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wickedjr89 30th Jul 2014 9:30 PM

^ that reminds me

"There is a toilet RIGHT THERE, WHY do you have to go to the other side of the house, up the stairs, to the other side of the house again and use the toilet furthest away to throw up in?!" Said to every preggo Sim ever practically.

Bigsimsfan12 30th Jul 2014 9:35 PM

"Why are you dying? Nothing's wrong with you... Oh, you're just teaching the dog to play dead!"

So many times my heart has skipped a beat because I thought my sim was just randomly dying for a second when actually they were teaching their pets

Back to the thread, I was playing a household with 10 children, each with their own bedroom and:
"Why are you sleeping in the same bed as your mother? You're like 19, that's just weird. Stop it!"
"Omg I've told you where your bed is like 300 times! Why do you keep doing this?!"
"Stop trying to put your homework in your brothers room! There's a reason I locked the door!"

grammapat 30th Jul 2014 9:52 PM

And everyone's favorite: why is everyone hungry and yelling at ME?! On, there's a baby in front of the fridge. I told you to feed him and put him to BED! Pick up baby and put don't put him down in front of the fridge! OK, YOU pick up the baby don't put him on the floor. I KNOW you're hungry! Pick up the baby... O rats just order a pizza.

Mordecai and Rigby 30th Jul 2014 10:26 PM

I made a Sim and decided he was going to be a nature freak who goes birdwatching a lot. The moment I moved my Sim in he was birdwatching and he was all like, "I'm very excited I tried this Nature activity!"

Me: "Well that was easy."

DrChillgood 30th Jul 2014 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chickenheed
"What?... Fired?"

*reads the little text saying my Sim was fired for blowing a chance card*
*while sneering* "Cool story bro. Really. Hardy-har-har."
*watches the Sim come home, a loser's return*
Then I scream my catchphrase: "Hardy-har-har, EA!"
*cheats the Sim back into the job*
*goes into SimPE and removes the "fired" memory*

*next chance card pops up*
"Wait, which one's right, let me Google it..."
*both options have the chance of getting fired, or one is a chance of demotion while the other is a chance of firing*
"Nope, ignore."

Basically, anything bad happens to my game that I didn't will, I cheat away.

ZenGarden 30th Jul 2014 11:11 PM

Who decorates these houses?!?

Pizzatron-9000 31st Jul 2014 6:04 AM

"Thank you for setting the stove on fire, Dominic!" (said after Dominic the butler started cooking salmon, wandered off while it was cooking away in the oven and set the stove on fire. I was actually being sincere for once, as my witch Isis had just rolled a "Cast a spell" Want. So she cast Exflammo on the stove and that was that. But still, Dominic is a sucky butler and I should fire him. )

"Ha ha ha. Oh yeah, that's a real hilarious prank. 'Let's set all the sprinklers off, hur hur hur!' Hey, guess what?" (casts Mellifera Attackum on the Cow Mascot) "Yeah! How do you like that prank, beyotch?"

Witches are still awesome. 2nd Aug 2014 4:50 AM

"I hate this game. Why do I play it?"

My lack of pretty cc- and excess of other players to marvel at- has had a severe effect on my decorating 'skills'.

AliaD85 2nd Aug 2014 6:20 AM

*Has sim bring over guy he just fell in love with for woohoo* Well, I'm not fond of romance sims, but even I think you need to get laid.
*watches sims snuggle close and looks at ACR* Huh? Try for Baby? Oh yeah. I did make unmarried possible for you. Wait....
*talks to self* Okay, calm down. It might not even wor- *nursery chime* ... Well crap.

darkannie 2nd Aug 2014 12:35 PM

I believe my last words to my sims and their actions are, "that was qui...ick." after watching a couple getting ready to do it on the couch, the guy shoves her down, pounces, exactly a second later, he's done.

The hiccup right at quick? Well, it just so happened to be right when I heard the lullaby. *facepalm* why, oh why do I have to download acr? So was not ready for a fucking baby. *bangs head repeatedly*

darkannie 2nd Aug 2014 12:39 PM

Oh, and why in the name of all that is good and decent does the christmas tree burst into flames if you have the lights running for more than five minutes. Why does this game hate trees?

