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Oreos and peanut butter
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"You are NOT wearing THAT for a formal!"
"So are you going to eat some of that pizza or just stand there looking stupid and getting in everyone else's way?" |
"Dammit, Circe!"
As she nose-flicked her live-in nanny's nose in the background of somebody else's date. |
How do you pronounce Circe? When i pronounce it in french is sounds weird...
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In my head, it sounds like "Serse." I'm not sure if that's right though.
I always said it Serkay...doubt that's right either though.
According to Behind the Name, it's pronounced SUR-see. I always said it as Seers. Oh well, looks like I wasn't the only one confused about her name
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I've always said Sir-say (probably wrong)
Edit: Oooh, I was closer than I thought! I've just resigned myself to fact I am probably pronouncing 99% of things incorrectly : ![]() |
I'm Greek and I've always pronounced it Sirsee. That's the closest to the Greek name, except both syllables are pronounced with a hard K sound in Greek.
Edit: oh, also, for the billionth time just now: get out of the damn hot tub or I swear to God I'm taking it away, you're not going to cheat! |
Thanks everyone.
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Circe was a nymph or witch in Homer's Odyssey. She prepared a feast for Odysseus' men, laced with a magic potion that turned them into pigs. Eventually, after Odysseus (or is it Ulysses?) out-tricked her with help from the God Hermes and spent a year on her island, she told him how to get back to Ithaca.
Quote: Originally posted by Fouksia
Ooh, that's so cool and interesting. I love the thought that went into the premades' names. Also in regards to this thread: I've mainly just been doing sympathy winces for Lazlo... "Oh dear, honey, no you probably shouldn't be trying to first kiss her, oh sweetheart no, please do not try and hug her..." |
Odysseus and Ulysses were the same person. Odysseus is the Greek name, Ulysses is Roman.
I'm surprised how many people don't know this story. Do you also need Loki's name glossed, or is he familiar enough from the Marvel movies? It's more of a misnomer for him, though, because Loki is a trickster rather than an outright evil god. Diana Wynne Jones's book, Eight Days of Luke, has a brilliant characterization of him, as one of those teen-agers who does things because they're cool and interesting and doesn't think about consequences. |
Marvel? no thanks. Though i have no questions about how to pronounce Loki. This is quite simple.
Loki is from Norse mythology and only got hijacked for Marvel's purposes. He's the one who convinced Thor to dress as a woman to visit the Frost Giants, turned himself into a mare in heat so Odin didn't have to pay for a construction project, and so on.
I do wonder if EAxis mixed up Loki and Odin, considering that in Norse mythology, Odin was associated with knowledge and frenzy along with a bunch of other stuff.
"You just put your child in her crib. Making a racket in the room where you have just put your child down to sleep is just a tad stupid, don't you think?"
And I need to read Eight Days of Luke! |
Everyone should read Diana Wynne Jones, yes. Fair warning, Blue Alien - although some of Loki/Luke's antics are referred to, she doesn't retell any of the NSFW adventures. Luke is accidentally freed by a teen-age boy and they hang out. The boy just wants to avoid his awful family and play cricket, but Luke can't help creating havoc. You know, boys will be boys stuff, setting buildings on fire, things like that. You'll catch more of what's going on earlier if you read up the Norse myths first, but since the protagonist knows squat about that stuff it's not necessary to your enjoyment of the first read unless you like being in on all the in-jokes and staying ahead of the viewpoint character.
"Oh, that's right, I get to play the Knowes!" As I open Widespot and remember I moved in families for the LGU kids and placed the Knowes in the new manufactured home development, in the first slot of the rotation. But all I did today was furnish their trailer. |
Thanks, Peni. I love DWJ and Norse myths, so I don't know how I missed this one. Just placed a hold on it at the library.
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"This has to be the most stupid combination of turn ons/offs I've ever seen."
