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FranH 20th Sep 2019 6:14 AM

It should be "BioRithmus Clock" by XPTL, and it looks just like the clock of the same style in game.

And if you can't find it there, I have put it up on my page so you can try it out. I've had it forever, and I even have a newer version (somewhere in my tons of downloads) that he did that didn't quite please my palette..but it works wonderfully, even with all the EP's.

Rosawyn 20th Sep 2019 6:22 AM

Yeah, I was wondering how hard it would be to just swap the skill on that. And that would be my best guess for that mod too, but idk if I wanna stick it in my game without really knowing.

tbh my own sims would need to eat a lot more (even with fresh food!) if dates/outings didn't max that meter. (I may overuse dates and outings. Possibly. )

Neverwinter_Knight77 21st Sep 2019 1:23 AM

I just wanted to say... I've been randomly getting this problem with my Strangetown. First of all, I made it so that every season in Strangetown is summer, just because it's a desert. It might not be realistic but it's a style choice. I never really had a problem before, but in this particular installation of the game, whenever my Sims sleep upstairs, the game treats it as "outdoors" (regardless if I replace the roof, rebuild the walls, or which house I use), meaning my Sims overheat during sleep. I got fed up with this because it was turning my Sims red and getting Social Services alerted. To this day, I have no idea why this is going on. I've tried everything I can think of, but like I said, I got fed up. So! Last night, I started searching for air conditioning mods that had actual Seasons EP temperature functionality. It's not too fancy, but...

mustluvcatz 21st Sep 2019 7:43 AM

If you'd like an air conditioner that looks like an air conditioner, I made one using Inge's code. It's here, just look at my uploads.

Sunrader 21st Sep 2019 4:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
If you'd like an air conditioner that looks like an air conditioner, I made one using Inge's code. It's here, just look at my uploads.

And it's freakin awesome, too! This is one of my favorite pieces of CC ever.

mustluvcatz 26th Sep 2019 3:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
And it's freakin awesome, too! This is one of my favorite pieces of CC ever.


FranH 6th Oct 2019 9:39 PM

ICad has made Beck's choppable trees autonomous. In two flavors-the pine tree or the birch tree.
Choppable Trees Made Autonomous

MOOKIEBLAYLOCK 6th Oct 2019 11:05 PM

Found an old repository of Katy_76/PC Sims/Sims Modboard stuff. Most of it is at the graveyard and/or in the Jessa channel gift , but there are at least a few things there I'd never seen before like the hockey set and handcuffs.

smorbie1 7th Oct 2019 5:05 PM

@MOOKIEBLAYLOCK, Hey dude! Haven't seen you in a minute!

Thanks for the links. My downloads folder wants you to know it's coming for you. :3

MOOKIEBLAYLOCK 8th Oct 2019 12:09 AM

@smorbie1, very nice to see you again ! I hadn't played or been around here for a few years , but it's wonderful to see a bunch of the same friendly and helpful peeps such as yourself that always made this site such a great place.

...and as far as dl's go, I've been back to playing for about a month now and I was basically restarting from scratch and I'm already at about 7 gigs in game with another 2ish gigs yet to sort through , I think I need a Downloaders Anonymous meeting already

Sims2Christain 8th Oct 2019 11:12 AM

My game is at 14gb and that's after 6 years, I'm rather impressed with the speed you've made...
Yet again I'll be downloading rather than playing, thanks.

joandsarah77 8th Oct 2019 11:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MOOKIEBLAYLOCK
@smorbie1, very nice to see you again ! I hadn't played or been around here for a few years , but it's wonderful to see a bunch of the same friendly and helpful peeps such as yourself that always made this site such a great place.

...and as far as dl's go, I've been back to playing for about a month now and I was basically restarting from scratch and I'm already at about 7 gigs in game with another 2ish gigs yet to sort through , I think I need a Downloaders Anonymous meeting already

Nah, you got to have at least 10 Gigs to be called an addict, you have a ways to go yet. keep downloading!

simmer22 8th Oct 2019 2:02 PM

^ I used to have roughly 30-35 GB, but managed to cut it down to roughly 22 (haven't gotten the chance to play-test it, though).
But I probably have several hundred GBs worth of CC lurking about, including items for TS3 and 4 (even though I barely use CC for those).

