I see them without any problems. I will try to re-attach them and see if it solves the problem. Is it working now?
6th Aug 2018 11:37 PM
@ Yvelotic2001 - yes! I can see them in the post now
Edit: Karen, I see your got your pics to show up, yay! I'm totally digging the red/black,white unit and especially the yellow/purple one that's my fave complimentary color scheme <3
Karen Lorraine
7th Aug 2018 8:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
@ Yvelotic2001 - yes! I can see them in the post now
Edit: Karen, I see your got your pics to show up, yay! I'm totally digging the red/black,white unit and especially the yellow/purple one that's my fave complimentary color scheme <3
Thank you
7th Aug 2018 11:38 AM
38 Attachment(s)
That moment when you're almost done taking pictures and then you realize you forgot curtains on random windows in more than one apartment. Anyone else have those moments? Anyone else nearly breakdown when faced with the dilemma to retake pictures and make a new-new final version of the lot or to leave things alone? I guess it's just as well, though, because in my old pictures I had testing cheats on and I hate when I leave that in my pictures. Anywho, this round is finally done! Phones checked, alarms checked, trash, dishwasher and curtains, have all been checked. No more fiddling with snap objects and quarter tile placement, no more looking at other entries and going, "oo, why didn't I do something like that?" Yup, here it is, better late than never:
Round 3: Simply Country
A little inspired by all the previous entries with a house turned into an apartment complex, my round 3 is meant to be a country manor in Riverblossom Hills turned into apartments for recent grads. I was going for a plantation style look--I guess ya'll can let me know if I achieved that. The parking lot is decorative; invisible driveways can be added later to match up with the parking spots and cars can be placed before move in to allow residents to drive.
Back (Tree removed for visibility)
I kept it to two floors for playability--I tend to get sick of high rises after a while--though there is a dummy floor to give the building proper height between the columns and the roof. The complex features public space on both floors with a tv lounge, gym, poker table, computers, and the grand piano left behind from when the old owners moved out/abandoned the place. There's space for an atm and laundry to be added later (replace the arcade machine on the ground floor with the atm and place a washer & dryer where the ! signs are on the second floor). Outside, there's a hot tub, a grill and tables for those all important Saturday parties, a bar, and chess. Since there's a dishwasher placed out there (so the public spaces don't get too messy or take too long to clean up), all residencies also have a dishwasher.
Units on the ground floor, A and B, have two bedrooms and 1 bathroom while units on the 2nd floor, C and D, have 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. I thought that seemed a little boring, however, and so designed the apartments with specific sims in mind--the students of La Fiesta Tech. I didn't have time for staging pictures, but I planned for all the students (I think I got all of them, anyway) to have a space to live after graduation & story behind moving there. All units have at least one phone (should be visible in the pictures), a burglar alarm, a trash cute, a dishwasher (so they don't go wandering outside to use the one out there), and a fire alarm (above the fridge).
Unit A: Shifting Paradymes $ 2,054
The story behind this unit is that Zoe succeeded in recruiting DJ into the band as vocalist and song writer. Saving up money until the days they hit it big, they opted for a two bedroom and used one of the bedrooms as a band practice space. (I tried hard to get a drum set in there too, but it just wasn't happening. No matter where I placed it, it wasn't usable, so I opted for the mic instead.) The three girls share a room and Gunnar, the romance sim, gets the Murphy bed in the living room, and trades with one of the girls if they have a date over. This happens more than Gunnar likes and he has a hard time trying to figure out why he's so unlucky in the love department. The band has yet to get super serious about music, so there's lots of fun items to continue the college partying days--though DJ does have a spot for a computer where she can write lyrics and focus on her day job as a music journalist. Everything is functional, though less stomping occurs when Gunnar remembers to fold the Murphy bed. The end dressers in the girls' room are usable, too; the one in the middle is decorative, as it cannot be used with the bed in the way. I figured that was okay since the other two can be accessed.
