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Bubblebeam 30th Jul 2016 11:48 AM

Can a sim with a home business also be an employee of an owned community lot?

gummilutt 30th Jul 2016 12:23 PM

I haven't tried it, but I am reasonably sure it's possible. Being an employee is a career like any other, and you can have a maxis career and a home business, so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to be an employee and have your own home business.

Bubblebeam 30th Jul 2016 12:34 PM

That's what I thought too Gummi. I just noticed something a little different when trying it though. When I played on the owned community lot as the owner, the hired sim was there and assigned to a cash register, but after a few seconds he went off and acted like an ordinary customer, looking at objects to buy. He also had the double $ symbol above his head which I've never seen before.

Zarathustra 30th Jul 2016 7:47 PM

Is there a way to put children (of any age) up for adoption deliberately (as opposed to mistreating or ignoring them to the point that the social worker shows up and takes them away?)

RoxEllen1965 30th Jul 2016 8:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
Is there a way to put children (of any age) up for adoption deliberately (as opposed to mistreating or ignoring them to the point that the social worker shows up and takes them away?)

Inge's teleporter cat statue has that function. Under Unwanted Sims > Put up for adoption. TwoJeffs' SimBlender and Aaroneous' Sim Manipulator both have this under the "Family" menu. I haven't ever tried this myself, so I can't say how well any of them work.

Inge's teleporters:

TwoJeffs SimBlender:

Aaroneous SimManipulator (download button is near the bottom of the page):

willow_kidd 30th Jul 2016 9:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by krudyard
I have a poor Sim who really wants to become the Law, but the career option for it never comes up (I know there are mods for choosing...). What makes it worse is that only three career options show up on the computer and sometimes only 2 in the newspaper, just for this particular household. I've tried replacing the computer but there are always only 3 options not 5. Why would that be?

Yeah. If he went to college, and has the memories of graduating and all that, you should be getting more than three career options. Either the lot, of the computer/newspaper, or he is glitchy.

But even when everything works, it could still take forever. I was playing Almeric Davis, just recently. All freshly graduated and married. Took him one day shy of two weeks to find an opening in the Culinary Career. Meanwhile, his wife has finished her first career track, and moved on to a second one. I just think of it as a mid-life-crisis.

joandsarah77 31st Jul 2016 12:33 AM

Something is going on there with so few jobs. I would run Hood Checker and look to mods. Apart from that I would simply set the job on the sim blender.

gazania 31st Jul 2016 8:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Inge's teleporter cat statue has that function. Under Unwanted Sims > Put up for adoption. TwoJeffs' SimBlender and Aaroneous' Sim Manipulator both have this under the "Family" menu. I haven't ever tried this myself, so I can't say how well any of them work.

Inge's teleporters:

TwoJeffs SimBlender:

Aaroneous SimManipulator (download button is near the bottom of the page):

I have moved in and put for adoption many Sims kids over the last few years using the Blender. It works great, and I don't have to force a Social Worker drama.

gummilutt 31st Jul 2016 9:00 AM

I know I've made Sims members of the garden club with mods or Simpe or something in the past, but I don't recall how I did it. Anyone know of a method?

Bubblebeam 31st Jul 2016 11:27 AM

Is there a guide or does anyone know how to edit foods to be available at different times from the fridge? I some Campbells soup CC that only displays at lunch time but I'd like it to be a dinner option too.

Charity 31st Jul 2016 1:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bubblebeam
Is there a guide or does anyone know how to edit foods to be available at different times from the fridge? I some Campbells soup CC that only displays at lunch time but I'd like it to be a dinner option too.

Bubblebeam 31st Jul 2016 1:40 PM

Thank you. Bookmarking.

PSDuckie 31st Jul 2016 10:01 PM

When a Sim with EAxis eyes and a Sim with custom eyes have a baby, how likely is the baby to have EAxis eyes vs. custom eyes?

gummilutt 31st Jul 2016 11:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
When a Sim with EAxis eyes and a Sim with custom eyes have a baby, how likely is the baby to have EAxis eyes vs. custom eyes?

That depends entirely on the custom eye, and the maxis eye. Custom eyes are set to genetic value 0 by default when created, which trumps all maxis eyes. However, the creator may have modified the custom eyes genetic to match maxis. Maxis eyes brown and dark blue have genetic value 1, and the rest have genetic value two. Zero takes precedence over 1 and 2, and one trumps 2. 0 > 1 > 2 in genetic circumstances. If both eyes are the same number, it will be random. (I explain all this in my eye upload, there are probably other links to explanations but that's the one I can have handy right now).

