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sailorplanet97 20th Jul 2019 7:33 PM

omg that reminds me i had tons of boys, and everytime i didn't saved it up, (i only saved things up when the woman is in labor, right before the baby or babies are born)
and after in like forever i get a baby girl

Bulbizarre 20th Jul 2019 7:36 PM

The gender of a Sim baby is 50/50, unless you're trying to get a specific one. Then it's 99/1.

I've found rolling the pacifier to help occasionally when it's stuck on one gender, though.

purplestuddedcoffin 20th Jul 2019 7:45 PM

You've Been Trapped In This Room For Days, Please Die

Quietscheente 21st Jul 2019 6:50 PM

"Yes, I know his grades suck. You keep reminding me every ten minutes. However it's friday evening, school doesn't start again 'til monday morning, and he has already completed his homework. What the f*** do you expect me to do?"

venusking 22nd Jul 2019 9:51 PM

I hate to ask you this, nanny...but just how dumb are you?? If you put the darn baby back in the crib, you won't be stuck in the room anymore!!!

She stood in that room, b*tching and moaning, unable to get out because the baby she put on the floor was in the way. This is after she decided to just go swimming with the kids instead of doing her actual work.

MattGo74 22nd Jul 2019 10:27 PM

I haven't used Nannies in forever (I have a mod they can leave kids home alone with no Social Worker) just because they are so terrible. Almost like they were designed to be awful so you'd keep an adult or teen hoke with them instead.
"You !@%$#" (actual word varies) - when the grandfather clock breaks or they burn the food (I have a mod that makes it happen much less often, but unfortunately there was never one I saw to eliminate that altogether.)

MattGo74 24th Jul 2019 2:56 AM

When a baby arrives, I want a specific gender and the wrong one (99% of the time wanting a girl getting a boy - I swear my game gives like 90% boys, 10% girls.) like 4 times in a row - general curse words or combinations thereof increasing in severity depending on number of unsuccessful attemps, amount of beer previously consumed and lower mood of myself beforehand. 1 beer, good mood before hand 4 attempts might result in a simple "asshole." 4 beers, bad mood beforehand and 6+ attempts would probably be something that would have caused George Carlin or Richard Pryor to blush. 0 beers, OK mood and 10+ would be the same as previous. 4 beers, bad mood and 12+ could potentially summon Cthulhu.

MattGo74 30th Jul 2019 12:59 AM

"This application needs to stop crashing so often." Not recently but I have said it.

grammapat 30th Jul 2019 3:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MattGo74
I haven't used Nannies in forever (I have a mod they can leave kids home alone with no Social Worker) just because they are so terrible. Almost like they were designed to be awful so you'd keep an adult or teen hoke with them instead.
"You !@%$#" (actual word varies) - when the grandfather clock breaks or they burn the food (I have a mod that makes it happen much less often, but unfortunately there was never one I saw to eliminate that altogether.)

Also the many ways they can trap themselves by putting baby on the floor. Deciding to cook the most expensive thing when the kids are hungry, then leaving it on the counter (kids can't "serve"), or when nobody is hungry just leaving food uncooked on counter till it spoils. Or doing something to entertain herself when the toddler needs attention. Or bathing/putting to bed toddlers that don't need it. I have a mod that makes the nanny an adult instead of old; still too stupid to be tolerated, I make them playable and constantly pregnant...take THAT nanny!

MattGo74 30th Jul 2019 4:23 AM

The Nannies have always been as bad as they can make them and people complained on the official site - they never fixed. That means they WANTED them to be terrible. I think they were backwards people who thought moms shouldn't work. The only work arounds were turning around the fridge and TV so they couldn't use them. And maybe moving the chairs away from the chess board. Or making them controllable and running them.

sailorplanet97 30th Jul 2019 9:22 PM


damn i make my stupidest mistake to ask a sim to visit to his house so late at the time (near 00:00)
stupid me

Devon Aster 31st Jul 2019 5:38 PM

"What happened to all of your money?!" I took a break from my Sim City hood for a while and have been spending the past few days getting back into the swing of things. As I was loading up the main Ottomas house I was thinking how lucky they had been that the Goodies forwarded them so much money for their kids. And then when the household loaded with a whopping $951 I couldn't help being shocked at the lack of funds . Now that I think about it, though, I believe the low amount is because I finally divided up the family funds among all the kids, as per the wishes of the Goodies. Peter and Samantha aren't getting that island vacation anytime soon!