Unit B: The Odd Couple of Witches $2,366
No one thought Klara and Blossom would end up staying roommates, but the pair ended up bonding as they embraced witchcraft and started their magical studies. They are still very different--Blossom is into the mysticism, prediction, healing, and "hippie" side of magic while Klara is into, well, what can only be described as dark arts. She's very secretive about her magic and what she wishes to use it for, but she's grown attached to having Blossom around--she says it's so she can share reagents, but Blossom knows she's Klara's best friend. The apartment has some fun items like the bar and Don't Wake the Llama game so that Blossom can invite others over every now and then, but also has some benches to retreat to for quiet, if Klara needs. Cat items, like the scratching tower, litter boxes, and toys, are placed throughout for their spectral assistants. Since there's counter islands in the kitchen, a coffee maker was also placed for Klara's caffeine addiction; it's not espresso, but it'll do in a pinch. Blossom's room has a chair for her to sit and gaze into her crystal ball and an easel to paint her visions of what she sees. Her wall is littered with dream catchers to chase away bad spirits and bad visions, placed at all levels to trap bad vibes wherever they may be. Klara has tried to tell her that they don't really work like that, that only one is required, but Blossom insists they help. The nightstand next to her bed is meant to be replaced with a pedestal so that she can study magic and look up spells. In Klara's room, the nightstand on the right (next to the dressers, with nothing on top) is where her pedestal goes and the urn in the room is meant to be replaced with her cauldron, placed on a diagonal so it's still functional. (Blossom prefers to focus on her visions and buy regeants, or make some when visiting the magical palaces, while Klara likes to experiment and make her own.)
Unit C: All the Greek Women and All the Greek Men $2,617
Somehow the Sorority and Fraternity members of La Fiesta ended up the least prepared after college--and it's certainly not because I planed this apartment last and wanted to cram them all in together, for completeness. Anyway, deciding to stick together while they look for jobs and save up money, Monica, Jessie, Stella, Mickey, and Guy followed Matthew and Sarah's lead and ended up here. Matthew and Sarah are engaged to be engaged and are sharing the room with the double bed. Mickey and Guy share a room; the movie posters are all Mickey's, as he developed a love of film while sitting on the couch watching tv in college. Guy is more of a jack of all trades, but the computer in the living room is meant for him, to continue his interest in Literature and work on the Great Simerican Novel. Stella had initially joined the Tri-Fruhm Sorority as a way to fit in and learn more about Earth culture and though she isn't exactly thrilled with her roommates, being more Sarah's friend, sorority sisters must stick together--at least until they find their own well paying jobs in the sciences. The robot bench is hers, as she loves to tinker, though her weakness to cookies is not forgotten--a box of them is over bed. Monica and Jessie have become closer as Sarah spends more time with her boyfriend. When they aren't daydreaming about being famous, Monica and Jessie are gossiping and giving each other makeovers as they plan how best to steal Matthew away from Sarah. Sarah, is oblivious to the plotting, however, busy with her new hobby, pottery. It seemed like a proper homemaker type thing to do when Matthew was busy entertaining and working on getting a promotion.
Unit D: Just Guys $2,593
William, Almeric, Aldric, and Frances weren't all friends so much as they were all friends with William. Oh, they all pledged Oresha-Hoh-Var House, but practically everyone on campus was in a frat. It was William and Almeric who were best friends. William, though serious and didn't often make friends, respected Almeric's political ambitions. When things with Klara and Blossom got weird and far too noisy, he moved in with Almeric. The noise didn't really get better, what with Almeric and Aldric's bickering, but it was good to be around guys and the brothers seemed to be going places. Eventually. It couldn't hurt to keep them as friends so he could call in a favor or too when everyone was further along in their careers. After graduation, he stuck with the twins on the condition that he got his own room--and he did. It was his private oasis where he could focus, work out, and check the stocks before bed. He kept to himself a lot, except for when he or Almeric needed to entertain for work. That's when the poker table came in handy. William would schmooze his business contacts and Almeric would introduce everyone to his political friends. When not working Almeric was super into sports and commanded the tv in the living room, though, so it was good that William had his own tv to check the weather on. Aldric, when he wasn't "having lively discussions" with his brother, toiled away on the lab and computer in the living room, mumbling something about researching ways to alter appearance and serums to make one fit. No one really understood what Aldric was talking about as he was the only Physics major in the apartment. Frances was the real surprise, though. "Friends" with William through their economics classes, William had asked Frances if he wanted to rent the apartment with him and the Davis brothers after graduation, needing another roommate but not really expecting a yes. But Frances had agreed, insisting on his own room, something that the Davis' resented, considering Francis was never in it. Francis didn't really work; he was more of an investor, he said. And he was always off on expeditions and trips to foreign lands. The boys hardly ever saw him. Little did they know that Frances had gotten himself deep in debt in college, trying to pay for his education. He was constantly off trying to find treasure and a fortune that could restore the Worthington name. He hides money trees and a counterfeiter in his room and keeps his door locked at all times, hoping no one finds out how broke he really is.
