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Quote: Originally posted by MistyNotes
Hey! I love your story In the Valley of the Sun :P |
Heyy! You can call me Caitlin, or really anything, as long as it's NOT Cate or Caity. I'm 13 and have been writing for a few years now. I love to write, and I mostly write poetry. My poetry is almost always depressing and dark, though I try not to be cliche. I don't know why it's so dark, as I'm not depressed or angry or anything like that. It's just the kind of thing that works for me, and the kind of thing I like. I'm also writing a novel, called Searching for Something, and my Sim story is sort of based off it. It's kind of a romance, but there's a lot more to it, and hopefully it'll be for young adults/teenagers.
I'm R.J. and I am a writer of the slipstream genre. Slipstream is science fiction mixed with fantasy, horror, etc. I have been writing for over twenty years in the short story and novella categories. I am currently in the process of pod-casting some of my stories now.
I would love to see some of my characters, ships and locations turned into Sims! Maybe some day. See you around. |
Hi, i'm oscarzoa, and I've written numerous sim stories and published them to the official site. Though, I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to write a serious novel. So, currently, i'm writing Sun and the Stars, it's a vampire story, but nothing like the Twilight Vampires. It's OK, I guess.
Hello all, I like to write a varied assortment of stuff, anything from poems to rhymes short stories and fan fiction pieces. I have never written anything of great length but currently have taken on the task to try and write a fantasy novel of sorts.
I am far from a great writer, and still have terrible trouble with my grammar, thank god for beta readers is all I can say. But I try my best and what I come up with will always be at least readable, I have always had pleasant and kind comments on my work. |
welcome to the group! you will be great if you want!
Well I love to write. I am planning to sell some poems to a few newspapers(if I can convince my parents to let me). I am the type of writer that enjoys a book that doesn't have a happy ending since real life doesn't end with happiness. I would love to live off my writting but I know that it is very tough to do so. I plan to go to college and major in journalisim so I can still write and get paid. I can't wait to see my name in a best sellers list one day but if I ever write a book that is good enough to become a movie I will make sure it is as close to the book as possible.
I am Miserydoll (Or Misery, or just Mis), I am 21 years old with 2 children, and I am in the process of writing my first novel... for about the eighteenth time. And this time, just like all the rest, I am stuck about halfway through the first chapter. So I thought I'd prance on by and see if I could get any inspiration from the good people here!
As far as what I write: I'm awesomely incredible at what would be termed "fantasy romance". I flat suck at action and fighting but hey, I don't read it that often. My characters are strongly based off of people I have met and I like my stories/novels to be highly realistic, so i pour a ton of my time into research. Reading-wise, I have a few very favorite authors and one or two genres, and I tend to stay away from the rest. I know that's not terribly open-minded of me but hey, it's comfortable and I don't like change that much. ANYWAY, great to meet you all and hope to discuss more soon! ~ Miserydoll |
Hi! I'm in my 30's, working on my first novel and like writing sim stories. I write in the morning and play sims in the evenings instead of watching telly. I don't find writing easy (who does??) and get discouraged sometimes. But its the only talent i have. I have a learning disability which makes it difficult to find and keep jobs. I recently spent 12 years in the carer field and am looking to get back into that. I plan to get my first two novels published and if that happens, hopefully i'll have enough confidence to dream big. I would actually love to have a go at a screenplay one day.
I used to be squirrel but can't access that account anymore. Only I could lose an account. Cheers! |
Hi, I'm Zoe, and I write books / stories / Sims stories.
I've written half a book, that sadly, I abandoned because it sucked. I'm what you would call an amateur writer, it's rather a hobby than a profession. I'm working on a book as of right now, and also a story that will probably be worked into the Sims 2. |
Hi, my name is Helena. I usually write long stories, or at least I try
![]() The long story I'm working on now, is about 3 boys from this world end up in another world. In that world, lying is forbidden, and the people there use 'Earth' to scare children, as in: 'If you don't brush your teeth, you'll end up at planet Earth!' Another strange thing about that other world, is that it has people who carry around the last wish of someone who has died with them, untill they can deliver the wish to the one the dead person wanted to have the wish. It's rather complicated to write, because you have to take the morals and standards of both worlds in account. But I'll keep writing anyway! ![]() |
Im 13 and am trying to become a writer. Im not very good at it yet I mostly just imagine stuff in my head through out the day and try to link them somehow then my problem is getting it on paper. Im currently writing a story called "Maybe More" which im trying to make into a more realistic love story then most of the books Ive read where it goes"He saw her she saw him they go out fall in love and get married the end" Ive finished one chapter and might try posting it somewhere so others can read it and help me out. I also write poetry and sometimes I write random songs in my head
Well here goes nothing
Im 13 and I write anything I feel like but never let any one read it (too scared theyre gonna say it's crap) still havent finished a book yet though.Oh and you can call me Miranda. |
urm writing styles don't know to de honest to you, i like fantasy and some times sci fi so i like ficition. i write use ing mricorst word 2003 or 2007. i'm a teenager at chasetown specailst sports college which i loth with a pastion(sorry not good at spelling things). i'am the best deihouvered out of my group and i work hard for a certicter at the end of the term.
