasn't bothered at all! In fact, he decided he wanted to be one himself! Unfortunately, Noriko wasn't at all pleased. Fortunately, I'm a cheaty cuss and have Cyjon's New Genie Wishes mod and she was unable to wish to un-zombify herself.

BlueAlien 14th Oct 2016 1:19 AM

"That is NOT intersecting another object! Explain to me, in words of one syllable or fewer, exactly how that is intersecting another object. You can't, can you, because it isn't!" And this is with Moveobjects Off!

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