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Freefalldreams 9th Aug 2013 4:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mordecai and Rigby
...And what's worse is that I don't even HAVE the "Risky WooHoo" mod Seriously, I'm pretty darn sure I pressed the WooHoo button and not the Try For Baby button! What the heck! :P

Do you have ACR? If you do, there's an option that occasionally (percentage varies by aspiration, personality, marital status, and age, and is visible in the "view token" option from the adjuster) swaps TFB for WooHoo, with normal TFB success rates (although I think InTeen slowly lowers them with age). However, the default is for married couples only, and the override has to be applied on the adjuster for each lot -- not something that's easy to do accidentally! I've got the override on on all lots, so everyone can autonomously TFB...and they do. I caught Nina Caliente in the act with Mortimer Goth (thankfully no lullaby, as Dina's already pregnant by him!) and it resulted in a lullaby when desperate-for-a-baby Cassandra Goth seduced Lazlo Curious (she and Don are married, but not on speaking terms due to his behavior). Personally, I like that sort of thing...adds to the soap-opera feel.

As for what I say, here's one: "Ugh, stupid drama professor...he's married, leave him alone...stupid cow, she's his wife, leave her alone too...go flirt with each other, you nuisances!"

Andygal 9th Aug 2013 6:00 AM

ACR also reduces fertility by age for the ACR interactions. And has risky woohoo.

Lerf1950 9th Aug 2013 12:27 PM

"No! Not in the middle of your toddler's first birthday party!!"

Charity 9th Aug 2013 3:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lerf1950
"No! Not in the middle of your toddler's first birthday party!!"

What were they doing? Getting started on the next baby. XD

Lerf1950 10th Aug 2013 2:19 PM

Yes. And they do it every single time, since I have ACR...

Mordecai and Rigby 10th Aug 2013 8:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Freefalldreams
Do you have ACR? If you do, there's an option that occasionally (percentage varies by aspiration, personality, marital status, and age, and is visible in the "view token" option from the adjuster) swaps TFB for WooHoo, with normal TFB success rates (although I think InTeen slowly lowers them with age). However, the default is for married couples only, and the override has to be applied on the adjuster for each lot -- not something that's easy to do accidentally! I've got the override on on all lots, so everyone can autonomously TFB...and they do. I caught Nina Caliente in the act with Mortimer Goth (thankfully no lullaby, as Dina's already pregnant by him!) and it resulted in a lullaby when desperate-for-a-baby Cassandra Goth seduced Lazlo Curious (she and Don are married, but not on speaking terms due to his behavior). Personally, I like that sort of thing...adds to the soap-opera feel.

As for what I say, here's one: "Ugh, stupid drama professor...he's married, leave him alone...stupid cow, she's his wife, leave her alone too...go flirt with each other, you nuisances!"

Nah I don't have it :P

gazania 12th Aug 2013 11:51 PM

Since I've been using ACR, for some reason, my Sims seemed to want to kiss or hop into bed with the Unsavory Charlatan. I can assure you that's the LAST thing I would want. I am quite aware that any sort of romantic encounter with him can bork my game.

Now, when I enter a community lot, the very first thing I do is to generate the visitor controller and make sure he's still banned, along with Mrs. C and anyone else who might cause my game to go belly-up. But in the beginning, he slipped on there before I check on a new Community lot.

My interior dialogue went like this:

"Oh, my Sim can do a bit of socializing ... Wait! Is that the Unsavory Charlatan? Ban him! Ban him! And you, my Sim ... get the hay-ell off that lot in case I don't get to him fast enough! I don't care if you need a break. Leave. NOW!"

(I am also quite aware that under no circumstances should I select him and see if he got into any mischief. I managed to catch him just as he stepped onto the lot, but before anyone got any romantic notions ... knock wood. As far as I'm concerned, he's perma-banned. On ANY lot. Can't take even a chance that a Sim might kiss him.)

Hopefully, he is perma-banned now, anyway. For some reason, the first couple of times, the perma-banning didn't take effect. Perhaps because I got my Sim off the lot before the game registered the ban! (EDIT ... I stupidly realized that I have to generate the Visitor Controller to ban him on every bleepin' Community Lot, including the Uni lots, it seems, and Vacation Lot. Every ... bleepin' ... one! Must have missed a couple. Still, the effort will be worth it if I can keep him away from temptation ... or my Sims from temptation, for that matter.)

Needless to say that I'm very, very careful using ACR or ACR-related mods on any vacation lots. At all. Can't be too careful when I have a horny Sim on vacation.

JayKenz 13th Aug 2013 12:20 AM

"No, Don, the baby goes in the CRIB, not the FLOOR."
"Tara, he's had enough smartmilk. KNOCK IT OFF."
"Carlos, bring that newspaper back here!"
"Alex, just TWIRL and free your spawn from the plumbbob!"

Peni Griffin 14th Aug 2013 6:43 PM

I'd go with "Bloopers and funny sims pics" on the picture thread. Um - why exactly did you put a flamethrower under the commode?

Charity 14th Aug 2013 6:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I'd go with "Bloopers and funny sims pics" on the picture thread. Um - why exactly did you put a flamethrower under the commode?

For when they eat chilli!

