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missmex 1st Jan 2011 10:40 PM

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Kyo from Fruits Basket!

Shadowfang3000 2nd Apr 2011 12:01 AM

Why of course, Sharon Rainsworth from Pandora Hearts! *Fanboy tackle*

**I_am_ME** 10th Apr 2011 4:40 PM

maybe No-Face from Spirited Away? he's definitely my favorite anime character at the moment, and i want to hug him <3 (he's the spirit in my avatar)

i am a WEIRD person. lol :D

Brylen 15th May 2011 12:04 PM

I would probably marry Ryoga from Ranma ½ It would be very interesting to live with someone who doesn't even find his own backyard because he has no sense of direction xD

mewichigo34 23rd Jun 2011 12:01 AM

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Does Len Kagamine count if so, then I want to marry him!

anobouzu 23rd Jun 2011 12:09 AM

As if it weren't obvious enough.

Genjyo Sanzo from Saiyuki >.>

FaithKuran 2nd Aug 2011 7:38 PM

Too Many to Choose but...
I would marry my absolute favorite of course, ENVY! Envy is my favorite character ever in the entire world! After we would get married we would both make slaves out of the following;

Hikaru and Kaoru
Alois and Ciel
Kaname Kuran! EEEEK!
Yagari Toga- the hot vampire hunter who was Zero's master
Aido Hanabusa
Shiki Senri
and many many more.

I would also love to include some Junjou Romantica characters but perhaps I shouldn't go there?
Akihiko, Misaki, Haruhiko, Nowaki, Hiro-san, Miyagi, and uhm, I forget his name but the one who dates Miyagi?
There are too many dreamy characters to choose from it's just so very hard. Oh! Also Sumi-senpai. ^~^

FaithKuran 2nd Aug 2011 7:45 PM

Great Taste, eh?
Quote: Originally posted by pinkykitty

:lovestruc :lovestruc ...Ulquiorra.. :lovestruc :lovestruc

I forgot Ulquoirra! Nuuuh! You have very good taste by the way. :3 Such awesome pictures. I'm a bit upset that Full Metal Alchemist was brought up but no one even mentioned Envy. Although Edward and Mustang are very worthy.

ulrikchen 9th Oct 2011 4:50 PM

re: Which anime character would you marry? xD
2 Attachment(s)
Much to blame on my cosplaying friends, it's either Kyoya or Hayato from KHR. :lovestruc
but can't really help it when they have like the cutest animals ever *w*

mewichigo34 9th Oct 2011 6:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mewichigo34
Does Len Kagamine count if so, then I want to marry him!

Adding Piko Utatane to the list.

MajinKitty230 10th Oct 2011 8:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by narutofanatic9
Ok so im thinking that there probably like 100000000000000000000 of you out there which are totaly in love with some anime character, me for example so tell me if u had the chance to bring ONE of them in the real world who would it be???

Allen Walker for me :lovestruc

Right now it'd have to be..


Yue 13th Oct 2011 7:31 PM

Aidô Hanabusa all the way !!! He's soooo sexy and funny :lovestruc !!

Aidô-senpai, marry meeee !!!!

ulrikchen 17th Oct 2011 3:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Yue
Aidô Hanabusa all the way !!! He's soooo sexy and funny :lovestruc !!

Aidô-senpai, marry meeee !!!!

OwO Idol-senpai!!!!

sorry, I just had to... ^w^''

Yue 18th Oct 2011 5:43 PM

He's MINE !*glare*
But I also love Jiima from Chobits, :lovestruc:

WakahisaDManami 22nd Oct 2011 12:37 AM

Only one anime character for me: Roronoa Zoro from One Piece! So perfect~<3*melts*

ulrikchen 22nd Oct 2011 1:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Yue
He's MINE !*glare*

And I will not take him from you
I already have Hayato :lovestruc

Yazoo 30th Dec 2011 9:52 AM

>.> Well, uhm mine would be a girl o.o Hope you all don't mind...But it would be:

Shizuma Hanazono

xxabbylovestimmyxx 16th Jan 2012 4:41 AM

there are too many to choose from. i have like fifteen choices of who i would marry.
-kyo from black bird
-kyo from fruits basket
-sebastian from black butler
-q-ta from honey hunt
-zero from vampire knight
-the twins from ouran
-mori from ouran
-zenki from black bird
-buzen from black bird

see too many XP

ulrikchen 16th Jan 2012 9:46 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by ulrikchen
Much to blame on my cosplaying friends, it's either Kyoya or Hayato from KHR. :lovestruc
but can't really help it when they have like the cutest animals ever *w*

Need to add some more~
Also from KHR;

I guess I kind of fangirl a lot over the bishies in that manga/anime~

Yazoo 19th Jan 2012 9:07 AM

I could see myself marrying Nana Osaki she is beautiful *-*

However!!! Alas, my love for Shizuma...Is undying. (I am like for reals...I could SO see myself marrying her, but Nana takes a very close second )

ulrikchen 19th Jan 2012 10:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Nevermore Raven
I could see myself marrying Nana Osaki she is beautiful *-*

However!!! Alas, my love for Shizuma...Is undying. (I am like for reals...I could SO see myself marrying her, but Nana takes a very close second )

both of them are stunning <3

Yazoo 19th Jan 2012 7:57 PM

Heck yes! But still, alas Nana and Nana should have gotten together *squeals* I would have loved that *flails* but then I would get jealous...>.> WHY MUST THE SEXY ANIME CHARACTERS LOVE...Their lovers...Yeah, that point went into a huge fail -.-"

ulrikchen 19th Jan 2012 11:38 PM

The sexy ones alway get taken first >.> that is the problem~
... unless in KHR, where almost everybody is single.
TTwwTT just realised that before I post this I had Hayato's shorthand number as how many posts I've made.
*trying not to overreact* I fangirl to much over the boys in that manga~

Yazoo 20th Jan 2012 10:14 AM

I know! I will watch an Anime, and be like


But I did squeal loudly when Shizuma declared her love for Nagisa. I was so loud my aunt came into my room, and asked if I was okay. Had happy tears and everything. Ah, yes. So amazing I cried. You know its like when you are watching your favorite TV show, and you just keep saying to the characters (Though they can't hear you) get together, kiss dammit! Then when they do, you feel awesome, and well, I squealed and cried. But it was a magical moment. Oh, I could SO marry Amane or Hikari.

Hikari Konohana:

Amane Ohtori:

And why not. Amane and Hikari and Shizuma and Nagisa:

From left to right: Amane Ohtori, Hikari Konohana, Shizuma Hanazono, and Nagisa Aoi.

LOVE THEM! Yes...I think I may have a sick obsession with Strawberry Panic...DON'T JUDGE ME!

ulrikchen 20th Jan 2012 5:16 PM

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Quote: Originally posted by Nevermore Raven
Yes...I think I may have a sick obsession with Strawberry Panic...DON'T JUDGE ME!

*cough* I have a kyoukugen unhealty obsession with Katekyo hitman reborn. SO I CAN'T JUDGE YOU! xD (Kyoukugen means extrem in japanesse, and a charcter in khr uses that expression. a lot.)

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