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All right, I finally got it! YEAAAAHHHH!
Let Round Four Begin! |
ALL RIGHT! *happydance*
... I have nothing better to contribute. ![]() Oh the suspense of what Laura's been doing with the Mitchells/Rhys... Perhaps I'll just snag a copy of the nhood and take a peek... |
Aaaaggghhh... my computer spat the dummy! I just had to reinstall EVERYTHING - games, software, drivers, the lot. Don't worry, though, I'm not dropping out, it'll just be a while before I can get back to simming.
Sorry for the wait Kaila, before I went to visit some friends last weekend I "put my FreeTime disk somewhere safe" and it's taken me 2 days to find it again! (mental note - the drawer where I keep my chequebook is a silly place to put a Sims DVD-ROM....) No way I was going to try and piece together the stories from memory - I don't remember many details but I remember they were pretty long! Stories *should* be up today, bar further problems.... Loading the game up now so I can copy-paste the text and know which pictures to use......
That sucks Jim, my laptop does that on occasion too, annoying huh?! I hope you manage to get it working again soon! :-) |
That's terrible Jim! I hope you can get back to the hood before Flower-Sack Baby comes knocking...
And I don't mind the wait, Laura - I can get a copy of the neighborhood when I get home. I also want to start Tundra Valley this weekend too now that I finally have nothing going on, so I'll be busy Simming! |
Simmer, please. Ain't nothin' keepin' me outta the game, you know that.
I've got everything restored now and I'm playing my first household. |
Wow! That was really quick. Good for you
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Just read your R4 part 1...
LOL if only we had BV in the AnyGame setup...
I'm almost done! I have four households now that Loquat is on his lonesome. Parts 2 and 3 are ready for your viewing pleasure. Man, I gotta stop taking so many photos. I guess that's the problem with playing for an entire Sim year - there's so much to document. |
Got another problem regarding the cemetery. I boolprop-killed a townie for kicking over Paige's garbage can, but when I tried to discreetly bury him in La Verde, his grave had disappeared by the time Loquat showed up to bury his grandparents. I have an idea, though: if Loquat gifts the urns to Delilah Mitchell and they're still in her inventory later on, do you think you could bury them, Laura? Delilah could be Illusion Bay's resident undertaker. :P
EDIT: Sims who have died of old age should be removed from the neighbourhood view Story Mode too, in order to make way for the newer generations. If they have partners who died of other causes, those partners should be removed as well (eg. once Jared dies, remove Dagmar too). |
Gifting urns and tombstones is a VBT. Use Boolprop to get Delilah/one of Laura's players into the household and make them selectable, then place said urn/tombstone into inventory. I think she said that Jayson owned the cemetary so best to use him? Well, could we keep our founders (just our founders) in there? |
Yikes! Thanks for the heads-up. I'll have Loquat invite Jayson over and then boolprop the urns into his inventory. (It says in neighbourhood view that Delilah owns it though.)
Neighbourhood stories are supposed to introduce the hood and it's current inhabitants, that's why I wanted to remove the deceased elders. |
Delilah was the one who bought it, but Laura said she gave the "business" to Jayson.
Okay then, go ahead and delete them. I don't care about Cel that much anyways ![]() |
I had to give the urns to Delilah since Loquat doesn't know Jayson. I'll leave that to Laura to sort it out.
I'm just sorting the Story Mode stuff, then I'll pack up the neighbourhood and turn it over to you, Kaila. |
To be honest I actually forgot to gift the deed to Jayson, so Delilah still owns it anyway :-) I'll pass it on to Jayson during my next round, after making sure any urns/graves Delilah has get put in the cemetary.
So yes, feel free to give urns/tombstones to either of them this round - in future rounds I can sort it out whoever you give them to anyway, as long as you let me know who has them so I don't miss them! |
So Jayson can be the resident undertaker then, heh heh. "Bring out your deeeeaad!".
Upload complete! Hooray! Your turn, Kaila.