Sunbee 31st Jul 2019 11:45 PM

Kid: Mom, why'd you make her look like a Barbie?
Me: I didn't. And she's the only one in her family who does, see, here's her mom, her sister, her brother, her half-sister, her nephew, her dead dad . . .
Kid: None of the rest of them look like Barbies. That's so weird!

I kind of like it, actually, because she happens to be one tough-as-nails little co-ed, so appearances are completely deceiving. There's just something about the way her parents' faces combined.

StrangeTownChick 31st Jul 2019 11:58 PM

Now I have to see that sim. Maybe she and my Quinn Agnarsson can hang out.

Sunbee 1st Aug 2019 12:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's Jessie Jenkins. Yes, her dad was named Leroy.

Devon Aster 1st Aug 2019 12:35 AM

A follow up to my previous post: "Oh, that's where it is..." I had apparently moved the money off into a bank account under Peter's name. Half of it got withdrawn, so they could send $10,000 of it to Tommy (who apparently never got any) and the reminder went with the last three kids as they headed off to college. There's still $40,000 left, which is much more than they probably should have. Likely I made a mistake when having the Goodies send the $10k for each kid. I might let them keep $20k of it for themselves (provided no other kids have been forgotten).

Bigsimsfan12 3rd Aug 2019 4:43 AM

"It's snowing!! What are you doing? You're going to freeze!"
I left the Capp's newest Heiress to do her own thing while I tended to her parents needs. I returned to her outside in the mild snow, naked and sniffing the flowers.

MattGo74 3rd Aug 2019 5:06 AM

cursed it out when drinking orangeade gave points to a badge I don't ever use - robotics, toy making, flower arranging or any OFB skill for whom I have no intention to open a business. I usually want gardening. I honestly wish there was/could be a mod it would only add points to ones the sim already had points invested in rather than wasting the fruit. Usually it's "you asshole!/Motherfucker." Also would be OK with modding out robotics and toymaking altogether. For some reason it LOVES giving it to those and HATES giving it to any I ever use. I almost never open a business and when I do it's usually a whorehouse (a mod from the defunct Back Alley Sims made this.)

Justpetro 3rd Aug 2019 10:19 PM

"How useless you are, but kind of cute as well..."

The rock god couple in my hood went on "tour" to the Far East. Neither learned how to bow. Yet Mr Rock God is now running out to the street to greet every sim he sees with a faulty bow.

HubbaHop 6th Aug 2019 10:36 PM

"I kind of missed that wish in the original play..."

Juliette Capp rolled the want to buy a helicopter, right after I built her family a pool.

Gcgb53191 7th Aug 2019 2:53 AM

"I need to find those tombstones!"

MattGo74 7th Aug 2019 3:59 AM

"you son of a bitch" is also common when something I hate happens.

Charity 7th Aug 2019 7:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MattGo74
"you son of a bitch" is also common when something I hate happens.

I can turn the air blue when I'm dying in or otherwise failing at a game, but the only thing that pisses me off that much in Sims 2 is faulty meshes/recolours in Bodyshop. XD

bubble101 16th Aug 2019 3:01 PM

In response to 'Jerome is at work - unlike SOMEONE I know!' over the phone.

Calm down, Karen. Your husband works 18:00 - 01:00, don't expect the rest of the neighbourhood to keep his schedule...

MattGo74 16th Aug 2019 7:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bubble101
In response to 'Jerome is at work - unlike SOMEONE I know!' over the phone.

Calm down, Karen. Your husband works 18:00 - 01:00, don't expect the rest of the neighbourhood to keep his schedule...

There's a mod on here for non-rude responses for that.

Orilon 17th Aug 2019 10:29 PM

"whoops I meant inside joke, not dirty." I'm playing Shady Shores and accidentally sent teen Tammy Marshal to tell a dirty joke to teen Tommy Marshal. I don't really like dirty jokes anyway, and it seems inappropriate to say dirty jokes to family members, especially teen family members.

MattGo74 17th Aug 2019 10:37 PM

I like dirty jokes IRL and in game because regular jokes take WAYYYY too long.

Orilon 19th Aug 2019 2:19 AM

"Oh gosh you two, really?"

