Sometimes I just want to curl up and cry. I can't stop thinking that someday I'm going to lose my parents, my dogs, probably even my friends, unless I die first. It doesn't help that both my parents and dogs are oldish. Two of the dogs are 8 and 9, the other's only 2. My dad is sixty already, and my mom's five years younger. It makes me wonder if I was an accident, I mean, why would they have a child at 40 and 45?
'Scuse me for a moment. KFDSLJJGLJDSKFsdjg;sdkadklgjkldsjklgsjgsgsnj9jdfjsdklslgsjfkdsogjdosjsdjgsgejgopwpgofjegojeofggjeskgjksdgjakjsgjid Feh. |
Been at the hospital since last night, my boyfriend's mother fell down a flight of cement steps and had to be rushed to a hospital with an epidural hematoma. I had a feeling something was going to happen soon, my life is always full of some type of drama.
I had a break-down in school today, so I spent the entire last period crying, thus making a fool of myself. At least it's better now.
Okay, there is something seriously wrong with the part of my brain that produces dreams. I can't even remember the last time I had a completely good dream. The best one I can remember also involved a random guy getting pulled cleanly in half. Last night I had one that my house was.. on top of a volcano. Sort of. It was extremely weird, part of the ceiling was like melting, then part of the floor was emitting freezing cold air. My mom somehow knew how to fix it, but was like.. too tired to? So I went upstairs to get my dad, and the floor was melting...
Then I woke up. Help <_>.. EDIT: In my last vent, I was originally going to say, "curl up and die," but I'm not suicidal. Far from it. I just sometimes wish I was dead or would die with my parents so I wouldn't have to deal with the loss. I don't like these thoughts in my head. Why can't we just delete things from our brains? |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
I worry about things like this all the time. Whenever my mother (or brother) goes somewhere I estimate in my head how long I think she'll be gone and what time I expect her to return and if she's not back by that time I panic, even though it's not as if she gave me a time she'd be back by. I always wait up when she's out in the evening too. I couldn't go to bed without knowing she got back safely. |
Got my period.
^^ lol, we're period buddies :D
My friend was being a total b*tch to her mom. She is always mean to her mom and shouting at her, and then she expects her mom never to be mean to her. Whenever her mom ticks her off she'll just shout at her mom, then tell her dad to disown her mom, then rants about it later to us. I have just gotten so sick of her complaining about her mom playing with their puppy too loudly or her endless rants about how easily her mom gets ticked off at her (her mom's menopausal atm) and then she'll shout at her mom for shouting at her after she had messed up a bit. Then, whenever I tell her that maybe if she was nicer to her mom her mom would be nicer to her, and try to instill upon her the fact that she needs to actually respect her mom, she just yells more and more about how mean her mom is, when I'm the one whose mom has taken her out of every extra curricular I've tried to do this year. Sometimes I just get so mad at that girl that I wonder why I'm even friends with her. |
I feel really sick but apparently that means nothing to my parents who are still forcing me to go to school. I just want to curl up in bed all day and sleep.
So my hairs a few centimetres below my shoulders,
today in class we had a relief teacher. Teacher; where is your hair band? me; i havent got one. teacher; why not? me; because i just dont? teacher; well your hair is FAR too long to be out, plus it looks horrible anyway! ... bitch. |
Quote: Originally posted by DigitalSympathies
Me too, and I am not happy. The last one only finished two weeks ago. |
I really hate those people who seem to think that their parents and adults in general are only there to make money to buy the younger people stuff.
That is all. |
I realllly want to go on a vacation to Australia, but my mom is afraid of the toe stabbing spiders. Why did I show her that video? -__-
my period just ruined my effing day. So second period, and my period finds some way to bypass my pad and make it's way to my jeans. The pad wasn't even full, not even close. Then I had to change into my track sweats, but my cr*p pad leacked again! So I ended up keeping the sweats on since they're black, but had to miss out on track because you could see a bit of the blood and I couldn't run with a red stain near my butt.
