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Essa 31st Dec 2016 6:44 PM

While searching high and low for a hair which wasn't available, I stumbled upon this tumblr where I found the wanted hair:
I apologize in advance if the link has already been given.

simsample 2nd Jan 2017 12:27 AM

New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.

joandsarah77 2nd Jan 2017 12:54 AM

Shame about the pool squares being needed, I really like that pond water. Some of my tiny lots can barely fit a fishing pond as it is, which means they would show up black. Something to think about.

omglo 2nd Jan 2017 12:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.
Whoa. Finally, the hood view water won't be a solid blue eyesore when you're in lot view! Thanks for linking this.

simsample 2nd Jan 2017 1:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Tried this out in my test hood really quick. A pond reflecting the deco sky. I am in love.

I absolutely love how active the modding community is for Sims 2- we have so many great things being uploaded every week. :lovestruc

DezzyDoesThings 2nd Jan 2017 1:47 AM

I found the default mailbox...very bad. Must run through clean installer. Bless Mootilda 'cause that's how I found it

RoxEllen1965 2nd Jan 2017 2:42 AM

Bless Karol Rybak (phervers) too for originally creating the Clean Installer.

maxon 2nd Jan 2017 1:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.

I was trying those out last night - looks fab

LFact 2nd Jan 2017 1:48 PM

One more 'hacked computer in different shape'

Functional Retail Sims newspaper rack

lauratje86 2nd Jan 2017 6:05 PM

Ooooh, I like the look of that newspaper rack! :-)

I just came across this list of Simlish fonts on Tumblr - could be of use to someone :-)

maxon 2nd Jan 2017 6:36 PM

ooo nice find Laura. If you Simlish stuff (as I do) it can be frustrating sometimes to get the font design you want

lauratje86 2nd Jan 2017 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by maxon
ooo nice find Laura. If you Simlish stuff (as I do) it can be frustrating sometimes to get the font design you want

Indeed! I don't really make much myself, but I do dearly love all CC creators who make Simlish recolours of things, and I thought that these may be of use :-D

I just came across this functional magazine rack at Garden of Shadows. Perhaps it will go nicely with the newspaper rack that LFact linked! :-D

Kukamuukaanmuka 3rd Jan 2017 2:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by omglo

Tried this out in my test hood really quick. A pond reflecting the deco sky. I am in love. :lovestruc

It even reflects the sims fishing :lovestruc <3 So love it !

FranH 3rd Jan 2017 1:56 PM

That mod is really awesome-once you do get the effect, it's just so startling to see real water in the game.

RoxEllen1965 3rd Jan 2017 8:14 PM

I like the pond water effect but ended up removing the ocean water mod because it caused weird graphics glitches on my computer, especially in Twikkii Island where the ocean is visible from nearly every lot. I know this isn't Voeille's fault - as they explained, it's a limitation in the way the game engine works. Fortunately the Maxis sea water doesn't bother me nearly as much as the pond water did. I'm so glad to be rid of the default Maxis pond water, and the swimming pool requirement to make it look right is easy to deal with.

Voeille 4th Jan 2017 5:24 AM

It’s nice to hear you like my mod I know that the pool thing is annoying, but that was the only thing I thought of to make the reflections look fully proper on the pond and somewhat proper on the sea on non-beach lots. Moi’s mod for replacing the pond water with pool water works in the same way, I had to use the pool solution to have proper reflections, and now I have to keep doing that with my mod.
In the shaders there’s a line texture "PoolReflection", and that is what my mod uses for pond water and sea for non-beach lots. The other available ones (at least I haven’t seen more in the shaders) are "ScreenReflection" and "OceanReflection". The former one was used for the neighbourhood water so I kept that, and the latter one for sea for beach lots – none of them works on normal lots. Mirrors also use "ScreenReflection", but making the pond use it and placing the mirror doesn’t work, the reflections look very wrong. The Castaway Stories pond uses "ScreenReflection" and it works properly there, but it must be handled somewhere else and I don’t know where and how to access and use it. TS2 ponds weren’t supposed to have reflections so they don’t have that ‘something’ that would keep the reflections for them (mirrors and pools have that, as well as beach lots), so the only way to make it work was to use "PoolReflection".

As for finds, some time ago I found this tumblr – a great source of Maxis-match clothes

joandsarah77 4th Jan 2017 5:54 AM

I meant to install it before loading up today and forgot. :/ It looks really good.

RoxEllen1965 5th Jan 2017 11:37 AM

Just for the record, the modder who made the other pond and ocean mods was niol not "Moi". Nearly everything this person made is named "Moi this" or "Moi's that" - in other words "My Terrain Water Mod", "My Clothes Change Swirl Silencer", etc. It's easy to understand the confusion though.

gummilutt 6th Jan 2017 12:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Who knows, maybe we'll be seeing more stand-buyable goodies in the future!

As predicted the soap stand wasn't the last stand-buyable goodie we'd get from gdayars. In time for Christmas she uploaded a teddybear stand that sells a Christmas-inspired teddybear. It's adorable, both the stand and the recolor. Just like the soap stand it works both on owned and regular community lots

joandsarah77 6th Jan 2017 4:48 AM

Finally tried the new water mod. I'll be keeping the pond version but not the sea, the sea looks really strange and somewhat dizzying to me and doesn't go well with my neighbourhood sky globe.

terula8 6th Jan 2017 3:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Well I tried on another lot and grocery delivery shows up, so...

I also tried Chris Hatch's new bus mod, that works great, very cool.

WAIT. HOLD THE PHONE. CHRIS HATCH HAS A NEW BUS MOD?!?! I honestly need to keep up with this thread better! This is the most exciting news since the daycare!

DezzyDoesThings 6th Jan 2017 4:52 PM

Where is this bud mod?

RoxEllen1965 6th Jan 2017 7:47 PM

A link to the bus mod was posted in this thread:

joandsarah77 6th Jan 2017 11:15 PM

I may have to try and change the price since it's about 2K for the bus stop, lol my sims are way too poor for that kind of frivolity.

AliaD85 7th Jan 2017 5:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I may have to try and change the price since it's about 2K for the bus stop, lol my sims are way too poor for that kind of frivolity.

But it's fun to see your sims work and struggle!

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