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Chris Hatch 10th Nov 2020 1:32 PM

To enable it put SimPE into Advanced Mode.
When SimPE is in advanced mode it will show the GUID on all memories in Neighbourhood Memory, that's not something I did so it should be the case in all versions.

kestrellyn 10th Nov 2020 9:57 PM

Oh, thanks! This is great.

omglo 13th Nov 2020 10:56 PM

While setting up my new system, I found out that the Nvidia DDS utilities link doesn't work anymore. I found a working copy here.

Chris Hatch 15th Nov 2020 2:35 PM

Yes, I was surprized that the link did still work but that is probably only in IE because it is wrong, the wrong link in SimPE is, the correct link is

Charity 27th Nov 2020 4:09 PM

2 Attachment(s)
My antivirus picked up this from where I had downloaded SimPE recently. It's been quarantined, but thought I should let people know.

simmer22 27th Nov 2020 5:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
the correct link is

This link still works fine - it does seem like some people have issues with the site or with the download button not showing, but I'm guessing that could be a browser issue of some sort. For me it shows and downloads fine on Firefox and Edge (both fairly recently updated).

Here's the "one step further" link if it can help:
(should be a green "DDS Utilities 8.31 (Windows)" link under DOWNLOADS in the "DDS Utilities" box at the top of the list)

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
My antivirus picked up this from where I had downloaded SimPE recently. It's been quarantined, but thought I should let people know.

The Windows antivirus keeps quarantining/flagging the EXE version of the Sims4Studio program (someone made a post over at the site), so there's been a small flareup of cases where antivirus/malware programs flag sim-related programs. If it's just a few cases cases it could be false positives, especially if it only happens to a few people and one particular program (so far the Windows Antivirus with Sims4Studio - but I tried downloading the same file and my AV didn't react - and your version of Malwarebytes with one case of SimPE). Difficult to know unless there are more cases, though.

Azelanne 27th Nov 2020 10:45 PM

Oof, I've encountered another (language-related?) issue: my neighborhoods appear fine in game, but opening them in SimPE displays all sims as "Unknwon Inconnu" potatoheads. I've tried opening different hoods through both the Browser and their main package files, to no avail.

Chris Hatch 28th Nov 2020 1:01 PM

If their icons are all missing (potatoheads) then SimPE has either not found their character files or, more likely No Meta Informations has been set. Make sure Extra -> No Meta Informations is NOT ticked.

Jaceu 1st Dec 2020 7:55 AM

Wait, what happened to SimPE's 0.75.69 icons and installer from Sim File Share, like, were installer's files hacked or what? They were updated recently, like, a few hours ago; there is "Updated to The Sims 2 T*ts and A*se" in the installer, is it supposed to be like this?

kestrellyn 2nd Dec 2020 7:22 AM

@Chris Hatch, what does it mean if "Fix Neighborhood Uids" appears in the Neighborhood submenu? This appeared recently, but I'm not sure what it means or what it does.

Chris Hatch 2nd Dec 2020 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jaceu
Wait, what happened to SimPE's 0.75.69 icons and installer from Sim File Share, like, were installer's files hacked or what? They were updated recently, like, a few hours ago; there is "Updated to The Sims 2 T*ts and A*se" in the installer, is it supposed to be like this?

Yes it is supposed to be like that, if you don't use T&A then you should be using SimPE 0.75.68. They are both created/uploaded at the same time but 0.75.68 does not support and never mentions T&A.

Edit: I have changed the file names and versioning to be clearer, see Post 25

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
@Chris Hatch, what does it mean if "Fix Neighborhood Uids" appears in the Neighborhood submenu? This appeared recently, but I'm not sure what it means or what it does.

It's an out-dated option, best not to use it. Fixing neighbourhood Uids will ensure neighbourhoods and sub-hoods use unique ids but the game will do that when you open a 'hood anyway. The game updates the story telling to the new id if required but SimPE won't and breaks the story for any 'hood that it changes.

kestrellyn 2nd Jan 2021 10:31 PM

Question for Chris: would it be possible to make SimPE deal properly with sims with split character files? Currently it can only locate one of the split files, and thus usually reports the sim as missing their character file when in fact all of the data is there, it's just in a second file. This causes people to assume that split character files cause corruption, because SimPE reports that there is a problem, when the game can handle them just fine and there is no problem with them as far as anyone has been able to determine.

