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Ferguson Avenue 6th Jan 2016 5:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
Here comes eh ... I'm going to leave it to you shall I? What style is this? The worst thing is I think this Frankenstein has potential.

It certainly has potential, I like the combination of the modern styling with the Moroccan/Moorish elements.
I'd be half tempted to cover the walls in a brown/yellow stone cobbling and make it into a reinterpretation of Moroccan revival, whilst keeping the towers and modern windows.

Volvenom 6th Jan 2016 7:40 PM

Modern Moorish Steampunk Revival, what a nice name for the style It depends on where you come from I guess.

Yellow cobblestone could work well, but it's a bit safe for me I think

It has a warm/cold contrast like this, but you could achieve that with stone as well I guess.

TudorMan23 9th Jan 2016 7:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I just stated a cute little Victorian Cottage! I might change the color scheme though!

TudorMan23 9th Jan 2016 11:16 PM

3 Attachment(s)
And this is what I have so Far with my Victorian cottage. I am almost finished and will be uploading soon! What ya guys think???

RoseCity 10th Jan 2016 5:59 PM

I like it! I don't know how attached you are to the door, but I would probably change that as it looks like it came from a later era (but I'm not sure when - Arts and Crafts/Bungalow?). But maybe the owners added it later.

RoseCity 24th Jan 2016 7:38 PM

I think I'm going to move this house to Dragon Valley. Still working on some exterior details and the interior.

TudorMan23 2nd Feb 2016 3:55 AM

Yea! I finally have my first upload on here! its my English Cottage!

Volvenom 2nd Feb 2016 7:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
Yea! I finally have my first upload on here! its my English Cottage!

Congrats!! You finally got through

TudorMan23 5th Feb 2016 10:22 PM

Hey @RoseCity I really like your tower house! Its very whimsical and looks like a sweet cottage! I cannot wait to see more!

TudorMan23 14th Feb 2016 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
Congrats!! You finally got through


Ferguson Avenue 18th Feb 2016 11:03 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Yes, congrats on your first upload TudorMan.
Sticking with the Tudor-y theme...

I've been working on an Elizabethan era house that has been much altered and extended over the centuries. I've tried to make it looks quite crooked because when these kinds of homes were first built, they were constructed with green wood (freshly felled timber) that wasn't allowed to dry out properly before construction, meaning that the drying and shifting process happened after construction. Hence why the vast majority of these kinds of homes in England are crooked.

I've built it to look like it pre-dates the road, hence why it's main facades are orientated parallel to the road rather than facing it directly.

A lot of these houses were "Georgianized" in later centuries and so lost most of their Tudor charm under plaster and paneling. Fortunately, a lot them were then 'restored' during the Arts and Crafts era, hence why I've added the little veranda/porch on the rear which would have been added around that time as their idea of what should have been rather than what actually was.

RoseCity 19th Feb 2016 9:04 AM

Thank you, TudorMan, and congratulations on your upload!
@Fergus Love your Elizabethan house. I like how you base your design on the history of the house.

Ferguson Avenue 19th Feb 2016 10:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoseCity
@Fergus Love your Elizabethan house. I like how you base your design on the history of the house.

Thanks. I'm around these kinds of homes a lot when I'm at home, they have so much character; they're like a real person almost. Especially ones of this social standing where they don't have all of the written documentation that grand country houses/estates have. Their true past is quite the mystery, historians can only really make educated guesses at their secrets using the clues the house gives them. I just think that there's something so romantic about them, despite the significantly larger cost of keeping them standing in comparison to that of their modern counterparts.

Volvenom 19th Feb 2016 10:47 PM

You're using that infamous roof Fergus Still I like your colour theme. I wonder if that perticular roof is still mentioned in the guidelines. It's sometimes fun just to show them it can be done.

Ferguson Avenue 19th Feb 2016 11:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
You're using that infamous roof Fergus Still I like your colour theme. I wonder if that perticular roof is still mentioned in the guidelines. It's sometimes fun just to show them it can be done.

