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haywud 3rd Jul 2018 5:27 PM

About a day or two before she died at the end of March, I had a dream I was at my grandmother's house but she wasn't there. Before that she would always be there when I had dreams about being at her house, but this time she was gone, and when she died a couple days later it not only hit me hard losing her but I couldn't stop thinking about if that dream was a sign. Then after she died I kept having more and dreams about being at her house without her there, until one day I had a dream that she was a ghost sitting in the chair she would sit in all the time. It just seems weird to me, though it bothers me a lot too.

Not too long ago I had a dream that someone from this site called me on the phone. It wasn't a cell phone though, but one of those older wireless phones you would have in your home. It was weird because when they called it projected this holographic type of image that showed their MTS user image, and then my aunt (who I haven't seen in years) handed me the phone and had to answer it for me since it was apparently too complicated for me.

When I was a kid I was shown all sorts of horror movies, but never had any issues with them except for A Nightmare On Elm Street. I started to have nightmares about Freddy Krueger, and they went on for quite a long time. These dreams went on until one day I killed him in a dream, and after that I never had another dream about him again. It was like he was actually after me in my dreams, just like in the movies, and I guess my only way out was to kill him.

sailorplanet97 4th Jul 2018 1:53 AM

i remember my dream about death people: last year i had this weird dream about my grandfathers twin sister (my mom's aunt) i met her and then we started talking to each other.
she sended me to a beautiful place, i don't remember where and that the family was all complete again after my grandfather died or something, then i met my grandfather and grandmother again.
we were a family again after my grandfathers twin sister sended me to a beautiful place, she also told me she'll watch all over me or something, i don't remember the rest of it though

but then i woke up and it turned out it was JUST a dream my grandfathers twin sister died a long time ago before my sister and i were even born.
i only met my grandfather and his younger sister, he also has a brother but he died for a long time too. my grandfather itself died almost 2 years ago from his bad conditions so he only has his younger sister left right now

and when i was almost 11 back in 2008 a few weeks after my grandmother died, i had a dream about her, all of her grandchildren bumped into her to the mall and we all thought she died from illness.
she told all of us she never died or something and told us everything, we were so happy to see her and all. but then i woke up and i believed she was still alive but it turned out it was just a dream

man i'm 21 now already, i think i'm getting old, or atleast i feel so old

CassidyMorgan 6th Jul 2018 12:55 AM

omg yesss yes yes

i tell my friends that i remember my dreams but they say sleep is just a blank to them they cant remember their dreams :/

but a feww nights ago i had a dream i had to work for the fbi and persuade an alien race to team up with humans and save the universee pretty fun!!

PANDAQUEEN 6th Jul 2018 12:28 PM

I was in a dream I was a wanted criminal throughout the Milky Way galaxy and beyond.

My criminal record included murder and homicide, traffic and vehicular violations, running rings like gambling with 8 CPU player 8 player Smash in Smash Brothers\Chao racing with the Sonic Adventure duology or any other kinds of criminal activity and if it wasn't for Stephen Colbert, I would have gotten away with more crazy shit related to intergalactic travel. I was arrested on PSO J318.5-22, a planet that doesn't orbit a star.

I guess I should have credited NASA for their exoplanet gimmick of a travel agency simulation of exoplanet exploration.

haywud 6th Jul 2018 2:03 PM

I had a really weird dream last night. I was at my grandmother's house watching professional wrestling for some reason, and that part alone was pretty weird especially since I stopped watching that stuff long ago. It was Brock Lesnar taking on Bill Goldberg, then all of a sudden it was over and Rey Mysterio had won and was the champion?? Then someone knocks on the front door and I let them in, it was some weirdo that looked like Slender Man or something. He said something that I can't remember what it was, but apparently it was insulting to me so I picked him up and literally threw him outside where he continued talking trash and I ended up chasing him down the street.

Then after waking up and falling back asleep I had another weird dream. I was trying to play basketball, but only the ball kept turning into other things. Like there was one time I picked it up and it was basically a melon that was cut in half.

