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PharaohHound 16th Jun 2011 8:24 PM

People who get all "high and mighty" about adopting dogs from shelters just piss me off. We all have to make the choice that's best for ourselves and our potential dog, shelters are not always that best choice. I got my dog (who is the love of my life) from a responsible breeder, and no-one will ever be able insult (this particular troll has called people "SNOBS" and "slave owners") or shame me into somehow thinking I shouldn't have gotten him. A perfect world is not one where everyone adopts from a shelter, a perfect world is one where shelters need not exist, and every dog has the advantage that comes from a responsible breeder.

Cruzy 16th Jun 2011 8:33 PM

Why do big bugs and birds constantly fly into my window?!

thedivineone 16th Jun 2011 9:03 PM

My room is the most humid and hot room in the entire flat. I am so blessed, aren't I?

The Raven 16th Jun 2011 10:30 PM

1) I have this feeling where I can barely move without it hurting. I want to go to the emergency room, but I don't want to move. I can't help but scream! It fucking HURTS, man!

2) I'm sweating my ass off!

3) We don't have any ice cream. I want ice cream.

lorenrose1013 17th Jun 2011 4:03 AM

I'm gonna be going away this summer, and my two best friends are gonna be here without me! Hmph. Then I'll feel all left out when I get back. IF I get back. My mom has pushed it from two weeks to six, and she hasn't specified yet.

thedivineone 17th Jun 2011 1:02 PM

My back is really messed up, I couldn't sleep all night because of it.

PharaohHound 17th Jun 2011 3:10 PM

Troll is still trolling away, this guy is seriously messed up ("LOL I WISH YOU SAW ALL THESE ANIMALS ! AND SMELL THEIR BURNING COURPSES !" ). Worse still, the admins are engaging instead of just telling him to simmer down.

DigitalSympathies 18th Jun 2011 4:14 AM

The Downloads pages result in a heap of code for me. Uh-oh, Spaghetti-O's.

Geah 18th Jun 2011 4:51 AM

^ Scroll down the the very bottom, downloads are there.

cupcake12winx 18th Jun 2011 9:40 AM

Well wasn't that a nice visit with my friend that I haven't seen in a month... until she brought up the jackass that's been ruining all our lives for nearly two years. Then she and our other friend left for the night. Now I'm alone and sad and bored and annoyed. Wonderful end to the night...

The Raven 18th Jun 2011 5:51 PM

I'm done with my "friends". They're a breed of human known as assholes. Assholes are conniving, evil, vulgar, crude and vile people. You don't want to have these people in your life. They'll screw you over big time. If you know anyone like this, DO NOT TRUST!!! They are untrustworthy!

People these days...

Rabid 18th Jun 2011 11:14 PM

I bought a dress at GAP and brought it home, only to find that the clerk forgot to take the plastic sensor off. So frustrating. I'm just happy that my dad knows how to demagnetize it in order to get it off, or else I'd be really pissed about needing to drive back downtown to the store.

thedivineone 19th Jun 2011 1:29 AM

That weird desire to smash, kill and burn everything in sight, what was it again? Oh, right. Headaches.

cupcake12winx 19th Jun 2011 10:49 AM

Dah, I want to say "happy Father's Day" to my dad in Italian, and I know how, but I can barely say it in English. Stupid stutter. Why can I say things when I'm alone but not in front of other people?

...And apparently trying to say this is ruining my ability to type properly...

thedivineone 19th Jun 2011 7:26 PM

I hate packing, this heat and humidity and having this bloody headache everyday at 7 pm sharp.

Beccapixie10 19th Jun 2011 11:30 PM

Dad's been too busy to check the tank in the last few weeks, so we've run out of water.
We're only getting a trickle of outside water at the moment as well because the channel isn't full enough and the estate's bore isn't working. -_-

Geah 20th Jun 2011 12:37 AM

^ Soooo fun when the water runs out, right? Do you have to get a tanker in? I think we ran out of water 4 times in the 8 years I was living at my old place.

