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Bulbizarre 2nd Jul 2016 8:58 PM

Is there some variant of the break inducer that would make a Sim continually burn everything he cooks? It was funny when he burned the same meal twice in a row. Not so much when it kept happening even with toaster pastries.

HackedLemons 2nd Jul 2016 9:14 PM

If I change the carpool/bus driver (with SimSurgery,) will my neighborhood be at the risk of corruption because I tampered them in anyway? I currently made one sim as a archetype but I hadn't touched the driver, yet.

EDIT: I decided to not change the driver's appearance but I'm still curious if that's okay.

Duvelina 3rd Jul 2016 1:24 PM

Is there any other way to know who is pledged to a Greek house, besides summoning everyone and clicking on them to check?

Bubblebeam 3rd Jul 2016 2:51 PM

Do I have anything to worry about if an apartment household moves out, but still shows up on the lot when playing another tenant? Their surname appears on a different units door but they're still showing as living there all the same.

Essa 3rd Jul 2016 4:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad

My gravekeeper is always an "NPC" that I make but never actually play. They're immortal, never age, never die, and aging is turned off on their lot. They have a prisoner tag in their inventory so they don't show up on community lots (where there is a very slim possibility that they could die with graves still in their inventory, which would be bad.) They "live" on an essentially empty lot that has few "adjusty" things on it because it's also a lot that I will temporarily move real playable Sims into and out of, if I need to adjust something about them before moving them into a "real" lot. It's also the lot where I do my periodic townie aging up and killing. When some are killed, I turn the lot on "ultra speed," turn motive decay off, and let all the ghosts generate so that they will also generate on the community-lot graveyard where they will eventually go. (Which sometimes takes a number of sim-days; some of those ghosts are very shy. ) And yeah, the gravekeeper owns the neighborhood's graveyard(s) so that they can go to them and place the graves they collect from the neighborhood's households and from townie culls and the lot will save because it's owned. But, yeah, I never actually play them.

But I suppose you could do this with an actual playable, too. You could even have the families of the deceased pay him/her for his/her services, if you have a mod that makes transferring money between households possible, so it could be what they do for their living, even. Maybe they can pass the "business" down to one of their offspring. You'd just have to guard against them dying with graves in their inventory.

My gravekeeper is a playable who also works as a gardener. He also owns the cemetery. When someone dies, my sim summons him and pays 1 000ยง to the hood as funeral fees. I usually play him at the end of a rotation.
He's currently sick with the flu so he doesn't collect graves at the moment.

Peni Griffin 3rd Jul 2016 5:12 PM

Snufflepaws: Nope. Remove them with move_objects. The game is just confused about which autobots its supposed to be using since that lot changed.

Duvelina: You mean, which dormies? I don't think so. But if you keep inviting them over, you'll eventually get a notice that so-and-so can move in now.

Justpetro 3rd Jul 2016 8:54 PM

Okay, I have a gravekeeper now He is a playable, but I don't play him; he is one of 5 extra Sims I made for my hood that is not in the military. He is a knowledge Sim and he can just as well be the gravekeeper; since he will probably be delighted to see some ghosts

RoxEllen1965 3rd Jul 2016 9:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Duvelina
Is there any other way to know who is pledged to a Greek house, besides summoning everyone and clicking on them to check?

I always "tag" mine as soon as they're pledged. I give them funny hats that I normally don't use (propeller beanie, viking helmet, etc.) and that makes it easy for me to see who's pledged to which Greek house. Now that I think of it - some of those OFB mascot costumes would work well too. Pledges are supposed to be publicly humiliated, right?

smorbie1 3rd Jul 2016 11:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Do I have anything to worry about if an apartment household moves out, but still shows up on the lot when playing another tenant? Their surname appears on a different units door but they're still showing as living there all the same.

I don't think so; I've had it happen. I think as long as you are able to move a new resident into the apartment, it's okay. It doesn't matter if they continue to show up as tenants if you have a sim living in another apartment.

iCad 3rd Jul 2016 11:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Do I have anything to worry about if an apartment household moves out, but still shows up on the lot when playing another tenant? Their surname appears on a different units door but they're still showing as living there all the same.

Nah, that always happens. Just one of the "quirks" of apartment buildings in the game. Just turn on moveobjects and delete the instances of the Sims who've moved out when you're playing the other tenant. You kind of have to do it, in fact, because otherwise those Sims can't get into an apartment and will end up peeing themselves and passing out on the sidewalks like drunken derelicts. You'll only need to do it once, although you may need to do it again if you've got more than one other tenant living in the building, when you play those other households for the first time since the move-out.

meginmd 3rd Jul 2016 11:17 PM

Help please

I recently sent off my sims Charlotte and Lacey to college. They have the same major--political science--but their finals are at different times (they are both second semester Sophomores, so they *should* be at the same time, right?). Not only that, they don't get the "Charlotte has class in an hour" notification for some reason. Is the lot glitched?

iCad 3rd Jul 2016 11:35 PM

With regard to not getting the "Class in an hour!" notifications, it could be glitched. If you're playing other households on campus, do the notifications work there? If so, then it's a problem confined to that one lot and you could try moving them out of the lot (a dorm, I presume?) and back in again. If it's an issue that's just on that lot, that might reset things. If it's a more global issue, then I'm going to guess that you've got a mod conflict. Have you downloaded any new mods recently?

With regard to finals not being at the same depends. If they've been to community lots separately, that can get out of sync. For instance, if a student goes to a community lot on campus, then the semester timer continues to run. (It does not do so if they go to an off-campus community lot, like one in the main neighborhood or an attached downtown.) However, when they return to their home lot, time has not passed. So for instance, say you send Charlotte to an on-campus community lot at 8AM but do not send Lacey with her. Say that Charlotte spends three hours at the community lot. In that case, when Charlotte returns home, it will still be 8AM on the home lot but she'll now have three hours less time until finals because of those hours spent on the community lot. Lacey, on the other hand, won't have lost those three hours. So, Charlotte's finals time will now be three hours earlier than Lacey's. So in that sort of case, not having finals at the same time is normal game behavior.

joandsarah77 3rd Jul 2016 11:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Do I have anything to worry about if an apartment household moves out, but still shows up on the lot when playing another tenant? Their surname appears on a different units door but they're still showing as living there all the same.