It's funny because pretty much every house in my region that doesn't have a thatched roof has a terracotta tiled roof. So it's always my first choice for roofing. Terracotta bricks and roof tiles were incredibly fashionable and a statement of wealth in the Tudor times, so it annoys me when people build proper historic Tudor homes and don't put terracotta tiles on them. They've never really gone out of fashion or favour since, I can very rarely picture an old house without them. I love the way they age with the rest of the house, and often go a nice brownish colour depending on the area the clay was excavated from.

Volvenom 19th Feb 2016 11:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Fergus' Mind
It's funny because pretty much every house in my region that doesn't have a thatched roof has a terracotta tiled roof. So it's always my first choice for roofing. Terracotta bricks and roof tiles were incredibly fashionable and a statement of wealth in the Tudor times, so it annoys me when people build proper historic Tudor homes and don't put terracotta tiles on them. They've never really gone out of fashion or favour since, I can very rarely picture an old house without them. I love the way they age with the rest of the house, and often go a nice brownish colour depending on the area the clay was excavated from.

Did they use terracotta? That's not native to britain is it?

I think the game has 2 terracotta roof and you chose the hardest one to match according to earlier days moderators

Ferguson Avenue 19th Feb 2016 11:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
Did they use terracotta? That's not native to britain is it?

I think the game has 2 terracotta roof and you chose the hardest one to match according to earlier days moderators

Terracotta's just clay that's been fired. So it's native to lots of places in a sense, although I think the English borrowed the recipe from the dutch in the 1300s(?). Romans. Although I suppose they're technically just non-descript clay tiles in the sense I'm thinking of.

TudorMan23 20th Feb 2016 7:11 PM

4 Attachment(s)
And here is a few pics of my finished Second Empire Victorian:

Ferguson Avenue 21st Feb 2016 1:10 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
And here is a few pics of my finished Second Empire Victorian:

It's lovely and extravagant. The gazebo looks gorgeous! I'm curious to see what the interior's like?

I've recently been working on recreating an old hall near me from some old photos I found. The hall burnt down in the 1920s and now only the garden wall remains.

Given its medieval/tudor origins, I tried to give it an appropriate interior using a house from around that time that's still standing; hence the entrance hall having a grand fireplace and the main staircase being elsewhere within the house.

I even tried to recreate the glass dome which would have been added when the hall was Georgianized. This is also the reason for the exterior brickwork being painted white and the sash windows having been added. Unlike the Victorians, the Georgians seemed to be quite happy to 'make do and mend' rather than demolish a house and rebuild it from scratch.

I even borrowed tsyokawe's chimney ideas to create the fashionable twisted brick chimneys that were so popular with the Tudors.

TudorMan23 21st Feb 2016 8:52 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Looking really good Fergus. I especially like how you did the chimneys!

And here is a few pics f the interior:

TudorMan23 24th Feb 2016 4:05 AM

I think I am gettng the hang of this uploading stuff! I already have 2 of my houses uploaded! And have my Second Empire awaiting to be reviewed!

Ferguson Avenue 1st Mar 2016 8:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
I think I am gettng the hang of this uploading stuff! I already have 2 of my houses uploaded! And have my Second Empire awaiting to be reviewed!


Inspired by something I saw on the cover of a book, I've come up with a rather eclectic 18th century home. No idea what style it is or what to call it for that matter...

TudorMan23 4th Mar 2016 1:03 AM

It looks a bit Medieval a bit tudoresque and a bit Jacobean to me! Very interesting! I kind of like it! Cannot wait to see more Fergie!

TudorMan23 10th Mar 2016 2:22 AM

4 Attachment(s)
I just started this "Cottage" last week. I wanted it to go along with my Second Empire Victorian! Its based off of "Rosecliff" mansion in Newport, Rhode Island with a little twist!

Ferguson Avenue 17th Mar 2016 5:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
I just started this "Cottage" last week. I wanted it to go along with my Second Empire Victorian! Its based off of "Rosecliff" mansion in Newport, Rhode Island with a little twist!

It's very grand, you could probably fit an actual cottage (or two) inside that impressive exterior. It's cool to see you experimenting with with CFE to create the staircase, the one in Rosecliff is rather whacky; in the photos I've seen of it, it looks rather like someone's warped it with Photoshop.

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