Setting up a new uberhood. Lola Curious rolled fitness and fatness as turn ons and athletic as turn off. "Why don't you want to do something useful with your life?" After finding the upteenth family Sim with the the "raise 20 kittens/puppies"-LTW. |
"Ugh, no, that is the last thing she needs."
Gabe O'Mackey married Patricia Wan and they both wanted to go on vacation. I heard baby chimes when they ACR woohooed in their hotel room, and noticed their hunger was down. I had Gabe order room service, and at first accidentally clicked on the cheesecake option. After saying quote above, I quickly changed it to hamburgers. (If a pregnant Sim eats cheesecake it changes the pregnancy to twins). "Well, crap, she was having twins anyway" when I see the notice about TWO babies being on the way. There is not room in the O'Mackey house for Gabe, Patricia, Jules and the twins, so I'm thinking about sending Jules to college the next rotation. Edit to Add: "Oh for... do Patricia Wan and Cleo Shikibu have twin tokens?" Cleo Shikibu married a Sim I made for her, and they both rolled the want for a baby. They ACR woohooed and I heard chimes. When I checked the ACR pregnancy scanner, It indicated that they would have twins. Patricia had boy/girl twins, and Cleo had boy/girl twins. |
I always said Surse. Loki I'm never sure whether it's low-key or low-kye. (I'm not a superhero fan at all.)
Low-key. Which is ironic as heck. (He didn't start as a superhero; he's a Norse god.)
"No fucking way Brandi"
"I think I selected the Duracell bunny by mistake"
Richard Carlyon wanted to go on a date... ...and another one... ...and another one. He ended up going on six dates, each in a different part of Polgannon village so that I didn't get bored, before he finally admitted he was tired and needed to go home. I think he kept going for two Sim days. This was particularly impressive since before this, he'd done two hours of yoga to increase his Body skill and gone to work for another seven. |
...after Vidcund Curious got pregnant right after Pascal gave birth :o "...No...stop it you're just making him uncomfortable..he's not into cougars.." At my elderly sim trying to flirt with the boyfriend of her daughters best friend ![]() |
@MintFinch Hahah that's exactly what happened to my Vidcund too!! I probably said the same thing... I love me some little green babies
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"Yes, Garry! That's precisely why she asked you to join her in the hot tub." (It was the very first thing Garry said when he got in beside Gloria! And it was indeed exactly what she wanted.) |
"DUDE!!! BROSKI!!! WHY DID YOU PUT THE TRASH ON THE FLOOR!!" "What are you doing!! There is no trashcan up there!!" "IGNORE THE CAT YOUR SON HAS JUST BEEN BORN" |
"Emma ! Why are you pregnant again ?" - The farm is so crowded that Gaïa had to move out. One bathroom for 6 sims isn't enough.
Then I used Simblender's pregnancy scanner. "Damn ! Why are you expecting twins ?!". |
"Where are you going?" "Seriously?"
Jason Greenman was asleep upstairs when I directed Rose to make Mac and Cheese. She got the ingredients out of the fridge, but instead of preparing it on one of the the kitchen counters, she goes upstairs to prepare it on the counter in the bathroom next to where Jason is sleeping. She then took it back downstairs to cook it. I checked her relationship panel, and their chemistry had changed from two bolts to three bolts. Since this is the stupid shit three bolt Sims do all the time, I knew I was going to need to remove the counter from the bathroom to stop it. I removed the free counter, and put in a pedestal sink that didn't require a counter. "Fucking Family Sims" Just when I was about to leave the Greenman house, Rose and Jason ACR woohooed and I heard baby chimes. They have Daisy and a born in game daughter named Leah, and since their house is small I don't know where the hell I'm going to put this baby. |
"Nononono don't go and slap her, I just got you two talking again!"
