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A.G.Doren 8th Jun 2010 9:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AlexandraSpears
Oh, I hate that. Once a baby was crying, needed a diaper change, and I saw the father with the action Yell At in the queue.

I was saying, "You are NOT going to yell at that poor baby! Idiot!"

I immediately canceled the action before he could do that and had him change the diaper.

Try that happening with twins in the house.

Baby A cries for diaper change, parent goes to lecture that baby. I xcl the parent's action and direct them to change the diaper at the changing table. Just as the parent picks up Baby A Baby B begins to cry. Of course the parent has to put baby A on the floor to yell at baby B. To make matters worse elder teen sister comes to lecture baby.

"Don't yell at the baby hurry up and change her diaper before she wakes her brother."

"why does it take you so long to pick up the baby- No don't put the baby on the floor to yell her broth-"

"You!" at teen "stop yellin at- get out off the effin' way!" *ugh*

I_Love_Simming 8th Jun 2010 9:50 PM

I hate it when a sim takes *so* long to get the baby out of the crib. My sim did it before and i found myself yelling 'COME OOOON!!!' out loud.

AlexandraSpears 8th Jun 2010 9:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by A.G.Doren
Try that happening with twins in the house.

Baby A cries for diaper change, parent goes to lecture that baby. I xcl the parent's action and direct them to change the diaper at the changing table. Just as the parent picks up Baby A Baby B begins to cry. Of course the parent has to put baby A on the floor to yell at baby B. To make matters worse elder teen sister comes to lecture baby.

"Don't yell at the baby hurry up and change her diaper before she wakes her brother."

"why does it take you so long to pick up the baby- No don't put the baby on the floor to yell her broth-"

"You!" at teen "stop yellin at- get out off the effin' way!" *ugh*

I'd be telling the teen, "Here, you're an extra hand--change the other twin's diaper!"

(I typically have two changing tables for twins instead of just one.)

anothereyjana 9th Jun 2010 7:34 AM

I had a married female sim who I was having the hardest time getting to be unfaithful, even though she and her husband only had two bolts, wheras her new crush, though also a two-bolter, seemed more attractive to her, but she still took forever to get with him.
"GAAH, will you just SLEEP with him already!"
"Damnit why can't you just have an affair and pop out his lovechild like a GOOD girl?!?!"

A.G.Doren 10th Jun 2010 4:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by anothereyjana
I had a married female sim who I was having the hardest time getting to be unfaithful, even though she and her husband only had two bolts, wheras her new crush, though also a two-bolter, seemed more attractive to her, but she still took forever to get with him.
"GAAH, will you just SLEEP with him already!"
"Damnit why can't you just have an affair and pop out his lovechild like a GOOD girl?!?!"

She only loves her husband...heheheh

anothereyjana 10th Jun 2010 7:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by A.G.Doren

She only loves her husband...heheheh

Yeah, normally I'd commend that amount of fidelity, but when you WANT an affair (or something else drama-enducing) to happen, it can get pretty frustrating, especially since she seemed to be just flat out playing hot-and-cold with the new boyfriend!

AlexandraSpears 12th Jun 2010 3:50 AM

Said to a Sim in my Sims' night club who was complaining that there was a potato chip bag on the floor:

"What are you whining about? You're the one that put it there, you slob!"

(Most Sims are good about throwing away their trash.)

Ledgo 12th Jun 2010 5:43 AM

"Hm. The penguin seems to be talking about missles."

And many WTF's, WTH's, and OMFG's when Sims are being complete morons.

aaries16 14th Jun 2010 1:15 AM

When I wanted my sim and his wife to go to the restaurant lot they just bought.

"Get in the car. Get in the car! Why aren't you getting in the car? Why are you jump roping. Dammit he's leaving without you, now I have to make him come back and get you."

Why can't sims get in the car before the driver does?

AlexandraSpears 14th Jun 2010 3:12 AM

"Who told you to do that? You need to eat, then sleep!"

Numerous occasions.

Clashfan 14th Jun 2010 6:05 AM

"Noooooo what are you doing? Don't try for a baby you just bloody well had one! Please don't make the lullaby sound, please don't make the... crap. Now look what you've done and you guys can't afford a bigger house yet either."

Yeah, I'm still finding the adjustment to having ACR a bit harsh.

windclan 16th Jun 2010 4:52 AM

My first Sim since returning to the series has given me a few noteworthy annoyances

"Stop blogging about your hobby and EAT!"
"NO! Don't kiss her! How many loves do you need?" (This happened twice, I had simmed 3 of my friends to live in the other 3 playable slots of the apartment building and my sim kissed them all. After that I just decided to see how many he could get...Got to 6 before he stupidly kissed one while another was watching...Cue the slaps.)
"What is your problem you stupid townie! (Idiot insists on fighting and irritating everyone in the apartment. Really wish I could just kill him off and get someone new in here.)

refox_14 16th Jun 2010 6:09 AM

*After getting to gen six without pulling out all my hair* "YES! YES! I did it!" And then collapsing from not sleeping.

"What the... Your. Girlfriend. Is. Right. THERE!"

"What? Oh no, I don't mind, just ATTACK YOUR SIBLING RANDOMLY!"

Or my very favorite:

"Wait, Go WHAT?" *Not exactly the nicest thoughts from the cheerleaders.*

aetheramor 18th Jun 2010 1:18 PM

I love this thread xD

"STOP HAVING A TANTRUM, I'm trying to make you watch TV. See? Lovely, lovely TV." *Sim continues tantrum anyway*

Oh yes, I almost forgot...


