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APPROVED! A WEE A WOW! (something I say to my cats)
New page? Neat! |
Great jobbies!
Awesome, new page! |
I'm working a new eye set called "Romance Eyes". Sparkly, shiny, pretty, and in warm colors only. Pictures coming soon!
Lulz. Wonder why you named it that. Hmmm... maybe the dance has messed with your brain.
*coughTevincough* *coughfunsizecough* xD Post some pics soon, mkay? |
^ No mentioning that anywhere, especially not here. and it was, uh, you're going to laugh your head off, but it was, umm, Toki.
Yeah, that's my *&%*$#ing inspiration. Go ahead and kill me now. |
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Okay, I've decided to no longer call them "Romance Eyes". I am incapable of making normal-looking eyes right now, so I now present to you: "Nightclub Kitty Eyes"! Designed to look like contacts (such as one a raver or clubber would wear), in insane colors, but function as real eyes! Oh, and sorry for double post. But, still.
Sorry for the slightly awful (okay, really crap actually) quality, but the image had to be condensed and that was the only way I could do 't. |
I'm working atm on a set of eyes I started in January ^^ It's a lil' big.. that's why it's taking me a while to do it xD
Yay! More Nina :3
@Wartooth: They're nice for a start... try making them less anime tho. They look Maxisy right now. |
I like your new name torako =)
And thanks for noticing, Nina!!
![]() NEW UPLOAD! Yayy! Turns out listening to a song 53 times in a row is good luck if you want your upload to be accepted!! ![]() clicky! I'm very happy! And why it looks maxisy = it kind of was supposed to be. KyleTheArtist made me think, maybe I should make eyes that are less CC like because she told me that when Sims open their eyes really wide with custom eyes, than what happens is that black thingies appear. So I got the idea to make some small shadings on a maxis base and then add a kind of maxisy looking eye. I don't know. But it was a good idea. And they're not suppposed to realistic anyway - they are designed to look like contacts. But they function as real eyes. |
Congrats on the upload
![]() After my skintone, I'll work on the House of Horrors eyeset. But it'll prolly take a few months. I'm such a procrastinator ![]() |
Android eyes here, my fine peeps!
These will be the last ones in the House of Horrors set! I'm almost done! Woot! ![]() |
I. love. those. So pretty!! Can we see how they look on sim though? All of them?
Yop. You'll have to wait tho. My computer is getting re-softwared, as in replacing Vista with Windows 7.
Good job, that's great! And lol at your image of Skwisgaar-kid running away... so you went on to FatherKlok. But the image seems a little warped...
I started a new eye set, "Eyes of Nightmares". Kind of like an offshoot of my metal eyes or whatever, but more sparkly, and, well, dangerous. Posting textures and eventually on-sims soon. |
OK! Good luck!
Oh yeah, pics of the Android thingy eyes will be up soon, since I got my comp back! |
I'm back! I was in a hospital for 9 days getting I.V. antibiotics. I'm glad to be back! nice android eyes!
Ooh... 9 days, huh? I feel your pain. Speaking of android eyes, here they are in BS! Yeah. They look creepy, but whatevs. |
Yeah, I grew some pretty nasty bacteria in a bacterial culture. I'm on some other stuff to help clear my lungs out, I inhale saltwater LOL. Where can I D\L the lips? |
Ebonova, your picture looks kind of like this... did you use it for inspiration or something? And are the lips on MTS? Are they Bruno?
That Sim is... creepy. I like the eyes, but maybe improve the sharpness a little? They are after all, android eyes. Also, started a new eye set, that is designed to look really realistic. I've been working on it the whole afternoon (literally, actually) but I'm not sure what to call it other than "Realistic Eyes" or "Human Eyes"... hmm... Eh, I will post images soon I just submitted the Eyes of Nightmares. |
The lips are Bruno's, part of her '5 sets of floral themed lipsticks' thing. The set's called 'Blossoms'. |
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Here's what I've got!
