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Working for six straight hours in new shoes has absolutely killed me. I don't think I can stand back up!
.... ^ Why not just get up and leave...?
Nothing like a power cut in the middle of a frustrating, important IM conversation to end the day. |
I swear, I'm fucking tired of douchebags honking or whistling like idiotic perverts when they pass by me. I sometimes want to put a fucking potato bag on my body.
I am too bored to do anything and procrastination isn't making 'having fun' easier for me. Blegh.
Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
That wouldn't even stop it. I swear they actually do this when I'm looking at my absolute worst and I just stare at them like, 'Really? Really? This is your idea of attractive?' |
Pissed at myself because I can't figure out how to make something work on the computer cuz it's giving me a stupid message that I can't understand. I feel like I can't figure out anything anymore since I stopped playing Sims and messing around with the folders all the time.
I abhor Windows Live 'Essentials' 2011 and now it's forcing me to 'upgrade' otherwise it won't let me use MSN. I think I need to switch to Skype permanently -.-
I want to watch American Dad so much, but my mom wants to watch Pregnant In Heels. I HATE ROSIE POPE'S VOICE! I'm blaring Avenged Sevenfold and that won't block out her voice. Plus, my mom's been watching TV for three hours. I only watched a half hour of Maury this morning. Trivial rant, but meh.
Some people just have to bring out the negatives of positively everything.
Why? Why do these people exist? |
Ehem, I am guilty of that, cupcake. Though I don't do it all the time and with everything...ok maybe I am not so guilty after all.
I am exhausted, I have tons of things to work out and this damn texture of a dress is pixelated and I can't recolor it but I can't redo it. DAMN! |
I haven't seen my roommate from college for about six months, even though we went to school together and she doesn't live that far from me. I asked her if she wanted to do something next week and now I really wish I hadn't. Imagine a line with A at one end, C at the other and B in the middle. I live at point A, she lives at point B. Instead of meeting in the middle (say, around where we actually went to school), she's asked me if we can meet at C with another girl we went to school with. Basically it's really convenient for her and the other girl but incredibly inconvenient for me because that makes it into about an hour round trip on a Thursday evening with no public transport there, whereas for them it's only about ten minutes to get there. Not to mention the last two times we've met up it was at C instead of a mutually convenient place. Also, as much as I like the other girl, I'm kind of annoyed she's invited her along too...I'm not as close to the other girl and now I'm not going to be able to talk about some of the things I wanted to tell my old roommate so it kind of feels like a wasted catch-up.
I'm too indecisive. It bugs me.
It's hot and sticky and humid outside. Ohgawd why did I ever agree to move out of a desert. T_T
I can't find my Sims 3 Pets disk and I need to reinstall my games and now I'm pissed/sad. Mostly sad.
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After this weekend there'll be closures on the train line I use to get into the city for the next three weekends. This is so frustrating. Why does it have to be three weekends in a row?
I wish I knew why I feel so pissed off at times...
*clears throat*
5thop 7yp!n6 l1k3 7h!5, d0uCh3b465. *clears throat again* I feel better now. I hate douchebags. I fucking hate them. Those Jersey Shore-ish douchebags. |
Came down with some horrible cold the day the monthly arrived. Blah.
(Talking of cold, winter sucks. I wish I was in the Northern Hemisphere right now). |
My feet hurt so much.
My 18 year old brother is going away for a week with four friends to Austria (or France, it wasn't totally clear) for the first week of July. I know this is going to sound so childish, but I cannot believe my parents are a) letting him go and b) PAYING FOR IT. When I was 16 my friends wanted to go to Paris for five days but my father said there was no way I was going, even if I paid for it myself. I know 16 is two years younger, but my brother and his friends are not exactly what you'd call mature, whereas at 16 my friends were just about the most responsible people in my year at school. Further to this, my brother and his friends can legally drink whereas at 16 we wouldn't have been able to drink in France even if we had wanted to, and my brother and his friends are planning on going mountain biking while they're there, so there's much more potential for things to go wrong. In the end I didn't get to go to Paris and all my friends went without me (they all got food poisoning while they were there, so I'm actually glad I didn't go in a way).
