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Ilite 11th Nov 2014 2:07 AM

I cancelled an interaction to serve porkchops, and instead of putting it on the counter literally right next to him, he puts it on the floor instead!

My response: "Oh come on, don't put it on the floor you idiot! The counter is like right there!" *facepalm*

Bigsimsfan12 11th Nov 2014 1:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TotallySimsCrazy
"This birthday cake is for your daughter's birthday tomorrow! Sweet righ- NO What are you doing! Do NOT put that in the bin. I spent money on that. STOP. Ugh, i give in!"

My experiences with sims and birthday cakes

Argh! I once had a family with 2 children - a child boy, and a toddler girl and it was the girls birthday, after she had blown out the candles, before anyone could grab a slice of cake (usually on birthdays I avoid letting my sims eat a lot so they'll be hungry for some cake) the boy just grabs it and washes it up in the sink. I was like "NOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT STOPPPP!"

telemwill 11th Nov 2014 3:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
Argh! I once had a family with 2 children - a child boy, and a toddler girl and it was the girls birthday, after she had blown out the candles, before anyone could grab a slice of cake (usually on birthdays I avoid letting my sims eat a lot so they'll be hungry for some cake) the boy just grabs it and washes it up in the sink. I was like "NOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT STOPPPP!"

Some sibling rivalry there perhaps?

Rosebine 11th Nov 2014 3:45 PM

"lol" I always say, "lol"
Sometimes though, my daughter will come by and say.."What the hack?"

lbsgirl24 12th Nov 2014 6:04 AM

This is the string of things I said to a new CAS couple when I played them today.

"There. What a pretty house you have it's a little bare but if you hold off having kids for awhile I'm sure it will be fine. You decided to go woohoo? That's OK I'm sure she's not pregnant. She keeps running to the toilet? What difference is one baby going to make? I'm sure you'll be able to afford a crib with the next paycheck so it'll all be fine. You lost that job? Ok you still have a day to make some money for baby stuff. There you have another job now, all will be well. Bad chance card costing you 100 simoleons? That's ok with your promotion you'll be able to afford a crib at least. TWO babies!?!? @#$% QUADS???? Why does T&Q hate me?"

sweetbaby160 12th Nov 2014 7:07 AM

"Huh...It's 11pm? Oh ok, I've been playing for a couple hours, but I really really would like to finish this outing, maybe just another ten minutes? Laundry, dishes etc can wait till tomorrow....holy crap!!! How did it end up being 1 am??? I've got to go to bed!!! Got to pack lunches, get the kids off to school & have appointments in the morning!...maybe another 5 minutes? Really, I'll just make sure the dog gets his bath & Clive finishes that painting then I'll shut it down..."

chris091104 13th Dec 2014 5:44 PM

Me with Adjuster Boquet from backalleysims

"No! No! Don't woohoo on the fountain outside!!!"
"Why would you you do it on the toilet!!!"

Ilite 15th Dec 2014 10:08 PM

So one of my Sims was turned into a vampire, and I think his IQ had dropped by half. He kept leaping out of his coffin and doing stuff out IN THE SUN.

First time:
"Hey, get back in here! The sun's your enemy!"
"I said stay in your coffin!"

Sim finally burns to death the first time (he was saved by Rosemarie, his wife.)
"Well see what happened? Lucky you had your wife to save you!"

Of course not twenty-four Sim hours later:
"What? You're out in the sun AGAIN?! Okay, I'm not saving you this time."

After Sim burns to death a second time (I wasn't going to save the idiot a second time.)
"Well, you brought it upon yourself."

Just to be even crueler, I had his brother sweep up his ashy remains. As he walked out--with a smile no less--he did that gesture with his arm like Sims do sometimes when passing each other:
"Gee, you're pretty chipper for someone who has just swept his own brother's ashes off the floor!"

Freefalldreams 30th Dec 2014 2:21 AM

"Step away from the pond and put that baby down!" Sims can look highly precarious sometimes...
"Oh good, that mod works."
"If you break something with that clowning around..." Said to a Sim juggling bottles in a kitchen with low-hanging light fixtures. It just looked scary, even though he couldn't really break them!
"That was...not graceful." We've all seen those moments.

ktkokaq 30th Dec 2014 4:07 AM

"Did you just put that fish in your POCKET? Um...okay...I guess you all do that."
"What are! Stop bugging that baby! Leave her ALONE!"
"Oh my god, where did those two go? They'd better not be trying for a baby again, because they're, crap."
"Your wife just died, sweetie. You're not having any babies anytime soon. Sorry about that want you just rolled."
"Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!!!"
"Put that book down and go to work before the carpool...and it's gone."

Charmful 30th Dec 2014 4:10 AM

To fiance: "Look honey, she grabbed his butt and got social points!"

Rosebine 30th Dec 2014 9:32 AM

"Goooood roommate, gooood. That's it, THAT is your bed. Now I hope you'll let MY sim's bed alone."
"Woah! and you clean your own dishes, sink, kitchen counter after you are done eating what you prepared..You made your own self food? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwe! Gooood roommate, gooooood."

Justpetro 30th Dec 2014 10:28 AM

I don't think the words I utter when one Sim puts a toddler in a high chair, and before the toddler can be fed, another Sim decided to hold that toddler will be suitable to repeat in a polite child-friendly environment.. Especially since I have a plethora of twins!!!

