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Well, apparently I'm a sadist. I guess I could argue that I don't usually cause *physical* pain for my sims, but the amount of drama I create on a regular basis can definitely be called "traumatic", so... I'm just gonna... go into the corner...
In another thread simsample told me about these drainpipes (roof gutters and downpipes) for Sims 2 buildings. Years ago, in a previous life, I was a model railway enthusiast, and all the building kits, especially the German plastic ones, came with little gutters and downpipes. Even house kits for the tiny 1:220 scale Z Gauge which I used latterly had them. So I was kind of surprised not to find drainpipes on Sims 2 houses. Why didn't Maxis think of them?
Anyway now that I know about these ones by Frillen I'm going to start putting them on my Sims 'houses. Frillen did the gutters by making them as fences. Why didn't Maxis think of that? I've also found two rather attractive hairs by Sizz. When I say "two" I mean the male and female versions of the "Usa" hair. I don't know how I never spotted them before. I've been using Sizz's "Hanui" hair since the very beginning of my game. (It's Julian's hair.) The "Usa" hair maybe isn't quite as good as the "Hanui", but it comes in two lengths for both sexes, and I rather like it. btw I like the pictures of the Sims that Sizz uses toillustrate his/her hairs. I'd love to know the backstory of those Sims. Of course all these have been around for years, and maybe everybody else knows about them. But they're all new to me! |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I don't really like the gender stereotyping he does. And as to the "4 players".... I'm neither of them. |
You can read those threads from Jake Simpson much easier on his twitter:
https://twitter.com/JustJakeSimpson...520117845491714 https://twitter.com/JustJakeSimpson...715854586957825 https://twitter.com/JustJakeSimpson...687600262090753 https://twitter.com/JustJakeSimpson...017714695704577
Quote: Originally posted by Orphalesion
Do you mean the demographic stuff they got from Sims 1? That was actual information from the game, that just happened to confirm some stereotypes. Sims 2 is a broader game, so would probably give different results. 'Modder' would have to be one; there are people who hardly play but just create mods. I am definitely a builder though- workd builder. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
No I was talking about the BS that games "need women on the team" so that the game can be "cute and whimsical" To me that's both stereotyping women to be interested in things that are cute and whimsical and stereotyping men to be incapable of thinking up such things. Yes, development teams should include both men and women, because they are both just as capable of doing the work required and both can contribute equally. People of all genders can be whimsical and people of all genders can be incapable or uninterested in it. |
1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Orphalesion
Maybe that's saying more about the actual women involved, not necessarily a stereotype. His following comment was pretty broad. ![]() Anyway, now we know that Lucy Bradshaw was the one who didn't think hot-tub threesomes were worth the coding time, how's that for fun and whimsy? ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Ahuh. I do not think of fun and Whimsy and Lucy Bradshaw together in the same thought. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Today I learned that my auntie shares a name with someone who worked on TS2? Upon googling it, that seems to be a common name, apparently, (so I don't think I'm in any danger of being doxxed lmao) but my god, that surprised me then. Thought I'd have to go and ask my Auntie Lucy a very stern set of questions... |
Yeah, Aunt Lucy, why no hot tub three-ways?
![]() |
Not gonna lie, hot tub three ways, as well as poly-amorous relationships for Romance Sims, would have been awesome. Can you imagine if they gave that its own little movie, like wih regular woohoo? hahahah
The Romancemod takes care of the poly-amorous relationships, but hot-tub threesomes still don't exist. |
Remember, Lucy Bradshaw was the main developer behind Sims 3 which did not have babies at the start. She obviously does not like sex-and especially hottubs or the menage a trois.
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I'm sorry, the sims 3 didn't have *what* at the start |
Do you mean Sims 4 and toddlers?
