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RebaLynnTS 18th Jan 2013 5:07 PM

I don't have that much, but my place is growing. I am going to try to get a transfer program done as soon as I can, to transfer as much data as possible.

icemandeaf 18th Jan 2013 8:55 PM

Not to put more on your plate because I don't want to make it so that this doesn't come out longer than I have already been waiting, but I have a few things to mention.

First off, I know that I have mentioned it before, but I would like to see the "Is Family" tag either working better than it is now or at least making it possible for me to change the tag if I notice that the game tags two sims as family. The main reason I do this is so that I can know which friends to count towards the influence level, since family as friends don't count. Another thing that this would be very helpful with is to figure out how many family friends a household has for promotions. Right now there is no place for that data, so I have been having to figure it out manually.

I have mentioned it before that retired Elders don't seem to keep their retired check marked. I don't know why that it doesn't seem to stick. I would also like to know if it would be possible to have Adult jobs stay if a sims becomes an Elder, but doesn't retire. They shouldn't be able to change jobs, but still be able to change levels. It makes it difficult to know where my sim it towards his LTW after he has become an Elder.

And speaking of LTWs, is it possible to be able to have a report of sims with various LTWs? Maybe even how far along they are to getting it? I like to know which sims are ok to heir for my businesses based on if they have completed their career LTW or at least don't have a career LTW.

Another thing that I would like to see is to be able to place the value of a business. I have been placing it where the address field is because the name of the business is the address, although it would be nice to be able to create an address different than the name. Right now, placing the value is helpful for me so that I know if a sim can buy an unowned business.

The last thing that I can think of off the top of my head is relations with pets. Since there is a place to put pet information within the household, it felt redundant to create a fake sim just so that it can be in the social tab. This means that I have had no way to keep track of the sim-pet relationships.

RebaLynnTS 19th Jan 2013 1:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
Not to put more on your plate because I don't want to make it so that this doesn't come out longer than I have already been waiting, but I have a few things to mention.

Any thing you can think of now, will be great.

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
First off, I know that I have mentioned it before, but I would like to see the "Is Family" tag either working better than it is now or at least making it possible for me to change the tag if I notice that the game tags two sims as family. The main reason I do this is so that I can know which friends to count towards the influence level, since family as friends don't count. Another thing that this would be very helpful with is to figure out how many family friends a household has for promotions. Right now there is no place for that data, so I have been having to figure it out manually.

All of these concerns will be addressed.

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
I have mentioned it before that retired Elders don't seem to keep their retired check marked. I don't know why that it doesn't seem to stick. I would also like to know if it would be possible to have Adult jobs stay if a sims becomes an Elder, but doesn't retire. They shouldn't be able to change jobs, but still be able to change levels. It makes it difficult to know where my sim it towards his LTW after he has become an Elder.

I'll see what I can do about adding counts for the different LTWs,

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
And speaking of LTWs, is it possible to be able to have a report of sims with various LTWs? Maybe even how far along they are to getting it? I like to know which sims are ok to heir for my businesses based on if they have completed their career LTW or at least don't have a career LTW.

No problem.

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
Another thing that I would like to see is to be able to place the value of a business. I have been placing it where the address field is because the name of the business is the address, although it would be nice to be able to create an address different than the name. Right now, placing the value is helpful for me so that I know if a sim can buy an unowned business.

Can do.

Quote: Originally posted by icemandeaf
The last thing that I can think of off the top of my head is relations with pets. Since there is a place to put pet information within the household, it felt redundant to create a fake sim just so that it can be in the social tab. This means that I have had no way to keep track of the sim-pet relationships.

Going to be fixing that too.

icemandeaf 19th Jan 2013 3:40 AM

This is like giving candy to a kid. I'm going to see if I can think of anything else.

RebaLynnTS 19th Jan 2013 5:51 AM

And I'll do my best to make it happen.

icemandeaf 19th Jan 2013 7:08 AM

Just a quick thought before I forget it. Can you make it possible to distinguish two households with the same names? I have been putting the address with the household name so that there is a difference with the name in the listing. The only problem with doing that is when I go to enter a sim's previous addresses, it would have the address twice (ie Capp --- Capp Manor --- Capp Manor --- Veronaville). I guess if I left the address field blank, it would solve the doubling up. Hmm...