Chris Hatch 3rd Jan 2021 3:29 PM

I took a look and when in Neighbourhood Browser, when parsing the character files SimPE will load any file that contains an Object Data so it doesn't matter how the file is split it's the part with the Object Data that gets used. That makes sense as it has to link it to the sim's data in the neighbourhood file by GUID.

Most times when an NPC template is overridden causing the split it is only a few op-codes, perhaps constants and a pie menu none of which will be a problem, it's only if the age data, object data and perhaps the catalogue description get separated that SimPE will be unable to properly handle the character file.

You are correct that the game has no problem with split character files (it makes them), a lot of people here incorrectly assume a lot of things cause corruption.

kestrellyn 4th Jan 2021 1:45 AM

There is at least one hack that causes every sim born in game to have a split character file, which is my witch idle anim hack - there's also a hobby idle BHAV that seems to be in all character files, and I suspect that if someone has overridden that for whatever reason it will cause similar things to happen. When you have a sim which is being saved to regularly with a split character file, the game gradually moves resources between the files, which often results in the Age Data and other critical information being moved out of the file where the OBJD is. Pretty much all of my playable sims other than newborn babies show up in SimPE as having no character data for this reason, and I've seen other people reporting the same thing who are presumably also using this hack.

margikins 17th Feb 2021 2:42 AM

SFS link for 0.75.68 is only for 0.75.69
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
Yes it is supposed to be like that, if you don't use T&A then you should be using SimPE 0.75.68. They are both created/uploaded at the same time but 0.75.68 does not support and never mentions T&A.
Edit: I have changed the file names and versioning to be clearer, see Post 25
It's an out-dated option, best not to use it. Fixing neighbourhood Uids will ensure neighbourhoods and sub-hoods use unique ids but the game will do that when you open a 'hood anyway. The game updates the story telling to the new id if required but SimPE won't and breaks the story for any 'hood that it changes.

Hi Chris, or Someone,

Updating my Sims stuff and the Sims File Share link (see above) for SimPE 0.75.68 leads only to the T&A version. Where oh where can I really find it pretty please? Many Thanks, Margie

Softlism 18th Mar 2021 8:56 PM

For the record, if you get an error message with "invalid database", you should make an exception for the exe installation file at your virus scanner.

conversesneaker 29th Mar 2021 2:40 PM

I'm having trouble opening SimPE but I can't figure out the source of the error:

Message: SimPE will shutdown due to an unhandled Exception. SimPE Version:
Default (

Exception Stack:
System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
at System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(Stream stream, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement, Boolean validateImageData)
at System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(Stream stream)
at Ambertation.Renderer.GlossyRenderer..ctor()
at SimPe.ThemeManager..ctor(GuiTheme t)
at SimPe.ThemeManager.get_Global()
at SimPe.Windows.Forms.ResourceTreeViewExt..ctor()
at SimPe.MainForm.InitializeComponent()
at SimPe.MainForm..ctor()
at SimPe.MainForm.Main(String[] args)

kingkrabby 25th Apr 2021 12:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I downloaded the install and no-installs from post 25, T&A and non-T&A, but they are both for the T&A version. I am also having issues with 0.73.44 where I can't drag files into the window anymore, and dark spots.

Sims2Maven 28th Apr 2021 5:01 AM

The link on Page 1 has gone squirrelly and you can't get version 75.68 any longer - just the T&A and non-T&A versions of 75.69. I have to hope the non-T&A version plays nice with the Ultimate Collection w/o Hatch EPs...

UPDATE: It doesn't. Some of the Townie names have been BADLY and WEIRDLY rewritten - Jordan Browne as "Giuseppe" Browne, Zola Eastwood as "Domenica" Eastwood, Opal Haines as "Una" Haines, Twyla Corbett as "Elroy Hale"(!!! - still Female), Wilma Oates as "Jimmy Oak(!!!), etc.

The names are still correct in the old (75f) version.

I will not stand for a program that arbitrarily and high-handedly misnames my Sims!!!

simsample 28th Apr 2021 11:49 AM

The versions were renumbered:
Confused me for ages! So 75_68 is now 75_69.

Sims2Maven 28th Apr 2021 3:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
75_68 is now 75_69

Maybe somebody needs to update the chart at the top of this thread? (I also suspect that the "69" numbering is an example of Chris Hatch's sense of humor.)

simsample 28th Apr 2021 4:13 PM

Well, the original poster has not been active for some time, perhaps @HugeLunatic could edit the post or appoint someone to do it.

Sims2Maven 28th May 2021 9:59 PM

Checked this entire thread to see if it included any cautions about not putting SimPE in your The Sims 2(TM) folder. Not that I could find.