Assuming both parents have the same dominant as recessive eye gene, and the custom eye does not have modified genetics, the custom eye will always win and the baby gets that color. If it's been modified, it depends on what maxis eyes we're talking about, and what the custom eyes are set to. So in summary, it's impossible to say for sure without more knowledge of the parents gene set up, and the genetic values of your custom eye set, as well as potential default replacements for maxis eyes. But if the custom eyes aren't edited, there's a very good chance it'll be the custom eyes.

PSDuckie 1st Aug 2016 12:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
That depends entirely on the custom eye, and the maxis eye. Custom eyes are set to genetic value 0 by default when created, which trumps all maxis eyes. However, the creator may have modified the custom eyes genetic to match maxis. Maxis eyes brown and dark blue have genetic value 1, and the rest have genetic value two. Zero takes precedence over 1 and 2, and one trumps 2. 0 > 1 > 2 in genetic circumstances. If both eyes are the same number, it will be random. (I explain all this in my eye upload, there are probably other links to explanations but that's the one I can have handy right now).

Assuming both parents have the same dominant as recessive eye gene, and the custom eye does not have modified genetics, the custom eye will always win and the baby gets that color. If it's been modified, it depends on what maxis eyes we're talking about, and what the custom eyes are set to. So in summary, it's impossible to say for sure without more knowledge of the parents gene set up, and the genetic values of your custom eye set, as well as potential default replacements for maxis eyes. But if the custom eyes aren't edited, there's a very good chance it'll be the custom eyes.

Thanks! Is there a way (such as using SimPE) to find out what my custom eyes' genetic values are?

gummilutt 1st Aug 2016 12:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Thanks! Is there a way (such as using SimPE) to find out what my custom eyes' genetic values are?

Yes, of course Modifying genetics is fairly easy to do with SimPE, if you just know what you are supposed to do. I went and found the genetics guide I used when making my eye set, it's by rikkulidea in her livejournal, Ultimate Sims Genetics Tutorial. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to do anything related to genetics, it explains how it all works and how to edit it. Chapter 5 deals with editing eyes

I don't know how experienced you are with SimPE, but in case you've done some editing all you need to do is open the eye file, open the texture overlay XML (XTOL) and see what the value is on line genetic (dtSingle). Pictures and further explanations in the tutorial

Florentzina 1st Aug 2016 3:25 AM

I have question about home businesses, which I dont think I need to start a thread for.

I plan to create a brothel house for my hood and have my maffia family run it and I use mods that I allow me to hire employers within the family which made me start thinking about this

Is it possible to run the business without the owner actually living there? The owner is married but will have romantic connection with the "ladies" who will be the employers and I use ACR2, so I feel that might create unnessary jealousy problems with his wife, but can you move out the guy and his wife while the employers run the business or would the business be broken if I move him out after starting it?

Probably a stupid question now that I think of it....
I prefer community businesses, but this is the kind I prefer playing as home businesses as some of the stuff I use dont work on community lots. I also use hack where I can control the customers , which I plan to use to command to woohoo on hacked beds/rugs (which doesnt require love to use but boost relationships) and then use money cheats. I find this method more than Cyjons Brothel hack.

Devon Aster 1st Aug 2016 11:46 AM

This is in regards to indoor gardening. I have Honeywell's planters from this set. I made a small space in an apartment to use these for kitchen produce. I have the greenhouse sunlamp lighting the area, but used regular windows and door to close in the space. Is the sunlamp sufficient to grow the produce, or do I need to use the actual greenhouse walls and door?

AndrewGloria 1st Aug 2016 12:25 PM

@Florentzina : I don't think it will work, but I wouldn't know for sure. Perhaps someone with more experience of OFB can give you a definitive answer.

If it doesn't work, might I suggest as a workaround, that you make one of the "ladies" the official owner as far as the game is concerned. The real owner gives her the money to buy and set up the business, using whatever method you usually use to transfer money between Sims. Then, when the "business" is up and running, she uses the same method to transfer the profits to the real owner, deducting what she needs for expenses and her own wages.

omglo 1st Aug 2016 3:59 PM

Can the potions that are sold by the matchmaker be set for sale with the OFB system?