My reserved post has been updated to show new blogging too. |
(Now I just need to figure out which case the FT disc is in... You would think it would be the FT case.) EDIT: Jim, you only got like half of the files for my content. :/ You're missing: fanseelamb_shorterstorehair_black MESH_fanseelamb_shorterstorehair_allages fanseelamb--Bill-Hair--Black MESH--fanseelamb--Bill-Hair--All-Ages NIN-Raon-F29-brown raonjena_fhair29_mesh Anyways I thought we weren't going to pass around the downloads folder? EDIT2: Laura... That family tree is making my head spin. EDIT3: Oh muahaha, I know I will be causing some dramas in Illusion Bay this round. I just know it. ![]() ![]() EDIT4: I edit too much don't I? Anyways... AUGH WHEN DID PIERCE BECOME A BULLY! Have you seen how nice he is to sister Lily... whom I hate... |
Whoops... I'm not sure how those files went missing. You can replace them though, right?
Maybe Pierce is just a closet anti-alien bigot? :P |
Yes, I only used your downloads (as I already downloaded Laura's stuff and had put it in the folder along with mine.)
Perhaps I could play this "bully" thing at an interesting angle... By the way, I made a post at my LJ. *sniggers* |
Quote: Originally posted by Kailacat
Mine's way better. |
Quote: Originally posted by perihelion
What?? *confused* |
My Fleur makeover's better than that top hatted one.
That's not a makeover - that's her work outfit. She's a Tap Dancer. :D
Oh, ok. Haha.
Muahaha, I love having the neighborhood in my
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Yup, go for it, as long as you make it fairly quick as, ummm, there may be changes to her, ummmm, appearance if she's played for too long??
Awww, that's nice of you. If I was able to bury them myself, I'd make a video of the funeral.
Oh yes. Good idea. I will make a video of the funeral.
![]() (Mua... ha... ha... ha...) |
LOL! I wasn't actually expecting you to do that, but I won't stop you. Just... please, for Gods' sakes don't make the music 'My Immortal'! (That should be reserved for younger Sims' funerals.
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I didn't make a video, it makes Sims run way too slow, and plus I cheated a bit to make it look nice (ie get everyone there, get everyone in formal wear) so it didn't really work. Plus... wasn't really anything to see there. I did take a few pictures though (which I've included in the story.)
I also considered inviting the whole town but I learned the hard way that Lysette has the flu! |
Awwww, what a shame.
Lol, I realize I'm taking way too long.
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No worries from my side Kaila, took me ages too! Real life has an annoying habit of getting in the way of sims! By the time it's my turn I'll be at my parents' house for Christmas & New Year, but no worries - I'm taking my laptop with me this time! I was so bored there in July when my parents were just sat watching rubbish tv all evening and I had no sims to play..... And their internet connection is waaaaay better than mine too, so it'll make it easier for me to download and upload the neighbourhood :-)
As long as you're enjoying it!! :-D |
I eagerly anticipate the next part of the story.
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WHUH- I see this thread and SIMS 2???
You mean, SIMS 3? Seriously? I didn't think it would work with Sims 3. Anyways, it's the end of spring. Still two lots - I've found a workaround. I put another "house" on the Pebbles' lot. I'm eager to share the story. I planned something with both of you guys and I'm enjoying playing out the dramas. ![]() Oh, and I built like five new houses, sorry. The neighborhood just looks so empty and I thought it needed something. |
Yes, that's right! I'm coordinating with a few folks in the Sims 3 section, including our old buddy jay_envy who has volunteered to create a test world. Turns out there is a Sims 3 version of AGS available (although we're starting with base game only and no CC).
Do you mind if I move some of my Sims into those new houses, or do you want to keep them for yourself? It's up to you. |
I don't care what you do with the houses
![]() Merry Christmas! I'm done and uploading it. My Tinypic starting fuzzing up my pictures, I have no idea why, so I'll see if I can use Photobucket or something to put up the stories. EDIT: Hopefully I'll have it uploaded soon along with Tundra Valley. Also, please add the Batbox (ffsdebugger.package, available at MATY, you two really should know where this is) to my list of content. EDIT2: First part is up - the important part I think. Mediafire is, of course, being buggy and laggy as usual, but I hope to get the hood up sooner or later. :/ Also, complete family portraits are in Family Portraits and Snapshots thread. Currently I'm the last poster. By looking at the pictures you'll be able to see who died ![]() ![]() EDIT3: Okay, both Illusion Bay and Tundra Valley are successfully uploaded! I'll do the Florals' story soon. ![]() EDIT4: Floral story up, census updated. |
Woo! Awesome! -D Downloading it now - on my parents' internet connection, because I'm staying with them over Christmas, so that just makes it even better! :-)
I'll try to upload it by the morning of January 4th, because then I can upload it using their internet connection too, but I may not be able to finish it by them as they expect me to talk to them and stuff occasionally whilst I'm here - no idea why! :-P Eeee, how exciting!! |
Sorry for the double post....
