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Doctor: I'm 907, do you know what that means?!
Amy: ...That it's been a long time? Doctor: Ye- No, no, no no no! Doctor Who was amazing last night. I feel sorry for Canada, who have to wait for this awesomeness. :3 |
*revives thread*
These are all from Skins ♥ "I think you need someone to want you. Well, I do want you, so be brave and want me back." - Emily Freddie: I think we'd be good together. Effy: No, we wouldn't. Freddie: Why not? Effy: Because I'd break your heart. Freddie: What if I broke your heart? Effy: No one breaks my heart, and even if they could, why would I want that? "The people who make us happy are never the ones we expect. So when you find someone, you've got to cherish it." - Naomi's mother |
Firefly has some of the best lines. Especially River.
River: Too much hair. River: My food is problematic. River: I swallowed a bug. However, I am such a TV goof I have SO many funny and remember able quotes filling up my brain... NCIS Ziva: I think I just saw a goat. BBC's Merlin Arthur: Are you deaf? Merlin: I wish. Merlin: We could talk about your feelings while we walk. Arthur: Shut up Merlin. Aww... so many quotes... |
"You know what sucks? Realizing that everything you believe in is complete and utter bullshit." - Tom, from 500 Days Of Summer
"Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, come out of my mum the wrong way. I hear words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate, and the people I hate..." Effy Stonem, Skins
"Not everyone wants to be Blair Waldorf." "Not everyone can be." |
From Castle (my new favourite show
![]() Castle: [Referencing a recent murder] Well, the pen is mightier than the sword, but a baseball bat can be pretty effective too. Castle: She may have built up a wall between us, but I am going to build a door in that wall. Or put up a ladder. [Starting to get carried away] Or dig a hole.... Castle: All right, so you and I are married. Beckett: We are not married. Castle: Relax, it's just pretend. Beckett: I don't wanna pretend. Castle: [Smirks] Scared you'll like it? Beckett: Okay, if we're married, I want a divorce! Apartment Guy: Are you two like this all the time? Castle & Beckett: [Simultaneously] Yes. Police rep: Mr. Castle, be advised: if you get injured following Detective Beckett to research your next novel, you cannot sue the city. If you get shot, you cannot sue the city. If you get killed... Castle: My lifeless remains cannot sue the city? |
No Supernatural quotes? Well I've got some for ya:
NDeputy: So, fake US Marshall, fake credit cards. You got anything that's real? Dean Winchester: My boobs... Dean Winchester: I know what you're thinking Sam. Why did it have to be clowns? Sam Winchester: Oh, give me a break. Dean Winchester: [laughs] You didn't think I remember, do you? Come on, you still bust out crying when you see Ronald McDonald on the television. Sam Winchester: At least I'm not afraid of flying. Dean Winchester: Planes crash! Sam Winchester: And apparently clowns kill. Dean Winchester: There's a box of salt in my duffel. Make a circle and get inside. Ed Zeddmore: [a long pause; Ed and Harry look confused] Get inside your duffel? Dean Winchester: The salt, you idiots! Dean Winchester: Dude, you were out. And makin' some serious happy noises. Who were you dreaming about? Sam Winchester: What? No one. Nothing. Dean Winchester: Come on, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie? Sam Winchester: No. Dean Winchester: Brad Pitt? Sam Winchester: No! |
Dr. Manhattan: Will you smile if I admit I was wrong?
