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Geah 9th Jan 2012 12:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
What frustrates me so much is that we're not teenagers, we're adults. Maybe I'm foolish for expecting better, but I don't understand why people insist on jeopardizing their standing at a prestigious university like ours by drinking all the time. We're all adults here-- can't we act like it? It's not so much the drinking and partying that bothers me as it is the judgment passed on those of us who don't drink and party to excess. I like a cocktail in a safe environment and I like a good party, but university parties are awful. Just because I'm not a wild substance abuser doesn't mean that I'm a stick in the mud who doesn't know how to have a good time.

You're certainly not foolish for expecting better, any sensible person thinks the same as we do. At the end of the day though we can only worry about ourselves, make sure we stick to making the smart decisions and wait for them to finally realise that they're actually the sticks in the mud for being stupid.

You'll be the one with the better grades, able to remember your entire university experience, and remembered later in life for the right reasons. Don't stress over it too much.

lethifold 9th Jan 2012 12:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Geah
You're certainly not foolish for expecting better, any sensible person thinks the same as we do. At the end of the day though we can only worry about ourselves, make sure we stick to making the smart decisions and wait for them to finally realise that they're actually the sticks in the mud for being stupid.

You'll be the one with the better grades, able to remember your entire university experience, and remembered later in life for the right reasons. Don't stress over it too much.

I'm sorry, I pride myself on being quite a sensible person, but I've been known to go out and party quite wildly, yet I still come back to school, get incredibly high grades, get my writing published in literary journals, etc. I'm not a stick in the mud because I like to party, partying certainly does not make me stupid, and my grades aren't altered by my weekend activities. If anything, my experiences when drinking at parties have made me a better writer, because I've seen more sides to life, and that certainly doesn't make me stupid, either.

This just seemed a bit judgmental, and I just wanted to defend myself and others like me.

Geah 9th Jan 2012 2:10 AM

What Rabid and I are saying is the people who do nothing but party excessively and then have the gall to judge those of us who prefer not to do such things are the stupid ones.. I don't have anything against partying - it's the idiots who thinks that it's the only way to have fun and get themselves absolutely trashed every weekend on alcohol and illegal drugs with no idea what they've done the night before that bothers me, but if they wanna do that to themselves, go right ahead, I'll watch from the sidelines and see just how much damage they cause to themselves in the future.

cupcake12winx 9th Jan 2012 6:43 AM

WHY are my neighbors, who are 10 feet away, choosing to hammer themselves silly at TEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT?!

Dreamydre 9th Jan 2012 7:22 PM

I agree with all three of you (Rabid, Geah and Lethifold) and can definitely relate to Lethifold. I love to party but that's just my part of my personality, however I definitely could not go out and party all the time. Some students party all week and avoid studying all together.Obviously the failure/dropout rate for them are really high. Very few people can party all the time and still pull A's on their finals. But even if that were the case, as a college student and even in general, you have to have a balance.

As for my vent, Friday I felt incredibly dizzy, I was sweating profusely, and had this very warm fuzzy sensation in the back of my head. I was walking to my next class and had to sit against a wall because I was stumbling and felt as if I were about to pass out. My friend actually drove me home and I went to sleep and didn't wake up until around midnight. I think my blood pressure might have dropped although I'm not sure why. I woke up this morning still feeling dizzy and even a little nauseous, I'm heading to the ER after this next class.

Myskilla 9th Jan 2012 11:08 PM

Apparently because I'm pale I'm "sick." One of the non-Irish guys from my class has gotten into calling me "sick girl" because of my pale skin.

Well I'm sorry for living in a country that hardly gets any sun, not using a sunbed and not using fake tan.

What's so damn wrong with being comfortable and happy to have pale skin?

lethifold 9th Jan 2012 11:45 PM

I feel so awfully sick. It feels as though I'm swallowing a cheese grater.

cupcake12winx 10th Jan 2012 4:04 AM

I wanted to buy a Japanese version of Fairy Tail volume 30... but the shipping from the Japanese Amazon is almost $40. The book is $5. That's not fair.

DigitalSympathies 10th Jan 2012 10:03 AM

Page 69! Sorry. Just had to share.

I've come to the realisation that I absolutely, without question, hate everybody I know. I have a lot of rage - everyone without a doubt is only in it for themselves, and those who say they aren't bitch and complain about it which makes them into even GREATER assholes. Honestly if I had a penny for every single time I was fucked over, I'd be a millionaire. Everyone passes judgement on everybody else without even KNOWING it half the damn time and if you have an opinion, it's always WRONG or MISGUIDED. I plan on getting the fuck OUT OF THIS COUNTRY when I'm 18 and moving somewhere like . . . oh, I don't know . . . THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST IN FUCKING CHINA.

