![]() |
"S*** - it's the social worker! I forgot to save!"
"Don't you DARE turn and look at me like that, Mister! I arrange your marriage because you're two bolters with _____!" "Oh no, you have a Good Memory of going steady with _____, and _____ has a bad memory! But you're -- oh she/he is a romance sim" "I know you're happy and fistpumping at me to make out with _____, but just get on with it, will you?" "WHY THE F*** DO I HAVE TO HAVE A F****** TREE FIRE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?" "You'll get used to him/her, dear, don't worry." "NO YOU ARE NOT HAVING A GODFORSAKEN DOG! I AM CYNOPHOBIC DID YOU NOT KNOW? YOU WILL HAVE A CAT INSTEAD!!" *Ctrl+right click, ctrl+right click* "I, the queen of pretty, will conquer the kingdom of fugly" (This is after installing CAS defaults) "WHY THE F****** HECK DO YOU HAVE TO CRASH *NOW*?" "What?" "Huehuehuehuehuehue caramelldansen huehuehuehue" (playing with moose ears pose) "You look BEAUTIFUL! You are going to marry ______ and I don't care what bolts you will have, as long as your children look pretty, _____'s yours." |
There IS another bathroom in the house!!!!
Stay away from the telescope, you alien breeder!!!!! Another set of twins? Why the hell do all of you have twins? Oh, Tina and Trent, you might not have bolts but you sure have fun. Too much bloody fun - get back into the house and take care of the twins!!!! Now you're blue and it's not my fault you go and sit in the outside hot tub in the middle of winter when I AM NOT LOOKING for you! |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Aren't Tina and Trent father and daughter? :O You'd think being in a hot tub would cancel out the chance of getting cold. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
You'd think that, yeah. Ripp Grunt's and Bella Goth's guests all immediately jump in their hot tub, get sunburn and eventually pass out. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Hahahaha ![]() |
To a sim with critical hygiene failure: "Look, you are only prolonging your suffering by throwing tantrums. That gets you nowhere. Stopp whining, put the dirty dishes away - by that I mean ALL the dirty dishes!!! Back to work with you!!! - and AFTERWARDS you can take a nice bubble bath."
To a sim who turned down my sim´s phone invite: "You don´t get it, do you? You could have walked over here peacefully, but now you´ll get spammed by three consecutive phonecalls and will walk over here in the end anyway." To another sim who turned down my sim´s phone invite: "Okay, one penalty point for you and meet my friend SimBlender. What did you think that was, an invitation for tea and cookies? That was your bloody PRINCE demanding your presence right away!" (followed by teleporting in the sim in question) |
"Out of all the clothes you could have aged into, it HAD to be that one, didn't it?" (When Sim grew from toddler to kid wearing the swimsuit with the floaty-thingie.)
Quote: Originally posted by Enki
I also get this problem. The Daalmans family are the most respected family (think of the Black family in HP) and have to keep the tree pure, so any daughter who loses her name before she has a son, she is moved off the high terrain part of the 'hood, where the main families live. Sometimes I have to summon various nieces and nephews over and they just won't budge! |
Installed a bunch of CC on a freshly installed ultimate edition
Built a modern, snazzy dorm from zero in two days Put in a student Five minutes later - ERROR "Urgh..." Close game, start looking for faulty cc Nothing Try to start the game again This application has stopped working *Muffled swearing in three languages in the distance* |
Discovering that one of my sims that I was sure wasn't pregnant was...well...pregnant: *After baby belly pops out*: "Oh don't tell me you're pregnant...oh great, you are." (I was intending for that couple to have one kid, but no, now they have already had that baby and are onto their third.)
When one of my Sims whined about needing the toilet because someone was already using the one he wanted: "Oh come on! There's like two other toilets in the house that aren't being used! Go use one of those!" On a regular basis, when a Sim does something idiotic: "Well, you did bring it upon yourself, you know." |
One of my Sims got demoted from his top level entertainer job due to a chance card. (80 percent success rate my foot) When he got home, he took a shower. Immediately after his shower he stepped out and started sobbing over the demotion.