It definitely should not be there. Anywhere else is fine, including right under the EA Games folder.

thefaerie 1st Aug 2021 9:27 PM

Okay, if I'm understanding all of this correctly, there is no longer a way to register at the main SimPE site and therefore registering the program on our systems? I used to create content for Sims 2 yearsssss ago, and I'm attempting to re-login to the site in order to access the GUID database. Finally getting back into playing/creating again, and I noticed that SimPE no longer reflected my Sims 2 handle that I used way back when. Does this mean I'll never be able to regain that login/those credentials and link SimPE on my desktop?

simsample 1st Aug 2021 10:08 PM

@thefaerie No, the site for SimPE is gone, and the database with it. There is still an attempt to keep track of things though- see this thread, and post there when you claim a block.

thefaerie 2nd Aug 2021 10:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@thefaerie No, the site for SimPE is gone, and the database with it. There is still an attempt to keep track of things though- see this thread, and post there when you claim a block.

Thanks for the clarification!

fayriesakura 26th Jan 2022 8:45 PM

Error when installing SimPe
1 Attachment(s)
Hello! Sorry to revive a thread that hasn't had a reply in a fair while, but I have a new laptop, running Windows 10, just installed The Sims 2 UC, and ran into a problem installing SimPE from this thread (thanks, by the way, for keeping this resource up!)

I tried to install SimPE and it gave the following error: "0011\F7\simpe.scenegraph.resources.dll. There was a problem installing this file. The installation will be cancelled.
I've attached a screenshot:

I got the same error 7 times in a row; the files don't get deleted at the end of the install, either.
I get the same error with SimPE 0.75.68.

I'm now running SimPE 0.72.01c, with the a manual install of all the UC paths, and it works just fine, but I don't know if anyone else has experienced the same issue and can tell me what I've done wrong?

simsample 10th Feb 2022 1:01 AM

For anyone having the issue above, try the non-installer version.
Archived versions for anyone who doesn't want the naked lady on the settings panel:
75.68.21 Non-installer
75.68.21 Installer
75.69.17 Non-installer
75.69.17 Installer

Softlism 11th Feb 2022 3:57 PM

@Fayriesakura I had exactly this problem too!

fayriesakura 13th Feb 2022 10:10 PM

Thanks @simsample for the reply!
I eventually managed to fix the problem by installing SimPE 0.72.01c, and then copy/pasting the non-installer files over it. I do have the naked ladies on the panels, that was quite a surprise :')

I hope that works for you too, @Softlism!

Softlism 15th Feb 2022 9:12 PM

@simsample I've downloaded the non-installer of 75.68.21, but it doesn't include the Ident plug-in, which I would like to have for creating CC recolors. But which link includes version 75.69.32? And where can I find Chris Hatch' version of HoodChecker? (I can live with the NSFW artwork)

simsample 15th Feb 2022 10:24 PM

@Softlism This is the link for 75.69.32 although the source code is an older version by the look of it:
No idea about Hood Checker sorry- I didn't even know he did a version!

LauraPhillips 20th May 2022 11:18 PM

Is this a good thread to chat about the preservation of the guid database

simmer22 20th May 2022 11:28 PM

The GUID database is sort of continued here:

HugeLunatic 20th May 2022 11:58 PM

The GUID database, and the option to get GUIDs from within SimPE is gone. Best solution is simply to generate random GUIDs.

int21h 14th Oct 2022 8:32 AM

This may be not the right place to post because I've choosed another way to investigate. My initial plan was to make a sim tracker like based on game files, you save your game, launch a program that analyse your hood and adjust your "progression". In order to achieve this goal, I've built some pieces of code in C++, why C++, simply because it is my best mastered language. I already have a piece of framework, far (less) from that SimPe can do. It can handle any package file in read mode (write mode is very experimental), I've developped ressources handlers (in read mode) for several resssources (Thanks to many contributors, from here and elsewere), mainly these was intersting to my goal. The whole source code is written in C/C++ using Qt and boost C++ libraries. If you're interested, let me know (My code is for "my eyes only' it must be cleaned) .

PS: For Mac users, my code is written in C++ in a strict normative conforming way (C++17, I guess) , that means that you could compile my programs, and they could work. I can't give any warranty that it is true, because I've no Mac to test, but the compiler and the framwork, I use are said to be Mac compatible, so if it works on Windows, it could work on Mac...

Burinis 21st Apr 2023 5:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How can I tweak the settings interface?