TL;DR: Society can fuck itself.

Rawra 10th Jan 2012 10:17 AM

I'm sorry I don't like Lil Wayne and I listen to Queen and Guns 'n' Roses instead, dear friends. My bad. Yes, yes, I know, I don't know what real music is. You're right. Now go fuck yourselves. Thank you very, very much!

Myskilla 11th Jan 2012 6:42 PM

I acted like such a dorky idiot for most of the day today. Dorky because I was happy and an idiot because well... I just felt like an idiot because of some things I couldn't remember.

And I have math homework I need to do tonight. Bleah. I freakin' haaate math.

minus. 11th Jan 2012 7:31 PM

Can't concentrate.

jailomoon 11th Jan 2012 7:47 PM

Can't get off MTS - have four kids....I may just be the oldest person here (33?) Got to get back to my responsibilities.

Phoeberg 11th Jan 2012 10:18 PM

Why can't people get the hint?! I thought my 'I'm not interested and am seriously contemplating joining a convent shortly' vibes were pretty obvious, but it seems they aren't as strong as I was hoping.

The Raven 11th Jan 2012 11:21 PM

Just because my vagina isn't a revolving door doesn't mean I'm a stuck up prude. Shut the fuck up.

Myskilla 12th Jan 2012 3:53 PM

I felt like I was being talked about... I did not like that at all. It made me feel extremely self conscious and annoyed. Then when I asked what it was about my friend didn't hear me properly, so I thought maybe I should just let it go, then I get called the B word for trying to let it go? So nice...

PharaohHound 12th Jan 2012 4:49 PM

So much STRESS.

Rawra 12th Jan 2012 5:42 PM

It's exactly 15 years today since my father side grandfather passed away. I never really felt anything about him, since I didn't know him too good (we lived far away from him, and I was only 4 when he died), but I kinda regret not getting to know him. From what I heard, he seemed like a really nice guy. Oh, well.

cupcake12winx 12th Jan 2012 7:17 PM

We have no milk.

Dreamydre 12th Jan 2012 8:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HannahTheSimmingFool
Just because my vagina isn't a revolving door doesn't mean I'm a stuck up prude. Shut the fuck up.

Girl I agree and you gotta add some extra attitude to that. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN."

x-tashi-x 13th Jan 2012 5:41 AM

Making big decisions about my education and future this year .
I go to a private school which i absolutley hate, and I always find myself in trouble or not going, because I generally hate being there. I KNOW I'd do better education-wise at a school i do enjoy, because then I'd actually go, and concentrate and not be pulled out of class for behaviour issues or suspended. As it is I failed nearly every single subject last year, meaning i failed that year altogether. I have hopes of becoming a psychologist or welfare worker and to do those I need to go to higher education after high school, and I really can't see that being an option if I continue where I'm at, but at the same time I can't just up & leave and go to any school because I want to be at one I enjoy and get educated at...


Phoeberg 13th Jan 2012 3:39 PM

I am so sick of hearing the term 'nimby' at the moment. It doesn't matter how legitimate your arguments are, people seem to think that all they have to do is reply with "Nimby!" and that automatically rules all of your points void. While it's true that I don't want it in my back yard, I also don't want it in anybody else's backyard. Yes, obviously I especially don't want it in my backyard, but that doesn't mean that my arguments aren't worth listening to. 'Nimby' isn't some kind of super trump card in a debate! And it's such a derogatory term that once it's been used everybody else then decides they don't need to listen either because obviously you're only making your points for purely selfish reasons because you're a posh, selfish idiot.

Myskilla 13th Jan 2012 4:13 PM

Something I was dreading has happened. Great. Bleah.

cupcake12winx 13th Jan 2012 7:12 PM

What a great way to start the morning.


minus. 13th Jan 2012 8:08 PM

I'm aching all over from the double PE class I had this morning.

Rawra 13th Jan 2012 11:27 PM

I can't sleep, ugh! And I am tired, as fuck, but I can't fall asleep. It's so annoying!

Geah 14th Jan 2012 12:40 AM

Cramps can go die in a fire. That is all.

Edit: I've changed my mind. Cramps can be hung, drawn and quartered... Owwwwwwww why do you have to annoy me for 8 hours and counting..?!?