"I SAID STOP. DON'T DO IT" "Eh, whatever, go ahead. Have fun" Lilith and Angela Pleasant living in the same dorm wasn't the best idea. Thankfully freshman year is over now so I'm moving them and their respective boyfriends into separate houses. I thought that aging up into young adults, they might be a little more mature and decide to at least attempt to get along, but nope. "The bisexuals are taking over Pleasantview... it's going to be awesome!" I use a random number generator to work out gender preference then set it manually through ACR, since the ACR randomiser seemed to just be making everyone straight. It should work out at 80% straight, 10% bi and 10% gay, but Pleasantview ended up being 25% bi. As a bi person myself, I love it! |
Sung to one of my toddlers, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little idiot...well you are, or you're gonna be, because you are a Sim!"
"WHAT is going on there?"
It's early morning, and loud noises are coming from Ramaswami apartment. Both Priya and Sanjay are chilling at playground. |
"Tara WHY? You're still a teenager!"
Of course she got pregnant on the first try too. Just after Dina also got pregnant autonomously, after just having a baby. So Armand is going to have to deal with a pregnant wife and pregnant daughter at the same time, and the house is going to be full of small children. Great. |
"Okay, I just heard the falling-in-love noise--when did I unlock the employee room?"
Two customers decided to get it on in a sofa back there. |
Yesterday: "I know, that was really mean of me."
Said after locking in a Knowledge sim's want to get engaged to a Romance sim...that had a fear of getting engaged to him. So, after popping the question he got +5,000 points, she got -3,500 points and became pretty moody after that. He immediately rolled a want to get married, but I'm waiting until she rolls a fear of getting married to him before granting the want. Why yes, I do enjoy drama in my game, and these two should make for an interesting couple. ![]() |
I never figured out why a sim would say yes if they had a fear of getting married.
For the same reason Sims who want to make out sometimes reject the interaction. Because this game is dumb.
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Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Social pressure/expectation that it's the "normal" thing to do? Not wanting to disappoint parents who are pushing them to tie the knot? The assumption that their fears are just "ordinary nerves that everyone has" and that once they've actually done it, they'll be happy? Fearing losing their partner altogether more than they fear the commitment of marriage? Good old gold-digging? There's a lot of storytelling potential in a sim who fears marriage doing it anyway. |
I am SO keeping you guys for when I'll upload these outfits...
As I am testing stuff in my test 'Hood using testers I created for test..ifications. They are just too handsome, they are going right into my SavedSims folder. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Well, for all sorts of reasons people in real life accept a proposal and get married all the time, even when there are doubts. Why should sims be any different? As for this couple, for a Romance/Popularity sim she has been pretty faithful (ACR2 and freewill always ON can really tear a relationship apart sometimes), and really into the guy. He is Knowledge/Family, and they were already going steady (Adults Go Steady mod), so when he rolled the want to get engaged to her, it did not surprise me. Her having a fear about, just made it more interesting. While I like having couples in my game, I'm not one for having perfect couples...that gets boring real quick. |
It's the proposal that annoys me I think. It's not just saying yes; it's saying yes! ecstatically and throwing yourself into the other person's arms. That doesn't look like you're uncertain about it.
Well, if she doesn't have a fear of getting married then maybe she's decided it's not so bad after all. |
Me: *sighs* How can we potty train the twins if you're wetting yourself on the floor! You're a nanny! You should at least know where the toilet is! You know the one right there?!
Nanny waves at me and whines that she needs the toilet while both twins are exhausted, stinky, and a little hungry. Then she pees all over the floor. Fabulous. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Kind've wished they'd made a third animation, where they accept but look nervous about it. |
I know I didn't have enough money to pay you Nanny, but stealing the toilet and backdoor is just plain crazy.
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Same goes for sims that roll a fear for having a child. Sure, you don't have to make it seem like the parents would sooner abandon the kid in the darkest corners of the lot but at least let them show some kind of apprehension at being handed something they are currently terrified to have. |
I thought everyone is a bit scared of marriage/having children myself?
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Most people get nervous about big life changes, even ones they know they really do want.