That's normal glitchy apartment behavior. You need to delete them off the lot with move objects. Otherwise they may end up having a bladder failure there and the real them on their new lot will get the bad memory.

meginmd 3rd Jul 2016 11:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
With regard to not getting the "Class in an hour!" notifications, it could be glitched. If you're playing other households on campus, do the notifications work there? If so, then it's a problem confined to that one lot and you could try moving them out of the lot (a dorm, I presume?) and back in again. If it's an issue that's just on that lot, that might reset things. If it's a more global issue, then I'm going to guess that you've got a mod conflict. Have you downloaded any new mods recently?

With regard to finals not being at the same depends. If they've been to community lots separately, that can get out of sync. For instance, if a student goes to a community lot on campus, then the semester timer continues to run. (It does not do so if they go to an off-campus community lot, like one in the main neighborhood or an attached downtown.) However, when they return to their home lot, time has not passed. So for instance, say you send Charlotte to an on-campus community lot at 8AM but do not send Lacey with her. Say that Charlotte spends three hours at the community lot. In that case, when Charlotte returns home, it will still be 8AM on the home lot but she'll now have three hours less time until finals because of those hours spent on the community lot. Lacey, on the other hand, won't have lost those three hours. So, Charlotte's finals time will now be three hours earlier than Lacey's. So in that sort of case, not having finals at the same time is normal game behavior.

Charlotte and Lacey live in "off campus" housing--you know, those rentable houses? Maybe that's why. Hmm.

In terms of the time... *sound of Duh...*
I *did* send Charlotte to a community lot. I just didn't realize it was affect the timing of things like that! It makes SO much sense now! Thank you so much!
(I'm glad it's a "I'm an idiot" thing rather than a "your game is going to blow up" thing. )

iCad 4th Jul 2016 12:23 AM

Nah, you're not an idiot. Time is just weird at Uni. I tend to avoid sending students to on-campus community lots for this very reason and use off-campus ones instead, so that the semester timer doesn't still run while they're off having fun. I'm not so much concerned about syncing finals times as I am that "losing time" on community lots means that finals can happen at 3AM. (Yes, there is a mod for that; I had it for a while, but I took it out.) On the other hand, this phenomenon can sometimes be useful. Like, I use Inteen, so my college students can get married and have babies. However, I don't use nannies in my neighborhoods. Sometimes I have a problem where two student parents will have overlapping finals times, which is a problem because when that happens, one of them would have to miss their final (because can't leave the baby alone), which would result in academic probation, etc. So, when that happens, I will strategically use an on-campus community lot visit to shift finals times so that they don't overlap (and that's why I got rid of that mod, because it resets the finals time in cases where they happen in the middle of the night to 8AM...which often screws up my careful time-shifting here. ) But anyway, I'm thinking this is really only useful if you play with Inteen and have Uni families and refuse to use nannies...which means it's probably only a "me" thing.

As for the rental house...Well, in my experience they are less prone to glitches and quirks than dorms, but there's always a possibility that any lot can bork. Like I said, if you know that notifications work on other lots, then you could try the move-out/move-in thing. Just make sure to stick anything they own that didn't come with the house into inventory first as that stuff will disappear if you don't. But if notifications don't work anywhere (If you're using one of the Maxis unis, you could load up one of the premade households you don't otherwise play to test), then it's more likely a mod conflict that you'll have to sniff out.

joandsarah77 4th Jul 2016 12:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by meginmd
Charlotte and Lacey live in "off campus" housing--you know, those rentable houses? Maybe that's why. Hmm.

In terms of the time... *sound of Duh...*
I *did* send Charlotte to a community lot. I just didn't realize it was affect the timing of things like that! It makes SO much sense now! Thank you so much!
(I'm glad it's a "I'm an idiot" thing rather than a "your game is going to blow up" thing. )

You can easily adjust the time until the exam with the college adjuster.

Anyone else had trouble with the Maxis caravan park apartments? I have 3 families in it, played each one in turn, came back to the first and now it won't load, crashes the game. I tried moving them out and directly back in and it crashed that time as well. So flipping annoying. I'm not really asking for help since any help I can figure out myself, I'm just grumbling.

Bulbizarre 4th Jul 2016 12:44 AM

Main Street Mobile Homes is known to crash and is just really buggy in general; recall reading about that on MATY. Someone on MTS recreated it:

Sunbee 4th Jul 2016 12:55 AM

I don't get the 'class in an hour' notice if the sim's class meter is fully expanded and full. Might be a hack, might be vanilla behavior.

TychoH 4th Jul 2016 1:16 AM

Do American high schools every day start and close at the same time? If that's the case, I finally understand the school hours for teenagers, since here in the Netherlands the times of the school days vary a lot. Sometimes teens get 2 classes a day, sometimes 7 or 8.

iCad 4th Jul 2016 1:30 AM

Yes, American schools have a set schedule. At least the publicly-funded ones do and so do the Catholic ones; private schools might run differently. The schedule might be a little different depending on the school, but generally it runs from about 8AM until 3PM. High schools will sometimes start and end a little earlier than primary/middle schools (mostly to stagger school bus schedules, I think, so that a smaller fleet can be used to transport a larger number of kids), but not always. It would actually make more sense for schools to run for full normal 8AM-5PM working hours (so that kids aren't left alone if both parents work or one of the parents doesn't have to work a job with a non-standard schedule so that they can be home when the kids are), but I believe the schedule was developed back when America was mostly agricultural. In that case, getting out at 3PM (or earlier) meant there was still time for the kids to get home to help with farm chores while it was still light. That's why they get 3-month-long summer breaks, too, so that they're available as farm labor during that time. Even though the majority of America is no longer ag, the schedule's never been fully changed across the board. (Some school districts do year-round school, though.) But anyway, yeah, the game reflects the normal sort of school schedule that American kids have.

Odd, I get the "class in an hour" thing every time, regardless of grade meter. Do yours still get the automatic push to go to class (if their mood is adequate) that goes along with the notification, or do you have to pay attention and send them?

Bulbizarre 4th Jul 2016 1:58 AM

I find it a bit odd that high school ends at 1am in TS2. Is this another American thing?

iCad 4th Jul 2016 2:06 AM

No, it really isn't. At least, not that I know of. I didn't go to a regular public high school myself (When I went to school at all, it was a K-12 private one and we day students were there from 7:30AM until 5:30PM, regardless of age/grade. Boarders were there 24/7, of course.), but my son's public high school ran from 7:30AM (His bus came at 6:20AM) until 2:30PM, and he got home around 3:30 or so each day...unless there was sports practice or game, which there pretty much always was since he played one every season. So, between school and practice/games, I really didn't see him much during his high school years. When he was in elementary and middle school it was 8:30 AM until 3:30PM. So, as far as I know, high school hours in the game are abnormally short by American school standards.