My comforting words? "Oh, Suck it UP, princess."* * Words may not have actually been comforting |
Brandi Stop Having So Much Babies! Don Doesn't Love You!!
At least once a day to my irl cat--"Max! Move! You're a pane, not a window!"
And to those sims who insist on lining up in the stupidest way possible at my store--"Why. Why do you do this. There are two perfectly good and empty registers right over there. Why must you do this in the stupidest way possible. Argh." |
*Sim wouldn't change the baby's diaper, barely slept himself, barely kept the kid fed (thank god for that one nanny visit), and the baby stayed on the floor screaming in a stinky diaper. Eventually, new dad got the hint and changed the kid. He even cuddled the baby himself!*
Well, it took your kid nearly getting snatched by the social worker, and your neighbor hates you because your apartment smells, but at least you're a decent parent now. Thank God, cause that was getting painful to watch. I was gonna have him adopted by your baby's daddy's ex husband. |
That one's on you, Alia! You're the one in control, not them.
"Oh no! The cow mascot looks happy!" |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
One of my recent sim parents looked at me when ever I made her pick her child up, like what do you want me to do with it, shrugged while holding the baby and dropped it on the floor two steps away from where she picked it up and made a face complaining about the noise. If either of her children needed changing she complained about them smelling bad and left the room refusing to go back until they stopped smelling. She queue stomped her toddler asking her for attention, food or a diaper change and when I tried making her do it she refused to enter the same room as a smelly toddler, made such a why me fuss about interacting him that the interaction fell out of his queue and dumped the bottle on the other side of the lot to the toddler - which I can only assume was an attempt to get rid of him. For understandable reasons I've found them a nice foster mum who autonomously picks them up and cuddles them or plays with them if she is left idle for a moment and they're awake. I haven't changed my hacks at all between the two homes. |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Oh I know. But, occasionally if I leave my sims alone or get distracted, they take care of their kids fine. Diapers and all. Guess it's different for first time parents. lol "Sometimes... Sometimes, I think you do this on purpose. Just to make me upset." *tries not to scream at sim that keeps trying to sleep on the bench outside his apartment while it's snowing* |
'' If he knocks over my trash can again, I will shoot him '' (I have such objects from simwardrobe)
"there's food right there, you dumb dog, go eat it!"
"I've gone through every mod I have; what is causing my lots to freeze!?" "Nina, stay downstairs! This situation is weird enough without you seeing it" |
"Hey! Why are you two kissing?"
"Are you drunk, or are you normally this stupid?" "How dare you kiss my Bottom?!?" (Er...I was referring to Bottom Summerdream, but it's just as well I said it under my breath...) "If you think the trash stinks, clean it up! I can't reach it...well...I'm not cheating it away for you!" "You're so pretty!" "Is someone obsessed?" "No. Last rotation you had the hots for Hal Capp. This morning you had the hots for Benedick Monty. Why do you now think Antonio is hot? They're all trouble." "Stop running in circles!" "Please. Put. Your. Clothes. Back. On. Now." |
"Stop having woo hoo and do something productive with your lives!"
ACR is installed... |
Said during a frustrating moment with a chaotic household "Ugh, that's it. Time to play another household." (which ended up being an idle threat, as I play in strict rotations)
"You got fired from another job?! Why do you keep doing this to me?" "Seriously, why are you flirting with your neighbor while out on a date night with your husband?" |
"You stupid toddler!" The family I'm currently playing lives in a house in which there isn't much space on the top floor due to how I had to arrange the stairwell. In fact, after you account for the space the stairs take up, there's only a one tile strip for the Sims to navigate, which makes it difficult when they don't want to behave. I've had to use moveobjects on many times lately.
"This birthday cake is for your daughter's birthday tomorrow! Sweet righ- NO What are you doing! Do NOT put that in the bin. I spent money on that. STOP. Ugh, i give in!"
My experiences with sims and birthday cakes |
"You CAN use the stairs, you know; your hubby's like already at the last step so shut up and go to sleep!"
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