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RussaNodrey_SC 12th Feb 2009 3:13 AM

Name: Rosemarie
Country: US
Something about yourself: I'm 23 and never had a boyfriend! Yay!
Fav. Books: Phantom by Susan Kay, The Phantom of the Opera- Gaston Leroux, Sherlock Holmes books, Journey to the Center of the Earth...mostly classic literature.
TV Shows: Ugly Betty, Antquies(sp?) Roadshow, erm...Greys Anatomy
Movies: POTC 3, any LotR, Temple of Doom, Phantom of the Opera (but Gerard can't sing!)
Music: Musical stuff, mostly pop.
BFF: Amy, Katie, and Alicia!
Movie Star Crush: got three, Ben Barnes, Orlando Bloom, and Viggo Mortensen.

Roxy882_SC 14th Feb 2009 11:21 PM

Just thought i'd join :)
Name: Amy
Country: Canada
Something about yourself:I like reading, the sims 2 of course, music, and occasional writing
Fav. Books: Twilight Saga, Saving Jasey,... theres more I just can't remember..
TV Shows: Gossip Girl, American Idol, whatevers on..
Movies: Twilight, all of the harry potter movies,
Music: Blink 182!!!, Angels and Airwaves, Paramore, Linkin Park, Britney Spears, Simple Plan, Nickelback, three doors down, coldplay, I could go on for forever lol
BFF: Amy H.Yes I know.. we're both Amys
Movie Star Crush: I don't really have one haha. . .

I finally joined one of the social groups
Can't wait to start posting!!

Purplepaws 17th Feb 2009 3:52 PM

Name: Rachael
Country: USA
Something about yourself: 21 years old and still trying to decide what to do with my life.
Fav. Books: Not a big reader.
TV Shows: Wings and Cheers (Best sitcoms of all time!)
Movies: Too many to list! Mostly dramas and comedies.
Music: Currently into movie scores/soundtracks.
BFF: None.
Movie Star Crush: Orlando Bloom (Although "crush" isn't the word. I don't tend to obsess over celebs.)

Burnziiy 21st Feb 2009 12:18 PM

Name: Kathleen
Country: Australia
Something about yourself: I always seem to be always reading and analyzing people's actions and movements - apparently it's annoying. I really like heights and windy/raining/stormy/cold weather. I really don't like swivel chairs and alarms.
Fav. Books: Between Mountains, The Good Guy, Mercy
TV Shows: House, Life, Bones
Movies: Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Resevior Dogs, Evolution, I Robot
Music: I listen to alot actually - Renaissance, metalcore, hard rock, 80s, 70s, jazz, cultural music, trance
BFF: I can't narrow it any further! Ashleigh, Bhavana, Francesca, Vanessa, Elizabeth and Andrew
Movie Star Crush: Nope! There isn't one

Freelancer_SC 22nd Feb 2009 7:17 AM

Hey y'all. This group looked interesting, and I thought it was high time I started getting to know some people around here again... here we go.

Name: Liv
Country: US of A
Something about yourself: I want to roller skate across the country someday.
Fav. Books: The Bible, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Catch-22, Twilight, Memoirs of a Geisha, Emma
TV Shows: Battlestar Galactica, House, Scrubs, Legend of the Seeker, Futurama, Duck Tales, Jonny Quest, Lost, Star Trek
Movies: Clue, Iron Monkey, Casablanca, anything by Pixar, Get Smart, Dances with Wolves, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Ice Age, 300, Forbidden Kingdom
Music: Skillet, Vienna Teng, Rockapella, Trans-Siberian Orchestra
BFF: My facebook wife, Michelle! I've also grown really close to two of my coworkers, who, interestingly enough, are both named Michelle. Apparently, I have a thing for Michelles.
Movie Star Crush: Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Stewart

See ya around! :howdy:

KyleTheArtist 22nd Feb 2009 8:42 AM

Name:Anastasia(call me Ana or Anny )
Country:Usa(but I;m russian by nationality
Something about yourself: Well I like gothic stuff and i like cookies. I love languages and arts. I wanna become a translator. In grade 9 I just loved(still do) South Park. So I picked Kyle as my nickname. It got stuck to me and there is no point in changing it now.
Fav. Books:Fantasy books. Currently Warhammer series.
TV Shows:Scrubs, Futurama, South Park and Adult swim.
Movies:anything horror thriller, detective, catastrophe and comedy :D
Music:Rock. Anything rock.
BFF:Kreig, Mandy, Damien and of course my hunny.(yes he is my best friend) From these forums i have no friends yet.
Movie Star Crush: I don't think any one. I just watch movies. I used to like Fred Durst(leader of Limp Bizkit) few years ago but he isn;t a movie star really.