Orilon 4th Jul 2016 2:40 AM

As far as I know, 1pm is a very early end time, and is not an American thing. I remember getting out of high school around 2:30 or 3pm. So keeping the High School student in school until 2:30 or 3pm would be more in line with real American high school. I think they may have done that because of how early some teen jobs start.

Sunbee 4th Jul 2016 2:44 AM

@iCad, only if they need to fill their grade meter, or needed to fill it at the time the prompt appeared. (You know, ten seconds left to finish that term paper, time to go to class, so it's in their queue already, but now the paper's done and the meter's full.)
I think the reason why the game high schools end at 1 pm is so the teens can have jobs that start at three. If you've got several teens, and friends come with them, it can take as much as an hour before they're all off the bus, and the car pool's there right then. Whereas real teens with jobs often drive straight to work from school. So I think that's just a gameplay mechanism. Usually high schools and middle schools are longer than elementary schools here--the closest elementary goes 8 to 2, while the middle and high run 8-3.

I live in a region where many school districts still close for a couple weeks at the big crop harvest times, and it's pretty standard for kids to be driving farm equipment as soon as they're tall enough to reach the controls. The district my kids would go to school in if they went, doesn't, but the districts around ours are all more rural and do. They might as well close the middle and high schools during deer hunting season, too, because a lot of families rely on hunting for meat, and a lot of kids don't go to school until they get their deer.

joandsarah77 4th Jul 2016 2:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Main Street Mobile Homes is known to crash and is just really buggy in general; recall reading about that on MATY. Someone on MTS recreated it:

Thanks. I think I will move them all out, bulldoze and replace with that one.

iCad 4th Jul 2016 3:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
@iCad, only if they need to fill their grade meter, or needed to fill it at the time the prompt appeared. (You know, ten seconds left to finish that term paper, time to go to class, so it's in their queue already, but now the paper's done and the meter's full.)

Interesting. I think you must have a mod that does that because my game's never done that, and the only mod I have that affects Uni is one that shortens semesters to 48 hours. I'll bet it's a Pescado mod; seems like something he'd make since Sims don't really need to go to class if they have a full meter, and he's all about Sims doing only what they need to do. They still need to go their finals, though. Do you get a notification/push for that?

I think the reason why the game high schools end at 1 pm is so the teens can have jobs that start at three. If you've got several teens, and friends come with them, it can take as much as an hour before they're all off the bus, and the car pool's there right then. Whereas real teens with jobs often drive straight to work from school. So I think that's just a gameplay mechanism. Usually high schools and middle schools are longer than elementary schools here--the closest elementary goes 8 to 2, while the middle and high run 8-3.

Oh yeah, I'm sure teens get short school because of the 3PM-6PM hours of most of the teen jobs. Those hours always struck me as a bit odd. I never had a normal job as a teen (Heck, I've never had a regular job, period ), but a lot of the teens I know work in retail and they have the 5PM-to-9PM/close shift and longer hours on the weekends. It'd be nice if the teen jobs had that kind of schedule, but I'm thinking you can't have different/longer hours on one day than another in the game's careers, since none of them do that. But yeah, it's definitely a gameplay convenience, so it's not really "realistic," anyway.

I live in a region where many school districts still close for a couple weeks at the big crop harvest times, and it's pretty standard for kids to be driving farm equipment as soon as they're tall enough to reach the controls. The district my kids would go to school in if they went, doesn't, but the districts around ours are all more rural and do. They might as well close the middle and high schools during deer hunting season, too, because a lot of families rely on hunting for meat, and a lot of kids don't go to school until they get their deer.

Yeah, where I live specifically is now more touristy than agriculture-y. In fact, it was never very ag-y; it was a mining town from its founding in the 1880s and then practically a ghost town for a while when the mines were more or less done before it was reimagined and reborn as a ski resort in the 70s. So, not really a lot of families in it, just hippie ski bums sleeping in their cars and before that single guys working the mines who came into town for supplies and to carouse. Plus outlaws, of course. It's always been a town of outlaws and weird people in general. Butch Cassidy began his career here and all. Many people believe the town's name is a contraction of "To Hell You Ride" because it's ALWAYS been a rowdy kind of place. You could bring your horse into the bars here for a beer until the mid-80s when they finally decided enough was enough already and it was scaring the tourists. Normal families didn't really come into the picture until very recently (like within the last 40 years) and most of them definitely aren't ag. (Like, you know, the celebrities...but at least we're not as bad as Aspen, and Oprah's really, truly, nice and normal and down-to-earth and her house here isn't god-awful ugly like Tom Cruise's place. ) But anyway...the general area is definitely ranchy, and the school districts' schedules are definitely built around the ranching schedule, not so much for harvest times because there's not a lot of that kind of farming around here (way too dry and way too short a growing season), but for herd-moving and branding times and such. And, indeed, for hunting season when pretty much no one old enough to hold a hunting rifle or a bow goes to school anyway. Gotta get that elk! :D

gummilutt 4th Jul 2016 3:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
They still need to go their finals, though. Do you get a notification/push for that?

Finals are not mandatory. Not going will drop your grade, but you can still pass the semester if it's high enough. I have a thread about it somewhere. Being the giant nerd that I am, I made an overlay that I can paste over screenshots to see if their grade is high enough to pass without going. You de-synchronize hours, I make them pass without having to leave the lot

(MTS smileys are so annoying! Had to write something or it deletes the space that the smiley requires to show up >_>)

gummilutt 4th Jul 2016 7:50 AM

Can someone confirm if pregnant Sims can pass out by falling down? I'm trying to create a screenshot, and the Sim just falls asleep standing. But she lives in a very cramped apartment, so I am not entirely sure if it's the pregnancy or the space that's making her stand up.

meginmd 4th Jul 2016 2:26 PM

Just a quick update: moving Charlotte and Lacey into a new, different home solved the no class notification problem

Bubblebeam 4th Jul 2016 2:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
Nah, that always happens. Just one of the "quirks" of apartment buildings in the game. Just turn on moveobjects and delete the instances of the Sims who've moved out when you're playing the other tenant. You kind of have to do it, in fact, because otherwise those Sims can't get into an apartment and will end up peeing themselves and passing out on the sidewalks like drunken derelicts. You'll only need to do it once, although you may need to do it again if you've got more than one other tenant living in the building, when you play those other households for the first time since the move-out.