Flashy Eyes! |
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They are pretty, but a little blurry looking, also try blending in the shine a little more... they also look like they are slightly to one side looking
lateral, i belive it's called Here is Minerva Eyes, EoN got rejected, boo. Well, can't blame them, it did look like &%(#. |
Tsk tsk... Minerva eyes *giggles*
They're OK, but try to shade a bit at the top of the eye... And about the pic of the eye thingy... No, I never even saw that pic. I used Dick Knubbler's robotic eyes for inspiration. |
I measured in GIMP, they aren't. Sometimes they are, but it's just a matter of odd numbers being the pain that they are. Some of Nina's are slightly off, but I don't mind too much. I'm still working on a final set of whites that I can use for the rest of my creation days. Anyway, they still need some work, mainly making the texture more squeezed. I find that if you use a perfect circle, it can bend into a vertical oval around the mesh. So, leave them horizontal to begin with. Like for the eyes on that Miki sim I'm making, I really had to custom tweak the eyes for all the stretching for the anime look.
Torako, or umm.., Wartooth (faked, I know ![]() When I finish these, they'll be available in Defaults and maybe contacts. At least some colours in contacts. Maybe. Oh, and any colours you'd like to see, let me know. As always, naturals first, then unnatural. I do it this way so people who don't like unnatural colours aren't stuck with all of them. |
And guys, btw, what's the agree | disagree helpful | funny | love thingy at the bottom? Someone explain!! Please!!
Also: how to make contacts? I wish I knew, for sure... ![]() |
Okay, for contacts just take your texture and alpha for the eyes , and put them on an exported "make up" project. If you need more help, I can make mini screen shot tutorial.
![]() Defaults... Here's where I learned http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...pic,8005.0.html Same goes for skin too, i think. giggle, it's funny, you really like more blended highlights. Every time I ask you say that.. Funny. Personal preference, I like a very strong striking highlight. but it does sap some realism. |
Yeah. Strong highlights don't really help to make it more realistic. Also, another thing you should/could do is add more colors or details to the eye to make it more textured. Right now, they look pretty solid, and that's not really a good thing. Your 'My Eyes (The ones in my very own face)' were by far the best ones, and that's because they were really detailed and interesting.
Don't get what I'm talking about? Let's compare your eyesets... ![]() Ok, so these are your Real Eyes. They're OK, but they're pretty much solid colors, with only a bit of texture. Good, but nothing special. ![]() Life Eyes were better, at least you tried to put in some texture. You could have used a smaller brush and/or blended though. But that's not what we're looking at right now. ![]() Now THESE are some decent eyes. You have lots of blending, highlights, shadows, and little flecks to show texture. You should be going for this look every time. See what I mean? You want to get better at making eyes, not stay the same. And you were really improving! So I suggest you work hard to make a really great eye. It'll be worth it :D |
I'll see. I like -shady-'s sparkling eyes. They have detail, but I find that if i go crazy it's not so good. Hmm....
Still, I'm finishing up, so suggest colours now! |
Maybe you should try two or more colors in an eye. Blend it together a bit.
Ugh!! Minerva was rejected.. but i start a new eye set called "Ethereal Eyes" they are not meant to be remotely realistic, just... just pretty and sparkly. Who gives a *#%&(*#&@%)( about realism anymore? (sorry, going on a spazrantravefun.. i'll be back to normal in a bit)
I guess they'll be named for the Greek or Roman goddesses or something. Or maybe the Norse ones. |
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Okay, Here are just plain blue eyes. I studied a picture of my BFF, she has blue eyes, anyway, they were quite monotone. Still, other shades will be more colourful. Still need work.
I'm not feeling the creative energy anymore. I can't do these right. Uhh... Maybe I'm trying too hard? Maybe I should force my self to take a break from eyes? Maybe I should default/contactify my LTD eyes? (eyes based on the ones in my very own face)? It would give me something to do. I still need to finish that Miki Sim. |
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Forget what I said, this will taunt me till I get it right! I need to squeeze them a bit so they look right. And fix the pupil.
Ehh... they're ok. Good texture, but they're still missing something.
