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icemandeaf 4th Feb 2013 4:28 AM

They are here on Sims Wiki, but I notice that there is no work time and you have to look at each career so I did a quick search and found this, which has it all on one page.

RebaLynnTS 4th Feb 2013 5:59 AM

I had already seen those, and neither has the level descriptions for each level. One of my sims has pets, so I'll get them from the game. I'll also try looking for them with SimPE.

icemandeaf 4th Feb 2013 6:30 AM

Oh, job descriptions. I should have seen that. I found them here:

RebaLynnTS 4th Feb 2013 6:31 AM

Thank you, I found them too on the other Sims Wiki Site ...

RebaLynnTS 4th Feb 2013 6:38 AM

Now we just need those last few Class Titles

icemandeaf 4th Feb 2013 4:04 PM

I believe I have a couple of sims who are those majors and will be taking those classes. I just have to play them. I don't know when that will happen. This weekend?

RebaLynnTS 5th Feb 2013 1:36 AM

Whoever gets to it first

Some News, I have begun work on the Import Feature.
I've been able to successfully import Main Hoods, and Subhoods.
Next up is to Import Houses.

icemandeaf 5th Feb 2013 5:58 AM

Touché. But I just played one of my sims and found out the lasts one needed for the History Major (Sophomore 2 and Senior 2). "Memorizing Names and Dates: And Alternative to Learning" and "Historic Pessimism: Why We'll Never Learn"

Now what is needed is the Lit Majors (Sophomore 2 - Senior 2).

The race is on.

P.S. I updated the previous post that had all of the info with this new info.

Maranatah 5th Feb 2013 3:07 PM

It's like waiting for Christmas as a child...
The auto note feature sounds really good, too! and I love to be able to keep track of pet ages aswell. And the import feature...lifesaver!!

RebaLynnTS 6th Feb 2013 12:40 AM

It looks like I will be able to import about 95% of the old SimTracker Information.

Note, that, at this time, Sim tracker can not Import data from the game, directly. However, I do plan to work on that.

RebaLynnTS 7th Feb 2013 7:42 PM

I know there is interest in a Sim Tracker, for Sims 3, and when ever I can get Sims 3, I'll do one for it.

Question is, is there any interest in one For Sims 1?

RebaLynnTS 11th Feb 2013 3:34 AM

The new sim tracker will let you set how long your garden plants take to grow. In case you have a mod that changes it.

icemandeaf 11th Feb 2013 5:17 AM

All of the Class Titles have been discovered! I have updated my first post with the final pieces of information. Yay!

RebaLynnTS 11th Feb 2013 6:42 AM

Yayyy! They are now transfered over to the program.

Thank you for all of the help.

Still got a ways to go, before it's finished, but it is comming along nicely.

Neighborhood, and Sub-Hood Tab ... Done.

Business Tab ... Done.

House Tab ... Still working on it.

icemandeaf 11th Feb 2013 6:45 AM

Glad to help. I know that I will use this program A LOT, so it seems like a good way to contribute to it.

RebaLynnTS 14th Feb 2013 1:48 AM

Looks like I now have the House Tab done, just need to do some more testing.

As you may recall, when sorting the members list of one house, all houses were sorted the same way. This will no longer be the case. You will be able to sort each list seperately. One house can be sorted for Name, and another for age.

When playing with Dorms I found that sorting needs were sometime different.

Every List will now have the option to sort Manually, also.

icemandeaf 14th Feb 2013 5:58 AM

Sounds juicy. I can't wait to play with the new shiny toy.

Since you mentioned Dorms, I just recalled something that I was thinking. Where do I place to Dormies that are living in the Dorm? In the Roommates Tab? The reason I ask is because I would like to be able to say that this Dormie lives in this dorm. The same thing goes with apartments, but roommates and Townies living in the other apartments are different things. Also, what do I do with ghosts?