It's a little more complicated than that though. I try removing the sim via moveobjects, but then if I click the apartment door I get an error popup. Selecting reset then lights up that old tenants apartment, with his dog in there. If I select delete, live mode stops and I can't do anything. The lot won't update those old apartments.

Bulbizarre 4th Jul 2016 9:15 PM

Does anybody know who made NoAutonomyCompGames.package? It's in a zip file with no readme. I forgot to sort it into the proper folder when I downloaded it.

RoxEllen1965 4th Jul 2016 9:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Can someone confirm if pregnant Sims can pass out by falling down? I'm trying to create a screenshot, and the Sim just falls asleep standing. But she lives in a very cramped apartment, so I am not entirely sure if it's the pregnancy or the space that's making her stand up.

I have sims pass out and stretch out full length on the ground quite often (usually dormies coming back from class exhausted). If there's not room for them to pass out on the floor, then they do fall asleep standing up.

gordyfl 4th Jul 2016 9:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Does anybody know who made NoAutonomyCompGames.package? It's in a zip file with no readme. I forgot to sort it into the proper folder when I downloaded it.

mdsb759 4th Jul 2016 9:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HackedLemons
If I change the carpool/bus driver (with SimSurgery,) will my neighborhood be at the risk of corruption because I tampered them in anyway? I currently made one sim as a archetype but I hadn't touched the driver, yet.

EDIT: I decided to not change the driver's appearance but I'm still curious if that's okay.
SimPE's Sim Surgery I take to be safe with any character within the Sim Surgery box.
drivers, social workers, social bunnies, repo men, and the other "non-social" characters; I take the only unsafe things to do with those would be these::
-making them selectable
-adding them to a playable household
not entirely sure, but some chance of those actions affecting whole game; for sure if the character is a universal character (Grim Reaper, Hula Zombie, Pollination Technician, Therapist, etc).

Bulbizarre 4th Jul 2016 10:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gordyfl

Thank you.

gummilutt 4th Jul 2016 10:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I have sims pass out and stretch out full length on the ground quite often (usually dormies coming back from class exhausted). If there's not room for them to pass out on the floor, then they do fall asleep standing up.

Thanks Since you said you've seen it in cramped spaced, I decided to try. I realized I could test it by having her walk outside to the yard where there's plenty of free space, and this time she did fall down, so it was definitely the lack of space, not the pregnancy.

Orilon 5th Jul 2016 6:00 AM

What does a baby do to trigger the magic lamp? Its weird, a magical lamp was dropped off and the parents and child don't have the memory of discovering the lamp, but the baby does. How on earth does a baby discover a magical lamp?

joandsarah77 5th Jul 2016 6:51 AM

It's suppose to be linked to hobby enthusiasm or so I was told once. I think it's broken.

marka93 5th Jul 2016 9:24 AM

For me its always the youngest sim on the lot at the time of drop off.

Justpetro 5th Jul 2016 11:07 AM

A baby? Toddlers do get the magic lamp, though, they rake up hobby points with the toys.

mdsb759 5th Jul 2016 10:29 PM

all neighborhood-specific ones generally have different appearances and at times different names?
all universal ones are pretty much the same (both appearance & name) in every neighborhood?

Bubblebeam 6th Jul 2016 8:11 PM

I just played a household I haven't touched for a few weeks and notice it's very sluggy in live mode, but perfectly smooth in build/buy. It wasn't like this the last time I played it . Is there anything known to do this that is reversible?

RoxEllen1965 6th Jul 2016 8:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
I just played a household I haven't touched for a few weeks and notice it's very sluggy in live mode, but perfectly smooth in build/buy. It wasn't like this the last time I played it . Is there anything known to do this that is reversible?

When my game acts like that, it's usually because of route failure - one or more sims on the lot are trying and failing to go to a certain place, perform a certain action, or use a certain object that for some reason is inaccessible. There are a couple of hotels in Takemizu Village that I don't use anymore because the tourists will slow the lot to a crawl trying and failing to fish in the carp pond when they get hungry (I still haven't determined which mod is doing that - it doesn't seem to happen in a vanilla test game). I also use Pescado's nodormieprotect and have found that certain dorm floor plans will slow to a crawl as dormies try and fail to find room to pass out (they should just fall asleep standing up but for some reason they don't always do that).

PanAm103 7th Jul 2016 1:27 AM

Do pets also create character files?

iCad 7th Jul 2016 1:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PanAm103
Do pets also create character files?

They sure do! Owned pets, strays, wolves, they all have character files. In fact, one of the signs of corruption is Sims having human-Sim-related wants for pets. For instance, in my known-corrupted neighborhood, Sims lately want to flirt with animals all the time. it's because recently-generated pets have had some of the floating human-Sim data attached to their character files, so the human Sims roll human-related wants for them.

PanAm103 7th Jul 2016 1:35 AM

So I'm guessing all the urn-related corruption also applies to pet urns? And the same for No Unlink On Delete?

Peni Griffin 7th Jul 2016 1:46 AM

Yup. As far as the unconnected code is concerned, a sim is a sim is a sim, regardless of whether it's shaped like a pet, a human, or a tombstone.

Bubblebeam 7th Jul 2016 12:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
When my game acts like that, it's usually because of route failure - one or more sims on the lot are trying and failing to go to a certain place, perform a certain action, or use a certain object that for some reason is inaccessible. There are a couple of hotels in Takemizu Village that I don't use anymore because the tourists will slow the lot to a crawl trying and failing to fish in the carp pond when they get hungry (I still haven't determined which mod is doing that - it doesn't seem to happen in a vanilla test game). I also use Pescado's nodormieprotect and have found that certain dorm floor plans will slow to a crawl as dormies try and fail to find room to pass out (they should just fall asleep standing up but for some reason they don't always do that).

Hmm, nothing like that seems to be happening on this lot. It's a farming household of 3, with a few of Rebecahs chickens and the rest of the farm being PBK crops/trees. It's not overloaded or anything. I've tried force erroring the chickens, all the sims etc, and using a few options from the batbox (the ones I know that are safe to try). It's pretty much unplayable at the moment. I'm talking one frame for every two sim steps; just incredibly slow.

joandsarah77 7th Jul 2016 1:16 PM

It's probably the chickens, one of my farms with cows suffered the slow clock. Another one of Beks that does that is the pickable flowers. I have to put them in inventory of a night time then the clock does speed three as it should, leave them and it goes slowly.