I have ACR 2.0 in so Tammy Marshal and Raz Klandestyne decided they had to ACR woohoo in their underwear on the back bench outside of their dorm. I have their dorm rooms locked to keep the dormies out, which also keeps each other out of their dorm room, so apparently they decided on "sofa woohoo" (one thing ACR enables.)

MattGo74 19th Aug 2019 3:43 AM

"Come ON!!!!!" - when something is taking more than about a minute to load. "Jesus Christ!" if it takes more than 5." "This is fucking ridiculous!" If it takes much more.

Justpetro 19th Aug 2019 7:54 AM

Now where is that document with all the names I picked for future twins when you need it? I don't think this hood has a Kevin and Kate yet....

Orilon 20th Aug 2019 12:26 AM

"I thought I had a mod to stop that" as a dormie goes to class in his underwear.

Edited to add: "You two already have sewing machines, you don't need more." Tommy Marshal and Kelly Parks are in a dorm together and keep rolling wants for a sewing machine even though I already have two sewing machines down for them to use to work on their wants for sewing badges.

Essa 21st Aug 2019 9:27 PM

"Why are you so aggressive?"
Rainielle moved in my hood and each time she interact with somesim she met for the first time she's arguing.
I plan her to be Bonneville's banker. I wonder how she'll be successful since she's great at building herself a bad reputation.

ieta_cassiopeia 21st Aug 2019 9:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Edited to add: "You two already have sewing machines, you don't need more." Tommy Marshal and Kelly Parks are in a dorm together and keep rolling wants for a sewing machine even though I already have two sewing machines down for them to use to work on their wants for sewing badges.

A factory. They want to run a textiles factory when they graduate. That's what that want means, I think

grammapat 22nd Aug 2019 1:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
"Why are you so aggressive?"
Rainielle moved in my hood and each time she interact with somesim she met for the first time she's arguing.
I plan her to be Bonneville's banker. I wonder how she'll be successful since she's great at building herself a bad reputation.

Is she REALLY arguing, or just frowning and putting hands on hips? A really grouchy does that even in a normal conversation.

Orilon 22nd Aug 2019 5:08 AM

"Ouch" as Kieran Yin got attacked by a crab while combing for seashells on vacation.

Essa 22nd Aug 2019 11:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Is she REALLY arguing, or just frowning and putting hands on hips? A really grouchy does that even in a normal conversation.

She REALLY is arguing.
Each time I check her queue, her first social interaction after she met someone is "argue".
I gave her the same personality as the Sims Wiki said. She is a 3-points grouchy sims.
I played her three simdays and she already has an enemy. She's also on the bad reputation side.
It's funny because all she wants is having friends. It seems that she doesn't know how to do.
Nevertheless she's really fun to play.

grammapat 22nd Aug 2019 3:31 PM

I just love it when Sims show me they are not just pixels, it makes them so much more "real"!

venusking 27th Aug 2019 11:57 PM

"Oh come on, seriously? You've got to be sh*tting me."
Woman got pregnant the very first woohoo after starting birth control.

"What in the HELL are you b*tching about??"
Sim is in platinum aspiration, all needs met, and she comes home from work sounding grouchy as if she is irritated about something.

Devon Aster 28th Aug 2019 9:42 AM

More like me holding in laughter as Gavin ran in and out of the house while being chased by bees, the situation made all the more absurd as other family members and visitors calmly sat on the sofa and chatted while it happened. He passed through the dining and living rooms at least three time as he went back and forth through the front and back doors. It was way funnier than it had any right to be

OnayaW 28th Aug 2019 1:17 PM

(I usually don't have this problem but my game refuse to open together with bodyshop - so I guess its a cc problem in cas there is the problem)

Charity 28th Aug 2019 1:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by OnayaW
(I usually don't have this problem but my game refuse to open together with bodyshop - so I guess its a cc problem in cas there is the problem)

Bodyshop uses the same resources, so I'm not surprised that your game won't open while Bodyshop is open. If I try that I get a warning that the files are already in use.

OnayaW 28th Aug 2019 2:09 PM

The problem was actually that Windows needed to update. And since sims 2 wasn't open could bodyshop have opened but it didn't either. Again because windows needed an update. According to my mom she had the same problem as me yesterday until she updated her windows

joandsarah77 28th Aug 2019 2:11 PM

Same, ^ I can only have one open at a time.

