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thedivineone 17th Jul 2011 1:34 AM

Paranoia and exhaustion are not a good combo for me.
Why? Just...why?!

cupcake12winx 17th Jul 2011 1:41 AM

My Q button is barely working. Yay. Not helpful when typing in Italian, which seems to have more Qs than English.

DigitalSympathies 17th Jul 2011 6:13 AM

My game. Keeps crashing. In the male hair category. I'm supposed to do a video with only males in it.

Kill me now.

thedivineone 17th Jul 2011 3:47 PM

I overslept and now I am sweaty, grumpy and my hair looks like a firecracker blew up in it.

Rawra 17th Jul 2011 4:29 PM

My dog went bananas. He. Just. Doesn't. Stop. BARKING!!! I don't even know how to calm him anymore, the slightest noise makes him bark like crazy! And he's 9 years old. Imagine him younger. Hell on Earth. Even so, he's better than my little brother, who is currently slapping himself. And people say I am crazy. -.-

The Raven 17th Jul 2011 8:41 PM

I seriously feel like I'm going to puke...

mewichigo34 18th Jul 2011 1:12 AM

Why do I have to live in Washington?!Here there's so many people complaining about heat and I'm stuck with cloudy/rainy weather and temperatures in the mid 60's!Why have I had a headache for the past 3 days?!Why am I still tired when I woke up 3 hours ago?!Why has only one of my friends texted me since school got out?!Why does my crush never answer his emails?!Why won't he give me his number?!Why won't my mom paint my bathroom?!Why hasn't anybody made a Rin or Len Kagamine cosplay set for the Sims 3?!Why do I have a huge zit on my face?!Why can't I read Chinese when I can read Japanese?!Why am I allowed to be on the computer for only three hours a day?!WHY?!

lethifold 18th Jul 2011 3:58 AM

Delicious, delicious break out.

Rabid 18th Jul 2011 4:33 AM

The hard-drive on my computer crashed. If the computer professional can't save the files from it, I'll have lost the novella I'm currently working on (which I think is shaping up brilliantly) and my life's work in writing. FUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Rawra 18th Jul 2011 10:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
The hard-drive on my computer crashed. If the computer professional can't save the files from it, I'll have lost the novella I'm currently working on (which I think is shaping up brilliantly) and my life's work in writing. FUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Oh, that happened to my desktop PC as well, a month ago. Although the book I'm writing is on the laptop, I lost all of my games. And save-games of the games. My mother is too stubborn and says we should buy a new PC, but I want my games back.

Nixxy245 18th Jul 2011 12:15 PM

sunburnnnnnnnn ((

cupcake12winx 18th Jul 2011 12:20 PM

My internet is BUCKING SLOW.

EDIT: Or.. not? Right after I posted that it started going faster than I've ever seen it.

...Sowwy, internet?

Rawra 18th Jul 2011 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
My internet is BUCKING SLOW.

EDIT: Or.. not? Right after I posted that it started going faster than I've ever seen it.

...Sowwy, internet?

My internet is always BUCKING SLOW.

*waits for it to get faster after posting this*

Phoeberg 18th Jul 2011 4:27 PM

I have had just about all I can take from my father right now. I've never known anyone as insensitive, as thoughtless, as utterly selfish as him. I was getting pretty pissed off last week when he kept on and on complaining about attending my graduation ceremony last Thursday, which by the way I was perfectly happy for him to miss altogether. But all weekend I've been getting more and more irritated with him and his complete disregard for anyone else. Forget my graduation, I don't even care about that, it's the things he's been saying and his behavior to other people who have bigger things going on that's making me so angry. Maybe he could take the time to consider how they might be feeling about certain things going on in their lives right now.

There is a huge argument imminent between the two of us. I can just feel it building up.

thedivineone 18th Jul 2011 8:24 PM

Dear headache,

You make my life a living hell, I was wondering if you could tell.
My head is split in half that I can't manage a laugh.
If you think you're so cool, meet my friend Parasitamol.
I hope you die in a fire or get electrocuted by a wet wire.

Yours truly,

cupcake12winx 19th Jul 2011 10:47 AM

You know those times when you've just spent half an hour cleaning a Wikipedia page, then you accidentally go back a page, and you've lost all your work?