Gemmareno_SC 24th Feb 2009 7:58 PM

Name: Gemma
Country: UK
Something about yourself: I make an excellent cup of tea.
Fav. Books: HDM, Harry Potter, Abhorsen Trilogy, Pellinor Series... I have too many on my bookshelf to write.
TV Shows: Family Guy, Sabrina, Big Bang Theory, Most Haunted etc.
Movies: Do I have to list them all? XD At the moment I'm crushing on Princess Bride and Disney movies, particularly Hunchback of Notre Dame. XD
Music: Judy Garland, Will Young, Queen, Michael Jackson, Muse, The Beatles, ABBA.
BFF: Boyfriend, and two school friends.
Movie Star Crush: Uuuhh... haha. Idk. River Phoenix?

hale_SC 14th Mar 2009 11:31 PM

Name: Lauren or Hale.
Something about yourself: I'm a bit of a nerd.
Fav. Books: The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Twilight Saga (Yes..I like it), Harry Potter, & I like to read comic books as well.
TV Shows: Heroes, CSI, Dexter.
Movies: The Dark Knight, Forrest Gump.
Music: Coldplay, Muse, Keane, U2.
BFF: I have 2 very close friends that I grew up with.
Movie Star Crush: James Franco.

clw8 15th Mar 2009 5:57 AM

Name: I never post it. Well, I have on occasion here and there, but then all a sudden took it away from all the sites I had it on. Don't ask why, it's nonessential. So, just call me clw or cill.
Country: USA
Something about myself: Ozzy. As if it's not a big secret, I have a big, huge, fan based obsession with Ozzy Osbourne, weird right?! Oh, and please don't let my avatar fool you. I'm not a blondie girly girl ... Just thought that sim I made was pretty. And now because you're probably wondering, my hair is brown, and I'm a more laid back, southern country girl. (I'm telling you . . . the only preppy clothes store I ever went to was Aeropostal. I go to Old Navy occassionally [I love their flipflops] but I don't call that preppy store) One reason for that weirdness is that the nearest Aeropostal or any other preppy store is a good 1 and a 1/2 hours away.
Fav. Book(s): Harry Potter Series, and other odd and end books on my shelf, that I've yet to read. (I'm not a huge fan of reading... as it gives me a headache and I can't concentrate on a book very long)
TV Show(s): House, Survivor, America's Got Talent, So you think you can dance, Kyle XY, Comedy Central Presents, and soon, The Osbournes Reloaded (comes on starting March 31!!)
Movie(s): Anything Horror. Then mixes of comedy, suspence, thriller, mystery.
Music: Rock and some Metal (not the head banging stuff... Ozzy Osbourne is what I like)
BFF: I'm starting to ponder this one.... Not sure my "BFF" is really a faithful 4 yr BFF. so, I really can't fill this one in.
Movie Star Crush: All the guys I think are hot, aren't neccessarily that appealing to others, and you might not consider them Movie Star's , but, w/e... Dane Cook and Russell Brand ??!?! ..yeah, I like them comedians! >>Well, Dane Cook has been in movies, so, he is a Star

You'll find that I am a very interesting person, once you peel away all my layers of false impressions and phony smiles.

kailay_SC 2nd Apr 2009 6:38 PM

Name: Kaila
Country: Finland (i'm half english though)
Something about yourself: I'm 16, i ride horses (loove them), i dance hip hop....uhmmm..yeaa. :P
Fav. Books: Harry Potter, LOTR, Gossip Girl, The Hobbit
TV Shows: Supernatural (LOVE),Heroes, Scrubs, NCIS, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, So you think you can dance, Americas best dance crew.....theres many more.
Movies: Any horse movies, LOTR, HP, horror movies, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Disturbia...too many to list xD
Music: Radiohead, Frou Frou, Lady GaGa,Thom Yorke,...too many to list again :P
BFF: Anna and Ellen <3
Movie Star Crush: JENSEN ACKLES :lovestruc :valentine

sophieacd_SC 3rd Apr 2009 12:47 AM

Hi everyone!