OnayaW 28th Aug 2019 4:32 PM

I've concluded my game is broken. it's been 5 hours and it still hasn't opened up. The worst part here is that it'll take the next 72 hours to reinstall. It won't open but the game files don't seem to be broken and there is no corruption to be found in neither of my hoods so
(BTW I've been meaning to reinstall in forever but never came around to it)

Peni Griffin 28th Aug 2019 4:40 PM

That seems extreme. You need more testing first.

Close bodyshop, if you're still trying to open them at the same time. That is not gong to work and that's not a bug, that's a feature.

Delete caches. Always do that when your game doesn't open.

Rename your The Sims 2 folder so the game doesn't recognize it, then launch.

Check your Processes. Is it even working on loading the game? Is something running that might interfere? Turn off absolutely everything else - internet, anti-virus, everything - that doesn't have to do with running the machine.

Reinstalling only helps if the problem's in your game files, and it almost never is.

OnayaW 28th Aug 2019 4:54 PM

I found out the mistake... It's the heatwave. Origin also refuses to open so I can't even play sims 4... I just wanted to play games and stay indoor and cool down and nope... it didn't happen... but I have meant to reinstall the game in forever because I had removed something I wanted later in the game from the game (IDK why 2017 me did that)

natboopsie 3rd Sep 2019 4:57 PM

"Oh gosh, of course you'd be thinking about him especially now. I'm sorry not to have thought of that!"

While checking on him and his twin brother, both newly teens that day, I discovered sleeping Alistair Goodwin with a dream-bubble of his late father Melvin.

Melvin died in a work incident (ROS for my Law Enforcement career) when the boys were barely toddlers---I use longer lifespans, so that was nearly 4 seasons ago. To make things even more poignant, their mother just remarried 3 simdays ago, so they have a new stepdad in the house. And Fortis, Alistair's gifted brother, had---as always---managed to be perfect that evening at yet another thing he'd never done before: his first date ever ended up a dream date.

So of course Alistair (who by the way rolled to have both the Rebellious and Dramatic 3t2 traits ) might be wondering how things would be different if his dad had lived, or what his dad might have said to him today,, so many other things.

(May it never cease to amaze me when this game turns small moments into magic!)

Devon Aster 11th Sep 2019 4:58 AM

"Elmer... Darling. Dear. I don't know what your fascination with Paul Ottomas is. You rolled a want to flirt with him right after meeting him. You wanted to be friends with him. You wanted to be best friends with him. After you achieved all that... you wanted to fall in love with him. That's all fine and dandy. You're a Romance sim in an open relationship. I don't think Gallagher will stand in your way, if that's what you want. But... you seem to be missing a big part of the picture. Paul is straight. He's not interested in guys. I've locked the want and you're free to attempt any romance you like if/when you and he meet in the background while I move on to the next house. I just don't think it's going to end the way you hope."

natbsim75 11th Sep 2019 6:13 PM

"Since the first time was sooo successful, you decided you needed to do it again, didn't you???"

That's what I said to Don Baxter (crying from laughter!) when I saw his 2 memories of "been caught cheating" (one beside the other). He got them when I was playing Dina Ross. He called her and he asked her out. I accepted without reading the pop-up, thinking he asked her on a date. Nope, it was an outing. He was that stupid to invite out his lover, his wife, his son, his father-in-law, his brother-in-law and his sister-in-law... All of them... Together
Of cource, he wasn't able to keep it in his pants, so after he woohooed with his wife, he had to make out with Dina. Obviously Sarah slapped him, his son cried his eyes out (nobody even noticed the poor kid!) and afterwards he had to woohoo with Dina too. Sarah went balistic and when I played their household again, she divorced him. Well done Don

jaytee95 11th Sep 2019 8:12 PM

Not exactly, but this is the best interpretation of the thought process:

"I know these two are paired up as a couple when starting the neighborhood, but they're not married or even engaged and through playing other houses and visiting community lots both have 'affair' memories with other Sims. I guess I'll pick one to cheat on the other with another Sim they like while all three are in the same place at the same time so they want to break up. Now to check the relationship tab to figure out how to do this."

natbsim75 15th Sep 2019 12:57 PM

"NO! I'm not gonna buy you a sculpture "costing AT LEAST 6.000 simoleons" stupid sim! You are a teen and you can't even afford it with your part-time job. And there is only a creepy huge statue in the catalogue, costing that much. You are living in medium residantial lot and NOT in Central Park, got it?"

