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Another quite unrelated dream -- A couple of nights ago I dreamt I was a lodger in the house of a female Sim, who drove a taxi for a living. I hope she has full character data -- I wouldn't want to destroy our whole neighbourhood just by talking to my landlady!
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Don't worry, she does! (For taxi drivers, real or dreamt, the behaviour apparently comes from the vehicle). They say that people dream a lot when in REM sleep, but that you usually only remember dreams if disturbed from sleep. So maybe you are recalling such a lot of sim dreams because you are not comfortable due to your poor back. In that case, I really wish they would hurry up and invent dream-o-vision, because I really want to know what you and your sims are getting up to in the dreams you don't remember! ![]() |
Dreaming of sims
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Aww you sound just as attached to your sims as i am to mine. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@Eristreams : Welcome to the Mod the Sims Sims2 forum, the best forum on the entire internet -- bar none! Since you're new here you won't know about Andrew and me. He's the very first Sim I made when I first started up my game over eleven years ago. He's the blond-haired teenage boy in my avatar. The other Sim in my avatar is his mum Gloria, whom I made a few minutes after Andrew. As you can see, when I joined Mod the Sims a few days later I used (with their permission) their names as my user name. A little later I also used them to make my avatar. Over the next few weeks, as I learned to play this great game, Andrew was constantly with me, and I felt he and I were learning how to play together. I think we grew very close to each other. I play a slow, cautious and protective game, with Aging usually off. Mainly as a result of such play (and more than a little luck in my earlier Simming days) I have never even seen the Grim Reaper. I have modded out a couple of major causes of premature Sim death -- especially fire. Mainly because watching somebody I love burning to death, and no to be able to save them (or to try to save them and fail), is one of the worst things I can imagine. I would be upset if any of my Sims (including townies) were to die, especially if had watched them dying and hadn't been able to save them. I think I'm afraid of doing my best, and my best not being good enough -- of failing a friend who needed me in a matter of life and death. But when I think, or dream, of anything really bad happening to one of my Sims, it's invariably Andrew I imagine it happening to. Probably because, of all the Sims in my game, Andrew is the one closest to me. Andrew has become more than a Sim to me. He's also become my "imaginary friend"; I discuss everything and anything with him. (Don't anybody say that, just because I'm in my seventies, I can't have an imaginary friend!!) Of course he's more than imaginary, because I know where he lives, who his mum is, who his friends are, who his husband is. And of course I know his personality because I've seen how he acts in my game. Serious and a bit shy, he's like me in some ways, but in other ways he's very unlike me; he's neat and organised. He's told me he doesn't know how I can live in such a mess. His very outgoing mum has to a large extent helped him to overcome his natural shyness. Gloria is at her physical peak in the Athletics career, and Andrew uses her punchbag and obstacle course (she used to be in the army) to keep himself extremely fit. Andrew and I are both gay. But while Andrew is in successful relationships (it's a bit complicated!), I've really only acknowledged being gay since starting to play The Sims 2, and would be scared to get into a real-life relationship. (Andrew has paired me up with Chester Gieke! But so far we've done nothing about that!!) Andrew and his mum have been living at 19 Chorus Court, Veronaville since the very beginning of my game. Some three years ago they both married their respective boyfriends in a double wedding at St Simeon's Parish Church, Veronaville, and since them all four of them have been living in the little house. Over the years I've posted a lot about Andrew on MTS, and quite a few pictures of him, including some in the Teen Sim Pictures thread. My pictures in that thread start at page 21 with some good (if old) pictures of Andrew. |
I do sometimes dream about stuff I accessed on a computer, anything that was most prominent activity during previous days. But it is all forgotten within minutes of waking up, especially new names or words that I feel like had a meaning in the dream but don't exist in reality.
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
You can really see how much your graphics have improved since then! |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I enjoyed reading yours and andrew’s story! Thanks for sharing. I am very attached to my sims too! I am new to posting but i have been reading MTS for over a year. I’ve enjoyed my time here so far! Nice to meet you and Andrew, too . |
Last night I dreamt not that I was playing, but that I was scrolling through MTS. All I remember is that I was about to reply to someone arguing that in some cultures they DO leave the fish's head on when cooking/serving it and they DO leave the bones in through part of the eating process. My best guess is they were complaining about some in-game food having this happen and that it was "gross".
I did just this morning-it was quite a complex dream, where a family was trying to get to another side of a city separated by a river, only to find the could not move into a house because it was too far away. They were very disappointed.
Anyway, I now have a new name for a future neighborhood: Belle Isle. |
Not really a dream, but we replaced the mirror cabinet thing in the bathroom and I remembered how much I loved Bob Newbie brush his teeth in TS1
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I had a nap this morning, and as part of a much longer dream I was playing a sims game in which someone was abducted. While the sim was gone, the family pet (a large dragon) went to roll in a puddle, and vanished! This disturbed me, as it was a feature I never remembered hearing of before. I was even more disturbed when the abductee was returned, but the dragon wasn't!
But this was as nothing to the consternation I felt when the family's child (who looked a lot like Christopher Robin) started splashing in the same puddle, vanished, and was replaced by the dragon! How or whether the child could come back, I did not nap long enough to determine. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I like how the dragon didn't cause any concern. |
Obviously it as a reskinned dog, just custom content. I knew vanishing through puddles had to be vanilla, though, because I'd never download that.
Can't help double posting. The time gap should make it all right.