Also, could you show the stage of a sim within the social tab? I sometimes forget that a sims friend became an elder (or which ever other stage depending) someplace else, so it shocks me when I see that when I play that sim.

RebaLynnTS 19th Jan 2013 2:20 PM

The house listing can now show the House Name, Address, Last Played, and ID number.
I've added a tool bar, and the house can be listed by name or address in it.

I can add age to the social list.

Another Change is that you will be able to add vacation homes to the house list. The House filter will also let you view only vacation homes.

icemandeaf 19th Jan 2013 7:49 PM

Hmm... never really played vacation homes much, but that will be good.

Will there be a way to list the house by name AND address?

RebaLynnTS 19th Jan 2013 8:35 PM

By Name, Address, Last Played, Neighborhood, and ID, actually.
Only the toolbar list will be restricted to Name OR Address, due to space limitations. If I find there is enough space once the program nears completetion, then I will fix it so the toolbar list can show both.

I will be posting a new screen shot soon.

Almost forgot, if you have Career Data, could you post that as well?

I was able to get a lot of it from the Wiki, but it is still not complete.

icemandeaf 19th Jan 2013 10:35 PM

Ok. Understandable. Just thought that I'd ask.

What do you need for Career Data? I haven't needed any information that I couldn't already find online, so maybe I can point the way to where to find what you need.

RebaLynnTS 20th Jan 2013 3:16 AM

Mostly the stuff relating to teen elder careers, skills, friends, pay, etc.

icemandeaf 20th Jan 2013 3:45 AM

If you go to and look in the same place where the information is for the Adult careers, you will see Teen/Elder career information just below that. I believe the information is complete there.

RebaLynnTS 20th Jan 2013 10:45 PM

Glad that was finally updated. I should have double checked, but been so busy with other things.

RebaLynnTS 21st Jan 2013 6:31 PM

Just thought I'd mention, bug collecting will be added to the new Sim Tracker.

Babahara 23rd Jan 2013 12:17 AM

Hello, is there a new version incoming?

Hopefully I'm not repeating others, but right now I'm using Sim Tracker for my megahood and noticed a few things. Like not being able to delete roommates. I don't know why, there's just no option "remove this sim" lighting up, it's greyed out. E.g. I incorrectly placed Samantha Cordial as a roommate for Kimberly Cordial, and now it's not possible to delete her.

And I have a request, if possible. Please, make it so that we can specify the final mark the kid got at school. Maybe I fail to find it, but I don't see such an option. You can tick a memory "Got A+", but there's no field to show which mark the kid had if it was not A+. It's very important for my hood, because sims are limited in job levels in relation to which marks they got at school.

Another one, sorry for that, is it possible to make the field "Location of birth" and other locations in "Transitions" panel editable in an ordinary manner, too? Some of my sims have a backstory of coming from another hood, but you can't specify something like that, you can only choose a family name in that field. Some of my sims move around multiple times, so if I specify that somebody died at one place, that's not true because they've moved since then and the place doesn't go by that family name anymore. Basically, it would be real great if one could enter values of her own, too, like actual addresses, rather than going by the family name only.

Thank you for your program and for still updating it!

RebaLynnTS 23rd Jan 2013 12:58 AM

First, here's a new picture of Sim Tracker 2

Yes, a new version is comming, I lost all of my old code, so I am having to start over, and am going to be making major upgrades.

You can repeat others all you like.

I will be putting the new version through much stricter testing before letting it out in the wild, so most, if not all, of the bugs should be worked out. I've already past the occupants section, and the roommate features are working correctly now.

The grade selector now has A+, A, A-, etc.

The location items will now have a way to add what ever you like to them, yes. Enstead of a simple drop down, now a special box will pop up and let you select from several options, including typing in your own.

Keep the suggestions comming, as I can't think of everything myself

Almost forgot. I am adding support to list, non-business, community lots as well (The tab is not there yet, but I will be adding it).

Babahara 23rd Jan 2013 3:25 AM

I'm sorry that you lost all your code! That sounds horrible.

Will the new version be compatible with the old data or will we have to enter everything anew?

RebaLynnTS 23rd Jan 2013 6:22 PM

I'm going to try to get the new version to load the old data, but I am not sure if I can or not. I don't look forward to entering it all in by hand either.

One new thing, in the social list, enstead of the program trying to figure out who is, and is not family, you will be able to set it manually.
Also, the social list will now show pets as well as humans.