Laurie: About what? Dr. Manhattan: Miracles. Events with astronomical odds of occuring, like oxygen turning into gold. I've longed to witness such an event, and yet, I neglect that, in human coupling, millions upon millions of cells compete to create life. For generation after generation, until finally, your mother loves a man. Edward Blake, The Comedian, a man she has every reason to hate, and out of that contradiction against unfathomable odds, it's you, only you that emerged to distill so specific a form from all that chaos. It's like turning air into gold. A miracle. And so, I was wrong. Now dry your eyes, and let's go home. -Watchmen The best line from the graphic novel was missing: "Come... dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly." However, the film did a fine rendition of the speech. |
Grey's Anatomy
Quote 1 Setting: Meredith's bathroom (I love this scene between Meredith and Izzie because it reminds me TOO much of my friend Julia and I ![]() Izzie: What did you say to him? Meredith: Nothing I fled the scene Izzie: You didn't tell him about George or Derek? Meredith: Nope! Izzie: You like him! Meredith: I could like him Izzie: Is the sex any good? Meredith: I don't know Izzie: Four dates and TWO sleepovers at his place and no sex? Meredith: Not even a kiss goodnight Izzie: Aw, I am proud, I'm like a proud Mama ![]() Meredith: Shut up Callie: *Walks In* Morning *Pulls down underwear and pisses in front of Meredith and Izzie* Meredith: o__o Izzie: o.O Callie: [Flushes toilet and walks out] Meredith: Oh my god? Did that just happen? Izzie: I'm having a seizure, I'm like literally having a seizure, I'm seizing! Meredith: OH MY GOD Izzie: She didn't even wash her hands! Meredith: Oh my god... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG0Ma0rgpmE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Quote 2
Callie: Sorry about that. Did I mention I live with Yang now? Addison: [Stares whilst eating a potato chip] Callie: Why are you looking at me like that? Addison: Callie... are you speaking the vagina monologues now? Callie: WHAT!??!? Addison: I'm all for it, okay. I think it's fantastic. Erica, she seems great. I really do like her, actually. I do.. so are you? Callie: You want to know if Erica and I are a couple, because I defended her against Yang? Addison: Because you seem like a couple... a really happy couple. Callie: Okay, that's just insane. I like penis! I mean I'm a HUGE HUGE fan of Penis! Hilarious...you've been living in Los Angeles for way too long. Way too long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uag5...feature=related xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cristina: You have a feeling? Meredith: ... yes. Cristina: Okay, what kind of feeling? Meredith: Like I might die Cristina: Today, tomorrow, in 50 years? Because we're all going to die eventually! Now we're late, let's go! Meredith: Cristina, c'mon! Cristina: Okay, this is me being supportive Meredith: Really? Cristina: Yeah, okay, fine. I'm totally supportive, go! Meredith: Okay. The man I love has a wife. And then he chooses her over me. And that wife? Takes my dog. Cristina: Why'd- Meredith: Okay, she didn’t take the dog, I gave it to her, but I didn’t mean to give it to her, I meant to give it to him. Cristina: Right, okay. Meredith: But that does not change the fact that she’s got my McDreamy. And my McDog. She’s got my McLife. And what have I got? Do you know I can’t remember the last time we kissed? ‘cause you never think the last time is the last time, you think there’ll be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. Plus my conditioner decided to stop working and I think I have brittle bones. I just… I just need something to happen. I need a sign that things are gonna change. I need a reason to go on, I need some hope, and in the absence of hope, I need to stay in bed and feel like I might die today. Cristina: *Pulls the covers off of Meredith* WHATEVER, EVERYBODY HAS PROBLEMS! NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED AND GET TO WORK.. NOW!! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! *kicks Meredith out of the bed* ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv3JXc8RFQM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FAVORITE SCENE OF ALL TIME!!! Derek: [running after Meredith] Merideth! Meredith: Leave me alone! Derek: Merideth! Meredith: [runs into an exam room while Derek follows] Just leave me alone. Derek: I just want to make sure you're alright. Meredith: No! I'm not alright. Okay? Are you satisfied? I'm not alright! Because you have a wife and you call me a whore. And our dog died. And now you're looking at me. Stop looking at me! Derek: I'm not looking at you. I am NOT looking at you! Meredith: You are looking at me, and you watch me! And Finn has plans, and I like Finn. He's perfect for me, and I'm really trying here to be happy, and I can't breathe! I can't breathe with you looking at me like that, so just stop! Derek: Do you think I want to look at you? That I wouldn't rather be looking at my wife? I'm married, I have responsibilities! She doesn't drive me crazy! She doesn't make it impossible for me to feel normal! She doesn't make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veterinarian touching her with his hands! Oh, man, I would give anything not to be looking at you. |
Quote: Originally posted by fthomas
Ugh, this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 100% true. Also, the lion and lamb thing was done so much better in another show. "The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf, the lion and the fatling together, and a little child to lead them." ~Buffy the Vampire Slayer It's still referencing the same idiom from christian dogma but comes off a little less overtly patronizing "You listen to me. [Kneels in front of her] I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of: you. [Buffy looks away; he reaches toward her face] Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy." ~ (Spike) Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Lester Burnham: I had always heard your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die. First of all, that one second isn't a second at all, it stretches on forever, like an ocean of time... For me, it was lying on my back at Boy Scout camp, watching falling stars... And yellow leaves, from the maple trees, that lined our street... Or my grandmother's hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper... And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand new Firebird... And Janie... And Janie... And... Carolyn. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday.