RoxEllen1965 7th Jul 2016 7:33 PM

The description for the chickens and cows says that they're animated. Looking at her Youtube videos, these things move around the lot on their own and that in turn means that they add an NPC to your game to make them move like that. It's entirely possible that you do have a sim (the farm animal NPC controller) that is trying and failing to do something or get someplace inaccessible. She says in one of the comments on the download thread for the cows & chickens that she cloned these animals from the remote control car. Do you have anything that might conflict or cause problems with the RC car?

Another idea - do you have any way to make invisible sims selectable (Merola's mirror or something similar - I think Sim Manipulator and similar mods will allow this too). If you do, you can select the farm animal NPC and find out what it's trying to do that's causing the problem.

Yet another idea - I do now recall having a similar problem on my old computer. The lot slowed way down because I had too many OFB robots (cleanbots, munchiebots, etc.) activated and running at the same time. Turning some of them off or deleting some of them fixed it. Since each one had its own NPC controller, having them all running at the same time was effectively the same thing as having too many sims on the lot. Maybe you just have too many cows/chickens on your lot and need to cull your herd/flock.

gazania 7th Jul 2016 8:07 PM

While trying to access a Dropbox file, I keep getting the 403 page that tells me I'm in the wrong place:

Is there a way to use a work-around, like we have in Box? Some support forums claim that certain characters might be causing the problem, but I don't see anything odd in that link, unless they mean the hyphens. It appears the problem might be on Yuxi's end, but Yuxi is no longer involved with the Sims, as far as I know. Worse comes to worst, I guess I can do a WCIF. But sometimes, I come across this page in other instances.

I did try futzing around with the URL, using a working download's URL from another site. The "usercontent" part is obviously not supposed to be there. But now I'm getting a 404 (not found). That isn't exactly an improvement!

iCad 7th Jul 2016 9:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bubblebeam
Hmm, nothing like that seems to be happening on this lot. It's a farming household of 3, with a few of Rebecahs chickens and the rest of the farm being PBK crops/trees. It's not overloaded or anything. I've tried force erroring the chickens, all the sims etc, and using a few options from the batbox (the ones I know that are safe to try). It's pretty much unplayable at the moment. I'm talking one frame for every two sim steps; just incredibly slow.

Have you tried running the lot with debug mode turned on? (Meaning typing 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' in the cheat box) Sometimes when I have a lot that's really laggy, the game is actually throwing a ton of errors, which causes the "lag." You don't see the errors without debug mode turned on. In my experience, it's often a corrupted climate controller that's causing it, which can be reset or deleted via the error dialog. After that's done, the lot then runs normally.

I can't say that I've ever experienced any sort of lag due to Beck's animals, but then I also keep my herds/flocks to reasonable levels. Each one DOES put a copy of the controller NPC on the lot, even though you can't see it.

mdsb759 7th Jul 2016 11:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
all neighborhood-specific ones generally have different appearances and at times different names?
all universal ones are pretty much the same (both appearance & name) in every neighborhood?

unrelated to that::
what would happen if any of the following occur within a community lot?
-Hunger failure on floor/ground; Teen or older.
-Hunger/Energy failure in a swimming pool; Child or older.
-Hunger/Social failure on floor/ground; Child or younger.

gummilutt 7th Jul 2016 11:14 PM

Here's a question I really ought to know the answer to, but I don't. What does the setting fade distance do? I'm going over my settings after installing a new graphics card, and it dawned on me I'm not really sure what it does, and therefore have no idea what I want to set it to. Anyone that can shed some light on it for me?

Bulbizarre 7th Jul 2016 11:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gazania
While trying to access a Dropbox file, I keep getting the 403 page that tells me I'm in the wrong place:

Is there a way to use a work-around, like we have in Box? Some support forums claim that certain characters might be causing the problem, but I don't see anything odd in that link, unless they mean the hyphens. It appears the problem might be on Yuxi's end, but Yuxi is no longer involved with the Sims, as far as I know. Worse comes to worst, I guess I can do a WCIF. But sometimes, I come across this page in other instances.

I did try futzing around with the URL, using a working download's URL from another site. The "usercontent" part is obviously not supposed to be there. But now I'm getting a 404 (not found). That isn't exactly an improvement!

HTTP 403 is 'Forbidden.' Means that the server understands your request but refuses to take further action. Sounds like the file might've been set to private.

iCad 7th Jul 2016 11:19 PM

Fade distance controls how close you can get the camera to objects before they fade when you're zooming in. The larger the fade distance, the "faster" things will fade. If you set it to "Off," things don't fade at all, which can be useful for picture-taking (depending on what camera mode you're in), but isn't so useful for actual playing, as your view will tend to get blocked.

Peni Griffin 7th Jul 2016 11:21 PM

The universal sims are necessarily the same in every neighborhood, because they are not just identical, they are literally the same file.

The neighborhood-specific sims will generate with slight differences, because they are normally generated in batches of three - if you don't stringently repress spawning, the game will create three each of the Unsavory Charlatan, the Social Worker, the nannies, etc. NPCs who generate with full character data will also generate with their own names. Sims that are just roles without full character data - Unsavory Charlatan, Social Worker, Hot Dog Chef - will not have proper names. Sims that are full characters should also have real names. A few sims that lack full character data - the DJs, for example - have names, but cannot be interacted with beyond a limited menu of actions, and they are not safe to move in; but they will only break the neighborhood, not the game, because they are not universal NPCs. They are object-generated NPCs.

Remember that if you don't suppress the base game stealth hood when creating the neighborhood, you will get all the Pleasantview townies, which includes the Pleasantview NPCs.

As for the various types of failure on community lots, these will be very rare, because sims not from the active household will leave the lot when their energy bars get low, and most people return their sims home when their bars get sufficiently low. Social failure will always result in the same behavior, regardless of where a sim is.

If you want to know what happens when a sim starves to death on a community lot, I suggest you test this in a throwaway neighborhood, using Rodney's death creator to save time, as it takes forever for a sim to starve.

gummilutt 7th Jul 2016 11:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
Fade distance controls how close you can get the camera to objects before they fade when you're zooming in. The larger the fade distance, the "faster" things will fade. If you set it to "Off," things don't fade at all, which can be useful for picture-taking (depending on what camera mode you're in), but isn't so useful for actual playing, as your view will tend to get blocked.