The least I've used in a very long time was around 650 MB when trying to sort out pink-flashing on my new laptop. Even my previous test game had at least 4 GB, and that's mainly hacks, defaults and some absolute basic items for pictures.

Pretty much one of the founders of ASCCHU here (Anonymous Sims Custom Content Hoarders United)
(and yes, I know it sounds like a sneeze, which makes it even funnier )

smorbie1 8th Oct 2019 5:54 PM

I've filled up a one-terabyte exterior hard drive and several smaller ones. I just bought a two-terabyte drive and plan to rinse and repeat until it's full.

I am your queen. :3

simmer22 8th Oct 2019 6:15 PM

I have two 2 TB and a bunch of smaller (3 or 4, roughly 300-500 GB each, I think) harddrives with CC (and some other things because I use them both for backups and storage), and recently bought a 4 TB drive just to be on the safe side, since there's only 300 or so left on the newest 2 TB one... I sincerely don't know how much CC I have, because it's all over the lot. Could most likely fill up at least one of the 2 TB hardrives, probably more. I could really need to put it all into some sort of system. I've tried, but simply starting is so overwhelming I go find something else to do. I'm hopelessly disorganized

Maybe we can rule together

smorbie1 8th Oct 2019 6:56 PM

I've been busy planning a benevolent kingdom. What are your thoughts? :3

grammapat 8th Oct 2019 7:37 PM

Yes, please do, your Majesty-ness - protector of the Contents, keeper of the Bits. I remain your most umble servant (that's old English for humble).
As the owner of 5KB I am not worthy to bring your tea.

didyouevenmakeasound 8th Oct 2019 7:48 PM

This is reminding me - my 2TB harddrive broke about a year or so ago, so I think it's high time I get another one (I'm super paranoid about how much space I have left on my laptop, mainly because I use it for school too - if it gets under 8gb I panic). Maybe for Christmas - I don't want much anyway.

simmer22 8th Oct 2019 7:56 PM

I have less than 2 GB on my old laptop (mostly because I keep moving over downloaded CC to the external harddrive) so... *smiles sheepishly*

Anyhow... Benevolent, you say?

smorbie1 9th Oct 2019 12:54 AM

Sure, unless, of course, I can stage a coup. hahaha

Duine 9th Oct 2019 3:19 AM

I've been procrastinating about putting my downloaded zips onto disks for some time now, even if added to game I still keep the zips. Conversations here made me curious of how much is on my PC. I don't dl everything, I'm sort of picky about what goes in my game and the zips are from about 2014, there may be duplicates and there are other random stuff in folders too, I'd say the majority is Sims 2 along with pictures and descriptions of most. Approximately 68 GB, better get started soon I guess. (:

Phantomknight 9th Oct 2019 7:31 AM

I actually make backups of my download folder from time to time, so while I have duplicates, I also sometimes have mods or other cc I removed and may want back later, or older versions of a mod, which is helpful in case I need to roll back because of glitches or something.

But anyway, @Duine, don't use discs, get a USB. They have really come down in price over the years and you can get a USB that holds a large amount of GB for a reasonable price. I'm always surprised at the simmers who still back up to discs--it's very inefficient, imo. They don't hold as much and it takes a lot longer to copy. But I also recognize that I may be a bit biased.

Back in the day, I used to back up to discs before I knew about zipping files and when USBs were still expensive. I copied my old downloads and my old neighborhoods, not realizing that some things didn't fully transfer--I thought if there wasn't enough room the whole thing would cancel, but instead only some files transferred and the copying would just stop. And so one of my hoods I used for writing a story didn't fully transfer. A majority of the lots were just missing and when I loaded up households, the lot would be empty, except for the sims. It coulda been worse, but, still it taught me to be wary.

So yeah, always zip your files (or make a rar or whatever) and I would get a USB. A quick look on amazon and you can get a 256 GB for about $40 (I paid over $50 two years ago) and a 64 GB for $10. Definitely worth the investment.

joandsarah77 9th Oct 2019 8:27 AM

I have a backup on desktop, a back up on an external hard drive and a backup on Google Docs. Can never have too many backups or places. So far Google Docs has been the only place that will accept a 10 gigs zipped up download folder.