Rain671 28th May 2023 8:37 AM

Sooo uh.... why "SettingManager.exe" has a woman in lusty poses?

HugeLunatic 28th May 2023 2:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rain671
Sooo uh.... why "SettingManager.exe" has a woman in lusty poses?

Because the person updating the program chose to put it there.

CatherineTCJD 28th May 2023 2:22 PM

@Burinis and @Rain671 - Scroll up the page a bit to reply #128

Lenna9 19th Jun 2023 12:25 AM

There is a problem with new version Sims Surgery Tool looks like this:
"Export" button doesn't work, so you just can't export the Sim. Does anyone have a contact for Chris Hatch to let him know about this?
And if anyone needed, here is version which doesn't have this issue:

M*A*R*I*N*A 1st Aug 2023 4:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lenna9
There is a problem with new version Sims Surgery Tool looks like this:
"Export" button doesn't work, so you just can't export the Sim. Does anyone have a contact for Chris Hatch to let him know about this?
And if anyone needed, here is version which doesn't have this issue:

Where is version I can't find it so I'm not able to compare.

Lenna9 1st Aug 2023 9:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by M*A*R*I*N*A
Where is version I can't find it so I'm not able to compare.

Link is on the first page of the thread.

Charmful 6th Aug 2023 5:50 AM

It's been brought to my attention the DDS Utilities link is no longer working correctly, it will go to the page but the download won't download. You can get this in the Internet Archive .

Bulbizarre 9th Aug 2023 1:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
For anyone having the issue above, try the non-installer version.
Archived versions for anyone who doesn't want the naked lady on the settings panel:
75.68.21 Non-installer
75.68.21 Installer
75.69.17 Non-installer
75.69.17 Installer

Are there any other differences besides the interesting addition to the settings panel? (I actually spat my drink because it wasn't expected.)

simsample 9th Aug 2023 9:30 PM

Yes, but I don't think they are documented. I remember @HugeLunatic mentioning that there was something with content creation that couldn't be done in some versions.

HugeLunatic 9th Aug 2023 9:42 PM

Yea some of the newer versions have been enhanced. For sure the bhav function editor, but I think also updates for sim and hood editing.

For me I use either 73.44 or 75.69, but mostly the latter. And the latter does not have the pinup ladies. And I always use the no install and the install version doesn't read file paths correctly and just gets absent minded while you are trying to use it.

jonasn 12th Aug 2023 9:49 PM

What has been enhanced in the bhav editor? They rearranged the Special Buttons against muscle memory, such that when I want to press Insert via False, I press InitLinker instead and all flow gets erased.

I use 0.66 that I had for ages when I don't need compatibility with Apartments. It starts faster without loading so much stuff on startup. Often I need 2 or 3 copies open for comparison, and the loading time kills me.

gummilutt 21st Aug 2023 7:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm having issues with 0.75 being unable to generate functional labels for a BCON (see picture below). Is that something someone has had and been able to fix? I still have 0.72 and I was able to generate them there, but it is kind of tedious to need to swap SimPE version in the middle of making something. I read the post by simmer22 mentioning UI issues, but like HL I do not quite understand what UI files she's referring to copying over so I'm not sure what to do with the information, and searching the thread I found nothing about BCONs, TRCNs or labels. Fingers crossed someone knows a solution

simmer22 21st Aug 2023 7:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I'm having issues with 0.75 being unable to generate functional labels for a BCON (see picture below). Is that something someone has had and been able to fix? I still have 0.72 and I was able to generate them there, but it is kind of tedious to need to swap SimPE version in the middle of making something. I read the post by simmer22 mentioning UI issues, but like HL I do not quite understand what UI files she's referring to copying over so I'm not sure what to do with the information, and searching the thread I found nothing about BCONs, TRCNs or labels. Fingers crossed someone knows a solution

I honestly don't remember - It's been 3-4 years since I messed around with the installation. I installed the 0.75f version (after installing the UC) after I had issues with the 0.73 version (which I'd been using with my CD version of the game) not recognizing the game paths at all. I vaguely remembered trying a bunch of stuff, and I think it was suggested to me to copy over the 0.73 UI files, which did work for some people. I can't remember if it did anything at all for me, or if I'd already installed the 0.75f version by then. I'm not sure which files, but I'd think it wouldn't be too difficult to find out for someone who is a little bit more familiar with the SimPE build than I am.

I can't remember if I had any other issues than the game paths at the time.