Inhuman One 2nd Aug 2014 4:16 PM

"Stop doing that!"
"get to work stupid!"
"You don't need food, stay out of that fridge!"
"You don't need a pet."
"that's not your bed!"

Well I don't say it out loud but I think it.

kittymykitty 2nd Aug 2014 9:59 PM

You are starving, exhausted and stinking, surrounded by two screaming toddlers, a wailing baby and a kid whining that they can't get to sleep because of the aformentioned howling kidlets, WHY DID YOU JUST ROLL A WANT FOR 10 KIDS?

L0LZ111 2nd Aug 2014 10:02 PM

'Wait... why the fuck is that damn uni coach in the women's shower room pestering my students to work out? How did you even get in here? GET THE FUCK OUT!'

yavannatw 3rd Aug 2014 4:31 AM

"Why are you going all the way to the bathroom to wash dishes, when there's a sink right there behind you???"
"Why are you complaining about not being able to use the computer? - there are three others in the room!"
"It's rain, you've seen it before, now go to your exam!"
"Don't put the toddler to bed, your wife is about to feed it!"
"The toddler doesn't need a bath!!! He's hungry!"
"Stop complaining about being tired and go to bed!!!"

PenelopeT 3rd Aug 2014 5:02 AM

"What are you doing? Argh!"

"Why did you not get a promotion? You were in a good mood and your performance bar was high. Guess you don't want to pay your overdue bills afterall."

"Seriously, you burned dinner? Your family is ready to eat and the food supply is running low."

siletka 3rd Aug 2014 6:38 AM

"I have a phone?!!" As my sim's phone rings on her wall somewhere. Took me two minutes to find where the phone was in her new home.

Dagwon 7th Aug 2014 8:28 PM

We're only going to get through this if you DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO! - to a father of toddler twins who'd just lost their mother... things kept dropping out of his queue because one of the twins was in his way, or on the activity table, or crying over their dead mother (Yes, I know your son is sad his mommy is dead... that's no reason to not feed him!)

I feel like a monster XD

Peni Griffin 7th Aug 2014 8:37 PM

"Finally! Finally! FINALLY!" Laughing with glee as Merlin Hawkins turns to see the UFO he's been looking for his entire adult life hovering behind him...

SciBirg 7th Aug 2014 8:42 PM

"Seriously?? I nearly failed the Apocalypse challenge with MATY's harderjobs hack in??? DOH!"

Dagwon 16th Aug 2014 3:01 AM

When my pregnant sim popped while cooking. I panicked when I didn't need to, though, she didn't even burn the hamburgers!

meginmd 17th Aug 2014 12:54 AM

"oh hell to the NO! Do NOT tell me I just spent 4 days(I can't remember how long) decorating this palace only to have it go POOF!"

(I had built my sims a huge three story palace, decorated it, then moved them in....only to realize the furniture hadn't stayed. Sigh....)

gazania 17th Aug 2014 1:37 AM

(House goes on fire, and I realize that I or Maxis forgot to add a smoke alarm) ... "Oh, crap. I knew I forgot something. !@#$."

NateTheL0ser 17th Aug 2014 2:09 AM

(In my household with two mothers and 3 boys whose bladder motives are crazy weird without maxmotives)"You have to pee... AGAIN!? You just went, like what, two hours ago? Make it quick or you'll miss your ride to work/school!"
(In that same household) "We've gone through this so many times! See that double bed? That's YOUR bed! See that space bed? That's your son's bed. Not yours. Nononononononono, not THAT bed either; go to YOUR bed! ... Of all the things I liked better in Sims 3..."

Annaminna 17th Aug 2014 4:59 PM

In vacation hotel with a restaurant:
"If you ONCE MORE stole my sim*s food, I will put him meditate and YOU ALL will die from hunger!!!". I was really angry.

My sim graduated from university. At first day in his new home, he invited a townie fiancee to marry her. After greeting she said: "Oh, you look like nice person, I will set up a blind date for you right now". I was like... W...T...F...

Cow mascot is taking a shower. He appears to be very cute and nice looking male sim.
"WHYYY! WHYYY! Why cannot game make so cute normal sims!!!!". I have no CC for appearance.

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