Quote: Originally posted by jaylo2112
Ew girl, that's just nasty. :-l But it does happen though Psst... use Infinity! It's what I used before I switched to tampons. |
Sometimes I wish I was stupid, talentless, and had absolutely no potential whatsoever, and was one of those girls that genuinely cared about nothing else except bags, shoes, dieting, sexcapades, gossip and clubbing. Maybe then I wouldn't get so heartbroken when my parents seem to think that I'm not a 'worthy investment', and that sending me to a place where I could actually learn, and giving me a chance break free from this sexist, oppressive society, isn't worth their money or their interest.
A brand spankin' new beach house on the other hand (selling the damn thing would pay for 4 years of university), totally is. |
So, I'm a few months late on this news, but I just found out that Disney will not be producing any more "fairytale" movies, at least not in their predicted future. Apparently, this is because, by age 5, little girls are more concerned with how hot they are.
WHAT THE HELLING FUCK?! I know the hotness thing isn't true, and if it is, WHY are they trying to encourage it? I love their fairytale movies. Plus, Disney makes like one animated movie a year. Surely, with their money, they can afford to cater to both genders. Oh well, I half hope their money starts to dry up when they realize that five year olds don't give a shit about their hotness. |
My friend has such an awful sense of humor. She thinks it would be funny for me to tell an emo guy (whom she happens to hate) that I am in love with him, which I most definitely am not, considering I've never met the guy in person. What the fuck. Honestly.
People need to learn to stop talking when they are wrong.
My boyfriend's mother passed away early this morning, it was an epidural hematoma. We really thought she was going to push through this, I thought she was doing well. And I don't know what to do to help, he broke down at the hospital and my mom and I left after awhile. I'm going to call him tomorrow and see if he wants me to come over, but I don't know what I can do to help. :-/
^ Awwwww, I'm so sorry for him and you, Dreamy.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Dreamy. I shall keep you both in my thoughts. Kia kaha♥
I'm so, so sorry, Dreamy. That's absolutely awful-- best wishes to you both.
I made a decision, which is in away- kind of life changing.
I am only young.. but i feel it was the right decision, I respect myself... and I have true feelings for the other person. And when i told my closest friend... she judged me... I'm not a slut. |
So sorry Dreamy. My thoughts are with both of you.
x-tashi-x To be honest I know she may be a close friend but as long as you are happy with what you have done, then that is all that matters. My vent is simple, boring and kind of unimportant but hey ho... TV is annoying. When they say they are going to show sometime, show it! Don't delay it but a few weeks and instead put on repeats of a program... *sigh* |
That's horrendous, Dreamy. My thoughts are with you both.
I may have said it before, Dreamy, but life's a beach. It has wonderful vistas, but you can drown in the sea or the sun can burn your skin. Oh, that's terrible... Anyways, best wishes to you and to your boyfriend.
Forgot to add this last time;
Dreamy, I'm so sorry for you & your boyfriend & his family. Hopefully together, you can stay strong and work through the tough times. That's what love's about. My vent; Don't tell me to "move on." I know I should. Don't tell me to "just get over him." I wish I could. Don't tell me that; "he's just using you." I know he is. But you know what? He means the absolute world to me... I couldn't give him up no matter what... no matter how much I'm getting hurt.. I just can't let go. Especially now. |
I was checking Facebook and clicked on something involving the 3DS to see the comments (stupid me), and what I see is someone saying, in general, "Japan is in the middle of a crisis and asking for help from all around the world, so it's wrong that they sold so many. I'm not helping them because of this."
Um... so they don't deserve help because they produced a revolutionary piece of technology that released TWO WEEKS before the quake, and it sold well? That doesn't even make SENSE. |
NCIS: LA didn't record last night. Blah. Now I have to wait until Thursday via repeat.
