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Liza 4th Mar 2019 10:53 PM

Object Renders, The Sims 2: Apartment Life and The Sims 2: Freetime

omglo 5th Mar 2019 10:02 PM

From here at MTS, Honeywell's light imposter window lights.

FranH 5th Mar 2019 10:38 PM

Off the subject at hand, but still sorta related: an article in the LA Times about how Sim City (the greatgrandpa of Sims 1) led people who played it to become actual city planners:
From video game to day job: How ‘SimCity’ inspired a generation of city planners

Who says games are useless?

smorbie1 5th Mar 2019 11:10 PM

Oh, Midgethetree - we LOVE you.

The death by childbirth is something my handmaid hood really needs! And the confess cheating mod.....SQUEE!

Also the fairy mods, I can't tell you how excited I am. I've pretended fairies for a long time. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

**has quick, nonlethal heart attack, but jumps right back up to playing the game**

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 1:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
From here at MTS, Honeywell's light imposter window lights.


joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 1:58 AM

@Honeywell I tried them on one house but they are not showing up.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 2:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@Honeywell I tried them on one house but they are not showing up.

Try them in two houses - preferably an unoccupied lot and see how you make out.

P.S. If you don't want the unoccupied house lit up you can add them to a solid wall and you won't see them. If you have 20ish minutes the how to video might help.

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 2:33 AM

I did watch your video the day I downloaded them. Thank you for that. Now I don't know if this is connected but it is a shrunk lot (and yes occupied), but the front and back where I placed the film isn't shrunk. I can't place them on the side where there is only 1 tile of room, they need the grid to place. Just thought I would mention that. I will try on an unshrunk unoccupied lot.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 2:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I did watch your video the day I downloaded them. Thank you for that. Now I don't know if this is connected but it is a shrunk lot (and yes occupied), but the front and back where I placed the film isn't shrunk. I can't place them on the side where there is only 1 tile of room, they need the grid to place. Just thought I would mention that. I will try on an unshrunk unoccupied lot.

Jo, I'm positive it doesn't matter if the lots are shrunk or not as to whether they'll light up or not. Well, it obviously matters for placing them -- you do need 2 tiles around the lot edge to place them on the grid. It's not random the way the game generates the lot imposter textures - I can reproduce which lots light and don't light every single time - but how is a mystery to me. The only thing I didn't mention in my video was that which walls you have the lights on in a lot might matter as well. For example, with the tower if I put them on all 4 walls they don't light (without that second unoccupied lot being lit like I show) but if I only put lights on two sides of the tower (the front and the back) they will light.

It's a matter of trial and error, I'm afraid.

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 4:07 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I can kind of see it flickering at the front windows, but only just barely. I am going in to try the unoccupied lot next door.

Nope, just a flickering hint. I might go watch the video again to check that I am placing them correctly.
Moving around makes the first house show up a little more.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 5:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I can kind of see it flickering at the front windows, but only just barely. I am going in to try the unoccupied lot next door.

Nope, just a flickering hint. I might go watch the video again to check that I am placing them correctly.
Moving around makes the first house show up a little more.

That flickering looks like overlapping textures but w/ the lot imposter textures that shouldn't be a thing - you can't really place these "wrong" so to speak. Do you have any LOD mods in or anything like that could be changing it? This is how the double hung maxis window renders in my game from neighborhood view:

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 5:41 AM

LOD? Is that lighting? Because yes I use a lighting mod, Spookymuffins with tweaks by Dicreasy.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 5:55 AM

LOD stands for level of detail. The lot imposter windows are flat (see my pic) but your windows are not - they have a 3d model (that looks really good!). That has to be modded in some way (maybe Lee's improved windows? I never looked at them but if you have those they could be the reason). Try placing these with snapobjectstogrid off and pulling them away from the window so the window overlay isn't touching your windows at all and see if the glow shows up without the flickering. But they may not be compatible with your mod.