The worst part of it is that he'll be gone for my mother's birthday and I know he didn't even consider that when he and his friends booked it. In fact, I don't think he's even realized yet, and I'm betting he won't get her a card or a present. |
Stop tagging me in pics I'm not even present. Seriously.
It's hot out and my pool isn't ready. Bleh. Excuse me while I lay down on my bed, turn on every fan in my room and cry because I need to go swimming.
EDIT: Some sixth grader's status says, "Singleeee anddddd lovinnnggggg itttttttttttt!" Okay, first of all, my eyes are bleeding from the excessive use of letters. And they aren't even in the right place! Say it out loud before actually making it your status. I can get using, like, one or two extra if it at least sounds normal. That just sounds idiotic when you say it out loud. Use it on the right damn letter! Is that too hard to ask? Second, you're in sixth grade. You're, like, eleven or something! You shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with! When I was in sixth grade (back in the day) I was only worried about friendships. Not sucking face! I'm going to be sixteen and I haven't had a real relationship yet (I had one, but I barely count that), so ten year olds definitely not! Wait until you're older. Enjoy not having to worry about that! It's statuses like these from eleven year olds like this, who shouldn't have Facebooks to begin with, that make me hate my generation /rant over |
im sooo gutted that England just got kicked out of the Euros
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^ Italy deserved that win, England really didn't play very well. Ahwell, always next time!
I left my USB in a computer in the IT room, and didn't realise until I got home like 3 hours later.
All of my IT work is on there and nowhere else. I'm screwed if I can't find it. >_< |
A friend told me yesterday that this guy we both know told her that he organizes girls he knows into a 'pyramid'. The lucky (ha) girl/s at the top are the ones he thinks are the most attractive and he tries asking them out first, and if none of them say yes he moves onto the second tier, then the third etc. My friend asked him if he didn't think that was unfair on a girl in one of the lower tiers, because if she said yes then she wouldn't be his first choice and he replied that if she was sleeping with him then she'd automatically get moved to the top of the pyramid. He is not exactly a catch and despite making passes at just about every single girl we know over the past year (including both of us) nobody has said yes. Despite this, apparently he is under the mistaken impression that one of my friends really likes him, but he thinks she isn't good enough for him. This girl is the sweetest person in the world and she has never given him any sort of sign to suggest she likes him, because she doesn't at all. I can't believe he thinks he is too good for her. He'd be damn lucky to get a girl as nice as her and I'm pretty sure he never will, especially considering his revolting arrogance. He thinks if a girl so much as glances in his direction she must be interested. He is so sleazy.
Waiting for exam results is like a slow, painful death.
It's a really shitty day out and I don't want to do anything. Blah.
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I've been so tired lately and no matter how much sleep I get, I never feel awake enough.
Insomnia is a bitch, yo.
My phone is the biggest piece of crap. I'd buy a new one but I have the feeling my parents are going to buy me one for my birthday but that isn't for another 2 months.
^ Same issue, except that all the phones here are way overpriced. Why would I pay 4700 pounds for a phone? Can it dance?
My head is splitting in two and I want to crawl back to bed. |
There's a massive bite on my arm and it's really itchy. I have no idea where I even got it from. I was wearing long sleeves pretty much all weekend and I spent most of yesterday inside. I hardly ever gets bites as well.
My room is surrounded by noisy things. A bathroom, the air conditioning (both inside and outside components), the laundry room, and the loud as hell water heater.
I haven't woken up naturally once since we've been in this house because it's so dang noisy in this room. Also, I want to go to VidCon ![]() EDIT: Chore lists never last more than a day in my room. |
My spine is near breaking in half. I need a new mattress and I desperately need AC in my room.
I wish magic was real.
The sales woman at New Look in Oxford today was really rude to me after I disagreed about the price of a dress at the till which was on a rack (with numerous others the same as it) and the entire rack was advertised as being 10 pounds when in fact this particular dress, and all but three styles of dresses, were actually 20 pounds. I told her in no uncertain terms that I was unimpressed with the price and that it was false advertising as well as saying I didn't appreciate her reaction to my dismay at being told the dress was double the price advertised.