Just a typical day in the Brooklyn household... Me, yelling (through my screen) at Brandon Brooklyn who, with his twin sister, Brenda, (too much "Beverly Hills 90210" in my past!) are the new generation of Brooklyn twins, since Blake chose to age up straight to an adult and didn't bother with college and Gregory is in the "students bin" waiting for the rest of the first generation teens of Pleasantview/Riverside/Bluewater Village for their freshman year in college!
Brandon is a Fortune sim and is trying to drive me insane with his aspiration wants!

smorbie1 15th Sep 2019 1:49 PM

STOP TALKING TO THE GENIE! (there are negative consequences for that in this hood). Haven't you had enough strangers moving in, infants appearing out of nowhere, and your own children dying??? Are you stupid?

Neverwinter_Knight77 16th Sep 2019 2:45 AM

I am not buying a womrat cage!

MattGo74 16th Sep 2019 2:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Neverwinter_Knight77
I am not buying a womrat cage!

Ugh, right? I HATE pet and vacation wants. There is a mod to get rid of some but only cats/kittens/dogs/puppies not the stupid birdcages or wormrats. Also hate vacation wants, dance wants, backrub wants, party wants and all the wants with the little blue smilie icon.

Freefalldreams 16th Sep 2019 4:10 AM

"That looks...nice."
"Get off the counter!"

Neverwinter_Knight77 16th Sep 2019 5:56 AM

The really silly thing about the womrat cage want is that even if you buy it, they don't want a womrat. They just wanted the cage.

Justpetro 16th Sep 2019 7:25 AM

Perhaps I should build you a new house with a red roof and white washed walls, this one is becoming a bit cramped.

Perhaps I should build all of you new houses with red roofs and white washed walls and foundations - the hood may look quite pretty/

Perhaps not.

Freefalldreams 18th Sep 2019 4:11 AM

I'm giving my Downtown an airport, using StephSim's Simtopia lot-set, and of course I had to inspect each lot while I was putting in the required mod-objects (batbox, etc). I found some greatly satisfying attention to detail, as well as a few surprises, and so said things like...

"Those suitcases are about to get...lost." (Suitcases that had come off a "conveyer belt" and were on the edge of the arrival taxiway.)

"Who put that baggage cart there?" (A baggage cart of the kind that should have only been inside the airport in the same area, with another suitcase on it. The whole set-up told a little story in my mind.)

"What the... Who ships a fountain by air freight?" (The sealed air crates by the security building have an assortment of furniture in them, which makes sense, and a working and very heavy-looking fountain, which makes less. That looks like a costly accident about to happen...)

"I can smell the jetway!" (Weird, I know, but a compliment. I'm thinking of that smell of boarding a plane -- that almost-but-not-quite-clean, inside-but-also-outside, greyish smell of carpet cleaner, hydraulic fluid, air conditioning, exhaust fumes, and oh so many shoes. That desperately cheerful, fatalistic smell that sticks to the wheels of rolly bags and is encountered when packing or unpacking them later. The smell of stiff smiles and uncertainty... Yeah, that smell and all its associations sprang up in my mind upon looking down the jetways at this airport. Despite technical limitations and Maxis-match styling, it's that convincing, so good job @StephSim!)

"I wish the planes were usable..."

"Oh no, that won't work at all!" (This was caused by my wish for usable planes leading to my placing Sim Air Flight 815 next to the airport. Ugh -- I do not recommend. The statue-plane looks good from inside the lot, but I quickly realized that even if converted to a comm lot, this would not be very playable -- and to add insult to injury, the statue has no lot imposter, so it looks awful from outside the lot. It's more a lot for pictures than for playing, which is a pity.)

Sims2Maven 23rd Sep 2019 7:33 AM

Given the extremely balky and buggy setup I'm struggling with (Windows 7, 32 bit(!), 4(!) gig memory, NVidia 710 graphics card which is 64-buit but forced to run on old 32-bit drivers), most of the time what I'm saying is "STOP IT!!!", with various profane, obscene and scatological qualifiers.

I have GOT to get a decent replacement computer....

Rosawyn 23rd Sep 2019 7:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
I have GOT to get a decent replacement computer....