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 6:09 AM

Oh I wonder if that's the new lot imposter window mod? It says it's by Klaarti and Leefish.
Okay, I'll try that, thanks.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 6:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Oh I wonder if that's the new lot imposter window mod? I downloaded something recently to improve windows. I didn't think it was by Lee though, I thought HL. I could be wrong though. Okay, I'll try that, thanks.

Jo, I'm always the last to know anything. There very well could be a mod by Lunie too -- I just know Lee did something cool with the windows years ago and recently shared it. And by recent I think I mean months ago.

ETA: I see your edit. If you let me know how you make out I'll update my post w/ the info. Not many have downloaded the lot imposter lights but I'd bet a lot of the same people who'd be interested in my mod would have Lee's & Klaarti's window mod too and would appreciate the info.

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 6:21 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I edited my post (You are super fast at that reply as I edited it before the site even caught up to my post. ) after finding it in my download folder. It was Lee and Klaari.

That is done 1/4 in front of the window. I will have to try with some CC windows or decide which mod I want more. Rats, I hate it when this happens. *wants all the mods all the time!*

I tried with your bespoke window and another CC window and still not showing properly. Now they are. I will test tomorrow in my testing folder with just your mod and the window imposter files to make sure it is that mod clashing.

Honeywell 6th Mar 2019 6:47 AM

lol Jo, I meant to try them on the inside of the house just pulled away from the window a bit! They probably won't work that way either but they might.

ETA: I'm not in Australia -- I need to get off here but I'll check this thread later or we can stop hijacking it and post on the upload thread. G'night.

joandsarah77 6th Mar 2019 6:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hsha Okay! I am going to post on your upload thread once I know something for sure. I added more to my post above.

Pictures show bespoke left, some old CC window right.

monijt1 7th Mar 2019 4:01 PM

I'm sure this has been mention before, but Nopke's No Hobby Stalkers, is a must.

smorbie1 7th Mar 2019 6:29 PM

I have that one. It's one of my how-did-I-ever-live-without-you mods.

Orphalesion 7th Mar 2019 7:47 PM

The anti-hobby stalkers and anti-"Humble" mods are pretty much required to keep the game playable.

Sunrader 7th Mar 2019 8:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orphalesion
The anti-hobby stalkers and anti-"Humble" mods are pretty much required to keep the game playable.

Noooo, I love Humble! I think I'm the only one, but I do. <3

Rosebine 7th Mar 2019 8:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
Noooo, I love Humble! I think I'm the only one, but I do. <3

Make it two, I like him also.

Sims2Christain 8th Mar 2019 3:34 AM

I don't mind the guy.
Certainty don't hate him, though I have the option to decline his gift.

joandsarah77 8th Mar 2019 4:21 AM

I didn't mind him until his arrival onto my lot borked a move into an apartment. After that I got rid of him.

Devon Aster 8th Mar 2019 5:17 PM

Mr. Humble does indeed occasionally jump the gun and tries to show up before sims have a chance to rent an apartment. I've had testing cheats enabled by default for so long that I'm not certain what the game tries to do with him when he throws the resulting error. For me, I have to hit delete or else it just keeps popping up. Fortunately, this doesn't seem to affect much, other than he might not show up again later to drop off his gift. Usually, immediately exiting and re-entering will allow him to trigger properly once my sim has rented a place.

RoxEllen1965 8th Mar 2019 9:41 PM

I use Pescado's mod that bans humble and makes his computer buyable from the catalog. If I actually want Mr. Humble in my game, I have an extracted copy of him in my Downloads folder so I can make him playable.

smorbie1 9th Mar 2019 12:46 AM

You doooooooo? Do you remember where you got it?

Rosebine 9th Mar 2019 12:51 AM

I also have him as a Sims2pack.

RoxEllen1965 9th Mar 2019 10:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
You doooooooo? Do you remember where you got it?