Duine 9th Oct 2019 2:20 PM

@Phantomknight For now my budget is very tight, couldn't afford a USB, although I do have one but it won't hold all of the zips I have. Also have quite a few unused discs, those will work for the time being, just to clear my PC.

I'm trying to get moved out of an unhealthy house, even my puppy is affected living here. Having a picture ID problem in which it doesn't match my birth certificate. Now that we have new laws, it's very frustrating trying to get the right info to fix it rather than paying $400. + to go to court. Considering I have quite a few years worth of papers proving the first name was changed long before the new law. Internet company is robbing me blind, trying to find something very cheap til I can move.

Phantomknight 9th Oct 2019 4:20 PM

Sorry to hear that you're having problems @Duine! Are you able to use other pieces of identification to get around your ID problem? Idk it's a similar situation, but when I was renewing my drivers license and upgrading to the enhanced license they want everyone to have, I was worried because my social security card doesn't match my birth certificate (my mom used a unique spelling for my middle name on my birth certificate and then my dad went to social sercurity and spelled it the regular way ). But I was able to use my w-2 as ID, and I didn't need it my social security card at all. So maybe there's a way around your problem and other records you can use?

I wish you luck with everything else, too. Internet companies can be just the worst, charging a lot for poor service. Sometimes, though, if you call up and ask to cancel your service, they'll try to keep you and offer you a better deal. So you could try that.

Orphalesion 9th Oct 2019 5:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I've been busy planning a benevolent kingdom. What are your thoughts? :3

Well, what kind of kingdom, modern or Medieval?

Duine 10th Oct 2019 4:09 AM

I've been going by my nickname for more than half my life, so the only things matching birth certificate is all the childhood documents etc.. I changed the social security, then license so taxes and everything else since has been under my nickname. Driver license expired and I didn't get it renewed and 1.5 years ago I needed a picture ID, that had to match the birth certificate since new laws after 911. Name change prior was legal without having to go to court and need a police and fingerprint check to be sure I'm not trying to avoid any debt. If I were trying to change everything I would have to go to court and pay $400. +. Since every document, etc. are under the name I use, I don't see why I have to go thru all that. I was told if I had a passport there would be no problem. This tells me that fake people with a passport can come and go with no problem, but I'm stuck because of 1 thing. Laws don't seem to be thought out carefully, they protect the wrong people. A lot of of people are having identity problems due to this law. Years ago record keeping was pretty messy, names spelled wrong, dates wrong and kids grew up with names different than the records. I have a large shoe box full of legal type papers and still I get a hard time over this. I did find a cheap internet for $16. a month, not sure what speed but I don't really care for now. Had to buy the modem and monthly payment is cheaper if more months are paid ahead. Can't wait for it to be delivered so I can call the cable company and chew them out before disconnecting. (:

Phantomknight 12th Oct 2019 8:03 AM

I found some awesome stuff:
Put the Candle Back! - Candle Crafting Station An update to Beck's Candle Making Station
DeeDee's PlumBot Clothes Project
MidgeTheTree always has stuff but Flyable Brooms has been made compatible with Vehicles Cost Money to Drive and there's a mod for Testing Wedding Cakes, which I don't think was posted.
Oh, and for those of you looking for more ways for kids to skill, don't miss Simler90's Toy Mod right here on MTS.

And I don't know how I keep missing these things from mustluvcatz :

Hmm, you'd think I'd get a tumblr by now. But who wants to update that? (Also, hope things are looking up a little by now Duine.)

FranH 16th Oct 2019 1:38 PM

I have finally found the one terrain I have been dreaming of for over 15 years.

Since I live in this state, it shouldn't be necessary to explain why:

The State of Maine Terrain by Lientebollemeis:

In addition, the download link also has terrains of:

But that wasn't all-in looking at the download for the Iberia Terrain, SFS has also many more included terrains
Neighborhoods Folder

joandsarah77 16th Oct 2019 2:03 PM

As someone who isn't American, I don't have a clue. Is it done in the shape of Maine?