Me thinks I shall be writing to the manager of that store and complaining. Grrr |
I just found this episode of My Strange Addiction,
And...ohmygosh 38KKK breasts and you want them larger? Okay, I can understand wanting to be sexy/attractive/get second looks/all of that, but whoa. I respect that it's her choice, and that it makes her happy. But all of the complications and the back pain and all of that? Twenty-two surgeries. A few (It didn't state how many) ribs removed. 85 fl. oz of saline in /each/ breast. Jesus I. Christ, woman. If I was a guy, that would actually be a turn off. I am quite happy with having a small chest, myself. *shrug* |
^ What kind of surgeon would do something like that? Seems kind of irresponsible for a surgeon to keep giving her breast implants, not to mention totally irresponsible of her when she has a young daughter to think about. Geez, personally I'd like smaller!
My school is rubbish I have offered to help out twice this week and I could'nt do it for reasons which my head of house mr shipmen. He still wants me help out but I am thinking he is having a lol if he misses up again what I am boing and that will be last the time helping him out with anything!
The teachers at my school do'nt like me as I am not prodicted A*, they do'nt want people with specail needs or those who are not predicted A*. Their attudies towards me are never good as I work harder and more than half the students of the school and I hardly get any parise or anything for it. The only thing I get is a peice paper at the end every term but if your predicted A*, a gifted and talented student or bad beahiouring and lay adout gets more praise and attention from the staff. I work so hard and for what! To make the school look good!!
You would've thought my worries would go away as soon as we moved, but nooo, now there's a new set of worries involving the old house. Will we get all our stuff out in time, how much money will we get if we take too long, will we get any money at all, what will happen if we don't.
Gaaaah. |
Australia's government was finally going to get somewhere, anywhere, on something to do with asylum seekers and boat arrivals and the number of people dying trying to get here, after playing politics with people's lives for only, oh, 4+ years? It wasn't a great solution, but it was something, and it was defeated in the senate by the greens refusal to support any kind of offshore processing, and the opposition being ridiculously out of character and joining them in opposing it. Sigh.
I don't know much about the asylum seeker debate at all, but I'm just angry at the fact that our government seems to not have the ability to actually do anything. |
^I just registered to vote and now I'm incredibly depressed because I know there's no one worth voting for come election time. Sigh.
In other news, I am dreading work tomorrow. We've been having the slowest week and today I spent an hour relabeling things that really didn't need relabeling just because I needed something to do. |
I feel worthless and empty. Like nothing I will do will ever make a difference.
I don't have the drive to do anything, but I'm too restless and depressed to sleep.
Which is weird, because usually if I'm depressed, I just want to sleep. Waagh. |
I asked my roommate if we could meet halfway between where we both live, about a fifteen minute drive for each of us there, and she text back saying, "Um don't know if I can get there." Well sorry, but I'm not asking somebody to drive me to where she lives (roughly half an hour), drive home (another half hour), then drive back later to pick me up before driving home again: essentially two hours in total for me, but less than twenty minutes for her. I don't know if I'm being unreasonably angry here, but this is making me so mad.
When I opened the mailbox today, a swarm of bees flew out. I now have seven beestings on my hands. This is terribly unpleasant.
My Animal Crossing game reset itself right after I got an island town.
Fark. EDIT: Just realized the one flaw in my plan for tomorrow... my monthlies are here. I hate traveling with them. Now I'm not even sure if I want to go. But I really do because I've been waiting for my birthday trip for a month. Damn girl-ness. |
85% at Literature and 83% at Grammar. Worst grades I've ever got. I hate myself.
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I remembered, at 2am this morning, that I had an appointment today at 8am.
So I refrained from going back to bed, took a shower, had a tiny panic attack, etc etc. ... And my mother tells me now that she canceled the appointment yesterday. Yeah, okay, thanks. |
I was looking forward so bad to summer break, and now that it's here, I don't want it. I'm just feeling so lost and empty and scared that this summer's gonna suck and that I won't find my place back in my hometown. I'm moving back home tomorrow so I should be packing my stuff already, but all I can do is sit here crying.