Let's say I have a playable sim household living in a haunted apartment with a roommate. Can there be a way to list the sims in the household, the roommate, the ghosts, and the townies who live in the other apartments without mixing up which sims is in which group? And would I also be able to do that with two or more playable households in the same apartment complex? I suspect that the situation would work similar with Dorms except less extreme and problematic because you can't have roommates, but there could still be ghosts. (I think. I've never had a sim die while in University. Hmm... )

RebaLynnTS 14th Feb 2013 7:33 AM

In Dorms ... Playables go int the Members Tab, non-Playables go in the Roommates Tab (Same for Appartments, if you want all sims in an appartment complex listed together)

I'm toying with the idea of making an Appartment Tab, just not sure how it would work.

Ghosts ... I've never thought of listing Ghosts in the Sim Tracker. This can be handled in one of three ways.

1. List them in the Roommates Tab (Pet Ghosts would have to stay in the Pets Tab)

2. I can add a tab for Ghosts to the House Tab.

or 3. Just make note of them in the notes section.

I'm leaning towards number 2 (Now is the time to add these new features, after release it becomes harder to intergrate them.)

icemandeaf 14th Feb 2013 7:18 PM

That sounds like the best idea because I would use the roommate tab for the ghosts and got confused who was alive and not. Also, in the current Sim Tracker, sims inter roommate tab would age regardless on my clicking "don't age", which in one way is nice because I could see how long ago a ghost died, but then I forget how old they were when they died.

RebaLynnTS 14th Feb 2013 7:58 PM

Ghost Tab it is then.

In the old Sim Tracker Standard Small Pets were seperated from Custom Small Pets, now they will all be together.

I am considering adding a new Occupants Tab for Small Pets, but I have not decided yet. As it is, you can only mark that you have them, not how many, or their names (Except in the notes section)

RebaLynnTS 16th Feb 2013 1:48 AM

Under "House" - "Occupants" I added a new tab "Other".

On this tab are threee lists
Small Pets
Sim Ghosts
Pet Ghosts

The list for Small Pets has "Type", "Name", and I am going to add "Date Purchased"

The lists for Sim Ghosts, and Pet Ghosts, have "Name", and "Death Date".

If anyone can think of anything I have left out, please let me know.

Anyone wanting to beta test, should let me know now.

icemandeaf 16th Feb 2013 5:55 AM

Me! Me! Me!

RebaLynnTS 16th Feb 2013 6:02 AM

Just so you know, the import feature will not be available in the first beta test version. Want to make sure the basics are working first.

icemandeaf 16th Feb 2013 6:05 AM

Perfectly understandable.

VioletPadfoot 17th Feb 2013 2:11 AM

I'll volunteer too!

RebaLynnTS 17th Feb 2013 6:04 AM

It may be a few more weeks before it is ready for the testing, but it is getting closer.

I'm working on the Quick View, and Auto Notes for the House tab now.

Once I get to where I am comfortable, with it, I'll send you a link where to download it.

I don't want to rush it this time, want to avoid having to do so many updates, so quickly.

icemandeaf 17th Feb 2013 9:06 AM

And I wouldn't want it any other way.

RebaLynnTS 18th Feb 2013 12:55 AM

Update ... Sim Parent / Grand Parent Tab is now done.

You can now set a fake sim as parent or grandparent.

RebaLynnTS 20th Feb 2013 6:40 AM

Sim Tab - Family - Parents ... Now finished
Sim Tab - Family - Siblings ... Now finished
Sim Tab - Family - Spouses ... Now finished
Sim Tab - Family - Children ... Almost finished (need to add sorting functions)
Thinking of adding a filter to this page, it would allow you to do things like, show only children still living at home, etc.

RebaLynnTS 5th Mar 2013 9:40 PM

Pushing possible beta release date to May 1st.

icemandeaf 7th Mar 2013 7:50 AM

I'm actually not surprised. Take your time to get it right. No rush.