This little section on the decision to make custom content creation inaccessible to most was interesting (and annoying. I've spent what probably adds up to months of my life trying to force some semi-decent animations into this game). "BUT, they weren't about to put the content creation tools we used out there, because then other people could create content as good as the expansion packs that EA produced, which was a major source of $. So what they settled on was a graduating scale of 'easy to produce' content that users could create. So, reskinning an existing object was easy. Creating animations for that object wasn't too hard, assuming you knew the names of the animations that the object required.. ... and certain bones that were required so the Sim could stand appropriately infront of the object, and then grasp it, if need be. Adding Sim animations was nigh on impossible, and there was no way that EA was going to allow people to create their own scripts. Both from a "This takes $ away from us" and also from a "We always want this game to work" point of view. Allowing users to create scripts invites scripts that crash or are buggy or drag performance down. EA wasn't about to take money out of their own mouths, so this and the object packaging system was never described publicly. Of course we inside knew this would be reverse engineered within weeks of release, but whatever. Gotta make the suits happy. One of the biggest PIA was releasing the sim builder tool early, about 2 months before the main game was released. It was a good marketing and business idea, but from a tech point of view, it was incredibly limiting. We literally could make no changes to the Sims definition at all, once that tool was out. Couldn't fix anything or add anything. It was quite limiting, although, like I said, a great way to boost interest in the game." |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Nhood building is the best thing since fried bananas. Weird looking on the outside, good tasting on the inside! |
Too epic not to post:
Simler90's Stair Straight Mod.
Doesn't look like it's compatible with Puppies/Toddlers use Stairs at the moment, but I don't even care. This is something that should have been implemented from the base game; finally a reason to use straight stairs again! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Amura
I'm a maximizer too. Been trying to kinda avoid that since I want to make a sorta real-ish setting... as real as a space colony can be, that is... so I start putting limits on things like selling, and of course the aspiration rewards. Thing is though, I might give certain Sims drinks from the Elixir of Life just to give them variety in lifespan and of course give them more years or fewer based on their lifestyles. Still, even lifestyles don't always guarantee long lives, as some super-fit runners would attest to if they hadn't keeled over suddenly. *cue Brew theme* |
I'm so in love with these record recolors
https://gardenofshadows.org.uk/gard...50877#msg750877 |
Allthehairs is back! :lovestruc (https://www.allthehairs.podserver.info/)
No more Google security warning and the spam is getting deleted! Speaking of spam, you now need to register in order to add a new entry, but I'm okay with that if it means getting one of my favorite databases back. And if anyone has some free time and wants to help fight spam/upkeep the database, check the "Leave a comment" page. |
A TS2 ruleset for the Decades Challenge...in Portuguese. Looks like something to build off of!
I like the idea of bin families. I want to add them in my hoods that get too inbred and need new blood. BUT I HATE how the bin families “escape” and end up in carpools, and come home from school with your playables.
So I got a bunch of clean neighborhood templates that got rid of those folk for good! But I still wanted to be able to add them in the hoods. It turns out someone has extracted them!! Now you can download each bin family individually!! https://maranatah.livejournal.com/106813.html? And it gets better. You can also download families from other premade hoods, without having to create an Uberhood. Think if it: Nina and Dina go on a road trip, get lost and wind up in Strangetown. But wait, there’s more! All the townies, downtownies, garden club, apartment life social groups. So you can have Goopy and Sandy Bruty can terrorize Veronaville!! From now on, when I run low on townies, I’m going to download some of these guys instead of making new random ones. There are also clean safe versions of premade dead sims. I don’t know what I’d do with them.. it’s not like resurrection — they’re just ready to go live in your hoods as if they never died. Not my thing. Sorry but I just love this. I can’t wait to need new blood in a town. |
all the townies you say... at last my uberhood will be (closer to being) complete!
Quote: Originally posted by kewpie
I often get tempted to delete the bin families. Especially since I play multiple neighborhoods and don't like seeing duplicate Sims. But then I remember the corruption thing. |
Quote: Originally posted by kewpie
Meetme also extracted them, but as subhoods you can add and delete, so they're families instead of inhabited lots - which is a lot safer to my knowledge, but what do I know. Then again theirs is grouped by EP, so I can't really have just the Ottomas family and not the Ramaswami family... |
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
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![]() ![]() :lovestruc ...You guys, between this and Chris Hatch's ski mod, my sims actually have a things to do in Three Lakes now! ![]() ![]() |
That half pipe is DEFINITELY going into my Strangetown. I always imagine Ripp and Johnny being skaters. You know that ugly tiny pool on the lot with all the shops? I picture it as an abandoned building with lots of broken old giant pipes laying around and they spend all day and night skating there.