Garambola 18th Jun 2010 2:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by aetheramor

You need the School bus/Homework hack from twojeffs at Simbology. (It is in the "Misc Feature Adding Mods").

Yesterday I was going: "Do NOT take that baby back on the cold bathroom floor. He does not belong there! *eyeroll* Now pick him back up!"

Obviously I need to relocate the mod for reserving a bed for a baby...

simsamu 18th Jun 2010 6:37 PM

"WOOF! your a howler should I tie you to a fence and get you a bowl"
"WTF are you moaning about there is an other pc over there go and use it!"
"Fan-Flaming-Doobie invite hot chick over for a date then wee all over yourself because a tree is on fire!"
"WTF an other tree on fire. Right no more tree's"
"Hells Bells it's a radio turn it off, stop whinging go back to sleep and do not pass out! Alright then pass out"
"Oh sim you are a stupid S.O.B I may have to bring the cowplant out of retirement"
"Holy Hell, evil witch again more cockcroaches more wailing and gnashing teeth"
"THATS YOUR VERSION OF HOT! I dont think so pal"

AlexandraSpears 19th Jun 2010 10:10 AM

"Put down that juice and change your daughter's diaper--NOW!"

acubro 20th Jun 2010 9:52 AM

Dumb a** Sims doing dump a** Sim Sh**.

God I love this game.(TS2)

Roseblossom90 20th Jun 2010 10:04 AM

"Don't touch the kid! Leave the kid al- I told you not to touch the kid!" (To butlers or nannies who want to play with toddlers/babies when I am trying to have parents teach toddlers to walk/talk/potty train or when trying to let babies sleep but the service sims want to be a pain and interrupt parent's interactions with their children...stupid service sims)

junglewildchild 20th Jun 2010 11:25 PM

thats what I say in my head. What I really say
"Oh, come on, your near starving you R^&!@$." (shouldn't really say that).

AlexandraSpears 21st Jun 2010 3:04 AM

"Less talking--more eating!"

A family dinner is fine, but when I want a child to hurry up and eat so they can do their homework before they pass out, it's best that they eat alone.

(I check on their Hunger need and if I think they're coming home hungry, I make sure there's leftovers in the fridge for them.)

Selly_2009 21st Jun 2010 5:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AlexandraSpears
(I check on their Hunger need and if I think they're coming home hungry, I make sure there's leftovers in the fridge for them.)

They SHOULD come home with their hunger bar almost fully green - kids & teens eat at school, and adults with jobs at work. In my case it's the fun bar I need to watch - kids especially often end up completely red regardless of whatever they were doing BEFORE school!
Though with the "Partial Homework Credit" mod I have installed I'll get them to do what they can (unless it's totally red and I know there's no chance of them working) and let the grades shift in accordance with however much they do.

AlexandraSpears 21st Jun 2010 5:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Selly_2009
They SHOULD come home with their hunger bar almost fully green - kids & teens eat at school, and adults with jobs at work.

I have found that if, during the work/school day their Hunger drops by more than halfway down, they will eat at work/school.

If I have a Child whose Hunger is fully green when they get on the bus, they will be hungry when they get home--it doesn't drop enough during the time they're in school. So I just let them leave for school with their Hunger somewhat depleted, Teens even more so because their school day is shorter. (If they come home hungry, and their carpool comes at 2 pm, then they eat at work.)

asai 21st Jun 2010 6:37 AM

Most of my stuff i have yelled at my computer will not make it past the censor.

I am a cruel task master in that i work my sims very hard, the work will be done before you play, if you eat you will clean up after yourself, if you slop the toilet you will clean it, period. Most of the time it is situational so there is some set up to what i yell.

1) It is getting late, and yes i have been busting that ass (skill building), so i let the sim get close to the end of thier energy bar. I have orders in the cue to pee, shower, set alarm, sleep in PJs, i mean your done all you have to do is what is in the cue. My sim will break the fourth wall, yell at me "i am tired" then cancel all orders in the cue and head straight for bed. Me "oh no you did not!" "I was going to let you clean the toilet in the morning but guess what" at which point i select pee,clean,shower, set alarm, sleep in PJs. I might add that at this point i also yell "and if you fall asleep on the floor you will just lay there too, just do wtf i tell you no one said anything about you thinking.

2) I have a fem sim with a new baby, i have spent considerable time just loading up the cue with cuddle, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle... anyway you get the idea. Her and the child are in the low 90s in thier relationship scores, the child is fed bathed and asleep when i send her into the kitchen to address the yellow hunger state she is in. I load the cue; eat, put leftovers away, pee, shower, I get up to refresh my drink and i come back, the serving plater is on the counter, the plate is on the floor right next to the dinning room table and she is standing over the crib holding the kid. I really need a mod called bitch slap selected sim. Anyway i loose it literally, i yell Bitch WTF are you doing in there! You are about to fall over dead from hunger, she is in red hunger now, you wake up the kid, you completely cleared the orders in the cue that is it no more autonomy, at which point i go into game settings and turn it off. I yelled with such annoyance, i literally scared my dogs out of the room, i had to pause the game and go console my pups, petting and cookies all around.