PANDAQUEEN 6th Jul 2018 5:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by haywud
I had a really weird dream last night. I was at my grandmother's house watching professional wrestling for some reason, and that part alone was pretty weird especially since I stopped watching that stuff long ago. It was Brock Lesnar taking on Bill Goldberg, then all of a sudden it was over and Rey Mysterio had won and was the champion?? Then someone knocks on the front door and I let them in, it was some weirdo that looked like Slender Man or something. He said something that I can't remember what it was, but apparently it was insulting to me so I picked him up and literally threw him outside where he continued talking trash and I ended up chasing him down the street.

Then after waking up and falling back asleep I had another weird dream. I was trying to play basketball, but only the ball kept turning into other things. Like there was one time I picked it up and it was basically a melon that was cut in half.

Obviously, you are overcoming fears that has yet to be figured out if you have a long list like I do.

The basketball one sounds like insecurities are yet to be resolved.

Usually weird dreams are psychological parallels to what is bothering you.

But then, all my dreams were either illogical, pleasant, nightmarish or all of the above and I sometimes question the ingredients of my medication because it's about as powerful as the tranquilizer darts used on large cats like lions, tigers and jaguars.

But still, as of late, you killed Freddy Krueger in one dream years before and you chased off Slenderman recently. You seem to be "Fear's Bane" with these dreams.

AGuyCalledPi 6th Jul 2018 5:36 PM

I tend to forget the really weird ones, unfortunately, but a couple of days ago I had one where I woke up at 5 in the afternoon, got depressed, and went back to sleep. Then a couple of hours (?) later I actually woke up and it was only 11. I guess I have a fear of sleeping in?

haywud 6th Jul 2018 6:01 PM

@PANDAQUEEN I'm sure you're right about the fears and insecurities. Lately I've been trying to figure myself out, and what to do with myself instead of just sitting here all the time, and I'm sure the dreams are just a reflection of what is bothering me inside. I used to regularly have a recurring dream where I would be trying to drive, but I could never reach the pedals. That evolved into me being able to reach the pedals, but only I was driving a manual transmission and couldn't shift gears. Something tells me your dreams, no matter how good or bad, are a result of things within your mind too. Even if consciously you may not really think of certain things you may still have subconscious thoughts bothering you, which could lead to your dreams. I don't know, maybe my dreams are trying to tell me that I just need to get over my fears and fight back for once.

PANDAQUEEN 8th Jul 2018 2:22 AM

Had that dream of being in charge of genetic engineering for Martian terraforming, specifically animals for the ecosystems. I ended up indulging in my fantasy of collectible monsters so...Pokémon, Digimon, Piñatas, Spectrobes, Yokai, Experiments (think 626) and Sushi Sprites. Because the biggest downer in my dream was the fact Mars became a space colony for rich people, I decided to trash the resort with aquatic and maritime creatures that would spray water in a hellish torrent; if you went to go fishing, you only catch Magikarp and be careful of Gyarados. Not to mention burrowing creatures in the golf course. The Caddy Shack Act of 2018 prohibits waging violent acts of war on small burrowing animals, so if the groundskeeper ask for my advice on humanely removing the creatures...I already dazzled them with brilliance, all that remains is to baffle them with bullshit.

This is a first where I buck the disappointment of being from a family who made great progress but isn't worth in the millions or billions and trashed the simulated seaside with my experimental animals.

Freefalldreams 8th Jul 2018 8:15 AM

@PANDAQUEEN When we get to Mars, can I hire you? I'm taking a class on space law now...and dragons would probably do well in the lower gravity.

PANDAQUEEN 8th Jul 2018 3:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Freefalldreams
@PANDAQUEEN When we get to Mars, can I hire you? I'm taking a class on space law now...and dragons would probably do well in the lower gravity.

We do have dragon type Pokémon, Digimon that evolve into dragon-like monsters and the Dragonache of Viva Piñata...

Plus I understand the basic intergalactic legal system.

You can hire me on anytime.

RicoSuavecito 9th Jul 2018 9:49 AM

Last night I dreamt I was with some people I know. We were running to something and had to cross a lake. In the lake was a 150 foot python or so about 6 feet in girth. I dove into the lake and everyone else followed. As we swam (me in the lead), I hoped the snake wouldn't attack me. but as I cleared the first half I suddenly felt fangs pierce my shoulder blades and my hips. I was screaming and screaming for help as I drowned and was about to be eaten to death. Nobody helped me as expected and I woke up nearly having an asthma attack. I still feel the fangs in me. I don't want to sleep ever again.