Hmm. I can't say that I notice any difference between tiny or extreme, so I'm not sure I'm understanding what kind of fading we are talking about The only zooming I can think of is when I move the camera in to an object, but I'm guessing that's not what you meant?

iCad 8th Jul 2016 12:10 AM

It's kind of hard to explain without pictures, but I don't have my game running at the moment, so... Picture this: You have a lot. It's two stories with a staircase. At a given distance, the staircase looks solid, right? Now, picture in your mind what happens when you move or zoom the camera toward that staircase. At a certain distance away from it, it will start to fade, to go transparent. The fade distance setting controls at what point that fading will start to happen. Not all things fade on a lot, of course, but generally larger view-blocking things like staircases and trees do. It also affects neighborhood deco fading, as well, if you use those on or near lots.

Bulbizarre 8th Jul 2016 1:12 AM

Quick question: Is there any safe way to change a neighborhood number? (e.g. from N001 to N007). I know about the batch renamer thing, but I seem to vaguely recall reading that it wasn't entirely thorough and can break things. Between my shoddy memory and terrible google-fu, I'm just now confused. Can someone please clear this up for me?

Peni Griffin 8th Jul 2016 1:47 AM

I don't know where you read that. The smaller your neighborhood is when you change the number the easier it will be to renumber, but I'm not aware of any issues with the bulk renamer. Those of us making different versions of shareable neighborhoods have not encountered any difficulties with it that I can recall seeing discussed.

The best time to renumber a neighborhood is right after you create it, before adding any sims or lots. From that point, everything created in it will be numbered correctly. Remember, the simpler you make a job, the easier it is to get it right.

gummilutt 8th Jul 2016 3:19 AM

Thanks iCad, I think I sort of get it. I can't make anything on the lot fade no matter how close I get, but the neighbourhood deco does go away. I'll just set it to max and try to remember to reduce it if I ever find something is fading when I don't want it to

iCad 8th Jul 2016 3:28 AM

Some custom things are set not to fade no matter what, I think. I think there are also mods out there that make it so that things don't fade, as well, regardless of your settings. So it's one of those variable things. I'm pretty sure hood deco is always affected, though. I usually have my fade distance set to off, mostly because if I don't do that way, my sky globes (because I use neighborhood ones plus the "sky fix" mod, not on-lot sky globes) will "turn off" at whatever distance fade distance is set to, and I always want my sky to show.

Annaminna 8th Jul 2016 5:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gazania
While trying to access a Dropbox file, I keep getting the 403 page that tells me I'm in the wrong place:

Is there a way to use a work-around, like we have in Box? Some support forums claim that certain characters might be causing the problem, but I don't see anything odd in that link, unless they mean the hyphens. It appears the problem might be on Yuxi's end, but Yuxi is no longer involved with the Sims, as far as I know. Worse comes to worst, I guess I can do a WCIF. But sometimes, I come across this page in other instances.

I did try futzing around with the URL, using a working download's URL from another site. The "usercontent" part is obviously not supposed to be there. But now I'm getting a 404 (not found). That isn't exactly an improvement!


Yuxi did put her files on onedrive because of dropbox not working.

AliaD85 8th Jul 2016 9:05 AM

What would happen if I place dorm room doors on a residential lot? Would sims be able to choose the dorms like they do at dormitories?

Bulbizarre 8th Jul 2016 9:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
What would happen if I place dorm room doors on a residential lot? Would sims be able to choose the dorms like they do at dormitories?

Yes. I remember doing it in a seniors' home in one of my old 'hoods.

Bubblebeam 8th Jul 2016 1:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Should I be seeing all these results when selecting "Fix > Bad Apartment Residencies" with the batbox on a residential lot? I'm pretty worried this hood is corrupted now. This is the problematic lagging lot mentioned earlier. While I'm not getting any direct error popups and playing seems fine on most lots, I'm getting a lot of results for many of the batbox options. These are some of the results...

Fix > Bad Apartment Residencies = 13 fixed/removed objects (as seen in image)
Memory > Clear Trash = 21 objects removed
Fix > Dangling Furiousness = 25 fixed/removed objects

None are fixing the lag but the large quantities of things being fixed seems a bit concerning, unless this is normal for the average lot? I've run the hood checker and HCDU to be sure and again, nothing seems out of the ordinary, but I've often read that a corrupted hood will seem normal until much later on down the line, so I'm trying to find out early on.

Peni Griffin 8th Jul 2016 3:35 PM

Those aren't corruption thingies. Apartment lots tend to pile up the glitches because there's so many people on them and because the code was never perfected. Some of them might be contributing to lag or to other problems, such as a sim you can't locate being perceived as on the lot and never callable, but they are not inherently dangerous.

"Trash memories" are just "things Pescado thinks clutter stuff up," not anything actually bad. Twenty-one trash memories is nothing! The option clears out all the "met so-and-so" memories, so I'm surprised the number isn't much higher. Try "clear gossip/From All" and you'll be shocked at the number!

Twenty-one corrupt memories would be a problem, and a scary one, but they get their own special option which is only available when corrupt memories are available to be wiped.

gazania 8th Jul 2016 3:36 PM

The trash and the furiousness parts aren't a problem. Don't know about the bad apartment residencies.

It doesn't LOOK like anything bad has happened, but others might be able to elaborate with the apartment residencies. I do know there are lingering signs of tenants who have left apartments that are still on the apartment lot. I had a nasty incidence of it myself recently, as well as two NPC tenants who got frozen under the elevator and when I did a move_objects on them to get them off, the two apartments stayed completely empty. All I got was "Unique Separator Door", which refers to the .... well ... apartment door. Usually, you see names when you go back into the apartment.

I moved a Sim into one of the apartments, and the problem cleared up. I would guess ... and this is a guess ... that the Batbox would try to fix that sort of problem. (The tenants were still around, by the way. I didn't wipe them out completely.)

Personally, I get nervous about doing things with the Batbox unless I know exactly what it's going to fix. Fiddling around with it caused problems with me before. I'm still trying to figure out "Forced visitors" myself, and the Wiki has nothing on that. Unless I know who these invisible house guests are, I'm not touching that menu item!