3)Another baby moment god they are SOOOOOO stupid when a kid is involved. Anyway a long night has just passed i put the sim away pretty wrecked but i maxxed out body and charisma (both at 10) before they went to bed. I got her up early enough to pee, shower, change diaper at which point the nanny should arrive, which would give me time to feed her before work. In doing this i will send her to work at 11 all in the green, pushing the car pool to 1030 for her to eat. (I am not sure how important it is to send them to work in the green i so I work real hard to do that daily, hygene, hunger, energy etc). Anyway i set the cue to eat, and i see her cancel it to go grab baby, i cancel order and set her to eat, she cancels it AGAIN! and goes to hold baby, at which point i yell "bitch i will send you to work hungry! get your ass back in there and eat." She takes 2 bites gets up and wants to hold baby, at which point i yell "fuck that kid sit your ass down and eat". I have spent the last 30 in game minutes fighting with her about that kid, who by the way is fine, asleep, in a clean diaper and the nanny is just walking in the door making a beline for the kid to feed it which is exactly how i planned it. I sent her to work hungry in yellow, god was i pissed.

This female romance, level 10 body, charisma, creativity, single mom top of the porn star proffession making 3000 simoleans a day has turned from beautyful to a pain in my ass. I think when the child dropped it must have dragged her brain out too. She has with out a doubt turned from minimal oversite required to your not allowed to do any thinking at all, a micro managment hell. I do not understand it either her aspirations are generally met, she wants for nothing that i can see, but all she wants to do is stand around holding that kid. I could see if thier relationship was low but it shows low 90s both short and long term. I am so burned out on kids that at this point if i make another sim there will never be any kids at all. A lesson to everybody in the world children ruin things, run, RUN very fast!

I have a "smartie" family with spouses and they are no where near this much trouble when 2 kids were introduced. Yes there was some leave the kid alone moments but not like this. I mean dam this is not becomming fun anymore it is almost constant work. Any suggestions?


lugia61617 21st Jun 2010 7:21 AM

Hmmm....What did i used to say...ah of course, stuff like;
"You dare have free will? FLAME'D."
"Another baby?! STARVATION'D!"
"Twins?! Oh no, no no no!! !! DROWN'D!"

...yeah, I love killing them...

"Do you ever feel pain knowing I can kill you in a split second if you disobey me...? There IS a Hogwarts Castle I could electrocute you in and no one would know..."

asai 21st Jun 2010 8:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by windclan
My first Sim since returning to the series has given me a few noteworthy annoyances

"Stop blogging about your hobby and EAT!"
"NO! Don't kiss her! How many loves do you need?" (This happened twice, I had simmed 3 of my friends to live in the other 3 playable slots of the apartment building and my sim kissed them all. After that I just decided to see how many he could get...Got to 6 before he stupidly kissed one while another was watching...Cue the slaps.)
"What is your problem you stupid townie! (Idiot insists on fighting and irritating everyone in the apartment. Really wish I could just kill him off and get someone new in here.)

I have a similar problem with April Goldman, bitch keeps kicking my trash can over and stealing my paper. I have no idea why she does it, but yes i wish there was a hit man avaliable for hire because what she has cost me in exterminating bills it would have been cheaper long ago to just have her whacked.

I see her comming too i am like, bitch get away from the can, leave the can alone! ahh you went and kicked it over anyway, i know where you live! At this point in time i am considering going on an ass kicking hunt with my sim, i am going to find April and whip her ass, and every time she kicks over my trash can i am going to hunt her down a whip her ass again. And yea my chick with the level 10 body can take her i got 50 simoleans that says April don't make it 20 seconds. Any takers?


AlexandraSpears 21st Jun 2010 9:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by asai
I have a similar problem with April Goldman, bitch keeps kicking my trash can over and stealing my paper. I have no idea why she does it, but yes i wish there was a hit man avaliable for hire because what she has cost me in exterminating bills it would have been cheaper long ago to just have her whacked.

I see her comming too i am like, bitch get away from the can, leave the can alone! ahh you went and kicked it over anyway, i know where you live! At this point in time i am considering going on an ass kicking hunt with my sim, i am going to find April and whip her ass, and every time she kicks over my trash can i am going to hunt her down a whip her ass again. And yea my chick with the level 10 body can take her i got 50 simoleans that says April don't make it 20 seconds. Any takers?


Your Sim needs to get a Robotics Talent Badge and make a Sentry Bot.

(Please note: If you want your Sim to kick their own garden gnome, turn the bot off first....)

jodemilo 21st Jun 2010 10:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AlexandraSpears
Your Sim needs to get a Robotics Talent Badge and make a Sentry Bot.

(Please note: If you want your Sim to kick their own garden gnome, turn the bot off first....)

There's also the "nokicktrash" hack from Simlogical. I got pretty tired of the trash can being kicked for days afterwards for even a minor misdemeanour.

Hanhula 21st Jun 2010 12:39 PM

I sent my YA to class with his fiancee.
When they get back, I tell him to go on the treadmill I got for him. I totally forgot to put a fire alarm in the house, because I use maxmotives and motivedecay off when they're going through college (except with legacys - this is just my random family).
I read a chapter of a HP fanfiction, look up...
Yes, my sim caught fire. FIRE. On a TREADMILL.
It was winter, too, and it was snowing outside.
He died, even though I made his fiancee put out the fire.
Oh, and some more:
"Why are you WooHooing with your daughter in law?! You just had an affair with the maid!"
"Okay, I'll just send you downtown to get a date. Oh, there's a hot bartender, go kiss her." Five seconds later... "MRS CRUMPLEBOTTOM, HOW DARE YOU SNEAK UP ON ME AND HIT MY SIM? HE NEEDS A DATE, THIS IS A LEGACY NOT A FAIL-ACY!"
Has anyone else noticed Mrs Crumplebottom's voice? It scared the bejeezus out of me. That was my 2nd M.C. encounter... and the first time I saw her, I ran away.

asai 21st Jun 2010 6:20 PM

Thanks folks i think it is because she is jealous cause my sim gets more tail. If she shows up to a place where i am at she gets all flamey headded with my sim's picture in the bubble. Finally figured it out this am, and the solution was to add her to my daily rotation of tail. She gets invited over every eleven days, i feed her run her through the hot tub, then take her in the bedroom, at let her leave in the middle of the night seems to work so far. I have not had my trash can kicked over in 2 weeks now lol. I have 10 so far in rotation seems to be about my juggle limit atm, but i am working on it.


