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sushigal007 17th Feb 2024 7:09 PM

Hi, I'm having a problem with PhotoStudio - it tells me it can't find any templates in the Data folder, but there's definitely a bunch there. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?

Blueybre 19th Feb 2024 1:45 PM

I see another version has rolled out ( which now shows some PersonData flags under Other, and semester flags under University. I sometimes get glitched pets who are marked as Runaways but are actually with their owner, so this saves some hassle of having to go into the Extended Browser and look for the correct bit to flip. I appreciate that. Thanks for maintaining SimPE despite your loss of a loved one (I forgot to bring forth my condolences back then, so I'll do it now) and a loss of interest in Sims itself @Chris Hatch

One thing I lately came to realise I really miss from 0.75.69 though, compared to 0.77.69 - it used to be possible to easily add custom majors, schools and careers to SimPE via XML files stowed away in a Data folder. To this day I still could not find out how to do this in 0.77.69, because even if I do add my dozens of custom majors to the File Table, they won't show up in the drop-down list. Any guidance from someone who's managed to do it?

jonasn 20th Feb 2024 6:11 AM

They seem to have put all the customizable files inside simpe.commandline.dll now. You no longer have expansions XML or an editable default GUID index.

I'd use another simpe in parallel, and start the one that is best for the task. Unfortunately the CH version pops up a giant License about "naked persons" when you switch versions.

Chris Hatch 22nd Feb 2024 11:51 AM

SimPe's Data Folder is now in your user profile files where Windows System File Protection doesn't interfere with making changes.
The path is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SimPe\Data
Editing, adding or removing custom schools, majors and careers can be done through the Settings Manager without you needing to go searching for the .xml files.

Blueybre 22nd Feb 2024 3:59 PM

Editing, adding or removing custom schools, majors and careers can be done through the Settings Manager without you needing to go searching for the .xml files.

Thanks, that's what I was looking for! I really thought that the Settings Manager was the same as the Preferences you can access from SimPE.

sushigal007 25th Feb 2024 12:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
SimPe's Data Folder is now in your user profile files where Windows System File Protection doesn't interfere with making changes.
The path is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SimPe\Data

Thank you, I popped my PhotoStudio templates there and they worked perfectly.

atomtanned 8th Mar 2024 6:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
It has sounds?!

Quote: Originally posted by LimeyYoshi
I run since it was released... I never heard a sound of any sort in SimPE. What triggers those?

Looks like I didn't have the most recent version - I had, which has an interesting plugin view for resource types that didn't normally have one. It said "I love b--bies" or something like that and had a rotation of lady cartoons and x-rated sounds that would suddenly play. Idk what I did to trigger it, but it scared the hell out of me when it first happened and there were suddenly moans coming from Simpe haha. There were a few resource types in the neighborhood files that used it, I think that's the only time I ever saw it.

It doesn't appear to be present anymore in later versions (I just downloaded so thank you so much to Chris for removing those! Very appreciated.

AlexCroft 11th Mar 2024 4:19 PM

2 Attachment(s)
@Chris Hatch I'm developing a script in Blender to import animations from The Sims 2. To do this, I manually note down the xyz coordinate float values for translation and rotation of each bone into a txt file for every timecode. It would be fantastic if in the cAnimResourceConst there was a button that allows the export of data in an organized manner into a text file like that:

bonename: spine1
type: rot or trans
tc = 608
x: -10,00000000
y: 0
z: 0
tc = 782
x: -1,78125000
y: 0
z: 0


Would it be possible to include it?
thank you very much

Chris Hatch 13th Mar 2024 11:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AlexCroft
@Chris Hatch I'm developing a script in Blender to import animations from The Sims 2. To do this, I manually note down the xyz coordinate float values for translation and rotation of each bone into a txt file for every timecode. It would be fantastic if in the cAnimResourceConst there was a button that allows the export of data in an organized manner into a text file like that: Would it be possible to include it?
thank you very much

Yes, what I have done is added a 'To Clipboard' option to the context menu (Right Click - Dropdown menu) to send all the information to Windows Clipboard. From there you can just paste it into a text file or whatever file you want it in.