The Raven 14th Jan 2012 5:47 AM

Of course the day I get a 3 day weekend is the day I start feeling like shit. DAMMIT!!

Myskilla 14th Jan 2012 8:32 PM

Starting to doubt myself and beginning to question a lot of things. I thought this would be easier.

DigitalSympathies 14th Jan 2012 11:30 PM

Okay, so my options were keep the virus and play TS2, or have no TS2 and have no virus.

I kept TS2, fuck that noise.

The Raven 15th Jan 2012 3:53 AM

Okay, so my sister's boyfriend was insulting my best friend that I've been Skyping with & playing a game with for 4 hours. Really? My best friend, asshole? What the fuck did he do to you, you douche bag? He really needs to be wiped off the face of the goddamn Earth. He's a douche bag and a half!

DigitalSympathies 15th Jan 2012 10:05 AM

That one turning point in your life where you decide to throw it all away for the one you love, and regret it immediately. I wasn't ready for this. Any of this.

Phoeberg 15th Jan 2012 11:24 PM

I feel so nervous about having to see him tomorrow, which is completely stupid because we see each other all the time and it's always fine, only now things feel different. I hate awkward situations.

The Raven 16th Jan 2012 4:57 AM

Health essay on teenage pregnancy. Joyus.

minus. 16th Jan 2012 11:50 AM

One more year until Sherlock season 3. I hate getting emotionally invested in TV shows, but this one is so well-written and beautiful, ugh.

cupcake12winx 16th Jan 2012 10:25 PM

It's just makeup. It's not real. It's just makeup.




Hamtaro 17th Jan 2012 6:13 AM

My 'friends' forgot it was my birthday last week, yay.

Nixxy245 17th Jan 2012 12:50 PM

I don't care how sunny it is, I'm still turning into a block of ice when I step outside of the house. It's FREAKING COLD.

lethifold 17th Jan 2012 2:12 PM

I'm so damn self conscious and have massive body image problems. My friends asked me to go swimming tomorrow and I've refused because I hate how I look in swimmers and I abhor what my face looks like without makeup on. It's such a pain in the ass and I wish I didn't have such awful confidence issues.

Myskilla 17th Jan 2012 4:22 PM

Today was rubbish. I hated almost everything about it.

thedivineone 17th Jan 2012 4:44 PM

How am I supposed to study for Physics, English and Algebra all in 3 days? I can't split my time and study each daily because that confuses the heck out of me.

Oh and dad? Please stop buying chocolates, I just gained two kilograms and I ain't happy. -_-*

Kirie12 17th Jan 2012 7:26 PM

Hi, I'm new here and I'm sorry that my first post is in this thread (and not in the introduction section). I'm really stressed out, because I have to make a presentation this friday and I have to write an exam next tuesday. And to make everything worse, there will be 4 exams in two (following) weeks next month. In addition, I feel bad because of these annoying dates I'm not able to spend as much time with my daughter as I wish (though I'm happy that she loves her grandparents who take care of her in the meantime). Why, oh you stupid professors, has everything to be done in the end of each semester?

The Raven 18th Jan 2012 12:39 AM

My mom is in the hospital. They suspect she might have diverticulitis. Everyone's been trying to tell me that she'll be alright, but... she's my mommy and I don't like seeing her in so much pain. I'm just nervous as hell right now.

nunnababie 18th Jan 2012 4:11 AM

been on the computer all day and I can't seem to get off (my eyes are so tired) curse you internet!!!

PharaohHound 18th Jan 2012 1:50 PM

I dislike Tuesday night for one reason. My FB newsfeed fills up with five pages of useless, fangirly screaming about Glee. One friend of mine posted 12 times about it in a few hours.

Enough Glee spam, take it to a forum. Not everybody likes the show.

Myskilla 18th Jan 2012 5:51 PM

Well that really hurt even though I pretended it didn't. I wonder though, did I bring it upon myself because I was being nice to someone else? I honestly hope it was, because the other thoughts that are going on in my head are really getting me down.

cupcake12winx 19th Jan 2012 12:15 AM

I don't want to do my math

Geah 19th Jan 2012 4:48 AM

Had just over $200 stolen and my credit card used to do it, so I've had to cancel my card and track where the money was spent and request a refund immediately. Grrrr

Nixxy245 19th Jan 2012 3:57 PM

Bodyshop is playing with my nerves for 2 days now. >.<

Myskilla 19th Jan 2012 5:18 PM

So, I was with four of my male friends today and this random guy came up to one of my friend's, I had never met him before, he shook the hands of the guys he didn't know and then when it came to me he said "sorry, I don't shake hands with women" I don't know whether it's wrong or not of me to find that incredibly rude despite the fact it was for religious reasons.

minus. 19th Jan 2012 9:29 PM

It's cold and I'm lonely and I wish he would call like he did yesterday.