Two vents:
1. I have the worst headache. Not even Ibuprofen, sinus pills, or Coke could alleviate it (all common cures, for me). Bleh. 2. I got my cap and gown for graduation and the gown looks ridiculous. I know that they're supposed to be flowing, but I'm essentially swimming in it; the sleeves extend past the tips of my fingers and the bottom of the arm holes hits at the middle of my ribcage. Ugh, why do the manufacturers take only height and not weight into account? Yes, the gown is made for someone who's 5'9, but also for someone who's at least forty to fifty pounds heavier than me. |
My dad has severe sleeping problems - he often doesn't sleep at night and takes whatever sleep he can get, even if it's during the day. My mom, on the other hand, doesn't seem to get this. Every day she makes me wake him up because, "If he sleeps all day, he'll be awake all night." Well news flash mom, he's awake all night anyways! Oi. I think next time she tells me to do this, I'm just not going to. I'm awake at night a lot, so I go downstairs every hour or so during that time, and he's awake at least half the time.
On another topic, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO GO TO. I don't just mean don't want, either. Every time someone brings it up, I start to panic. I'm afraid that if we cancel it, they won't let us come back. But this is the appointment that can get me on the road to fixing my mental issues. Goddamnit. Now I'm freaking out again. And another topic I just thought of. AT&T is supposedly putting a bandwidth cap on its customers in May. Wtf? It shouldn't be legal to limit someone's internet usages.. I know other countries have it, and don't know how you've lived with it. I pray my parents can switch to something else. Soon. |
^ If they cap me, I'm switching networks. I'm pretty sure they won't, though. Most first world countries are voting against capping . . .
Vent: WHY CAN I NOT FIND THAT ONE FULL BAND COVER OF NUMB? I just need it for one stupid video! |
^^Just their way to charge you more if you want to get back to un-capped. Here, for the average family, there is no such thing as unlimited internet. We get 10gig a month and that costs us $40. You want a whopping 40Gig? go pay $115 a month. It's stupid.
We get 31gig per month for $40, which is pretty good, yet we always manage to go over it. However, we're thinking of switching to a deal that'll get us 50gig a month for $70.
My vent: I'm sick, again. But this time I'm refusing to go to school. I need a day of R&R! |
^ That sounds really good to me!
I'm still not eating anything bar some soup and jelly, my appetite is still non-existant and I'm into my tenth day now. My step-dad says if I don't hear anything about the blood test results by the end of today that he's taking me to another doctor to try and figure out what the heck is wrong with me. |
10? Geeez. The limit they'll be imposing is 150GB, but I'm pretty damn sure we go over that already. How the hell do you guys live with it? 0_o
150?! Wow!
We try not to go on Youtube too much, and keep our daily usage down to a few hundred MB's. We only occasionally go over the limit, lol. I suppose if you've always had a limit imposed on you, then you find it easier to stay within said limit. If we got 150Gig though.. yikes my computer would reeeeally hate me then! |
Quote: Originally posted by Geah
We have really great service for TV, internet and phones/cell phones. Unlimited everything, actually. If they tried to cap me I'd go over the 40 gig mark in about 2 hours the way I do things. My vent is that my games, all three of them, keep on crashing with the sound looping for the past while and IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE. This never happened before, ever T_T |
And that is why i have unlimited
not sure of the price, its combined with out phone bill, but its not very much. My vent; my two best friends are doing drugs. :/ |
My name means bitter.
-.- |
Mine means "dark battle" and my American name means "Messenger of God".
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
I only get 2 gigs a month Only at my mum's though, my dad has super-awesome internet. Dreamy; I'm so sorry for his and your loss. *hug* I'm glad to say I actually don't have anything to vent at the moment! |
I'm so very sorry, Dreamy. Sending lots of hugs your way.
Minor vent: I've got the pimple from hell. It's huge, red, insanely painful, and it's been on my face for, like, a week. Even though I've been applying acne cream diligently, it's still here! D: I guess the only good thing is that it's on my temple, rather than the middle of my forehead or my nose. |
Someone on another forum is bored with a certain game, so he asked for other members to suggest things for him to do. They suggested everything the game has to offer, and every time the guy told them a reason he couldn't do that, ranging from being unable to afford it to just not wanting to do it. Then kept asking for more suggestions.