The landlord, like other service sims, is attracted to the money trees and tries to swipe cash when you aren't looking, but otherwise, everything in the apartment is usable.
And I think that's it. Hopefully I didn't go over pictures! And please excuse any typos; I'm super tired right now.
7th Aug 2018 9:22 PM
so far the pics are showing up for everyone now :3
9th Aug 2018 12:06 PM
oh crud, I keep making studio or loft units that could've been perfect for round 2 when I need to make big complexes this round hahaha oh gee what to do
Karen Lorraine
10th Aug 2018 7:54 PM
I've just had a message from Gummilutt to say she is still having major computer issues. She apologises for her absence and will be back as soon as possible.
Round 3 is now officially closed.
Karen Lorraine
12th Aug 2018 4:13 PM
Round 3 has closed are you still going to get an entry in or have I missed it?
12th Aug 2018 4:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Karen Lorraine
Round 3 has closed are you still going to get an entry in or have I missed it?
I sent a message to Gummilutt but I suppose they haven't received it yet since the computer problems are continuing. Due to health problems I'm not going to have a round 3 entry. Thanks.
Karen Lorraine
12th Aug 2018 7:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Treehawk
I sent a message to Gummilutt but I suppose they haven't received it yet since the computer problems are continuing. Due to health problems I'm not going to have a round 3 entry. Thanks.
Yeah she is experiencing quite bad computer problems but hopes to have them sorted soon. I managed to get a message through to her. So sorry that you are dropping out
14th Aug 2018 12:06 AM
Is there an official time countdown status or are the due dates for judging on round 3 and round 4 submissions in limbo until further notice?
Karen Lorraine
14th Aug 2018 1:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Is there an official time countdown status or are the due dates for judging on round 3 and round 4 submissions in limbo until further notice?
Judging should be happening now. Gummi said she would contact the judges and ask them to judge. Please submit your Round 4 entries and I will link them until Gummi can get online properly to do it herself
14th Aug 2018 2:05 AM
When is round 4 due then?
Karen Lorraine
14th Aug 2018 4:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Yvelotic2001
When is round 4 due then?
Round 4 deadline is 27 August 12mn London time unless Gummi changes it
17th Aug 2018 7:20 PM
Any word on Gummi?
18th Aug 2018 3:13 AM
I'm really lacking motivation on this last round. I'm 'apartmented' out. It's like furnishing six houses each time with Maxi's ugly objects and I'm tired of it. Hopefully, I can find some inspiration soon.
18th Aug 2018 6:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by yavannatw
I'm really lacking motivation on this last round. I'm 'apartmented' out. It's like furnishing six houses each time with Maxi's ugly objects and I'm tired of it. Hopefully, I can find some inspiration soon.
I can definitely relate to that. I haven't even started the last round, I'm so tired! I've been dreading it a little because 1. I don't have a clear shape in mind and 2. Like you mentioned, with all the units, decorating gets a little tedious. My round 2 had 11 units though, and you wouldn't believe how sick of that place I was by the end, trying to come up with unique furnishing in every apartment.
All I can say is that when you have a large number of apartments to design, first you should gather/write down/note all the design ideas you want to do and try. Then, spread them out, one per unit if necessary, instead of cramming everything into one unit. Like, apartment A's nook is a meditation spot and apartment B has the tinkering garage, and apartment C's got the great view of the lake, so the deck is perfect for entertaining, etc., etc. This way, instead of putting all the cool things in one unit, forcing you to come up with new ideas, every unit has one or two special/unique spot(s).