RebaLynnTS 9th Mar 2013 6:24 PM

Update ... Importer can now import old list of houses.

I decided to get the import feature working before doing the beta test.

RebaLynnTS 10th Mar 2013 6:13 PM

Update ... Importer now successfully imports Hoods, Houses, and Sims from the old Sim Tracker.

RebaLynnTS 11th Mar 2013 5:53 AM

Update ... Importer now sucessfully imports Pets from the old Sim Tracker.

(Also imports SkinTones, Eye Colors, Hair Colors, LTWs, and Scholarships)

RebaLynnTS 13th Mar 2013 4:55 AM

Update ... Importer function is now complete. It will import about 95% of all information from the old Sim Tracker. A few things were not compatable, but should not present a problem.

I will have an extensive help section on importing data.

icemandeaf 15th Mar 2013 9:10 PM

I was just playing my Greek Houses, and noticed that I kept losing track of who my pledges were. Is there a way to mark that? Or will there be?

RebaLynnTS 16th Mar 2013 9:28 PM

I'll see if I can figure out something.

RebaLynnTS 3rd Apr 2013 7:54 PM

Decided to check how many line of code I have in my program, it is now over 48,000.

RebaLynnTS 9th Apr 2013 3:01 AM

Update .. There will be a drop down list to filter the social list.

Maranatah 12th Apr 2013 6:35 PM

Is the new version going to have an option to add custom careers to the career tab? I have a hood that doesn't use standard Maxis careers, so the option of adding info about custom careers would be very helpful.

icemandeaf 16th Apr 2013 5:46 AM

I'm suspecting that it will since that has always been an option, but I am curious to see what Reba has to say.

RebaLynnTS 26th Apr 2013 11:00 PM

Yes, Custom Careers is a must. The new version will have a better career editor, also. My plan, as it has always been, is to make career add on packs for custom careers. I will also be making a program that will allow folks to create custom career add on packs.

The built in career editor will allow you to add custom careers as well.

RebaLynnTS 1st May 2013 7:34 AM

Below is a sample of a saved household quickview that can be published to the web.
House Quick View Sample

RebaLynnTS 8th May 2013 10:27 PM

I check every day for new comments, and it can get a bit dissapointing when there are none.

However, I am still plugging away, and getting closer to a Beta Release.

The Reports section will now include a full featured rich text editor.

At some point in the future I plan to add a way to share the Quick View pages via facebook, and email as well.

icemandeaf 9th May 2013 1:48 AM

I was just going to say the same thing. I haven't been saying much because I haven't been Simming a lot lately with work coming to a crunch right now. I'm really looking forward to the beta release. It will probably be more time for me to Sim as well. ;-)

HurricaneTaylor 9th May 2013 3:18 AM

I have been stalking this thread so much. I love your sim tracker and can't wait for a new release. Sorry I haven't been commenting, but hopefully the fact I've de-lurked will help? :lovestruc

RebaLynnTS 9th May 2013 5:29 PM

I watch the "Viewed" Number go up, significantly, every day, so that is encouraging. It's always nice to know, however, that someone is really waiting.

Right now I am working on the Pets Tab, and am close to finishing it. Once I get that done I'll be ready for a Beta Release. I'll still need to add in a lot of "Auto Note" Features.

RebaLynnTS 9th May 2013 10:14 PM

Update ... The new Wish Tracker will let you keep track of how many wishes were granted, and what they were, as well if they were successful, or not.
It has been moved to the Magic Tab, mostly due to needing more space.

Please remember, the more suggestions you make (even if I have already thought of them) the better this app will be.

With Sims 4 comming out next year, I might need to hire a team of programmers
Ofcourse, I can't pay them anything

RebaLynnTS 12th May 2013 7:45 AM

As you know the New Version of Sim Tracker will have HTML based Quick View Pages for Businesses, Houses, Sims, and Pets. Would a Neighborhood Quick View Page be something you'd also like to have?

