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TudorMan23 15th Oct 2015 12:39 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I started a new mansion in the style of Georgian Colonial Revival! I wanted it to looked like it belonged in the era of the Golden Age

Ferguson Avenue 19th Oct 2015 11:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
I started a new mansion in the style of Georgian Colonial Revival! I wanted it to looked like it belonged in the era of the Golden Age

It looks great, although I have a suggestion if you wanted to fix the roof around the back where you've got those annoying little overhanging bits (circled in red) cutting into the cornice:
What you could do it have a hipped half roof on the lower section adjoining the cornice level (yellow) and then on top of the cornice have a gabled half roof(?) to link it to the main roof (blue).

TudorMan23 19th Oct 2015 11:57 PM

Thanks for the suggestion! I am gonna do that now! I don;t like how the back looks!

Ferguson Avenue 20th Oct 2015 9:18 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
Thanks for the suggestion! I am gonna do that now! I don't like how the back looks!

You're welcome.

I've been working on something very different to my usual designs.

It's built around a central atrium and is mostly built of stone and glass. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it now that I've built the shell as it's just so completely different to anything I've ever done. I just don't know how to go about furnishing such a place. God knows how I'd even go about trying to name its style or date it. It just feels to grey too be a "modern" home.

RoseCity 20th Oct 2015 9:23 PM

@Fergus - I like it! - it has a nice vibe. It just needs the modern furniture.

tsyokawe 20th Oct 2015 9:36 PM

What RoseCity said.

@Fergus' Mind

I like the proportions. I would expect such a building to feel...heavy. But this is pleasing.
Your use of height, colour, and simple lines...perfect.

TudorMan23 21st Oct 2015 1:49 AM

I concur with RseCity and tsyokaye! The proportions are great! very cool idea!

Ferguson Avenue 21st Oct 2015 12:56 PM

I'm currently putting off furnishing it though as I'm stuck for colourschemes, and I'm also debating whether to put in fireplaces. You'll probably find this lot in the Creator Feedback forum later on this year. :P
I've just remembered that it was inspired by a recent documentary I saw on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, although I've clearly strayed quite far from my initial point of inspiration.

P.S. TudorMan, how's your Georgian Revival turning out? Having noticed your use of CFE around the back I'm curious as to what it's like inside; I imagine, given the location of the CFE'd section that you've given it a grand staircase and reception hall?

TudorMan23 21st Oct 2015 7:56 PM

Your welcome Fergus! And yes you are correct the CFE'd section is a grand staircase/ foyer! I will post interior shots soon!

TudorMan23 25th Oct 2015 2:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here;s my townhouse again but I redid the exterior materials and colors

Ferguson Avenue 26th Oct 2015 1:32 PM

16 Attachment(s)
I always tell myself that I'm only going to finish the projects I'm already working on before I start anymore. And then the next minute I'm adding a bunch more lots of an already existing series of homes that I was just about ready to start uploading...
This time it's more New Orleans and southern colonial style homes... And to think, I already had a fraternity/sorority house in production ready for uploading as part of the monthly theme. So I guess that's not going to be ready in time.
The first is an Italianate style mansion worthy of the Upper Gardens District of New Orleans:

The second and third homes started off as CFE experiments to see if it would be possible to recreate those grand sweeping staircases that Southern/French Colonial plantation houses of the early 1800s had. The houses then just kinda grew off of the back of the staircases...

The second of the staicase experiments has a house inspired by a home in Donaldsonville, LA:

tsyokawe 26th Oct 2015 6:44 PM

I am in love with that first building, Fergie. It's one of my most favorite projects of yours. I hope it's one that you will choose to upload.

I like the second building both ways; with two columns and with the double-height column. They would look better to me if they were backed up under the ceiling though, so that the tops and bottoms are closer matched with the edge of the deck

I like both staircases, too. But for that particular building, I think I prefer the second set. They're both genius. And your choice of wallpapers - very clever. Works great for this.

Ferguson Avenue 26th Oct 2015 7:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by tsyokawe
I am in love with that first building, Fergie. It's one of my most favorite projects of yours. I hope it's one that you will choose to upload.

That style of home was very popular in Illinois and Indiana with un-rendered brick exterior walls, so I'm in the process of doing an almost identical version with a mid-western feel as opposed to the southern plantation feel that this one has. My endless list of unfinished projects just keeps getting longer, which kinda sucks as I'm going to have a lot more uni work to do starting in the next couple of weeks, so the amount of time I'll have to work on projects is going to be practically nonexistent.

RoseCity 27th Oct 2015 7:58 PM

@Fergus - Love your new builds. I like the cupola and widow's walk on the first one.

TudorMan23 29th Oct 2015 1:50 AM

I concur withe everyone Fergus your plantation style house are grand. Love the staircase and widow' walk!

TudorMan23 1st Nov 2015 3:23 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is what i just started today a grand Second Empire Victorian from a vintage house plan i fund on pinterest! Here is he original plans:

Ferguson Avenue 2nd Nov 2015 11:16 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
Here is what i just started today a grand Second Empire Victorian from a vintage house plan i fund on pinterest!

It's looking good so far.

I've already finished re-doing the exterior of my 'Captain Washmere House' for a more livable and cheerful version which I intend on uploading:

TudorMan23 2nd Nov 2015 11:10 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Looking good there Fergus! Liking the color scheme!

And here is my Second Empire in color!

Ferguson Avenue 2nd Nov 2015 11:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
And here is my Second Empire in color!

I really like the attic balconies you've added. I imagine they'd provide some of the best views from the house when looking out over the surrounding scenery.

TudorMan23 4th Nov 2015 11:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Fergus' Mind
I really like the attic balconies you've added. I imagine they'd provide some of the best views from the house when looking out over the surrounding scenery.

Thanks! I guess You are right! How do you like the color tho?

TudorMan23 6th Nov 2015 12:13 AM

Here is the original vintage house plan:

Crowkeeper 6th Nov 2015 12:32 AM

I love the house you made TudorMan I am really looking forward to see the "finished product"

Johnny_Bravo 6th Nov 2015 4:59 PM

Giving it another shot at getting my pc fixed. Fingers crossed!

RoseCity 6th Nov 2015 5:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Giving it another shot at getting my pc fixed. Fingers crossed!

Good luck! - I'm sending up a prayer to St Isidore on your behalf.

Ferguson Avenue 7th Nov 2015 2:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Giving it another shot at getting my pc fixed. Fingers crossed!

Quote: Originally posted by RoseCity
Good luck! - I'm sending up a prayer to St Isidore on your behalf.

*Urge to mention the cult again intensifies*

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