Johnny_Bravo 9th Jul 2018 3:01 PM

I was fleeing for something, I don't know what or why, but I ended up finding a Ford Mustang which I took, and then I was disappointed by it's performance. Probably was an Ecoboost.

haywud 9th Jul 2018 8:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
I was fleeing for something, I don't know what or why, but I ended up finding a Ford Mustang which I took, and then I was disappointed by it's performance. Probably was an Ecoboost.
You needed the GT350R.

I had a dream last night that I was in a GTA sort of scenario. I was trying to outrun the police with some girl (no idea who since I never saw her face, which seems common in my dreams lately) which may not seem too weird, but the way it played out was. There was a mini map there in the dream, as if I had a HUD built into my eyes or something. You could see dots on the mini map representing the police, so we were able to avoid them pretty easily. Then at the end of the dream we ended up driving into a garage to get the car we were in resprayed, as if it were a Pay N Spray from the older GTA games.

PANDAQUEEN 9th Jul 2018 9:36 PM

This is a recurring dream, but worth telling.

I wake up and find the animals in my world replaced with Pokémon, Digimon, Piñatas, Spectrobes, Experiments, Yokai and Sushi Sprites. I mainly stayed indoors due to Beedrill (those things are nightmare fuel by themselves.) But my parents gave me a quest to play with the specimens that weren't a threat. My parents had Pokémon; Mom had cat Pokémon (my mother was normal 3 cats ago, so she had every possible species of cat Pokémon) and Dad has mushroom Pokémon (He even train his Parasects to bring new mushrooms on his hikes).

As weird as it was to have 3 foot wasps with 3 stingers in this dream, I got to visit family. My uncle Bill adopted a Shinx and he's getting pretty large, like, about to evolve large.

My grandparents had a Manaphy and Phione who they used for years to help settle people's arguments. I was willed Phione upon my grandma's passing.

I woke up and look on the other side of the bed. As long as Gemini is present on her side of the room, I don't need to worry of my world being overrun with strange creatures that require me taming them.

P.S. I already explained to Mom that if she adopts a Litten, I'm buying stock in fire extinguishers because they cough up flaming hairballs! BTW, this excerpt was during an explanation of Starter Pokemon and she liked the idea of Litten being my starter.

Johnny_Bravo 10th Jul 2018 2:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by haywud
You needed the GT350R.

I was on a parking lot full of ordinary sedans (they all looked like the '96 Kia spectre?) ,so the mustang naturally looked fastest. I ended up in the normal civilization and that's when I was disappointed about it

r_deNoube 10th Jul 2018 3:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
... so the mustang naturally looked fastest...
Were the brakes any good? With me and cars in dreams, it can be a real struggle to get anything like a full stop.

A few nights ago I found myself in my grandpa's Plymouth, hurtling (against the lights) right across something that looked like the Lougheed Highway at peak hour, As far as I know, no one was killed.

Johnny_Bravo 10th Jul 2018 6:14 PM

The brakepedal felt slushy and I was better off doing an engine brake. Dreams are weird. Normally when I dream of driving either the pedals are too small, too close together or I crash.

A while ago in a dream I rolled my mom's Focus and found myself surrounded by cannibals

sailorplanet97 17th Jul 2018 7:29 PM

i had this scary dream about my dad 2 nights ago.

i had this horrible nightmare about my dad, he was working on the computer at the reception, but he wanted to pick up something from himself so he decided to go upstairs by going to the stairs instead of the elevator.
but then he fell of the stairs, i guess he didn't looked out from his own there, my mom got a call from my dad's work he died from the accident.

then my mom told me everything about my dad, i literally said: pffff hahaha sure you must be joking about that, he Always takes care on his own (with a fake laugh and with an anger voice)
then i started crying and so did my mom, i ran to my room and told everyone everything, they prayed for my dad, payd any respects to us and felt so sorry for the loss from my fathers (my sister was also crying when she found out)
i cried everyday in my sleep but then i woke up and literally ends up half crying because i thought my dad literally died from his accidents from his work

i guess i was terrified or something because i end up having fears and almost cried, i guess i literally cried in my sleep because i was really tired when i woke up and wasn't been myself that day.
i wasn't in the mood for anything so i stayed in my room all day

PANDAQUEEN 18th Jul 2018 1:57 PM

Alice Cooper returned and he was to watch out for me. (2 things about me you might not know: I have a fear of isolation, so during long vacations, my parents will send a family member to check in on me while I housesit and due to my clumsy nature, I may end up beat up without any help. This was where the dream began making little to no sense.)