With my slow aging mod, Johnny gets to be a teen for a week instead of just a few minutes. This is a dream come true. |
There's a new recently released version of the Walk To Work And Walk To School Mod that restores that interaction if it's gone missing in your game for any reason and it's available on this site.I've been using it and it brought functionality back to apartment lots which are fully usable again.
@kewpie That's a great idea! I was thinking of building a skate park in parking lot for Pleasantview for all the delinquent teens to hangout in. There's a box of skates mod on here that'll go well with the half pipe, too.
@TadOlson Which mod is that please, and why did that interaction vanish in your game? It seems to work for me in apartments.
For all of you (like me, who downloaded that halfpipe from Meduza) did you know a very long time ago, someone made a community lot for that exact thing?
Now we have a perfectly usable lot and the halfpipe! At the time it was made, you'd have to use cheats to use that half-pipe. https://modthesims.info/d/255955/co...skate-park.html |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
You would have to ruin their CFE shaping to place down the halfpipe. I am planning on making a lot for it. |
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I'm so glad to hear that. There have been many times I've googled a certain kind of community lot, and one of your MTS builds comes up and I LOVE it. The most recent one I can think of was the mini golf park. If you are building a skate park, then I know it's going to be good, |
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I'm sorry to have spoiled your fun! I know you like a challenge! ![]() |
@Simsample -I've not seen that ineraction since installing UC and others have had that with other actions they'd had before with disk installs.It's random chance if one action goes MIA or not and I just got that issue with walk to work and walk to school actions which made playing apartments almost impossible with working sims.The aparment residents were unable to hold regular jobs because that action was gone.
The Walk To Work and Walk To School Mod is HERE |
@TadOlson Oh, I always thought that mod removed the walk to work interaction!
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I saw Pleasant Sims doing this quiz on youtube:
https://www.allthetests.com/tests-f...know-the-sims-2 Although a bit of warning before you start: think base game. |
I got 22 out of 27 and it told me that it's "Time to move away from the computer and get on with your life!"
![]() |
You're not an addict, but you are a loyal fan! Good job!
You have correctly answered 18 of 27 questions. And to be honest I feel bad for not being a better simmer, I guessed on so many! lol. I've went back to lurking, sorry i've been quiet. I've been doing other things. |
Only 13 out of 27?
I definetely need to play more LOL |
18 out of 27. Yeah there's no way in hell I'd remember which zodiac has the most points in Outgoing or which career needs no creativity points or how much a career pays :-p
Though the first question is wrong....Sims CAN order Chinese Food in Sims 2! I don't remember what expansion it came with, but it's definitely there. |
@Simsample -It's the two older versions of that Mod that remove or restrict the action while the third one allows it though it's more realistic and in my case it restored the action to my game.This version was just releaded very recently and I've tested it in my game and it fixed one issue with apartment lots.
Quote: Originally posted by Orphalesion
I didn't look at the correct answers, I didn't realize they showed up but I knew Sims could order Chinese food. |
Quote: Originally posted by wickedjr89
Yeah, on that question I chose that they can't move to another neighbourhood. Which, is true, they can't. You can only package their lot into the lot bin and place it in another neighbourhood (which also corrupts both the neighbourhood they originally ere in and the one they are added to, iirc) They can move into sub-hoods, but sub-hoods aren't strictly called "neighbourhoods" (they are Down Towns and Shopping Districts) But then when I scrolled down to see which questions I got correct it was all "Oh sorry, you didn't pick the right answer which was 'they can't order Chinese Food'" which, they can. IDK maybe the quiz was only talking about the base game? (I'm pretty sure the Chinese Food came with an expansion) |
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
That quiz would be appalled to know we're all still here, fifteen years after it was written. |
Facial hair for women, here at MTS .