Aegagropilon extracted him. There's a link in this post. (It still works - I made sure. )

Sunrader 9th Mar 2019 3:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Aegagropilon extracted him. There's a link in this post. (It still works - I made sure. )

I cloned him in a test hood using and then rinsed him through BodyShop.

RoxEllen1965 10th Mar 2019 7:43 PM

I discovered that the version of Shaklin's vampire mod which was upgraded by Sims-influence and Midgethetree is the basic version which only affects vampires. Shaklin made another version of that mod which includes a vampire hunter's kit (stakes and holy water). Holy water cures the vampire and turns it human again. Staking the vampire kills it and turns it into a pile of ashes.

The "vampire hunter" version of the mod is old and was never updated to be compatible with creaturefixes. See my post for more details and a .rar file to download.

Midgethetree fixed it already!

FranH 11th Mar 2019 5:26 AM

Over at PBK, Mortia made a medieval DR for the bowling alley!

Right Up Your Alley: A Bowling Alley DR

Anhaeyn 11th Mar 2019 4:17 PM

It's not mod or cc, but its related to sims and I love it.
All sims (1-4) tv commercials
I lol'd at sims 1 ones

Rosebine 11th Mar 2019 6:16 PM

lol! I fell on that very video yesterday night...pretty funny indeed, but not much Sims 2 commercials.

emmyjulia 13th Mar 2019 9:38 PM

Sure you guys already seen it but my jaw did drop! I LOVE IT :lovestruc

Sunrader 14th Mar 2019 12:47 AM

I'd never seen this. So perfect for my Vadoma clan.

Scroll down to Reply #20

Phantomknight 14th Mar 2019 2:49 AM

Found a cool athletic set by WeBluePeace:

Honeywell 15th Mar 2019 12:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Darkest Dawn shared 2 amazing sets of walls on tumblr: Paints | Shiplap
Credits go to: Magnolia Home for the paint colors, Shastakiss for the crown molding, Holy Simoly for the baseboard.

Phantomknight 17th Mar 2019 3:50 AM

K, so today I loaded the game up to finally play after a long work week and of course after about 10 minutes in I minimized it to go look for some cc! (I wanted to know if anyone recolored the alley deco, and turns out, someone did: Maxis neighborhood decorative alleys on Criquette’s tiles by plumbbobtoggle.) I then spend the next, oh, eight hours downloading. And I just know I'm not going to use 80% of it. Anyone else download a ton of stuff to use for building & lot decorating, only to decide later to build with as little cc as possible? Just me, then? Ok. Anyway, here's some of what else I found:

Some beds, including a cool modern bunk bed, by beautifulnerdkitty
Retailsims Cardboard Cat Bed recolored in Simlish by moocha-muses
loads of laundry clutter by marioneves2
some clutter including an animated freezer bunny snow globe by limonaire

But I also learned two things from my downloading binge today! First, there's browser extensions to get around adfly and other sites that make you disable your adblocker. Who knew? I started using AdSkipper for chrome and it works like a charm against adfly! Which is great because I found, which had a lot of cool clothes I wanted to try (especially for guys), but it's adfly heavy. I'll have to see if it works for TSR, too.

And then I randomly came across a post from Honeywell, who said that, when in neighborhood decorations mode, you can delete a large bunch of deco simply by holding down the escape key while mousing over the area! Which I didn't know and it's totally useful for when you create a new hood and the game sticks a bunch a trees where you don't want. So thanks @Honeywell!

Finally, I may be dreaming, but I coulda sworn there was someone who was looking for a larger outings mod. But idk when I saw that ask; it may have been eons ago. In any case, turns out dreadpirate made one that increases the number of sims in an outing group from 8 to 20.

Now I'm finally done downloading for the day! Time to eat dinner and then maybe me and my 17.5 GB download folder will finally manage to build something today, lol.

Fyren5 17th Mar 2019 11:00 PM

Hope I'm allowed to share this!