FinnSims 1st Aug 2016 4:34 PM

I know that download lots with sims is bad, but can I put this lots in a test-hood and extract and clone that sims? Because I found several good looking families, but I'm scared to mess up my game...

ms muggles 1st Aug 2016 7:09 PM

I have read before that having beds in your sims inventory, especially double beds, could cause problems on the lot and with your sim...but are cribs ok? I know they are not catergorized as beds but they are comfort items that a sim sleeps in. I am asking because would like one of my sims to open a baby/childrens shop and sell cribs as part of it. would like to know if it ok for sims to have cribs in inventory from purchasing on a community lot.....thank you in advance for your help.

gummilutt 1st Aug 2016 7:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Devon Aster
This is in regards to indoor gardening. I have Honeywell's planters from this set. I made a small space in an apartment to use these for kitchen produce. I have the greenhouse sunlamp lighting the area, but used regular windows and door to close in the space. Is the sunlamp sufficient to grow the produce, or do I need to use the actual greenhouse walls and door?

I've never tried to use Honeywells planters inside, I always put them on a patio or balcony. Why don't you ask her if they work inside? I seem to recall plants don't grow inside unless inside includes greendoor walls, so it ought to depend on the planters.

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
If it doesn't work, might I suggest as a workaround

I agree with Andrew, I don't believe it'll work to move the Sim after creating a home business so a work-around is your best bet. I would run it as a community lot business, using Numenor's mod to allow Sims to sleep there. Going there with the owner you get rid of the wife problem, and you can save while you are there. If you want the two ladies controllable I'd make one employed and use Dolphins control me to control her, and make the other one selectable with boolprop. Pay the employed one for both ladies. Or hire both and alternate between them with Dolphins control me (this due to boolprop selecting making them forget they are employed).

If you want it as a residential lot, you could do what Andrew said and use teleporters+Dolphin to make the supposed owner be there and selectable as well.

Quote: Originally posted by srtv
I know that download lots with sims is bad, but can I put this lots in a test-hood and extract and clone that sims? Because I found several good looking families, but I'm scared to mess up my game...

Putting an inhabited lot in your game only corrupts the hood you place it in, so yes, you could do that and it would be safe. Don't forget to put the extracted Sims through bodyshop before you use them in CAS, or they won't be properly clean. And you might want to delete the test hood once you are done.

Quote: Originally posted by ms muggles
but are cribs ok? [...] I am asking because would like one of my sims to open a baby/childrens shop and sell cribs as part of it. would like to know if it ok for sims to have cribs in inventory from purchasing on a community lot.....thank you in advance for your help.

I am not sure if cribs are handled the same way as beds, but the problems start when the bed has been used and has an owner attached to it. Straight from catalog in a business should be fine.

Annaminna 1st Aug 2016 7:36 PM

This is due to ownership of object. Objects what can be owned by one sim are beds and cars. So this is best to sell them after sim stops using owned object or moving family. I didn't hear of cribs be owned never yet.

Florentzina 1st Aug 2016 8:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt

Well, I definitly want it to be a residental lot because I want all of the others "members" to live actually live there and hire them (using mods, hirefamilymember and anybodycanbemanager). I use ChristianLove Easy Bed and Orgy Rug from Sexy Sims when Ive my sims woohoo with others non-romantically. The former doesnt seems work on normal community lots.
Its will be set up as a Longue/Bar Venue where the brothel "ladies" lives there to pay of their "debt" to the sneaky maffia families (woohoo-ing them as part of paying it off as well), using mods to make them woohoo, but raise customer loyalty with a ticket machine and the bar/venue items. So for I probably would go with another solution with the owners, I dont want the workers to "own" the business, so probably the wife or relative will run it and live there instead who has no romantic interaction with the employers. (The maffia clan are all romance sims, so I could just have the employers woohoo the "real" owner on his own lot instead.)

ms muggles 1st Aug 2016 8:11 PM

thank you gummilutt for such a quick response--now I can have my sim open up shop without worry...

FinnSims 1st Aug 2016 9:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Putting an inhabited lot in your game only corrupts the hood you place it in, so yes, you could do that and it would be safe. Don't forget to put the extracted Sims through bodyshop before you use them in CAS, or they won't be properly clean. And you might want to delete the test hood once you are done.

Thanks so much, today I'm gonna do that with all the families that I want in my hood...

Bubblebeam 2nd Aug 2016 4:29 PM

Is there a guide available on how to make objects quarter tile placeable?

Nevermind, think this explains it, in case anyone else is curious.

gummilutt 2nd Aug 2016 5:59 PM

I have a question I really ought to know the answer to, but I don't so I hope you'll all forgive me. I'd search, but too many generic terms, not quite up to it. If a lot was built with UC, is it compatible with disc version? I seem to recall UC uses the game engine of one of the collection packs, so it ought to be okay, but better make sure

Annaminna 2nd Aug 2016 7:49 PM

Collection pack is only bundle of EPs and SPs collected together. As I understand UC and full game from separate discs are both running on latest Mansion and Garden engine.

