What I always do is that i create a neighborhood. That neighborhood lives in harmony and all sims like each other. I create some families, some families i take from the pre-created neighborhoods such as pleasantview etc. and build them houses. Let them live here and enjoy every moment of their life. And then I play with 1 or 2 families and you know just that typical boring playing but after a while I create like 2 mysterious families with witches and vampires that take the dominion of my neighborhood and completely change it to mysterious dark town with vampires, witches, werewolfs.. It's so fun when you have perfect family and one sim decides to be a witch and kills every sim that he didnt like :dd ~ Also when I play my family and I meet someone who is really rude or just silly as hell I go to my test household, spawn this bi*** and throw a satelite on them ) it feels so satisfiyng :d I was in college and my chef was always burning the food so i decided to burn the college along with this chef ) ~ When i'm going to college i mostly play as girl sim. But the first date is always a girl too, idk if its just me but i always do that :dd and after graduating etc. they stay friends and both of them start to create a family :dd But I also do same gender couples in my game. In the moment one of my fav sim's sons is dating with one guy and its hella cool finally dont have this boring woman man xd. And I downloaded a mod that teen can date an adult and i totaly love it.. that two guys couple is also teen x adult and it feels so nice when the adult one, the smarter one who owns a flat can offer a place to this teen whenever they want too <3(lifegoalsxdd) ~ That reminds me of a girl that can act like a boy.. crafts robots, repairs cars etc. - and run a workshop bussines ^^ -- Yayy, that's all and im ready for that hate:--):D |
I was playing a vacation hood when I thought "what if the tourists/vacation goers get trapped and never got home, would they be able to survive in an unknown land???"
families with vacation homes could have a comfortable life, but what of those who pay for night, or those who camp? What about those who left their family and friends back home in the main hood? It's pretty interesting so I'm working on a new set of rules to play by :3c |
Here's an idea sparked by the Squinge "College" hack set:
So all those kids are going to college! What's a uneducated adult to do? Go back to college, using the career (available from here) "Adults go to College", which even pays them a minor fee to do it. No more uneducated adults in the neighborhood, and it's ideal for those unemployed, or retired.Adult College Students It also keeps them actively gaining skills to pass their courses and to stay out of trouble-plus the added bonus of having more career choices when they graduate. I'm going to be using their hobby preference to set the final degree. |
Thanks for all these great ideas that will make my game even more interesting :D
Have teen pregnancy also, make woohooing have a higher chance of pregnancy.
Here's a challenge-make a working volcano! It's not easy, but it can be done, so that with the help of Sophie-David's special effects mods, it looks very realistic. My only complaint is that I can't make it blow up once in a while..
I did a reverse vacation hood. My main hood looks like a vacation hood, my playables are the locals, and the townies are the tourists. Now I gotta set up some tourist traps---errr respectable establishments!
I realize that I'm bumping, but I think that it's fun to make cartoon characters from popular shows and have them live out their lives in The Sims.
Don't know if this has been done before, but I have an idea for a household. A teenage Knowledge Sim, with two parents and 1-3 younger siblings. The challenge is to have the teen go around town trying to meet the High Witch. Once the teen has befriended the High Witch, then you try to make the teen become a witch, and practice, without parents or siblings finding out. To make this easier, both parents work, and so do any teen siblings. In my game, this leads to crazy shenanigans and drama, such as the teen sneaking out with a lover to distract Mom from the cauldron she nearly found in the cleaning closet, younger siblings being in the simlogical boarding school, the teen taking her cauldron and spellbook with her to school so the toddler doesn't find them, or hiding a black cat in her closet, or even skipping school to study magic or mix things in her cauldron. It's great. The coolest part is coming up with a punishment, or alternatively the "Oh my god, we have no clue where our kids really are!" storyline, when someone inevitably finds out. As for who "wins", the parents win if they find out on their own, the sibling(s) win if they find out and tell on their older brother/sister, and the teen wins if they make it to college without being found out. If they manage to leave anything "witchy" in their room on the way out, the parents automatically win (because the teen, realistically, can't actually have arrived on campus before Mom/Dad is finished cleaning their room.)
I've also been trying to different fun ways to play Sims 2...
"Try to run some successful affairs without getting caught!" is what Ive always done, I think the most I ever got to was around 50 something romances/love at the same time (using cheats)
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
I've started basing my Sims astrological placements based off of the time of the year they were born. I change this with the Personality Adjuster from the Insimenator.