PenelopeT 16th Oct 2019 11:50 PM

Ooh, FranH, thanks for posting about Lientebollemeis' very clever project. I am always on the hunt for new SC4 templates that are put together nicely. The Europe project looks good too... I ended up downloading Germany and Iceland. From the USA project, Nebraska and the Elvis 'hood templates are my favorites.

maybesomethingdunno 17th Oct 2019 12:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
As someone who isn't American, I don't have a clue. Is it done in the shape of Maine?

The roads are shaped like the state, not the terrain itself.

These look like they would be very good for a tight urban area.

FranH 17th Oct 2019 1:43 AM

They might not be as accurate as possible, because of SC4's limitations. It was advanced for then, not so much now. I wish there could be a more accurate way to make terrains to be more resembling the actual geographical areas they represent..

But it does brighten up the terrain to have other skylines and things like lighthouses to more accurately resemble this state-plus full seasons.

However, I found on this very site the answer to a very pressing problem-PTO accumulating and nobody ever goes on vacation. So they're really homebodies, right? With Cathair's hack, Fruit of Life, you can cash out vacation time. All of it:
Vacation time Payout

Don't you hate it when your sim is an elder waiting to retire (or die) but he/she can't because they need to use up that vacation time? Well, now they can. And the money contributes towards their wealth memory/wants.

There's going to be some very serious payouts for TT people. They've never taken time off, and have accrued about 15 years worth of PTO.

Why I didn't see this before now, I'll never understand-but that solves one pressing problem in my game!

smorbie1 17th Oct 2019 5:46 PM

That's an old mod, but I can't live without it. It's one the essentials I hide in every house.

vegan_kaktus 18th Oct 2019 3:04 PM

I remember using these beautiful custom mailboxes when playing ts3:

and I didn't think anyone had converted them to ts2 - but katvip had! Already back in 2013, too. They can be found here. They are only deco though, but you can use this invisible recolor of the mailbox and then place them on the same tile. The animations will be off but I don't mind tbh, I'm just so happy to have found them converted!

inspiredzone 19th Oct 2019 10:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I have finally found the one terrain I have been dreaming of for over 15 years.

Since I live in this state, it shouldn't be necessary to explain why:

The State of Maine Terrain by Lientebollemeis:

In addition, the download link also has terrains of:

But that wasn't all-in looking at the download for the Iberia Terrain, SFS has also many more included terrains
Neighborhoods Folder

I won't hold my breath for Maryland

pianogrinder 19th Oct 2019 10:44 PM

Found a one eyed cyclops sim at garden of shadows. Now I can finally make Leela from the cartoon Futurama.

Phantomknight 26th Oct 2019 11:49 PM

How To Create Inheritable Custom Hair Colors by rio-sims.

joandsarah77 27th Oct 2019 8:55 AM

Toddler and Child witches by earlypleasantview (whose MTS name I have forgotten sorry)

Phantomknight 27th Oct 2019 7:05 PM

Early Pleasantview is Omglo! Also, apparently you can't post a message less than 7 characters???

Bulbizarre 27th Oct 2019 7:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Also, apparently you can't post a message less than 7 characters???

Seven chairs!

lauratje86 8th Nov 2019 11:37 PM


PenelopeT 9th Nov 2019 12:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86

omg... omg... omg! :lovestruc

smorbie1 9th Nov 2019 12:14 AM

OMG! ****dances around, falling frequently***

joandsarah77 9th Nov 2019 1:00 AM

Does anyone know what line in simPE would need changing to reduce pregnancy length? I'm sure for those using Hat's very long age mod 15 days makes sense but even on my double aging that pregnancy is 7 1/2 years long.

HCAC 9th Nov 2019 1:01 AM

This is the best thread, ever.

lauratje86 9th Nov 2019 3:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Does anyone know what line in simPE would need changing to reduce pregnancy length? I'm sure for those using Hat's very long age mod 15 days makes sense but even on my double aging that pregnancy is 7 1/2 years long.

As I understand it it's not possible to edit the pregnancy duration for Sun&Moon livestock using SimPE without doing loads of complicated recoding. Instead, the "force" options are designed to be used if the durations are too long for people's games.

joandsarah77 9th Nov 2019 3:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
As I understand it it's not possible to edit the pregnancy duration for Sun&Moon livestock using SimPE without doing loads of complicated recoding. Instead, the "force" options are designed to be used if the durations are too long for people's games.