Doesn't it suck when you want to like a certain food, but you just can't?
Yeah. Lemon meringue (spelling?) pie and me. I'm trying to stomach it but it's just.. ech. Part of it is the fact that the lemon goo looks like egg. Uncooked egg. |
80% on my Macroeconomics exam, not only is it my worst grade ever but it's also unfairly low in comparison to what the others got knowing how much they actually knew.
Why do so many of the passive noises sims make have to sound so sexual? Ohmygawd.
No wonder Mom asked me if I do things on the internet. |
Crap. The desk I have my heart set on (it's a curved L desk) is not in the store anymore, and the prices are rising online.
My dad can make it for me, but he'd rather not... Again, crap. |
The movie Titanic is stalking me. It's on one of the MAX channels every single day. As if it KNOWS it's my very least favorite movie of all time.
I am back home away from my annoying cousin, she won't stop the damn screaming! But now I have to leave again this Thursday to go on vacation to the beach and I am so afraid the monthlies will hit then. I will be stuck home all day if that's the case. And I am so tired and my room is covered in sandy dust. The hell, nature?
Things just suck.
I wish we didn't have to sleep. I could get so much more done if I didn't have to sleep.
So much to do, so little time and inspiration to do it.
I ruined everything. A while back ago, I talked about my crush and how things got complicated and all that. A friend helped settle things down and my crush and I were friends again. We talked very rarely on Facebook but we did. One day after him disappearing off Facebook for over 4 weeks, he was online, I messaged him and we chatted a little and then he asked me to do a graphic design for him, I said yes, he said it won't be his picture that will be turned into a digital portrait, I said yes anyway. He sent some pictures via Yahoo and then I started working. The pictures were of a girl his age or younger, I thought she was his sister. My friend called, I told her what he asked and asked her if he had any sisters, she said yes but older than him and with short hair (the girl in the picture had long hair and was much younger). So she said that that must be his girlfriend.
I was in shock and I didn't know what to say, I had worked for three straight hours on a portrait of this girl only to find that she is his girlfriend. When he came on I asked him who she was and he said she was his girlfriend, I told him there's no portrait, he said ok thanks anyway and then I asked him "Why me?" He only said he asked me because he knew I would do the job because I was trustworthy, I told him he was manipulative and then he said ok thanks, bye. I talked this over with plenty of people and they said the way I reacted when I knew it was his girlfriend was wrong, this way I proved to him somehow that I DO like him and that I still love him. New year of high school ruined? Check. |
My mom yelled at me for not getting her Facebook bonuses. It's just Facebook! There's no need to be bitchy towards me because I didn't get your precious bonuses! -.-
EDIT: I haven't seen this dickface for a few months. Now, his face pops up. Can I crawl into a hole and die now? |
I feel like utter crap. I wish my brain had an off button.
Edit: And for god's sake, is it too much to ask for some privacy? When my door is shut KNOCK FIRST, then WAIT for an answer. |
I want to burn down my room. What the hell was I thinking painting my room bright pink?
I hate cleaning, so god damm much!!!
Dear people of the universe,
When I am listening to music, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT try to get my attention. Especially don't SHAKE my LAPTOP SCREEN in order to do it. And when you do get my attention after it has been strongly advised not to, don't just say nothing and have a retarded grin on your face. When I say "What?" at first in a somewhat kind tone, answer instead of keeping said grin on your face. When I get more irritated, don't yell at me. You only asked for it yourself for disrupting my peace. So, people of the universe, take heed and don't disturb me when I'm listening to music, because chances are I don't want to talk to you anyway. And don't you dare get pissy at me because you have nothing meaningful to say. And no, saying "hi" is not meaningful. Shove it up your ass. Thank you for ruining one of the happiest moods I've been in for a while. Sincerely, A very pissed off Hannah. |
Mum's foot is still too swollen to operate on, so the surgery has been delayed until Sunday at the earliest. Instead of being out of hospital by tomorrow, it's looking like even Monday might be a stretch.