Oh, definitely! I finally got my own decent replacement computer after quite a while of struggling with a falling apart piece of junk, so I really feel that.

natbsim75 26th Sep 2019 12:37 PM

"Too late for that now, isn't it, Marty?"

That's what I told Marty Anderson last night when I watched him "facepalm" through the cut scene video, where Lisa Russilo was giving birth to their son, Lucas Russilo, in my stand-alone Riveriside!
When the game went back to normal live mode, after he "came to see baby Lucas" and he "talked to baby" (I can't tell how much I love that "Talk to baby" interaction :lovestruc ), he proceeded to take out his binoculars and "Birdwatch" INSIDE the room .
OK, I think he took it a bit too hard...

miska 26th Sep 2019 12:57 PM

You IDIOT! DON'T PUT THE BABY ON THE FLOOR YOU JUST GAVE HIM/HER A BATH! I KNOW the TV is on the in other room, but guess what YOU'RE going to be doing? YOU'RE going to to be giving the baby ANOTHER bath!

(yes, I feel STRONGLY about this.... )

Rosawyn 26th Sep 2019 7:31 PM

If your floor is that dirty, you'd better not let your toddlers crawl on it!! They put their hands in their mouths!

But in all seriousness, I've raised two irl children and you know what all the doctors/nurses/etc told me when they were little? To put them on the floor for a few mins at least once a day. To be fair, we had to put them face down (it was called "tummy time") but if the floor is so evil you'd think that would make it worse...

miska 27th Sep 2019 4:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
If your floor is that dirty, you'd better not let your toddlers crawl on it!! They put their hands in their mouths!

But in all seriousness, I've raised two irl children and you know what all the doctors/nurses/etc told me when they were little? To put them on the floor for a few mins at least once a day. To be fair, we had to put them face down (it was called "tummy time") but if the floor is so evil you'd think that would make it worse...

No, floors are not 'evil', but the types of microbes commonly found on the bottom of shoes can be.

StrangeTownChick 27th Sep 2019 5:00 PM

Well who wears shoes inside anyway?
Oh wait, I suppose sims do. Weirdos.
Anyway, it builds their immunity. I watched a video once where the guy said that it would be super easy for a mutant virus to kill off all humanity cause everyone oversanitizes everything these days. In his words, "Go outside and eat some dirt or something!"

Charity 27th Sep 2019 5:06 PM

If floor microbes were dangerous then we'd have had to get a new dog every day.

Orphalesion 27th Sep 2019 5:09 PM

Sims don't get any germs from the floor. That's not something that's programmed into the game.

jaytee95 28th Sep 2019 10:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Neverwinter_Knight77
The really silly thing about the womrat cage want is that even if you buy it, they don't want a womrat. They just wanted the cage.
I noticed this myself since Apartment Life has a dogpen. I don't have pets or the Ultimate Collection, yet the fortune Sims roll wants for the pen.

Speaking of that, I'll say to myself regularly "none of those wants can be fulfilled, so you're going to a community lot just to see what you're re-rolling".

Neverwinter_Knight77 30th Sep 2019 8:05 AM

"Nope! Go back and turn off that TV before you leave."

FranH 30th Sep 2019 2:07 PM

"Will you pixels please, for the love of all Simland, stop jumping into the hottub with your best friend's girlfriend and breaking up every single romantic relationship within 50 miles by doing that!"

It makes getting them married off so much more difficult...Especially when the wedding was supposed to happen in 3 more days!

natbsim75 2nd Oct 2019 4:48 PM

"NOT AGAIN, you idiot! I swear this was the LAST TIME I saved your..."

-That was me, yelling at Don Baxter in my stand-alone Riverside.
It's the first round of their household, he managed to reconcile with Sarah, Sarah is pregnant and he chose autonomously to "talk to her belly". A second later he stopped and he run towards the front door with "Hug Romantically" in his queue (not ACR, his own choice!). Dina Ross was standing outside on the pavement! I cancelled it, literally, the last moment... Thank goodness I was alone in the house at the moment, my throat still hurts!

MattGo74 2nd Oct 2019 10:11 PM

"No, I'm not going to have you play with, have a pillow fight with or play a prank on anyone. You're a grown man/woman! And no, you're not having a party. You have to be at work at 8am!"

rollingstarr 2nd Oct 2019 11:31 PM

"Ew no, stop. That's his dad." Dirk Dreamer's fiancé has a want to flirt with Darren.