Rabid 20th Jun 2011 6:17 AM

That's shitty, Nightly. If he's too troubled by your appearance to see the beautiful person that you are, then he's not worth your time or your tears, no matter how wonderful he may seem.

Beccapixie10 20th Jun 2011 8:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Geah
^ Soooo fun when the water runs out, right? Do you have to get a tanker in? I think we ran out of water 4 times in the 8 years I was living at my old place.

We have a second tank that we usually use for the garden when the channel's empty, so we've had that transferring all day [it transfers slowly and there's not much in there anyway, though.], and we're getting a tanker in tomorrow, but now our pump's gone and broken, and the plumber that was meant to come out 6 hours ago to fix it still isn't here. >_<

Nightly, that's horrible. Don't take his words to heart, and if he is judging so much on appearance, like Rabid said, no matter how good he may appear to be, he isn't worth your time. :\

minus. 20th Jun 2011 9:36 AM

My exam is starting in an hour and a half and I'm so not ready for it. It's my own fault because I've been bumming around for the last two weeks, so I can only hope it'll go just fine.

Rawra 20th Jun 2011 3:02 PM

I hate, hate, hate traitors! How could she do this to me? She was my fuckin' best friend! Or so I thought! Becoming friends with my worst enemy? What the FUCK is wrong with you? I've always respected her, treated her like my own damn sister! And what does SHE do in exchange? Betray me like the ultimate Judas! And THEN she even has the nerves to ask me "what's wrong, why're you sad?". But I didn't answer. I'm NOT talking to her anymore. I don't need false friends around me, thank you.

cupcake12winx 20th Jun 2011 3:30 PM

Minor vent, but I just dumped a full glass of milk because I brought it up here, then completely forgot about it. I just feel so bad about throwing away food because I either forgot about it or never felt like eating it when there are people out there who don't have anything to eat...

EDIT: Daaah, the temperature has risen almost 20 degrees in the last like hour, and it's supposed to be about 100 today. I have to sleep in that?!

Phoeberg 21st Jun 2011 1:11 PM

My father booked tickets for a concert for me and him a while back without telling me, which irritated me at the time, especially as we're going with a couple he's friends with who I can't stand, but I smiled and said 'Great!' when he told me. A few days ago I asked him when exactly the concert was, as I knew it was coming up near the end of June and he said it was next Thursday, as in June 30th. I just got a text from my mother informing it is in fact this evening at 8pm. What was he going to do, get home from work at 6pm tonight and tell me that we were leaving in a few minutes to drive there?

lorenrose1013 21st Jun 2011 6:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nightly367
I'm never gonna be good enough for anybody.

They're the ones who aren't good enough for you. One day though, you'll find the perfect guy who likes you just the way you are.

Ranta 21st Jun 2011 9:18 PM

Nightly367, I'm so sorry-- that's an awful situation to be in! But if you ask me, that guy wasn't worth your time in the first place. If he's honestly shallow enough that he passes up a great emotional connection and an all-around amazing girl just because of a few curves (which plenty of men would see as a major asset, not a detriment), his priorities seem way out of order. I hope you feel better soon-- and contrary to what you've said, it sounds like you're way too good for him.

My rant:

Well, I've been trying to get up the courage to cut my hair short. I absolutely love the way short hair (around the ears or just below) looks, and I'm so, so sick of my current hairstyle, but everyone seems totally against it. They keep pointing out how all of the hairstyles I like make the girls wearing them look like guys, and how I'll "never get a date that way".

It doesn't really make sense to me. Why is it so weird to think that I want to do something for myself instead of to attract guys? Having short hair would make me way less insecure, and it's not like changing my look will change who I am as a person. Besides, if someone is totally repulsed by me just because of my hair, that seems pretty shallow. Ugh, I hate the assumption that everything girls do should be for the sole purpose of finding a mate.

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