Lost my wallet, I had $740 on my visa prepaid card. FUCK. MY. LIFE.
Some things are just so hard to say, especially when you know how hard it's going to be for the other person to hear them.
I really need to stop stressing so much.
I'm sorry if I sound really boring or condescending here, but what the hell is with 13 year olds posting photos of themselves on facebook with a caption about how they're drunk in the photo? In fact, not even drunk, but "drunkkkk", and apparently that was "a night to rememeber, even though I don't, haha." NO. Just no. You've just finished seventh grade for god's sake, you can't even drink legally for another eight years. How would you obtain alcohol? And why are you drinking it at a sleepover, what happened to an innocent game of truth or dare? Let alone posting photos on facebook of you and your friends apparently drunk. It's not like I don't drink myself, I do, but the first time I properly drank (as in alcohol not given to me by my parents in my home, but at a party) I was 16, and I was not drunk that time either. And why is your mother not saying anything when she can clearly see all your photos on facebook? WHAT IS SHE DOING? And oh my god, seventh grade! I slow danced with a boy at a school dance at that age and that was a big deal. Half my year still thought you could get pregnant from holding hands with a boy. What has happened in the past decade?
/endrant |
Phoeberg - If I could agree with that a billion times, I would.
Onto my vent. Why do people have to feel as if they have to put up a persona to get people to like them? That's not how it works; people are going to like you and people are going to dislike you. Deal with it and move on. |
My grandma made a comment today about how I don't really pull my weight around the house, after spending the whole weekend worrying about my brothers and being all sympathetic at them. Seriously, that's friggin bullshit. It's not like she's ever here to see what happens, because I'm not sure if she's noticed, but said brothers call her a "stupid old c-nt" and tell her to eff off every time she goes anywhere near them, so neither of my grandparents spend much time here anymore. I was the one that actually made the effort to spend some time with them over the weekend. I do pull my weight, I do what I can around the house, I try to be as bloody perfect as my family seem to need me to be. It's like, she was saying I didn't do much homework while I was at their place. Well, actually, I don't write 8-page science reports for fun, strangely enough. I did and do quite a bit of work, but can I not have some free time?!
It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get at the moment, I'm still tired, yet when it's night I simply cannot get to sleep. For the past two weeks it's been light by the time I've finally fallen asleep.
So far this summer, none of my now ex-friends have hung out with me. They either don't invite me, turn down my invitations, or I get invited but called at the last minute and told not to come. I don't even consider them friends anymore. Everybody I know has friends they text, call and hang out with all the time. Nobody has even bothered to check if I'm still alive or anything this summer. It feels like they don't give a shit, even though I've openly told them that I'm lonely or that I miss hanging around them. They just get pissy with me when I say it and ask why didn't I come all the times they invited me? Uh, you either didn't INVITE me or I got asked at the last minute to NOT COME.
This is probably going to sound really whiny, but...
It really annoys me the way my parents, in particular my mother, behave when I complain about feel ill or sick compared to the way they react to my brother in the same situation. If he so much as sniffs or coughs my mother immediately starts the fussing and the worrying, whereas with me she'll laugh and behave like I'm putting it on or exaggerating for sympathy, making really patronizing remarks to me, even when we were much younger. Even when I'm obviously not exaggerating I get the same response. When I fractured my wrist a few months ago it took my parents two days to agree to take me to hospital for an x-ray and even then they only did it because I said I'd take a bus there myself if they didn't. My parents didn't say anything when the doctor said my wrist was fractured and I had to have a cast either, no 'Oh, we're sorry we didn't believe you and told you it was only sprained and refused to drive the five and a half miles to the hospital.' It's not like my brother has any serious health issues that would warrant the difference either. He gets inhalers, which he hasn't even really used for about eight years, for asthma, but even if he was a little asthmatic as a child he sure isn't now and even when he was younger it was only mild asthma; he only ever had one asthma attack when he was two and frankly he's way fitter than I am anyway. It's just so frustrating to feel like nobody ever listens to you. |
One of my best friends told me today that she's transferring to another university. She isn't at all unhappy at our university, but another university in NYC has given her an opportunity that she can't refuse. I and our friend group are going to miss her so much. I don't doubt that we'll stay close friends and visit one another during breaks, and I think we'll find our way back to one another because we all intend to live and work in NYC when we graduate, but I'm really going to miss her for these next three years where we're not together all the time like we have been.
