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M.M.A.A. 27th Jun 2012 3:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jamini94
(When visitor complains they have nowhere to sleep): ".....I never invited you to sleep over....."

Yeah, I got that message several times. I think there is a fix for it here.

Peni Griffin 27th Jun 2012 4:29 AM

"Oh, you are not going to crash now. After all that building? Before I save? Oh, you are. Dammit."

It took me an hour to remodel their vacation home while they got out of the airport shuttle, and I was almost done!

MattShizzle 27th Jun 2012 4:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"Oh, you are not going to crash now. After all that building? Before I save? Oh, you are. Dammit."

When that sort of thing happens I think what I say may not be allowed on this site but would probably shock the average truck driver, construction worker or longshoreman. Probably even the typical pimp and would make George Carlin and Richard Pryor blush were they still around.

Peni Griffin 27th Jun 2012 5:46 AM

Well, it was my own fault for not saving in that hour; I know better. And I don't swear much at the worst of times, unless I'm having a sugar fit, and that's a lot more about yelling incoherently.

It's late, but I got stubborn, got back in, took them back to the vacation home, saved, stripped out the house, saved, made the structural and finish-out changes, saved, bought all the comfort menu items, saved, bought a table, saved, and then said: Okay, this is where I had the problem last time, so I saved again; bought the cabinets that were an afterthought last time, then tried to take the base-game sink out of the base-game counter, and that's when the crash occurred. So now I'm going to remove that counter and see if the base game sink still crashes the building. If it doesn't, I can stay up late enough to finish the build. If it does, I know what I'm doing in my spare time tomorrow.

annoainthere 27th Jun 2012 6:39 AM

Once I was playing a family who had 10 children, and fulfilled that want, by the time 7,8,9 and 10 were born as quads my head was going *weeeeee* and then this happened:
*rolled want for another child* Another? ANOTHER?! You've just had 10 freaking kids of your own and one grandchild! You're Elders tomorrow! Why? Just Why?

*Next day after turning into Elders, they roll the want to adopt* Adoption? No, just no.

*Next day roll want for a pet* So you want to put a cat/dog into a household still stuffed full of your offspring... what don't want to roll for another child now huh?

*Next day rolls want for a grandchild* Thank you! Just Thank YOU! Finally we can get you back up to platinum... stupid old farts...

There's plenty more, including cussing that could make a redneck look like a saint, but I won't go there. If I remember more I'll post.

Fivey 27th Jun 2012 9:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Well, it was my own fault for not saving in that hour; I know better. And I don't swear much at the worst of times, unless I'm having a sugar fit, and that's a lot more about yelling incoherently.

It's late, but I got stubborn, got back in, took them back to the vacation home, saved, stripped out the house, saved, made the structural and finish-out changes, saved, bought all the comfort menu items, saved, bought a table, saved, and then said: Okay, this is where I had the problem last time, so I saved again; bought the cabinets that were an afterthought last time, then tried to take the base-game sink out of the base-game counter, and that's when the crash occurred. So now I'm going to remove that counter and see if the base game sink still crashes the building. If it doesn't, I can stay up late enough to finish the build. If it does, I know what I'm doing in my spare time tomorrow.

Did you remember to save?

M.M.A.A. 27th Jun 2012 2:03 PM

"Stop nursing the baby constantly!" I have the nursing mod and my female sims are addicted to it!

"Can you close the cage after your done with the bird?" Even with a mod installed, they still don't close the cage after using it and they just leave it open.

Selly_2009 27th Jun 2012 2:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
"Stop nursing the baby constantly!" I have the nursing mod and my female sims are addicted to it!
That's why I removed the nursing mod - even with the supposedly NON-autonomous version they immediately tried to nurse the baby the second my back was turned (ie controlling someone else)! It drove me even more nuts than I am already...

MattShizzle 30th Jun 2012 2:50 AM

When a townie I'm sick of seeing walks by for the last time "That's it! You are dead!" [general cursing - ie "you $%#@!"] - when something breaks, especially the clock, the food burns or anything else I hate happens.
"Oh, quit being so emo!" When they cry over the burglar having been there or whatever. "Who the &$%# cares!" - when you get the message that one of your sims and some other sim are no longer friends. "OK, get the hell out" - when the gardener or maid is done and doesn't leave right away.

AlexandraSpears 13th Jul 2012 6:43 AM

Said to my son today while building a house: "No, they won't fall off the stairs. Sims are stupid but not THAT stupid."

Sparrow 13th Jul 2012 10:21 AM

I've said "dumb ass" on numerous occasions while playing. Sims do act like dumb asses at times -_-

Artimis 13th Jul 2012 12:23 PM

Talking to myself adout everything, swearing at my sims when I am annoyed with them, telling them off for being bad and luaghing at them no apparant reason.

manonwelvaarts 13th Jul 2012 12:49 PM

When a baby is born, I'm always like: "OMG it's a girrrrrrllll yeeah!"
or: "Noooo, I wanted a baby boy"

Night Racer 13th Jul 2012 2:56 PM

My town is defunct in female birthing. I say its something in the water. 7 generations, and ive only had 2 girl births.
So when the windows comes up, "please wait while the stork unties knots" and bullcrap, I just sigh, put my head down, and say "what are we gonna name him? sure. whatever. and um, Nigel if its twins. Like I care anymore. *looks up* Oh. It is. of course. Faaaantastic. Fuckin' sausage fest this town is..."