It would show a photo of the main hood, and each sub hood, as well as stats for each one, all on one page.

icemandeaf 13th May 2013 9:20 AM

I don't know about other people, but I honestly don't know how something like this would work because I have never had anything like it before. I will say, however, that this does seem like a good idea to have especially for those who wish to post information about their game. (This is something I have thought about doing, but never did it just because I never got to it.)

Zirconia Wolf 15th May 2013 5:28 PM

* de-lurks for a moment *

Just wanted to let you know that I am very excited to read about all the new goodies in the pending Sim Tracker "v2" & can't wait until its official release. It sounds wonderful!

Also, I saw were you asked about any possible interest for a Sims 1 version of Sim Tracker & while this is just my "two cents" talking, I think there would definitely be an interest in such a thing. Contrary to what many folks may believe the Sims 1 fan base is NOT dead & is actually growing. (Thank you Sims 3 for being so crappy that you have actually driven folks back to the original game! With luck your new friend Sims 4 will have the same effect for both Sims 1 & 2!)

I dunno if you have checked out "CTO Sims" or "Active Sims 1 Sites" yet, but if that doesn't tell you that the Sims 1 world is alive & well, I don't know what will!

CTO Sims (membership is required but worth it as it is THE place for all things Sims 1)

Active Sims 1 Sites of the World

I actually installed Sims 1 on my laptop a few months back & have been having a blast! Sure, it isn't as awesome as Sims 2 is (for me) but it's still a lot of fun & brought back a lot of great memories for me.

Anyway that's my two cents.

Can't wait to see the new improved Sims 2 Sim Tracker & am thankful that you are plugging along despite the *silence* from the community.

RebaLynnTS 16th May 2013 3:03 PM

Thank you both for the comments. I am sure a lot of folks are looking forward to this upgrade, I know I am

VioletPadfoot 19th May 2013 3:41 PM

Reba can I make a suggestion for inclusion? Can you make the traits (like skintones and eye colors) neighborhood specific? And which tabs are visible also neighborhood specific? I had (before my computer needed reformatting recently) one neighborhood where I default replaced the skintones with a set of colored skintones, thus I had renamed everything with the new color names (blue, yellow, pink, etc.) and have no desire to see pale, light, tan, and dark under my skintone drop-down menu, but I need them for a different neighborhood (which doesn't need the colored skintones visible). Also, the colored skin neighborhood doesn't need a lot of the tabs (magic for example) but my other neighborhoods do, and changing out which tabs appear every time I switch neighborhoods is a pain. So could the stuff we change in the neighborhood options be neighborhood-specific, b/c unless my tracker is malfunctioning, they obviously aren't.

In another note, I can't wait for this next version. Everything sounds amazing so far. ~VP

RebaLynnTS 20th May 2013 9:39 PM

Violet, Those options are currently User dependent, so you could make a second user account to do what you are talking about, however, I can make the lists Hood dependent in this new version with little trouble. In fact, it would not be very hard to make it an option, so it can be done either way (Best of both worlds). The more suggestions I get now, the better.

RebaLynnTS 21st May 2013 4:50 AM

It took some doing but "Show Tabs" and "Sim Traits" can now be 'User' Dependent or 'Hood' Dependent.

RebaLynnTS 22nd May 2013 12:40 AM

Here is a new image of the Sim Tracker 2

The Notes Sections will, all, have a toolbar with "Save, Print, Print Preview, and Page Setup" buttons.

The Documents Tab will have a full featured (As full as I can make it) Rich Text Editor.

icemandeaf 23rd May 2013 9:00 AM

I thought that I'd be out of ideas to put in because Sim Tracker has already been great and I have already suggested a lot. I just thought of something. Could there be a way to place information about Groups as in for outings and such? I have never really used them much mainly because I never really had a reason to, so it wasn't something that I thought of. Today, however, I was just thinking, "You know, I could use the group feature that came with Night Life for... hmm... Sim Tracker doesn't have that. Better tell Reba."