Okay... *backs away from simPE slowly*

Now I need a horse float.

lauratje86 9th Nov 2019 3:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Okay... *backs away from simPE slowly*

Now I need a horse float.

Horse float? What is a horse float?

**ETA** Never mind, I just saw your WCIF :-)

That's not what I was imagining when I thought about what a horse float might be....

joandsarah77 9th Nov 2019 5:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Horse float? What is a horse float?

**ETA** Never mind, I just saw your WCIF :-)

That's not what I was imagining when I thought about what a horse float might be....

Maybe I am using Aussie words?? I didn't realize it had a different name.

For anyone else looking for horsey stuff, I also found Veranka's set.

grinevilly 28th Nov 2019 2:46 AM

I just found something REEEEEEALLY awesome... It's at and what it is... Omigosh, it's got several awesome functions! For one thing, it's a mannequin that you can purchase from, like a clothing rack.

But wait! There's more! There's clothing rack re-colors and different price settings. Ever notice how you can buy a crappy rack or an expensive rack, and everything's priced the same? Not anymore! And the prices are customizable, so if you don't like them, you can fix them.

But wait! There's more still! It also lets your sims shop for maternity clothes! AAAnd!! it lets kids shop for clothes, too!

It's a really cool mod because it turns functionless deco items into actually useful things... You know, like the H&M sweater table or the wall shelf should've been? Well, now those mannequins do more than just take up space and give you a visual! They FUNCTION! There's a BG version and there's versions for OFB and Seasons, fully functional.

Just wanted to share, because this is one of those things that you never knew you needed until you found them!


Justpetro 28th Nov 2019 4:24 PM

Okay, now I have a clothing rack mannequin, retro dresses, bottoms with white boots and a pretty aquarium table. My downloads folder thanks you, @grinevilly.

grinevilly 28th Nov 2019 6:30 PM

Haha, you're welcome, of course! But thank gdayars, as she's the one who made them. She = super double plus awesome, with a side of Amaaaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiing!


Justpetro 29th Nov 2019 8:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grinevilly
Haha, you're welcome, of course! But thank gdayars, as she's the one who made them. She = super double plus awesome, with a side of Amaaaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiing!


I agree

smorbie1 29th Nov 2019 6:14 PM

She is great. I'm going to throw these in my essential files.

Phantomknight 30th Nov 2019 8:29 AM

Medieval Massage Table by Hodgekiss

HCAC 30th Nov 2019 9:13 PM

Nice finds. I'm always up for cool 60s clothes!

Debby1957 4th Dec 2019 9:45 PM

Ever since I have been playing I wanted my sims to ice skate on a frozen pond. I tried downloading a ice skating rink with invisible railing and using the moveobjects on cheat to place the rink on the pond. But it still didn't work right. Yesterday, when looking around the Keep, I found the perfect object to do what I wanted. Only Have Ice For You-Ice Skating Pond DR ... ... I even play tested in my testing game and loved it.

FranH 10th Dec 2019 11:28 PM

Fractured Moonlight has developed an entire mining system (based on the previous work).
It includes an actual working mine!

Or at PBK with lots of pictures:

Mining 3.0

lauratje86 10th Dec 2019 11:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Fractured Moonlight has developed an entire mining system (based on the previous work).

I just came here to share a link to this :-D Doesn't it look fabulous?!

Anhaeyn 14th Dec 2019 12:38 AM

Baby Yoda converted 4t2.

MOOKIEBLAYLOCK 14th Dec 2019 8:27 AM

The always helpful SimsTwoDiamond published a really large list of useful links over at the Sims Cave

Bulbizarre 14th Dec 2019 11:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MOOKIEBLAYLOCK
The always helpful SimsTwoDiamond published a really large list of useful links over at the Sims Cave

I hit a login page.

joandsarah77 14th Dec 2019 11:51 PM

You do have to register, but it's worth it for the finds that get posted.

TadOlson 14th Dec 2019 11:55 PM

I found some interesting things and have a few pictures of something shared here.
Here's something special from my TS2 BACC game below.