Every generation seems to have that one furious college kid at them from their time in college, who spends ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT walking by to steal papaers and knock over cans. So the first thing I do now is move the can either inside to the garage or in the kitchen, and after a few days of the sim walking by multiple times every hour, " give up, yell "IVE HAD IT WITH YOU", build a room and put them in it and wait for them to die. But this plan is flawed, sine near the end I get constant "So you invited me to send the night wegbe drbetn te ebn" windows that piss me off even more.

When my maid or gardener or cafeteria chef leave, I always says "thanks girl, see you tommorow." "....girl. seriously. why are you standing there. Get out of my house" I actually say thank you to every service NPC. Mail, repair man, taxi

ella_in_wonderland 14th Jul 2012 9:50 PM

"I'm sorry but you're not getting a dog. For the hundredth time."
"It's YOUR fault the Berry Pie's burnt. YOU decided to go swimming"
"Put. The. Baby. Down. NOW"

xSparrow 14th Jul 2012 10:33 PM

The Application Has Crashed. The Application will now terminate. Message Comes up.
"WHY! Oh god! Noooooo! Is this what i get for having over 18000 custom content files!? A SLOW GAME AND IT CRASHING ON OCCASIONS!"

Woman Gets attracted to Female.
"Hang on, You're Straight!"

Pregnant Sim Eats lots of pizza.
"Look i know you're pregnant and eating for 2 but MUST YOU HAVE IT ALL! THAT COST $40! IT WAS FOR EVERYONE!"

Sim starts crying
"WTF ARE YOU CRYING FOR! oh no! You saw insects! We're all Gonna die!"

That's It for tonight...

teenturkprincess 15th Jul 2012 2:57 PM

"Don't eat that, it's burnt/old."
"Stop talking to the NPC's."
"Why can't you serve at the closest table first ??"
"That nanny needs to get fired."
"Can't you see there is someone else on the computer ??"
"Just go AROUND the plate"
"Why is the butler sighing and whinning about having to clean things ? It's your job !"

CherryFlight 15th Jul 2012 10:47 PM

"Dear, he's asleep. He can't read to you."

"Getting into a fight in the middle of someone else's living room. You're clearly the best guest ever."

"I know you want to take a shower, just step a tile over so he can get out!"

"What is wrong with your pathfinding? It's right next to you, you don't have to walk all the way around the dinner table to get to the sofa!"

"That dinner table is death by flies waiting to happen. The kid's zero points Sloppy and she cleans up after dinner, you have no excuse!"

"Mrs. Smith? Your husband is right there, please stop swooning over my sim now."

Orilon 17th Jul 2012 1:06 AM

In an example of it came out dirtier than I meant:

"Don't ring the (censored) doorbell, your daughter is sleeping with your grandkid."

Bianca Monty was upstairs asleep because her pregnancy was taking a huge toll on her energy and I saw her dad walk up to the door. I didn't remember if I had installed the doorbell quieter mod or not and I didn't want him waking her up. He left without waking her up thankfully.

NaeShelle 17th Jul 2012 2:35 AM

"I don't care that you want a job. You're having another child."

"How do you WANT to have a child and then FEAR getting one?"

"Yeah. Just play with the little stick buddy; I am not in the mood to take anyone out right now."

"Oh. The tub needs to be repaired and your little adopted demon spawn keep splashing in the water? Well, who's fault is that? You could have it fixed already, had you just sat down and studied like I told you to."

"WooHoo with three different Sims? Oh, and, what would your wife and six children say about that?"

"If you heart-fart over her one more time, I WILL send you to the Black Widow."

"Take Embassy out of the crib. Take Embassy out of the crib. If she crawls out once, she's going to figure out she can do it and do it again, particularly while you're trying to sleep. Take - OH LOOK! She got out of the freakin' crib! Thank you. Thank you for the headaches."

"Who told you they could come over!? STOP INVITING PEOPLE OVER!"

"Why... There is another computer DOWNSTAIRS. Your husband/lover is writing a novel - actually making money. Go somewhere else."

xSparrow 23rd Jul 2012 7:11 PM

"what Are you doing?! You weren't invited! What are you doing eating the food!? that costs money!"

When Sims Crashes

"nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I forgot to save!"

StrangeTownChick 23rd Jul 2012 8:45 PM

Another common one:

"Who's awake? Who DARES be awake?"
This is when it's triple speed, everyone is asleep, and suddenly normal speed kicks in because some teen woke up with period cramps or a toddler is crying or something.

Orilon 24th Jul 2012 12:37 AM

"You are lucky I can't annihilate you." When Gilbert Jacquet got in the way of my playable Sim paying bills. I was referring to the Total Annihilation function on the Sims 3 mod Master Controller. I know why there isn't a Sims 2 version, but I sometimes wish I could use a Sims 2 version of Total Annihilation on some Sims.

maxon 24th Jul 2012 6:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
"You are lucky I can't annihilate you." When Gilbert Jacquet got in the way of my playable Sim paying bills. I was referring to the Total Annihilation function on the Sims 3 mod Master Controller. I know why there isn't a Sims 2 version, but I sometimes wish I could use a Sims 2 version of Total Annihilation on some Sims.

There's always smite. I prefer that, to be honest, more personal. ZZZZZAPPPPPPP! "Won't be doing that again, will you?"

omglo 24th Jul 2012 6:53 PM

"Why don't any of these tables have matching chairs? Don't they have sets in Sim world?" was something I said a lot before discovering custom content.

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