To save you searching back for the SimPe update files they are:

AlexCroft 13th Mar 2024 9:25 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thank you!! The list genarated copy to clipboard RAW data. is it possible to copy the float value instead of the raw data?
the float value in the field showed in the image. thanks

lingeringwillx 14th Mar 2024 6:13 AM

I was thinking that part of the reason that SimPE didn't get much development in the past decade or so is because there isn't an active public repository for the program, so people interested in adding features or fixing things can't do so. I wonder if it's possible to host the code on Github or any other site? The old sourceforge repo is obviously no longer maintained.

omglo 16th Mar 2024 11:18 PM

@AlexCroft I'm not sure if you've seen this, but @ammar2 did some further decoding of the animation format that hasn't been posted to the wiki. He gave me the link to his work when I was looking for someone to make a blender importer for animations (the person I contacted didn't have the time to take on the project).

Chris Hatch 18th Mar 2024 1:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AlexCroft
Thank you!! The list genarated copy to clipboard RAW data. is it possible to copy the float value instead of the raw data?
the float value in the field showed in the image. thanks

I have just placed a file ( among the SimPe files, use that to replace the simpe.gmdc.exporter.base.dll in SimPe.

It is only compatible with very recent versions of SimPe, therefore to avoid problems for others I will remove it once I know you have it.

Make sure Windows System File Protection doesn't kick in as that may cause problems with any future SimPe updates, delete the original before placing the new.

AlexCroft 18th Mar 2024 8:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
I have just placed a file ( among the SimPe files, use that to replace the simpe.gmdc.exporter.base.dll in SimPe.

It is only compatible with very recent versions of SimPe, therefore to avoid problems for others I will remove it once I know you have it.

Make sure Windows System File Protection doesn't kick in as that may cause problems with any future SimPe updates, delete the original before placing the new.

thank you :D

jonasn 29th Mar 2024 3:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
In version, not all persondata seems to be shown in Extended Browser. Says version=FreeTime, but it ends with Open for Business. In 0.73.44, all data is shown. The person was played and updated recently.

Burinis 2nd Apr 2024 6:42 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I noticed that for some reason I don’t have the option to add H&M fashion stuff. Why is this so?
SimPE Screenshots are attached. My interface is in Russian, but I think that you will understand it anyway.

Tete-Sims 24th Apr 2024 3:31 AM

My Simpe 0.77.69 has a problem that arose a few days ago and to date I have not been able to find a solution.
When viewed in GMDC, the objects are white, in the game it is normal but it is difficult to edit anything without knowing what it looks like when viewing them.
Does anyone know what solution?


simmer22 24th Apr 2024 7:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Tete-Sims
My Simpe 0.77.69 has a problem that arose a few days ago and to date I have not been able to find a solution.
When viewed in GMDC, the objects are white, in the game it is normal but it is difficult to edit anything without knowing what it looks like when viewing them.
Does anyone know what solution?

^ I had that issue for a bref time. It first happened when SimPE had a full-on crash (or my computer had a bluescreen in the middle of a SimPE session, something like that). It turned out to be a problem in one or more of the files in the SimPE "Data" folder.

I've since made sure to have a backup of those files (the ones with "date changed" after install date) in case it happens again, plus so I have a copy of my preferred settings - just so I don't have to mess around with reinstalling or similar. Can't remember if I had a backup at the time. I did manage to fix it, though.

The "Simpepkg" files can be deleted, they're just cache files and will regenerate as needed.

Tete-Sims 24th Apr 2024 9:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
^ I had that issue for a bref time. It first happened when SimPE had a full-on crash (or my computer had a bluescreen in the middle of a SimPE session, something like that). It turned out to be a problem in one or more of the files in the SimPE "Data" folder.