0.75f frequently has issues with the windows undocking or disappearing, and they really don't like being moved around, so I've just had to accept them being in stupid places. Click or drag the windows the "wrong" way, or simply accidentally click the wrong place, and suddenly everything just goes all wonky. I've become very familiar with the reset button...

(It seems worse than 0.73, which had the windows in more normal places - right now I've got the Resource Tree, Resource List and Object Workshop, plus Resource Actions and Filter Actions as tabs that also open up there if clicked on, all squeezed into the top window, instead of having the two first ones at the top, and everything neatly opening up in the Plugn View at the bottom when they're needed, like they used to in 0.73. It's infuriating at best... I've tried to move things around, but usually things just undock and/or refuse to go into the place I want them, or I end up with a completely white window that doesn't work, and I have to restart, only to find the Resource View has disappeared into a white void, which means it needs another reset back to the awful basic nightmare . I've learned to keep a backup of the UI files, just in case something gets completely messed up, or something crashes, because I've had a few cases where things went absolutely out of hand...).

gummilutt 22nd Aug 2023 2:45 AM

It says I have 0.75.69 so not sure what that translates to in letters, but yes I also noticed the fact that the layout frequently gets messed up so that reset button is very necessary. Sometimes I have had to restart as not even reset button can bring back the missing parts. And mine also had issues with where the games are installed, it did find them but it had jumbled the order of the earlier EPs and one of the SPs. But easy enough to change the order of that, it hasn't seemed to re-jumble them after I corrected it. But lots of little issues, like the BCON label not working. And I also keep having the buttons at the bottom (plugin view, finder, description etc those tabs) become unclickable so I can't switch. It opens on description and sometimes I can't switch away, making it impossible to do anything. Yesterday had to restart three times before I was able to switch to plugin view.

So far not impressed with 0.75, might try 0.73 instead and see if I get on better with that one.

simmer22 22nd Aug 2023 5:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
It says I have 0.75.69 so not sure what that translates to in letters

I have a version before that (possibly the last one before CH started poking around in the files). I think it was while Quaxi (or whomever it was, can't remember) had come back and was doing some quick updates, then left.

I'd assume it's the "SimPE 0.75f-QA" version on the front page, but at the time there was a lot of forth-and-back with testing.

CatherineTCJD 22nd Aug 2023 3:01 PM

That's the one I have "QA" - aka, the one before CH. (on my big 'rig')

...buuuut, I just realized I have 73.44.37603 on my lap-top.
I never noticed a difference - but I don't do a lot of CAS stuff either.
Just mainly reprice/recat and walls/floors/recolors/etc.

simmer22 22nd Aug 2023 4:45 PM

If it was possible to properly re-dock/reorganize the windows in the version I now have into something that resembled a sensible UI, I'd be satisfied. It was (to some degree, anyway) possible to redock windows in 0.73.

But 0.75F goes absolutely nuts if you move more than one window around, and you can't even put it where you want it to be, because it thinks *move to bottom window* means *splitscreen with Plugin view*, the little thumb-tack means *show ALL items that have thumb-tack icons on the screen NOW* and *move to middle screen* means *AAAAAAH I DON'T KNOW!!!--- white screen of death---* or something like that, anyway . The things I can somewhat reliably do is to hide a couple items I don't need, and slide the screens bigger and smaller.

Is the 0.75.69 any better with that?

lingeringwillx 27th Aug 2023 11:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I'm having issues with 0.75 being unable to generate functional labels for a BCON (see picture below). Is that something someone has had and been able to fix? I still have 0.72 and I was able to generate them there, but it is kind of tedious to need to swap SimPE version in the middle of making something. I read the post by simmer22 mentioning UI issues, but like HL I do not quite understand what UI files she's referring to copying over so I'm not sure what to do with the information, and searching the thread I found nothing about BCONs, TRCNs or labels. Fingers crossed someone knows a solution

I think the only way would be to extract and import any TRCN from another file and then change the group and instance to match the BCON.

Sims2Maven 14th Oct 2023 6:36 AM

I'm currently using SimPE[QA] (last one before the raunch set in), and I've noticed it doesn't correctly translate some things - particularly career names. "Education" is misspelled "Eductaion", "Oceanography" is misspelled "Ocenography", "Architecture" is miscalled "Construction". The "Popularity" Aspiration is miscalled "Reputation", and "Pleasure" is "Fun". It's also downright lousy at picking up on custom majors and careers. (And as for Lifetime Wants, it massively bombs on those.)