MaksPlayground linked me this video on Instagram. I think it's awesome and I love it!

An Uberhood City!
Video and the lovely Simmer is in Polish, but you get the idea.
Read their description for more details and stuff.

Annorah 17th Mar 2019 11:08 PM

Logged in for the first time in months to catch up and play for a few hours. An hour and a half has gone by, and all I did was download more mods

I regret nothing.

lauratje86 18th Mar 2019 10:06 PM

I can't figure out how to link to the post as I'm on my mobile, but Limonaire over on Tumblr converted the Strangerville desert plants from TS4 to TS2. And they've just said that they're going to try to make 'hood deco versions as well! :-)

Phantomknight 19th Mar 2019 1:14 AM

I have that problem all the time! Here it is: I know can can always use more desert plants.

Sims2Christain 19th Mar 2019 5:39 AM

I was hunting for exotic specimens in a distant neighborhood from my own and found some delightfully alien flora from a place far away, probably not even emanating from SimEarth.

4t2 conversions by SimInsania. Get to work alien flora.
EDIT1: upon another exploration of the hood, I located a more direct route between the grove where I found the flora and my base camp. Route updated accordingly.

I do believe that these are possibly juvenile forms and that there might be larger adult forms somewhere further in the neighborhood.

There is a hood deco conversion of these plants but I was unable to relocate it on subsequent expeditions through the interweb.

Anhaeyn 19th Mar 2019 9:17 PM

I've found t1t2 conversion databse and I already spent like half an hour downloading all the stuff I liked :D

Sims2Christain 20th Mar 2019 8:47 AM


As suspected there are indeed larger forms of the alien plants I found, of notable characteristics are the increased size but the fact they are identical to their smaller counterparts. This makes some sense given the possible differences between SimEarth and the likely extraterrestrial home-world of these behemoths, perhaps they even originate from another dimension altogether. I will extract these also for conservation purposes. If only I could locate the Lunar Lake flora that I have so long searched in vain for. Perhaps on my next expedition to the outer reaches of SimEarth. I hope this research and specimens recovered delight at least one other individual.

Phantomknight 22nd Mar 2019 12:30 AM

DeeDee is celebrating the 5th anniversary of the blog and some how that means presents for us!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Segfred 22nd Mar 2019 11:08 PM

hexagonal-bipyramid made the traits system from TS3 work for TS2!! They're objects that are in sims' inventories! she's still in the process of making all the traits functionable (she's done 20 traits so far)

FranH 29th Mar 2019 8:07 AM

Speaking of traits, Meduza has made some traits and a mod to make pixels into fantasy style creatures:

Avatar Bending Mod

JDacapo 29th Mar 2019 7:36 PM Whole lotta neat plantsim mods - someone directed me to that tumblr in this post: and wow... this modder is TALENTED! I hope she uploads her mods here too! Now I can be more relaxed with my vampires and plantsims. I do love them both, but they were so limited in many ways. And being immortal can be kinda lonely when you outlive all your descendants.

RoxEllen1965 29th Mar 2019 8:24 PM

Midge has made a LOT of cool stuff (I love what she's done for zombies too). She hasn't uploaded any mods to MTS, but she does have an account here. Her MTS username is Radium if you need to contact her.

JDacapo 29th Mar 2019 9:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Midge has made a LOT of cool stuff (I love what she's done for zombies too). She hasn't uploaded any mods to MTS, but she does have an account here. Her MTS username is Radium if you need to contact her.

Well I hope @Radium uploads her awesome stuff here soon. It might become part of the essentials for simmers.

Sunrader 29th Mar 2019 9:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
Well I hope @Radium uploads her awesome stuff here soon. It might become part of the essentials for simmers.

I'm happy to go get it where ever she wants to upload it. I do consider a couple of hers essential already. Especially her fix for VC and the fixes she did that I requested, of course.