If they were born in Spring Day 1/2 would be an Aries Sim Day 2/3 would be a Taurus Sim Day 3/4 would be a Gemini Sim If they were born in the Summer Day 1/2 would be a Cancer Sim Day 2/3 would be a Leo Sim Day 3/4 would be a Virgo Sim If they were born in the Fall: Day 1/2 would be a Libra Sim Day 2/3 would be a Scorpio Sim Day 3/4 would be a Sagittarius Sim If they were born in the Winter: Day 1/2 would be a Capricorn Sim Day 2/3 would be an Aquarius Sim Day 3/4 would be a Pisces Sim Then, I go further into their inner "planetary placements" by basing it off their personality traits. I do make an exception for twins/multiples if they do have different personality points. Here's a link about the planets in astrology. I keep the Mercury, planets to at least one sign before or after or in the same sign; for Venus I keep it at most two signs before or after or in the same sign as the Sun sign. The other planets can be in any sign from the Sun sign, though some may be "retrograde" if they are far enough away from the Sun. Jupiter and Saturn are the only two outer planets I use in game. I don't include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There is also the ascendant sign, which is dependent upon the time that you are born, so I keep an eye on the time that Sim babies are born in-game. Say for example, a sim born at Midnight would have a Capricorn ascendant if they're an Aries. Similarly, an Aries sim born at 12PM would have a Cancer ascendant. Here's an example of a Sim born from my game. Jeffrey was born on the 1st Day of Spring, so that gives him an Aries Sun sign. Jeff was born at 8:30PM so that gives him a Libra ascendant. He's very playful and outgoing, so I gave him a Leo Moon. Jeffrey has a Mercury in Pisces because his imagination is so creative. He has his active bars maxed out, and has very good standing power, so I gave him a Mars in Capricorn. I wanted him to have a go-getter attitude so I gave him a Venus in Aries. I based the Jupiter and Saturn placements upon where the parents were in their life-state, as well as in relation to when the parents were born. For Jeffrey's twin sister Christine, I wanted to make sure the moon placement fit well with her personality. She's also outgoing and active (less so than her brother), which can fit. I can attribute her seriousness to her Capricorn Mars that she shares with her brother. I'd like to think of the first day of the teen years as a Jupiter Return and where I figure out which aspiration they will get based off of personality/interests/circumstances. If you play YA's their 2nd Jupiter return can be thought of as soon as they graduate college. For the Saturn returns I'd like to think it would be the mid-point of the Sim's Adult stage. Their 3rd Jupiter return can be the last quarter of their Adult stage. It can also go on in their Elder stage with (I would think) the last Jupiter return at some point in the middle of the elder stage. |
That is just awesome. Mind if I create my own variant for my fantasy game?
Build a commune/artists' squat and try out communal living instead of families/couples/singles. I usually run them as home businesses too. You can sell goods and services or just use the ticket machine to charge people to hang out and see how the hippies live. You probably won't get a level 10 business just having people chilling on your sofa, but I think that's more realistic - commune residents don't want to be business tycoons, they just want to eat. The dynamics of the household are completely different and I always look forward to them coming up in the rotation.
Making elaborate neighborhoods is pretty fun! It seems daunting, but if you take it one step at a time it's (at least for me) kinda relaxing. If you don't feel like building everything, just build the things you want to build and then make decorative lots for everything else. You can also download other people's lots, assuming you have permission from the creator to use them. If you give the neighborhood and it's inhabitants an elaborate backstory, it might even inspire you to create a machinima using your neighborhood as a big set for it all.
I have a few "dog trot" or "shot gun" houses that are bare necessities on very small lots. When young adults go to college, I have each one restore a car if their grades are good they get the car. When they leave college, regardless of family prosperity they have to start from scratch with no family backing. They start in the shotgun houses and have to suffer just like their parents and grand parents. Then if they have maintained a good relationship with their family, they move into the family home when their parents are near their deaths.
Here's one (might have been mentioned before) :
For those teens who don't have a lot of friends and need some-a local Boys Club and Girls Club. Using the Visitor Controller, you can set the sex and age for those visiting the lot-put in all the things that teens like to do that are wholesome, like a chess table, dart board, pool table and any version of Two Jeff's food replicator with appropriate seating included. I put in a pool in the back and a portable outhouse. (the "all in one bathroom" is great for this lot). I test ran my girls club yesterday and all the girls enjoyed it immensely. They liked that no boys were around so they could gossip to their hearts content about them. Additional idea: While I was writing up game rules today, I finally discovered a good way to play and use servos: As a caretaker for the surviving elder pixel in a family house! When there is one remaining pixel left in a house, the servo (human or not, up to player) the servo will take care of the house and them-when they die, they distribute all the funds in the house to the children, organize the funeral, and clean up the house afterward. When they're done, they can be sent back to the 'townie pool' for their next assignment. Finally-a useful outlet for those mechanical maniacs! |
I just make "maze" houses and let my sims walk from point A to B. Sometimes I put swimming pools in the way.
I was actually thinking of playing all of the Bon Voyage locations through soon! A very fun idea!