RebaLynnTS 23rd May 2013 11:16 PM

That is something I can add (if not right away, then later), I'll need to figure out exactly what to do with it first though.
I've never used Groups either, so I am not sured how they work.

You will notice when I release this version I am making extensive use of toolbars, they allow me to do more things in less space.

VioletPadfoot 24th May 2013 3:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RebaLynnTS
It took some doing but "Show Tabs" and "Sim Traits" can now be 'User' Dependent or 'Hood' Dependent.
Thank you Reba! You're awesome!

FranH 26th May 2013 8:44 PM

I am pretty excited that you're working on a new version...and can't wait for it to be released!

RebaLynnTS 27th May 2013 10:30 PM

The new Sim Tracker 2 will be ready for beta testing soon, please send me an email to to sign up to be a tester.

RebaLynnTS 29th May 2013 12:50 AM

I am having some major financial problems (Car had to have new transmission). I don't normally ask for donations via the forums, but if anyone can donate (through paypal) it would be very helpful, and greatly appreciated.

If my next test on the new Sim Tracker goes well, I will be posting it at my skydrive for beta testing on saturday (6/1/13).

RebaLynnTS 1st Jun 2013 3:49 AM

Sim Tracker 2 is now in Beta Testing.

RebaLynnTS 10th Jun 2013 3:47 AM

Icemandeaf and I are working hard to get this new Sim Tracker ready.

icemandeaf 10th Jun 2013 4:03 AM

It is really turning out to be great.

VioletPadfoot 10th Jun 2013 12:19 PM

I'd love to be able to help with the testing input, but my computer died right after I sent my email to volunteer to test. If you're still testing in a few months when I can afford to buy a new computer, I'll be glad to contribute then. If not, I'll just have to wait for the new version's release. ~VP

sushigal007 11th Jun 2013 11:08 AM

I have a quick suggestion. I've just had a sim buy up a couple of restaurants and with owned restaurants, you can plan your own menus, so mine have different menus depending on the venue. Would it be possible to have something on the business page where we could note down what foods a restaurant serves?

RebaLynnTS 12th Jun 2013 4:58 AM

sushigal007, there will be a notes section for businesses, where you could place that information.

If you have Auto Notes turned on it will not overwrite your notes, just add to them.

It would not be hard to add an inventory page, however.

RebaLynnTS 13th Jun 2013 2:23 AM

Sim Tracker 2 will now have an inventory list for your businesses.

sushigal007 13th Jun 2013 11:28 AM

Yay, thank you. :D

Tullulabell 18th Jun 2013 11:31 PM

Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that even though I just found out about this today, I'm REALLY excited for it! I have an overflowing 2" 3 ring binder dedicated to all my sims stuff and it would be nice to have it so much more organized!

I don't know if it has already been suggested or incorporated, but I know a lot of people do challenges for their games, would there be any way to set up various score cards in the tracker for these challenges?And/or even a 'random scenario' chart?

Challenge rules/scorecards take up A LOT of my binder space, because I like to do multiple at a time, or save them for a sim that seems appropriate for the challenge. I don't know how far you are with beta testing, but if you need anyone else, I'm willing to help.

Keep on keeping on!

NewSimgirl2011 20th Jun 2013 12:20 AM

When do you believe the offical date of the Sims Tracker? Also will there be instructions for slow (thick headed) sim players like myself to understand in simple terms? I'm sure it will be easy ti understand, but like I said I need like step by step guidelines and stuff. LOL.