"Alright Dad, Mom's got the day off, so today's your day to....do whatever the f*ck you want while she takes care of the house for a change. Ain't it nice? Hahaha *voice goes softer and hoarser* enjoy it while you can you're back on diaper duty tomorrow." |
"Isabel, you cannot possibly be pregnant again. You just gave birth to twins yesterday" as Isabel Baldwin slides herself into a bath rather than take a shower (mod only allows autonomous baths for pregnant sims). Pregnancy scanner confirms baby on the way. This is the second pregnancy for her while on Birth Control and in the past week. Just... what sort of witchery is this?! Thank god I decided against aging off. By the time she has this one, she should be too old for any more!
Of course, now I have to move them out to a different home, because their original apartment is already too crowded. |
"Why am I spending so much time looking for a house for a family I'm not even gonna play?"
I made a family to model a big project I'm working on, so I wanted to put them in a proper house so I can take some proper pictures, but.... "Good god! This house is both huge and pointless!" The BV Mansion. Geez... |
*after Sim pulls off a ventrilo fart and the other Sim laughs away*
"I'll show you a real fart." *my Sim rips one, causing others around her to wince from the smell* |
Quote: Originally posted by Devon Aster
Mind if I ask what that is? |
Almost the entire party Weiss, went with the words "Oh no, do not beat him!" and "Do not hit her!"
Sometimes inviting Penny's friends is very reckless ... |
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Sorry, didn't get a notification on your post. Autonomous Bath Fixes by twojeffs. I forgot they're also allowed to bathe if their comfort is less than half, but I rarely have sims that get that low. |
useful mod, thank you.
I admit, I stayed on that page a bit longer to watch his avi getting attacked by a ball... ![]() |
My friend once asked me to time how long it took for my game to load. After I told him it was an hour, he was like "you really need to get rid of some mods."
Things I've said? I would probably get banned for that. Let's just say that I understand why God has a "Smite" button on his keyboard.
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When TS2 gives you struggles, make memes
"damn! It's a girl. I wanted a boy! I was going to call him Gonzalo!"
"Well what about Gonzala?" "Is that a name?" "Or Gonzalette?" "I prefer Gonzala" "Or call it Gone and put it up for adoption" Don't worry, I didn't put poor Gonzala Newson up for adoption just for being a girl ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by AmandieLove
I saw that one but with different labels. Can't remember where I saw it, pinterest or Tumblr, but basically, the guy was 'me,' girl walking by was 'new cc' and old girlfriend was 'my download folder.' |
A lot of my exclamations are when my sims decide to do anything other than eat when their hunger bars are in the red.... seriously I swear some of them have death wishes. Walt Cavanaugh decided to go play on the swingset despite his wife Lillian having served up some lovely mac and cheese for him. He uses the swing more than his son!
Also general 'no, no, no! what are you doing getting into bed with him? You're pregnant with your husbands child! How did you even get into this guys house?! Where did you come from? ABORT ABORT ABORT' as i frantically cancel the actions and get him to say goodbye to his guest. I do love ACR but it gives me heart attacks sometimes... |
Speaking of mods trying to give you heart attacks...
Over the weekend I was playing Carlos Contender in Belladonna Cove. I had decided to let him be the romeo he's always believed he could be but wasn't cuz he was always too busy focusing on his career. I had moved in some girlfriends (3) and set up a no jealousy, free love type lot for him awhile back and he already had two kids. Then I played him again this week and had the most stressful toddler experience of my life. ACR decided all three girlfriends should be pregnant at the same time and I'm like, "Um... okay? I guess." Then the births came and Triplets and Quads decided to give me triplets, twins, then another pair of triplets. I was like "Oh, you've got to be #@$*-ing kidding! So, it's like that, huh? Fine. Challenge accepted. I use an aging mod, so while it meant I had more time for the toddler stage, it also meant that I had ten toddlers at once. Ten. Again, one of the more stressful simming experiences, but I did it. All ten are kids now and all skills were learned including the nursery rhyme. Needless to say, though, that Carlos will be investing heavily into the boarding school projects that the Belladonna Construction Committee just decided to build, for no reason at all. And he definitely is going to get a vasectomy. |
Quote: Originally posted by Nairn
"Okay, that is a scary noise." ...said as my computer randomly started whirring loudly for no apparent reason, and I immediately dashed to save my game.