I've since made sure to have a backup of those files (the ones with "date changed" after install date) in case it happens again, plus so I have a copy of my preferred settings - just so I don't have to mess around with reinstalling or similar. Can't remember if I had a backup at the time. I did manage to fix it, though.

The "Simpepkg" files can be deleted, they're just cache files and will regenerate as needed.

R: I don't have the "Data" folder.
My Simpe was the one that didn't need to be installed, so when I deleted it and downloaded it again, it didn't work, however, this time I downloaded the option that installs it and I'm happy to report that it's resolved.

simmer22 24th Apr 2024 9:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Tete-Sims
R: I don't have the "Data" folder.
My Simpe was the one that didn't need to be installed, so when I deleted it and downloaded it again, it didn't work, however, this time I downloaded the option that installs it and I'm happy to report that it's resolved.

It should be in the original install folder if you've used a no-install version.
Potentially in a Documents folder if you've used an installer version.

Blueybre 28th Apr 2024 1:46 PM

The "Data" folder no longer exists in SimPE 0.77.69, if that is the version @Tete-Sims is using.

SimPE 0.75.69 and older versions do have it, so when in doubt, feel free to use this older version. The link to it is still up in the first post.

playUrVideoGame 20th May 2024 1:03 PM

hi, is there a comprehensive guide on how to install this? I'm new to the sims 2. I played the sims 3 exclusively. the guides I see online are based on a version that's nearly a decade old

ZeusSims 19th Jul 2024 9:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
First of all, I want to thank Chris for keeping the program up to date. 👏🏻

Now I want to comment on the problem I have:
For many years I used version 0.73.44-QA, but recently it started giving me problems and I decided to try the latest updated version, which is 0.77.69.
When I load the object workshop, I see that the fences and rails category is missing, which used to be located in others.
I don't know if it's an error, it's a change in the new version or it's just happening to me. 🤔

I attached an image to explain the problem:

Chris Hatch 23rd Jul 2024 1:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ZeusSims
First of all, I want to thank Chris for keeping the program up to date. 👏🏻

Now I want to comment on the problem I have:
For many years I used version 0.73.44-QA, but recently it started giving me problems and I decided to try the latest updated version, which is 0.77.69.
When I load the object workshop, I see that the fences and rails category is missing, which used to be located in others.
I don't know if it's an error, it's a change in the new version or it's just happening to me.

That used to be part of the Advanced mode, now you can enable/disable it in Preferences or in Settings Manager.

I intend to obsolete Advanced mode completely as many of the things it enables are debug things and quite useless, instead if you create a User Id SimPe will run in creator mode which enables the good stuff but not the bad. Advanced mode will still be there but renamed to 'Debug Mode'.

ZeusSims 31st Jul 2024 12:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
That used to be part of the Advanced mode, now you can enable/disable it in Preferences or in Settings Manager.

I intend to obsolete Advanced mode completely as many of the things it enables are debug things and quite useless, instead if you create a User Id SimPe will run in creator mode which enables the good stuff but not the bad. Advanced mode will still be there but renamed to 'Debug Mode'.

Thanks Chris for responding, I'm calmer now, I thought it was a mistake that only happened to me.👍🏻

c0smodrom 6th Aug 2024 7:21 PM

Hi! I had a break from simming for a while and now I'm trying to get back to it, so I downloaded the latest version of SimPE (77.69.15). Not my first time with 77.69 in general, but I have a bit of a new problem tho - everything works great except closing files. I can open other files, save, make new files etc, but can't close. Neither File -> Close nor Ctrl + W works. It just gives me an error that says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". If I click continue, it doesn't work and even if I open other files, resource list stays the same so I can't really do anything. If I click close, then, of course, SimPE closes, though sometimes it only gives me the option to continue, idk why (not that it makes a big difference lol). Error in spoiler:

I tried 75.69 (from this thread) and it closes files no problem, but I have to admit that my biggest reason for using 77.69 is the pink theme and I'm afraid I can't go back to grey I have this problem on both my PC and my laptop. It's an annoyance, not critical, but I would love some help!

omglo 6th Aug 2024 8:35 PM

Would it be possible to have object workshop ignore things like quotation marks and dashes when it's putting things in alphabetical order?