FinnSims 2nd Aug 2016 8:09 PM

What's the meaning of "secret networking"?

Annaminna 2nd Aug 2016 11:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by srtv
What's the meaning of "secret networking"?

joandsarah77 2nd Aug 2016 11:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I have a question I really ought to know the answer to, but I don't so I hope you'll all forgive me. I'd search, but too many generic terms, not quite up to it. If a lot was built with UC, is it compatible with disc version? I seem to recall UC uses the game engine of one of the collection packs, so it ought to be okay, but better make sure

Yes it's the M&G game engine. I believe when it's loading it shows as 'The Sims 2 Fun with Pets Collection' and this contains M&G.

FinnSims 3rd Aug 2016 1:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna

Thanks! 😉

M.M.A.A. 3rd Aug 2016 1:59 AM

A question regarding the two story chandelier that came with M&G: I believe I read somewhere that it has a glitch with lighting the lower floor; it only lights up the upper floor as I've seen in certain places, so is there a fix for it? :/

deadhead_kay 3rd Aug 2016 4:23 AM

For those who have a main hood university, do your YA sims still get the same college related wants? I've had a couple sims enter uni already, all with various aspiration combinations(though none were knowledge) and none of them have had any want to do assignments or term papers or skill. Hell this one sim still has no major declared and she's finishing her sophomore year.

lauratje86 3rd Aug 2016 4:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by deadhead_kay
For those who have a main hood university, do your YA sims still get the same college related wants? I've had a couple sims enter uni already, all with various aspiration combinations(though none were knowledge) and none of them have had any want to do assignments or term papers or skill. Hell this one sim still has no major declared and she's finishing her sophomore year.

Mine do, but only if they've grown up to YA using the birthday cake (which I think comes with Squinge's mod?) or Grow Up - if I age them to YA using the Simblender they don't seem to roll college related wants, in my experience. No idea if this is actually always the case or just coincidence, but I always use Grow Up now just to make sure! :-)

Bubblebeam 3rd Aug 2016 5:14 PM

Just moved out a family from one lot to another (never inhabited). The pet cat disappears as soon as I enter live mode however. I can summon her back but the same thing happens. Also tried making her a stray and then moving back in again. She always disappears though. Any suggestions and is this something to be concerned about?

k6ka 3rd Aug 2016 8:05 PM

Anyone else getting problems with The Sims 2 after installing the Windows 10 Anniversary Update? I installed the update this morning, but I couldn't get The Sims 2 to work. Whenever I click on the EXE it seems to think that The Sims 2 is not installed (I have all EPs and SPs, so I use the EXE for M&G), or that some files are missing. I rolled back the update to the previous version of Windows I had and it's working again, so that makes me think the update did something undesirable.

icemandeaf 3rd Aug 2016 9:11 PM

I've had several teen twins before, but this is the first time that it looks like they are at ends with one another in the family/household portrait. I just can't figure out why. They don't have any relationship tags (ie friends, BFFs, enemies), and they haven't been in any fights. I even checked their personalities. They both have very similar personalities with 3/4 points in mean-nice.

RoxEllen1965 3rd Aug 2016 9:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
A question regarding the two story chandelier that came with M&G: I believe I read somewhere that it has a glitch with lighting the lower floor; it only lights up the upper floor as I've seen in certain places, so is there a fix for it? :/

This seems to be a replacement object, not a fix for the original M&G chandelier.


I seem to remember trying this before and it didn't work for me because I didn't have the same lighting mod that this person uses, but that was some time ago and I don't remember clearly. I'm going to download it again and see if it works for me now.

Peni Griffin 3rd Aug 2016 11:03 PM

I'd be concerned about that cat, Bubblebeam.. Did she run away? I had a runaway cat get stuck in runaway mode and no one could interact with her. I moved her in to another household with the teleporter, and she still shows the "run away" icon, but can be interacted with now.

What happens if you try to force an error on her?

joandsarah77 4th Aug 2016 12:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by deadhead_kay
For those who have a main hood university, do your YA sims still get the same college related wants? I've had a couple sims enter uni already, all with various aspiration combinations(though none were knowledge) and none of them have had any want to do assignments or term papers or skill. Hell this one sim still has no major declared and she's finishing her sophomore year.