KatKaleen 3rd Oct 2019 12:14 AM

ALL the curse words! Do it you )(&%(%=(%&)(&% (/&%(/&!
(It is, however, a spring of novelty, I never knew I had so many curse words in my english vocabulary)

MattGo74 3rd Oct 2019 1:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by KatKaleen
ALL the curse words! Do it you )(&%(%=(%&)(&% (/&%(/&!
(It is, however, a spring of novelty, I never knew I had so many curse words in my english vocabulary)

LOL, yeah. I probably yelling at them sound like an old school drill sergeant.

PacMani 4th Oct 2019 1:00 AM

"I should really stop trying to break the game"

rollingstarr 5th Oct 2019 8:15 PM

"This is the 2ND TIME in TWO HOURS you caught food on fire. You idiot."

Sunbee 6th Oct 2019 12:43 AM

"Cash, you're a fortune sim, you have one pre-made kid, three CAS kids, and three adopted kids, and you want a baby? Let's see if the family sim has more sense . . . no, Grace also wants a baby. Ok, then, I guess if those don't roll away overnight you all can adopt another baby."

Neverwinter_Knight77 6th Oct 2019 8:40 AM

Dude! What are you doing?! Hurry up! (Carpool, crying baby, getting ready for work/school... a variety of situations. I like "Run Here".)

Justpetro 16th Oct 2019 9:59 AM

I am so sorry your environment score drops down when you enter this community lot, but one day I will rebuild a proper one (hell, perhaps. This one works. Let me try some new wall paper and a statue or two before the next visit).

grammapat 17th Oct 2019 2:14 AM

Two families share a house, baby boy and baby girl happily grow up together. The moment they become teens they saunter off to a parents double bed ...STOP! STOP THAT! YOU COUPLE OF 13 year old PERVERTS! Hours pass...I hear odd giggles..O GOD AT IT AGAIN?!!! That's it, your families are splitting up. And each of you get a "prisoner token". gee...

Peni Griffin 17th Oct 2019 4:24 AM

Nobody made you install ACR at those settings, GrammaPat!

Pebblerocker 17th Oct 2019 4:56 AM

@grammapat - ACR's Friend Zone works well to stop that, and if you'd prefer a standalone option, kestrellyn's Found Family works wonderfully. I use both in my game according to the situation. It made things go a lot better for my teen step-siblings, especially since one is Romance!

purplestuddedcoffin 17th Oct 2019 7:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
"Cash, you're a fortune sim, you have one pre-made kid, three CAS kids, and three adopted kids, and you want a baby? Let's see if the family sim has more sense . . . no, Grace also wants a baby. Ok, then, I guess if those don't roll away overnight you all can adopt another baby."

Maybe they don't believe in birth control

grammapat 17th Oct 2019 9:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Pebblerocker
@grammapat - ACR's Friend Zone works well to stop that, and if you'd prefer a standalone option, kestrellyn's Found Family works wonderfully. I use both in my game according to the situation. It made things go a lot better for my teen step-siblings, especially since one is Romance!

(Also to PeniGriffin) Yes, I know I could have changed settings for them..I just had not thought of it, and it surprised me that teens are so ready to "grow up"

Bulbizarre 18th Oct 2019 6:06 AM


After I discovered that I accidentally labeled the Sims 2 as a horror game in my game launcher.

AndrewGloria 18th Oct 2019 9:30 AM

"Oh Andrew, I'm so glad to see you again. Sometimes I thought I'd never see you again."

After sorting out my computer in our new house, I was playing For the first time since early June.

Andrew was like, "Don't be so melodramatic. I'm trying to concentrate on the chess."

Actually he wasn't concentrating that hard. He was in his bedroom playing against Julian, and the boys were carrying on an animated conversation as they played. I even noticed him say, "I love you Julian." And Julian replied, "I love you too, Andrew."

And I just felt I'd truly come home.

rollingstarr 23rd Oct 2019 6:21 AM

"One of you ALREADY fell for it? Maybe this wasn't a good idea."

I'm doing an Asylum challenge and decided to put in a pool with only a diving board and not any pool ladders because I thought it would make things entertaining. What i wasn't expecting was one of them falling for it within 5 minutes of me unpausing the game.