I have this friend who I love to pieces but all she can ever talk about is the boy she likes. No matter what subject we end up on, she'll turn it back to him in a roundabout fashion and I'm getting mighty sick of it being the only thing she talks about. It'd actually be nice to talk about myself with her for a change, but I'm sure she'd manage to direct conversation back to him even if I was talking about something like a price rise in tampons at the mall.
So here I was, reminscing about my wondrous time at Stanford...
...Yeah no. Today, July 10th, is the only date I can remember from those 4 days, because really, who had time to remember dates in the midst of screaming, needles and head probes? Not me. Yes, I did say screaming. For various reasons, too. Claustrophobia, creepy people staring into my hospital room window, and just plain not wanting to go. At one point, in the ER, I was literally screaming for them to let me out of the tiny room. Finally, someone came in and gave me medicine to make me sleep. Which was the first in a very long series of calming shots. That's how bad I was. Then, because my parents let slip that, very rarely, I (used to) scratch my forehead, they wanted to put this woman in my room at all times because apparently, scratching my forehead made me a danger to myself. This woman was dressed in what looked like a freaking hazmat suit! And no offense to her (maybe a little), but she was really creepy. There was something off in her head (then again, who am I to talk?). So, we managed to get her out of the room, but then it got even worse. She was stationed outside my room window, and just kept staring in at me. Staring. They, by some dumbass law, had to keep someone there. It got better when the shifts changed and a normal person was put there, but man, the noises that came out of my mouth before that time... this also ended in at least 2 calming shots. Sorry for the uber long post, I just needed to say all this somewhere. I probably have said most of it on here before, and I probably wasn't supposed to talk about the shots, but whatever, I don't care anymore. |
Last night I was feeling pretty tired by about 9.30pm. I read until 10.30, took two sleeping tablets (the maximum dosage is three tablets) and tried to go to sleep. I did not get to sleep until well after 3am. I admit a friend was texting me from around midnight until about 1.30am but even if he hadn't text I wouldn't have fallen asleep, that was just something to pass the time. Going to try the three tablets tonight because I have got to get some proper sleep.
Unrelated to last post.
IT'S HOT. IT'S SO DAMN HOT. It's 107 degrees and it's only going to get hotter until about six. Thankfully I'm here in the AC, but my dad is over at the old house working in the garage. I'm just hoping he doesn't overwork and overheat. |
Stupid vent but I'm tired and sick and my feet hurt: I have this weird lump/bruise thing on my eye and it hurts when I close my eyes and today has just been miserable.
Why do I always let nerves keep me awake the night before I have a doctor's appointment?
I have to go to the cardiologist in an hour and I'm too exhausted to function. |
Ugh, hayfever.
I am exhausted, my room is a mess and I am too tired to clean it up. I really want to change it's color and I won't stop nagging my dad about it.
I really don't like people who say they're big fans of a band because they know their most popular song. If I say I like a band, I know a few of their songs, and not just their well known ones.
I just want to curl up in bed and cry. I feel so awful and I've been snapping at whoever talks to me.
It's getting late and I'm seriously hungry. I tried talking to my mom and she was too busy assembling a cat toy that my cat won't have any room to play with. I was trying to get her attention for, like, thirty minutes. Just trying to see if she'd listen, I said, "Okay, I'm going on a homicidal rampage now." STILL NOTHING! I'm getting ignored for a cat toy that my cat won't even have room to play with? Awesome.