I'm Brandon. I like to write action and sci-fi stories. I try to get people to help me with them, but I end up going solo in the end. I get mad about this. I guess I'm naturally gifted with writing, and it's my favorite thing to do. I can usually get done with 5 pages within 2 minutes also.
Hi, I’m new around here! I’m 25 and write as a hobby. As a teenager I used to write a lot of fantasy but more recently my work has taken a turn to the soft and fuzzy side of science fiction. I’ve recently written a book which started off really well (despite being as horrible as any first drat) but at the 90K mark I realised the main character had turned into a self righteous little cow so I'm not going to continue with my plans to tidy it up and seek publication. Entirely my fault and I should have foreseen that but hey… I have a seven book series planed which is actually several stories told in the same universe that crossover in places rather than a single story that takes seven books to tell. Before I start that I decided to write some lighter stuff because the new series is promising to be very depressing. So after writing a few dark and dismal short stories I decided to start a story with my sims 3! Does it have a happy ending? Well... define happy ending for me please? Lol.
So… pleased to meet you all! |
My name's Laura and I'm 18. I have started writing my first novel in December and, so far, it's going great. My characters are based on people I know, and the action is kinda my life and my feelings transposed into the novel. I'm best at fantasy and romance. That's it, now I'll go finish my broccoli.
I'm Mary and I'm 15. I began writing my first serious story (I can't call it a book - 3.5 parts are 70 pages collectively) in June of 2010 and am still working on it... or I would be, if I didn't suffer from such shitty writer's block. This story revolves around an online game I and my friends play, though it has moved away from that and into alien planets. I started writing the story for a contest (it didn't place
![]() My parents and friends say I'm a great writer, and I do agree with them, not to sound conceited. But I do have horrible writer's block, and have barely written anything in months. Poo. Keep writing! |
I'm Zsófia, but it can be translated to Sophie... well, just call me Moirrey. I'm 16 and I really like writing, although I haven't done any "great" work yet. I write novels, poems, and stories illustrated with Sims 2. One of my "simsy" stories had been published on a hungarian website, but none of my other works (yet). My favourite style is fantasy, sci-fi, action and drama. Well, that's all about me. ![]() |
Hello, I'm Amber. I'm
I'm Gabriella, 14 years old and I've been writing for 3 years. I have stuff on wattpad, fanfiction .net, and YouTube.
![]() My biggest story, ♥Love At First Sight, is being re-written to understand it. ![]() ![]() It took me one story about Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens to get me started. I've been writing on Windows Movie Maker and Libre office. And usually, my writer's blocks are temporary. I don't know what else to say. Fanfiction Pen Name: ZanessaFanGaily WattPad: ZanessaGaily YouTube: ZanessaGaily Also, I have expierence with voice over series. I am currently writing and editing my first Sims 2 story. It has no name and it is gonna be about 70 episodes long. ![]() |
Hello, I am Alicia, and I am a poet. I have been writing poetry since high school, and publishing poetry since college. I can usually find inspiration with writing poetry, but the past few years have drained most of it. But I still write poetry. My favorite poetry styles are free verse and pantoums, although I have written in other styles as well. I also like the hay-na-ku form of poetry; it is pretty easy to write in. What do any of you do when you have writer's block, and how do you overcome it? Looking forward to meeting all of you!
Quote: Originally posted by magdalenepoet
Hi there @magdalenepoet you appear to have chosen a couple of groups which are relatively inactive now, where you have posted this for example hasn't had a post since 2012 and I wouldn't like you to think you're being ignored - may I suggest you come here where it's a bit more lively! We have a few writers on Off Topic and several cat lovers ![]() Welcome to MTS! |
Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
Thank you for mentioning this, Thranduil Oropherion. And thank you for the warm welcome! ![]() |
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