Sunbee 24th Oct 2019 8:40 PM

"I love the batbox: I have the most interesting children in Widespot this time!"

sugoisama 24th Oct 2019 11:19 PM

*Dina's date with Mr. Big just ended, she just called a taxi home*
"...why are you going in the picture booth. I thought that was not auto- OH MY GOD"
*Cupcakke's "mouth wide open" can be heard in the distance*

*maid is at Nina, Don and their daughter, Sofía's house*
"Why are you sitting on the- WAIT NO"
*wait yes*
"That's it, I'm making you pregnant again as punishment for your indecent behaviour"

kidhedera 26th Oct 2019 11:04 AM

Playing the first round of Europa
"Oh Ok, apparently you two are having an affair. Cool cool" (About a member of the crime family and the farmers daughter)
"Oh shit.... please be food poisoning" (when the farmers daughter broke off their embrace to dash to a toilet and throw up)

rollingstarr 27th Oct 2019 3:09 AM

"You're being annoying. Goodbye, Phil... Oh wait your name is Peter."

I was getting annoyed with my previous's heir's husband, who I never liked anyways, so I decided to move him out of the house. The whole time I thought his name was Phil.

AndrewGloria 10th Nov 2019 10:58 PM

"I could have sworn there was a burglar alarm in this house."

PenelopeT 10th Nov 2019 11:53 PM

"Ugh, why can't this just magically finish itself?"

This applies whether or not I'm just decorating a new 'hood, building and furnishing a lot, or organizing my DL folder.

Charity 11th Nov 2019 1:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
"Ugh, why can't this just magically finish itself?"

This applies whether or not I'm just decorating a new 'hood, building and furnishing a lot, or organizing my DL folder.

It also works for RL chores and work.

AndrewGloria 11th Nov 2019 2:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
"Ugh, why can't this just magically finish itself?"

This applies whether or not I'm just decorating a new 'hood, building and furnishing a lot, or organizing my DL folder.
Penelope, you must be a Simmer after my own heart. When it comes to the Sims, I'm definitely a player, not a builder. And certainly not an organiser!

I regard building, decorating, furnishing, gardening, and tidying things up as boring chores, whether I'm doing it for my Sims or in Real Life. I just want get them done as quickly as possible, so I can join a party of my Sims in an outing to some of the Downtown clubs, where we can all let our hair down and have some real fun together. In Real Life I've been in nightclubs about 3 times in my entire life. But the real life clubs weren't nearly as wild as the places my Sims take me to.

Come to think of it, this propensity of my Sims to go clubbing all night, every night, is maybe one reason why I've never had the "problem" of my Sims all getting filthy rich. Given the choice of an outing to P.U.R.E and to Gaia, or staying in to study mechanical or practice speech, in the hope of a promotion at work, there's not many of my Sims will choose the book, or the mirror! With aging turned off, they can always leave skilling till tomorrow! Or the day after. . .

smorbie1 11th Nov 2019 5:21 PM

LOL! Me, too! Then I look at other people's buildings and hoods and think how beautiful and complete they are. Mine look like they are hastily put together and the houses look like boxes. I don't care unless I'm looking at someone's else's. I just want to play.

I'm very thankful other people like to build and decorate as I download hoods and buildings constantly.

PenelopeT 12th Nov 2019 12:35 AM

Touché, Charity. Touché

AndrewGloria, believe it or not I actually enjoy decorating new 'hoods and home/community lots... I just sometimes wish when I thought a thing, the thing would just happen. It's like 'Hey, in my head I just envisioned what the completed project will look like, so why isn't it done yet?'

smorbie1, pfft, boxes are houses too! While I love looking at the homes other simmers build, I'm also like 'Yeah, sure, that 3-story Victorian home that someone shared is beautiful and would look great in my game, but will I enjoy the playability of it over time?' Odds are, NO, because I like my simple box-style (and usually 1-story) houses and community lots that are quick to build and easy to create a floor plan for.

smorbie1 12th Nov 2019 2:57 AM

You have a point. Occasionally, my sims will move into a prebuilt home and the layout will be so bad. I get constant routing errors. Those are usually Maxis houses, though. lol

Annaminna 15th Nov 2019 6:27 PM

"How many bathrooms I need to build for you all to play in bathtubs?".

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