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() actually i had some i liked better; upper lip stubble was perfect for ugly witch. |
I saw a simmer (Sammy Frog!) use that mod for hilarious effect: she rolled romance for her alien sim, and his turn on was facial hair, and she decided to keep it while also keeping him straight because he's an alien, she reasoned, and so he's really into bearded ladies. And she made some beautiful bearded ladies for him to romance. It was great. |
1 Attachment(s)
Lazy Duchess made a mod that allows separates for ALL categories in CAS and when shopping for clothes! This is amazing and will probably revolutionize the way creators make clothing cc!
Sun&Moon have updated all their Livestock & Poultry into one download and added features
Barnyard Bash - Ultimate Livestock & Poultry Collection http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...p?f=240&t=10791 They also have added 2 new downloads Barrels of Fun - Coopering - a skilled cooper can construct sturdy and watertight barrels, tubs, and buckets. http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...p?f=240&t=10795 Wooden Wonders - Log Splitting and Woodworking - A sims can split logs into planks and beams to build an assortment helpful products (beds, tables, chairs, and most of Sun&Moon's Objects (from coops to troughs) http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...p?f=240&t=10794 |
I found an addition to the required mods list
https://claudettesims.tumblr.com/po...ut-ive-recently (I know this is CC don't @ me) |
A bright CAS fix. lazyduchess has been knocking it out of the park
https://lazyduchess.tumblr.com/post...-bright-cas-fix |
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
*is happy bunny* ![]() If this one works, that probably cuts the work I'd have to do for all those old, buggy meshes in half. I wonder if it also fixes the slight issue seen ingame with those same items... Probably not, but maybe there's now a possible fix for that, too? |
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
It's not CAS, but would it fix the 3D beards looking way too bright when changing appearance at the mirror? If I choose the big beard for my Sim, it looks at least 3 shades lighter than the 2D "shorter" beards. Edit: I'm having the same problem as this person: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=637375 I'll check out with both mods (ld and the one recommended in the thread I linked to) to see if it helps. |
^ Still no idea about the beard problem, although it could potentially be a mesh issue? Don't know if I/we checked that. Maybe it's the HasTangentArray issue, at least if it's a custom mesh. I don't think it's that if it's an EAxis mesh (but who knows?).
--- I haven't gotten around to test the mod ingame yet, but the bright bug issue hasn't just been a problem in CAS, although it's more visible there. On my old computer, I had this annoying issue where certain hairs would flicker in and out in certain lighting, sometimes looking decent, other times creating a sharp line between the face and scalp. ![]() This is one of the hairs that lacks the HasTangentArray line in the mesh file, and is also one of the hairs that shows up self-illuminated in CAS. I had the same issue with a few other hairs, and probably half of the older hair meshes I've accumulated over the years, which I haven't checked yet (and hoping I don't have to fix them now). Quite annoying when trying to take pictures... I didn't have the "bright items in CAS" issue on that computer or on my old laptop (but I have it on my new laptop). I think I had some issues with certain accessories looking a bit "off" ingame, but not so much it was a huge problem. The hairs were the worst, though (Fixed a couple of the ones I use the most, just so whatever happens those are good). |
The thing is, I don't use CC for CAS (at least right now I'm not) - and the same problem happens to both the person in the thread I linked to (with custom beards) and to me (with EA's "Bob Newbie" beard, or the non-Mortimer Goth stache, or the Unsavory Charlatan goatee, etc.).
On my previous setup, I thought it was because of the radiance lighting mod, but right now I'm using no lighting mods. The temporary solution is to set lighting option to low, but I don't want to play in the dark just because I'd like my Sims to have sexy long beards. |
Quote: Originally posted by topp
I noticed just now while looking a bit closer at the files from the beard post at GoS, but the "Simscorner_BeardThick" file has all the TXMTs set as "StandardMaterial" instead of "SimStandardMaterial" in the cMaterialDefinition tab. Could be an idea to try changing this if the buggy ones have the "StandardMaterial" setting. CAS items can get a very annoying sheen when set as "StandardMaterial", but it may not be very apparent on beards (?). Several EAxis items get this setting if you make recolors with them, and I'm not entirely sure if they have it by default or if there's a bug in Bodyshop causing it (some glasses have this bug, easy to fix though), but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the beards would need default replacement TXMTs to fix it if it's an overall issue with more of the beards. The "FatherTimeBeardFix" file has the correct settings, so that one should show up correctly, in case you want to test out the difference. (Most of them seemed to be plain texture/TXTR replacements, I just checked a couple of the ones with TXMTs included). Defaults that only have textures won't show up properly unless the TXMTs work fine. |
I'm a little upset that no one told me about the CUSTOM CAREER LTW TUTORIAL by Rio-Sims and Palominocorn from last year. But I'm guessing it's cuz these tumblrs aren't as well known?