And finally, when all else fails, remember hobbies and aspiration. Ask yourself who is living in the apartment? A fortune, knowledge, family, romance, popularity, pleasure, or grilled cheese sim(s)? What type of furniture might they need/want because of their aspiration? And what do they like to do? Check out the hobbies and interest lists (or read some sim bios, especially if they're premades). I also find it easier to decorate if I have an idea of the sims living there and the stories behind them.
Peni Griffin
18th Aug 2018 6:37 AM
Round 4, Big Complex
33 Attachment(s)
11 E. Ocean St.
With three one-bedroom, three two-bedroom, and two three-bedroom units and reasonable rents, this is a typical Nova Colonia complex for young marrieds and working-class families. Landscaping in the common areas is colorful and well-kept, but plays second fiddle to the playground, where children and adults alike can socialize and enjoy themselves in good weather.
And now, on with the required shots!
Colorful stucco, not much out front - it's the Nova Colonia way.
Backing onto a city alley, the complex is walled for privacy and well-lit for security. The translucent panels on top of the wall ensure that neither quality is compromised for the sake of the other.
Here we see the lot as a whole. The flowers and shrubs were chosen to complement the building's color scheme. The playground is surfaced with shredded bark for safety, except for the basketball court. Adults can keep an eye on the kids from their windows or while playing chess in the shade to the side. The central courtyard has been found to be the most convenient way for tenants to get to know each other, and is a common feature of Nova Colonia architecture.
The convenience of the courtyard design does mean, however, that there's not as much point in a "structure only" tight focus shot as there is for showing off other buildings. As you see, the rear multi-bedroom units have patios while the front single-bedroom units have none.
The rear units, again, have balconies and the front do not.
Common Area Pics:
I was concerned about the left-hand staircase causing routing fits, but once you clear away Mr. Humble's computer it works great.
The playground is the chief draw of the common area for adults as well as children.
Looks as though the bark needs renewing. Skinned knees are rare and the kids are relatively clean when they come in for supper.
The tenants in the back bedrooms are conscientious about drawing their blinds, and the complex's mothers are glad to have such good views of what their kids are getting up to, regardless of which floor they're on. That's the chief reason there's no trees in the complex.
Note that I only used four common area pictures. This frees me up to use floor plan shots of each of the units I didn't move people into.
I trust that it's not too confusing to have two Traveller families in the complex. My game suddenly started loading the BV stealth hood into Nova Colonia, and kept on doing it. It's solved now and I figured they could help me with playtesting. So if the inhabitants of 1B and 1D look familiar - now you know why.
First Floor:
1A, floor plan. The communal shower is used to make a shower stall and the sink is hidden behind the wall due to the picture angle, but I assure you it's there. Phone and alarms should be plainly visible.
Floor plan. The phone is in the hall right next to the arch to the kitchen/living area.
Kitchen. Trisha lets the toaster pastries burn in favor of reading to Tina.
When I started decorating this apartment, I was going for "Family where one parent is sentimental about the country." Now that it's the Travellers, it's obvious that they went on a tour of the highlights of the American Midwest and bought all the tschotkes.
Living Room. Tina is excited to have a pet at last.
Quiet reading space in the master bedroom.
Tina's room
1C, Floor plan. The phone, alas, is invisible due to the angle, but I promise, it's right beside the bedroom door.
Floor plan
Living area
Tina's room
Master bedroom. As you see, they particularly enjoyed their time in Three Lakes.
2nd Floor
Floor Plan
Kitchen. Yes the condiments and espresso machine interfere with use of that third counter; but the tenant'll mostly be making intimate breakfasts for two anyway.
Living room. She likes cute things and the neighbors like her mahjong game.
Guess what her aspiration is. Go on, guess.
The bedroom is the most important room in the apartment for this aspiring dancer.
The tools of her trade
Floor plan. Yes, I used the race car set in two different apartments. I decorated these apartments individually over a period of months and this is not the only place I repeated myself. The intended family I decorated for was a quiet couple with one child and one newly-grown-up teen whose room is still full of childish elements because redecorating is expensive.
