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Sims2Playerfan 8th Jun 2012 11:53 PM

Well, after a cursory analysis, I would say this is a go! The game loaded with the M&G splash screen, and all the UI buttons are present. I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but it looks like it works. Which begs the questions: what if it was the Store Edition that was included with the collections packs that was borking the AGS and not the collection packs themselves?

Ramble Edit: Ahh yes, I remembered another thing that supported my outdated UI hypothesis, which was all the premade lots that came with anything past NL (which was when the premade lots started using icons) did not have any icons (EG: the King's Gardens that came with M&G did not have an M&G logo on them, but just had a picture of the lot as if they came with the base game.)

So far I think all my EPs and SPs are present, and I found the two Store Items I had left over in my game.

Mootilda 9th Jun 2012 12:03 AM

Excellent. We found a number of problems which are relatively simple to find and fix. Thanks so much for your help.

I've made notes about everything and will try to write up something more formal later. Rewriting the AGS from scratch will obviously take a lot longer.

Numenor says that the AGS supports the Store Edition, but of course that would have been one of the earlier versions of the SE. My recommendation will be to follow the convention from the full game registry.

Sims2Playerfan 9th Jun 2012 12:17 AM

Glad I could help. It's too bad the only way to fix it is to manually alter every appfiles folder for every anygame made. From what I understand, there is no way to obtain a source code from the current AGS, right? You'd need the original source code that Numenor had to alter the current AGS, and it isn't possible to alter the program without the original source code? Wish I could do more, if you need more research done I'll gladly help.

Mootilda 9th Jun 2012 12:34 AM

It's possible to alter the program without the original source code, but it's a tedious process that wouldn't make much sense.

However, it's possible to write the exact same program from scratch (with the updates, of course). Except that one could make one's own version open-source, which would allow future updates.

fruitsymphony 9th Jun 2012 1:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda

fruitsymphony, how is your computer? Have you solved your problem yet?
Thank you there was a weird noise, but it has gone away.
But, my computer is actually a "Reconditioned" office machine. I looked at the System requirements for the Fun with Pets collection and I am thinking to either buy a new graphics card or else another computer, before again installing the Collection packs.

waxesnostalgic 31st Aug 2012 3:48 AM

I don't know if you still need any more information, but I decided to try to fix the problem tonight, and although I wasn't successful I was able to get it working enough not to uninstall my game when re-installing the register. I admit that I don't know anything about editing registers, but I thought I might give it a shot. The info you have here helped me get pretty far, so thanks a lot.

To start out, I have installed all EPs except University and Bon Voyage, and IKEA and Celebration SPs. My Sims Collection is the Best of Business one, with OFB, K&B and H&M. I have Windows 7.

One thing on your description, you say that only running the AnyGame will re-write your registry, but that wasn't the case on my computer. When I opened the installer and it asked me about the location of My Documents it re-wrote the registry so that my collection pack was uninstalled. I reinstalled the original register I had extracted before and continued. Then I created an AnyGame, which also rewrote my register to uninstall my collection pack. But, I finally got the AnyGameStarter folder to work from. Again, I reinstalled from the original registry and my real game opened fine.

I examined the registry files, as you describe above, and re-wrote the Sims2_Full registry to include all of my EPs and SPs. The AnyGame I had created included all of my packs, but it prompted me for my Apartment Life CD. However, after I attempted to run it I was able to run my original game without re-installing the register (and it did load up as it was on the log). I decided to try a game that included everything but my stuff packs, and replaced my AnyGame with one that had Apartment Life as its latest disk. It did run, finally, but it did mess up my registry. When I compared the new registry with the old registry (the actual EA Games registry, not the AnyGame one), the only difference was the "EPsInstalled=" line, which was a list of the one on the Sims2_Anygame registry and not the Sims2_Final registry. Everything else was exactly the same.

The only way I imagine I can get it to work in the state it is in now is by manually re-installing the EA Registry file after every run of the AnyGameStarter. I have to change the Sims disc out to Apartment Life to run an AnyGame as well. Since I wanted to use AnyGameStarter to run an historical themed game that uses Open for Business as an integral part, this doesn't really solve the problem, but at least I can test things for the base game now.

I've attached my registry files if you think they might help. I've included EA Registry, my original registry file I extracted from my files, and a post-AGS version of it, as well as my original Sims2_Full file and my edited version.

Mootilda 31st Aug 2012 5:24 AM

Instead of giving me individual files, could you please include the entire AppFiles folder?

waxesnostalgic 31st Aug 2012 6:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, here it is. I think this has the version I altered in it... should I get a clean folder for you to look at?

EDIT: Okay, I finally got it to work myself. I can see why you wanted the whole folder now. I downloaded the version you had fixed for Sims2Playerfan and tweaked mine to be like it. It works fine, wow! But I did have to edit the Start_Anygame3 file as well as both of the registries. It runs a different version of my game with a different downloads folder--I'm so excited!! Thanks so much for figuring out how to work around this problem!

However, I would also like to make a BGS, but my game always tells me that I need to run "Best of Business" when I start running my edited BGS, even though it also asks to run from my basegame disc. What do I need to do to get it working, do you think??