Name: Sophie
Country: Colombia
Something about yourself: I'm 21, just graduated from college, I love music, writing, and art.
Fav. Books: Twilight
TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy
Movies: I don't have a favorite, but I enjoy comedy films.
Music: Coldplay, Muse and Franz Ferdinand are my favourites...I listen to latin music and indie rock.
BFF: I don't have any..
Movie Star Crush:No, but I have lots of music crushes xD

longears15 15th Apr 2009 3:15 AM

Name: Laura
Country: Australia
Something about yourself: I'm a veterinarian (graduated in '07) and have the collection of pets appropriate to my degree I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, with the dubious honour of being the worst casemy doctors have ever seen
Fav. Books: Anything by Ian Rankin or Val McDermid
TV Shows: British crime drama, House, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blackadder, Monty Python
Movies: Atonement, Pride and Prejudice
Music: My tastes are very eclectic. Music on my MP3 player includes various classical and folk groups, Cold Chisel, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Crowded House, Billy Joel and many others.

DollyRot 7th May 2009 2:45 PM

Name: Emily
Country: Australia.
Something about yourself: I'm seventeen. I'm straightedge. I want to live in France and be a recluse or a graphic designer.
Fav. Books: None.
TV Shows: House M.D
Movies: I like period movies and Tim Burton movies, and anything with Audrey Hepburn.
Music: Ranges from Indie to Metal.
BFF: I don't have one.
Movie Star Crush: None, But I think Trace Cyrus is attractive.

Requiem19 17th May 2009 3:35 AM

Name: Tawnee
Country: United States
Something about yourself: I'm an aspiring novelist.
Fav. Books: Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, The Stand by Stephen King, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, etc. The list goes on and on.
TV Shows: House, Buffy, ER. I'm not really into a lot of TV shows.
Movies: The Crow, Requiem for a Dream, Lord of the Rings, Nightmare Before Christmas, Repo the Genetic Opera, and lots more.
Music: My top three favorite bands ever are Led Zeppelin, Shinedown and Alice in Chains. I mostly listen to rock -- any and all genres of rock and roll.
BFF: Well, used to be Allyson, but I haven't talked to her in forever. My roommate Jennifer is the closest thing I have to a BFF. We certainly tell each other a lot.
Movie Star Crush: Jared Leto<3

decoyenderek_SC 17th May 2009 5:51 PM

Name: Dea
Country: Indonesia
Something about Yourself: I'm 13 and a girl But my friends told me that I looked like a boy. I hang out with boys and have a strange dislike of television Maybe because the shows are crap. And I like to play my guitar at night. I also like to scare my annoying sister who gives me hell all the time
Fav. Books: Harry Potter novels, LOTR novels, the Godfather
TV Shows: Turn off that TV!
Fav. Movies:
Music: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Slipknot, Fall Out Boy, Metro Station, Paramore, Coldplay, Flyleaf, Alesana, From First to Last, and last but not least, Katy Perry!
BFF: Abrar, Tria, and M, cause they're that cool
Movie Star Crush: None. But I <3 Martin Johnson of BLG.

danirawr_SC 18th May 2009 8:34 AM

Name: Dani
Country: Australia
Something about yourself: I'm 18 and I have my lip pierced and 1 tattoo. Already planning my next tattoos ^_^
Fav. Books: Twilight (Yes, don't hold it against me. I understand her writing isn't the greatest), Harry Potter,
Alice In Wonderland/Through The Looking Glass, To Kill A Mockingbird,
TV Shows: Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Supernatural, Gossip Girl, Buffy
Movies: Wizard of Oz, Twilight, Stand By Me, Back To The Future, Moulin Rouge
Movie Star Crush: Jackson Rathbone, Jensen Ackles, Ewan McGregor
Music: The Veronicas, Paramore, Secondhand Serenade, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, Evermore, Bullet For My Valentine, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Flyleaf, Hey Monday
BFF: Krystle and Megan

Aya_Alexa 18th May 2009 9:05 AM

Name: Miyaca Alexandria
Country: Philippines
Something about yourself: there' nothing much to tell, im 18 turning 19. 3rd year college student. i like surfing the net, playing badminton and tennis, i also like playing the guitar.
Fav. Books: The Da Vinci Code & Angels and Demons.
TV Shows: Supernatural, Smallville, Cold Case, CSI and Heroes
Movies: Twilight, The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Bride wars and many more.
Music: i like RNB,Acoustic and a little rock.
BFF: im not sure if i have one. many of who i called friends backstabbed me.
Movie Star Crush: Channing Tatum & Jensen Ackles. there' many more but i like this two the most.