All of this is correctable by exporting to a spreadsheet and delousing the spreadsheet, but it's an awful lot of work to have to go through. When and if someone produces an updated non-raunch version, I hope they'll pay attention to some of these details.

simsample 14th Oct 2023 5:28 PM

@Sims2Maven There is a version by Chris Hatch, that they seem to have replaced on their SFS (so it's no longer linked on the first post), that I uploaded here:
Don't know if you saw that one, it had some improvements but no 'raunch' Not sure if the issues you mentioned are fixed, perhaps you'd care to take a look?

Sims2Maven 14th Oct 2023 11:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@Sims2Maven There is a version by Chris Hatch, that they seem to have replaced on their SFS (so it's no longer linked on the first post), that I uploaded here:
Don't know if you saw that one, it had some improvements but no 'raunch' Not sure if the issues you mentioned are fixed, perhaps you'd care to take a look?

Did they back the numbers down in the process of "updating"? >

simsample 15th Oct 2023 2:00 AM

I have no idea as they did not seem to release a changelog, but I do remember that at some point some updates seem to have been backtracked (perhaps they reverted to older code for some reason?). Also, the latest version seems to be 77.69.8 and source code for that too, so you could always de-raunch and correct the labels yourself if you know how. Chris Hatch seems to have stopped updating a year ago, I haven't heard of anyone else taking it on.

Sims2Maven 15th Oct 2023 2:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
you could always de-raunch and correct the labels yourself if you know how

Oh yeah, that's always the catch. "If you know how". I'm a graphics person, not a programmer - very good at making hair and clothing recolors, but an absolute doofus at anything more complicated.

Chris Hatch 16th Oct 2023 6:04 AM

I lost interest in Sims2 a little over two and a half years ago when my wife passed away (because my wife passed away).
I have however continued to update SimPe occasionally. Current version is (updated today). I do take note of comments here so for example this version will open large neighbourhoods very fast and reliable compared to previous versions. It does that by recognising when you open a neighbourhood and changing the settings to suit so it doesn't try to parse everything at once.

simsample 16th Oct 2023 11:58 AM

Hi @Chris Hatch Good to see you here again, very sad to hear about your wife, my condolences.

Glad to hear you are still working on SimPE, it's a tool still used a lot so much appreciated! I am currently using 75.68.21 SimPE which was the one where you added the ability to change the UID in a dropdown box.

Do you have any ideas on the organizational problems that people are seeing? I have this occur quite often too, I do keep an older version of Quaxi's SimPE installed too for cases where I need to change the layout.

maxon 16th Oct 2023 2:20 PM

Oh hey Chris - also sorry to hear about your wife. My condolences too.

CatherineTCJD 16th Oct 2023 2:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
Current version is (updated today).

I am glad to see you here; and add my condolences too.
Thank you for continuing to update SimPE!

I just clicked the link - and it doesn't look updated to me? Did I go to the wrong place?

maxon 16th Oct 2023 3:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
I am glad to see you here; and add my condolences too.
Thank you for continuing to update SimPE!

I just clicked the link - and it doesn't look updated to me? Did I go to the wrong place?

I think it's the second one - I think that Chris just forgot to update the 75 number. That's the one I just DL anyway

simsample 16th Oct 2023 5:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you click on the actual downloads, you'll see that the files are updated:

CatherineTCJD 16th Oct 2023 8:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
If you click on the actual downloads, you'll see that the files are updated:

Ah! Thank you!!!


mrcsthernr 17th Oct 2023 4:29 PM

Adding my condolences and appreciation for the updates.

Sims2Maven 18th Oct 2023 3:12 AM

Condolences here also. I know what it's like to lose a life partner - it sucks bigtime. Thanks for the update...are the naughty pictures optional (or can they be made so), or do they only show up if you have the unofficial packs (Angels & Nurses, T&A)? That sort of thing just doesn't turn me on. (cishet F, if anyone wants to know)

Justpetro 18th Oct 2023 11:00 AM

Also widowed, adding my condolences. Wishing you strength.

FranH 18th Oct 2023 6:30 PM

I'm sending condolences as well, Chris. It is sometimes very hard to get back into any hobby when someone you love dies.

Sometimes life itself is hard to cope with after such a loss.

Amalia81 20th Oct 2023 12:24 PM

@Chris Hatch, adding my condolences as well for the loss of your wife. *hugs*

whoward69 21st Oct 2023 4:44 PM

Additional primitive wizards now support Chris' latest ( version

Marvin341 4th Nov 2023 4:25 AM

I am playing in Strangetown and i am using SimPE 0.75f-QA which works fine but for some reason using the SimPE Version from Chris version, make my Sims show up with different Names in Sim Browser.