Chris Hatch 10th Aug 2024 12:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by c0smodrom
Hi! I had a break from simming for a while and now I'm trying to get back to it, so I downloaded the latest version of SimPE (77.69.15). Not my first time with 77.69 in general, but I have a bit of a new problem tho - everything works great except closing files. I can open other files, save, make new files etc, but can't close. Neither File -> Close nor Ctrl + W works. It just gives me an error that says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". If I click continue, it doesn't work and even if I open other files, resource list stays the same so I can't really do anything. If I click close, then, of course, SimPE closes, though sometimes it only gives me the option to continue, idk why (not that it makes a big difference lol).

I tried 75.69 (from this thread) and it closes files no problem, but I have to admit that my biggest reason for using 77.69 is the pink theme and I'm afraid I can't go back to grey I have this problem on both my PC and my laptop. It's an annoyance, not critical, but I would love some help!

You are right, there is (was) a problem, SimPe was testing if the current loaded file is a neighbourhood when there is no loaded file. Is fixed now.

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Would it be possible to have object workshop ignore things like quotation marks and dashes when it's putting things in alphabetical order?

Yep, is done. There is an option to switch it off/on in preferences or Settings Manager as some users may be so used to the way it lists things they may prefer to keep it way it is.

c0smodrom 14th Aug 2024 1:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
You are right, there is (was) a problem, SimPe was testing if the current loaded file is a neighbourhood when there is no loaded file. Is fixed now.

Thank you SO SO much Chris!! Can confirm, works great now

omglo 16th Aug 2024 5:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch

Yep, is done. There is an option to switch it off/on in preferences or Settings Manager as some users may be so used to the way it lists things they may prefer to keep it way it is.

Thanks, I'll look for it. One more thing - I see that the animations have a text exporter for rotation values. Is it possible to reimport that txt file somehow? It'd make editing by hand easier.

Treehawk 4th Sep 2024 11:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
That used to be part of the Advanced mode, now you can enable/disable it in Preferences or in Settings Manager.

I intend to obsolete Advanced mode completely as many of the things it enables are debug things and quite useless, instead if you create a User Id SimPe will run in creator mode which enables the good stuff but not the bad. Advanced mode will still be there but renamed to 'Debug Mode'.

Creating a UserID did not seem to work for me, as the Fences and Hood Deco, etc are still not showing up in Object Workshop. I'm using a no-install version of SimPE I like all the upgrades so I'd hate to have to switch back to an old version to get the functionality back! Thanks.

Edit: I finally figured it out! You have to go into the "File Table" tab of Preferences/Settings Manager and then tick the box next to every single ".../Patterns" and ".../CANHObjects" line. And then save the preferences. I wish it was just a simple checkbox like it used to be, but hey, I'm just thankful for the program and that I finally got it working! Hooray!

Ezplorer 30th Sep 2024 1:04 PM

Nvidia DDS Utilities
I found that the Nvidia DDS Utilities 8.31 cannot be downloaded anymore from this website:

But I found these 2 other websites where it can be downloaded:

jasonduskey 30th Nov 2024 1:18 AM

Importing high-poly objects in 77.69
3 Attachment(s)
I've been using 77.69 for around two years now with Win10 and have never had issues with it. I just upgraded to a Win11 rig, and I've hit a bit of a snag. In Win10, in SimPE Settings, the option to import high-poly objects has always been checking "advanced mode", and providing that that checkbox is checked, I can import objects with north of 5000 polys. But with Win11, this option has been replaced with "Debug mode". Even with this option checked, I can't import high-poly objects. But if I launch 75.69 in Win11, "advanced mode" is now available. I don't understand.

simsample 30th Nov 2024 1:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jasonduskey
In Win10, in SimPE Settings, the option to import high-poly objects has always been checking "advanced mode", and providing that that checkbox is checked, I can import objects with north of 5000 polys. But with Win11, this option has been replaced with "Debug mode".