THEN, he said something along the lines of, "I don't want to read more repeated solutions!" Well pardon them for trying to HELP YOU. You're the one who kept refusing their suggestions, when that's ALL THERE IS TO DO IN THE DAMN GAME. Don't get me wrong, the game has craploads of things to do, he just kept saying no to them all. |
I will actually kick the next person who makes a joke about weed/pot/other drugs
When you've seen the most important person in your life, vomitting after being pressured in to drugs, then having unprotected sex, you understand why. |
I'm in hospital. Briiiiliant. Forced to stay here overnight thoroughly against my will and I hate it. I feel PERFECTLY FINE! I'm so grumpy.
It's really no big deal, but I had a track meet today and I didn't run the relay since there was an odd number of people and I felt like being nice AND the other race I was supposed to run got canceled. >( I stood outside in the FREEZING COLD for 5 hours supporting them though and we kicked total butt. SO PROUD haha. ♥
*screams at top of lungs and throws computer out of window*
I hate my dissertation *sobs hysterically* |
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
I'm right there with you. I had to confirm my attendence at my graduation ceremony last week...what's the point, we don't know I'll be graduating yet. This is one of those things when I know that by a certain date this will all be over and I'll have written it...I just don't know how I'm going to get there yet. |
Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
I also keep flitting between states of utter panic and moments of 'it'll all be fine, just concentrate on finishing'. I have no job lined up and because nowhere is hiring I've not got the foggiest what I'm going to do for work. I sort of feel like I've earned a bit of a rest after all this but need a job to pay my rent (!) so keep thinking I should just get something mellow for a few months, do some relevant voluntary work to bump up my experience, and save up to do my MSc next year - just relax a bit for a year. But at the same time I'm like, 'I'll be 26 in October, I don't have time to be pissing around doing nothing!' even though I know that 25 isn't even old! OMG my head is just asdfkahse;ir scfhasdklfiasidfja shkldfh *explodes*. My diss is due one week today *has heart attack* and I still have so much to do. I'm right with you on the 'how the eff am I actually going to get this finished'. I feel like every time I look at it I think it's rubbish and I need to change loads, but there isn't time!!! Aaargh! I'm glad you're here with me, Phoebe! |
My friend and I agreed to go out at 6, and she would come pick me up because it's not safe to walk around at night. It's now 7:30, she didn't call me to cancel or anything, and she isn't picking up her phone.
I'm really, really annoyed. I was raised to understand that this is just plain rude. |
Quote: Originally posted by Nabila_Ici
This. |
I can't film a damn thing because my game keeps on crashing every time I try to transfer lots. Greeeeeeeaaat. My old game that I had had in 2009 did this too, and when I transferred all my data over in '09 to the new game it ran just fine. But no. Not anymore. And I don't want to reinstall because I don't want to redownload 90,000 items of CC. T_T'
Why the bleep is my hip hurting? I'm supposed to have knee problems, I've never hurt my hips! Two days ago it was my left hip, now it's my right one.
Just one more thing for my osteopath to try and sort out, I guess... |
I think I'm getting a cold. I really don't need this right now; spring break just started. Ugh.
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
At times like this, when I have two 4,000 word essays and my dissertation to finish, I think that I'm definitely ready for it to end, but I love being a student too. It's going to be strange when it's over.
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
Me too, I keep trying to convince myself it will all work out in the end! I suppose it will, but it's really hard to see that at the moment. I have moments of panic and stay up until 4am working and then the next day I wonder why I thought that was a good idea! |
Eurgh essays, I've got two 3k word essays and two exams in May but I'm not even starting them until the diss is finished. It really is hard to imagine it ever being done because right now it seems like it won't get done.
I get panicked in the middle of the night when there's nothing I could possibly do about it at that moment. Is your sleep suffering?! Mine is! I also stressed myself into an IBS flare up yesterday which was just wonderful. |
I'm having one of those days where no matter what I wear, I look like a hippo.