If the YA are going to do college in the main hood age them with the cake if they are not doing college but running a business or something else use the simblender. They should get some college wants depending on their aspiration. I have had pleasure sims in uni never roll college wants.

mdsb759 4th Aug 2016 1:24 AM

community lots; do owned & un-owned have the same Buy Mode (when editing the lots)?

joandsarah77 4th Aug 2016 1:46 AM

You can only edit an owned lot when the owner is there. On an owned lot you can switch to whole sale mode and buy some objects which are not normally available such as cars.

mdsb759 4th Aug 2016 2:21 AM

an owned community lot has the same Buy Mode as a residential lot?

joandsarah77 4th Aug 2016 2:48 AM

No, it looks different. Some things are available only on community lots and few things only on residential. As I said if it's owned the owner has the option of whole sale mode which allows other objects to show. If all objects show I'm not sure, certainly some cc ones don't show. I often wonder why you want to know these things.

Peni Griffin 4th Aug 2016 3:04 AM

Why don't you open one up and find out? It's not that hard.

Items like espresso machines and beds which are normally unavailable on community lots are in the owned community lot buy mode, so you can make stores that sell household goods. I don't know that owned community lots have all the items in both catalogs available, but it wouldn't surprise me.

joandsarah77 4th Aug 2016 3:05 AM

They only have base game but are always asking about EP features. I am curious as to why.

k6ka 4th Aug 2016 2:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
They only have base game but are always asking about EP features. I am curious as to why.

Probably just curious to know about EPs they don't have.

PSDuckie 4th Aug 2016 5:36 PM

Stupid question here: is there a way to transfer Sims between neighborhoods (example: from Strangetown to my custom hood) without causing corruption to either hood? If so, how? Thanks!

smorbie1 4th Aug 2016 5:40 PM

I know this has probably been answered a million times, but we never think something so horrible will happen to us and that we might need the information. My old computer died. I went to Amazon and bought a new windows 7. But the microsoft demons got to it before it arrived and it is a windows 10. Satan himself must have designed this operating system. Anyway, my wonderful UC loaded just fine and looks wonderful on my brand new pc. Unfortunately, the option for playing is the windowed mode. Nothing else even shows up. Does anyone know if there is someway to rectify this as it makes my simmies look long and thin, and only gives my three options at a time in buy/build?

Peni Griffin 4th Aug 2016 5:44 PM

Take notes on the sims' characteristics you consider essential - personality points, star signs, relationships to other sims you're transferring, whatever.
Extract the appearances of the sims using the Sim Surgery option in SimPE.
Open bodyshop; clone sims; delete originals to prevent future confusion. (No one's quite sure what extra data these extracted appearances drag with them, so why take chances? The bodyshop clone is guaranteed to be 100% appearance-only.)
Open game. Open neighborhood you're transferring to. Open Create-a-Family. Recreate sims to the extent possible in CAS.
Move sims in.
Use cheats or editing tools to add any essential characteristics you couldn't do in CAS.
Play sims.

That's it. That's the only safe way.

Annaminna 4th Aug 2016 5:58 PM

There is another way if you want ALL Stangetown characters see in your custom hood just download Strangetown as shopping district and add it to your hood.

Sims can move between main hood and subhoods via family bin.

PSDuckie 4th Aug 2016 6:41 PM

Thanks. The reason I was asking is that I wanted to make some Servos for my custom hood, but I don't have any Sims with a gold robotics badge. I'm thinking that the best thing at this point would be to create a "maintenance" subhood in the custom hood and just make the Servos there, and then move them into the subhoods where I want them in the first place.

Peni Griffin 4th Aug 2016 6:45 PM

That's true; I was assuming that PSDuckie wanted to move one or two sims.

If you don't want to play with a subhood, once you've moved all the sims and all the graves to your custom hood, you should be able to delete the subhood without penalty. Just make sure you get all the graves.

In fact, you don't actually have to move any sims. If you delete a subhood, the sims in residences will be automatically moved to the Family Bin. They'll have the value of their homes (so the Curiosi will be stinking rich - that topheavy monster of a modern art house they live in was expensive to build) and anything you placed in inventory first. As long as you put the graves in Olive's yard into her inventory, she'll be able to set up shop in your custom hood with them.

In either case, if you want the Strangetown sims who appear in your custom hood to retain any skills, job levels, or relationships they got during gameplay in your Strangetown, you'll need to recreate them with cheats or editing tools.

RoxEllen1965 4th Aug 2016 8:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I know this has probably been answered a million times, but we never think something so horrible will happen to us and that we might need the information. My old computer died. I went to Amazon and bought a new windows 7. But the microsoft demons got to it before it arrived and it is a windows 10. Satan himself must have designed this operating system. Anyway, my wonderful UC loaded just fine and looks wonderful on my brand new pc. Unfortunately, the option for playing is the windowed mode. Nothing else even shows up. Does anyone know if there is someway to rectify this as it makes my simmies look long and thin, and only gives my three options at a time in buy/build?