JDacapo 29th Mar 2019 9:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
I'm happy to go get it where ever she wants to upload it. I do consider a couple of hers essential already. Especially her fix for VC and the fixes she did that I requested, of course.

VC? Visitor Controller? What does the fix do? Does it take out all the extra crap that does stuff like make the Secret Society members not wear their cool uniforms outside the headquarters?

HugeLunatic 29th Mar 2019 9:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
Well I hope Radium uploads her awesome stuff here soon. It might become part of the essentials for simmers.

Because going to their tumblr and downloading is what? Hard? I will continue to support her, and everyone else, who chooses to upload where ever they are comfortable.

JDacapo 29th Mar 2019 10:00 PM

For awhile, Tumblr hadn't been very friendly with my CPU. It'd start running kind of hot when I got onto tumblr - especially when I tried making any blog entries there. It was kinda graphic intensive. I've also seen quite a few hard-to-navigate tumblr blogs.

Sunrader 30th Mar 2019 3:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
VC? Visitor Controller? What does the fix do? Does it take out all the extra crap that does stuff like make the Secret Society members not wear their cool uniforms outside the headquarters?

Yep. Fixes the toga party, the sims going off in the their work clothes and coming back in everyday, the ethnic slur, and forcing defaults that simmers might not want, while making it easy to customize.... fixed.

joandsarah77 30th Mar 2019 4:07 AM

Has Honeywell's money been posted? It's still in testing.

Charity 30th Mar 2019 9:16 AM

The main problem that I find with Tumblr based sim content is the lack of a search function. You can have to scroll back over pages and pages to find one download.

JDacapo 30th Mar 2019 9:21 AM

Interesting. Not much into political correctness these days but the name change isn't a big deal.

RoxEllen1965 30th Mar 2019 10:25 AM

I'm just glad that she fixed all the clothing stuff, especially for University. My toga party guests and Secret Society members will wear what they're supposed to! It's also nice to have sims with jobs come home from work in their career outfits again.

JDacapo 30th Mar 2019 10:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I'm just glad that she fixed all the clothing stuff, especially for University. My toga party guests and Secret Society members will wear what they're supposed to! It's also nice to have sims with jobs come home from work in their career outfits again.

Agreed. And in case anyone misunderstands my stance on political correctness... my gripe with it is just that political correctness is essentially being offended on behalf of someone else. Politeness is far better. If this change was done simply for politeness, then awesome. Just do it for the right reasons.

My only problems with the visitor controller are pretty much taken care of in this mod fix. I really hate it when mods hide certain other features and nobody finds out about them until later on. Kinda turned me off to a few mods from the likes of Pescado because I wanted certain features but didn't want others to be nuked or changed.

Another thing I lovelovelove about Midge - she found a way to make mods that disable certain wants! Now we don't have to manually go through all the messy wanttrees hacking and risk borking them. Will hafta put a link to the want disabler mods in my sig along with my rather kludgy fix (keeping it up for reference mostly). Been looking (and asking) for mods like that. Very impressive :D

Just gotta wonder... did Midge go through all those 'Hacks and CC you'd like to see' threads? If so, that's what I call dedication :D

Sunbee 4th Apr 2019 6:25 AM

Did y'all see what Rosebine made? No more robotic mad scientist hands! I have wanted this for years!

RoxEllen1965 4th Apr 2019 1:10 PM

If you prefer your mad scientists to have gloves, I've been using this one for awhile.

Or keep the Maxis outfit with the mechanical hand and get The Metal Hand of Doom so your sim's other outfits can match it!

RoxEllen1965 5th Apr 2019 11:10 PM

I've seen several posts by people having trouble clearing the NPC flags on NPCs that have been moved in and made playable - University cheerleaders and mascots who insist on wearing their old uniforms everywhere, etc. There are mods that try to fix this, but sometimes they work for some people and sometimes they don't. Midgethetree posted a way to deal with the problem by using SimPE to edit the former NPC's character file. Hopefully this will be a more effective solution for people who have this problem in their games.
Q: your work is amazing and i hope it is alright to ask if you know of something mod / trick / *anything* that would keep former cheerleaders from showing up in the llama mascot uniform when they spawn on lots?