Minor vent.
Ugly, large, blue bruise on the side of my leg. Bleh. It's not actually that bad because it doesn't hurt much, but it's just the fact that the fuck-up in my head caused it that I'm venting about. |
I am so sick of people who never do what they say. Our net has been out for 2 weeks now, we called a company to get a new modem 3 days after the net went off, they sent us the bill and said they would come the next day. Guess what? A no show. Bleh.
My ex- totally ruined what could have been an otherwise perfect night. How lame.
I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I'm the top of my english class, I do well in all my other subjects, I rarely go out, i behave well.
Yet my family still pick on me. |
Why are all my favorite shows foreign? <_> Italian or French, damnit.
Thanks girls. I'm actually a bit skeptical about her death. Call me a conspiracy theorist or paranoid, but in my opinion there's so much that doesn't add up. And the police are doing an investigation. I mean, she fell down a flight of stairs, my dad said in order for her to die from an epidural hematoma she would have had to fallen down those stairs pretty hard. I guess we're just crazy. Of course I didn't tell my boyfriend this, or anyone else except my mom, dad and bestfriend. But a year from now, when they find the murderer I'll be their saying "I told you so".
You shouldn't immediately attribute malice to happenstance. It could be purely innocent, where she was sadly unlucky. Some people fall and break their legs, some get sprains, injured necks or head injuries. There are several factors to consider with things like this. Was she walking, running or trotting down the stairs? was she running up them and missed a step and tripped? Was there something on the staircase where she could have slipped? How wide was the landing on the stairs, was it not big enough that she hit something solid (like a bookshelf maybe) or was awkwardly pushed further down onto the start of a second flight?
My stepdad read it over my shoulder and mentioned how when he was in sixth form at school he was racing up the stairs two, three at a time and when he was a couple of stairs from the top he tripped and lost control of his body and went back down the stairs, badly spraining his ankle. Thankfully the landing at the bottom was large enough that when he landed he didn't hit anything other than floor and didn't get flung down the next flight. It could have been much, much worse. I sincerely hope it wasn't malice that caused this tragedy. May she rest in peace. |
My dog has a bladder stone, so our vet gave us special food that will dissolve the stone over two months. However, my dog won't eat the damn food. It's the $200 worth of food, or a $1200 surgery.
Feck. |
You could mix the required amount of special food with your dogs regular brand until s/he grows accustomed to the scent and taste, and then slowly start taking away the old food until s/he's only eating the special food.
^ Well, if she has any normal food it'll ruin the special food's job.
EDIT: My Tangled DVD has something called Fastplay... well, it does the complete opposite of what its name implies. It shows you previews for other movies! So much for fast. Thankfully it's not mandatory. |
Awesome, perfect, incredible! I'm tired as fuck! I went to sleep at 4 am last night, woke up at 6, been on the go the whole day and tomorrow will be just the same. I feel like sleeping a full day.
It isn't even 9:30 AM and today is already horrid. I spilled my tea all over myself, my bed, my cat, and my carpet, and then I smashed a plate trying to pull it out of the cupboard for breakfast, and then I very nearly smashed another when I accidentally dropped it in the microwave. Ugh.
I don't think anyone elses parents are as annoying as mine. My mom calls me while I'm driving home from school just to yell at me for not asking her for the prom dress I wanted. WHAT THE FUCK???? How the heck are you going to yell at me because I didn't ask you to buy my prom dress!??!? Last year she bought my prom dress and my sisters were complaining because when they were in school they had jobs and had to buy their own prom dresses. Supposedly I'm spoiled because I expect everything to be handed to me (ridiculously untrue). So this year I didn't bother asking her to buy me a dress, I got money from my dad. And now she's fussing about it -___- does anyone ever get the urge to just tell their parents to SHUT THE FUCK UP? I wish I could, but then I'd get slapped into next week!