Floor plan. Into the wild nerd yonder! The recent college grad who rents this unit is using the second bedroom as a study.
Floor plan. Space is tight for this couple and their toddler, but they manage. If the kid's playing at the dollhouse the door is blocked, but this arrangement is the one that caused the fewest routing fails.
The kitchen
Living room
Nursery; a much more important room than the master bedroom.
Proof that the hydroponics garden and the telescope can be used at the same time!
The elusive bathroom shot! I went a little manic decorating this one and thought it'd be a shame to waste it.
Anybody who counts better than me and notices that I still don't have the right number of pictures, please speak up! The attachments are still acting wonky so I gave up trying to caption them. You'll just have to open the spoilers if you want to see me editorialize.
Thanks to Gummilutt for hosting, the judges for judging, and my fellow competitors for creating such beautiful lots in such a labor-intensive genre. May no more computer disasters strike any of us.
18th Aug 2018 1:36 PM
Hey everyone. I'm really sorry for vanishing. After posting round 3 scores I went to bed and when I woke up the next day my computer was dead. Still not entirely clear on what happened. To make it even worse I was running my usual monthly full hd backup at the time and at first it seemed it had fried both the internal hd and my backup drive so seemed I'd lost all of my data once again. It's been a never-ending session of troubleshooting one problem after another.
Thank you very much Karen for helping, I really appreciate it. Haven't had room in my brain for more stuff over the last couple of weeks. August 27th is correct, though may be changed depending on judges and how far along the judging they are. I will check in with them and let you guys know.
I know there's some round 3 score things to be fixed, I will go over thread and pms and fix the things that need fixing.
18th Aug 2018 5:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
...how far along the judging they are....
If you've got inbox access - I've got scores
I'm glad your back! I know how devastating PC problems can be. If it's not all sorted now, hopefully it will be soon. Good luck to you
ETA: You mean fixing R2 scores right? R3 is the one we are/just finished judging now, and haven't been posted yet.
18th Aug 2018 11:51 PM
Does anyone know of any really, really obscure things that could make the lot not want to change to an apartment one? Because I have a build, all units have one exit (wih the regular, unique seperator door) in and out, all walls are closed but yet it doesn't let me change lot type claiming there's an invalid apartment. I did manage to change it after just like, removing all the doors to the patios (which are self contained to the unit) and putting the doors back in but then ONE single unit, which I cannot for the life of me figure out why, was considered public space. Since I couldn't find any gaps or second doors, I was wondering if anyone ever had any obscure things that ever prevented it from changing?
Okay well I think I found it! The issue was I had a big patio in one unit that could be accessed through two different bedrooms so the game doesn't like that the outside area, though still only accesible to the residents in one overall unit, can be accessed through two doors. One outside area should have one door, basically.
Thanks to help of Peni and Phantom, it was determined custom doors from pre-AL that weren't updated can cause this issue.
19th Aug 2018 12:18 AM
@Charmful, I don't know; the game seems to just be completely arbitrary with zoning issues sometimes. Is the patio area enclosed? Because the second floor of my round 3 (pictures should still be further up this page) has two doors, one in each bedroom, to a patio/balcony area.
Maybe it was the type of door?
19th Aug 2018 1:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
@Charmful, I don't know; the game seems to just be completely arbitrary with zoning issues sometimes. Is the patio area enclosed? Because the second floor of my round 3 (pictures should still be further up this page) has two doors, one in each bedroom, to a patio/balcony area.
Maybe it was the type of door?
Sorry replied to the hail on my PMs, but I will try exchanging doors because I was using custom ones. I do see what you mean in your pics above so perhaps it is a fault of the custom door.
Peni Griffin
19th Aug 2018 2:58 AM
I bet that's it. If you get a door or an archway that were made prior to AL and never updated, the apartment code is confused by them.
19th Aug 2018 3:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I bet that's it. If you get a door or an archway that were made prior to AL and never updated, the apartment code is confused by them.
Ahhhh, I bet my dollar that's the issue too. If I recall they were older custom doors. Thanks for sussing this out with me! :D