(More info on Batbox, from the source this time:,72.0.html)

joandsarah77 8th Jul 2016 3:42 PM

Apartment lots do pile up glitches but this is NOT an apartment lot. I doubt it can be the npc animals, they tend to show as invisible sims on the bat box.

gazania If Boolprop is off nothing you can touch on the bat box is that bad. Sicne I don't use it except for an error report and have never seen 'forced visitors' I take it you had Boolprop on.

gazania 8th Jul 2016 3:47 PM

Not on that lot. However it wouldn't hurt for me to enter boolprop off for certain actions in the cheat box, just in case. I did use it on another lot a number of times for different functions, but I know I turned it off on that one before I saved. (I always check.) Maybe ... and this is a really, really wild guess ... I entered "boolprop enabletestingcheats on" six times and "boolprop off" five times. Thanks for the tip!

I didn't see the residential lot note. Not enough caffeine. Maybe the batbox addresses apartment issues outside the apartment lot? Or I need still more tea? Working on the latter as I write this.

Bubblebeam ... do you know these Sims in question? Are some of these apartment residents on another lot? And was your residence previously occupied by any of the Sims on that list?

Bubblebeam 8th Jul 2016 4:06 PM

Yeah, all the sims listed in the image live on another lot, an apartment lot. This one is residential and the current household is the only one that has ever lived there. So it's odd. I haven't even done anything that might confuse the game like make those sims temporarily playable.

I wouldn't be too bothered since the hood checker, HCDU etc. are all coming out clean, but I know hood corruptions can manifest.over time.

Peni Griffin 8th Jul 2016 4:31 PM

Relax and stop worrying about it. When you get a glitch, troubleshoot it. When you don't have a glitch, run Hoodchecker and make backups frequently, don't do any known Very Bad Things, and have fun with your game.

The HCDU doesn't do anything about corruption. It just shows you an array of things in your downloads folder that address the same bits of original programming, which may or may not cause a problem. It can save time during troubleshooting by showing you mods that might be innocent on their own but creating a problem together, so you can test those first; but against actual hood corruption it is no help at all.

gazania 8th Jul 2016 4:38 PM

I think it's as someone else here wrote (sorry ... forgot who it was ... iCad? Justpetro? Or maybe more than one person?)

The Sims series in general is prone to glitches and corruption, and sometimes, it's Maxis that contributes to them. Eventually, most games will have some sign of corruption.

Hoods can show problems very quickly (as in my daughter's case ... her hood lasted only two weeks before it blew up) or years later (my case, Justpetro's, etc. ). Back up your hood at intervals, sin no more if you are sinning (doing those VBTs), and just enjoy your hood for as long as you have it, be it two weeks or a decade.

RoxEllen1965 8th Jul 2016 6:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Apartment lots do pile up glitches but this is NOT an apartment lot. I doubt it can be the npc animals, they tend to show as invisible sims on the bat box.

It's been my experience that the option to "Fix Bad Apartment Residencies" is neighborhood-wide. That is, it shows up on ALL lots, not just apartment ones, and no matter what lot you run it from (apartment or normal residential), the option will fix ALL bad residencies in your entire neighborhood, not just on one specific apartment lot.

gummilutt 8th Jul 2016 7:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
It's been my experience that the option to "Fix Bad Apartment Residencies" is neighborhood-wide.

Neighbourhood-wide, and roomie-hating. I've only used it once, and every household of mine with a roommate lost it. It was a damn hassle to get them back, because the game still perceived them as living there, so I could not ask them to be roomies again. Had to make them playable, move them in to a new lot to clear everything, then make them townies and then I could finally ask them to be roomies again. But several of them have been wonky since, randomly disappearing from the UI.

Until I know better what that option is intended to do, I ain't touching it. If one does not use roomies, then sure, but if you do I'd be careful with it.

Charmful 8th Jul 2016 8:04 PM

Is teleporting a couple back to the neighborhood that were on vacation, to move them in with a family a bad thing?

It was all kind of bizarre - the sim in question didn't have an option to leave her hotel or end the vacation and her vacation meter wasn't progressing so I went to her brother's house and used the cat to teleport the vacationing sim and boyfriend back to his house and move them in to make them selectable and then have them find a new place together.

I don't know what their deal was on vacation. I have two other couples on vacation and their meters just fine and they can do everything normally.

mdsb759 8th Jul 2016 10:15 PM

my community lot questions; did some testing within AnyGameStarter. it seems that sims cannot starve or drown or be neglected at community lots.

slightly related::
can electronic/plumbing objects ever break on community lots? without cheats/hacks/mods.
does the Burglar ever come to community lots? again without cheats/hacks/mods.

something else::
how to buy extra lots? Open For Business or Bon Voyage.
the price before buying; calculated the same way as main-neighborhood residentials?
when bought; are those lots included in future bills? if so, same calculations as for the lot they live in?

Peni Griffin 8th Jul 2016 10:41 PM

Burglars can come to owned community lots. They behave like normal customers for the most part, though I have seen pictures of one strolling off the lot without paying for merchandise. How much of that was game and how much was player interpretation I'm not in a position to be positive.

If the game doesn't have as many townies as it wants to summon to community lots, it will start drawing on NPCs, including burglars.

You buy extra lots by calling up the Real Estate option on the phone and buying extra lots. I've never tried to have the same person buy a second vacation home in the same neighborhood, but that's easily tested.

Bulbizarre 8th Jul 2016 11:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
can electronic/plumbing objects ever break on community lots? without cheats/hacks/mods.

I've seen toilets and sinks break on owned community lots. Unsure about unowned.

gazania 9th Jul 2016 12:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Is teleporting a couple back to the neighborhood that were on vacation, to move them in with a family a bad thing?

It was all kind of bizarre - the sim in question didn't have an option to leave her hotel or end the vacation and her vacation meter wasn't progressing so I went to her brother's house and used the cat to teleport the vacationing sim and boyfriend back to his house and move them in to make them selectable and then have them find a new place together.

I don't know what their deal was on vacation. I have two other couples on vacation and their meters just fine and they can do everything normally.

I have had instances where vacationers got stuck in a vacation hood and I had to resort to some pretty desperate measures to get them back to the main hood, so I share your concern. BV can be a glitchy sonofagun, can it?

joandsarah77 9th Jul 2016 12:54 AM

The burglar certainly does

The burglar at Coral Bay is very active, both in the community and with burgling houses.

Annaminna 9th Jul 2016 2:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
I've seen toilets and sinks break on owned community lots. Unsure about unowned.

I am very pretty annoyed of waiters broking sinks in unowned restaurants. Also toilets clogging by lazy townies who don't flush. Just stay longer at community lot and everything will break.