I had to reinstall AGS, and I forgot to save the terrain file that is used for Illusion Bay before I deleted my old saved games when uninstalling. Please can one of you upload it to Mediafire for me? :-D Thanks :-) |
Will do, Laura.
![]() EDIT: Aand... done ![]() |
That. Was. BRILLIANT. If I were wearing a hat, I would take it off to you. I love how you've run with my bullying idea, it's perfect! Though when I saw the intro I thought "OMFG SHE DIED?" I have decided, though, that Pierce's potential for employment at Illusory Fun depends on whether or not Melissa likes him and is willing to overlook his behaviour. On the other hand, I see potential for soap opera-style BIG DRAMA here: will xenophobia and racial tension grip Illusion Bay? Will Simon, Stratos and Nebula be safe, or will the sleepy seaside town erupt in sex, violence and leftover cake? I'M EXCITED! And yes, old age has done nothing to diminish Fleur's hotness. (I just had another idea that would help stir the pot some more when my turn comes. It would involve creating another household, but I can definitely handle it. Stay tuned!) |
Thanks Kaila - now I can start playing :-D Have just read your stories (I tend to not read them until right before I start playing) - awesome!! :-)
I am very excited about my go - was gutted when I went to load the neighbourhood yesterday and realised that I'd accidentally deleted the terrain file! Another household, Jim? Crazy!! And here I am wondering how many rounds it'll take me to merge my three back into two...... Probably quite a few, I reckon.... |
Thanks so much Jim
![]() No problem Laura ![]() |
I'd completely forgotten half the stuff that was going on in my households!
I'm glad to see that Simon is getting on ok, Kaila. Expect him to have lots of "attended family reunion" memories when it's your next go - I've played for 5 sim days so far and there have already been 2 family parties! **EDIT** |
Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Are you done yet? *hops around in excitement*
EDIT: when you are done, Laura, can you pass on the modified UI files I provided? I lost my copies after my computer crapped itself. |
Lol, Jim. Calm down.
Just wondering, but do you mean the files for Tundra Valley? I didn't think Laura downloaded them. |
Oh yeah. Sorry, I got those mixed up. Never mind, Laura.
If I could I would upload them seperately to MediaFire... however my computer has no internet at the moment so I cannot upload them now.
Bt the way Laura, I saw your picture taking tutorial! Great job! It covered so many things that I wished I had known when I started taking pictures. ![]() |
Sorry guys, I was sure I'd posted here, not sure what happened.
My Freetime disk got scratched whilst I was staying with my parents so I couldn't play Illusion Bay anymore. I ordered a new one, it should be delivered today or tomorrow and then I'll finish it off and upload it to Mediafire asap. I didn't have much longer to go, at least. Thanks Kaila :-) I've really gotten in to picture taking, so I figured I'd write a little tutorial :-) |
I eagerly await!
Okay guys, I'm wondering something. Do you think we should get a multi-PT hack? I really don't want all of the aliens to be related, especially when we get into later generations - messy family trees and all that?
Just throwing out the idea - it might be better. But I wanted to ask you before I added anything like that. (Plus, I might have to take out a hair or something to add it lol.) |
I'd be ok with that, Kaila. Aliens seem to be getting popular! Or bullied, as the case may be. I guess I mean common rather than popular! :-D
If Jim agrees, maybe we could agree on a multi PT hack and include it as extra CC, so that you can keep your hairs. Given that it'd benefit all of us it seems silly to make it count against one person's CC allowance. And if we agree on one and all download it ourselves we wouldn't need to pass it on with the neighbourhood, so it wouldn't matter how large the file(s) was/were. I got a new Freetime disk this morning (Amazon was slow...), so shouldn't be too long now! :-) |
What is a multi-PT hack and what does it do?
It adds more Pollination Technicians (PT's) to the hood and your sims will have a chance out of - I think 4 or 5 PT's? not sure - when they get abducted, to be the father. I don't have one in my new game since I only have 1 alien so far, but I think that since we already have a few aliens in Illusion Bay that we should add a hack to create more options. This way not all aliens will be siblings/related.
Yup. I have one in my main game that adds 4 PT's. That's enough for me, to be honest, as it gives plenty of variation without each half-alien having a different technician "parent". I added it when I started a 'hood where half-aliens/green-skinned sims were top of the social hierarchy; as I expected there to be lots of them and I wanted the half-aliens to be able to have kids together I decided that a multi-PT hack was necessary.