Normally if I need a refresher, I often try the "100 Babies Challenge" or the "Completely Change Your Genetics Challenge" which are both good options. Each of my varied challenges usually change per which Sims game I'm playing too. 😊🙌 |
I've been trying to come up with things to act as shorter term goals for my sims. So far here is my list:
Hobby Outings - 4 sims with same hobby interest go on an outing and do stuff related to that hobby. Travel plans - with friend(s) /family /grandparents & grandkids/aunt and uncle with niece and nephew/ Greek house/ hobby group/ work retreat (using cheat to control other sims) Rock band outings - try to make ends meet getting tips with the same group of people who are your band mates Play dates - with friends who have same age kids Pet play dates - with friends who also have pets (maybe they will even fall in love) Poker night Board game night Hot tub night Give toddler artwork to all relatives Collect all bugs Gain badges (pottery, sewing, toys, flowers, robots, fishing, gardening, hair dressing) Redecorate room (without cheating to pay for updates) Max hobby, Max 2 hobbies Have 10/20/30 best friends Max telescope ability and summon aliens Run business (toys, electronics, bakery, food, flowers, art, cars, restaurant, bar, arcade, coffee shop, etc) Buy house/vacation property (without cheating to pay for property or to renovate it) Pay for extension on house Train pet in all skills Win dance/cooking competition 1/5/10 times Collect all vacation benefits Get garden award Encourage child to max trait Learn how to make all dishes Go on successful blind date 1/5/10 times. Try it with low-medium payment to matchmaker Adopt stray Max career Survive off only using aspiration rewards objects Run art gallery with custom paintings Plan theme birthday party Become a famous DJ Succeed as a bartender/barista Influence others to clean and cook always Succeed as pool hustler Succeed as gambler Use perfume all the time Get bad reputation Maintain 3 simultaneous romantic relationships Actually have a great party Run a farm Run a fish farm Run a communal artist home Hermit loner (only one pet allowed) Own 6 pets Be on a juice cleanse (only drink/eat juice) Decorate home with family photos/buy photo albums Make one child hate their parents/siblings Have a couple constantly break up and get back together Have a teen run away from home |
On most Sims 2 installations, I've usually kept to myself. I made my self-insert Sim, my ideal wife Sim, had my little happy family, and... just kinda repeated that. Usually in a custom neighborhood. It got kinda boring. But on my recent plays, I've decided to spend a lot more time with the Maxis Sims. After all, I had interacted with the Goths quite a bit in Sims 1. I've dabbled a bit in Pleasantview here and there, but for the first time I'm really giving Strangetown a go. I'm spending most of my time there now. I'm enjoying experimenting with which alien Sims are considered family and which ones aren't, as well as seeing which facial traits get passed down.
Make a neighborhood full of "superpower" Sims, each that have exceptional rule-set/play style incorporation to represent their powers.
Taking Nervous Subject from zero to hero challenge:
Make Nervous Subject successful in his career, happy (high aspiration level), social (at least 5 bffs and 1 girlfriend), handsome (change appearance and Dr. Vu's Automated Cosmetic Surgeon), skilful (at least 5 maximum skills and max stats of predestined hobby), fit and rich without using any cheats or glitches. And proper personality points. Because Nervous' personality is a bit weird. (I guess the only trick that can be done without SimPE or cheats is being abducted by aliens) First, "find your own place" from the newspaper, build him a nice and modest house and start looking for a job for him. Good luck |
I will never get tired of the sims 2, it is true that I always played with "happy" sims, they studied, they went to work, everything was correct, a month ago I read your challenges, and I love the asylum, it is easy to learn the rules, but it is extremely difficult in the norms! I never saw things that I'm seeing in the sims, the sims can't sleep well, they wake up at night hungry, they pee, they go crazy with lamps on their heads, etc. !! I haven't won a challenge yet, I tried it 4 times, but I don't get tired! I will try to make it less harsh, and I still get it, if someone has tried it, try it! Get out of your comfort zone, I take this opportunity to thank all the creators of personalized content, challenges etc ... all of you who share with us all things and have fun with the game of life (yes, if that game is the sim 2). Long live the Sim 2! Thank you all
right now, I'm coping with the current state of Education in my country and projecting my pain on sims by building them the best university I can give them.
I've never built and finished a hood from scratch but I found building a university town is much easier (and more enjoyable) cos I know what kinds of lots I should be making. Instead of giving lots conventional names, I used names of my pre-colonial gods, nature spirits, local sayings, and characteristics in my own language. Some examples are Balai Lakambini (Home of Lakambini, god of youth, food and festivity), a dorm for Culinary Arts and Undeclared freshman students Balai Lumawig (Home of Lumawig, god of industry and a fair society) a dorm for Economics & Political Science students And one of my favorites is the "Tiyaga & Nilaga Cafeteria", where "Tiyaga" means "perseverance", and "Nilaga" means "Stew" It comes from the original saying "Pag may tiyaga, may nilaga"-- "If there is perseverance, there is stew." As we are a poor country, our aim is mostly to eat everyday. So the general idea is if you work hard, you will be able to eat everyday. Using your own language and heritage might be a normal or common thing other players do with their games. But with me, well...let's just say the colorism and colonialism runs deep. Working on this university is the most fun I've ever had with this game in a long time <3 Oh! this university hood is for this main hood
Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
Can't believe I've been playing the same hood since 2018 :lovestruc |
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
In my case, it was about 15-ish years shelving it for sequels that just didn't stick with me in the same way. Now that 20 years are coming up, I feel like an abandonware renaissance is coming. I'm running this thing on a machine that can lift it with a pinky, throwing ridiculous house parties for the entire population of Strangetown. Much much love to LazyDuchess and osab! Long live the na-na-na-na new generation! |
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