On that note: Rio-sims' Firefighter and Social Worker Career LTWs, in case anyone wants to try that. That'd be awesome enough on it's own but Whoward69 has been making a ton of stuff lately. I'll just highlight a couple things, but definitely check out www.picknmixmods.com/Sims2/Home.html Okay, probably the biggest one no one seems to be talking about is Spells - Not only new custom spells but also framework for adding new spells. If you ever wanted better spells for evil witches, check this out. Then there's a Sim Blender Update - Add/Subtract 1 or 5 days instead of just the default 3 days and a rework of how skill limiting is done:
I can't tell you how useful the first is--I have like 3 different mods just to add and subtract aging, because each one does a different amount. ![]() Then I found Ultimate Collection path fix - It's not a download but a tip for you UC users who have trouble getting programs to point to the right file path. And finally, for cc creators/modders, InTeen Check might be something that you're interested in using? I feel like there are still some InTeen users out there (myself included), so maybe this will be an alternative way to solve conflicts in the future? Idk. |
Sorry for double posting, but it's been like a month
![]() Better Tree Lot Imposters by bstu. I know some simmers are always trying to improve lot imposters so thought I'd share the find. |
I know I've seen a few people over the years say they wished there was a way to change the speed individual sims learn skills at, to simulate different intelligence.
Well earlypleasantview has finally made this possible with their skill gain speed modifier! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Sweet jesus. This is awesome. I've had this idea for a while and was actually in the process of doing the willow tree when I saw this post. Thanks so much for sharing the link, this creator has made my job so much easier. In fact they did my job for me! ![]() |
Whoward is still making mods and hacks-and he's made another one now:
A menu Board that pixels can order a variety of foods from-and it's configurable (with instructions, too!) http://www.picknmixmods.com/Sims2/D...MenuBoards.html |
Prob old news to people here, but what the hay. A kitten/puppy generator by Christianlov. You can even choose the parents out of all the pets in the neighbourhood (not sure if that includes playables, I'm playing a new hood with no playable pets yet).
![]() |
Diamond Eyes Universe made has More Food Options For the Toy Oven, Fresh-Prince‘s Children’s Deluxe Stove, ATS' Ikea Duktig Toy Oven, and MotherOf70's Medieval Muffin Maker.
Also, make your own tub-shower combo with Diamond Eyes Universe's Shower mesh edits. Then there's Veetie's CAS Memory Equality Mod, which makes it so that same sex couples created in CAS get the Married memory, and if applicable, the Had Child memory, instead of Joined & Adopted. HugeLunatic added an option to change mesh models on the batbox. Totally missed that one... For those who love coffee, now custom espresso bars can spawn Baristas with Logan Simming Wolverine's Coffeesmith Project. (Original upload here, for context.) Jelly Meduza added a nauseating potion to her Poison Mod and Spy Crafting Station. And I found out about some databases: TS2 Black CC Dictionary for those looking for more diverse content. Seems pretty new, so maybe see if you have links to contribute? And there's a new tutorial database. ...Also, well Mortia & Laura did do an opium mod but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it... |
Dive or don't - but quit the senseless spinning of those hesitant simmies.
http://sunradersims.com/2019/09/div...less-breathing/ I'm downloading it right now, haven't tested it yet, but sounds great to me. |
Not sure if it's been posted before, but I stumbled upon in while trying to update my Sun&Moon collection: Illiteracy! I'm snagging all of it and giving everyone who has not yet "Learned to Study" the Illiterate trait (or if they are have a Servant cast trait, which I use a bit for live-in staff, the Literate trait if they have learned to study). I do want to figure out some standards for adult education, but learning to study is something that does deserve more importance than it is given by default!