A: Hi! That behavior is baked into the initialization function for cheerleaders, but if you open the character file* for a cheerleader you’ve made playable you might be able to find a private copy of the init function and make it skip over** the “npc - put npc outfit on me” line for that specific sim by Changing the true target of line 0x9 (expression (my attribute 0x002c := literal 0x0001)) to 0x7 (expression (my greet status := literal 0x0000)).

* You can open a character file by going to the neighborhood browser, opening the sim’s neighborhood, looking for the simdata for that sim, and clicking more > open character file in the plugin view window.

Keysmash 6th Apr 2019 10:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I've seen several posts by people having trouble clearing the NPC flags on NPCs that have been moved in and made playable - University cheerleaders and mascots who insist on wearing their old uniforms everywhere, etc. There are mods that try to fix this, but sometimes they work for some people and sometimes they don't. Midgethetree posted a way to deal with the problem by using SimPE to edit the former NPC's character file. Hopefully this will be a more effective solution for people who have this problem in their games.

Does anyone have pictures of exactly what you're supposed to edit? I'm not that great with simpe without picture tutorials, and I worry I'd mess something up.

Sunrader 6th Apr 2019 11:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Keysmash
Does anyone have pictures of exactly what you're supposed to edit? I'm not that great with simpe without picture tutorials, and I worry I'd mess something up.

This is not just a flag or a checkbox. She's talking about editing the BHAVs. It would be a bit tricky for a beginner. If you'd like to try something a bit easier first, I had excellent results with this and Christianlov's clothing rack.

Awesome thing:

This is kinda cool. I had never seen this before, but it's an excellent tutorial showing what actually happens with the 4GB patch. Most of us have already used a patch for that, but if you were wondering what it did to your file or are more of a DIY type, this is brilliant.

CaliBrat 7th Apr 2019 3:25 AM

I generally don't play with pregnant male sims I never cared to look for male maternity before. However, \I've been playin with Strangetown recently and of course we have the alien impreganation of some Curious boys :P

So I went lookin and found preg morphs added to all of the base game, Seasons, Free Time and K&B clothing for males.

lauratje86 7th Apr 2019 2:18 PM

Over at Blue Heaven Sims, Ocelotekatl has released a fabulous laboratory set as part of their Midnight project :-)

Keysmash 7th Apr 2019 6:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
This is not just a flag or a checkbox. She's talking about editing the BHAVs. It would be a bit tricky for a beginner. If you'd like to try something a bit easier first, I had excellent results with this and Christianlov's clothing rack.

I have edited BHAVs before - with picture guides. Something about just reading text is just incredibly confusing, I do better with a visual element.

RoxEllen1965 7th Apr 2019 9:02 PM

Screenshots are always helpful. As the saying goes: "A picture is worth a thousand words."

JDacapo 7th Apr 2019 10:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Over at Blue Heaven Sims, Ocelotekatl has released a fabulous laboratory set as part of their Midnight project :-)

Some of the Blue Heaven Sims items are a bit wonky. The wall radio sometimes makes sims freeze while dancing, and the bench doesn't even have thumbnails. Still, the Blue Heaven items do make for some great colony motifs.

LFact 7th Apr 2019 10:59 PM

Aysarth did it:

jasonduskey 8th Apr 2019 6:44 PM

Not quite on topic, but is there a reason why people are using this forum as a platform to report issues/ kvetch about my creations ( as opposed to, y'know, posting on the forum where the content is actually located, as a sane person would, so that the feedback can be addressed)?

simsample 8th Apr 2019 7:30 PM

They did? When?

jasonduskey 8th Apr 2019 7:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
They did? When?

See Post #1126 and Post #1674 specifically.