Rabid 20th Jan 2012 1:12 AM

A guy in my writing class told me that I'm too pretty to be as smart as I am. I get that it was a compliment, but what a horrible thing to say. So pretty girls can't be smart? Ugh, men.

cupcake12winx 20th Jan 2012 6:31 AM

Of course, right when Megaupload (and therefore Megavideo) goes bye-bye, I get an incredible urge to re-watch a Fairy Tail story arc.


Phoeberg 20th Jan 2012 4:39 PM

Why do I have to make everything in my life so complicated? It's like I subconsciously orchestrate everything in my life so that it couldn't be any more awkward or difficult.

Ugh, and I just got a text from my friend telling me that people saw me and my friend "flirting" last night (even though I really don't think we were seeing as I just end up laughing when I try to flirt anyway) and they were all talking about it and asking her what was going on, so I guess that will be around the entire class by Monday lunchtime. It's nobody else's business but ours. I really don't want everybody else watching us to see what's going to happen (or not happen). Clearly I should have spent the whole evening ignoring him instead.

cupcake12winx 20th Jan 2012 11:01 PM

No motivation to do homework. And I can't do this book summary thing because I don't remember any of the books I read well enough and now I'm getting all freaked out and somebody please help me and gah.

kustirider2 20th Jan 2012 11:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Of course, right when Megaupload (and therefore Megavideo) goes bye-bye, I get an incredible urge to re-watch a Fairy Tail story arc.


Try Videoweed. I watch all of my House on there .

Pretty sure people are working on getting Megaupload back though. Thank god.

cupcake12winx 21st Jan 2012 4:51 AM

^ I would, except the person who makes the subs doesn't put their videos on there. I don't trust any other sub group.

Oh, they are? That's good news.

Also, 'nother vent.

I have at least 15 different productive time-passers that I can think of off the top of my head. Surely more. And how often do I do any of them? Barely ever. I sit here and listen to music and complain about being bored instead. How do I stop myself from wasting time? I vow from here on to do something productive when I get bored.

Well, I vow to try, anyways. <_>

Geah 21st Jan 2012 8:27 AM

I sold a shirt of mine on Trademe (NZ equivalent of Ebay) for a whopping total of $5 today. The auction itself didn't generate any bids but I put a price offer to the 'watchers' and it was accepted by one chick. I get an e-mail from her a couple of hours after this asking if she can pay on Friday. It's $5? If you can't afford that right now why the hell are you on a damn auction site???? Don't waste my time!

Beccapixie10 21st Jan 2012 11:10 AM

I made a huge mistake a couple of days ago in saying yes to that girl that posted below me when she asked me out for the second time.
The world doesn't work like that, there's no way she wasn't bullshitting when she convinced me she actually had feelings for me. She just wanted to use me again because she constantly needs to be dating someone to fill her shallow, narrow-minded world. And as soon as she wrongs them (me) a month later, somehow it will be their (my) fault.
No, it's not my fault. You're the one who needs to get her act together.
And don't 'hughug' me when you don't mean anything.

(Look, ma! I can time travel with this magic thing called the edit button!)

nunnababie 22nd Jan 2012 1:38 AM

I have a headache that wont go away but I still can't get off the computer!!!!

PharaohHound 22nd Jan 2012 3:22 AM

I have to help out tomorrow with a photoshoot, but I reeeeaaaally don't want to. I want to stay in bed and have the world leave me alone.

Gah, community theatre is eating my life.

EmmaBananana 22nd Jan 2012 5:29 AM

I'm sick and tired of helping people, but never being appreciated in return. Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one with a heart.

cupcake12winx 22nd Jan 2012 6:24 AM

Sometimes I feel like a real bitch on the inside.

That's all.

Myskilla 22nd Jan 2012 10:43 AM

Sore/dry throat, go away!

Phoeberg 22nd Jan 2012 11:37 AM

I am so sick of people behaving like I don't have any feelings. I hate feeling like I've been used.

Nixxy245 22nd Jan 2012 2:17 PM

I think I broke a sneezing record today.