Mootilda 14th Aug 2013 6:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
This is not a picture thread, but can't find another place to put these:
At least do us the favor of putting your pictures (which aren't showing, by the way) into spoiler tags.

Babahara 14th Aug 2013 7:02 PM

I hope that's not weird, but instead of talking to sims I have them talk to each other in the game. I'm not acting it out aloud, of course. And sometimes it's funny.

One toddler sim grew up and instantly desired to learn to do homework. But the problem was... he hasn't been to school yet and had no homework!

Kid: Daddy, teach me to do homework!!!
Dad: But you have no homework. Wait till tomorrow.
Kid: Then let's do my sister's homework! Here it is on the floor!

And they do it while she sleeps. It must be not a coincidence that the child's one true hobby is science.

JDacapo 14th Aug 2013 11:53 PM

"No! Bad Goopy! Bad!" whenever Goopy Gilscarbo tries to ACR woohoo during a date.

grammapat 15th Aug 2013 2:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I'd go with "Bloopers and funny sims pics" on the picture thread. Um - why exactly did you put a flamethrower under the commode?

Woops, I moved the pics...dam why do I keep doing that.
WHY? Well just to make a funny picture "roasting marshmallows".

I could fix/hid pics, but think it would be better to delete entry...yes?

Dagwon 16th Aug 2013 9:34 PM

"WHY did you just noogie her in the middle of your date?!"
(Sheesh, you blink and they're getting themselves in trouble!)

prettyface 16th Aug 2013 9:44 PM

Don L
why the heck you keep following the maid in and out the bathroom Don L your wife of 3+ yrs. and 4 kids ,sure would love 2 know. Well actually Cassandra knows your a player .
So you big JERK just make sure she cleans up both your nasty spills before I have to pay the tramp

ieta_cassiopeia 17th Aug 2013 2:52 AM

"Why are you saying "See you later"? You live in this dorm!" Facepalm-worthy moment courtesy of dormie Skylar Hunicke, who then turned up at 7 am next morning and knocked on the dorm's front door as if he was a drama professor...

Mr. Newbie 17th Aug 2013 3:01 AM

"All right, Pascal, go feed your baby, then go to work - OH MY GOODNESS, THE SKY'S BEEN LITTERED WITH STRANGE TEXTURE GLITCHES! *quick option reset later* All right, now that's all good and done - OH, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE GROUND OF STRANGETOWN IS NOW A STRAGE MIX OF BLUE, BLACK, AND GREEN! GREEEEEEEEEEEEN! *whispers* this is what you get with an Intel integrated chip..."

"OK, this house looks fine! It has room for 5 Sims in total, there's a nice swing and a willow for shade, and it looks all nice and quaint! I wonder if MTS'd accept it - you're kidding me. There was a TINY little crater at the edge of the lot that I neglected to find? Options.. quit.. yes."

More like what I think to myself loudly while playing The Sims 2...

residenteviloutbreak 17th Aug 2013 12:40 PM

I took my time to make a family, and i had them in the house.

Sadly, i was doing renovations and forgot to add the new front door nor a fire alarm. They were cooking and burned to death.

I was VERY angry.

xSparrow 17th Aug 2013 3:23 PM

When an old man starts flirting with a teen (Happens a lot to me... Anyone else?): "Hahahahaha No... Just No..."
When fire people come out and they moan there's no fire, when there is: "Hey, you, yes fireman, person with no eyes, look next to you, the fire's right there, to your left, a bit more, yeah, thanks for the fine, i'll just let my sims die in a fire!"

Mootilda 17th Aug 2013 8:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TotallySimsCrazy
When an old man starts flirting with a teen (Happens a lot to me... Anyone else?)
No, it doesn't usually happen. It can only happen if you've added mods to make it happen, in which case you can hardly complain.

Peni Griffin 17th Aug 2013 8:59 PM

She can't complain but sometimes she still does...Life's been good to her so far.

Anyway: "Twins?! In a two-bedroom apartment? Oh, boy."
"Trent? Why didn't you change that diaper like I told you to?"
"Oh, no, you are not going to the playground with the baby hollering."
"Yes, I'm sending them out without you. Just thank your stars I don't have Community Lot Time."
"O my squeee, he's trying to eat his foot!" (I haven't had the baby dangle very long, y'all.)

BubbelsDarling 17th Aug 2013 10:27 PM

"What the fuck are you DOING?!"
"Oh fuck right off"

Lord St.Croix 18th Aug 2013 1:57 AM

"Yes, the baby stinks. Now go change it!"
"Why are you taking the baby to the bathtub? Just change its diaper!"
" Don't jerk off; you're not even in your own house!"
" Don't have sex now, your kid is in the room"
" You have to pee/ you're hungry/ you're sleepy? Then pee/eat/go to bed and stop bitching!"
" What idiot thought making hedges grow was a good idea!?"
" When did you get pregnant!? You have a kid in college, it is too late for that!"
" Why would you reject your baby like that? He only wants love"

ieta_cassiopeia 18th Aug 2013 2:31 PM

"Why are you going to bed? You need food, and I didn't think you were Jasmine Tai's unknown sister" - Said to a Sim who was starving to death and not that tired, but decided to go to bed anyway. (The late Jasmine Tai is best known in SimHampton for attempting to eat a two-square-sized fire outside her dorm and failing).

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