LadySilverwolf 14th Nov 2023 8:58 PM

My condolences to you as well Chris, for your loss.

To everyone, thanks for the all the questions posed about this amazing tool we use. This was an exceptionally great read.

@whoward69, thank you so much for the Additional primitive wizards as well.

Yolandi.Luther 23rd Nov 2023 1:14 PM

Oh gosh @ChrisHatch so so sorry to hear about your wife. Glad to see you back though.

Lenna9 10th Dec 2023 7:48 PM

Does anyone have downloaded version and would like to share it? I have been trying to download this version for a week because Sim File Share doesn't work, the download speed is 10 KB/s and stops after a while.

simsample 11th Dec 2023 8:19 PM

@Lenna9 Are you still having trouble? It downloads okay and nice and fast for me today:

C.Syde65 12th Dec 2023 5:53 AM

Do any of the newer versions of SimPE allow for larger neighbourhood files to be saved? Since the version I'm currently using – – is no longer able to edit a specific save, because it has exceeded the maximum file size that SimPE has been configured to save.

I also need for SimPE to be able to read larger want and fear histories. Because I was forced to recreate one of the Sims that was born in-game. But because I didn't know about the want and fear histories, the want and fear histories of their parents still point to the original. So their parents aren't rolling wants or fears related to the recreation.

I need to be able to edit the references if I'm going to be able to get their parents to start rolling wants and fears related to them.

CatherineTCJD 12th Dec 2023 2:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
...Since the version I'm currently using – – is no longer able to edit a specific save, because it has exceeded the maximum file size that SimPE has been configured to save...

Have you "4Gb'd" the SimPE exe? (You should also apply the 4Gb patch to Bodyshop and Homecrafter.)

Lenna9 12th Dec 2023 7:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@Lenna9 Are you still having trouble? It downloads okay and nice and fast for me today:
I finally managed to download, but the download speed was still below 20 KB/s. I know it's not my internet's fault because on every other site I have a download speed of 2 MB/s.

C.Syde65 12th Dec 2023 11:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
Have you "4Gb'd" the SimPE exe? (You should also apply the 4Gb patch to Bodyshop and Homecrafter.)

How? If that increases the neighbourhood file size limit that SimPE has been configured to allow, that would be a godsend. And if it will allow SimPE to be able to read larger want and fear histories. Since I need to update all the references pointing to one of the children that my CAS Sims had and point them to the recreation.

CatherineTCJD 13th Dec 2023 1:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
How? If that increases the neighbourhood file size limit that SimPE has been configured to allow, that would be a godsend. And if it will allow SimPE to be able to read larger want and fear histories. Since I need to update all the references pointing to one of the children that my CAS Sims had and point them to the recreation.
"How?" Do you mean you need help running the 4Gb patch - or are you being rhetorical?
...Out of Memory Exceptions are quite often fixed by enabling the exe to use 4Gbs.
That is all I'm suggesting. Good luck!

C.Syde65 13th Dec 2023 6:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
"How?" Do you mean you need help running the 4Gb patch - or are you being rhetorical?
...Out of Memory Exceptions are quite often fixed by enabling the exe to use 4Gbs.
That is all I'm suggesting. Good luck!

I'm saying I don't understand what I have to do to stop SimPE from running out of memory. Which is what has been happening to my Desiderata Valley save on another PC.

CatherineTCJD 13th Dec 2023 2:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
I'm saying I don't understand what I have to do to stop SimPE from running out of memory. Which is what has been happening to my Desiderata Valley save on another PC.

OK. Download the 4Gb Patch from NTCore, and when you run it - point it to the SimPE exe.

Let us know if that works. Good luck!

specklewits 14th Dec 2023 8:36 PM

Would this be where we would post errors for the programs that are downloaded with SimPE? Like HoodChecker, HoodReplacer, etc.

C.Syde65 17th Dec 2023 6:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
OK. Download the 4Gb Patch from NTCore, and when you run it - point it to the SimPE exe.

Let us know if that works. Good luck!

Where exactly would the SimPE exe be located?

simsample 17th Dec 2023 1:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by specklewits
Would this be where we would post errors for the programs that are downloaded with SimPE? Like HoodChecker, HoodReplacer, etc.

I would make a fresh thread for your issue here:
As the creator of those mods is no longer active.

Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
Where exactly would the SimPE exe be located?

Wherever you installed it to.
[install Location]\SimPE\SimPe.exe

C.Syde65 18th Dec 2023 5:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I would make a fresh thread for your issue here:
As the creator of those mods is no longer active.

Wherever you installed it to.
[install Location]\SimPE\SimPe.exe

Which one?

simsample 18th Dec 2023 10:05 AM

The top one, that says SimPE- type application. (Your computer has the file extensions hidden for known file types, which is why the .exe bit doesn't show up. If you google this you should be able to find a guide on how to enable the file extensions for your OS, so that it's easier in future.)

Strangeteam 3rd Jan 2024 11:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello, @ChrisHatch! I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. We live now in very difficult times.

There is currently a war in our country, but we managed to gather a team of enthusiastic translators, and we are translating the Sims 2 into Ukrainian. SimPE helps us a lot in this.

I didn't know that this program is still supported, so sorry if my question is inappropriate. I work with translators from different parts of my country and with different levels of computer knowledge. Therefore, it was decided that I will export each file via the Export button to a text file, and then I insert these files into a Google spreadsheet in which we all work together. This allows translators to translate at any convenient moment, without the need to open and understand the technical issue of localization.

However, I have a problem. In some files, the number of text files reaches several thousand. And it slows down the work a lot if you export them manually one by one. I have not found another way to convert string files into text files. Please tell me if it is possible to export all these files with one button? If you can do that, you'll make our job a LOT easier! Please!

Chris Hatch 6th Jan 2024 1:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Strangeteam
I have a problem. In some files, the number of text files reaches several thousand. And it slows down the work a lot if you export them manually one by one. I have not found another way to convert string files into text files. Please tell me if it is possible to export all these files with one button? If you can do that, you'll make our job a LOT easier! Please!

Yes, I can do that.
at there is two versions of a plugin tool, is for SimPe versions of or higher, is for SimPe versions before that.
Just place the extracted file in SimPe's Plugins Folder and, if you have the right version SimPe should load it.

jonasn 8th Jan 2024 6:59 AM

I wish that a batch "uncompressor" existed. The opposite of what "the compressorizer" does. Sometimes I want to search across all BHAV of the objects.package to find a particular call or a GUID. I did that after extracting all files, which nearly brought my file system to its knees (85 thousand files), and I had to do it in packets of a few thousand or the process would hang. I decided I didn't need these files anymore, and now need to repeat the process if I want to search again. The gain from compressing these small files is not as great as with ttabs or blank textures. The resource names would probably load much faster.

I discovered why I couldn't collapse the small panel to the right (resource actions, filter resources). I had ticked the box "Lock docks" in Preferences, which didn't fully lock them, but removed the "pin" button.

sushigal007 9th Jan 2024 10:16 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss, Chris. Thank you for all your work here.

jonasn 10th Jan 2024 2:48 AM

I downloaded the last version available here. It includes a 6 meg GDF.dll plugin for Windows Vista, which is adult content with cartoons of exposed girls and sound files of moaning women who say the f-word. If this Windows plugin is deleted, SimPE doesn't start. lol

Strangeteam 13th Jan 2024 12:11 PM

Thank you so much Chris! Now we will be able to speed up our translation activities, and it's all thanks to you. Thank you!!! <3

simsample 13th Jan 2024 12:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
It includes a 6 meg GDF.dll plugin for Windows Vista, which is adult content with cartoons of exposed girls

Chris has been updating SimPE specifically to work with their expansion packs (T&A and A&N), so those bits are designed for that. If you ask nicely, they are sometimes kind enough to release a version with the updated features but minus the adult content. I linked some of the PG versions here:

atomtanned 15th Feb 2024 9:16 PM

Hello, here to also express interest in a SFW version of 77.69 - it is the only version that I can get to properly work for whatever reason. I can deal with the UI images but the explicit moaning is not really my favorite thing (and it scares the crap out of me when I accidentally trigger it lol). Very grateful to Chris Hatch for making that version in the first place since the older versions don't work for me, but if someone knows how to disable the sounds in particular that would be amazing. I like to work on Sims stuff on planes and it's very awkward if I happen to open the UI and I'm paranoid I'll forget to turn the speakers off.

HugeLunatic 15th Feb 2024 10:55 PM

It has sounds?!

Blueybre 16th Feb 2024 1:27 AM

I run since it was released... I never heard a sound of any sort in SimPE. What triggers those?

I also am, for some reason, missing the lady in the settings menu.

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