Rawra 22nd Jan 2012 9:59 PM

I feel like I'm in love with someone, but I don't know who. It's such a strange feeling, and yet it's there. I think I'm just really lonely and confused right now.

lethifold 23rd Jan 2012 6:48 AM

Everything is so awful right now. I just want to sleep for a very long time.

cupcake12winx 23rd Jan 2012 7:07 AM

My mental issues are steadily growing worse again, despite the increase in medicine dose.

Please, god, if you're up there, don't make me go through that shit again. It's been a wonderful six months.

DigitalSympathies 23rd Jan 2012 9:28 AM

Everything is going fine, except for the fact that I'm lonelier than ever. I just sit near windows and stare out at the streets for hours on end, even down in my shop through the pavement-level windows. I just feel like there is nobody to talk to in my real life that actually gives a damn enough to help change things.

Myskilla 23rd Jan 2012 9:44 AM

Today doesn't feel like Monday, it feels different. I'm a little scared about what today may have in store for me. I hope it'll be a case of "everything went better than expected."

Nixxy245 23rd Jan 2012 12:00 PM

Great, I'm lying in bed with fever. Every move is pain and even opening my eyes hurts like hell. Once again, GREAT.

Phoeberg 23rd Jan 2012 10:34 PM

Today was god-awful. I really thought I might cry this afternoon at one point. I didn't have time for lunch so ended up having a cup of coffee on the go and some mints, which meant that by mid-afternoon I'd had about five cups of the stuff and nothing to eat, so I was feeling pretty sick and edgy as it was, then in the space of five minutes three different people commented on how terrible/upset/awful I looked and it was so close to being the final straw.

Why does it feel like nothing ever goes right? I know I'm only feeling like this because the past few days have been crap, but all the little things are really getting to me at the moment and I just can't help it. All I want is for this one thing to go right and I'm pretty sure it's not going right at all, so instead I have to sit back and watch other people who have completely screwed me over getting what I want and pretend I'm not angry and bitter about it. I swear to god this is the last time ever I'm going to be this naive and trusting. I am done.

I really hope everybody involved has the good sense to stay away from me because it's quite clear they haven't given me a second thought and I am done being polite and considerate.

I know none of this makes any sense, but I feel marginally better telling someone this.

Nixxy245 24th Jan 2012 10:41 AM

My stomach hates me.

minus. 24th Jan 2012 11:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lethifold
Everything is so awful right now. I just want to sleep for a very long time.

This, except I'm not sure sleeping would do me any good.

Phoeberg 24th Jan 2012 9:15 PM

I just tried to lighten the mood of everything by joking with my old roommate that my life has turned into a really bad episode of One Tree Hill, then told her the whole sorry story of the past few weeks of my life. Her response: "OH GOD YOU WEREN'T KIDDING. One Tree Hill is really your life's template."

Myskilla 24th Jan 2012 11:03 PM

Slightly TMI, but you know what sucks? When you desperately need to fart but you're in the company of people. My tummy felt like it was dying inside.

I wish I was a burper, at least I could burp and say "excuse me" ...but with a fart? No amount of apologizing can allow you to get away with your dignity intact.

x-tashi-x 25th Jan 2012 8:03 AM

Doing something incredibly dumb, with incredibly dumb people, and being ditched to try and find a way to a safe place when I couldn't even remember where I was and I could barely even walk.

lethifold 25th Jan 2012 12:27 PM

I'm going to a friend's pool tomorrow for Australia Day celebrations and I'm really not happy with how I look in a swimsuit, so I think I'll just sit by the water instead. Of course, this means I'm going to be subjected to the usual questions about why I'm not swimming, why I'm not in a bikini, how I'm so antisocial because I don't want to hop in the water, etc. I'm sorry for not being confident enough to swan about in a bikini with my tits hanging out like every other girl I know, and I'm tired of people saying, "Oh, you're fine, you look good, etc." because I don't feel good and that's more important to me than what other people think.

Rawra 25th Jan 2012 10:09 PM

I feel butterflies in my stomach, like something really big is going to happen, but I don't know what. GOD, I hate this confusing feelings I am having lately! There's absolutely no reason for them. Am I some kind of a robot which broke, or what?

The Raven 26th Jan 2012 2:59 AM

My body has been unusually nice to me. No heavy period this time around. It's TOO nice. I'm getting paranoid about this!

cupcake12winx 26th Jan 2012 6:03 AM

How the hell does reading render one so physically exhausted?