Last night I dreamed there was a mod called "The Bad Rabbit of -" someplace, don't remember. It allowed you to create classic horror movie footage of crowds of sims running away from the threat of the approaching Bad Rabbit, far more sims than your community lot would normally allow. I was expecting it to be a giant social bunny, but it wasn't. I don't retain a clear image of it now but there seemed to be something Mesoamerican about it. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92gP2J0CUjc |
Run awaaaaay!
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I know I have dreamed of my pixels, but nothing quite as remarkable as some of you
![]() Even when I don't have the bin sims in my hood, I may walk along a street and see Trent Traveller and Chester Gieke having an animated conversation ![]() |
Last night I dreamt that I was playing a farm household, and I was trying to fix up the farm and move the cattle out of the pond and into the pasture, but the game kept going as I was moving them. And it was also a video with a romantic plotline, and I didn't save by the time the video finished playing and restarted, so all that I'd done reset. I just want to know why the cows were in the pond in the first place.
I dream them (or Doctor who characters) a lot!
I really need to stop having TRAKENBase and Trakenboard color my perception of Doctor Who, but I’m bad at that! And also I’m sometimes still obsessed with some sims too! Recently I dreamt a meme of Veronaville sims saying “I’m in my malt era bro” |
Last night I dreamed that some hack I installed was causing Mrs. Crumplebottom to spout (presumably the modder's) opinions about the 2024 U.S. presidential election in dialog boxes. Even worse, I couldn't identify which hack it was!
No actual sims in last night's dream, but everyone had the capability to set their vision to Partial Walls Down. So it was very important that all restrooms had stalls.
I often feel like a computer game during dreams, with an ability to press escape and wake up at will. But I can't describe any scenes in detail a few minutes after waking. New words that don't exist can't be repeated at all. But during a dream I recognize scenes where I've been repeatedly. Dreams only come during non-normal sleep such as oversleeping 10 or more hours.
Some of my dreams:
1. 2 of my dreams include me getting Sims 3 but now i have it rn so dream come true 2. Mortimer Goth cheats on Nina caliente then their house is burnt down That's all i remember |
While having a nap, I had a very strange dream about Sims players starting riots in the street.
Ooo, what were we rioting about?
I wish I knew!
3 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
They look something like this: ![]() I dreamed that I downloaded a mod which allowed my sims to come out of the computer and enter Real Life™, but the install instructions were really complicated and I spent the entire night trying to backup my install. I'm going to lock the office door tonight just in case it wasn't a dream, can you imagine what it would be like if your house was infested by tiny sims? They would leap out at you whenever you opened a cupboard, singing "gebits, gerbits, goooo gerbits!" (Hence the Gerbits protest signs in the above picture ![]() ![]() |
I had a long sequence of connected sim dreams last night. It started with my husband and I living in what at first seemed to be a single-family residence, but which I realized was part of a Sims 2 apartment lot when I ran into neighbor Samantha Ottomas. We were trying to get out and go on vacation, but we were having that apartment glitch where all the neighbors invade and you can't get rid of them. Fortunately I locked the door of the bathroom before the tiger showed up.
I then segued into rotation dreaming. The hood seemed to be populated primarily by Family Bin premades. Cyd Roseland and Porthos were working as spies and had a very elaborate lot with secret rooms. Cyd was only pretending to be a hapless bachelor and Porthos was only pretending to be unable to speak and understand simlish. Porthos also had this interesting secret dog exercise machine. The Traveller apartment was also equipped with a secret room but I'm not sure why, or what job Trent had. He and Trisha were divorced and he was living with Tina and a servo. Tina was very unhappy and after her birthday party tanked because she could not have a good conversation with another teen to save her life and Trent kept distracting the servo from serving food and there was mess everywhere she cried on the servo's shoulder and said she wanted to live with her grandmother. The servo got her calmed down and tried to clean up, but the guests had gotten into the secret room and trashed the place, while Trent had stored everything in the wrong place. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Wait, what? XDDD |
I dunno what to tell you. There was a tiger, that's all. Dreams be like that.
I don't dream about characters or being in the game, but last night, I had a dream I was trying to teach someone the dormspecifictoolsdisabled cheat. I was trying to write it on a chalkboard but there was all this other writing on the board so I had to squeeze in the directions amongst classroom notes while also keeping it legible.
This was after Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, and I were running from giant volcano monsters that were setting entire towns on fire and we had to go to a university to find someone who was an expert in them and that's how I ended up in a classroom talking about Sims. |
Now I'm picturing everyone trying to copy the dorm cheat into little notebooks like in the episode with the Gentlemen.
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Last night I dreamed I was playing a modded space colony-type neighbourhood where the maker added a special script that causes Sims to suffocate to death if they went outside without putting on outerwear (a spacesuit). Unfortunately some teenage Sims kept trying to autonomously run away without changing and kept dying.
Also alien Sims were supposed to skip certain life-stages but since that also glitched it resulted in adults crawling around like toddlers. |
My life is the sims, my dreams are playing the sims, my days are spent entirely playing the sims, there is nothing but sims. So yes!
![]() (Joking, but yes I've had a dream here and there of sims. ![]() |
This one wasn't about Sims per se, but inspired by it. I dreamed I had two children who were twins and their names were Sunny and Summer day. When I told a family member about that dream they immediately said that “those names sound like something you'd name your sims“, which was the point - in the dream I had intentionally named my own children the type of names I give to my sims. Maybe I should use them next time there are twins born in my game.
Well now you know what to name your first born children. XD Don't worry if you don't end up having twins; just eat some cheesecake.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Perfect, and I love cheesecake. In that case, I just need an expensive telescope now... ![]() |
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