Quote: Originally posted by Kunder
Haha! Clearly doesn't like his wife's cooking, me thinks he's a bit of a perfectionist, they're both business moguls and neither of them have spent much time learning to cook. Their teen child has been hitting the cookbooks since he started out with the kids oven, hope he has better luck pleasing his dad! |
@StrangeTownChick check your fan
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"Thanks for turning off the TV, b*tch."
This was WHILE one of my college sims was watching television and one of the dormies decided to turn it off RIGHT in front of him. Pardon my french there. :p |
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Quote: Originally posted by AmandieLove
Found it! |
Me, as I give sims makeovers after they aged up.
"Aw, she's so cute. Look how cute she is." "She's so pretty." "She looks just like her dad. She's so cute." |
The other day, I built a 2 bedrooms house. I was really proud of me.
- Wait! What! How come there's no bathroom in this house ? |
Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
I turned that into a luxury dorm once. It was great except that I forgot to put a cafeteria in there and also had nodormieprotect on. It soon became famous as being the only dorm from which more Sims had died than graduated, apart from that time I demolished a dorm I'd built three semesters into its existence... |
"Of course the first thing you guys would be talking about is her!"
This is while Frank was on the phone with his best friend. Immediately they started chatting about their girlfriend who they're both in love with. Proof that Sims will always be thinking about their loved one, even if we players don't always notice it. |
"The things I do for my game..."
"I need clothes for my sims" when my founders turned into elders.
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
The "Awwwww...Borje skamooj", "MUUuuh!", or just, plain "Awwwe" complaints, whenever I get them a nice decoration..... WHERE'S that "SMITE" button?!? ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Essa
In a way, I enjoy Sims suddenly having a completely new wardrobe of clothes, when they either proceed to the next stage of their lives or when their current outfit(s) are deleted from the game. As long as you don't save when you exit to the neighborhood, it will be an intriguing roulette experience to see what the game picks for you. Recently I removed Frank's old outfit from the game because I wanted him to wear the improved version. As a result the game gave him the orange workout attire as a temporary crutch to his everyday wear. Compared to the more barbaric set of clothing I've seen the game select, this wasn't too bad. ![]() |
After a downtown outing, Jodie Larson and Consort Capp decided to get it on in Armand Debateau's hot tub. Oh, ACR, you turn my beloved game into a porn movie. Also, "I really need to sort out my FRAPs folder." |
"How bad is the lunchtime traffic jam, exactly? Also, is this some sort of taxi go-slow protest?"
I loaded up the Berger household to find 10 taxis queued up outside his house, and the game apparently loading more in a seemingly endless stream. The taxi the Bergers were in never arrived, so I had to move the family out. OOPS! Pity the picture didn't come out properly. It was hilarious. |
"Okay, time to fix your face again." -.-
"Goddamnit! Your face is stuck once again!" There are times in which a Sim will be continuously smiling like they're passing gas, and it often looks stupid at times they do certain interactions like kissing or singing. Unless they are skilled at singing through their nostrils, I wouldn't recommend such humiliation. Sometimes I find it amusing the second that smirk is wiped from their faces and their expression ends up looking more absurd as part of a normal reaction. Imagine a Sim suddenly changing their countenance in the middle of a whistling animation, either from swooning or the 'wolf whistle' flirt. |
In one of my old hoods, my self-Sim's face got stuck in a smile while she was watching another Sim die....