Why do I have some crazy unfindable, mystery illness, that's practially disabling when I've never done anything bad in my life. Why am I suffering so much when rapists and murders are completely fine? If there was a god, surely he'd care about me too?
Quote: Originally posted by kustirider2
Believe it or not, for years I was the one who had the "crazy unfindable mystery illness" I was always sick and they couldn't figure out why. It was only 5 years ago that I was diagnosed with Chronic Neutropenia. Keep your head up girl. God is love and loves us all unconditionally!! But you have to love yourself too |
One of my friend's brang up the school's Counseling service, and jokingly said " im going to make an appointment... you get out of class, why doesn't everyone just go? I' ll make some shit up about why I'm there"
I go to counseling every week... I have reasons. I'm sorry you have no sympathy |
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
My sleep is definitely suffering. I keep trying to go to sleep at reasonable times like 10pm thinking I'll be able to get up early to work but then I can't sleep, so I end up getting up to work and then proceed to stare at my laptop's screen until about 3am, producing a grand total of about 200 words. Then I wake up between 6.30am and 7.30am. I feel so rough at the moment. |
I have a sinus infection, and my face is all swollen because of it. Fun fun fun.
I know I hated on Rebecca Black as well, but, after seeing an interview with her, where she says how sad the comments and hating on her made her, it all made me feel like such a jerk. I still hate her song, but she didn't write the lyrics, nor the melody of it. She's just a poor 13 year old girl who doesn't deserve all this.
Okay, I understand that I promised I'd get that done for you but when there's an emergency, there's an emergency. What was I supposed to do when my dad's arm started swelling like a balloon, drop everything and get you the lines? Um, no. Real life comes first, so stop being so f-ing rude, Petri. I don't even -know- you and I know you're a jerk.
Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
I feel so bad for her. She probably wanted this to be her "big break" as a singer. People are telling her to kill herself, it's disgusting. I mean, you can dislike the song all you want, I'm not the biggest fan of it either (although it IS catchy!) but telling her to kill herself? Really? That's pathetic. |
I just hate the song and the way the autotuned her voice. I have nothing against her.
Not so much a vent, but oh well. My friend got hit by a car today. She was okay but it was pretty scary because there was an ambulance and a bunch of police cars and now people are sending her a lot of really nice facebook messages making sure she's okay.
My brother is a dick. You'd think that now he's 20 he should start taking on some responsibilities, but no. Instead, he leaves it all up to me.
I've gotten the sense that my brother hasn't quite been himself for a while, and I knew he was seeing a psychologist, but I had no idea it was this bad. He has depression, and it's gotten a lot worse lately. My mom dragged his mattress into her room last night so he could sleep in there, she was concerned enough that she thought he might even commit suicide. Sure, he may drive me crazy sometimes, but he's my brother, I want him to realize that he deserves to be happy.
I was meant to go to a picnic today but I got so stressed out. I'm basically a freak. I have loads of amazing friends and I would say (without being big headed) I'm quite a friendly, funny kind of person but I have to plan everything I do and the picnic was where my friends live but I don't really know the area and... eh. I just thought I would rather go around Sainsbury with my Mum and sister... :/
Very minor vent, but my X key is starting to malfunction. As is one of my volume control buttons and possibly my M key..
So I'm sitting at home watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager at around 4 pm (it was either that or some boring soap opera, or soccer) and my MOTHER walks in. I'm like "what the hell are you doing here" and she announces that she wants to me move back in with her. And I'm like "where's everyone else?" and she says, "Oh, at home with Jenna's mother. By the way, I sold your camera."