LFact 15th Dec 2019 12:16 AM

Do we really need more kitchen sets? Maybe.

joandsarah77 15th Dec 2019 12:18 AM

That is Gina's/gdayars new clothing rack and mannequin set, it has been posted here already Although I am sure she will thank you for more advertising as it seems to not be well known yet.

Oh also since this area is on finds, Gina has made a new Discord called Sims Crafters. This is a discord for creators and wannabe creators. All free of course.

MOOKIEBLAYLOCK 15th Dec 2019 12:26 AM

Sorry about that Bulbizarre, I've been registered there for so long i forgot you had to! And seconding what Jo said, Sims Cave is well worth the hassle of the registration.

LFact 15th Dec 2019 12:45 AM

I've never known Star Wars themed update for The Sims 4 until I checked TheNinthWaveSims. Here're some conversions for TS2:

Some Maxis Match tables:

One more Satinistics loveseat addon:
(guess you need to choose whose addon you want to use.. hmm)

lauratje86 15th Dec 2019 4:31 PM

The wonderful, amazing, fabulous veetie made some "natural toys" over at Garden of Shadows as part of their Twelve Days of GoSmas event. I requested them (requests were allowed earlier on in the event, before the sharing started), and they're absolutely perfect; just what I wanted! :-) I'm so excited!

Justpetro 16th Dec 2019 2:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
You do have to register, but it's worth it for the finds that get posted.

No, you don't - I am not registered. Try this link:

omglo 16th Dec 2019 4:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
No, you don't - I am not registered. Try this link:

That's not the link to the thread of helpful sites posted earlier in the thread though. You have to register to access the entire site.

RoxEllen1965 16th Dec 2019 7:37 PM

I discovered that Firefox will apparently show Photobucket images clearly that have been blurred out in Opera (and presumably other browsers). I tested this in Safe Mode to make sure it wasn't the result of an extension. These images will still be blurry if you attempt to download or save them on your hard drive.

Can anyone else confirm?

HugeLunatic 16th Dec 2019 9:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I discovered that Firefox will apparently show Photobucket images clearly that have been blurred out in Opera (and presumably other browsers). I tested this in Safe Mode to make sure it wasn't the result of an extension. These images will still be blurry if you attempt to download or save them on your hard drive.

Can anyone else confirm?
Sadly not for me.

Phantomknight 17th Dec 2019 1:47 AM

I have a chrome extension that fixes photo bucket photos for me; it's called Photobucket Hotlink Fix. That's been getting most of the pictures, but like you say, when you download an image you get a blur. So what I do is sceenshot the page and then make my own pic. Tinyurl, though....

omglo 17th Dec 2019 5:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I discovered that Firefox will apparently show Photobucket images clearly that have been blurred out in Opera (and presumably other browsers). I tested this in Safe Mode to make sure it wasn't the result of an extension. These images will still be blurry if you attempt to download or save them on your hard drive.

Can anyone else confirm?

Works for me.

Justpetro 17th Dec 2019 10:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
That's not the link to the thread of helpful sites posted earlier in the thread though. You have to register to access the entire site.

True - guess I have not read everything properly.

grinevilly 18th Dec 2019 4:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
I discovered that Firefox will apparently show Photobucket images clearly that have been blurred out in Opera (and presumably other browsers). I tested this in Safe Mode to make sure it wasn't the result of an extension. These images will still be blurry if you attempt to download or save them on your hard drive.

Can anyone else confirm?

I've been going nuts lately with these stinking photobucket pix. I use FireFox. Can't see 'em at all. Well... i mean, i can't see past the blurred out images. Especially sucks when you're trying to follow a tutorial and everything is images. There's no getting around that!


Bulbizarre 18th Dec 2019 5:24 AM

@grinevilly - are you on the latest version of Firefox? I'm not able to confirm myself (I don't use Firefox) but I'd check that.

grinevilly 18th Dec 2019 6:13 AM

Yes. . .

Bulbizarre 18th Dec 2019 8:28 AM

Hm. Afraid I'm not sure, then.

RoxEllen1965 18th Dec 2019 11:04 AM

Odd. Some sites are still blurry. I was cruising around GOS the other day and the photobucket images that I noticed looked okay (still blurry in Opera), but now I'm looking at some tech sites that came up in the image search results and some of the images are still blurred out. I wish I knew what made the difference.