- American Beauty |
I have got into greys anatomy i am on season 4 in only just over a week lol
Quote 1 Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: [standing in the bathroom, outside the shower, where George is] I reminded you before you went. Dr. George O'Malley: I forgot when I got there. Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: No. [she opens the shower door] Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: No, you were so passive aggressive! Dr. George O'Malley: Naked! I am naked in the shower! Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: [closes the shower door] Just tampons, George! I really needed tampons. God! [Meredith enters the bathroom] Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: I'm not riding in the same car as him. Dr. Meredith Grey: [looks at Izzie, who is standing in her "Hello Kitty" underwear] Unless you're going like that, you're not riding with me either. Where are the tampons? Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: He didn't buy them. Dr. Meredith Grey: [to George] You didn't buy them? Dr. George O'Malley: Men don't buy tampons! Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: [opens the shower door again, and George falls over] You know what? You're gonna have to get over the whole man thing, George! We're women! We have vaginas! Get used to it! [she walks out of the bathroom, leaving George lying on the floor of the shower] Dr. George O'Malley: I am not your sister! [he slams the shower door] Quote 2 Dr. Cristina Yang: If I miss a real procedure because of this case, they're gonna call me 007 because I killed you. Quote 3 Dr. Cristina Yang: You are eight feet tall. Your boobs are perfect. Your hair is down to there. If I was you I would just walk around naked all the time. I wouldn't have a job, I wouldn't have any skills, I wouldn't even know how to read. I would just be... naked. Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: It's makeup. It's retouching. Dr. Cristina Yang: You get that we hate you, right? Quote 4 Dr. George O'Malley: 007. They're calling me 007, aren't they? Izzie & Meredith: No-one's calling you 007. Dr. George O'Malley: I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered 007. Dr. Cristina Yang: Okay, how many times are we going to go through this, George? Five, ten? Give me a number or else I'm gonna hit you. Dr. George O'Malley: Murphy whispered 007 and everyone laughed. Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: He wasn't talking about you. Dr. George O'Malley: Are you sure? Dr. Meredith Grey: Would we lie to you? Dr. George O'Malley: Yes! Quote 5 Dr. George O'Malley: I don't think you understand. Me - gonads! You - ovaries! Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons. Dr. George O'Malley: You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear, while I'm naked in the shower! Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: Will you add it to your list, please? Dr. George O'Malley: What? Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: Tampons! Dr. Meredith Grey: To the list. It's your turn. Dr. George O'Malley: I am a man! I don't buy girl products. I don't want to see you walking in while I'm in the shower. And I don't wanna see you in your underwear! Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: It doesn't bother me, okay? Look at me in my underwear, George. Take your time, it's no big deal. Quote 6 Dr. Alex Karev: Morning, Dr. Model. Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: Dr. Evil Spawn. Dr. Alex Karev: [he sees a tattoo on her lower stomach] Ooooh, nice tat. Do they airbrush that out for the catalogs? Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull? |
Sea Patrol
Dutchy: “What is it, Robert?” RO: “Ah, it’s just the forward hatch rattling… All this bumping around.” Swain: “Where’d all this rain come from, anyway?” RO: “From the sky, Swain. It’s called precipitation. It’s quite a well known atmospheric phenomenon.” Swain: “Yes, thank you Robert; no one likes a smart ass.” RO: “Oh, I don’t know; 2Dads seems fairly popular.” |
The Walking Dead is my favorite show on television.
Rick: You're a man of God, have some faith. Hershel: I can't profess to understand God's plan, but when Christ promised a resurrection of the dead, I just thought he had something a little different in mind. Andrea: The pain doesn't go away. You just make room for it. Glenn: Are you trying to buy my silence with fruit? Maggie: Of course not. There's also jerky. Maggie: You see 11 condoms, I see 11 minutes of my life I'm not getting back. Shane: Prodigy what you call a high school stud banging 30 year olds on the regular? Rick: I never lied about Sheila, I just got confused about what the bases meant. Daryl: You've got some balls for a Chinaman. Glenn: I'm Korean. Daryl: Whatever. Glenn: Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town? Rick: It wasn't my intention. Glenn: Yeah, whatever, yee haw. You're still a dumbass. Carol: A flower? Daryl: It's a Cherokee Rose. The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much 'cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day this rose started to grow where the mothers' tears fell. I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother. But I believe this one bloomed for your little girl. Dale: If I had known the world was ending, I'd have brought better books. Glenn: Admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat. Rick: Don't tell anybody. Rick: What's the difference between men and women? Shane: Is this a joke? Rick: No, serious. Shane: Never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light. Born thinkin' the switch only goes one way, On. Come home, house all lit up, and my job, you see, apparently because my chromosomes happen to be different is that I gotta walk through that house and turn off every single light this chick left on. Rick: Is that right? Shane: Yeah, baby. Oh Reverend Shane is preachin' to ya now, boy. Then this same chick, mind ya, she'll bitch about, uh, Global Warming. This is where Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say, "Uh, darlin' maybe if you and every other pair of boobs on this planet could just figure out that the light switch, see, goes both ways, maybe we wouldn't have so much Global Warming?" Rick: You say that? Shane: The pull-out version. Still, that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe and that's when the Exorcist voice pops out "You sound just like my damn Father! Always yellin' about the power bill and tellin' me to turn off the damn lights!" Rick: What do you say to that? Shane: I know what I want to say. What I want to say "Bitch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?" |
You Americans have no idea what your missing with Miranda
See my physical anger Febreeze me out I'm going to bean bag I'm soft strong and incredibly long- no that's loo paper Knock out your mimsy |
"I'm a doctor, not a Bricklayer"
"I'm a doctor, not a Mechanic" "I'm a doctor, not an Engineer" "Look, I'm a doctor, not an escalator" "I'm a doctor, not a Coal miner" |
"And Dem Niggas ruined the best roll I's Eeeever had!!" -Uptown Saturday Night!