RoseGirl101 22nd Jun 2010 2:22 AM

*Help with the babies birthday...person holding baby blows candles out...person just stand there holding baby... THROW THE FREAKIN BABY ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

jodemilo 22nd Jun 2010 2:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by asai
She gets invited over every eleven days, i feed her run her through the hot tub, then take her in the bedroom, at let her leave in the middle of the night seems to work so far.

Sounds like a few blokes I know in RL.

HikariOkami 22nd Jun 2010 8:12 AM

I have free will turned off, so I usually don't yell TOO much at my sims. Still...
"GET ON THE BUS ALREADY!" (my first vampire sim supposed to be getting on the bus, but instead decides to hiss at the sky and smoke as her needs plummet)
"LOAD" (as my computer can crawl at times)
and, "NOOOO! GRRAGGGH!" (When my computer decides to crash just as I'm about to save. Thankfully, this happens to me a lot less on TS2. TS1 crashed on me all the time.)

devmars 13th Jul 2011 9:55 PM

"Pick the damn baby off the floor!!!"
"Are you stupid???"
"Thats it, i am gonna have to kill you now" *then i use the death creator and kill the sim*

Sometimes i just mutter bad words under my breath.

Aegagropilon 13th Jul 2011 10:51 PM

"Oh god, don't kiss him! He just ate garbage!"

punkrockgoth1988 14th Jul 2011 10:03 PM

You don't want to know the type of language that comes out of my mouth while playing my game if things aren't going well.

Peni Griffin 14th Jul 2011 10:21 PM

"Don't you make that face at me! It's in your wants panel so go do it!"

"Bitch, stop lecturing that poor baby and change his diaper!"

"What happened to the - didn't I just tell you - How many times do I have to tell you to do that?"

"No, no, no, that toddler's clean as a whistle, potty train train her!"

JazDarcy 14th Jul 2011 11:55 PM RUN AWAY FROM THE FIRE! FIRE. BAD!

Tga Kiwi 15th Jul 2011 1:12 AM

" Quit taking the baby outta the crib!"
"Get outta the way you stupid sim!"

plus a few more expletive terms used that I shall not repeat...

Peni Griffin 15th Jul 2011 2:48 AM

No Smustling!!!

Nixxy245 15th Jul 2011 2:44 PM

Hmm,I say a lot of things while playing,mostly what's already been written right here but here's my favorites..

''What the?? I said CHEER UP,so do it creep!!*and then the sim looks into me*''What??You deserve it!!''
'' You really want that? 20 lovers? Please,get a life -.-' '' (this happens when I move in a townie who's aspiration is set on romantic and his/her LT wish is that he/she has 20 lovers at the same time)
''GO AWAY STUPID GAY COW.YOUR GAY SIDE IS DISTURBING'' (when that guy in a cow suit comes into my house uninvited and starts to flirt with my men sims)
''Oh,it's that blondie again. CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE MY SIMS ALONE WITH YOUR STUPID VOICE AND CHEERLEADING FOR A 5 HOURS??? Or you just have a need to run into my house and start dancing and yelling?? Idiot -.-'''' '' (when that cheerleader runs into my house and starts cheering,that is so going on my nerves)
''Yaay,the donkey guy is here. Yeah,of course you admire to my sims,they're prettier and they don't wear a donkey suit.''
''Oh,so you don't wanna go to work,huh? Okay,fine. There,now you'll have to beg for food. Yeah,don't you look at me,I'm eeeeeeeevil!'' (this rarely happens but when it does,I don't let my sim do anything that makes him happy so the only thing that's left is go to work. I would never do this,but a person is in a bad,bad mood,he/she does bad,bad stuff to their sims )
I think that's all

omglo 15th Jul 2011 6:49 PM

"Stop turning on the radio and walking out of the room! Especially when the baby is sleeping" (lots of my toddlers have napping blankets on the floor of the living room)
"Arrgh another boy" (for some reason most in born babies are boys in my game)
"Quit whining about being dirty/needing to pee/wanting to be entertained and take care of it yourself"
"No, no! Don't walk all the way to another floor to shower/use the bathroom. Use the empty one that's four feet away."
"The baby is wrapped in a green cloud of stench and it's screaming. Stop trying to force him to eat and change the darn thing."

meggythegreat2294 16th Jul 2011 3:51 AM

"Oh please whine more about the dirty dishes BUT PLEASE DON'T PICK THEM UP."
"*deletes butler* annoying douche..."
"If you'd stop talking at dinner, YOU MIGHT NOT BE STARVING."

Srsly. I have to avoid letting my family have actual family dinners because they won't shut up long enough to consume the food. Smh. X_X

Aegagropilon 16th Jul 2011 4:09 AM

The dinner conversations are why I don't put dining tables in my houses. They can stand and talk (and burp and giggle) while they eat, and it takes far less time.

"I THINK THE BABY IS CLEAN ENOUGH NOW, THANK YOU." *replaces bathtub with shower* (Seriously, neat sims with 10 points neat toddlers are no longer allowed bathtubs because they bathe said toddlers obsessively.)