This one is cleared up in my copy of Firefox.

The images on these two pages are still blurry.


Annaminna 18th Dec 2019 11:58 AM

My Firefox shows them all blurry but I noticed when scrolling big row of images from same creator there are 1 or 2 cleared out.

monijt1 18th Dec 2019 4:34 PM

I just discovered Honeywell's Kitchen Shelves, They're great for simmers who hate having a bunch of counters in the kitchen of their sim's homes.

Bulbizarre 23rd Dec 2019 3:04 AM

If you use Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey, the Pinterest without Registration hack is very useful when trying to search for CC.

Alternately just block it all with Google Hit Hider.

Bulbizarre 23rd Dec 2019 8:57 AM

Deco bread as an ingredient!

LFact 23rd Dec 2019 1:12 PM

Lady Lama's 'Medieval Tile Stoves' wallpanels:

CaliBrat 23rd Dec 2019 10:56 PM

MeetMe has released her newly recleaned (with a few minor updates) Belladonna Cove in both Hood and Subhood.

RoxEllen1965 24th Dec 2019 11:22 AM

So that's the last one then? I think she's redone all of the Maxis neighborhoods now.

monijt1 24th Dec 2019 5:09 PM

I don't think so. She mentions in the Belladonna Cove post, that she has to redo Downtown and the Uni hoods.

CaliBrat 24th Dec 2019 5:51 PM

Here's a link to her simblr giving links to all the ones she's currently updated.

Quote: Originally posted by meetmetotheriver
(I have a few more downloads in this series coming, like Downtown and the unis, so stay tuned.)

Bulbizarre 26th Dec 2019 7:31 PM

More like "awesome thing I've known about for years, but never thought to share before"...

ArcThemALL! I occasionally use this after a download binge.

Phantomknight 28th Dec 2019 6:09 AM

This made me smile today:

Detective Pikachu was ok (and the 2017 Power Rangers was even better), but I'm still waiting for the rest of my childhood cartoons to turn into blockbuster movies, Hollywood. I can't believe there's no serious talk of a Gundam Wing (or any Mobile Suit Gundam) movie--but what I really can't believe is the lack of adaptations of the "girl" cartoons. Where's my Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, and Powerpuff Girls movies? I'd even watch a live action Totally Spies tv series.

Oh well. Speaking of Powerpuff Girls, I wonder if I can dig up the holiday movie. That and the Danny Phantom Christmas special are some of my favorite holiday-themed cartoon episodes (though now that I think of it Star vs the Forces of Evil are pretty good, too). If only I hadn't needed to update my DVR, though; I had them all saved.

FranH 31st Dec 2019 11:41 AM

How did I miss this? DeeDee made a 'magic gnome crafting station' back in April of this year.

The way I found it was that FireFlower at PBK made a DR for it:

DeeDee's Magic Gnome Crafting Station - Medieval Edition

Sunbee 31st Dec 2019 10:05 PM

Look what Omglo made! Throwing Food isn't Romantic!

Phantomknight 31st Dec 2019 10:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee

Look what Omglo made! Throwing Food isn't Romantic!

I just came to post this! Very excited to put this one in my game.

Bulbizarre 31st Dec 2019 10:38 PM

If you have a decent NVIDIA card and no other graphics problems (luckily I got my magenta vomit resolved), take a look at this:


Here's a couch from the base game after doing that tutorial (though I admit I tweaked the values slightly):

HugeLunatic 31st Dec 2019 11:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Here's a couch from the base game after doing that tutorial (though I admit I tweaked the values slightly):

Actually that's from FT.   I look at those pictures from iCad and my game looks like that without any tweaking.

Bulbizarre 31st Dec 2019 11:46 PM

Oops. It's a nice couch though. And it was a bit blurrier before.

RoxEllen1965 1st Jan 2020 1:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee

Look what Omglo made! Throwing Food isn't Romantic!

If you use Simler90's "Romantic Standards" mod, there will be a conflict since "Romantic Standards" apparently already fixes this.

Omglo's mod is a great simple fix for those who only want this one annoying feature dealt with and don't want to have to put a huge wide-reaching global mod in their game to do it.

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