Mootilda 23rd Jan 2013 8:03 PM

I'd like to suggest that you consider making this open source. If you share the source code in your download thread, it will be harder to lose.

Babahara 23rd Jan 2013 11:40 PM

Sorry for bringing in even more suggestions, and it's very likely that this "bug" does not exist anymore, since you're not using the old code. But I just thought I'd mention that in the friend list whenever I add somebody new, the notes section remains in the same position, i.e. if I add a new sim, she or he may get notes describing the circumstances of becoming friends with another sim, and all other notes would be moved higher or lower and assigned incorrectly. It's like they're assigned to their positions, instead of sims.

It's nice if the new version of the program would be able to load all the old data for sure. I hope that will be the case

RebaLynnTS 24th Jan 2013 12:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
I'd like to suggest that you consider making this open source. If you share the source code in your download thread, it will be harder to lose.

Good idea, I'll be sure to do that this time.

I'm also using my dropbox for the source code, so that should help keep it safe.

Quote: Originally posted by Babahara
Sorry for bringing in even more suggestions, and it's very likely that this "bug" does not exist anymore, since you're not using the old code. But I just thought I'd mention that in the friend list whenever I add somebody new, the notes section remains in the same position, i.e. if I add a new sim, she or he may get notes describing the circumstances of becoming friends with another sim, and all other notes would be moved higher or lower and assigned incorrectly. It's like they're assigned to their positions, instead of sims.

It's nice if the new version of the program would be able to load all the old data for sure. I hope that will be the case

In the old version, I forgot to sort the contact notes with the rest of the information, the new version will have this corrected, thanks to you menitioning it

Keep bringing on the suggestions, and comments, it will help me make a better program.

Babahara 24th Jan 2013 1:01 AM

OK, if you really don't mind suggestions, I'll make a real one. When I see the option to use video in your program I always keep thinking how nice it would be if there was also a section to write up a bio with pictures. Sort of like an in-game picture journal. Right now I keep all the info separate: on one hand I use MsWord documents to write up the story with pictures, and on another hand your program to enter data. It would be nice to integrate everything, although I'm not sure that it's possible. I'm not saying that I dream of an actual copy of an in-game jourmal, each picture and description being separate and all, just about something that would be like reading a document with pictures.

I don't know if this suggestion would be popular with others, but I personally never quite use an in-game journal, because it's assigned to lots rather than sims or family name and sort of "disappears" if your sims move out. So writing everything in a separate document is much better, and this way it's possible to track the whole family through generations. All the better if everything can be done inside of one program! But I don't know if that's impossible or possible but too complex to add.

RebaLynnTS 24th Jan 2013 2:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Babahara
OK, if you really don't mind suggestions, I'll make a real one. When I see the option to use video in your program I always keep thinking how nice it would be if there was also a section to write up a bio with pictures. Sort of like an in-game picture journal. Right now I keep all the info separate: on one hand I use MsWord documents to write up the story with pictures, and on another hand your program to enter data. It would be nice to integrate everything, although I'm not sure that it's possible. I'm not saying that I dream of an actual copy of an in-game jourmal, each picture and description being separate and all, just about something that would be like reading a document with pictures.

I don't know if this suggestion would be popular with others, but I personally never quite use an in-game journal, because it's assigned to lots rather than sims or family name and sort of "disappears" if your sims move out. So writing everything in a separate document is much better, and this way it's possible to track the whole family through generations. All the better if everything can be done inside of one program! But I don't know if that's impossible or possible but too complex to add.

In that case, I think you will be pleased with what I have added to the new version.

There is a kind of photo journal that will also have a slideshow feature. You will be able to start it and have the pictures, and their captions, slowly change from one to the other.

There will be a tab for Hoods, Commercial, Houses, and Sims (I can add other tabs as well).

RebaLynnTS 24th Jan 2013 9:01 PM

Some more news ... If you move all sims from a house, the Sim Tracker now has a "Remove All Sims" button.

There will also be an option to move them all, or each, to a new house.

Maranatah 24th Jan 2013 10:58 PM

I've noticed, that if I mark some sim as employer on the business tab, it won't allow me to reset the field without throwing an error. This is probably already fixed in the new version?
I'm getting more and more excited to see the new program! Can you estimate the time when it could be ready? No pressure, I'm just curious.

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