And, no, I don't think you should contactify your eyes. No offence, but that's a bit cheap. Defaults could be OK, but no contacts. |
Why no contacts? The nice thing about it is you can use the eyes on sims you've already made.
True, but I still think that it's a bit too much. Or if you REALLY want to do contacts, only make them for the natural colors. And don't make defaults. You have to choose, one or the other.
I was going to upload them into the same thread if I do. that way people can choose. I already use defaults of someone else's eyes, but I also wish I had contacts, but they never made them. whatever.
Hehehe! *watches Alex' avatar again and again* xDD
Yes, It is a good avatar.
I hate to whine, but... PLEASE!!!! GO TO THE NON-EYE CREATIONS! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU KNOW HER! I NEED FEEDBACK FOR THIS SIM!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I hate the CFF, it takes too long! Please help... ![]() ![]() |
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Ugh! Mystica eyes rejected (GRRRR) but Simple Eyes accepted, the opposite of what I expected (woah that rhymes. scary). Here, I need some feedback on these.
![]() I made them using Nina's tutorial on YouTube (just search bar "aninyosaloh" and it'll be the first one I believe, realistic eye tutorial or something like that)... they are almost the same thing as her eyes, but hers get accepted... and mine get rejected... ![]() Hjelp meg! (Help me!!) please!! |
It ain't working for you. @Nina- HAI NINA ![]() |
I agree. The eyes would be waaay prettier without the cross-shaped shine...and congrats on your Simple eyes's approval!
![]() btw, I also uploaded some eyes, called Dreamscape, but there are only 4 colours, I was super lazy plus some computer problems you can see them here |
I think we're only three here now.. lol... *glares at wartooth/ebonova*
...yep...ughh, I can't believe they were all the same person...
Whoa, What the heck? This is.... weird... Um... Good god... Mj(whatever) and all of them were one person? This is freaky! Darn, and I thought I had personality issues!
FYI, Miki is off, let's keep our fingers crossed. |
good luck, lovetadraw!
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Gosh darn! They want the actual chin! And an eye lid crease. mmmmm...
Those pictures took a long time.... Well.... I AM NOT GIVING UP! They want a big chin? and eye lid crease? FINE! ![]() Mood: |
![]() hope she gets approved once you make the changes |
Good luck, dear! ^^
Thanks, it might be a few days. I usually work on stuff during the week while my brother's at college, other wise he's on here all day.
I'm going to start on a skin tone, maybe. To go with my Elf eyes I never uploaded. |
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HAHA! Me-sa back! I think after like 2 months I've got a set I'm truly happy with. Anyway, what do you think?
Anyway, I think I might do some more dollish eyes next. It occurred to me. I felt bad because both Torako and Alex both picked on things. ONLY ONE PERSON DIDN'T LIKE THEM!! AUGH! You know she gave me my first request? Under her MJ (whatever) screen name. What the heck? ![]() Still working on Miki, I've got the eye lid and chin stuff fixed. Now I just need to do all the annoying packing and SimPE separating of meshes, and all. |
I think they look really good
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Really nice! I love the sparkles ^^ One suggestion, but only that, a suggestion, they would look really nice with a different color in the center, near the pupil (ex. brown).. I think I always say the same *has a problem with that*
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Aw-righty! As for teh colours, This was just a quick "promo color" anyway. Thanks! I'll get to making the colours. As you may or may not know, I hand paint a "base gray" and the hue in/colourize for the colours. So okay!
@ pinky Kitty, I see what you mean. Maybe a bit more. Feel free to suggest colours. Other than of course the 5 maxis colours. I plan to do a lot, even if that means milking the sliders ![]() |
Oh! That makes me tell you one thing, it's only a trick. In my first sets I used to use gray as a base color and hue from it, but now I don't, because I discovered that if you use a bright blue as a base color, all the rest of the colors look much vivid
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Final product. I'll upload later.