Peni Griffin 9th Jul 2016 2:04 AM

But it'll all be fixed again next time you visit. So it hardly matters.

stitching 9th Jul 2016 2:22 AM

My limited experience with the burglar on owned lots is that he normally just walks by or looks about and views things and then leaves, unless the owner interacts with him. Then he browses and may choose something, but he leaves without paying. I've never seen him browse merchandise without my sims first greeting him and I've never seen him in line at the cash register. I've had the restock sign for the items he stole glitch on me and I've had to use the stuck object remover on them - I don't know if it was just my bad luck that happened or if it was related to the burglar or the crafted items he took, but I now just ignore him when he turns up and he normally leaves quickly.

iCad 9th Jul 2016 2:45 AM

Yeah, I've only had burglars walk by on community lots, owned or otherwise, as well, and I've never greeted them. But I do think that if you have limited non-playables in your neighborhood (Like if you've created an empty one with all empty templates), then they might be called as a regular lot visitor simply because the game has such a limited "pool" to choose from. I think this is why sometimes multiple instances of the same Sim will sometimes end up on community lots, too.

k6ka 9th Jul 2016 2:53 AM

Just about everything can break on a community lot, whether it be owned or unowned. For owned community lots, SimWardrobe has an "Employee Maintenance Controller" that lets you assign an employee to be the slave, er, maintenance worker, for the lot. They'll repair objects when they break, so household members and managers are no longer the only ones who can fix broken items. Extremely useful in my owned restaurant, where the germaphobic waiters would keep washing their hands over and over until they had a fountain in the kitchen, making a watery mess.

joandsarah77 9th Jul 2016 4:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by stitching
My limited experience with the burglar on owned lots is that he normally just walks by or looks about and views things and then leaves, unless the owner interacts with him. Then he browses and may choose something, but he leaves without paying. I've never seen him browse merchandise without my sims first greeting him and I've never seen him in line at the cash register. I've had the restock sign for the items he stole glitch on me and I've had to use the stuck object remover on them - I don't know if it was just my bad luck that happened or if it was related to the burglar or the crafted items he took, but I now just ignore him when he turns up and he normally leaves quickly.

He definitely bought a cell phone or PMS player or something from that electronic thing at my PO.

iCad, if you recall I had a multiple playable issue on some community lots, that stopped after a got more and added a uni. The bugler buying a cell phone was also fairly early on. I just took the picture as proof because I hadn't seen it before. My guess is both were to do with the low number of sims my game had to call upon. I also found it amusing that every other sim in that shop. playable and one NPC on the parcel till all turned and looked at him.

iCad 9th Jul 2016 4:04 AM

"PMS player?"

Sorry, I know you meant MP3 player, but now I'm sitting here trying to imagine what a "PMS player" would be like...

ETA: Yeah, I do remember you having that issue. I think the game is just programmed to call a certain number of Sims to a community lot when you're visiting one (or running one), and if it has to, it takes whomever it can get, even if it means calling the same Sim three times and all three iterations are there at the same time. Did you ever get "Met Self" memories from it? But then, you have mods to prevent that. I wonder if it'd happen if those mods weren't in place, though...

joandsarah77 9th Jul 2016 4:06 AM

Lol, oh .cough, looks like I am back to my oops typos again. I really thought I had typed MP3. I think I am going through the big M here, my brain is addled!

lauratje86 10th Jul 2016 3:11 PM

What job level do sims have to be at to meet the criteria for the "Hard Working" turn on/turn off?

WildIrishBanshee 10th Jul 2016 4:20 PM

6+ I believe.

lauratje86 10th Jul 2016 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WildIrishBanshee
6+ I believe.

Thank you! :-)

Charmful 10th Jul 2016 4:36 PM

Question for the collective wisdom and experience on this forum about time.

One of my residential lots, for some reason, the regular time pace setting has a 40-60 second count before changing to the next minute. It's extremely slow but sims are moving at a normal pace for that time setting, When I bump it up to the super fast pace, it's about 4 seconds between minutes with high-speed sim movement. When this family goes to a community lot, time pacing is normal. When I go to another residential lot the pacing is normal for the game. I just noticed this anomaly yesterday and I have played this family in question before so I would have noticed it last time, I would have to have been oblivious not to realize two sim hours should have gone by and the clock has only progressed a half hour.

I do not have any mods in my game that alter time.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

My next step is to remove some of the clothes I downloaded yesterday as they are the only new variable in my game since I found out this was happening.

simsample 10th Jul 2016 6:58 PM

@Charmful Is the clock skipping some numbers so that the day has a normal duration, or are you exeriencing longer days?

Charmful 10th Jul 2016 7:18 PM

It was almost if my sims were like in clockstoppers where they would act normally but the clock went so slowly that they could clean the entire house by the time 10 sim minutes had passed on regular speed. Waiting for them to wake up took about 10 RL minutes on super speed through the night. Minutes didn't skip. I am using past tense because since I've posted I removed the CC I recently downloaded, it didn't help. So then I moved the family in question out and onto a new lot - time was normal. I moved them back in and time was normal again. So weird because I cannot pinpoint what made the clock go so slow in the first place.

HCAC 10th Jul 2016 7:40 PM

I was playing a family and they had a home business (selling flower arrangements). Well, I tried to get the customers to go home and then close down the business but they kept going in a loop and everyone began to have meltdowns and freak out and it went on and on until I moved the house to the bin then back to the hood. Any idea why? Do home businesses have glitches?

AliaD85 10th Jul 2016 10:07 PM

Is it just an easier option to let Hoodchecker deal with the corrupted memories in my neighborhood? Of course, I'll back my neighborhood up, but I just want information from people who have done it before.

marka93 10th Jul 2016 11:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HCAC
I was playing a family and they had a home business (selling flower arrangements). Well, I tried to get the customers to go home and then close down the business but they kept going in a loop and everyone began to have meltdowns and freak out and it went on and on until I moved the house to the bin then back to the hood. Any idea why? Do home businesses have glitches?

You have just corrupted that hood by moving a home business to the bin and back to the hood.

There are mods that can clear off your lot.

Normally you use the sign to close the store and wait till every one leaves.

For you it sounds more like a mod problem than anything else.

joandsarah77 10th Jul 2016 11:32 PM

@HCAC in a pinch just put on moveobjects on, and delete the sims off the lot, that simply removes that instance of them. Never place an owned business into the bin.

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