He and I had a conversation over coffee about my heritage involving the Jersey Devil (in the dream, the surname Leeds was part of my last name). He retorted about something attacking while he was en route to my house. Turn out the Jersey Devil attacked him by scratching the backs of his hand (which would explain why he didn't remove the leather gloves he wore.). I noticed blood on his white shirt. I took it off him, I had to treat it with the Demon edition of a First Aid kit (this kept getting weirder) After I finished cleaning and bandaging his wounds, my demon father comes to check in on me. He said "This must be Alice. I've been meaning to ask you about a favor. My daughter here wants to be tucked in for the night and she wants you to do that." Alice said "I will do that, if you promise not to hurt me again.

I was tired after dinner, so after I changed and did my nightly routine, he came in and I got into the center of the bed, laid belly down and he covered me with the comforter. He kissed my forehead and said "Try not to let demons run your life."

He went downstairs to wait for traffic to speed up and he could leave.

The more I worry about the evaluation trials, the harder it becomes to cope with the reality I will die before achieving my dreams.

Noa1500 24th Jul 2018 4:26 PM

It was windy last week and I'd slept with my window open, which may have been the reason for this dream.

Basically me and a bunch of people were dressed as expolrers (think Tarzan, Indianna Jones etc.) like the full get up, and we were batteling against the wind. We had a giant rope and had to lasso the wind to catch it because that's obviously what you're supposed to do when you're exploring. Anyways eventually after many attempts we got the rope around the wind and had round of tug of war because the wind is a rude being and likes to behave llike a hooligan so that's totally the reason why you send out a squad of expolerers to fix even though its not their job description or anywhere near their skills set??

On the plus side it was not windy outside when I woke up in the morning, so maybe sending explorers to hunt down some unruly wind works

Johnny_Bravo 24th Jul 2018 5:30 PM

I did a shit ton of cocaine. I don't know how it came to that dream, never did coke.

simmer22 24th Jul 2018 8:08 PM

I keep dreaming my computer(s) get virus/malware attacks. Not much fun... :/

PANDAQUEEN 24th Jul 2018 10:20 PM

Remember my musings on paintball wars in the event a decision had not been made by a deadline?

Well, I was a color commentator on a panel of specialists for a ten way team tournament that mixed 3 games shows from Nickelodeon during the 1990s: GUTS (later revamped as Global GUTS, which although labeled "Global", the foreign players were always from Europe, most of which were from the Eastern Bloc) Legends of the Hidden Temple and Wild & Crazy Kids. The participants were around my age (born between 1985-1991, so unable to participate in those games because of age minimums, back when teenagers were part of the demographics). Guests on the panel were Mike O'Malley, Kirk Fogg and Omar Gooding, the original hosts from the aforementioned shows. I doubt IRL all 3 are still alive, because a lot changes over 27 years. Then again, Double Dare was making a comeback and Marc Summers' hair to me looked more like a mushroom cloud. I was seated on a 7 person panel, to the viewer it was, left to right:

Mike, Kirk, Omar, me, Dr. Nye, (IRL, I call Bill Nye by his title before the Planetary Society and that degree in mechanical engineering didn't go to waste on the arena) Dana Carvey and Alice Cooper.

It was weird sitting on the panel and chatting people up while various thirty-somethings in white t-shirts and shorts are throwing colorful powder from bags, paint from squirt guns and special paintballs that are thrown rather than shot.

The last obstacle was to assemble the artifacts presented to the top 3 team (the temple guards were removed due to complaints of bodily safety and harm) and climb their side of the mountain, lighting the way. The team to place their artifact and light the mountain won.

It was a weird dream, but it just might inspire me to be a hopeful of such insanity on the brink of getting gakked.

RicoSuavecito 25th Jul 2018 8:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sailorleontine6
i had this weird dream about the swimming pool

i was at the swimming pool with my sister
but the swimming pool changed into a monster (you could call it water-monster)
i warned my sister that we had to run away but she was so stubborn to listen to me
and then we almost got killed but at the last moment she ran away with me

thank god it was just a dream

I'm just curious, how many Sims have you drowned?

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