Ah, I see.
Don't forget to pass the CC along with the 'hood, saves me having to hunt stuff down and download it all over again. |
Why? Did you delete it after playing with it? I didn't think we were going to pass it along with the hood, since both me and Laura posted our lists here. I only passed yours along since you didn't post a list here for us to download from. You don't have to delete it after each round; the CC doesn't change.
Also, Laura, what multi-PT hack do you use? Perhaps we could use it for Illusion Bay too as long as there's no CC. |
I use this one but unfortunately it requires University :-( There are quite a few available - the trick is finding one that's CC free, compatible with the EP's we're using, and doesn't include default skins/eyes.....
I shall upload all the CC (from all three of us) to Mediafire as a separate rar file, that way we're not passing it on every time but as long as nobody adds anything else anyone who needs it can just download it from Mediafire. My internet connection struggles with downloading files, so if the CC is separate the neighbourhood file will be a bit smaller, and that's good news for me and my poor long-suffering laptop! :-D |
Don't forget my laptop had to be reinitialized, Kaila, that's how I lost all the multiplayer CC.
Laura: Good idea! Saves us all the effort of going on some unnecessary scavenger hunt. |
Oh yeah, forgot about that.
That'll be helpful Laura, and also I love your new avatar! ![]() |
Thanks Kaila, she's my contestant in singing_Noel's Miss Role Model contest :-)
I had to redownload mine and Kaila's CC this time round, Jim, because I'd accidentally deleted it..... So having it on Mediafire in a separate file will come in handy for the next time I do that..... (I never learn!) Sorry it's taking so long, my laptop is quite possibly on its last legs and blue screens on me about half a dozen times each day. So I've had to replay quite a few bits because I wasn't saving the game often enough. Now I save pretty much every sim hour, but that also slows down my playing! And restarting my laptop each time, and going through the stupid scans it always wants to do, is time consuming.... Getting closer, though! And a friend of mine is going to upload it to Mediafire for me when I'm done, because my internet connection sucks and I have issues getting it to upload properly. So that should help! |
My laptop croaked again too, I lost everything except for my CC. So... yeah. Take your time, Laura.
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Oh my god, Jim, that's absolutely terrible! I hope you'll get some of your stuff back, at least.
![]() But yeah, Laura, you can take as long as you want... I just can't wait to see what you've done with your Simmies! Sounds like they've been having plenty of fun having family reunions. |
Good news: Everything is back up and I also lost a lot less stuff than I thought. In fact, I found all my CC project files neatly tucked away inside a rar. And Claire's safe, too.
That's great! Especially that you got Claire back.
![]() So I went multi-PT-hack-hunting and found this one: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=290883 I believe it would work, because there is no CC linked to - the CC credited at the very end is either defaults (so it wouldn't apply), or being used on the test spawn. Also, one of the posters has used it with "all the EP's up and until AL" and it does work fine for them. Do you guys want to use it?
Quote: Originally posted by ChihoSan
Go for it. As long as it doesn't take you over the CC file limit, any hacks that will improve play are fine by me.
I'm working on getting a replacement computer, since mine's close to joining Laura's in computer heaven. |
Mine's still hanging on by the skin of its teeth, just about. I'm taking it to be poked by computery people whilst I'm away in a couple of weeks, if they can't fix it I hope that my parents will buy me a new one...... I am still trying to get my turn finished, I'm sooooo sorry it's taking so long! Along with laptop issues I have also been ill, been studying, been working on a grant application and been trying to get my new business off the ground. I seriously seriously hope to be able to pass the 'hood on soon though, but the amount of sim-time I've replayed due to laptop crashes is just insane! I now save about every 2 minutes, which is time-consuming in itself, but I will get to the end of my turn!
You poor thing
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I just edited the links in my reserved post to reflect the migration to my new Sims blog: I cleaned out my old LiveJournal (OMG IT TOOK ME THREE DAYS TO DO THAT), migrated the entries from my DeadJournal and deleted my DeadJournal.
Have you gotten a working computer yet, Laura? |
Hey guys, I know I haven't commented on MTS in a long time but I just wanted to say that I'm still alive and lurking! :3 If you need to contact me just send me a PM.
All times are GMT +1. The time now is 8:14 AM. |
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