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HEAVEN-SENT 15th Jul 2012 4:29 PM

The Vampire Diaries The Awakening & The Struggle by Lj Smith

shoo_flee 16th Jul 2012 3:29 PM

I've just finished Nineteen Minutes by Jodie Picoult, and now i might re-read Eat, Pray, Love a personal favourite

Phoeberg 20th Jul 2012 5:16 PM

Misery, by Stephen King.

Rabid 23rd Jul 2012 6:24 AM

Stone Arabia, by Dana Spiotta, and rereading Angels in America, by Tony Kushner.

minus. 30th Jul 2012 4:49 PM

In America, by Susan Sontag.

lethifold 8th Aug 2012 12:25 PM

Fifty Shades of Grey. It's disturbing that so many people think of this as good literature.

ETA: Wow, thought I should add that I'm not reading this because it's the sort of genre I like, but because I wanted to see what the ridiculous amount of fuss was about. Truthfully, it makes me feel a little bit ill whenever I pick it up. Thankfully it's on my Kindle so no one needs to see what I'm reading.

Phoeberg 10th Aug 2012 11:41 PM

Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams, by Sylvia Plath.

Phoeberg 30th Aug 2012 8:53 PM

Looking For Alaska, by John Green.

Phoeberg 1st Sep 2012 10:48 PM

Paper Towns, by John Green.

(Yeah, I'm on a John Green roll.)

lethifold 2nd Sep 2012 2:13 AM

Invisible Monsters Remix by Chuck Palahniuk

minus. 2nd Sep 2012 12:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
Paper Towns, by John Green.

(Yeah, I'm on a John Green roll.)

I read three of his books last week, I liked Paper Towns the most.

Phoeberg 4th Sep 2012 11:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by minus.
I read three of his books last week, I liked Paper Towns the most.

I preferred Paper Towns to Looking For Alaska, but I can't help feeling like they were exceedingly similar. I don't know if it's just because I read them both so close together that I feel that way. I mean, they are by the same author so it's not exactly crazy that they'd seem similar, but a lot of the characters felt very similar too.

krazyredd 7th Sep 2012 11:14 PM

BLUBBER, By Judy Blume

Yeah I still loves to reads me some oh dat gud books and whatnot!!! SERIOUSLY I LOVE these book, STILL!!!!

minus. 8th Sep 2012 9:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
I preferred Paper Towns to Looking For Alaska, but I can't help feeling like they were exceedingly similar. I don't know if it's just because I read them both so close together that I feel that way. I mean, they are by the same author so it's not exactly crazy that they'd seem similar, but a lot of the characters felt very similar too.

I agree! An Abundance Of Katherines is also built on the same premise - geek boy falls in love with quirky, confident girl and becomes a badass in the process, and it also has the obligatory comic relief best friend who starts dating the pretty girl way out of his league. Now that I think about it, they really are the same novel, but I still enjoyed reading them. I can't help but like authors who don't take themselves too seriously.

Phoeberg 8th Sep 2012 11:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by minus.
I agree! An Abundance Of Katherines is also built on the same premise - geek boy falls in love with quirky, confident girl and becomes a badass in the process, and it also has the obligatory comic relief best friend who starts dating the pretty girl way out of his league. Now that I think about it, they really are the same novel, but I still enjoyed reading them. I can't help but like authors who don't take themselves too seriously.

I still enjoyed them too. I looked at An Abundance of Katherines on Amazon and I think I'm going to leave that one for now and read The Fault in Our Stars instead, once I get a copy.

I'm currently reading The Heart Keeper by Françoise Sagan.

cherry85 9th Sep 2012 2:31 AM

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

minus. 9th Sep 2012 12:58 PM

Of Love And Other Demons, by Gabriel García Márquez.

TheScribbler 15th Sep 2012 11:51 AM

Discworld Graphic Novels, The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett :D
One of the funniest series I've ever read :,)

The Raven 6th Oct 2012 8:57 PM

I've just started to read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

shoo_flee 6th Oct 2012 9:35 PM

I just finished reading Opening Skinners Box by Lauren Slater, it's about a lot of intresting psychology experiments i've previously studied and i really enjoyed her narrative on them, was a very intresting read, made me think a lot.

Just stared reading Bared to You by Slyvia Day, little disapointed that it reads a lot like Fifty shades of Grey, why is it so hard to find decent/well written erotic fiction!?

Kitaeri 9th Oct 2012 2:08 AM

Currently reading the Prydain Chronicles (on book 2, The Black Cauldron) and regretting that I never read them as a kid.

minus. 13th Oct 2012 5:16 PM

I Am The Messenger, by Markus Zusak.

PharaohHound 13th Oct 2012 9:15 PM

Anna Karenina. About halfway through and loving it.

MaraX 25th Nov 2012 8:14 PM

I am currently reading One Dog And His Boy. I recommend this book to everyone. It is such a good book so far.

Phoeberg 25th Nov 2012 11:23 PM

A Moveable Feast, by Ernest Hemingway. So far it's just making me want to move to Paris.

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