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Ferguson Avenue 22nd Aug 2013 9:41 PM

Basically his arse was out, but he was lying on his chest, so the "front" would have been exposed to his kids when he rolled over.
Thanks! We slept out in the tent during the night too, luckily we went out there just before it started raining, it then rained all night and most of today too. It made it difficult wanting to go back out into the house for breakfast this morning. We sat in the tent eating chocolate for breakfast in the end. Mwhahaha!

squaretable 23rd Aug 2013 9:25 AM

Eeekā€¦ Isn't that illegal? And I mean, unless he works in Pornography or Prostitution or something, Wouldn't Novody be seeing that?

Oh, when did you EVENTUALLY get in?
And yeah, it was a horrible way to end our holiday, but the ride home was good, and the sunset from the A12 was beautifulā€¦

Ferguson Avenue 23rd Aug 2013 12:21 PM

16 Attachment(s)
Another reasons I love this part of the country is the landscape and the beautiful sunsets, I just couldn't imagine Essex without them... :lovestruc
I think I'm gonna miss them (and all this open countryside) when I go away to University in September.

squaretable 26th Aug 2013 6:49 PM

Yeah, we have nothing like that round here. To the North is of our town is 1 mile of forest, then you reach the greater London conurbanation. Then to the west after the duAl Carriageway is Suburbia, to the east (But not for long) and the south is open countryside...
This may interest you, until 1973, that road bordering our town had an interesting claim to fame, around 8 miles south of our town it went Through the oldest land road tunnel intact in the world, which has now been pedestrianised. Also until the mid 90s, Drag races were held on that road, going through the woods to the north of the town, because it was almost exactly 1 a mile long and is very straight. I guess what we don't have in sunsets, we get in vistas of the city.

Ferguson Avenue 27th Aug 2013 8:11 PM

That tunnel sounds interesting. The most prestigious village in my area has a long straight road; known simply as 'Straight Road'. I think it's over a mile or two long, it's a nice road to drive on, i can understand why it is the subject of drag races, although it's not really wide enough.

squaretable 27th Aug 2013 11:55 PM

Hmm, maybe it was the London-Colchester road of Roman fame?

This is a dodgy thing to do, but the Road is the A217 and The Tunnel goes under Reigate Town Centre. Not that I ever go there, its too much of a journey!

Hmm... Is this Straight Road lined with Trees or Anything? (Or Ornate Parisian Lamposts, jks) I do love Ornate Parisian Lamposts *lovestruc

Ferguson Avenue 4th Sep 2013 9:07 PM

I don't think so, I doubt it's of Roman origin. It's lined with old trees, hedges and modest (for Dedham) village homes and intersected by another long straight road.
It was very hot up here in Essex today. I went to town to run some errands, including get some passport photos taken for my new student ID, for when I start University later on this month, and I was sweating practically the whole time, so was practically everyone else in town. I can tell it really was hot by how thick the haze is this evening. It's really quite magical...

Ferguson Avenue 5th Sep 2013 9:43 PM

It was damn hot again today, and last night as well, it's like another heatwave...

squaretable 11th Sep 2013 4:44 PM

Well its descended Back into the grey skies were used to her...

Ferguson Avenue 11th Sep 2013 7:22 PM

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So cold....
Seriously, I have to had to put extra blankets on the bed to try and stay warm. And yet I still get cold, trouble is, it's only September, so it's too soon to be turning the central heating on. brrr...

But it's not too soon to light the fire...

squaretable 15th Sep 2013 10:16 AM

Well it looks sunny today, sham I'm stuck indoors doing coursework

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