HANGRYANGRY 16th Jul 2011 6:22 AM

"Yea, that's what I thought!"
So on and so on ^.^

haricots 16th Jul 2011 11:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Aegagropilon
"I THINK THE BABY IS CLEAN ENOUGH NOW, THANK YOU." *replaces bathtub with shower* (Seriously, neat sims with 10 points neat toddlers are no longer allowed bathtubs because they bathe said toddlers obsessively.)

LOL! That's crazy...

"She had full job meter, idiot boss! Promote her!"
"There's 3 other toilet cubicle and you pick THE DIRTIEST ONE? WTF!!"
"Your wife is in labor and you just swing your child? IDIOT SIM!!!"
Eating breakfast with daddy and mommy "Go to school!" 30 minutes after "GO TO SCHOOL. AND STOP HONKING, YOU STUPID BUS DRIVER!" 1 hour after "RUN TO SCHOOL NOW. RUN!!!" 2 hours later "okay bitch. quit your school, and help momma clean dishes!" and she go to school...

Peni Griffin 16th Jul 2011 5:28 PM

"C'mon, Thai, move. I can't see through your shapely butt." (Thai is my cat.)
"Oh, that is just too freaking adorable."
"Wait, what just happened? I want a rewind!"
"Are y'all gonna come in and see your grandkids, or are you just going to make out by the mailbox all day?"
"Oh, you little sweethearts."
"Wait, you let all the two-bolters down easy when they try to flirt you, but you give the one-bolter the go-ahead? Well, you know best..." (Sparrow's romantic career is weird and getting weirder. I brought a townie who should be perfect for her in when she went to University, but we'll see.)

maxon 16th Jul 2011 6:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"C'mon, Thai, move. I can't see through your shapely butt." (Thai is my cat.)

<laugh> Yeah, what is it with cats and whatever it is you're doing? Spike used to sit in the middle of my newspaper in the mornings. We have dogs now. They sit on the floor (mind you they drool on your trousers when you're eating your toast).

Clashfan 16th Jul 2011 7:21 PM

[QUOTE=Peni Griffin]"C'mon, Thai, move. I can't see through your shapely butt." (Thai is my cat.)/QUOTE]

Mine would be: "Sebastian, stop pushing buttons on the keyboard. You keep zooming me in and out and I can't see what's happening."

AlexandraSpears 17th Jul 2011 2:17 PM

"Leave that baby alone--hey, where do you think you're going with that baby!?"

Screamed at a townie that seemed to be carrying off one of my Rutherford twins.

(I forgot to lock the nursery door there. I typically make the nursery accessible only to household.)

SimCryptic 17th Jul 2011 3:39 PM

"Does this look like a fracking night club? Stop Kicking Vicurd's ball and get back to work. No no stop that... damn it! Out! Everyone OUT! Don't make me break out the Paladin Security bot..."
-head shake- I have a sim owned night club that gets less hang out attention then the electronics-robotic's store.

"Oh my, Stella's a pedophile. Let's see how long it takes her to take Mel's virginity..."
-said after I dream dated Ms Tarreno and Melody Tinker girl dropped in. Ah the Joys of Inteen. Still they make a cute couple... which reminds me I need some non fugly Pollination techs.

"Now get up and go to fracking work! No, damn it don't get back into the damn coffin! Ok that's it! Vamp sleep caller is coming out."

"Ok get out of the fracking trash. Yes i know you are shambling Undead, but that's just... and there goes the can. And you're fighting with Sarah again. Ok, that's it you're getting thrown out of school and locked up in my asylum."

"Well who told you you where water proof?"
-said as a servo goes berserk after a dip in the hot tub.

"Count don't bite the clerk! Bad vampire! You don't bite the help! Damn it, she's just barely legal and now I'm gonna have to deal with the social worker and adopt her into my Sim's home cause you certainly won't take her in and show her the ropes of being a vamp."

Johnny_Bravo 17th Jul 2011 3:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"C'mon, Thai, move. I can't see through your shapely butt." (Thai is my cat.)

Same, my cat keeps sitting in front of my monitor or on my keyboard

Muñeca Rota 17th Jul 2011 4:52 PM

"What the hell is that COW doing??" and "Play your own guitar!" and, of course, "I hate you ¬_¬"
I really hate cows.

Rawra 17th Jul 2011 4:55 PM

"Come the balls on!"
"Oh, another one?"
"I KNEW it was a bad idea to turn Free Will off. Back to MY will."

WooHoo31 17th Jul 2011 6:29 PM


It's so annoying when more than one sim are fighting over the bathroom and then get stuck in the door way.

Lavaster 17th Jul 2011 11:29 PM

"You stupid Sim, there's a SINK RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and you decide to go across the WHOLE HOUSE just to use the bathroom sink to wash the DISHES."

Saturnfly 18th Jul 2011 12:04 AM

I always seem to be saying "Get out of the f@$king way".

Peni Griffin 18th Jul 2011 2:03 AM

"Oh, come on, I just sent you to bed! The teen's got it covered. How did you even know the toddler was getting sleepy from upstairs? Now you march yourself right back up - oh. My bad. I forgot to put the door back." I was playing in the "Modern Masterpiece" and when the pregnant lady got heatstroke I had to weatherproof it real fast! Removing the door was accidental.

haricots 18th Jul 2011 5:17 PM

"Your wife is in labor and you still dancing like nothing happens? TRY TO FREAK OUT, IT'S BETTER THAN HAPPY ABOUT YOUR WIFE'S PAIN, stupid!"

"Don't staring at me, I don't do anything wrong for you..."

"You have Family Aspiration. You don't have any child yet, and your fear is have a child? Really Artificial Idiocy (forget who makes it first, but thanks!)"