The hazel just kinda blended into a more yellow olive. Oh well, my mom has "hazel" eyes and they look yellow. Question! What colour are your real eyes? I'm curios because we all make eyes. Mine are like a greenish blue. (like the set based of mine, duh). My avatar isn't accurate, for whatever reason the colours were off when I took the picture. Ps., I wonder how our confused friend(s) are doing? ![]() |
The colours are great! I would add some unnatural colours :]
My eyes are brown. Just brown. I usually make the pink or red (well any other colour) in photoshop ^_^ |
Mine are brown with a 'lil bit of green, but very little
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I'll do unnaturals after these are up and approved for a while.
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Sorry for the double post!
Lil preview. I did rainbow, and black too. What's with the word balloon? Someone PMed me, "you use Comic Sans too much!". So here's Impact! ![]() UPDATE! APROOOOOOOOVED! Another Update The last eyes are new ones I'm working on. Critique. |
Congrats on getting approved! I already downloaded natural colours, will download these too now.
![]() Those new eyes are nice, but I think you should start using two colours to make them more realistic just as vampire aninyosaloh said |
I know, I just do a quick tone to get a better idea. The final sets usually do use 2 colours.
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Here are some new eyes I made...of course they are not realistic but I could add some natural colours.
...Anyways, what do you guys think? ![]() Btw, do you like my models? ![]() ![]() |
Oh... WOW!! O_o
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Updated the whites on these and colours. |
Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lovetadraw: Looks great! No suggestions, I think everything looks good =] |
I found an issue, But I'm working to fix it. In the upper left corner there s an area that's messed up. It's only a problem ion non blue colours.
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Is, on blue colours. anyway,
Nina, you're an expert on "vampire eyes", how do these look? ![]() |
They look pretty good!
But if you are going for a vampire look I think the shade of the colour should be less orange, more like the..colour of blood =] I think I would shade the upper bart a bit more but also make the sclera a bit brighter |
Yeah, This is a rough draft, Also, it'll be in many shades. From gold to red. Thanx!
Nina's avatar looks painful. ![]() ![]() |
I agree about the color, and I would also make the pupil smaller, but they look really good
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Kay, more red, smaller pupil, lil more shading. thanks!
I haven't been keeping up on creating because with my brother's new computer I can actually run my sims game TOO DA MAX! Update, how's this? I'm thinking MORE redish. I guess the reason I was inclined for more of an orangeness was because both of the default replacements skins I've use for vampires used orange eyes. |
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*Crossing fingers*
Uploaded some eyeshadow. |
^ those eyeshadows are awesome! :D
But the eyes are still not the shade I was talking about... |
Hmm... More red? Kay!
Thanks about the shadows! **obsessively checks MTS PMs every chance given** |
Loves the eyeshadows dear ^^
Thank you Nina.
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^ Your avi is so cute, ltd ^^
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I cropped it from this pic I did in GIMP
Drawn with a mouse ![]() I hate ma mouse... |
^ I see you're not going for the classic manga proportions...The proportions are more realistic
Wait...you drew this with a mouse??!!...Congrats lmao, I can't draw a stick figure with a mouse rofl |
Yeah, about 3 hours. And yeah, my proportions are very realistic. It really annoys me when guys say "girls should be built like anime". So, I guess it's my way of forcing them to say "I like curvy women"
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^ lmao ........
Sorry I'm not sure what "Imoa" means.
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lmao is "laughing my ass off" lol
Oh, it's an L thanks. I knew IMO is "in my opinion", and a few others. Thanks!
PS Nina, your avatar looks painful ![]() |
I think that more than painful it must be pleasant xDD
Hmm.. I guess. As long as it's a transformation bite and not a bite o' death!
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That one is more like... an "If I don't bite you, I'll become a Level E vampire" bite
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^ Yea...I guess you would have to watch Vampire Knight to understand, lovetadraw
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How about these? Only problem, I ONCE AGAIN collapsed them and can't alter it by layers. Looks like each colour will be unique!
They look really nice! ^^ No tips (:
Beautiful ! I woudn't change a thing =)))))
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Here's the full set. Uploading now!
Sensitive EYES! a set of 10 eyes. |
^Oh, lovely set ! I havent made any eyes in a looooooong time....I'll try to make some today ^.^
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New set I'm starting.
They look very nice! ^^
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