One of my favorite quotes from this movie!! ![]() |
I just remembered some more funny Sea Patrol quotes
Welcome Aboard (1.01) Mike: What’s happening, Buffer? Buffer: They’re still looking for a tube, sir. Mike: (Looks thoughtful.) Tell X she’s got a pistol. Use it. Buffer: You want him to shoot her? Mike: Tell X to break down her Browning, remove the 9-millimetre barrel, use it as a tube. Over. Buffer: Got it. Mike: (Chuckles.) Shoot her. Nav: Well, that’s one way of ending a crisis. Ghost of Things Past (3.01) RO: A man goes yachting to get away from his wife. Well, if he’s gonna call her every day, he might as well stay at home. (Leaves.) Nav: Future Mrs Robert Dixon’s gonna be one lucky girl. (Mike chuckles.) Kate: Sir, four elephants and a giraffe could’ve gone over in that storm, we’d never know. Mike: I think we can safely not bother looking for any elephants. The giraffe on the other hand… Mike: (Observing Bright Island) Feds? Buffer: Looks like it, sir. Mike: I dropped off two agents, but I can see another six. What the hell are they doing? Buffer: Breeding, sir? Precious Cargo (1.06) Fisherman: Hey Spider, is that you, mate? How are you going? How are those crabs we gave you? There is an awkward pause. Chefo sniggering in background. Spider: (defensively) They're talking about seafood. They gave me some crabs on Bright Island! Whole Crew laughs. Spider: Chefo, tell them about the crabs in the freezer. Chefo: I don't know what you're talking about, mate. Fortune Favours (2.02) Spider: Step away from the cauliflower! Buffer: It's a broccoli, you idiot. Birds (2.06) Mike: Nav what's your take on this Agent Fulton? Nav: He's a Marine Protection guy Sir. Mike: Yeah I know that but what's your take on him? Is he a loose cannon? Nav: He's...a Marine Protection guy Sir. Mike: Right, enough said. Kate: What I need is a card that says 'Why is there a man in a barrel?' Buffer: There'll be one in there somewhere Ma'am. A Brilliant Career (2.11) Swain: That's one hell of a bullet wound. Freeman: He doesn't appear to have been in the water long. Swain: You think he was thrown out of that prawn trawler? Freeman: Ohh well, unless he fell from space. Monkey Business (3.04) 2Dads: My God, it's a monkey! How'd he get here? Kate: I don't know, but he seems to know you. Pearls Before Swine (3.09) Mike 'CO': There are certain rumours going around the ship. 2Dads: Sir, the rumours are true. Charge really is a woman. Big Fish (4.06) 2Dads: Oh, it's a monster! Get the net! (fighting a fish on the line) Swain: Come on mate! Get the camera, Bomb! (She reaches for her camera) (Swain laughs as 2Dads reels in a small fish.) Bomber: That's your monster? (Swain still laughing) Dutchy: It's huge! Bomber: Mate, this thing hasn't got a micro setting! 2Dads: It's bigger than it looks. Bomber: Ah, bet you say that to all the girls. Live Catch (4.14) (Bomber and Kate in the galley, Bomber mad at Kate) Bomber drops plate in front of Kate Kate: Is that attitude, Bomber? Bomber: No Ma'am, it's chicken. Kate: See me in the ship's office when you're done here. The Stinger (5.06) (Swain and Bird looking worriedly at a bite mark on 2Dads' leg) Swain: These aren't mozzie bites, mate. 2Dads: They're not? What are they? Swain: They're probe marks. 2Dads: What? Swain: Does it hurt to sit down? (Now Swain is smirking while asking the question) Swain: Did they go rectal? (Swain and Bird started laughing at 2Dads.) 2Dads: You know if my head wasn't about to explode, I'll tell you where to stick yours. (RO passes by, turns back and leans into the room.) RO: 2Dads, there's a call for you. 2Dads: From who? RO: ET. He wants you to phone home. (RO looks pointedly at Swain and Bird and leave.) (Swain and Bird laughs harder at RO's statement.) |
"you dirty old man" ~Lolita, 1997
"Get out you hateful bitch!" Margaery Tyrell to Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
Margaery was one of my favorite characters. Sad she gets blown up by Cersei. |
"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir. Open it's jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have?" -Angelus from Buffy season 2
Dexter Morgan: Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, other times it helps me control the chaos. |
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