VioletPadfoot 20th Jun 2013 3:19 AM

@NewSimgirl2011: I'm beta testing the new version (yay for getting a new (to me at least) computer!) and I can tell you that as long as you can use the first Sim Tracker, you will have no problems using the second one. Most things function just the same, they just might be located in a different spot than you're used to. ~VP

NewSimgirl2011 20th Jun 2013 8:12 PM

The only problem @VioletPadfoot is that I didn't use the first Sim Tracker programme, I've only just heard about it. I know the shock of it! Lol. And I've only just been interested because I want to better track my Sims, so hopefully the beta tests will be fine and I'll wait for its realease.

VioletPadfoot 21st Jun 2013 3:21 AM

Oh! Sorry, I assumed you had been using the first one. It's really user friendly. I suggest getting the first one and using that to see if you like it and all. Especially since the new one has an import feature. At least I think it does. I haven't investigated that yet since my old Sim Tracker files got wiped out when my computer died. But I'm pretty sure Reba mentioned it way back in the thread due to a user request. ~VP

dinalou1953 21st Jun 2013 4:03 PM

Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to the new version as well. Hate I missed the beta testing sign up.

RebaLynnTS 22nd Jun 2013 12:21 AM

Still beta testing, send an email to me at with Sim Tracker in the subject, and I'll send you a link to the beta version.

It gets updated often, so if you have the beta version be sure to use the update check in the help menu.

And yes, the new version has an import function "File > Import" that has been thoroughly tested, and finally seems to be working right.

RebaLynnTS 23rd Jun 2013 10:56 PM

Sim Tracker has a redesigned interface to allow for smaller screens.
I also plan to make a touch version for tablets.

int21h 16th Jul 2013 12:44 AM

By import, do you mean import datas from the game?

RebaLynnTS 16th Jul 2013 2:52 PM

At present, it only imports data from the old version of Sim Tracker. I hope, eventually, it will be able to import information from the game, even if I have to let someone else add the feature.

int21h 17th Jul 2013 10:59 PM

Well, I may have something that could help, one of my explore test program exports a lot of datas from game hoods, it produce an xml output and a directory tree for image extraction (sims and lot pictures like simpe does + an option to export some icons from games resources itself). Currently it's not very usable except for me (lots of settings are hardcoded, and building the tool is quite hard, and some bugs have to be fixed too). If you are interested to see what it can do, I can civilize it, and give you an experimental copy.

int21h 19th Jul 2013 10:33 PM

I've started the "civilizing" procédure, things are going well, except for game localization. If you're interested to help and that your game is not running with french settings under a Windows 7 64 bits operating system, you can help me to detect accuratly game installation language.

VioletPadfoot 20th Jul 2013 2:49 AM

@int21h: I've got US English settings under Windows 7 64 bit OS. If I can help let me know what you need me to tell you. Having an import from game feature would be awesome. ~VP

int21h 20th Jul 2013 6:21 AM

I just need Locale and Language values stored in registry under the key:
HKEY_LOCALE_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA GAMES\{The most recent Sim2 EP/SP for example: The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff}\

In facts, all EP/Sp have these values and they should all be the same. I need them to deduce the language code used by the game to display localized strings like hood names, sims/families/lots names, sims memories decoding, inventory objects, career datas... I guess yours are "en_en" for Locale and "English" for Language, if you can confirm that would be great

Tullulabell 25th Jul 2013 6:14 AM

I've been Beta testing this for a little while and have A LOT of feedback.

RebaLynnTS 25th Jul 2013 10:00 PM

Tulluabell, email it to me any time, be sure to put Sim Tracker in the subject (Also make sure you have the latest version 1054a).

int21h & Violet, Once I get the basic program up and running, then I will start looking into adding game file import.

One thing I need to know, is where to find the source code for SIMPE, I can't seem to find it.

int21h, I'd love to see that program.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I have been working on ST2 a lot lately.