That -camera- was a very, VERY expensive device with ALL of my pictures on it. I cannot stand my mother (it's only a 3 bedroom house!) for more than 5 minutes at a time nowadays because she's very ignorant. She goes off and tells me I'm "dressed like I'm gay man" like I'm supposed to laugh. Uhm, no, mother. That's a really bad stereotype you're trying to throw at me. Meanwhile she's totally neglecting my brother and sister and according to Jenna, there's been a guy over there a lot lately and it looks suspicious. I mean, I know my mother's falling apart at the seams ever since she changed jobs, but still. If you want to get away from this life and my dad so bad go talk to that guy in Korea and see if he has that apartment. I know she doesn't want anything to do with us but I think she's sticking around for the money and the status. At one time, she was a loving, caring being who decided to adopt a few kids and pay it forward by going on missionary work and fostering even more kids. Why can't she just get a divorce, move Damien and Taylor up here, and leave us all alone? My dad doesn't want to be around her, she feeds my siblings instant noodles and Coke for dinner, and goes out and parties with her work buddies, comes home at 4 am, and crashes. And if anyone -dare- says anything, she insults everything about you. I just want her out of my life. I don't feel affection for her at all, at least the "present her". Whatever happened to the good old days when we all got along? |
Damnit, stupid bloody updates closed my ts3 game right as I was naming a new baby, so I don't know how much data i've lost. -.-
Now it's trying to automatically restart on me. I hate windows. Ew. IE 9 is yuck. Why do they have to make it just like Chrome? Edit.. Okey.. so I lost the whole time i was playing with a family, even though I know i saved it. Have to go through the entire pregnancy again. Also, it reset my whole game, tutorials, graphic options and lifespan .. everything. Aaaand as it was loading the family house up, the toddler was under the foundations just sitting there and then she evaporated and her icon dissapered from the list, but she's still in the tree and apparently still alive.. what the hell:o |
Why does every single guy on IMVU has to be a sexual obsessed crazy idiot?? It makes me sick!
^ There haven't been too many on there that i've come across. In the public rooms though it gets worse, I find!
Forgot to add, it's pretty much the same on Second Life. I saw many guys walking around with their freebie penises bouncing all over. Really? That's disgusting.
Today was the unluckiest day of my life. I've lost about 33 bucks on the street. I don't know how, but I did. Yay. |
Dear sister,
Bitch, pardon me for trying to live in my own house. |
Oh goody. Now she wants to move in with us and in the next breath calls me anorexic because I'm "not eating anything". Um, that's because if I eat anything you'll insult me even more on what it is.
I can't win. |
I had no idea just how much I wanted another dog until I saw Mick's new siblings. I want a pup from this breeding so bad it's painful, but my parents have both said "no way". I am completely heartbroken over this (I feel so stupid for feeling like this over a dog I've never even met), I had a good cry about it last night and I'm close to tears just typing this. I love Mick so much, and I'll never have another chance for a sibling of his.
I've gotta let this go, it's not good for me. Edit: I mean, LOOK at these puppies (second pic down). How could I not want one?? |
Quote: Originally posted by PharaohHound
I... can't... handle... the cuteness.... |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Marry me, please. |
^ Considering we're both in this group, you're not really my type.
I had a strange dream last night. I ran into a bush and thousands of... I'd call them hornets, I guess, started flying around. So I.. ran around in circles while screaming. Why did I have dream deja vu? o_o... |
^ Playing too much TS2? I still have not made a PlantSim from scratch. EVER.
In other news, I'm expected to go to dinner at some pub with my mother. Mother, you're not dragging me into some seedy pub and buying me a drink and a burger just to get me to actually spend time with you. Do you think I'm an alcoholic, is that was this is? I don't even know if it's legal for a 15-year-old to have alcohol. Is there no 18+ rule here or am I just seeing things? Gosh. JUST. GO. AWAY. I hate you! Leave me alone. |
I have no clue what the hell I'm going to do about school. I haven't had any schoolwork since November, and I can't start again until my mental crap is fixed. I probably won't mind being held back or doing summer school. Or if that even applies to me since my teacher comes to my house and assigns me the work. I've been thinking of doing some typed assignments when I'm bored, if only so I can have things ready whenever I get around to getting back to learning.
I miss elementary school. |
You know when you get those bad colds that you think will last a few days but end up lasting a week and a half? I've gotten one of those and haven't been able to hear through my right ear for a week.
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