"No child, and you want one to get into a Private School? Don't daydreaming!!!"


AlexandraSpears 18th Jul 2011 7:07 PM

"You want WHAT? You want to buy a crib and you're not married yet? Isn't that a little premature?"

(I don't buy a crib until the first baby is born, so I know what color to get.)

SingleClawDesigns 19th Jul 2011 2:10 AM

"time to play duck duck goose"- when choosing a mate

"getting your freak on does not include your mother tyvm" - issue with Adjuster bouquet

"you cant make out with him yet your bf isn't in the room to see you cheat" - on destroying relationships

"the ugly stick wasn't nice to you was it"- on really unattractive townies.

"you're in a dorm with 15 other men , the only girl in here and u can't find any attractive, well guess we know what u like now don't we"

"I swear you zoom in one more time for me to see your baby bubble grow you're getting an abortion"

xxvampy_kittyxx 19th Jul 2011 8:04 AM

"Oh god, where's the baby?! I can't find the...oh wait he's on the bathroom floor -.-" (why do they always do this??)
"You brat! Where did you hide your homework this time?!"
"STOP PLAYING FETCH WITH STRAY DOGS!" (his own dog was whining for attention)


SimCryptic 19th Jul 2011 3:06 PM

"And so ends the Landgrab dynasty; an ambitious tart gets the last surviving member of the family to marry her, take her name, transfer all his assets to her and then lets him play with a cursed kite. Wait to go Prue, I didn't even plan the kite thing. Oh look you're on the phone buying a new lot while the maid hubby was sleeping with bawls her eyes out."

Mew1210 19th Jul 2011 5:55 PM

"Leave your child alone; she's not hungry!"
Really. Feed your child when she's actually hungry.

"Put the baby in the crib. Don't leave him on the floor!"

"Yes, I understand that it's raining/snowing. Now go make lunch."
Why do they like to stare outside when something's happening? D: Really, it happens all the time.

"Why are you making more food? There's a bunch of leftovers in the fridge."

Peni Griffin 19th Jul 2011 9:06 PM

"C'mon, Streaker, what's the point of dancing next to the sleeping guy? Can't you at least wake him up first? He's a virgin, so he wouldn't mind.."

123blissb 20th Jul 2011 12:22 AM

"You want to have a baby, but you have the fear of having a baby?"
"Where did you put your homework? The Social worker is coming and I don't want to use SimPE today!"
"NO! The ghosts are leaving more puddles on the floor!"
"YOU STOLE MY BABY! NOW DIE!" - the Sim who adopted the baby who the social worker took today now is dead.
"Don't take the baby out of the crib and set it on the floor!"
"Come on! I just brought you back to life! You can't die again!"
"Stop. Feeding. The. Baby."

Now you can see how my day was like. Babies. Babies. Social Worker steals all babies. Another baby. Do you want to guess which household I was playing today? (Hint: Lots of tombstones, ghosts, crazy old lady, rich, strangetown )


AlexandraSpears 20th Jul 2011 2:44 AM

"Why did you flirt with that guy!? You're on a date with your HUSBAND fer cryin' out loud!"

Screamed right before I quit without saving! LOL

Sometimes you have to REALLY watch your Sims or they'll do something stupid...funny thing is, the Sim in question is a Family Sim....

Peni Griffin 20th Jul 2011 3:01 AM

Sounds like you don't have her with the right person. Family sims can fall out of love, too.

"Stop eating that! Can't you see the green vapor?"

DarkPhoenix 22nd Jul 2011 1:46 AM

"Put your dang clothes on! No one wants to see your pixelly bits!"

Usually said when playing one particular house. Apparently, one of the residents has a really high outgoing score... he does not like wearing clothes. After he gets out the shower, he stays unclothed.

AlexandraSpears 22nd Jul 2011 2:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DarkPhoenix
"Put your dang clothes on! No one wants to see your pixelly bits!"

Usually said when playing one particular house. Apparently, one of the residents has a really high outgoing score... he does not like wearing clothes. After he gets out the shower, he stays unclothed.

That reminds me of a n00b moment when I first started playing it. I thought it was a glitch or something and I kept making sure the swimsuit was set...then I found out that extremely outgoing Sims aren't afraid to, heh, bare it all!

harmonee_el 22nd Jul 2011 3:33 AM

What a stupid idiot.
Those are some big jaws you have.
Learn to be a better mother please!This is what I said about Brandi Broke.
You desperately need a face lift badly.
Oh boy,what a hot guy!I wish I could get in the game.
I love your outfit.
How come Brandi Broke can't have a girl.
I hope the lightning get you.
Hey get along with your sister better.Referring to the Pleasant Girls.
I can't stand those aliens and vampires in my game!They don't exists.
Hey dog get out of my Sims flowers and off my lot.
Hey I put up a fence and a gate,and said disallow pet,so how did that mutt get in.
You are a poor excuse for a Sim.
That food look so good.

frankokomando 22nd Jul 2011 4:10 AM

"You stupid ass!'

This gets said quite often.