VioletPadfoot 26th Jul 2013 4:13 AM

@int21h: After trying to remember just how to view the registry keys (I've done it a bunch before and was totally blanking on how to find the darn things) and finally finding it on Wikipedia, here's the info you asked for. Language in indeed "English" Locale is "en_us" Again I'm playing with US English settings. ~VP

int21h 6th Oct 2013 3:29 PM

I didn't forget about my exporter, it just take more time than I expected. I'm currently fixing memory issues, and working on ways to reduce memory footprint, in order to allow the exporter to run with the game itself (My idea is, you save your game, switch to exporter, export what you want and switch back to the game and continue playing). Currently, custom content handling takes too much memory to play in good conditions. I've already a solution that seems to work, but nasty bugs to fix in it...

Heodez 28th Feb 2014 12:24 PM

I have two suggestions:
- the possibility to choose "custom" in the career field
- the possibility to remove a sim from any career (or an "unemployed" option)

delonariel 20th Mar 2014 10:20 AM

What a great program, thank you so much for all the time you've put into making this accessible for all of us.

I do have one suggestion though, could it be possible to add more relationship options to the social tab or some kind of system for remote family members? Something to keep tabs on cousins and in-laws and step-children, etc.

Edit: I'm also having a problem with siblings and half-siblings not showing up properly. Does anyone know if there's a way around that?

justwright62 25th Jun 2014 9:49 PM

I have a question about Sim Tracker. I searched the download comments but couldn't find my answer there or in the Help part of the program. If I advance the calendar, does that advance for all households or just the one you select? Thanks for any help.

VioletPadfoot 30th Jun 2014 5:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by justwright62
I have a question about Sim Tracker. I searched the download comments but couldn't find my answer there or in the Help part of the program. If I advance the calendar, does that advance for all households or just the one you select? Thanks for any help.
Just the one household. I wish it did all of them, then I could do my entire neighborhood at once.

NewSimgirl2011 12th Oct 2014 11:02 AM

Does anyone know the latest update to this?

When will the Sim Tracker be ready?


RebaLynnTS 1st Feb 2015 10:45 PM

Sorry, I've been very ill for a while, and not been able to work on this project. I am going to post the source code in case someone wants to try to work on it.

icemandeaf 10th Jul 2015 7:04 AM

Sorry that you have been ill. I know that you have been having a tough time. Hopefully you are keeping strong.

If I knew how to program, I would love to view the source code and try to work on it. As is the case, I don't really have a whole lot of knowledge in programming except for a few tweaking here and there. I must say that I have enjoyed using Sim Tracker 2 even with its bugs.

VioletPadfoot 30th Sep 2015 4:31 AM

I have very slight knowledge in programming (took a class in high school, but didn't have the elective space open the next year to continue), but I'd love to see the source code and see if it's anything i can understand. And if I don't it'll give me something new to learn.

bnymph 16th Dec 2015 5:26 AM

Could we possibly use this program for ts3 or 4, since we do have the option to delete stuff?

VioletPadfoot 17th Dec 2015 7:21 AM

@bnymph I'm sure you could use it for sims 3 and 4, it just wont be able to track anything that was introduced in 3 or 4, except in notes you make yourself. ~VP

Staylicht 14th Apr 2016 12:17 PM

Literally just discovered this - strange even for an out-of-the-loop lurker - and now I wish I'd known about it way earlier. (Would have come in handy trying to run a Prosperity Challenge). However, from now on it will be at least as useful to me as SimPE is. This is the best thing I've discovered during the hunt for supplements, so thank you! :lovestruc
On a different note, I was sorry to see you've had health issues, and I do hope you're feeling better.

SilenVeritas 8th May 2016 7:35 AM

This is an awesome program. I would have loved to see SimTracker 2.0. I am have been working on a similar project for Sims 3 that is in the rough beginning stages. I decided to make it a desktop application with a focus on tracking sims, but also tracking challenge progress and addition of new challenges with tracking statistics. If this is something the community is still interested in then let me know and I will look at posting it here. I will also need beta testers for working out bugs and issues. I would also consider making it an open source GitHub project if other developers are interested.

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