Myskilla 26th Jan 2012 7:59 AM

I feel like I'm gradually becoming sick. I have this need to sneeze a lot of the time and I hate it.

I woke up with a funky husky voice, I sound sexy but I don't wanna get sick!

minus. 26th Jan 2012 12:28 PM

I've got Bruce Springsteen's "The River" stuck in my head. It's a lovely song but so sad, and I just want to be in a good mood today.

Dreamydre 26th Jan 2012 7:17 PM

Ever since I stopped treatment, it seems like every other day I'm sick. I got my Flu shot the other day, so I'm guessing that's why I feel under the weather today. Monday morning, I was brushing my teeth and my gums were bleeding and a little inflamed, they've been doing that this entire week now. My hematologist said that without treatment or surgery, my largest issue right now is dental bone loss, meaning my teeth are going to fall out. Of course I can get Porcelain veneers, but as I'm going through these things, I'm definitely reconsidering getting this surgery. I'm thinking of changing my mind at my next appointment this weekend, it's a big hesitation though.

lethifold 27th Jan 2012 8:29 AM

I have nothing to wear tonight and I look awful in everything.

thedivineone 27th Jan 2012 9:30 AM

Ok, I am stuck. The boy I talked about the other day, remember him? Well, I don't know if he likes me or not and I can't find out because a) I usually don't talk to boys, b) I turn red whenever I am near him and c) I am scared that my reputation in school will be ruined, because most girls who befriend boys and become, you know, a couple are looked down upon like their doing something wrong, so I am torn between 'fessing up to him or at least hinting to him that I love him. But either way I think he knows because on our first geography test, he was sitting on my right and he kept cheating from me and I let him, which I NEVER do, and I kept giggling like an idiot whenever he said anything and there was a day that I had to go to a contest for an English dialog, We basically didn't stop talking the whole way there and back. And when he came to school early in the morning he used to smile and wink at me, then when the exams were announced to be three weeks earlier, we stopped talking. So I don't know...I even considered asking one of my friends who knows him to ask him if he likes me.
(I know there may be grammar and sentence massacring but I am too stressed to care).


Rawra 27th Jan 2012 4:45 PM

After I came back from college, I found no snack to eat. I had to eat a sandwich instead. It made me mad. I'm weird. -.-

nunnababie 27th Jan 2012 5:22 PM

I don't feel like doing's FRIDAY!!!!

minus. 27th Jan 2012 6:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
After I came back from college, I found no snack to eat. I had to eat a sandwich instead. It made me mad. I'm weird. -.-

That's me every day.

Nixxy245 27th Jan 2012 9:04 PM

Dear french judges,

I know we totally owned you in handball few days ago, and I also know that now you're trying to get it back to us by bad judging decisions which are good for Serbian team, but please, pretty, pretty, the prettiest please of all, NOT TODAY!


cupcake12winx 27th Jan 2012 10:41 PM

I don't think it's fair that the independent high school (AKA my school) gets the normal high school's old textbooks. I just want to read a textbook with 9/11 in it, damn it!

...That sounds weird. But seriously, I just want books that were written in this decade. Or at least after 2000.

Nabila_Ici 27th Jan 2012 10:55 PM

Several things some friends of mine have said have upset me way more than they should. I need tougher skin, eugh.

thedivineone 28th Jan 2012 5:58 AM

I need brain bleach, so many things I want to forget.

Phoeberg 28th Jan 2012 11:24 AM

I have so much work to do today, mostly on the areas I find most confusing, and I really want to get most of it done this weekend as I have plans next Saturday. Why did I go to law school, why couldn't I have wanted to be a window cleaner instead? That always looked like fun.

Nabila_Ici 28th Jan 2012 8:07 PM

You can't be with her because of reasons. /badlogic

minus. 28th Jan 2012 9:25 PM

Stress stress stress.

el_flel 28th Jan 2012 11:52 PM

I'm a member on another forum where, I swear to god, people go looking for offence. There are a few threads there recently which got locked because people somehow saw insults that don't exist and even when it was pointed out that no offence was meant they still keep harping on about how it could have been implied. What the hell happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt? It's like some of the members there just want to read everything everyone else says and interpret it in the absolute worst possible way. It's so infuriating and is the biggest reason why I don't post there any more.

lethifold 29th Jan 2012 3:16 PM

"Bitch Tits" is not a charming term of endearment, and addressing me by such a name will guarantee you will not get a response.

Phoeberg 29th Jan 2012 10:55 PM

Where did the weekend go? I am not ready for another week.

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