AlexandraSpears 22nd Jul 2011 5:50 AM

"Boy, you guys are stupid!"

cheshirekat 22nd Jul 2011 5:51 AM

"You are REALLY annoying."
"I can see that your comfort and other needs are very low - deal with it - this is your punishment for ..."
"I need a cattle prod because some of YOU really need it."
"Of course you don't have email. Idiot."
"No. You may not check email. You ain't ever going to have email even if you check it every hour, because you haven't sent an email."
"Why are you such a show-off? Stupid programmers did that to you."
"Damn. If you harvest the crops any slower they are going to be seeds!"
"I don't care how many creativity points you have, that is truly a horrid painting."
"You do realize that constant belching has put you at the very bottom of the list for finding a mate, don't you? Oh yeah, stupid programmers."
"You'v'e been peeing for half an hour. Stupid programmers."
"How come the environment score is so high? There is not one piece of decor in this room. Stupid programmers."
"When the hell did you fall in love with that sim?"
"You are not wearing that! Stupid programmers dressing you like a harlot."
"It isn't winter EVER on the island, yet most of my babies become toddlers wearing that same freezing-cold winter outfit! Damn programmers."
"You have almost no playful points, your fun meter is maxed, and yet you gotta go all the way out to the street to play in the puddles?"
"You were really a cute kid, but aging up into that outfit and that hair makes you look like demon spawn in a horror flick. Idiot programmers!"
"What happened to your hair? Oh, you must have been wearing one of the colors/hairs I deleted."
"Keep going. Don't stop. The sims in this house won't be greeting you."
"Why are you running?" Sometimes my sims start running all over the place for no reason I know of.
"That is rude! Why can't you pretend the conversation is interesting?"
"Stupid programmers!"

SimCryptic 22nd Jul 2011 6:04 AM

"Oi, who needs ACR (or what ever it is)? Harlot Smurf is racking up the conquests on campus. And let's just turn lot jealousy to off before her roommates find a reason to kill her."

Peni Griffin 23rd Jul 2011 4:26 PM

"Where do you think you're going? Come back here so your date can make out with you!"

(Seriously, I need to reconfigure the Hub. It can take two hours to maneuver for a make-out if you try to use the couch and the date gets distracted by the art. Once a date's movements get out of synch with the active sim's, you might as well change venues.)

SimMegaptera 23rd Jul 2011 6:19 PM

"Stop bathing that toddler! She's already ridiculously clean!" (Yes, I downloaded a fix for that problem.)

"Get out of bed, your carpool is here. No, don't play video games! No, don't rake leaves! Is that more fun than work??"

Rarr 26th Jul 2011 1:13 AM

"Your not hungry now, you want to paint!" I wanted to build skill level fast, and i wasnt letting something as silly as hunger get in the way!

ItsaCatt 29th Jul 2011 9:48 PM

"Stop that!"

"I said eat, you dumb fuck!"

"Great. Just great."

"Really, bitch? Really?"

"What the fuck?!"

"Okay, fuck this!"

"Oh, now you want babies?!"

"For the love of me, stop hopping around and do something!"

"Oh, crap."

"Don't you talk back at me!"

"Wait.... what?"

"Hurry, you'll miss the bus! Runrunrunru- Oh... fuck."

"Good job, asshole."

That, and I sing the tunes during loading and in CAS/build/buy mode.

Noodleberries 30th Jul 2011 8:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Neerie
I shall steal this idea

I started doing that ages ago. creepy teenager sleeping with her dad :/

TUL 30th Jul 2011 10:15 PM

The most recent thing I've said while playing Sims is "Why the heck did I build this?!" after I uncover a house I've built months ago and thought it looked good. -.-;
There's also "Why are you---that's not your husband!" and just plain "GRAAAAAAH!"

AlexandraSpears 31st Jul 2011 2:27 AM

"Don't look at me like that, you rolled that want!"

xMERLiSE 31st Jul 2011 2:49 AM

"NAW "insert word here" YOU NEED TO GO." While I was trying to film.
The sim I was filming was flirting too much with her boyfriend so I gave him the boot off the set.

MajinKitty230 31st Jul 2011 7:32 AM


"Vincent wants to sit in the chair Cloud is at.. theres other computers you know, and chairs."
"Actually no.. dont hug him."
"Nevermind, lets have them sit at the table."

devmars 2nd Sep 2011 3:06 AM

Some things:

"I designed this room for you. This costs so much of my Simoleons I could have used for something, and you sleep in your MOM's bed?!?!?"


"Sleep!!! If you're tired, SLEEP!" I say that to my toddlers

devmars 2nd Sep 2011 3:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by xxvampy_kittyxx
"Oh god, where's the baby?! I can't find the...oh wait he's on the bathroom floor -.-" (why do they always do this??)
"You brat! Where did you hide your homework this time?!"
"STOP PLAYING FETCH WITH STRAY DOGS!" (his own dog was whining for attention)


i swear the next time the social worker takes my sim child because she stashed her homework somewhere, im gonna scream >

McChoclatey 2nd Sep 2011 3:30 AM

I love talking to my Sims out loud as if they can hear me. Not sure if that makes me insane, though. O_o
Here's some stuff, I'm often saying to them:

"No, stop it! Stop trying to feed her, damn it!"

-Sees kid wanting his/her parents to read to them- -cancels action- "Stop bothering your father."

"Don't bother your mother."

"What the freaking heII, man! You'll make out with her, but you won't sleep in the same bed with her?! You're a hormonal teenager for pete's sake with flirty interactions that clog up your daily wants everyday! Either you're trying to hide your horniness or you want to save the last strip of innocence you have left in this puberty-powered life."

"My gosh, this Sim is horny." (usually when Sims always want woohoo from their lovers, all the live-long-day, it gives me the impression that their reproductive system is working a little too well.)

"Go home!"

"Why, just why? Why do you keep coming onto the lot like that, you stalker!"

"Oh my effing, just go home!"

"Stop trying to read to them!"

"Damn it, Tommy!" (I'm always blaming my Sim for things he breaks/ruins. If the house's on fire, it was Tommy. TYhe baby's out of their crib? Blame Tommy. Relaxing in the hot tub when I obviously ordered him to do something else? Gosh damn it, Tommy...)