Are you using the same copy of SimPE as you were before? It's possible Chris updated it without changing the version (I've noticed that happen before). You could try an older version? Otherwise, try putting your UserID in:
Restart SimPE of course!

jasonduskey 30th Nov 2024 3:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Otherwise, try putting your UserID in:
Restart SimPE of course!

I'll be damned. That worked.

I'm using the latest version, which is ¿77.69.17? I think. I don't think this "feature" was enabled in previous versions.

simsample 1st Dec 2024 12:30 AM

Ahh, good! Now we know.

pinkdynamite 4th Dec 2024 6:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm having some difficulty getting SimPE set up with this version of the UC. I'm using SimPe_0_77_69, it installed with no problems and I downloaded Nvidia DDS Utilities. For some reason I'm having difficulty bringing up results using the search function. Everything else seems to work fine, including the neighbourhood browser and editing individual packages. I did the System Check using Preferences and came up with these results. Maybe it's just me being clueless (I'm trying to set this up on a new Win 11 computer, upgrading from Win 7) but has anyone else had this problem?

simsample 4th Dec 2024 12:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It looks like you have some of your system folders identified wrongly, have a look in your system folders settings to see if they are all pointing to the correct places, and also check that they are all loading in filetable settings.

pinkdynamite 4th Dec 2024 6:35 PM

I updated the file table settings and it seems to by working now. I'm still getting an error with the "sim folders" section of the system check, but since that folder has never existed and everything else is working fine I'm not going to worry too much about it. Thanks for the help!

Dummyan 29th Dec 2024 10:44 PM

Why don't you make a mirror of download links? SFS works very poor last time and downloading a small file takes an eternity.

Meowingcookie 21st Jan 2025 11:56 PM

When I enable debug mode in the most recent version, I get a pop up constantly saying "Listeners Notified of a new interface" which makes it really annoying to use.

Blayer98 8th Feb 2025 12:45 AM

Just wondering, on Linux there is a bug where the app can’t load TGA images and says that any images loaded are not supported TGA files, and also gives a main error message that “The Image type is not supported.” Does anyone know why this happens?

It also makes the app hard to use since the error shows up constantly.

AlexCroft 8th Feb 2025 2:42 PM

Hi @Chris Hatch I recently resumed the Python project for animation conversion, using the DLL file you modified to copy animation data bone by bone to the clipboard.
Would it be possible to add an additional option in the menu that copies the data for the entire bone hierarchy? This would avoid having to do "copy to clipboard" for each individual bone.

The DLL file you modified should be the one attached

maybePaulineOrElse 8th Feb 2025 10:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Blayer98
Just wondering, on Linux there is a bug where the app can’t load TGA images and says that any images loaded are not supported TGA files, and also gives a main error message that “The Image type is not supported.” Does anyone know why this happens?

It also makes the app hard to use since the error shows up constantly.

I have similar error message (Linux Mint, TS2 UC via Lutris) and haven't found the workaround for it. Described here
I suspected it might have some problem with dotnet as wine threw some errors during its installation (even though it said sth like "installation finished successfully").

Blayer98 9th Feb 2025 10:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by maybePaulineOrElse
I have similar error message (Linux Mint, TS2 UC via Lutris) and haven't found the workaround for it. Described here
I suspected it might have some problem with dotnet as wine threw some errors during its installation (even though it said sth like "installation finished successfully").

Yeah, would be nice to have a build of SimPE that disabled the ImageType error as a temporary workaround.

Eca 15th Feb 2025 8:43 PM

I am getting an error while closing a file (not the program).

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