That's a shame about your operating system. To anybody else who has Windows 7 or 8 and does NOT want Windows 10 forced on them: get and run the program below (Never10) from your admin account. This small utility will automatically change two registry settings that will prevent Windows 10 from installing itself on your computer. It does nothing else but change these registry settings.

About your other problem. I'm not very familiar with UC. I play with a complete set installed from the old CDs and have my shortcut pointing to the game executable instead of the launcher. Windowed mode is turned on or off by adding -w to the target location in the properties screen. To disable windowed mode, I would simply remove the -w. Are you able to do this with your UC? (Right-click on your shortcut icon to get this properties screen. See attached screenshot)

Edited to add: I should have recognized your symptoms since I had exactly the same problem when I set up my own new computer recently. It was the game not recognizing the graphics card - see the links in posts # 2161 and 2164 below for help with the problem you're actually having.

AliaD85 4th Aug 2016 8:45 PM

Can your sim own a community lot in a University? Not a YA sim, but an adult or elder.

WildIrishBanshee 4th Aug 2016 9:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I know this has probably been answered a million times, but we never think something so horrible will happen to us and that we might need the information. My old computer died. I went to Amazon and bought a new windows 7. But the microsoft demons got to it before it arrived and it is a windows 10. Satan himself must have designed this operating system. Anyway, my wonderful UC loaded just fine and looks wonderful on my brand new pc. Unfortunately, the option for playing is the windowed mode. Nothing else even shows up. Does anyone know if there is someway to rectify this as it makes my simmies look long and thin, and only gives my three options at a time in buy/build?

Sounds like your graphics card isn't being recognized. Here's a link to get you started towards fixing it: While it says 8, some of the tricks work on 10, and there's a link to the Windows 10 thread as well. Lots of good information there! I play in windowed mode, did the tricks and it uses my full screen instead of an 800x600 box.

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
Can your sim own a community lot in a University? Not a YA sim, but an adult or elder.

Not that I'm aware of. Pretty sure owned lots in general aren't allowed in a University hood, but I might be wrong on that account.

Annaminna 4th Aug 2016 9:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Thanks. The reason I was asking is that I wanted to make some Servos for my custom hood, but I don't have any Sims with a gold robotics badge. I'm thinking that the best thing at this point would be to create a "maintenance" subhood in the custom hood and just make the Servos there, and then move them into the subhoods where I want them in the first place.

I once made creator of servos. To not make any drama with specific character: Popularity aspiration, high neat and shy, in medium active playful and nice. He made servos, personalized them and servos found their own place (aka went serve other families). Popularity servos don't care about romantic related stuff.

ranagrande 4th Aug 2016 10:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Thanks. The reason I was asking is that I wanted to make some Servos for my custom hood, but I don't have any Sims with a gold robotics badge. I'm thinking that the best thing at this point would be to create a "maintenance" subhood in the custom hood and just make the Servos there, and then move them into the subhoods where I want them in the first place.

If you use Monique's Hacked Computer ( ), there is an option to buy Servos online. So you don't need sims able to make them.

Justpetro 4th Aug 2016 10:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I know this has probably been answered a million times, but we never think something so horrible will happen to us and that we might need the information. My old computer died. I went to Amazon and bought a new windows 7. But the microsoft demons got to it before it arrived and it is a windows 10. Satan himself must have designed this operating system. Anyway, my wonderful UC loaded just fine and looks wonderful on my brand new pc. Unfortunately, the option for playing is the windowed mode. Nothing else even shows up. Does anyone know if there is someway to rectify this as it makes my simmies look long and thin, and only gives my three options at a time in buy/build?

Graphic rules, I think? Have a look on Leefish here: and here: The last thread is not for Windows 10 but I found the right card and fix for Nvidia there.
I can play well on full screen but can only take screenshots in windowed mode. I have a great relationship with Windows 10, although one has to get used to it.

joandsarah77 4th Aug 2016 11:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Stupid question here: is there a way to transfer Sims between neighborhoods (example: from Strangetown to my custom hood) without causing corruption to either hood? If so, how? Thanks!

Extract in simpe, clone in body shop, remake clone in your new hood. Don't skip the cloning part it cleans them up.