And there's nothing in this house that I can even snack on. Even more awesome. ![]() |
Yesterday afternoon, I was playing kickball with a bunch of friends and me, being stupid, decides to go barefoot. Well I run up to kick the ball and scrape my foot against the cement. I was in so much pain and I picked up my foot and I have a U shape cut and the blood was pouring. I almost fainted. We cleaned up the blood and I put a bandage on it and forgot all about it. I took a shower and then showed my mom who bandaged it up. Then, this morning I woke up and I was supposed to go to the pool but my dad said no because the cut could've gotten infected so we re-bandaged it up again. Then, my mom decided to look at it and said it was really deep so we went to the doctors office and they said I needed stitches but it was too late (thank gosh!). Then the doctor said that I had to wear tennis shoes for a week and I can't swim or walk on my foot because it is too painful
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What am I even doing with my life? Sometimes I think back to myself when I was younger, say seven, and I think 'What would she think if she met me now?' And then I think about myself as a teenager, maybe 15/16 and think the same thing and I just don't know the answer to either, really, which is weird when you think that I'm basically saying that I don't know what I think of myself. I think 15 year old me would probably be rather envious of me in some respects, but I don't think she'd be thrilled to actually be me, and seven year old me, while being initially impressed, would be downright disappointed, if not horrified, once she actually knew some of the things I'd done and what I'm doing with my life. I mean, I can remember myself saying all these things I would never do and I've pretty much done them all now. This is making me sound like I have some sort of split personality disorder...hopefully other people do this too.
I was hanging out with a guy I really like, and I am only about 290123890% positive he asked me out, but I was "what?" because I sincerely didn't hear him over the wind and he was just all "nevermind!" Now I have to gather up the courage to ask him
How do you tell someone to stop blathering on about something you don't care about without hurting their feelings?
I just have no motivation to do anything at the moment
![]() And its not even like i can pull myself out of this rut, because i have no money and no job and all my friends doo ![]() |
There were two loud bangs heard all over Northern Victoria last night, apparently. The local newspaper posted about it on Facey and everyone's all "GOVERNMENT TESTING MISSILES CONSPIRACY ALIEN UFO DRUG LABS!!!11!1!!1". Why do I live in a region with so many stupid bogans?
EDIT: Oh, and the hundreds of comments saying "I farted!" (especially from grown men). Ugh. |
I got told by a guy in my school, who added me on Facebook at the beginning of the summer vacation, he's one grade above me and all that, that he loves me. Right out of the blue, and he's been hinting ever since he added me, he wanted my phone number, he wanted to see me, and honestly I am flattered and all but this is damn creepy, I told him that I don't even believe him, how could he fall in love with me without even meeting me once? He only *saw* me at school once, ONCE! And we didn't even talk then...I told him flat out that I don't love him back and that I don't love anyone right now, especially that ungrateful, useless and manipulating crush I had.
Why do I always attract the guys that aren't right for me? And I just wish that someone new will be coming to school, everyone in my school is a douche bag, save a few lads. Blegh. |
I told that guy that I didn't really want a serious relationship with him, or anyone, and that although he's a great person I didn't think I could date him as it wouldn't really be fair on either of us. He took it really well (which perversely really irritated me, even though I should be pleased that the whole situation has been resolved without anybody getting upset or hurt) and asked if we could still be friends, to which I agreed, even thought I don't really think there's much point considering we barely know each other.
So there I am, relaxing in the knowledge that everything has been sorted out with everyone, when I get a text from the guy who took all his clothes off a few months back. I've seen him since and a friend and I went to stay with him for the weekend, which was fine. I thought we'd put that awkwardness behind us and that he'd realized he'd made a mistake. However he text me saying, "Maybe I can swing by and pick you up if you fancy getting away for a while." He lives 108 miles away from me. You don't just swing by from 108 miles away. It's not like he lives the next town over. |
I've been awful to everyone lately. Especially my dad, I've been snapping at him for petty little reasons and I am just so pissed off all the time.
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I know it's really cliche to period rant,
but god damn, monthlies are the most disgusting freaking thing ever. |
Kind of period related as well, but anyway.
My friend sprung the "if you use a tampon you lose your virginity!" line on me. Look who just arrived from the early 1900s! *facedesk* And to make it even scarier, she was told this by her mother, who is a freaking doctor. |
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