So I've got 10-12 sims on the lot, mostly visitors, and they divvy up naturally into 5-6 pairs who would make excellent friends for each other if only I could get them sitting down together somewhere to chat and friend up. But one of each pair is redlining on some crucial need or other, and by the time I've got them sorted then the other one of each pair is starting to redline, and half of them need to go to bed even though it's still early evening, and half of them need to fun up, and there are more sims needing bathrooms than there are bathrooms and ....
"Oh for fug's fugging fuggity-fugging fug's sake. Max-fugging- motives." Or words to that effect. |
"Are you f*** kidding me?!" when Electra gave Lenny his first kiss a few seconds after getting her first kiss from Timaël. o_O
"Would you please stop looking down at his crotch?!"
It's almost like every time my Sim would dare stare downward at any her lovers' you-know-what after some kiss. I know it's really the base of their skeleton, but nonetheless that's just being naughty. |
@kamoodle5 - fun fact: in Source Engine games, if either a weapon or playermodel is missing the information on where to attach it, it'll wind up doing this:
Now that looks so wrong. XD
Judging by his expression, I'd say he agrees with you!
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Oh dear, why does it attach there of all places if the attachment info is missing?
Edit to add: I've seen male Sims look down at their female lover's breasts, and female Sims look down at their male lover's crotch after kissing. It always appeared to me that Sims like to check out their lover's er "assets". |
@Orilon - the model origin (base) of the ragdoll is at the crotch, and when it doesn't know where to put the weapon, it sticks it there. It's still pretty funny. In the early days of Garry's Mod (a Source Engine sandbox, if you will) the default playermodel was a T-posing scientist with the weapon sticking out of his crotch. It's become something of a running joke, and this was actually one of the menu backgrounds a while:
"How did that guy get in here?!"
A male streaker had entered the ladies' room just now. I knew cow mascots could do that as well, but that was really awkward. |
Aah this thread is so inactive lol
"Nice! Double smooch in a row! Lucky girl!"
"Oh, now a third one?! Geez!" It's like my Simsona's lovers are trying to better each other by seeing how well they can smooch her. |
"Denise Jacquet, you are sick!"
I know 'admire' is only regarded as a friendly interaction, rather than romantic, but there's just something really wrong about a woman following her son into the bathroom so she can admire him. |
I could see that as her telling him how proud she is of him.
"Oh my, you look exactly like your mom, Eve. Wait, where is she? OH NO NO NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
At Eve Gavigan's birthday party, ACR decided to make Mary remember how things were when she was married to Nathan - who cheated on her with almost every woman in the city, now married to Ginger Newson. I feel like I'm taking care of a bunch of toddlers while playing with my Sims, not being able to look away for a second without having one of them to mischief completely. I just didn't want the divorce to interfere with the relationships between Nathan and his children, so I invited him to the party... Why, game? Why? Well, at least she didn't get pregnant of him. Yet. |
"Are you gonna clean that up?" after nanny pisses herself. She walks off after standing in it for a moment.
"Evidently not, you dirty cow." |
"Oh God another toddler" after Phil Collensworth and his wife's son Michael grows up to be a toddler.
I'm playing Sedona and each household has at least two toddlers. I'm really getting tired of toddlers at this point. |
"These thumbnails hurt my eyes."
I went all the way back to the beginning of the hair section to see if I could find something. So many of them are distorted or low-quality that I wonder just what the standards were then. |
Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
At the very beginning? Probably "it provides a hair that causes no technical problems, reasonably resembles the provided information and is categorised correctly (think: no hairs uploaded as if they were tables or game mods)". Obviously the criteria expanded as people got better at creating hair. |
"Knock it off and get away from the stairs" said to both of Aaron Atkins toddler sons. Both toddlers were driving me up the wall. His son Bryan was on the ground floor trying to go up the stairs to get into the kitten's food, and Caelum was trying to get downstairs to either make his brother's bed or get his bottle. I finally got Lilly to feed them, but ugh I hate toddlers. (Supposedly I have stairs that let toddlers use them, but they aren't working. So the little shits were whining about not being able to use the stairs instead of doing anything else.)
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