"That lobster looks good..."

"Really, Luca? Really? Do you HAVE to tell her a dirty joke all the time?" (Luca, another one of my Sims, has dirty joking as his favorite interaction. Even though his wife hates it, he still does it anyway.)

"Jack, get out of bed and make them some dinner."

"Damn it, Jack!" (Jack is a slave to his 2 roommates. Instead of having each sim cooking their own meal individually, I make Jack get up and do everything without my other precious Sims having to lift a finger. They sorta get special treatment while Jack is the under appreciated slave who works hard for no benefit. I even made him get so close to his dream job only to make him get fired. He got a bad reputation to make things worse (for him) and funnier (for me.) so people make disgusted faces at him. Ha!)

"...nice a$$...Gosh damn..." What? A girl can't ogle her own male Sims?

"How can you not want a piece of that? She has no taste at all..." (That is usually my reaction to Sims getting x'd out hearts for my body builder Sims.

DrowningFishy 2nd Sep 2011 9:52 AM

"Next one to do that dies."
"Stop -bleep-ing asking them to read to you."
"Why won't you make out."
"Okay, so you'll get engaged to her but you won't kiss her."
>.< "So you'll marry her but you won't kiss him."
"I swear I am going to kill you."
"Fine you don't want to take care of yourself, fine! Suffer and while your at it make everyone dinner."
"I'm seeing things I swear to god."
"... ... ... WTF?"
"You just did NOT do that."
"Your pi$$ing me off grow up." (Shift-click set to birthday, grow up)
"... Why is your sister the over achiever when your the only one doing your homework? Dumb-bleep-"
"Bwuhahahaha aliens wanna talk."

selfmadequeen 2nd Sep 2011 10:08 AM

I yell a lot of "why aren't do doing what I TOLD you to do?!" because my sims like to do what they want even if I direct them to do something else. It makes me soooo mad!

rosalinarocks232 22nd Oct 2011 8:16 PM

"Um..Okay. You can stop smooching the maid. Your husband is coming through the door and... #$%^&*! Ohgodohgodohgod..."

"Okay, you just left your pancakes to read a romance novel?"

Orilon 22nd Oct 2011 8:26 PM

"Will you leave the *bleeping* baby alone and go eat/pee/sleep?"

"Damn it change the f-ing diaper"

"You had to f-ing feed the baby every 5 minutes, why won't you feed him/her now that he/shes a toddler"

"Oh for f-sake get off the f-ing computer and do what I told you to"

"You better hurry up, (child's name) doesn't need to see you naked" (said when two sims just *have* to woohoo on the couch in the front room at 2:53pm right before the child gets home from school.)

AlexandraSpears 22nd Oct 2011 8:32 PM

"Get off that activity table already! Your mama wants to feed you some nice toddler mush!"

"There are a half dozen computers in this dorm, and you want the one that's occupied! What the hey!"

RebaLynnTS 23rd Oct 2011 1:43 AM

"Not tonight dear, I'm playing Sims 2"

(Is there a .. you know you're addicted to sims 2 if ... thread?)

AlexandraSpears 23rd Oct 2011 5:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RebaLynnTS
"Not tonight dear, I'm playing Sims 2"

(Is there a .. you know you're addicted to sims 2 if ... thread?)

I thought I saw one around here...probably in the Popular Threads section.

DrowningFishy 23rd Oct 2011 5:11 AM

Why? Just WHY?! ::head on hand:: Seriously?

Peni Griffin 23rd Oct 2011 4:29 PM

"Oh, no, you don't! You march right over there and apologize!"
"Where'd he go? Is he even still on the lot?"

revit 23rd Oct 2011 6:35 PM

"Will you give me that food?"
"I wish i can eat your food"
Everytime my sims make foods, especially Grilled Cheese. maybe i have Grilled Cheese Aspiration XD

"Why you keep buying useless thing"
I hate when Fortune Aspiration always roll want to buy something that doesn't fit in my house.

AlexandraSpears 23rd Oct 2011 9:11 PM

I know what you mean, revit.

"Buy you WHAT? Where are you gonna PUT it?"

Alijah 23rd Oct 2011 9:55 PM

"They're just bugs! GET OVER IT!"

My farmer-girl sim found roaches near her garbage can and has been unable to function all day because of it!

5M0K3 24th Oct 2011 2:56 AM

"Why... Why why WHY are you sleeping in your child's bed you perverted freak." (Usually directed at the confused dad who's sleeping in his teen daughter's bed, when his wife is in they're bed... "relaxing" )
"Ugh, put some clothes on you freak." (Sims walking around - 'specially in dorms or around children - in their underwears)
"What the... YOU'RE OLD. WHERE ARE YOU PYJAMAS?!" (Elder Sims sleeping in underwear... -shivers-)
"You're freaking out just because there's something in your way... You spaz." (Sims having a spaz attack because something is in their way, or can't get somewhere)
"Stop looking at me... IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!!!" (Sims looking at me and cringing because I made them do what must be done)
"YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF SH*T!!!" (my Sims boyfriend (or husband, whatever) completely ignoring someone insulting or fighting with her.)
"You're not using your brain..." (Sim does something stupid.)
"Uh... Somebody's, somebody's in here." (Sim walks in on my Sim in the bathroom and starts complaining that my Sim is on the toilet)
"I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE FUN IS MAXED, YOU WILL SING, AND YOU WILL SING RIGHT." (Sim stops karaoke or microphone singing while I... Want them to)

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