And...Excitement! Because gender has a bit less of a logical connection to proposal reactions than personality does... |
I just recently stumbled upon kativip's works [ https://kativip.ucoz.ru/load/kativip/13 ] and my Downloads folder is crying... (you've been warned)
This actually FLIES!
Driveable Ufo! |
The Carnival Set (functional) [Update 05/08/07]
![]() https://modthesims.info/d/213108/th...l?cb=1630915821 and the slot machines from the HIGH ROLLING SET https://modthesims.info/download.ph...851#post2057851 |
1 Attachment(s)
A very talented simmer has a polymer clay habit.
Of course they made something from the game. https://www.tumblr.com/reblog/letth...401792/dVTyAWxP |
@PineappleForest has a new set of lamps, and recolours for a previous set. :lovestruc:
https://modthesims.info/d/660188 |
Falling asleep in your homework! There are some treasures in the depths of MTS, and this looks like one. I hope it still works... (Teens and up only, unfortunately.)
The new functional roller coaster by William on pick n mix https://picknmixsims.tumblr.com/
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I absolutely love all the attention and detail that went into this and thank @Whoward69 and the Sims Crafters Group (Which I want to call 'guild' for some reason) for this amazing mod. THIS is the kind of thing that keeps Sims 2 so fresh and fun 17 years in. All TS2 modders and content creators past, present, and future, deserve all the love! |
Quote: Originally posted by Alex5
Someone should tell him how to set up his Graphics Rules file, and also about the square pixels option. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Freefalldreams
Did we determine if this still works with UC/AL? |
A literal game changer - Lazy Duchess figured out how to improve lot imposters! |
And changed the cost of the design tool!
Easy way to grow vegetables?: https://www.picknmixmods.com/Sims2/...Vegetables.html
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
I've been testing this mod- works great, I used to delete caches and set core affinities by way of a batch file, but this does all that as well! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
I tried the non-RPC version. It worked as far as the lot imposters changing, but it crashed my game continually, even on the medium setting. I'm assuming I just don't have enough texture memory for it with only 2GB. That's ok, my eyesight is not really high res, anyway. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
Similar. I tried the non-RPC version but it also crashes my pc on the high settings and the lower setting is not something I can really see due to my poor eyesight so I have set it to 0 and just kept the free swatch tool, that is great. |
The lot imposters crash for me on high. I'm not sure why (it's not the display memory in this case - I have a huge amount of that). But the medium ones look a lot better than the originals to me.
Delonariel's 4t2 Vampire Stuff Organ and TSM Conversation Default Icons for TS2
Nniesims' Victorian Default Replacements for Toddlers And if you're looking for kids clothes, I just found out about Megamassikalove's tumblr. She's got clothes for all ages, but a few really nice toddler stuff, too. ETA: ATS Diaper Bag as Functional Bottle Fridge by Rockethorse |
The Addams' family house, recreated by Sunrader Sims
https://sunradersimblr.tumblr.com/p...y-house-cc-incl Looks pretty close to the real thing! |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Awwwwwwww, thanks! It was a lot of fun to make! |
I don't know if people remember this official hairstyle, I downloaded it from the magazine's CD many years ago, Andy's hair is very base game, I'm going to download it right now to see if it works.
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php?topic=41253.0 |
@Sokisims I remember those hairs, great that they were fixed! In case anyone wants the original sims, I uploaded them in an archive with all of the other Maxis sims here:
https://simfileshare.net/download/330019/ Those have the original Maxis hair so you might want to replace it with Simsbaby's fixed files. Has all the sims and the outfits too. |
@simsample I love rare or exclusive maxis things from that time. I'm going to download it right now and see if I come across things from the past that I no longer remember. Let's see if there are the hairstyles with a chicken hat that I did not find in the links of the store that I use.
![]() ![]() edit: I see things that I don't have, great! :lovestruc |
Yes, it has the chicken hats, I use them quite a lot in my neighbourhoods! Chicken suit too.
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![]() |
The hearts ('deelie boppers') are animated too, so they look great when the sim moves their head around. :lovestruc:
4t2 What’s Happening Sign (this one uses only 1 objd and lights up at night)
![]() https://deedee-sims.tumblr.com/post...-im-pretty-sure |
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