JDacapo 8th Apr 2019 8:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jasonduskey
See Post #1126 and Post #1674 specifically.

I see nothing in #1126 about your mods, but as for my post, sorry about the critique here. I just don't like having to register at another website. I might report the issue there if need be. As for complaining to a third party, people have done that about me. As if complaining to a third party would magically make me behave the way they wanted to lol.

grammapat 8th Apr 2019 8:15 PM

Behave?! I tend to think that when people do that they were reminded of a download but were too lazy to give feed back to the creator, or they just didn't know feedback was the proper thing to do.

JDacapo 8th Apr 2019 8:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Behave?! I tend to think that when people do that they were reminded of a download but were too lazy to give feed back to the creator, or they just didn't know feedback was the proper thing to do.

Sorry about being so tacky. I will remember next time to give the modder feedback on the proper site. But anyway I do like Blue Heaven's modded objects.

jasonduskey 8th Apr 2019 8:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
I see nothing in #1126 about your mods, but as for my post, sorry about the critique here. I just don't like having to register at another website. I might report the issue there if need be. As for complaining to a third party, people have done that about me. As if complaining to a third party would magically make me behave the way they wanted to lol.

You're talking about a wall radio that's causing you a specific issue. And my blog doesn' t require any kind of registration; you can leave comments anonymously. I'm not trying to be an a-hole; I' m genuinely concerned if there's an issue with the object. It could be an issue with the object itself or a conflict with something else you have installed, and chances are that if it's affecting you it could affect other Simmers.

JDacapo 8th Apr 2019 8:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jasonduskey
You're talking about a wall radio that's causing you a specific issue. And my blog doesn' t require any kind of registration; you can leave comments anonymously. I'm not trying to be an a-hole; I' m genuinely concerned if there's an issue with the object. It could be an issue with the object itself or a conflict with something else you have installed, and chances are that if it's affecting you it could affect other Simmers.

Thank you. I have been running the Hack Conflict Detection Utility to see what was wrong and to see if I can use certain other mods, so I'll check that out.

suzymarie64 10th Apr 2019 5:23 PM

Hack to prevent curtains from darkening when lowered
I just downloaded and have not tried them yet. So hope it works.

Edit: It works, even on custom curtains. I've been wishing for this hack for a long time.

Edit again: The creator only made this possible on the most popular custom curtains. Some it won't work for.

Anhaeyn 11th Apr 2019 2:40 PM

Lowedeus converted 19 lit-up nhood deco skyscrapers from “cities in motion” and “cities: skyline” here.

This is amazing! <3

Nottakenaway 11th Apr 2019 6:01 PM

I'm not sure how many simmers already found out this news. I found out a few months ago myself...

That lovely simmer managed to make custom pet eyes.
And custom pet furs, and custom pet patterns.
And kittens and puppies with their proper coat pattern, and even with their proper fur accessory.
And custom fur accessories, and custom regular accessories, and collars for pups n kits.

So spread the news, if it hadn't already, because the impossible is actually possible.

terula8 11th Apr 2019 7:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nottakenaway
I'm not sure how many simmers already found out this news. I found out a few months ago myself...

That lovely simmer managed to make custom pet eyes.
And custom pet furs, and custom pet patterns.
And kittens and puppies with their proper coat pattern, and even with their proper fur accessory.
And custom fur accessories, and custom regular accessories, and collars for pups n kits.

So spread the news, if it hadn't already, because the impossible is actually possible.

Someone has posted this in this thread at least once a month since it first appeared on KittenInTheWindow's blog.

Primavera 11th Apr 2019 7:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
Lowedeus converted 19 lit-up nhood deco skyscrapers from “cities in motion” and “cities: skyline” here.