Yeah, that just happened. ARF.

Phoeberg 19th Jul 2011 5:23 PM

Sometimes I really wish I could just step into someone's life for a little while and make a few decisions for them that they won't make themselves.

lethifold 19th Jul 2011 5:38 PM

My parents keep saying "Oh, you're in Thailand! That's a much better experience than going to the same boring parties every other night!" which is all fine and dandy for them to say, but I'm sixteen years old, and at the moment, more than anything, I want to spend my two weeks off from school dancing and partying and kissing and spending time with my friends, not going to bed at 10:30PM and spending two straight weeks with no company aside from my parents. Yes, going to Thailand is a great experience and all of that, but I really don't want it at the moment. I want to be with my friends, with the people who make me happy no matter how sad I feel, not with two people who are in bed at 9PM and waking me up at 7AM the next morning.

My life has only become what I've wanted it to be in the last six months, and now I'm wasting two weeks of happiness to be here, away from most of the people I love. asldkf

thedivineone 19th Jul 2011 9:50 PM

The heat is unbearable! Whenever I take a shower I come out sweating and even when I am sleeping in the room with air conditioning, I wake up drenched in sweat.
It's funny how much of a hate/love thing I have for summer. Vacation, want! Heat and humidity that make me so pink I look like Patrick Star, do NOT want!

Rawra 19th Jul 2011 10:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
Sometimes I really wish I could just step into someone's life for a little while and make a few decisions for them that they won't make themselves.

So do I. -.-

DigitalSympathies 20th Jul 2011 9:15 AM

My dad's been seeing someone. This someone I met yesterday. This someone just so happens to be the most coldhearted, prejudiced, brainless, insensitive, homophobic bitch I have ever met - she even tops my MOTHER. My dad shows up as usual all happy-cheery-hello-Angie, then a woman walks in behind him and stares at me and says "I didn't know you kept such company," like I'm scum or something, and I introduce myself - Angie, 16, bisexual dropout, adopted, you know, the usual welcome-to-the-family gesture I did with foster kids, and the SECOND I said "Just so you know, I'm bisexual and a dropout, so I don't go to school, but I run my own little thing here," she gives me this LOOK like I'm dealing drugs or some shit! I clarify it's a computer repair business and I think she got the impression I was a hacker or something because she didn't even bother looking at me for the rest of the night - of course, my dad bedded her in about an hour after they got home, so I went for a walk hence the fact that I wouldn't like to hear them snapping bedsprings at eleven at night. Then as I'm walking, I realise I'm lost and take an hour or abouts to get home just to find she's already left, and my dad is half-wasted watching TV.

Last night = disaster.

cupcake12winx 20th Jul 2011 3:40 PM

It's 20 degrees hotter in the house than it is outside.


mewichigo34 20th Jul 2011 10:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NightlyEMP
It's in the mid 90s today and it's suppose to be in the low 100s tomorrow. We actually have an 'excessive heat' warning.

I've never had air conditioning in my life, and really wishing for it right about now!

If you want to deal with rain,clouds,and temperatures in the 60's,I'd be willing to trade places with you.The highest it's gotten in Western Washington this year is 80 degrees,and it's only been 100+ about twice in my life.

mewichigo34 21st Jul 2011 6:03 AM

My mom is such a freaking b****.She expects me to take care of the cats and when we get chickens she expects me to take care of them.She says everything I do is shit.She says she'll make me live with my dad as soon as he gets back from Norway.Then when we were fighting she said "Do you want to walk over to your cousins and live there?!"So I was thinking Yes that would be my dream.Then she's like "Just go down to your f***ing room!"

Rabid 21st Jul 2011 5:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NightlyEMP
It's in the mid 90s today and it's suppose to be in the low 100s tomorrow. We actually have an 'excessive heat' warning.

We must live in the same neck of the woods, because the weather here is exactly the same. My house is air-conditioned, but when it's this hot, air-conditioning can only do so much. Trying to get to sleep is impossible when the house is as cold as it can possibly get and you're still sweating through your tank top. I'm so ready for this heatwave to end and for some good rain.

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