meggie272 18th May 2009 2:46 PM

Name: Meg
Country: Australia
Something about yourself: Umm...moody teen. Nuff said.
Fav. Books: Twilight, Harry Potter, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
TV Shows: Home & Away
Movies: the SECOND half of the Twilight movie lol, Love Actually, Bridget Jones
Music: Whatever's on the radio
BFF: Ma three besties, allthough one of them is being a bit pre-menstrual. And he's a boy.
Movie Star Crush: Taylor Lautner

maeve.2.0 23rd May 2009 9:00 PM

Name: I answer to Hey you, stupid too.
Country: Of wooden shoes and legal soft drugs.
Something about yourself: I have feet and hair and all the things human beings usually have. I am a fifteen-year-old writer and I like green things. I have recently discovered that I am in fact not tall at all.
Fav. Books: I don't know. Too many. Terry Pratchett? And Sophie Kinsella and Nick Hornby. And more.
TV Shows: Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy and Lost and Star Trek and lots of others.
Movies: Mean Girls and Moulin Rouge (I have very refined taste, you see).
Music: Indie rock.
BFF: I have a few.
Movie Star Crush:

lisa21 24th May 2009 4:54 AM

Name: Lisa
Country: Germany
Something about yourself: Loves Disney, Bubbly, emotional = complicated
Fav. Books: Vampire Diaries, The Mediator Series, Twilight, Loving Danny, Books by Kate Brian
TV Shows: One tree hill, gossip girl, American idol, Lost, America's Next top model, Keeping up with the Kardashians, 90210, Disney Tv shows
Movies: Harry Potter, 17 again!, Taken,Jawbreaker, Sleepover, almost everything xD
Music: All genres of rock, pop, soul and blues.
BFF: I have bestfriends. Just not best friends forever.
Movie Star Crush: Chris Pine, Chad Michael Murray, James Franco, *cough* Zac Efron :p

PennyTheCorgi 24th May 2009 5:16 AM

Name: Sarah
Country: USA
Something about yourself: Urm, I like corgis? And my BFs a truck driver so I get to travel alot.
Fav. Books: Most of em'. Although I'm very fond of Stephen King.
TV Shows: House, Anything on NatGeo, Fringe.
Movies: Resident Evil, Underworld, Stepbrothers
Music: Alot of country and alt rock.
BFF: My cat? I'm kind of a loner.
Movie Star Crush: Johhny Depp

Death Princess 24th May 2009 12:00 PM

Something about yourself:I'm 18,bla bla...pff!I go to Art school,and I'll be a painter some day! Maybe...
Fav. Books:L.N. Tolstoj-Ana Karenjina
TV Shows:...
Movies:Mean Girls
Music:PunK! and everything else I like
BFF:Azra Pernat
Movie Star Crush:/

SimLove 27th May 2009 10:10 AM

Name: Tanya
Country: South Africa
About urself: Im a very quiet person, love animals and im still looking for Mr Right.
Fav. Books: Anything from Jakie Collins
Fav. Tv: Ugly Betty, Antiques Roadshow and The Hills
Fav.Movie: Dirty Dancing, Pirates of the Carbian(sp?), and anything that has meaning or something Weird. Oooo and Horrors.
Music: Metal, Ozzy, Katy Perry, Pink and Skunk Anasie
BFF: Claire and Chanelle
Star Crush: Johnny Depp

danirawr_SC 27th May 2009 10:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by maeve.2.0
Movies: Mean Girls and Moulin Rouge (I have very refined taste, you see).

Nothing wrong with either of those movies! Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite movies (and I have a lot, so it's hard to say that but MR is definitely up there). And Mean Girls is epic.

akire 27th May 2009 10:37 PM

Name: Erika
Country: USA
Something about yourself: I'm a reality show junkie , animal lover, Sims 2 addict and ... nothing else comes to mind right this sec heh
Fav. Books: Nights in Rodanthe
TV Shows: Everybody loves Raymond, Friends, Sex and the City, Family Guy, Two and a Half Men, Reality shows on VH1 and TLC, Most Shocking/Daring on TruTV and whatever's on Animal Planet
Movies: Too many to type
Music: I like a little of everything
BFF: My bf is my bff
Movie Star Crush: I really don't have one

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