This is amazing! <3

Yay! I always wanted more skyscrapers in my game, makes my more busier neighborhoods look more lively

Phantomknight 14th Apr 2019 4:50 AM

Listen to Story by omglo/Early Pleasantview
"Adds a “Listen to Story” pie menu option on on books that are currently being read to children/toddlers. Have a Sim read to one child/toddler. After the story starts, select another child/toddler and click on the book. Choose the “Listen to Story” option."

smorbie1 14th Apr 2019 2:34 PM

So many things still being discovered. They all just make my game even more perfect.

After all these years of daily (if I can help it) gameplay, I still get excited when my game opens up.

Sunrader 14th Apr 2019 5:46 PM

I didn't find it. I made it. But if you keep records of your sims and spend a lot of time making notes or spreadsheets, you might want to check it out. I show how to do it in SimPE with a few clicks and I use a pretty fun example of what you can do with it - let's just say, the Ottomai will be surprised.
How to Get All Your Hood Info without Typing

joandsarah77 15th Apr 2019 1:10 AM

very cool Sunrader!

Phantomknight 15th Apr 2019 2:05 PM

Really cool tip @Sunrader, but I'm having problems importing because of commas in sims' descriptions. No matter what I do, excel seems to want to break up that column. But still, leagues faster than typing everything out by hand. I didn't look through everything yet, but it looks like 90-95% of what I would record gets imported automatically. So thanks!

Sunrader 15th Apr 2019 4:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Really cool tip @Sunrader, but I'm having problems importing because of commas in sims' descriptions. No matter what I do, excel seems to want to break up that column. But still, leagues faster than typing everything out by hand. I didn't look through everything yet, but it looks like 90-95% of what I would record gets imported automatically. So thanks!

You're welcome. If you're using import or trying to copy and paste, try just opening the file, instead, and the wizard should pop up. Then, you should only mark commas as the way to delimit the file. Uncheck other things like tabs, etc.

Justpetro 15th Apr 2019 6:41 PM

Awesome, @Sunradar (and a lovely voice as well).

Sunrader 15th Apr 2019 7:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Awesome, @Sunradar (and a lovely voice as well).

Awwww, thank you!

Phantomknight 16th Apr 2019 7:37 AM

Sunrader, thanks, but I did all that and Excel insists on being wonky. It's just the descriptions that gives it trouble--all the extra commas in there cause extra breaks. But anyway, I came to post what I found!

I always seem to find the best stuff when I'm researching something highly specific. Of course, I never find what I'm looking for, but I come across some other goodies, so I guess it evens out?
Coin Operated Telescope by Honeywell
No idea if this will work with the SEP, but it's too awesome not to try: Counter Deco Slots Weight Adjustment by Artemida. With this, "you should be able to place on those slots any object that can be placed on the end tables." It's super cool looking.
Artemida also had some great looking Patrol Caps for military sims. Customs and defaults, I believe.

And, though I've visited limonaire's tumblr before, I missed sooooo much good stuff. Seriously, if you like conversions, check the tumblr out. Some of the things I was excited about were the umbrella stands here and here, a new coat rack, new high chairs here and here, a witch clutter set, a kitchen clutter set, some dollhouses, and some modern bath items that I just know I'm going to be using everywhere in my hoods.

suzymarie64 18th Apr 2019 6:00 PM

Realistic Grocery Store set

CaliBrat 18th Apr 2019 6:27 PM

Lookin for a new hood? Or a new way to play Strangetown? Check out CrispsandKerosene's genderbent Strangetown.

suzymarie64 18th Apr 2019 10:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by suzymarie64
Realistic Grocery Store set

I'm responding to my own post, but I'm disappointed in this set. I thought they were functional shelves etc., but they are not. They are all just deco. Love the way the shelves look and all but very sad they don't work.

Anhaeyn 18th Apr 2019 10:49 PM

Remember gnome station from Sims 1?
DeeDee today released magic gnome station, which works similarly to her woodworking bench. You can craft various gnomes using this station, also you can raise mechanical skill and tinkering enthusiasm.
You can grab it here.

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