You can cheat anything you need to cheat including servos. Or instead cheat a gold badge and make one if that feels better story wise.

babygirl4595 5th Aug 2016 12:28 AM

In in game CAS, when you are choosing from the different faces and parts of a face (not the modifying tool), when selected, part of the face does this boing sound and the part will bounce and fall low on the face. Is there any way to stop that from happening?

mdsb759 5th Aug 2016 12:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by k6ka
Probably just curious to know about EPs they don't have.

now that the main site has been non-active, what would happen if packaging to site was attempted? (in game or in Body Shop)

joandsarah77 5th Aug 2016 1:52 AM

Nothing, it would simply not work.

k6ka 5th Aug 2016 4:17 AM

There's a written guide (with pictures) on how to extract Sim appearances (SimPE and cloning in BodyShop and all) here.

RoxEllen1965 5th Aug 2016 11:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PSDuckie
Thanks. The reason I was asking is that I wanted to make some Servos for my custom hood, but I don't have any Sims with a gold robotics badge. I'm thinking that the best thing at this point would be to create a "maintenance" subhood in the custom hood and just make the Servos there, and then move them into the subhoods where I want them in the first place.

There are buyable servos available.

By Monique:

By ByDemonsBeDriven:

If you don't mind using the testingcheats, you can spawn some. Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press enter.
Shift + click on your sim. Click the "Spawn..." menu. On the second page of this menu there should be an item labeled "New Servo." Click on that and a new servo will appear next to your sim.

gummilutt 5th Aug 2016 8:10 PM

Not Sims question but MTS question. I know I've seen someone ask where upload threads are saved, before they are uploaded. It lets you save as you go along, but I forgot how you find it if the tab closes. Anyone remember?

Peni Griffin 5th Aug 2016 8:12 PM

Creator Issues. You can only see your own threads.

Bulbizarre 5th Aug 2016 8:25 PM

How do I use the extracted pet appearance from SimPE in Create-a-Pet?

gummilutt 6th Aug 2016 5:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Creator Issues. You can only see your own threads.

Thank you I couldn't find them there, but I did find them under user control panel, one of the options in the user tools button in the upper right corner. Brings up a list if you have any in the works

joandsarah77 6th Aug 2016 6:02 AM

That was me that asked Does that show or is it hidden?

Just in case it's hidden here was Delphy's reply

Yup, that's definately possible. If you go to your User Control Panel (under User Tools) then all your "incomplete" uploads will be listed there, and you can resume.

Note that because of the way the attachments work you might have to re-upload the files and images again, depending on how much time has passed

gummilutt 6th Aug 2016 6:33 AM

Thanks jo! I was so sure it was you that asked, I tried to google but couldn't find anything and that made me unsure. It says hidden when I click the link, so I guess that might be why I couldn't find it That's the one I found after much clicking around, but thank you for confirming that it was the one staff said too

smorbie1 6th Aug 2016 4:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Graphic rules, I think? Have a look on Leefish here: and here: The last thread is not for Windows 10 but I found the right card and fix for Nvidia there.
I can play well on full screen but can only take screenshots in windowed mode. I have a great relationship with Windows 10, although one has to get used to it.

I downloaded whatever it was on that thread. Now what do I do with it? Windows can't open the file, but it can't just work without some action on my part, can it? Don't I have to put it somewhere? And thank you guys so, so much for helping me.

Annaminna 6th Aug 2016 5:34 PM

I am not sure if you downloaded right things. I know @celebkiriedhel can help you here if you don't want sign in at Leefish. Just PM her.

FinnSims 6th Aug 2016 5:40 PM

What is the best/safest way to delete CC (I mean a program of something)?

Annaminna 6th Aug 2016 6:03 PM

There is clean installer if you are looking for program to delete something. Usually I remove CC from Downloads manually.

FinnSims 6th Aug 2016 6:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
There is clean installer if you are looking for program to delete something. Usually I remove CC from Downloads manually.

Yes, me too, but I thought there was more options...

Ather 6th Aug 2016 6:55 PM

I can't remember if this was TS2 or TS3, but when a pond freezes over in the winter, can Sims ice skate on it?

k6ka 6th Aug 2016 7:11 PM

You can use Delphy's Download Organizer.

WildIrishBanshee 6th Aug 2016 8:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ather
I can't remember if this was TS2 or TS3, but when a pond freezes over in the winter, can Sims ice skate on it?

Not in TS2 at least. At least I've never seen it or an option for it.

Ather 6th Aug 2016 9:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WildIrishBanshee
Not in TS2 at least. At least I've never seen it or an option for it.

Thank you.