Rosebine 30th Dec 2014 1:05 PM

It's been years?..I didn't use highchairs. I thought it was because I have yet to make one. But now I remember. That had nothing to do with me not having create one.

Freefalldreams 31st Dec 2014 6:58 AM

"Stop it! Stop it! The cake is not for you! Do stupid... *swearing* Not for you!"
"How did you not get chomped? Well, not grab the cake again! Haven't you learned? Stop that!"
"This should be a safe place for the cowplant..."
"Hey! Why are both of you messing with that? You went all the way to the baby's room for stupid cake?"
"Someone's watching out for you, and it's not me."
(Paris Prince and a cowplant on the same lot is nerve-racking. Especially when he shows it to another Sim I actually like...)

lfria 31st Dec 2014 4:43 PM

This happened just now. I finished reading through the threads on here that had updated. Thought to myself "Ok. No more mts. I need to see how far away and get directions to the Botanical Gardens." I go to type mapquest and somehow my fingers typed out modthesims instead >.<

FranH 31st Dec 2014 8:14 PM

I've had this happen a couple of times:
"I'm gonna go to bed to woohoo with my neighbor/coworker, honey.." to their spouse on the way to the bedroom.

to which I've said: "Now you're toast..."

TeaAndYoghurt 8th Feb 2015 3:00 PM

1. I'm gonna go and age up Preggers' baby and see who the father is.

2. Somebody's giving birth, quick, everybody run around!

3. He's really starting to piss me off, we should go download that gun and have her shoot him.

...I was frustrated

Raindrop_D 8th Feb 2015 4:35 PM

"Yes, you stink. The shower is RIGHT THERE. Use it!!!!" (Said like, two minutes ago. I just started an Asylum...)

Peni Griffin 8th Feb 2015 4:52 PM

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous..."

In my GS Uberhood Challenge, Rhett Hart's fourth son (by four different mothers) just grew up to toddler. He is a virtual clone of Rhett (he might have his mother's cheekbones), with the same personality point spread as Sandy's son, who is a virtual clone of Rhett and has a nearly identical personality to him - one more nice and one each more active and outgoing points. Rhett's third son at least got a chin from his mother, but his personality matches Rhett's exactly. The only one who doesn't look like him is Penny's son, who only got his skintone and ears from Rhett. This is too many Geminis, and too many similar faces too close in age. I'm having to give them distinctive hairstyles, and I'm still having a problem telling the two toddlers apart, despite the chin difference.

I need to start rolling the pacifier on these. I presume the reason Bud Weiss got to keep his mother's genes was that he was born last during the same play session as Candy's and Mary's babies.

Raindrop_D 8th Feb 2015 8:56 PM

Agreed, that definitely sounds like a pacifier issue. That can be so frustrating...

saturnian 8th Feb 2015 9:34 PM

I've ended up writing a song just for my sims and the silly things they do. Due credit to Peter Sarstedt, of course.

Now where do you go to, my lovely? You car pool's about to arrive.
You haven't got time to cook breakfast. You're peckish, but you will survive, yes you will.

And I don't care how stinky you're feeling. That bubble-bath, it can wait.
You've not even time for a shower, so move it or else you'll be late, yes you will.

Remember the time you had no friends? You never brought anyone home.
Promotion seemed ever so distant, as you skilled up at home all alone, as you did.

But now, you've got friends a-plenty. Far more than you ever could need.
So why bring another one back home from work? You're a case of convivial greed, yes you are.

And what's this compulsion that's seized you? Did you think that it might be a laugh
To enter the bathroom and wipe down the tub, while someone is taking a bath, which they are.

Now you're dating at home, and it's going so well, a synchronised beating of hearts.
You could hug, you could flirt, making out wouldn't hurt. So no sloping off to play darts. But you do.

And when it gets late in the evening, you ought to be tucked up in bed.
Your Fun bar is full, you'd be clearly a fool, to play the piano instead. But you do.

And now you've gone down with a cold. Alone you shall splutter and cough.
You'll meditate long 'til you're better...
And from now on the Free Will is OFF.

aldebearart 5th Mar 2015 3:32 PM

"Screw you, Rod Humble."
"Eww.. don't flirt with that townie! Flirt with Malcolm! You wanted to marry a rich Sim, remember?!"
"No... don't eat a (stuff your face/eat a snack), it's around noon, you can eat LUNCH!"
"Go pee.. I said go pee... I didn't mean go pee on the CARPET!"
"Why are you yelling at me that you aren't having fun? Complaining isn't gonna help."
"You have NO reason to autonomously lounge on the couch like a super model!"
"New rule, you don't flirt with any townies. I don't care how cute you might think they are, your wife is cuter."
"Yea, yea. Go do the hula with the Grim Repear. Good riddance. I was wanting you to die so I don't have to deal with you anymore."

Justpetro 5th Mar 2015 3:47 PM

You fell out of love because he told you a dirty joke?????

bubbs72 6th Mar 2015 12:06 AM

"Put the baby down....NOW"

You can skill some more, you aren't starving are still yellow.

Don't flirt with him, you are engaged!! (stupid ACR)

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