I've attached my new PermaGame (former Anygame3) that works folder and my AppFiles for the BGS I want to run (AnyGame1).

Mootilda 31st Aug 2012 6:14 PM

As you've discovered, all of the files in the AppFiles folder work together, which is why it's important to see them all together.

From your StartAnyGame1Log.txt file, which documents what occurred during the last run:
Content of the "REGFILE" file:

This should be identical to the Sims2_AnyGame1.reg, but it clearly isn't. That's because you've forgotten the \Wow6432Node\ in Sims2_AnyGame1.reg. Change that and I believe that you'll be fine.

By the way, very good job on getting the AGS running properly on your machine! It can be a struggle to get everything working in sync.

waxesnostalgic 31st Aug 2012 6:45 PM

It is still giving me the same error message, so there must be some other problem...

Mootilda 31st Aug 2012 9:40 PM

Can I see the new AppFiles folder?

Again, only the AppFiles folder contains the answers to your questions. Otherwise, I'm just guessing.

waxesnostalgic 1st Sep 2012 5:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry, here it is.

Mootilda 1st Sep 2012 6:04 PM

I thought that you were trying to run a base-game AnyGame, yet you've changed EPsInstalled to include a bunch of EPs and SPs.

waxesnostalgic 3rd Sep 2012 5:01 AM

I could have sworn that I had tried that and that it hadn't worked... but I tried it today and it worked. I guess it was some other issue that had stopped it last time. It works fine, thank you so much for helping me figure this out!

Mootilda 29th Jul 2013 3:06 AM

Is it possible to get the AGS to work with games downloaded from Origin:

Mootilda 12th Feb 2014 2:02 AM

Some new information about getting the AGS to work with Origin:
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
I found a way to bring the Anygame Starter working with Origin games

I changed the paths from "EA Games" to "Origin Games".
Then I logged in (in my Origin Account) and switched to "My Games"

I selected Sims 2 but I did not double-click...
I dragged "Sims 2 in Origin" to "Anygame1" and it really hided the EPs so I got a base game....

The AnyGameStarter WORKS with downloaded games.

weathervane 29th Aug 2014 2:57 PM

I have the sims 2 ultimate collection and windows 7 x64.
I tried to create an anygame with UNI, NL, OFB, AL and MG.
I modified my files using Jawusa's AppFiles as a guide (because UC is a collection as well as an origin game), but I can't get it to work
I get the "can't find the" error, even though the file is there and the path is right as far as i can tell...

I would love some help

Mootilda 29th Aug 2014 5:03 PM

Is there a file in C:\Users\padre\DOCUME~1\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection? If not, you'll need one.

weathervane 29th Aug 2014 8:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
Is there a file in C:\Users\padre\DOCUME~1\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection? If not, you'll need one.

yes there is one, but the AGS is not "seeing" it for some reason...

btw, thank you for answering so quickly

HugeLunatic 15th Jan 2015 8:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
Is there a file in C:\Users\padre\DOCUME~1\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection? If not, you'll need one.

I know I won't get an answer from Moo, but does anyone have this file they can share with me? It has to be one from a full game, no UC. The UC one is actually an empty file.

Klaartje 15th Jan 2015 8:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Do you mean this one? I have a full game, not UC, with all EPs and SPs. I do have Double Deluxe instead of a separate basegame, in case that makes any difference.

HugeLunatic 15th Jan 2015 10:08 PM

Okay, after playing around fruitlessly, I think this will not work with UC. Because there are no .exe files in UC. So you cannot point to one of those for an AGS setup.

simsfreq 11th Oct 2016 5:42 PM

Sorry to resurrect an old thread. I see exactly what you mean, HugeLunatic, and that does indeed point to it being impossible.

However - would it perhaps be possible to port the necessary files from a (legal) disc installation across to UC, and make it work from there? I use UC now, reluctantly, because when I upgraded to Windows 10, my discs would no longer install. However, on an old hard drive, in my current computer, I have the Program Files for a TS2 installation consisting of the base game (original, CD edition) plus every EP except BV and no stuff packs. Theoretically, couldn't the various "Bin" folders be copied over and this would allow AGS to run even with UC? Or is this too close to piracy? I can't see that it is, given that I own all the discs legally (I have BV as well, I just never got around to installing it before I upgraded).

LadyAngel 4th Aug 2017 4:13 PM

Please see this post to see how to get Sims 2 and expansions running on Windows 10:

This works on my Windows 10 machine, but unfortunately I can't get AGS to work as it's a 64-bit system, and none of the info I've found about it helps.

LadyAngel 5th Sep 2017 1:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LadyAngel
Please see this post to see how to get Sims 2 and expansions running on Windows 10:

This works on my Windows 10 machine, but unfortunately I can't get AGS to work as it's a 64-bit system, and none of the info I've found about it helps.

Okay, I seem to have figured out a very easy way to get this to work with 64-bit Windows 10. Simply choose 'Advanced User - Select Directory' upon installation of the game and any packs, and then remove the (x86) from the path. This worked for me as it installed everything into the correct programs directory.

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