I think it was TS3 that had that option, now that I think of it. Ah well, I suppose the city park will have both a pond and an ice-skating rink in the winter.

Peni Griffin 6th Aug 2016 9:42 PM

I think I've seen CC that was an invisible ice rink that could be placed over ponds, though...Ask in WCIF. I could be making it up, because I don't have such a thing in my downloads, and why wouldn't I download that?

Ather 6th Aug 2016 10:31 PM

I did find this:

However, it's only the borders that have an invisible recolor. Though it could work?

mdsb759 7th Aug 2016 1:12 AM

are all shoe & floor combinations unique or are any combinations the same sound?
if any are same, which combinations and what is the total number?

Bulbizarre 7th Aug 2016 1:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
How do I use the extracted pet appearance from SimPE in Create-a-Pet?

Does nobody know?

WildIrishBanshee 7th Aug 2016 12:43 PM

I don't know for sure, but I think they show up as breeds.

Katya Stevens 7th Aug 2016 1:22 PM

I know in-game you can call up and register a pet's appearance as a new breed, and they show up in CAS under breeds from there. Using SimPE, I have no idea.

xmathyx 7th Aug 2016 4:04 PM

Does someone know a mod that allows negative funds ? Sometimes my Sims get a bad chance card and have to pay for something. When they don't have enough money the funds only decrease to 0$, but I think going on negative numbers would be more realistic, and I did not find anything with Google.

lauratje86 7th Aug 2016 4:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ather
I can't remember if this was TS2 or TS3, but when a pond freezes over in the winter, can Sims ice skate on it?

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I think I've seen CC that was an invisible ice rink that could be placed over ponds, though...Ask in WCIF. I could be making it up, because I don't have such a thing in my downloads, and why wouldn't I download that?

Corvidophile2 made invisible ice rinks. They used to be available on Sirona Sims and are now available from the Graveyard or (for the small rink) included with an extra lot from Isle St Croix - found here (scroll down).

Ather 7th Aug 2016 7:23 PM

Thank you, Laura! Very much appreciated.

FinnSims 7th Aug 2016 7:45 PM

When I use the Hood Checker, what's is a sign of potencial corruption, or a road to corruption sign... ? (Sims Relations, Family Ties, Memories or Wants)...

gummilutt 7th Aug 2016 8:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by xmathyx
Does someone know a mod that allows negative funds ? Sometimes my Sims get a bad chance card and have to pay for something. When they don't have enough money the funds only decrease to 0$, but I think going on negative numbers would be more realistic, and I did not find anything with Google.

I don't know of a mod, but I know it' already possible to have negative funds within game mechanics. I had a family go into negative funds the other day, by un-setting things for sale in their home business (which apparently costs money, for some silly reason). So I would guess the difference is that the chance cards are set to not go further than zero. Perhaps you can find someone willing to give it a try. Simbology has a request section, and I think there are some active modders over there.

Justpetro 7th Aug 2016 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by smorbie1
I downloaded whatever it was on that thread. Now what do I do with it? Windows can't open the file, but it can't just work without some action on my part, can it? Don't I have to put it somewhere? And thank you guys so, so much for helping me.

Read carefully, extract the files the normal way, and follow Kiri's instructions on where to add the files.

Secretâ„¢ 9th Aug 2016 3:37 PM

Guys, please tell me. When I go to to the next level in the game or in the construction, the objects on the lower floors are invisible. It is necessary that any addition to the game or a cheat code? That they are visible. :/

k6ka 9th Aug 2016 4:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Secretâ„¢
Guys, please tell me. When I go to to the next level in the game or in the construction, the objects on the lower floors are invisible. It is necessary that any addition to the game or a cheat code? That they are visible. :/

That's called "Object Hiding", and you can disable it in the game settings. Object hiding hides objects from lower floors when you go up a level, so your computer doesn't waste resources rendering them, and thus improves game performance.

gazania 9th Aug 2016 10:40 PM

I'm stumped. Most likely, the answer is right in front of me as I play the game.

Where would I find the Simbology Teleporter Cat? I tried Deco (including Misc.), other Miscellaneous categories. I'm obviously missing something really obvious here! Thanks!

lauratje86 9th Aug 2016 10:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gazania
I'm stumped. Most likely, the answer is right in front of me as I play the game.

Where would I find the Simbology Teleporter Cat? I tried Deco (including Misc.), other Miscellaneous categories. I'm obviously missing something really obvious here! Thanks!

Deco...... Sculptures, I think? I use that thing all the time, but I can't remember.....

venusking 9th Aug 2016 10:46 PM


Ninja'd by laura

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